14 Mart 2025

The Trip Ch. 01

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Dear Reader,

This story is kind of long and has lots of detail. It’s also emotional and not much XXX in this section. I look forward to your votes and please feel free to leave me comments. All feedback is welcomed whether it is good or bad. I would also like to greatly thank sfseeker71 for looking over my work and helping me with it!




It was a hot summer day at the end of June, Justin was in his room getting ready for the summer trip he and a few close friends had been planning for a few months. He was thinking how nice it was going to be to finally getting away from everything that had been going on.

Not a lot of people knew what was going on with his family, and he wanted it to stay that way. He was making sure that he didn’t forget anything when he heard his parents arguing with each other down the hall. He could barely make out what they were saying, but he knew it was about him and this up and coming trip. He tried to listen a little bit closer, but at that moment his cell phone rang, it was his friend Josh.

“Hey Josh what’s up?”

“Just making sure you’re not going to back out on us.”

“Please, I need to get away from everything right now.”

“We all do. Are you coming over my house first, then we’ll leave from here?”

“Yeah, just let me finish getting ready and I’ll be there in about a half an hour.”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”

Justin and Josh had been friends ever since Justin’s family moved up from Texas.

There was a lot that weighed heavily on his mind, but the big secret he had not told any of his friends, was that he was gay. They were all friends but this was something that some people just couldn’t handle. His dad was one of those people who could not stand the thought of his sons being gay. It had caused some of the biggest fights in the family and some major tension. Just then Justin’s mom came knocking on the door.

“It’s open.”

“How is everything going in here? Need any help?” His mom asked as she walked in the room.

“Could you hand me those t-shirts over there, please?” Justin asked as he made room in his bag for them.

“Justin, do you have enough money for the trip?” His mother asked as she handed him the shirts.

“Yeah I have enough.” Justin answered.

“I want you to take my credit card just in case anything happens.” His mom replied.

“Mom, I don’t need it, everything will be fine. It’s just a weekend in the mountains what could happen?” Justin laughed.

“Justin, your car is not the newest thing on the road. What if something happens on your way down and you need to fix it?” She replied.

“If it will make you feel better then I’ll take it, but I’m not going to use it.” Justin told her as he put it in his pocket.

“Yes it will. Now I don’t have to worry about you on your trip.” She said as she gave him a big hug.

“Could you help me bring my bags down to my car?” Justin asked.

Justin wanted to ask his mom what the fight was about as he was putting his bags in the car he, but he decided not to stick his nose in his parents business. Justin put the last bag in the car and shut the trunk. He turned to his mom and gave her a big hug and kiss. She told him to have a safe and fun trip as he was pulling out of the driveway

Justin pulled up to Josh’s house; he noticed Josh was outside getting some last minutes items from the garage. Justin could not help but notice how nice Josh looked in his tank top and basketball shorts. Justin knew that he could not let anyone know how he felt, especially Josh. He suppressed his feelings as he stepped out of the car and walked up to Josh.

“You’re not ready yet?” Justin asked.

“I was getting the cooler out so I can put the soda in it, if that’s okay with your majesty.” Josh said sarcastically.

“Where is everyone else at?”

“Steve, Shane, and Mark decided to drive up together, and Jason is already on his way up there. So it’s just you and me.”

“Oh, okay sounds good to me. Do you know how long it is going to take us to get there?”

“I put the destination in my GPS and it said about 5 hours.”

“That’s not bad. Since it is just you and me could you help me take the T-Tops off?”

“Sure it’ll be a nice ride with them off.”


As they pulled out of the driveway Justin wondered how Josh would react if he told him his little secret. He decided it was not the time or the place to tell him. While they were driving down the county road Josh pointed out the old swimming hole they used to go to all the time when they were younger. Justin remembered those good old summer days when they had not a care in the world, what he would not do to go back to those days. Justin asked Josh if he remembered the time he flew off the rope swing and his shorts came off in the water. The two of them talked about the summer days all the way to the interstate.

“This is the one part of the trip I hate the most is the interstate mardin escort driving.” Justin said.

“I know what you mean. I prefer the back roads and small highways myself.” Josh replied as he grabbed a soda.

After a few hours of driving the guys decided to stop at the next rest area to stretch their legs. Justin was looking at the map; he asked Josh how much farther they had to go before they got off the interstate. Josh walked over to the car to see what the GPS said, but as he came back Justin knew there was something wrong.

“Josh, what’s wrong. I don’t like the look on your face.”

“We have a slight problem. I can’t find the car charger for my GPS and it’s about to die.”

“What are we going to do now? Do you have written directions?”

“No, but let me call Jason and get them from him.” Josh replied as he walked back to the car.

“Okay, he said stay on the interstate and take exit 28, at the end of the ramp make a right, then follow that road for fifteen miles then turn left at the railroad crossing. He said follow that road, it will take you into Cedar Lake, and there are signs for the camp site.” Josh told Justin.

“Okay, are you sure that you looked all over the car for the charger?” Justin said as they walked back to the car.

“Yeah I looked all over; swear I remember putting it in my back pack this morning.” Josh replied.

“It’s okay let’s get back on the road.”

Justin knew he could not stay mad at Josh for long. When Josh got into the car he took off his shirt, he wanted to start on his tan he said. Justin could not help but look at Josh as he took off his shirt, but he dared not let Josh catch him staring.

Josh was your typical jock standing at 6’2″, broad shoulders, 185lbs of pure muscle, nice defined chest, perfect built arms and wash board abs you could wash a load of laundry on. Josh had golden blonde hair that he spiked in the front.

Justin was the average boy next door type. He was on the skinny side, no real muscle tone, he was about 6’0″ and weighed 165lbs, and he had jet black hair which he spiked.

As they got back on the highway Justin noticed that it looked like rain on the horizon, he hoped that it wasn’t going to rain because he was enjoying riding with the T-tops off. He figured it was far enough off that it would not affect them.

While Justin was driving down the highway he started to feel a little light headed. He thought maybe it was because he needed something to drink, so he tried drinking a bottle of water but it didn’t seem to help any.

“Are you okay? You’re not looking so good.”

“I’m feeling a little light headed.”

“Do you want me to drive?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind.”

Justin pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car to let Josh drive, but before he got back into the car he threw up all over the side of the road. He felt even worse than before.

“I think we need to put the T-tops on and ride with the air conditioning on. You might have gotten too much sun.” Josh suggested

“Do you mind if I lie down and try to sleep for a little?”

“I think that would be good for you to do.”

Before long the purr from the ’86 Mustangs 5.0L V-8 and the hum of the tires carried Justin off to sleep.

A few hours later Justin woke up to the sound of thunder and rain hitting the windshield. He noticed that the car was not moving and Josh was not in the car. He looked out the windshield he the car was sitting in the parking lot of a little diner. He noted that it was getting dark out and that they should have been to Cedar Lake by now. Justin was getting a little worried, he decided to go inside and find Josh to see what is going on. He entered the diner and saw Josh over in the corner talking to one of the wait staff, and it did not look like Josh was too happy.

“Josh is everything okay?”

“Well, not really. The directions Jason gave me were wrong. We ended up about 50 miles south from where we should be.”

“Where are we?”

“We are in a little town right outside out North Carolina. Take a look at this map. We are right here on the southern tip of the state and we should be North West of here.”

“How long is it going to take to get to the camp site?” Justin asked as he looked around the diner.

“It’s going to take at least two hours and there is no way we are going to make it there tonight. I think the best thing for us to do is find a place to stay for the night and head out tomorrow morning.” Josh replied.

“Is there a motel or something we can stay at?”

“The waitress told me there is a little motel about five minutes down the road. I say we just stay there tonight.”

Before they left the waitress asked if they wanted anything to eat. Josh told her that they were okay and that they just wanted to get to the motel and get some sleep. It was raining even harder than it was when Justin went into the diner. They decided to make a van escort mad dash for the car but by the time they got to the car they were completely soaked.

“Why does it seem to rain harder out when you have no umbrella and you have to run to your car?” Josh mused.

“I know what you mean. I’m soaked all the way to the bone. What kind of motel do you think this is going to be?” Justin asked.

“Well, I’m sure it’s not going to be a five star motel.” Josh joked.

“I got the creeps in that diner. It felt like they hadn’t seen a stranger in years.” Justin replied.

“I got the same feeling and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Hey, I never knew that you talked in your sleep.” Josh told Justin as they pulled out of the parking lot.

“I don’t talk in my sleep.” Justin said.

“Yeah you do, and you were saying some really weird things.” Josh responded.

“What was I saying?” Justin asked.

Before Josh could answer they came up on this little rustic motel on the side of the road. As they pulled in they got the feeling that they were the first people to stay there in years. Josh told Justin to stay in the car while he went to check in. While Josh was in the office Justin was thinking to himself about what he had said in his sleep. Could he have said something about the fights between his parents, or about the way his dad treats him or worse, that he had very strong feelings about Josh? Questioning himself while waiting for Josh to return, his cell phone rang, it was his mother.

“Hey Justin, how are you doing?” His mom asked.

“Hey mom, okay. Sorry I have not called you yet, we kind of ran into a small problem.” Justin told her.

“Are you boys okay, is everything okay?” She asked intently.

“Yes, it is just that we got the wrong directions and we are on the wrong side of the state. We are going to stay in a motel for the night and then go out tomorrow morning. I can call you when we leave in the morning.” Justin told his mother.

“Yes please do. Besides that, is everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I just got sick on the side of the road.” Justin replied.

“Where you in the sun for too long again?” she asked.

“I think so, but I’m feeling better now.” He told her.

“Okay, well you better call me in the morning and keep me posted.” She told him.

Josh got back in the car and told Justin that they were in room number six. Josh told Justin that the guy at the front desk said that they are the first people to stay there in a long time. As they were approaching their room Justin saw that they were out in the middle of nowhere.

Josh tried to open the door but it gave him a little trouble. He put his bag down and gave it a good shove and it gave way. Josh turned the light on; the room was not as big as he thought it was going to be. There was a door leading to the bathroom on the far wall, a T.V. that was older than him on the right hand wall and one queen sized bed on the left hand wall. When Justin saw the room his jaw hit the floor.

“Josh, there is only one bed. What are we going to do?” Justin asked.

“Well, I hope you don’t have a problem sleeping with a guy in your bed.” Josh replied.

Justin thought to himself that there was no problem sleeping with another guy in his bed when the other guy is gay, but when the other guy is straight, and your best friend that you have had a huge crush on; yeah, there is a slight problem. But of course he lied to Josh.

“Of course not. You think they could have up dated this room a little.” Justin replied.

“It looks like we stepped back into the 70’s. I better call my mom and let her know what is going on.” Josh said as he walked back outside.

“I’m going to take a quick shower and try to get warm.” Justin said as he walked toward the bathroom.

While Justin was in the shower he kept thinking to himself how he was going to make it through this night. He had dreams about having Josh sleeping next to him, and when he woke up from that dream he was always turned on. As Justin was toweling himself off he noticed that he forgot to bring in a change of clothes, he had no choice but to go out there in the towel and get some clothes. When he went out into the room he saw Josh lying on the bed in just his underwear and damn did he look good, from the way Josh was laying Justin could see the head of his cock. When Justin saw it he could feel his own cock start to jump and stiffen. Justin quickly looked away.

“Damn Josh, why don’t you put some clothes on? No one wants to see that little thing!” Justin joked.

“Little? I’ll show you little!” Josh said as he stood up.

Josh stood up, pulled his shorts right off and stood there completely naked. Justin’s heart jumped out of his chest. Now he could see every inch of his best friends cock. Even soft, Josh was as about six inches. Justin thought to himself how big could it get. Again he felt his own cock start to jump and start to harden.

“Now tell me ankara escort does this look little to you.” Josh said.

“Um… no, not at all. Okay you can put your shorts back on.” Justin said as he turned back toward the bathroom.

“Why? It’s not like you haven’t seen a guy naked before.” Josh replied as he pulled his shorts back up.

“But you’re my best friend; it is like seeing your brother naked.” Justin replied as he shut the door.

It was not the fact that they were best friends, it was the fact that Justin had been waiting forever to see Josh naked. Justin could feel himself starting to lose control and he knew that could be a disaster if it happened. He decided to jerk himself off to relieve the pressure. Justin sat on the lid of the toilet and he started to rub his cock through the towel. He started to think of Josh’s cock just sitting there in front of him, just waiting for his warm, wet mouth. Justin started to stroke faster, he thought of what it would feel like with Josh’s cock pushing up inside of him. Justin started to play around with his ass as he started to leak precum. He took the precum and used it for lube on his fingers. He slid his fingers into himself thinking of taking every last inch of Josh’s massive cock. Before Justin knew it he was shooting stream after stream of cum all over the floor. After catching his breath he cleaned up the mess, dressed and went back to the bedroom.

“Hey, do you want to watch any TV before we go to bed?” Josh asked.

“Sure, if you can find anything on.” Justin replied.

“Sorry about before, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” Josh said as he turned the TV on.

“You didn’t. Like you said, I have seen a guy naked before.” Justin replied.

“Oh, while you were in the bathroom I got a hold of Jason and thanked him for getting us lost. I also told him that we should be there sometime tomorrow morning. By the way, how are you feeling?” Josh asked.

“I’m feeling a little better. I think I just had a little too much sun.” Justin replied.

Josh tried to find something on TV for them to watch but could not, so they decided to turn in and get some sleep. Justin didn’t fall asleep right away; his mind kept racing, going back and forth with thought. He kept questioning whether he should he tell Josh about what was going on with his family or should he keep that a secret. What if it got back to his dad? He knew that if his dad ever found out he would most likely kill him. Justin laid there for about an hour before he finally fell asleep; it was not long before he started having nightmares. He began dreaming about the night before he left and how he and his dad had a huge fight. His dad told him that no one better find out that he is gay or he would have hell to pay. As the dream progressed it got worse and worse till it got to the point where Justin woke up sweating.

Justin sat on the edge of the bed, he felt like crying but didn’t want to wake up Josh, and so he put some clothes on and went outside. He walked over to the car, went into the glove box, got out a pack of cigarettes and lit one up. He sat down on a bench, which was outside of the room, and started to cry. He couldn’t take the abuse from his dad anymore, he felt like it was going to drive him insane if he tried to hide it anymore or have to deal with another day. While Justin was sitting on the bench the door to their room opened up and Josh walked outside.

“Justin what’s going on?” Josh asked as he sat next to Justin.

“Nothing I just can’t sleep.” Justin answered him.

“I can see that. But why can’t you sleep?” Josh asked.

“I just had a bad dream.” Justin replied as he took a drag from the cigarette.

“Yeah I know. I heard you talking in your sleep.” Josh replied.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up. What did I say in my sleep?”

“Well, you were telling someone to please stop, but you didn’t say who it was. Justin is there something I should know about?” Josh asked.

“I just get nightmares once and awhile.” Justin offered.

“Justin, I’m not stupid. I have known you for over five years now and I know when you’re lying to me, you’re not a good liar.” Josh remarked.

“I know you’re not stupid. I guess there is no use trying to lie to you. I just don’t know where to start.” Justin said as he took another drag off the cigarette.

“It seems to me the best place to start is at the beginning.” Josh replied.

“It is just I’m scared to death to tell anyone. What if my dad finds out I told? “Justin remarked.

“Justin, we are in south Virginia hundreds of mile away from home I doubt he could ever find out. Justin please tell me because if I can help you know I will.” Josh said.

“Okay, I’ll tell you but you have to promise that you will not tell anyone.” Justin begged.

“I can’t promise anything that might keep you in harm’s way. Just tell me.” Josh demanded.

“Do you want to know everything?” Justin asked.

“I don’t think I like where this is going but yes, tell me everything if you want.” Josh replied.

“Okay. My dad and I do not get along to well and sometime he has a tendency to go to the extreme.”

“Why would he just take it out on you? You have done nothing to deserve that. I mean my dad and I have had our differences but he has never hit me.”

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