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In Training and at Stud
Well, that pretty much set the pattern of my life for the next two years. Rachel was very pleased with me when I got home that night and handed her the letter for her that the Doctor at the clinic had given me for her. She had me stripped and standing in front of her as she read it.
“Dr Blackwell tells me that you are accepted on the clinic’s stud register and compliments me on the quality of your sperm. She says that with regular controlled ejaculations and the right diet and this zinc supplement, your volume will increase too.” Rachel told me.
She fondled my balls idly, rolling them in her long slim fingers and cupping them in her palms.
“Do they ache now after your orgasm?” she asked me.
“Only a little bit Mistress,” I admitted.
“Hhmm,” well they will strengthen with the exercise, “You will only ejaculate at the clinic, but you will masturbate every day under my supervision and I will massage them for you as you do it. I have a reputation to maintain at the clinic, I always send them the best trained sperm donors.”
My balls did ache after Rachel had finished with them that evening. She encircled my sacs with her finger and thumb and gently coaxed them down and away from my body, stretching the soft skin that contained my two hard testes so that they hung low. If she’d released them at that point, they would have swung low like two pendulum weights, but my cock stiffened alarmingly and tried to draw them back up again. Rachel was relentless though and traced the hard nuggets with hermher fingertips, squeezing and pulling them.
“Wank yourself.” she ordered.
I did so gratefully, despite my big orgasm earlier, my cock was rigid and stiff from Rachel playing with my balls. The stiffness in a man’s penis, the tension he experiences at the root in his groin is the most fantastic feeling a male can have, especially when a female is the cause of it happening. I quickly felt the basic urge to offload my sperm.
“Yes,” Rachel encouraged, “yes, go on, spurt now. Quick as you can.”
I did so and felt my balls jerk and jump in her firm grip as I did so. Thick white sperm flopped out in lazy spurts and I was delighted when Rachel caught it in her free hand.
“I know you think that you are not to wank between your sessions at the clinic, and that is true, but you are not due back there until next Friday and Dr Blackwell has written to me to advise that you be thoroughly exercised up until next Tuesday. She wants that all of your donation on Friday be freshly made, so we are going to wank you steadily for the next four days. Keep on wanking now.” Rachel told me.
My penis was slackening slightly by now, but her instruction stimulated me and slowly I felt full erection returning. As I wanked, Rachel sat back and I was delighted to see her spread my recent ejaculation into both palms and slowly work it into her fingers like a hand cream.
“The best hand cream in the world she smiled at me. And there’s not quite enough here, give me some more, come on, do your sperm quickly now.”
I masturbated furiously now, eager to retain my stiffness and then, as I knew would happen, I felt that deep sensation that told me that my orgasm would not be long. Six or seven strokes later and I was on the brink. Rachel held out her hand knowingly and with a further half dozen strokes I delivered another orgasm into it. A further small puddle of white joined the rest as my balls racked with seizures and a deep ache set in.
“You’re almost empty now, but thats not enough.” Rachel instructed.
She worked my fresh ejaculate into her fingers in a lazy cat-like way.
“Twice more tonight I think, ” she mused.
I continued wanking. My prick was no longer rock hard. Rachel made herself comfortable and turned on the TV, settling back to watch.
“Keep wanking yourself.” she told me.
I stood by her chair abusing my cock. Slowly her right hand reached out and curled around my balls, fondling them. My stiffness returned, my wanking became furious as I struggled to comply with her request for more. A female had demanded my sperm and I was unable to refuse. I orgasmed. My thigh muscles trembled and weakened and my balls jerked in her hand. Only a small bead of semen appeared which she wiped off with her thumb.
“Don’t stop. One more now, then you’ll be drained. Your orgasm becomes more intense as your balls empty and it will be easier for you to have another.”
It wasn’t that easy. I wanked for another half hour before any feeling of orgasm returned despite her constant grip on my balls, now swinging limp and loose from their strain and from the warmth of her hand. She noticed the change in me.
“Come on then, one more time. You’ll come dry this time and then you’ll be empty. You can go to bed and nurse your aching testes. Then we’ll start over in the morning.”
And so it was. When I came that last time, my balls writhed and every spasm was delicious agony as the intensity of the cebeci escort orgasm racked my body. An orgasm far more intense than when I was delivering my full cream, an orgasm more like to those that I’d observed in Rachel when I’d licked her out. My prick jerked and reared and my glans gaped vacantly like a dying fish struggling for air. My balls were quite empty.
Each day, Rachel made me repeat this. Each day, I wanked until I was dry. Five times on the Saturday. Six on the Sunday and seven on the Monday. I was exhausted but deeply fulfilled. On the final day of the training, I managed eight orgasms each time producing some thick white semen and only on the eighth, balls throbbing with a deep ache, did I rear wildly and produce nothing.
When I turned up for my appointment at the clinic on that first Friday, my balls felt pretty good. Rachel had exercised them thoroughly and fed me my zinc supplements each day, and now, three days later they were full again. They were sufficiently full that I knew that release was necessary.
I cannot adequately describe to a woman the feeling a male has when his balls are full. There is a deep seated glow in them, a silky heavy feeling, and a constant pushing demand for release that over-rides all other considerations. Women will know that a man in this state thinks with his cock, but really it is his balls. I’m not talking about the casual wank, fuck or orgasm, but the heavy insistence of a male whose balls have been brought to the peak of breeding condition and must offload his seed.
I entered the main entrance of the clinic and was greeted by Natalie behind the reception who smiled at me sweetly. She was absolutely stunning, petite with long blonde hair and a cheerful open disposition. My cock thought so too as I felt it stir.
“Hello K,” she greeted me, “as its your first visit, let me show you where you go in future. This reception area is really for our female clients and we don’t let the males in this way.” She took me through a door and led me around a corridor to the back of the building where she showed me an altogether lower standard entrance hall with simple waiting room chairs.
“You come in that door at your appointed time and wait here. One of the staff girls will call you in for your session then. Dr Blackwell will deal with you today as its your first donation.” she told me matter of factly.
Dr Blackwell did appear shortly after that.
“Hello K, I’m glad you’ve arrived on time, but of course we expect males from Rachel’s string of studs to be well behaved. Come on through K.” she told me.
The room was warm and clean but very sparse and clinical. A low table dominated the centre and a simple chair was placed by the wall. On the table were various things you might expect; tissues, wipes, a towel and a box of disposable gloves. Other things had functions not immediately obvious such as a small box labelled “Sample Tubes type 905” for instance.
“Strip naked for me please K,” Dr Blackwell asked me, indicating that I was to place my clothes on the chair. No privacy then, but what should I expect really.
“As its your first time here, I will extract your sperm this time K.” Dr Blackwell told me. “So that we don’t have any mishaps or misunderstandings though, I’m going to make sure your hands are out of the way. I don’t expect any difficulty with you, I’m sure Rachel will have trained you properly, but some of our bigger hunkier studs can get very excited when they are erect.
She put on a single disposable glove on her left hand. “You may have some preconceived ideas of how this things work, but I need to tell you that we do not just leave you in a room on your own with a pornographic magazine. The delivery of your sperm needs to be supervised and observed so each time you attend here you will masturbate yourself while I or one of my assistants supervises the operation.
She took a damp tissue from a box marked as antiseptic wipes and proceeded to clean my shaft with it very thoroughly. Not just the shaft but under the foreskin and behind the crest and all of my glans until is shone wetly. This of course had the effect of stimulating me too and so my erection was rearing and surging in her hand eagerly.
“Good boy,” she said soothingly as her hand rippled my foreskin causing me to rear up wildly, “now, take yourself in hand and masturbate for me now please.”
I wanked briskly while Dr Blackwell extracted a sample tube from the box and uncapped it ready.
“Come along K, ” she urged me, “I need your sperm quickly. Do you sperm for me now please. Good Boy!”
The last was because she could see I was ready, and she held the sample tube over my swollen glans right over my gaping meatus just as my balls went into spasm. Thickly, I shot my load and she caught each spurt neatly in the sample tube. Five or six powerful spurts of warm sperm hit the glass without wasting a drop. Dr. Blackwell waiting until my orgasm subsided and çekmeköy escort my penis softened slightly and then with her finger and thumb gripped me quite firmly at the root and milked my shaft of the last few drops.
“Good Boy,” she repeated soothingly as she held up the tube for examination and replaced its cap. “Get dressed now please.”
As I did so, I saw her weigh the tube before labeling it and make some notes on what was obviously my file. She took 15 shillings from a petty cash box to give to me with an instruction to hand this over to Rachel and to return on Tuesday morning at 09:00.
Thus began a phase of my life that lasted two years. I was given 15 shillings per donation, the equivalent of about £15 in today’s money, which in my case I had to hand over to my mistress. I had to present myself at the clinic twice a week, on Tuesday mornings and on Friday afternoons, and was not permitted to ejaculate at any other time. Of course for me this was easy as I had my Mistress Rachel controlling me.
I don’t think that I was ever fitter than in that two years at stud. My balls were strong and my orgasms powerful and my penis always rose to erection on demand. At masturbation times of course, I was always more than ready to ejaculate a after 3 days of build up.
At the clinic I was never attended to by Dr.Blackwell again as there was no need for her attention. One or other of the young girls that worked at the clinic would take charge of me. They were all very efficient, but being younger and with less responsibility than Dr.Blackwell would treat me a bit less informally and mostly masturbated me themselves as they found it speeded things up. I think they all knew that I belonged to Rachel though as she was quite well known at the clinic. I was just the latest stud in her stable.
On only three occasions did I fail to make a donation. I’d been attending for about four months when Claire came in to supervise me. She’d been working at the clinic for about two weeks and had handled me once before. The session proceeded as normal, but I could see that she had a leaflet with her as she attended to me. As she turned it over, I saw that it had my photograph on it as well as the other pictures that had been taken when I signed on at the clinic. Claire looked at me.
“Oh,” she said, “this is your brochure you know. I suppose you haven’t seen it have you? It has everything about you on here. This is what the female clients browse when they are choosing a male.”
Claire wanked me in the normal way. I did not disappoint her and as she capped off my sperm, instead of putting in the rack, she placed it in her handbag and gave me 15 shillings from her purse.
“This is for me,” she smiled, “I’ve chosen you, but I’m not paying what they charge at this place.”
I didn’t see Claire again. She left the clinic right after that, and I suppose she only took the job to have access to the donor files and ultimately her chosen donor, me.
The second occasion came after about a year and was similar in its outcome, but very different in its manner. I was attended to by Jenny who I’d only seen in passing as she’d never dealt with me before. When I was stripped, Jenny shocked me by hitching up her skirt and bending forward over the table.
“Hurry up K,” she instructed, “come along, do it quickly before we are found out.”
I looked at her naked vagina glistening at me from between her legs. Her outer lips were parted and I could see her vaginal passage opening up for me. It was a wonderful sight and so very pretty, but it was the first time that I had ever copulated. Instinct took over and when I placed my glans between her labia, it slid into her with a slippery ease which surprised me. My hips jerked and I felt her clench tightly on my penis, squeezing it. That triggered my orgasm right away and I grunted softly as I delivered my sperm this time safely right inside a woman. Jenny just pulled her skirt down afterwards. I suppose she dealt with the surplus semen later.
“I’m putting you down as a ‘no-show'” she told me, “they won’t hold that against you for once, but I’m not paying for your donation.”
As with Claire, I never saw Jenny again and I wondered how many young women took employment at the clinic for the purposes of becoming pregnant, but it only happened to me on those two visits. Of course, I had to tell Rachel what had happened and why I hadn’t got her money. I think she contacted the clinic, but Jenny had already given notice.
On the third occasion I was not at the clinic and because of it had to miss my regular donation…
I had no idea of the purpose to which my sperm was being put. Of course I knew that it was being given to women to have babies, but which women and how many offspring I had sired was hidden from me of course. Rachel knew differently though, as through her contacts with the clinic and her friends who worked there she had all my records. I found çerkes escort her reading them one afternoon towards the end of my two years.
“They are very pleased with you at the clinic K,” she told me, “You have proved to be a very profitable donor and you’ve been in good demand, in fact it says here that most of your deposits have already been used up.
I asked for information and was surprised when she offered it.
“Out of the 175 donations you have made so far, 157 have been de-frozen and used, with 131 clients. Your sperm has a very high success rate and a high incidence of needing only one insemination.”
I paused while I assimilated the obvious information that I had sired 131 babies, or 133 if you included Claire and Jenny.
“So I have plans for you K,” Rachel told me, “Your time at the clinic is nearly up and they won’t accept you for any longer, but I am going to offer you at stud privately to extend your useful breeding time.”
This was the third incidence when I missed my donation at the clinic. On this Friday afternoon, Rachel telephoned my apologies and kept me with her. Shortly afterwards the doorbell sounded and I admitted an older woman. She was accompanied by a startlingly attractive young girl.
“Hell Josie, please come in.” greeted my Mistress as the women was ushered to a seat. “This must be the lovely Denise. My, you are beautiful my dear.”
Rachel tipped up Denise’s chin to look into her face as she said this, before sitting with Josie. Denise made no attempt to be seated any more than I, but stood silently. I was directed to serve tea and cakes while Josie and Rachel talked.
“This is the male I imagine,” Josie said finally as she looked up at me. “Come close boy.”
She had me turn for her and studied my body from every angle before reaching up and cupping my testicles. Her fingers curled around them and she squeezed firmly.
“Well, he’s nicely muscled. Lightly built but just right for Denise I think. You’re right about one thing Rachel, he has a fine pair of bollocks on him.” Josie commented and continued, “Denise has just turned eighteen and I promised her that she would have her first baby as soon as she did. Denise, strip off now please my dear.”
Denise slowly undid the buttons on her crisp white blouse and followed by unfastening the zip on her tight black skirt. Both items of clothing were folded neatly on the table.
“I did think of putting a huge great male on her, it would have been amusing I think, but your boy will do well enough for her first. She’s only five foot one, maybe another time!” Josie chuckled wickedly.
Indeed Denise was only a tiny girl, even I dwarfed her as she stood naked to the waist in only her knickers and her heels. With her mid-length blonde hair brushing her shoulders she was stunning. My penis was already erect.
“Your boy is ready I see,” laughed Josie, “Denise, take off your knickers now and go on all fours. He can take you from behind. Make sure he gets a good look at your pussy.”
Denise obeyed and stood firmly on her hands and knees and parted her legs widely. Her pussy, completely shaven, was puffy and swollen. I caught the scent of it. She was ready for penetration and my cock knew it.
“Mount her K,” Rachel ordered me. Probably the most unnecessary order ever given, I could hardly have restrained myself given the prospect of copulating with this eighteen year old beauty.
On my knees behind her, I eased my penis into her and felt her tight wetness as I slid in to the hilt. She pushed back at me, eager for my invading cock. There on the carpet in front of the two women who were our owners I fucked Denise with deep slow thrusts. It was not a long performance. The vision of her wide hips and rounded bottom in front of me and the tightness of her cunt defeated me in minutes. The little minx was squeezing her pelvic floor to milk me as fast as she could. She wanted my sperm urgently and she got it too. I threw my head back and thrust as my balls jerked and ejaculated their load deep into her.
I was sent away to my room after that, and the three women were left to talk, my duty was done and I was finished with.
Two months later Rachel reminded me that my time at the sperm clinic was finished and I’d be making my last donations soon.
“I can’t have you idle, and you did a good job of impregnating Denise, so I’m looking to keep you at stud privately. Denise was a trial, you did her for nothing as Josie is a friend of mine and when Josie starts selling Denise’s milk, I’ll get a cut. I’ve advertised your services and soon I’m going to show you to a few prospective clients.” Rachel told me.
True to her word, a few weeks later she told me to be ready. I was certainly ready, as with no clinic to attend, I’d not orgasmed for over a week.
“I have a lady coming this afternoon to view you.” She warned.
This was to be a typical encounter from now on. Rachel had obviously arranged good contacts and advertised me somewhere and after a while I was being offered by recommendation too. I even got to see some of my c***dren as a few of the women I’d served came back to see Rachel occasionally after they had had their babies. They often brought their friends and I was aware that Rachel negotiated my services sometimes then.
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