17 Ekim 2024

Captured Indian Policewoman

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


This story was written in the style of many Bollywood crime dramas, with a lot of way over-the-top activities. It’s all fiction and should not be taken any more seriously than the spirit it was written in.


It had been one of the most celebrated crime busts in local history, and for the department’s highest ranking policewoman responsible, it was a career boost of the highest order. Her picture had graced the papers for weeks, and along with the commendations there was talk of another promotion for Lieutenant Hema Malini.

Something got in the way of that, and that something came in the form of two members of the criminal organization which had suffered greatly from Lt. Malini’s exploits. They had been sent out a mission, and much to the policewoman’s regret, they performed their jobs effectively. Payback, as they say, is a bitch.

Chapter One: Easy as pie.

Despite their reputations as being less than geniuses, the abduction had come off without a hitch. After following Lt. Malini home after work for a few nights, they learned her routine and where she liked to park, and when they decided to make their move on that steamy Friday night she didn’t have a chance.

Although she put up a courageous battle, the initial surprise of the two men’s attack, combined with their weight and strength advantage proved to be too much for the woman, and they soon subdued the scrappy policewoman with minimal commotion to the sleepy suburban neighborhood where she lived.

Shakti cringed as his partner Amrish inflicted a lot of punishment on the woman, some of it long after they had managed to render her helpless. Shakti attributed his partner’s fury at least in part to a well-placed kick the policewoman had delivered to Amrish’s groin during the battle, but the guy was sadistic anyway and needed no excuse to punish the woman for not being passive enough for his tastes.

Now having been brought to the secluded house well outside of town, the semi-conscious woman was dragged into the middle of the near-empty garage. She was handcuffed using the officer’s very own cuffs, and the cuffs were then hung over a meat-hook that dangled down from the rafters.

Shakti held the woman upright while his partner made sure that she was not going to be able to get free. Her arms were raised to their limits, and as long as she stood upright, the strain on her wrists would not be too bad.

Standing next to the woman, he felt a surge run through his genitals as he looked her over. Lt. Malini was a very attractive woman, with rich olive-toned skin and thick black eyebrows, and at about 5’6″ was roughly the same height as Shakti, although she was much more svelte than the bulky Shakti.

His eyes went down to the tan uniform blouse with her name plate dangling on the ripped pocket of the shirt. It was a hot and muggy evening, and Shakti was perspiring heavily from both the temperature and the battle they had just gone through, but that was nothing compared to the way Lt. Hema Malini looked.

With her arms suspended over her head, Shakti savored the sight of the massive sweat stains under the woman’s arms, which darkened the tan fabric to a mahogany brown. Leaning closer to her, he tried to peek down the inside of the woman’s sleeve while he inhaled deeply.

The ripe aroma that he took in made his cock surge. The scent was so pungent and tart that it made Shakti’s entire body shiver, and as he looked down her sleeve into her shadowed armpit, he could have sworn that he saw hair under her arm, and he hoped with all of his heart that Amrish would leave him alone with her long enough for him to find out for sure.

“Fucking cop isn’t so tough now, is she Shaq?” Amrish sneered while grimacing from the pain in his nuts, using the nickname that Shakti loathed.

It was his way of making fun of Shakti, as his short and squat build was the physical opposite of the gigantic basketball player. That was pure Amrish, Shakti thought. Amrish was cruel and sadistic toward anyone and everyone, and since he was a foot taller and even more muscular than he was, Shakti had to take it, even though he didn’t like it.

“You’re under arrest for assaulting a police officer,” the woman said defiantly, having regained most of her senses and retaining all of her spunk. “You have the right to remain silent…”

“So do you, bitch!” Amrish snapped, and as he spoke, he swung his hand back and delivered a forceful slap across the policewoman’s face.

The woman’s face recoiled from the blow, and the sound of it echoed in the garage, but she spun back around and spit in Amrish’s face. Shakti almost smiled at that, but Amrish was not amused, and retaliated by punching her in the ribs hard.

“OHHH!” Lt. Malini howled as the blow knocked all the wind out of her, leaving her dangling helplessly by her wrists after her legs gave out.

“Let her go!” Amrish yelled at Shakti, who had grabbed her around the waist so that her already-raw wrists didn’t get Anadolu Yakası Sınırsız Escort destroyed by the cuffs.

“We’re not supposed to kill her,” Shakti offered as a reason for holding the woman up, using that as an excuse while inhaling her natural aromas as his cheek rested against the sweaty fabric of her sleeve.

“Let’s get a look at what this slut looks like without the uniform,” Amrish suggested, his hands moving up to cup Lt. Malini’s breasts through the fabric of her uniform and bra before seizing the top and tearing it open savagely.

The sound of the cloth ripping was followed by the clatter of the buttons bouncing all over the cement floor, and Shakti watched in open-mouthed horror as Amrish went into a rage after that, tearing the blouse off the woman like an animal.

“Fucking cop uniform makes me sick just looking at it,” Amrish snarled as pieces of the blouse flew in the air, while he made savage and short work of the blouse.

The violent way he ripped the blouse off of the policewoman left red marks on her dusky olive shoulders, but Shakti’s attention was elsewhere. So was Amrish’s.

“What the fuck is this?” Amrish growled.

He was referring to what Shakti had hoped for, and had fantasized about seeing, which were the thick tufts of hair that filled the policewoman’s armpits. Hair so richly black that it defied description, and so much of it that it sprawled out of the gentle valleys of her armpits and grew up the insides of her arms. From those lush tufts of glistening hair, sweat was trickling out and making serpentine routes down her sides.

“Haven’t you ever heard of a razor?” Amrish sneered. “What kind of a woman looks like this?”

Amrish looked to Shakti for support, and when he felt his partner’s eyes on him he glanced back briefly and shrugged, before turning back to Lt. Malini.

“Maybe she’s not a woman after all,” Amrish suggested, and proceeded to take off the policewoman’s brassiere. Unfortunately for Hema Malini, he didn’t bother with the hooks and straps, and instead crudely removed it like he had done to her blouse.

“Not fucking much of a woman,” Amrish sneered as Lt. Malini’s breasts were exposed, and while they weren’t overly large – about the size of grapefruits – they were big enough to leave no doubt as to the officer’s gender.

“More of a woman than you’ll ever get!” Lt. Malini spat out.

“I was going to fuck you,” Amrish said condescendingly while bringing his hands up to her breasts, kneading them roughly before grabbing the plump chocolate brown nipples between his fingers. “I was going to give you the time of your life, but there’s no way I could even get it up looking at you.”

“Probably can’t get it up for anybody, except your friend here,” she said, and the comment made Shakti cringe, mainly because he knew that wouldn’t go over well with Amrish, and he was right.

Amrish twisted the helpless woman’s nipples while pulling them straight up toward him. His meaty fingers twisted the tender buds while stretching the tit-flesh out as far as he could, causing Lt. Malini’s body to arch out along with the pulling until she was leaning forward on her toes while screaming.

“Scream, pig!” Amrish growled. “No one can hear you, and I love it when I hear you beg. You fucking hairy bitch. Damn! What is that raunchy odor? You smell really nasty. You smell her, Shaq?”

Shakti nodded while trying to appear unmoved, while his own body was shaking as much as Lt. Malini’s, and he cursed himself for being so aroused by the abuse and degradation of this woman who excited him so.

Amrish shook his head derisively as he let go of her breasts, allowing her body to sag back to her standing position, but the relief was brief. Amrish’s arm swung back, and Shakti had to lean back as the hand came around and slapped Lt. Malini’s right armpit loudly.

“That’s where than putrid smell is coming from,” Amrish chortled. “This slut has more hair under her arms that I do.”

The sweat splattered around when his palm hit the clump of hair, and Shakti’s knees went weak when he felt the spray of her perspiration hit his face, but that was nothing compared to what he felt next.

Amrish’s hands went under Lt. Malini’s arms, and as he let out a guttural moan, his fingers dug into the dense jungles of armpit hair. Her hands clenched into fists, and his groans were quickly joined by the wailing of the policewoman as he pulled her toward him by the hair under her arms, much as he had done with her breasts.

Shakti cried out as well as he stood next to the two of them, but Amrish and Lt. Malini did not hear him over their own wailing. Shakti’s cry was different from the noises the other two were making.

Lt. Malini’s cries were caused by the pain being inflicted by her abuser as he savagely pulled at her sweaty armpit hair without mercy, the pain intensifying as he tore some of the hairs out as he pulled. Amrish was celebrating Anadolu Yakası Suriyeli Escort with sadistic glee as he twisted the smelly clumps of fur, enjoying the way that his captive was suffering.

Shakti, on the other hand, had an orgasm. Without even touching himself, his cock erupted as he watched what unfolded before him. His cock, snugly positioned down along the inside of his pant leg, spasmed as he ejaculated without prompting. Shakti almost fained from the intensity of his orgasm, and after Amrish finally let go, Shakti moved over and caught Lt. Malini as her body sagged, trying to shield the huge semen stain that felt like it must cover the entire front of his pants.


Chapter Two: Shakti’s wish comes true.

“How do you like us so far, cop?” Amrish sneered in Lt. Malini’s sweat-streaked face, which had began to show the strain of the last hour or so.

“My hands – arms,” the policewoman whimpered softly, her eyes glassy as she wiggled her fingers to try to get some circulation in them.

“Maybe if I tried to pull your nipples off some more it might make you forget about your hands,” Amrish suggested, and when the policewoman shook her head no, he laughed. “Maybe yanking out all of that pit hair of yours would work as well. At least you might look like a woman then.”

Amrish looked at his hands, and after seeing a few of her armpit hairs still clinging to his fingers, he made a face and rubbed his hands together to shake them off, and then raised them near his nose and scrunched his face in disgust.

“I don’t know how you can stand being that close to that sweaty pig, Shaq,” Amrish said to his partner still standing beside Lt. Malini, and Shakti shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something about not minding.

“If she’s that gross above the waist, who knows what she looks like down below,” Amrish chuckled, unbuckling the clasp at the top of the officer’s tan slacks, and after he let them fall to the floor, he stepped back and laughed derisively.

“What do you think, Shaq?” he guffawed while playing with the trail of black hairs that began just below Lt. Malini’s navel. “You think it grows right down to her balls?”

The thin treasure trail began to widen at the top elastic of her panties, where the timberline of her pubic bush sprouted out over the garment. Jet black hairs peeked out from the side elastic of her panties as well, and the white cotton of the panties showed the unmistakable outline of what had to be an incredibly dense bush between her legs.

Lt. Malini’s thighs were rather furry as well, but the hair stopped at her knees, and the copper brown skin was smooth from there on down, no doubt a result of shaving. Amrish pushed his hand down the front of her panties, and when the policewoman gasped, he grinned. Judging by the movement of his hand Shakti knew what the brute was doing.

“Well, at least she’s got a pussy!” he announced with a laugh before he yanked the panties down roughly, revealing Lt. Malini’s bush was just as wide and dense as Shakti had imagined.

“Shaq, stay and watch the pig while I go in to the house and grab something to eat,” Amrish announced. “Gotta use the can too. Watch her, and make sure she doesn’t try anything funny.”

Shakti nodded, and just before Amrish left, he turned around at the door.

“Do whatever you want to her. Fuck her if you want, but I don’t think that even you are that desperate, Shaq.”

The door slammed behind Amrish, and Shakti’s pulse quickened when he realized that he was alone with her. The policewoman’s eyes regained a little of their fire after Amrish left, and she turned her head to look at Shakti.

“You going to have your fun too?” Lt. Malini asked.

Shakti’s fingers gently rubbed her swollen and abused nipples, which were twice the size they were in the beginning, and when Lt. Malini saw what he was doing, she shook her head.

“You’re just as sick as he is.”

“Yes,” Shakti admitted, sliding his hands over until they had reached her armpits. “I’m afraid that I am, but one thing I would never do would be to hurt you. I swear to that. I would do antything within my power to make you happy.”

His fingers raked their way through the soggy hair under her arms, letting them glide all the way up to the insides of her biceps before letting them rake back down.

“Want to make me happy?” Lt. Malini asked. “Let me down.”

“I cannot. Amrish would kill us both.”

“I will do anything you ask if you help me escape,” the policewoman said. “I swear. Anything, and I will make sure that you don’t get in trouble over any of this too.”

“You say that now, but if I let you down you would change your mind,” Shakti said. “Women tell me things like that all the time. They say they would like to be with me but after they look at me they laugh and run away.”

“I would not,” the policewoman said, suddenly realizing she had an opportunity here. “Why, you’re a Anadolu Yakası İranlı Escort handsome man in your own way, and I don’t know why any woman would not want to be with you. If you give me a chance I will prove it to you.”

While Lt. Malini shuddered at the thought of having sex willingly with this simian-like brute, it would be a small price to pay for her life, so she put a brave smile on her face.

“Shakti? Is that your name? My name is Hema. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could go someplace nice and make love all night long?”

“You would do that with me?” Shakti asked. “I could do anything with you that I wanted?”

“Anything,” Lt. Malini promised.

“Would you let me have sex with you in your ass?” Shakti asked. “I never did that before, and I’ve always wanted to.”

“Uh – sure,” the policewoman said, thinking that as unpleasant as the thought would be, at least she wouldn’t have to look at him while he did it.

“I hardly ever get to have sex with women at all,” Shakti confessed, continuing to run his fingers through her armpit hair, and as he did he felt his cock surging once again in his pants. “They usually laugh or run when they see me naked.”

“Oh!” the officer said. “That’s terrible. Do they laugh because of the size of your penis?”


“I promise not to laugh. I swear!”

Shakti looked at the woman, their eyes meeting. He leaned over and kissed her armpit, and when he tasted the salty sweat, he moaned softly while let his tongue slide all around the damp hairs.

“You like that, don’t you Shakti?” Lt. Malini asked, shivering at the strange sensation of having the guy licking under her arms. “You like my hairy armpits?”

Shakti nodded briskly, and buried his face under her arm. His mouth – his lips – his tongue all worked with a passion that Lt. Malini did not understand. Lapping, nibbling and gently chewing while inhaling the bouquet that he stirred up, he held her close to him while seemingly trying to suck every hair clean.

“Think of how nice it would be if we went to my place and I took a shower, so I would smell and taste better for you,” the officer suggested, but Shakti shook his head briskly.

“I love you like this,” he mumbled with his mouth full of her armpit hair.

“Oh. You like me all sweaty like this? Okay. It feels nice – what you’re doing. That’s so nice baby,” she gasped, and despite the desperate and painful situation she was in, she felt her body responding to his animal-like behavior. “Suck on my armpit. Chew it Shakti!”


Chapter Three: Shakti remembers.

As Shakti did exactly what his captive had told him to do, his mind went back many years. Back to his youth, and back to the mother of a schoolmate of his. Her son was just like most of the other kids he went to school with, in that he made fun of Shakti all the time, but the woman felt sorry for him and befriended him.

Mrs. Swoopa was older than Lt. Malini and not nearly as attractive as her either, but to the young Shakti she had been a goddess. He would watch her working in the kitchen, and still remembered that faded green house dress she often wore.

That sleeveless dress had sweat stains around the armholes, and Shakti recalled the day when he had first noticed the hair under her arms. He would watch her intently after that, waiting for her to lift her arm enough so he could see the rich brown clumps of hair that graced her plump armpits, and would savor the pungent aroma that wafted through the air whenever she raised her arms.

On one occasion she had been changing a light bulb and he had been standing nearby. Shakti moved quickly over next to Mrs. Swoopa – so close that his breath made her armpit hair flutter – and he recalled the ripe and salty odor that filled his head.

He had an orgasm that day too, and was so embarrassed that he made an excuse to go home. Shakti spent the rest of the day in his room, masturbating practically non-stop as he replayed the image of what he had seen in his mind.

Shakti did not visit Mrs. Swoopa for a couple of days, but when he could stand it no longer he went back to see her again. She had been concerned about him, because he had been such a regular visitor at her house, and she had also been worried about the way he looked when he had left hurriedly that day.

Breaking down, Shakti told Mrs. Swoopa of how beautiful he thought she was. When she laughed and told him that she was happy he found her attractive, but in fact she was really just a middle-aged housewife who was very plain looking, Shakti confessed.

“I love the hair under your arms,” he blurted out. “I love the way it looks – the way it smells. Everything.”

“My armpits?” Mrs. Swoopa asked, raising her arm and looking at the hair in confusion, and then to Shakti’s amazement began running her fingers through the dense thicket. “This is what you always look at? I thought you were looking at my breasts all of this time.”

Shakti shook his head no, trying desperately not to have another orgasm while Mrs. Swoopa kept fiddling with the hair under her arm.

“But you must have hair under your arms too, by now,” Mrs. Swoopa said, and Shakti nodded, having had his grow in over the last year, but in a quantity far less than Mrs. Swoopa.

“Yes,” Shakti said. “But yours is beautiful.”

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