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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Part 2 — The Aftermath
I sat in stunned silence after Ang popped her head in saying hi and leaving with the parting, “I’m pregnant.” My mind raced, how am I going to explain a 67-year-old professor getting a 19-year-old student pregnant. I thought back to our night of bliss in early May almost four months ago. Shouldn’t she be showing a baby bump? What was she wearing when she dropped her bomb on me?
I checked the computer for her class schedule. Finding her name and running down her classes, I discovered she has one class the hour before mine in the same classroom. I could be early for the class and see her as she walks out. It should be easy to see if she is showing a bump.
My office is in the original building of what grew into a major state university. Most of my classes are on one of the four floors. Today, my trek took me to the third floor where I took a seat in the small commons at the hall’s end. It provided a vantage point from which to see students exiting the classroom I was to occupy next.
I busied myself with notes to look occupied but my entire focus was on the clock and the classroom exit door. It wasn’t long before the door opened with a crash of humanity making its way toward me. In the way I expected, Ang was laughing with another couple students. I noticed her tight stretch pants, the tight curve of her hips, her tight sweet butt, and the lack of a stomach swell.
She noticed me waiting for the classroom to empty. She broke from her group pointing my way probably saying she was going to say hi to a previous teacher.
“Hi, Dr. Hoffer. Are you here trying to get a glimpse of me?” It was a clearly knowing and very flirtation statement. “I think about you often.” That sentence came out with feeling, with meaning that surprised me a little.
“To be honest, yes, I was hoping to get a glimpse of you. You left me in a state of shock earlier.”
“I am sorry about that, have you thought through what I said?” Her tone was serious yet her eyes shown a hint of playfulness.
“I think we need to sit down for an honest chat. This condition has many implications.” Even though I was facing a career ending predicament, I was feeling lust for her again. I wanted sex with this little Vietnamese girl.
“I can see you this weekend, Dr. Hoffer, privately at your place.”
Now I saw the playfulness in her eyes dance and glimmer. I wanted to blurt out the question nagging me but refrained. I wanted to ask if she was pregnant.
“I’ll leave it up to you. Send me a message when you are coming and I’ll be home. I must get into class now. We’ll have time to talk this weekend.”
“Bye, bye, Dr. Hoffer.” Ang took off down the hall to catch up with her group.
I headed to class with some angst mixed with wonder and excitement. The weekend would tell.
I had no Friday classes and decided to skip my office hours; I could answer email remotely at home. Email, I needed to search for a message from Ang. I had my tablet at the table and used it rather than my computer.
I scrolled through the list of junk the university thinks is important and saw an email address I didn’t recognize. I was about to delete it when the subject line got my attention: Friday with my prof. I looked at the email address again, SEAgirl. The SEA in all caps must be South East Asia. I opened the message.
“Dear Doctor Hoffer,” it began. “This is Ang. I want to make sure that you did mean for me to visit you today. I am sure you want to talk about the words I shared with you. I am also sure you don’t need a reminder. Please don’t be cross with me because I can explain everything. I hope you don’t mind, I plan to spend the weekend with you. Please answer quickly.”
The reply tab seemed to glow hot red. I knew I was going to reply; however, trepidation held me back from tapping reply. I hadn’t thought about what to type when I finally did open the reply text box.
“Ang,” I didn’t use dear. “You are correct, we do have a lot to talk about and no reminder is necessary. I was serious about you coming here to talk although spending the weekend is not something I considered.” I typed in my cell phone number adding, “Call me with a time you expect to arrive.” Anxiety was building as I hit send. The animation started followed by the swoosh sound of a sent message.
The tone of my phone distracted me before I could finish pouring a second cup of coffee. It wasn’t a number I recognized although I suspected it was Ang. “Hello.”
“Wilson,” Ang used my first name. “Can I see you now? I am so emotional for you.”
“I haven’t even showered yet, it isn’t even 8:30 yet.”
“Please,” her tone was begging and needing. “I am almost at your address now. I won’t cause any trouble.”
“Okay,” I caved. “Come right now. I’ll shower after you get here.”
“Thank you, I need this so much.” We rang off from the call; I settled in for another coffee and a silent wait.
The wait wasn’t long. I think my heart skipped a beat when the doorbell chimed. Anadolu Yakası escort I was nervous as a teenage boy when I opened the door. Standing on my threshold was Ang holding an overnight bag. She was smiling that coy smile of hers that disarmed me and probably every other man or boy she knew.
“Hello, Ang. Come in.”
“Hi, Dr. Hoffer.”
“You called me Wilson on the phone, now you’re being formal again.”
“Asian training. Besides, you are superior to me. I felt safe on the phone.”
“Do you want anything, Ang?”
She fell into the laugh I’d come to know when hearing something with a double meaning. “I want you. And maybe some toast if that’s okay.”
“Is that all? Aren’t you eating for two?” No time like the present to jump right into the purpose of her visit to me in private.
“That didn’t take long. Right into the subject.”
“The best way. Unless you know how to hide it, you should be showing.”
I think Ang caught on to my tone. She heard the words and knew they were said in a way demanding an explanation, for which I waited.
“Please don’t be cross, Dr. Hoffer. I asked you not to be.” Her voice was quaking slightly and her eyes became tear filled. “There is a lot you need to know. You’re right, I should be showing unless I’m less than four months pregnant or not pregnant at all.”
“Perhaps you should decide which it is.” I made that announcement with demand and command in my voice. “You said, ‘Hello, I’m pregnant,’ in my office.”
“I promise you, Dr. Hoffer, I am not pregnant. I know how to prevent that happening. Maybe I wanted to trap you into thinking I was to see how you would react. I just can’t fake it.” Now the tears poured.
I felt a world of relief. I felt her contrition for making it up. Then I felt the need to punish her for creating this entire scenario.
We stood face to face just about arms-length apart. Her tight stretch pants hugged her hips and the stunning globes of pretty butt. I reached out to her; she came to me. I backed us to a chair where I sat. In a swift motion that caught her off guard, I took her over my knees and began wailing my hand on her up turned butt. She squealed and squirmed as her cheeks absorbed each spank.
Ang began to beg me to stop, cried “I’m sorry” It was not enough. I held her firm reaching for the old paddle that was part of a paddle and ball toy. The waist band of her pants slid over her red rump. The first swat with the paddle cracked in both our ears.
“You want to feel used, Ang. This is feeling used.” I was relentlessly applying equal strikes making sure she glowed red hot.
“Please, Dr. Hoffer. Please stop. I’m sorry. You’re hurting me.”
As her butt began to redden deeply with signs of blue bruises showing, I stopped the paddling. I began to smooth my palms over her hot cheeks massaging some of the pain away. I rubbed deeper between her legs stroking her labia and fingering her clit.
Ang’s crying became whimpers then soft moans. “Harder.”
This had nothing to do with spanking, she wanted her release; I gave her what she asked for. Her thong panty soaked up her moisture lubricating my fingers. She was moments away from having an orgasm.
As her moans increased and her hips bucked into her orgasm, I began another paddling that only served to increase the screams of her orgasm. It was a long, wet cum.
Ang began to stir after several minutes lying on my lap recovering. A hand reached back to feel the punishment she received. “Dr. Hoffer, I deserved that, didn’t I? I’ve never been punished with a spanking before. Will it get better?”
“It will. Get up and go to the bathroom so I can spread some ointment to relieve the sting. And, yes you deserved being spanked.” She tried to pull up her pants giving up on the idea because of the soreness.
She darted off the bathroom from where I heard a loud cry. I chuckled thinking she sat on the toilet only to realize it hurt. “It may hurt to sit for a while,” I called out.
“Will you come spread the ointment now, Dr. Hoffer?”
I had a raging hard on, and with no attempt to hide it, I walked to the bathroom. I laughed to see Ang trying to examine the result in the mirror. She also greeted my naked and exposed. The thing that got my immediate attention was her nipples swollen with excitement. The ointment was in the cabinet over the sink where she was surveying her punishment. “Unless you want more, get out of the way.” My tone was not harsh or menacing but Ang didn’t hesitate to move. Her nakedness made me swell even more.
A lustful look came over Ang’s face, “I think you have a special ointment I’d like better.” She reached out for the waist band of my pants and tugged. My cock sprang out to greet her. “Cum on my butt.”
Ang turned her red butt to me and closed in on my cock. Her skin was hot making my cock jump ready to cum. She rotated in small circles giving the head a tantalizing tour. I knew I was going to shot hard and told her to get Anadolu Yakası escort bayan ready for it. The first spray hit across both cheeks. Ang reacted to the heat of the cum on her hot buns. The second spray was almost as intense as the first. It trailed down her cheeks with the first. Ang’s hands reached behind her to spread the special ointment over her backside.
The final shots were less strong and much less cum ejaculated. When Ang realized I was done, she spun around, went to her knees and sucked me into her mouth drawing every drop she could. I began to shrink but didn’t go completely limp. Her mouth was a wonderful repast.
I hadn’t had sex since with her several months ago and told her. “I haven’t either,” Ang stated in a hot breath. “No one I know can live up to the sexing you gave me.”
We moved from the bathroom to the living room. Ang sat on my lap keeping my cock carefully between the globes of her butt; she made gentle strokes with her hips until I was completely hard again.
She rode her cum covered butt up my torso until my cock began to slide against her labia. When she was satisfied with the position, she let herself slide down taking me into her wet pussy. She cried out almost instantly and rocked against me hard as she had another good cum. Her muscles pulled on me; the pleasure was as great as the pressure.
It wasn’t long that she began riding me with complete abandon. She did nothing to muffle her moans and cries as she drove herself to another high. I was sure she was getting close as her movements were uncontrolled and not intentional.
I wanted to finish with her and was as close as she when she sat her full weight on me trying to grind my cock as deep as it could go. Then came the contractions of her muscles gripping me again. She took a sudden deep intake of air and held it several seconds before screaming out her cum. We spent ourselves together in a flood of comingled cum that I felt wetting my stomach and crotch. It was soothing her recently spanked butt, too.
Ang reclined on my chest, my arms around her cupping and toying with her firm breasts and swollen nipples. My cock was worked hard; all thought of staying erect left both our minds. I shrank and slipped from the warm grasp that held me. We made no effort to stop the flow of cum oozing from Ang’s saturated little pussy.
Ang held her hands over mine cupping her breasts with me. She leaned her head back as far as it could reach and I took the hint to kiss her softly.
“Ang,” my words came in whispered silence, “I sorry I paddled you so harshly. My anger overtook me.”
“It wasn’t anger, I don’t think. I think it was relief that I wasn’t pregnant and that I lied to you. That will never happen again,” she said with meaning.
However, I was uncertain what her meaning was and afraid that never again meant she wanted our affair to continue. Could I live with that? Should I tell it we can’t continue? Would she blurt the whole thing out as though I enticed her?
She stirred more slowing rising from my lap. We were a sticky mess of cum, some had soiled the sofa cushions. I still hadn’t responded to her never again confession.
She turned to look at me seeing the mess in my lap. “Is my back as messy as your front,” came the question with a giggle. Her bright cheerful personality echoed in my ears.
“Yes, but you left most of it on me. Shower time, I think.” I watched as she got up from my lap and saw that much of the paddle redness was gone. “I think your little butt survived the discipline.”
“Dr. Hoffer,” her tone respectful and her head bowed, “I happy you care enough to discipline me. I’ve always has time out but never real discipline. You gave me a painful lesson and I learned it.”
“Young lady, it is the responsibility of an older adult to make sure younger people understand responsibilities in life. Now, take your cute little self to the shower, I’m coming, too.”
I used the toilet and joined Ang in the shower. She used the hand wand to give herself a warm douche. Her relief was complete as she began flowing a stream of pee down the shower drain. Giggling, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold it.”
I took a wash cloth and filled it with liquid body wash and began washing Ang’s neck, shoulders and back. When I reached her adorable globes, I washed along and deeply into the split between her flesh. Ang relaxed and let me wash her tight hole.
I gave the cloth a rinse and soaped it again. “Turn around, let me finish washing you.”
With the same effort, I washed her neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, then to the juncture of her legs. Ang’s nerves were tingling as were mine.
She washed me in the same manner paying the same attention to my rear and front. Ang stepped under the shower spray to wet her hair and rinse in some body wash to freshen and wash her face.
We stepped out of the shower fully rinsed and clean, took towels to dry and wrap around ourselves.
I wondered if she was hungry escort bayan and got the answer before asking. “Could I have a little something to eat. I think I’m kind of hungry.”
Not more than 90 minutes ago I was trying to have a second cup of coffee. Ang discovered the meaning of discipline by spanking, gave me some great sex, we showered, and now it is closer to lunch time than brunch and long after when breakfast was supposed to be.
“How about some steak and potatoes. Hardy nourishment for someone who burns calories as fast as you.” I was hungry also.
Ang skipped into the kitchen in something presentable while being tempting and sexy. Ang was that way in the classroom, too. I was in shorts and a t-shirt. “Dr. Hoffer, is it okay if I wear this? Is isn’t too little, is it?”
“Hell, you wear that much in class.”
Ang had a ravenous appetite for such a small person. She packed away a man size steak portion and two potatoes. She drank two large glasses of milk washing it all down. She was helpful cleaning up after lunch then she got playful again.
The remainder of Friday was a sexual blur. One long session about an hour after eating and another long session before dinner. Our May/December relationship at least proved that sometimes the old guy does catch the young girl.
We had another shower after the evening session of getting hot and sweaty. It came as a mutual decision that it was time for an ice cream at a nearby dairy treat. Ang ordered a large double thick chocolate malt and I ordered a brownie batter cement mixer, large also.
Ang worked on her malt as we drove and I had bites of mine at stop signs. Ang looked over at me as we drove, “Dr. Hoffer, can I be honest with you?”
I smiled, “What’s on your mind?
“I like the way you make me feel.” “Are you leaving something unsaid,” I asked because I felt there was more that she wanted to say.
“I mean, I never knew sex could be so good. I wanted to see you during the summer but I had to go to Vietnam with my family. I thought about you a lot.”
“I can’t deny that I thought about as well.” I glanced her way quickly to see her smile glowing. I wanted to take her back to my place and make love. “There is something about and age and experience; however, dear little Ang, we cannot continue this forever.”
Ang reached her arm to run it up my leg giving my cock a feel. “You need to tell my little friend we can’t do this forever.”
“Eat your ice cream and cool those hormones. The heat will be turned up soon.” I laughed as Ang began attaching her malt. “Is it working?”
We reached my house and parked the car. Ang was slurping hard on her malt straw trying to get the last drop off the bottom.
“I don’t think that is considered polite.” I was still spooning my ice cream as we walked toward the door.
“Good to the last drop. Is it impolite when I do it to your cock?”
“You win the argument for now; however, I do plan on testing you on that.”
Inside, I finished my ice cream and sat in my favorite lounging chair; Ang settled on my lap. We wrapped arms around ourselves with Ang’s head resting on my shoulder. It wasn’t long before we began kissing and necking, sucking tongues into the other’s mouth. As our heat began to rise, so did the movement of our hands. Her young, petite, firm body felt good as my fingers kneaded her. Ang wasn’t wearing a bra and her nipples responded quickly to my tickling and pinching.
Our clothes began peeling off giving our hands more freedom to touch skin to skin. Ang was already humping against my leg feeling my cock stiff for her. Her shorts slid off and my pants made their way over my hips although I didn’t get up from the chair.
Ang swung her legs wide over the deep cushions of the chair arms. She slid her body up against my cock guiding herself over it. She sighed deeply as she settled over it making it disappear into her.
Ang shuddered and gasped then announced, “You make me cum so much.” Her muscles were gripping me as a cum swept over her.
We were arm locked in a tight embrace, her nipples stabbing into my chest. We kissed hard between sighs. Ang began a slow rocking against my lap. She moved so slightly keeping me deep in her. This was no fuck session; we were making love.
Ang whispered garbled words that made no sense to me. Some things she began in English and finished in Vietnamese, sometimes only Vietnamese. Time was no longer a commodity; I was only accepting the embrace from a young beautiful woman who wanted my body as much as I wanted hers. Her muted cries made me believe she was getting close to another orgasm. I continued to be amazed how often she could cum.
Ang hit her boiling point about the same moment I did. She pressed her hips on mine getting me deep in her. I felt our bodied meld into one. I touched her soul from deep in her pulsing pussy. My cum mixed with her sweet warm liquid. She held me tight trying to hold the nectar in.
“I’m sorry, Dr. Hoffer. I can’t help myself. I love you.”
I knew the tone of her voice was not the height of an orgasm making her speak. I knew she was speaking her true feelings. I also knew that I could not dare return her expression of love. We had almost 50 years between our ages and it wouldn’t be possible for me to keep up with her needs.
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