16 Ekim 2024

Futanari Notebook Ch. 42

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What was she doing? A Seikogami, reduced to waiting, awake in the bed of the human with her Futa Note and staring at the ceiling. Madness came in all forms, even the mundane. More so as she ruminated over yesterday, everything Carmen had said and done, the fear in her eyes that gradually faded into a void, and her command. Ryuka hid the book as requested, buried it deep in a pile of clothes Carmen was too conservative to wear, but she still worried. From the way Carmen had left, it seemed she planned to be gone for days. Perhaps weeks.

She turned onto her side. The human’s sheets brushed against her skin, sensation rippling across like goosebumps, and she breathed deep. Carmen’s scent lingered, in spite of her efforts to eradicate it, even going so far as to cum on the bed. She removed most signs of it, save the aroma, and yet Carmen consumed her focus. Like a poison, the smell ran through her body and into her veins to fill out her cock, still hard after a night of waiting.

“Futile,” Ryuka snickered at the monolithic shaft, “It’s not like she’ll ever let you in.” But how she wished Carmen would. Human, Seikogami, or something between, the futa possessed something unique beyond just the Futa Note. Her perseverance? Her love for others? The strange connection she had with the book?

Ryuka wasn’t a diligent study like her roommate, nor was she inclined to investigate. It could be any number of aspects beyond the physical. Oh yes, physically, there was no question why she was attracted to the human. Perhaps she didn’t yet embody the excess that some did, but the potential was there, coiled up like a cobra ready to strike. Or was a python more accurate? She chuckled. Yes, that made sense. Desire was a crushing feeling, the kind that left one choking for air between thrusts or licks or kisses. Ryuka teased her lips, wondering what a genuine kiss was like.

Foolish. There should be nothing different from the lustful collision of tongues and lips that she was accustomed to, yet she couldn’t keep it from her mind. She’d witnessed Rachel and Carmen just lie in bed together, wrapped in each other’s arms, stealing the occasional peck on the cheek or lips. It did turn heavy shortly after, but even then it was slow, less purposeful and more like an exploration of the other. It was gentle.

Such lingering thoughts broke down at the sound of the front door. A voice soon followed, shouted loud enough to startle birds outside Carmen’s window. Ryuka sank through the physical realm, appearing on the ground floor in the living room, where she could peer into the hallway and at the figures standing in it. Only two, but one took all the attention just by existing.

“Where were you?” Carmen’s mother, Alicia, inquired, face red as she looked her child in the eye. For reasons unfathomable, the Futa Note kept most from seeing Carmen’s developments, even the fact she now towered over her parent, who seemed used to, or didn’t notice, the gorgeous breasts hanging directly in her face. Alicia didn’t even look down at the impressive bulges in Carmen’s sweatpants. Had she left wearing those? In fact, her sweater looked unfamiliar too. The only thing Ryuka recognised was the bag.

“I just needed to see my friends,” Carmen said.

“Don’t give me that. You’ve been acting strange. I try talking to you and you… you just brush it off. What’s going on?” Alicia took her hands and held them tight, pleading eyes still gazing straight into Carmen’s, “You have to talk to me.”

“It’s really nothing. I… we lost track of time. It was already really late when I noticed so I didn’t want to call, in case you were asleep.” That seemed a logical explanation. Ryuka would’ve been placated by that, but she wasn’t a mother.

“I couldn’t sleep. Do you have any idea how worried I was? Every day you’ve been going out for hours at night, then you come back, avoid me, and do it all again. Do you have any idea how stressful that is?”

“It won’t happen again. I promise.”

“That’s not the point!” Alice took a deep breath, nose crinkling, “What is that smell?”

A smiled creaked into life on Carmen’s face, “I was with Zoey and she started working out. Roped me into it too.”

“Well… you should have a bath. We’ll talk more later.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Mom,” Carmen pulled her into a hug, grinning as her mother playfully gagged, but returned the embrace, heedless of the breasts that eclipsed her head, or the genitals shoving into her. How many women and futanari would give their lives just to feel that? Ryuka knew one intimately.

Carmen separated and glided upstairs. Ryuka floated to the foot, watching the graceful dance of the human’s ass cheeks, made to lift and drop in perfect symphony amid the delicious thighs and glimpses of so many balls. On her pride as a Seikogami, she would not let Carmen bathe alone. She followed up to the bathroom door, then paused. Much as she wanted to just go in, Carmen had several hangups about being seen naked. Perhaps not anymore, but Ryuka still tapped seks izle into the futa’s mind.

‘May I come in?’ A short affirmation greeted her. Ryuka floated past the door, eyes darting straight to the naked back facing her. She traced the curves, each slight ridge of muscle or bone elegantly contoured to her femininity, that led and flared out into the stunning display of fertility that were Carmen’s hips. Even from behind, the futa’s breasts were visible as she raised her arms to straighten out her much darker hair. It’s tar-like depths highlighted the white sludge splattered across it. So much had changed in just a night.

“What happened?” Ryuka asked, then her eyes fell on the notebook balanced on the bathtub’s edge. How?

“I don’t remember it all,” Carmen said, dipping a hand into the filling tub, steam rising, “I’m still a little drunk I think.”

“Drunk?” Ryuka barked, incapable of halting the laugh before it erupted.

Carmen smiled and shrugged, “I thought it’d help. But it just made things worse.” The water sufficiently hot and the tub full, she turned off the faucet, then faced Ryuka, “I don’t know even know what I am anymore.”

Ryuka stared. Her nature as a goddess of sex should bring her eyes lower, to devour every facet of the stunning nude form stood before her, however she couldn’t so much as glance away from Carmen’s gaze. Nothing in history, not in Ryuka’s several millennia alive, preceded the sight. She hovered closer until she felt Carmen’s breaths and smelled the distinct odour of sweat and sex, yet she remained captive.

“So you’ve never seen this before either?”

Ryuka blinked, finally breaking the hold, and shook her head, “This is… You have to tell me what happened.”

Carmen sank into the bathwater, leaning back with a soft moan. The tub wasn’t big enough for her height and she draped a leg over the side, flawless palor leading to an erotic blight on her skin; the black sheath lording over two much lighter shafts. All were supported by an overcrowded sack of six balls, each larger than grapefruit. They stole the show even from her enlarged tits.

An explanation later, “Then I went to the restroom and my eyes were like this.”

Ryuka, out of respect, did her best to keep soft throughout Carmen’s tale. She’d never done so before and it proved harder than any shaft in her life. Even keeping her dick to a semi-erection had been easier, but she managed.

“Are you sure you didn’t write your own name?” Ryuka asked.

“I checked. Feel free to do it yourself.”

Ryuka did, scanning each of Carmen’s entries. It was like she said; none of hers had changed. She didn’t stop, however, and drooled over the scrawl of names, their transformations more decadent than the last. Making conjoined twins? A human centaur creation? For Carmen to indulge like that, her future looked bright. If not for the confusing pensive look in her incredible eyes as she stared at the ceiling.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ve always been confident about my future,” Carmen said, squeezing out some dried cum from her hair, “Even when we were basically destitute, I knew I’d make it right. That’s part of what kept me going. Gretchen and Mary could say or do whatever they wanted, but I knew I’d outgrow them eventually. Then I found the Futa Note and things escalated, got better, then worse and worse, and now I’m here. Don’t even know if I’m human.”

A chuckle escaped her as moisture brimmed in her eyes, “I’m scared. I don’t know what the fuck is next. That entire strip club became my playthings. I had more sex in one night, with more people, than I ever thought I would in my entire life.”

“There’s nothing…”

“And I still want more. When I hugged my mom, I thought about writing her name. I hitch hiked back home and everyone that picked me up, I wrote their names and fucked them too. Some of them must have families and now they’re futanari, always hungry for sex, but not with their partners. They’ll always think about me. Just like the strippers. And yet I just want to do it again. More even.”

She curled up into a ball, tits squishing past her legs and cocks hugged tight between her thighs. Shuddering breaths escaped her. Locks of hair fell around Carmen’s face, slipping from the collective like threads of her mind. She looked to the her side, at the notebook back at her side. Where it belonged. Always had. Always would.

“I’m fucking terrified of myself. More now than ever. I know what’s right, but I don’t know if I care anymore. Controlling people feels so good. Fucking them feels so good. I just… What am I gonna do next?”

“Perhaps it’s not much of a victory right now, but did you hear yourself?” Ryuka sank and rested her head on the rim, beaming at the confused human, “You’re scared. Last I checked, that’s an emotion you’re feeling.”

“I…” Carmen’s gaze widened, the pink around her malformed pupils shining brilliantly against the crimson background, and a terse grin teased her sexmex lips. A tear rolled down her cheek, plopping into the water. More followed, yet her smile broadened as a dismayed laugh clawed free, “One step forward, two back, I guess.”

“Hey, you’re more ‘you’ now than before. Take your victories as they come, Carmen, otherwise you never enjoy life.”

“Yeah.” Carmen wiped at her eyes and chuckled, “I’m not sure what felt better; punching Gretchen or the orgy last night.”

“I’d wager punching Gretchen is pretty close.”

“Yeah. Yeah, it was. Thanks for not helping her by the way. And for being here. I would’ve spiralled into who knows what.”

Ryuka fumbled for words, an unusual grip on her chest, “Not a problem. I’m invested in your progress, besides you’re far more likeable.”

“You make me sound like a protagonist in your story.”

“Not my story. Yours. I’m just here to observe and enjoy.”

“But you want to do more than observe, right?” Carmen reached over and folded her fingers with Ryuka’s, sharing the heat and pulse of her heart, then shuffled forward to create room behind her, “You can join me, if you’d like.” Her grip tightened. Was it an invitation or a demand? Ryuka let the question linger and slid in behind the smaller futa, who lifted herself to sit upon Ryuka’s lap, their legs flush together as they draped over the edge. Whatever caused Carmen’s abrupt growth was clearly magical. No human, natural or fake, had a rump as soft or shapely as hers.

Ryuka folded her arms around her, mindful of Carmen’s breasts as her hands cupped them. No admonishment met her action however, instead a gentle sigh, no more than a wisp of air on her skin, welcomed her. Desire filtered into her shaft, thickening it beneath Carmen’s body. She thought of apologising, but the human said nothing. Was she inviting her to do more? Best not to tempt fate, Ryuka thought. Her cock kept swelling tiny bit by bit against her will.

Not many could do such a thing. Even other Seikogami with all their power rarely aroused her against her will. The queen was perhaps the only other that did it involuntarily. Ryuka squeezed the human’s tits, fighting the urge to use her powers.

“It’s alright,” Carmen said, then yawned, head sinking into the cloud-like bed of Ryuka’s bust. Her strange eyes looked up at her, “You’ve done so much for her.”


Ryuka’s query went unheard as Carmen’s eyes drifted shut and the gentlest snores rumbled in her chest. Lips parted and glistening, relaxed for the first time in so long, and the apparent offer tugged on Ryuka’s own sensibilities. It could’ve been anyone else and she would’ve rammed her cock up their ass and/or cunt instantly, yet she hesitated. All her brethren would mock her. What kind of Seikogami passed off such a vague invite to ravage at will?

She leaned over, lips centimetres from the ones she desired, and held still. Those peaceful breaths warred against her deepening gusts, as she fought her own urges. Seikogami were beings of instinct. What they want, they took and did. She wanted Carmen to ask her, to make the first move, despite the signs of her own desire being obvious. Ryuka glanced to the futa’s crotch where the unnatural black sheath had risen slightly. It blended into her flesh so smoothly that it was eerie.

Rather than linger on her thoughts, Ryuka closed the small gap. Their lips met and, though Carmen didn’t react, it stole her heart. Why after millennia alive did one human affect her so?

“I suppose this is that ‘fate’ you humans constantly mention,” Ryuka mused, lips resting against Carmen’s forehead. She ran her hands through the abyssal hair, removing any semen that stuck to it, and found an odd serenity in doing so, “Or maybe it’s something else? Something stronger?” She looked to the notebook.

Carmen slept on through the bath, even as Ryuka washed her body. It seemed her story was true, stains of depravity covered her skin, layers upon layers dried and reapplied. The fact she missed such an event was unfortunate, however she expected many repeats to come if Carmen’s words proved genuine. She dried the human off and carried her to bed, wary of Alicia’s presence. Most humans would find a floating body unusual. Against her will, she even dressed her.

The night must’ve been long for Carmen to sleep past midday. Even in the recent, tumultuous events with Gretchen and her own psyche, she’d maintained a routine as best she could. Ryuka laid underneath her, offering the futa her own body as comfort, though she had ulterior reasons. The weight of a body, in particular one as soft and voluptuous as Carmen’s, and its heat on hers was enough to lull her into a fugue state. She almost envied Carmen for sleeping, something her race lacked.

But if she did sleep, she’d have missed the familiar footsteps coming upstairs.

“Carmen? Are you here?” Rachel asked and opened the door.

Carmen’s eyes fluttered open and frowned. Half her vision was… not gone, sikiş but it couldn’t be where she was looking. Where one eye zipped about her room, skimming across telltale signs of a dreamscape, like the wavy nature of her walls, the other seemed fixated upon her own body from an outsider’s view. Then she found the personified Futa Note straddling her, its weight suddenly on her hips and groin. Where not long ago its body was an exaggeration of her own, now more similarities matched them than not. Even down to the duo of human cocks submissively underneath the equine shaft.

“Welcome back.” Carmen blinked, though one eye remained open and staring. Her pulse quickened, a hand went to her left eye, but did nothing to obscure the vision of herself it projected. The Futa Note blinked and the sight vanished for an instant. It wasn’t hers anymore. She looked up at the book, its tits concealing half its face, but the nose and eyes were clear, including the empty socket surrounded by black creepers that shifted in agitation the longer she gawked. Likewise, Carmen’s own face lacked an eye. The one she retained was just like the Futa Note’s, which itself mirrored the changes from reality.

“What have you done to me?”

The book leaned back and arched its chest, nipples swelling to cast long shadows across the bed. It sighed and relaxed, ass squishing into Carmen’s crotch, “I helped you once more.”

“What have you done to me?” Carmen repeated, thunder rumbled in her voice, twisting the question into a threat.

“Isn’t it obvious?” The Futa Note fell forward, their eerily matched faces brushed lips, though hers were stitched shut, “No human or Seikogami can defy a Futa Note. It’s rules… it’s power is absolute. You’re lucky I’ve taken a shine to you.”

“Answer the question.”

The book pouted, “Fine, but you’d better make it up to me later. I’m not just doing this from the goodness of my… heart? Soul? Do I have those? Never really considered them. Sorry, my thoughts derail so easily since last night, must be the humanity. You’re brilliant, Carmen, surely you understand what this means?” It gestured to their missing eyes, “Even I can’t alter my own rules freely. It risks far more than you comprehend. But there’s an easy fix I just needed the opportunity to enact; a merger. With it, you’re largely exempt from my rules. Including my little mistake.”

At Carmen’s shocked inhale, it added, “Only a partial merger! Just the tiniest fraction of ourselves.”

“Give me a number,” Carmen demanded.

“Hmm? Oh, uh, I’d say something like… 1/1’000’000. I might’ve gotten away with less, but couldn’t chance it.”

“And that changed me?”

“Yes and no. Yes, it did change you. The eyes and juicy horse dick for instance, but your abrupt growth elsewhere? That was your desire leaking out. Oh, did you think I was making you grow all this time? That’s only half the truth, Carmen.” The book pulled her into an upright pose, still in her lap, but their faces were level, “I merely reacted to your wishes. The curves, the beauty, the pheromones, the power, it all stems from you.”

Carmen swallowed, like clearing her throat would somehow make sense of everything being told to her. Why was she only learning this now? It should’ve told her sooner. No, the book wasn’t at fault, nor was Ryuka. She had opportunities to dig for answers, but just assumed it to be some combination of the book and Ryuka. If she’d just taken those chances or chased them herself, how much of the recent weeks or months could have been avoided? This was her fault for letting the world determine her actions.

First her family and financial circumstances made her choices. Then the book’s appearance and Mary’s group irked her on, but she kept trying to follow the original path, not taking a proactive role as she should have. When Gretchen almost put her family on the streets, and razed her first genuine relationship to ruin, the book was right there, yet she thought herself above revenge. Look how that turned out.

Gretchen had done everything to depress her life, yet it was all her own fault. A hand stalled her thoughts, fingers caressed her cheek and urged her forward, so her forehead touched the Futa Note’s. She looked down at a serene smile.

“Sounds like someone needs you,” it said and leaned away to peer into her eye, that smile bereft of all the lust she knew it for, like a mother sending her child off to live their own life. Then the dreamscape melted into shadow, daylight attacked her through eyelids and a different weight was on her body. Lighter than the Futa Note, despite it being part of a dream, but no less soft or familiar. She cracked an eye open to see a wave of red splayed across her chest.


The swathe of crimson lifted and parted to reveal stunning green eyes and flushed cheeks, “Oh! Uh… hey.”


“How are you?” Rachel wouldn’t meet her eyes, nor would she move from her spot, head cresting over Carmen’s breasts like the most welcome star of all.

“Tired,” Carmen mumbled and wrapped her in an arm and rolled over, hugging the much smaller futa against herself. Since last night, the gap between them had only broadened, making Rachel seem fragile, almost doll-like in her size.

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