Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
[another of my internet-spam adaptations]
I’m tempted to start off by saying, ‘why is it the pretty ones are always insane’, but I suspect it has more to do with me than them. I just tend to attract, well, the more fringe personalities. I’m sure it’s partly because of the kinds of forums and message boards that I frequent on the net. I also happen to be a good listener, at least most of the time, and this attracts the kind of people who usually aren’t taken very seriously.
It’s also true that I often let my gonads do my thinking for me, which is likely how I ended up in the situation I am about to relate. I have no doubt that one can meet a great many nice, normal people through online contacts. In my experience so far, though, they’ve all been kind of strange in one way or another.
Anyway, to cut a bit closer to the chase, I arranged to meet a date that I’d met through online at a quaint little downtown cafe. I didn’t know too much about her at first, apart from the fact she was about my age, blonde, and also happened to attend the same college as I did a few years back. That was the hook that encouraged us to meet, since we apparently never did back when we were at school, but we both wondered if we perhaps ran into each other without even realizing it. About the only way to do that was to meet in person, which she agreed to do. Despite common myths, it’s not easy scoring a date online, and I definitely didn’t want to blow this chance.
As it turned out, Undine (never discovered if it was her real name or not) was even more attractive than I would have expected. She was tall, thin, with wonderful golden skin. Her dark blonde hair was pulled back away from her face into a tight, short ponytail. In fact, my first impression was that her hairstyle was a bit too severe, making her ears stand out, and that her blue mascara was laid a bit too thick as well. Still, she was very well dressed for an afternoon coffee date. She wore sleek black trousers and a crisp white blouse with dark heels. The smile she gave me as was greeted each other must have meant she was happy with her end of the deal as well. I don’t like to go on too much about my own looks, but I don’t think I have much to worry about in that direction. While the glasses might not be everyone’s favourite, I do keep myself fit and trim, and my hair well styled and sharp. I think my dark coloured outfit probably met with her approval as well, though that’s something I only really thought about in retrospect.
The conversation came very easy, beginning with our experiences at college. We never did share any classes, as it turned out, but we did talk about some of the people we met during that time. This in turn led to some cheeky and fun talk about our sex lives. The way her blue eyes shone, and that gentle thin lipped smile, I found I wasn’t embarrassed at all. I guess, since we met online originally, it felt natural to talk with the same kind of freedom and lack of concern for personal propriety. I realize, writing about it now for a site devoted to sexual fiction, this doesn’t seem like a big deal. But, sitting at a cafe table in the real world, with mardin escort actual living people within easy listening distance, the idea of talking about sexual turn ons and fantasies is rather surreal.
It turns out the little vixen was into whips and chains and leather outfits and the like. I’d never done anything like that before, but Undine was so hot I probably would have done anything to get into her pants. When she suggested we go back to her place to act out one of her fantasies, I was game and off we went. This was more than I could have hoped for, but at the same time, I had no idea what strangeness would await me when we arrived at her home.
The house wasn’t terribly large, but something in the back of my mind made me think it was unlikely she could be paying for it all on her own. Could Undine be married? I didn’t think it was smart to ask. If I was going to be the lucky recipient of this woman’s desire for an afternoon fling, that was cool with me. Still, nothing immediately struck me as being out of the ordinary as we went inside, though Undine didn’t waste any time in leading me to her bedroom.
She had me sit on the bedside as she changed into the first of her outfits. In total, I think she showed me at least three or four. I remember one being bright red leather pants with a short sleeved top. Another was like a black body suit with open holes, also made of leather, fitted together with interlaced string.
“Have you ever done anything like this with anyone else before,” I asked, trying not to sound dismissive or judgmental.
“What do you think,” she smiled, disappearing into the adjoining bathroom to strip down out of sight. I got the very strong sense she hadn’t, not really, but I was content for now to see where she was going to go with all this.
The final one was a sleek black bustier, with knee high boots and black fishnet stockings clinging to each leg -and nothing else. Between waist and thigh, she was completely naked, revealing her shaved pussy to my eyes.
“You like what you see,” she said, obviously noting my reaction. I just nodded, swallowing dryly.
She retrieved a couple of items from the inside of a drawer and stepped brazenly forward.
“They’re for you,” she said, handing me a short, black leather whip and a set of steel handcuffs. When she saw my apprehension, she continued, “to use on me.”
She led me now down into her basement. Here, she showed me a low lying narrow table, like the kind used for medical examinations. I think it was made from a disused bit of exercise equipment, but it did possess a set of stirrups at one end, as was neatly padded in black along the top. Undine took a seat, instructing me to raise the top end of the table/bench a few notches. Stretching herself back on the elevated portion, she raised her arms up above her head in a provocative, animalistic gesture.
“Go on,” she said, dangling her wrists off the edge of the table. It was clear what she wanted. I fixed one of the handcuffs, then looped the short chain around the metal bar at the top end of the table before van escort capturing her opposite wrist. Undine tugged at the chain, pleased at the result, her arms forced in that raised position.
Now that she was handcuffed, she really was completely under my power. Maybe the whip and chain thing wasn’t that interesting to me, but this feeling of control was something I could get used to. I pulled her bodice down, exposing her small breasts. Her nipples were brown and pointed, which I teased and flicked with my fingers. This was only a very short diversion, as I now lifted her feet into the stirrups, only increasing her vulnerability.
“Do it,” she purred at me, closing her eyes. “Use that whip. Make me hurt. Punish me. You have no idea how much I need it.”
I remember reading one of those classic Victorian erotic novels, where there just pages and pages devoted to descriptions of spanking. I was rather baffled by it. Then as now, I found it hard to get aroused at the idea of inflicting pain. She was clearly begging for it, but as I ran my free hand along the length of her body, it didn’t feel right. Wasn’t there something about a ‘safety word’ too? I definitely wasn’t comfortable with my ability to hurt without injury. Confirming my original impression, I don’t think Undine had ever done anything like this before either. Despite her plaintiff prostests, but knowing there was little she could do about it, I dropped the whip to the floor.
I placed myself between her outspread legs and examined her bare cunt. Chained as she was, I could examine her at my complete leisure. I’d never seen anyone with a shaved pubis. Well, not in real life anyway. The net is lousy with pics of naked cunts, but I always thought it looked a bit odd, a bit artificial. Laying my fingers on the brazenly naked skin between her legs, I quickly began to appreciate it’s obscene appeal. The skin is very soft down there, and her labia opened easy under the pressure of my fingertips. I brought the bright tip of her clitoris to view, and rapidly covered it with the moist surface of my lapping tongue.
She kept saying she wanted me to hurt her as I licked her pussy, but I couldn’t do it. I did go wild on those naked pussy lips of hers though, tasting and teasing in wild abandon as I brought her ever closer to orgasm. By now I’m sure she realized that I knew what I was doing down there, and stopped begging to be hurt and simply enjoyed the head I was giving her. Without the worry of those crinkly pubic hairs, I could suck on her lips and over her clit with wonderful ease, much to Undine’s obvious delight. She had gotten increasinly wet, soft and messy, as only a genuinely aroused woman can get. Her labial skin was tinged with red, and her breath came in ragged hitches.
I rose up and moved to undo the latch from one of her cuffs, effectively freeing her. Her humid eyes watched me as I undid my trousers, exposing my naked erection and pressing it to her lips. Stuffing my cock in her mouth, she gave me a bit of a blow job while I held the back of her neck. I didn’t waste much time with that, as ankara escort I returned to the other end of the table and thrust myself within her soaking vagina. Once I had my dick in her pussy she was happy. Her hips rose to meet my thrusts, hands clutching the side of the table, handcuffs clanging There was no further talk or worrying about any of the freaky shit. The enterprise had call become about simple, pure, primitive intercourse.
Freeing her legs from the stirrups and those cumbersome boots, she let me turn her onto her stomach so I could take her from behind. The reprieve also kept me from coming in her right away, as I was dearly in danger of doing. Looking at her face pressed against the black padding, I realized again how brilliantly attractive she was, despite her absurd kinks. In the end though, this S&M babe just wanted to be fucked every bit as much as I did, just like anyone else. Once you get past the costumes and the play time, it all comes down to that magical connection between penis and vagina.
Undine shifted underneath me again so I could take her missionary style. I kissed her for the first time like that, her arms reaching around my back as I rutted into her, the metal of those cuffs cold against my skin. I reached up to maul one of her tiny pert breasts as I felt the familiar tug deep in my balls rage forth.
“Don’t come in me,” she breathlessly told me, almost too late. I hadn’t even thought about birth control, and I guess she hadn’t either.
Pulling out, I ejaculated my semen all across her chest, smearing against the black of her disordered bustier. It took a long time for either of us to catch our breath in the aftermath of that experience.
In relating this story for the first time to a friend, I made the remark about how, in the end, it all came down to sex. That, somehow, it seemed all the pretty ones were insane. I guess I was feeling pretty proud of my sexual exploits, not usually one for the frivolous one-night-stand (or afternoon stand, in this case), and happy to have such an interesting story to tell.
As he told me, in no uncertain terms, I was the crazy one. I was the one who missed out.
“Think about it,” he said. “This woman has had this fantasy brewing in her head for who knows how long. She’s bought the outfits and the toys, but hasn’t found anyone she trusts enough to experiment with them. You were going to be the lucky first.”
“Yeah, but, come on…”
“No, listen,” he continued. “So what if it isn’t your scene. That afternoon wasn’t supposed to be about you. It was all about her. Her fantasy. So what if you both got off? Yeah, it was a good lay, but what is she going to remember from it? She probably feels bad that she even tried to bring you into her world. She may never get the courage to try it again, with someone else who at least knows what they’re doing. Think, man. Have you even talked to her since then? How do you think she feels?”
It was a fair bit of cold water, I have to admit. Feeling rather smug for asserting my ‘normality’, I didn’t really give much consideration to what Undine was really asking for. I wasn’t even sure what it was I wanted. How casual can one really be about sex anyway?
This led to my decision to get into touch with Undine again. I hoped it wasn’t too late. In my email, I promised that this time, I would fulfill any and every fantasy she desired. The question now is, can I handle a woman like that?
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32