17 Ekim 2024

Three Errant Theology Students Ch. 02

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South of Ephesus, we then did take off a night in bed with her – or she with us. Even on a long honeymoon, couples don’t have sex every night. Our trip together was not a honeymoon, of course, but she had a “very understanding attitude,” as Hannes had said, and we respected easily her choice to just sleep a night with the one or other of us. Our “nights off” in bed with her averaged out, eventually developing into a routine. When one of us didn’t one night, he slept with her the following night and did. She always then did want to.

That pattern didn’t really develop until later, and there were exceptions. It took me a couple of months to recognize that after her period, she wanted it three or four nights in a row. Needless to say, Hannes and I were more than pleased to oblige her, usually having our cocks sucked to orgasm before she wanted to ride on them, later in the night enjoying an easy sixty-nine, sometimes a fuck in the morning, especially when my cock – don’t know about Hannes’ – was between her thighs, her fingers then helping it find her pussy. Then we would fuck in that position, fingers of both our hands rubbing her clitoris. After a night like that, it was easy to keep my hands off my cock the following night, even when I was listening to them doing about the same in the bed below me.

That was the routine, but there were exceptions.

On the south coast of Turkey, long before there were tourist hotels everywhere, we found a secluded little beach and went skinny dipping again. Then we were lying soaking up the warm sun. I am sure Hannes cock and balls were like mine: my sack very loose, my cock as long and full as it could be without becoming aroused.

That was very pleasant, so nicely aware of it without its being aroused, despite lying naked with Marie naked between us. Suddenly she sat up. It was always nice to see how her breasts moved. She looked down to her left and right at us and said cheerfully:

“Interesting to see you both like that, first time, I think. Hm-hmm! You’re not both thinking about me, I hope.”

“Not me, just the nice warm sun,” Hannes replied.

“Same here, but since you asked …” I added jocularly.

“Oh, then I could too,” he enjoined with a chuckle.

“Especially if you keep staring, as though you hadn’t seen them before,” I added.

“Not really; too modest to really look, and when it wasn’t dark, they weren’t like now, and when it was dark, I couldn’t see them.”

“We couldn’t ever see you,” I remarked.

“No,” Hannes agreed.

“You are thinking about me,” she said.

“You started this; maybe it’s you – thinking about us,” I replied, still in a joking tone.

She shrugged and agreed:

“Well, now I am, I guess. Hmmm? Oh, I know, I want to suck your balls, try to. Never did that, but sometimes thought about doing it. Stand up and let me, both of you.”

Hannes and I did. By now, our cocks weren’t so relaxed. So that’s how his looked, I thought, seeing it that way for the first time, seeing that his foreskin had slipped back, just hiding the groove below the head of his cock. He was looking at mine, probably seeing it the same way. I thought it inappropriate to look down and check, but Marie was looking back and forth at them, apparently intending to remain seated and to have us stand over her.

She raised her hands towards each of us, beckoning with her fingers, moving them like she did when she was jostling my balls. Hannes and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. I gestured for him to go first. He nodded with smirk and stepped over Marie’s thighs. She nodded with a chuckle, also smirking. He had to bend his knees to lower his balls to her upturned mouth. Her fingers stuffed the lower one in his loose sack between her lips. He hummed, giving me a grin. I saw her mouth close around it. When he responded: “Oooh! Uhnn!” it suddenly occurred to me that she could bite it off. Of course, she wouldn’t, but it gave new meaning to the expression “having someone by his balls.”

I could imagine how she could be sucking and licking his ball – licking a few hairs too. This was going to be good, and obviously was being for him, his cock inching up. She saw it and batted it gently, making it swing from side to side. My cock then was also rising. What was she going to do, when we both had full erections? And what about our seeing her pussy? I wanted to see what my tongue had been licking – now so many times. Hannes must also want to.

She let his ball pop out of her mouth and looked up at him, batting his cock again. It was now too stiff to swing as much as it had before, springing back against her fingers. She grinned and said:

“You must have liked that as much as I did.”

“I hope you did,” he murmured, looking like he was a little embarrassed by my staring at his almost fully erect cock.

She nodded, then looked at me, beckoning again. He stepped aside. As I stepped closer and over her thighs, she grinned and batted my cock, already near half mast. bakire porno I bent my knees and watched her stuff my left ball in her mouth. Oooh! It did feel good, like I had imagined, but even better! My cock started to rise about the horizontal. If Hannes wanted to see it, I had seen his.

She closed her mouth around my ball and sucked and licked for a few seconds more, then released it, looking up past my cock at me with grin. She glanced over at Hannes’ cock, which had sunk down a notch or two, and said:

“Guess I should have expected that; certainly hadn’t seen them like that.”

“We haven’t either, each other’s,” Hannes murmured, looking at mine, then glancing up at me with wry smile.

“What am I supposed to do with them now; kind of my fault that they’re like that?”

“Very much your fault,” I replied, still stand over her.

Hannes nodded, then chuckled and said:

“I can think of something. Hmmm! Don’t even mind watching, but only if you promise to be fair.”

“I really should have expected that,” Marie replied with a wry smirk and nodded.

She batted my cock again and then grasped it, pulling on it to help herself onto her knees. She glanced over at Hannes with a grin and then stared at my cock. She let go of it and jostled my balls, then snickered and licked, chuckling when it bobbed away. Good thing that he had said he could watch, I thought, she was obviously intending to make this more interesting for him – and me.

She played at doing that a couple of times, until my cock was again so erect that it could only twitch. I nodded with a chuckle and gave Hannes a grin. He also grinned, nodding back and said:

“I always wanted to know how someone does that.”

We all snickered at his facetious remark, Marie just jostling my balls for a moment. She licked again and then lowered her mouth around the head of my cock. I moaned, and he also did, his cock rising a little in empathy with mine. I suddenly hoped that just watching – having to watch – wasn’t going to be so arousing for him that he had to grasp his cock.

He didn’t, and maybe Marie had thought about that too; she didn’t do anything to prolong my pleasure, continuing to suck and lick, then bobbing her head, when her fingers could only hold my tight sack. I was moaning, my eyes half closed. When I recalled that he was watching, I opened them and saw that his balls had also drawn up – but he wasn’t holding his cock. My hips twitched, and I forgot about him, my eyes again almost closed, as I felt her hand grasp my cock, moving on it with her bobbing head. She didn’t just like to do it, she did it so good!

That good! I came with a grunt, and she moaned, several times. Hannes knew why; he also moaned. If it was that arousing for him to just watch, I didn’t want to glance to see if he was holding his cock. Marie raised her head, licking her lips as she smiled slightly, and murmured:

“Good thing that I really like to do that, but you two are really going to have to do more than just see me.”

I nodded, then venturing to glance at Hannes, seeing him also nod. He wasn’t holding his cock, at least, not now. I stepped back, my cock bobbing. She beckoned for him to take my place. When he stepped closer, I saw a drop of clear liquid oozing out of his little slit, not the first one. She licked up more from the back of the head of his cock. Of course, it twitched away, like he had seen mine do. She licked again and murmured: “Tastes good,” and then the head of his cock disappeared between her lips.

I wondered if it had been better to go first, having had my orgasm, so it wouldn’t be arousing to watch them. Or was it better for him, vicariously aroused by watching us, and now enjoying anticipating his own – sort of one and half orgasms?

He was enjoying it, of course. If Marie had understood that he shouldn’t have just to watch for too long – she must have, tasting that – now she compensated by letting his cock pop out, while her fingers scratched and pinched his sack, pulling at it. She had promised with a nod to be fair.

A really inappropriate thought suddenly popped in my head – before his cock popped back in her mouth. Of course a theology student studying for the ministry should be fair, treat all persons alike, caritas and all that, the religious expression, Greek “agape.” His cock was back in her mouth when I remembered that “agape” was also the word for an early Christian meal, often described as a love feast. Wasn’t her sucking both our cocks sort of a love feast, especially if we could return the favor, everything else we did?! How was I ever again going to be able to hear or use the word without thinking about this?!

I tried to forget about that, recalling how what she was doing had felt for my cock, enjoying hearing his aroused moans, then how his hips twitched. Of course, it was going to be just as good for him, her “being fair.” Don’t think about that again!

He came. Did it taste just like evli porno mine had? She could certainly know now from having just had us both spurt in her mouth. His cock slipped out, and she glanced over at mine with a “hmmpf” and said: “I’m not going to do it again.”

I looked down and saw that my cock was again fully aroused, as she added:

“But you two are. I don’t know yet what, and not here, but anything I want.”

I nodded, and Hannes and I replied in unison:

“We will,” then glancing at each other and nodding with smiles.

“You’d better,” Marie murmured and reached up for Hannes to help her up off her knees.

I thought that I would have embraced her after that – or she me – but they didn’t. “Love feast,” forget it! That was about a group sharing a meal together in their Christian love of God. Forget it, “agape”! Oh, spelled like the English word “agape,” like a wide open pussy! How did hers look?!

We picked up our towels and returned to the van in silence, until Marie murmured:

“Good thing this place is so secluded; having just one of you watching was kind of funny.”

“That’s not the word for how it was for us,” I replied, Hannes agreeing:

“It sure wasn’t. Hmm? Now I know why people are voyeurs.”

“You wanted to watch,” Marie said with a smirk.

“I said that I wouldn’t mind watching.”

I grinned and replied:

“But now that you don’t mind and know why …?”

“Stop it you two!” Marie interjected, then smiling and adding:

“My fault, and I wanted to. Well, not until I had sucked your balls. Hmm? Must have reminded my tongue, mouth of something.”

“It sure did us, ours, ‘something’,” Hannes replied with a grin.

We all nodded with chuckles and smiles, and took turns washing where most necessary, agreeing to drive on to find a place to refill our water containers and wash after our skinny dipping. We almost forgot to put on clothes before we set off. We found a stream down under the road and stopped. After filling our two water containers, down under the bridge, we washed, much more lasciviously that we had before, when we had turned away to wash cocks, her pussy and breasts.

Of course, she was expecting us to do what she wanted with her pussy, wanted us to know that it was clean, wanted us to think about it. What else could we think about, both of us watching her and letting her watch us flop our cocks and balls around? We could, our cocks plenty long and loose enough to entertain her, appreciated by her grins.

We drove on. Long before sundown, she snickered and said:

“Let’s find another secluded spot, since you want to see me.”

Hannes, at the wheel, and I also snickered and said that we did. She purred and said that she was still thinking about what else we could do. No, she had said: “. . . what else we had to do.”

Hannes turn off the road onto a small track that looked like it would lead somewhere nearer the coast again. It ended at a bluff a couple of meters over a bit of sandy beach to our delight. We usually didn’t get naked before we went to bed, but Marie immediately stripped off her polo shirt, revealing her nice breasts and how they moved when she did that. In less than a minute, we were all naked again, grinning at each other. She smirked and said:

“You both wanted to look,” glancing down at her pussy and opening her thighs.

She certainly hadn’t forgotten, and I remembered that she had said that it was frustratingly arousing just to suck my cock; it must be even more frustrating for her to have sucked two cocks. Hannes and I nodded. She grinned. What could both of us do, besides just look? Did she want to show us her pussy “agape.” That word again!

She did! She looked around inside the van and then pushed herself up on the lid that covered the basin and burners. I murmured:

“Looks more like you want us to look.”

And not just,” she replied with a deep chuckle and leaned back, supporting herself with her elbows on the top of the back of the bench front seat.

When she drew her thighs up and let them flop open, for a moment that seemed indecent, too provocative, but only for a moment, remembering that she had wanted to suck our balls and then our cocks. Besides, I was staring at her pussy, her pussy lips slightly open, enough to reveal her little inner lips, that my tongue knew so well – pretty pink. If she wanted us to really see it – we had said that we hadn’t yet – one of us was going to have do something more, and she had said that she didn’t want us just to look.

I glanced at Hannes. He tore his eyes away from also staring, then murmuring:

“I went first before.”

“And then I was first,” I replied.

Marie twitched her thighs and said:

“Make up your minds. I already have another idea, and then the other one can ‘look’.”

I gestured for Hannes to go first. He shrugged, but grinned and put his hands on the edge of the lid, as he dropped to his knees. I suddenly fake taxi porno recalled how the Catholic priest had knelt down at the alter that way, when a few of us had attended a mass. Wicked to think of that now! What about ancient religions that worshiped mother goddesses?! Had their priests knelt down to do what he was about to do with statue of the goddess – or with priestess assuming the goddess’s role? “Our” Marie, a mother goddess surrogate?! Stop it! Forget it! We didn’t worship her or her pussy, just loved it.

When his face was between her thighs, and she had moaned encouragingly, then gave me a grin, I forgot about that and remembered what he had said, when she had started to suck my cock. I chuckled and said:

“Oh, that’s how you do it?”

“As good as you do,” she replied, looking down at his face in her crotch. He chuckled with a nod, licking for a moment, then drew his head back and said: “Want to look?” Oooh! Her pretty pink pussy was “agape!”

“Lick! He can look later,” Marie insisted.

Hannes did, while I wondered about her wanting us both to arouse her – selfish? Or was she just being fair, letting us both enjoy her pussy, letting us have our “agape” – love feast – at her open – English “agape” – pussy. For sure, St Paul hadn’t meant anything like this! What did Marie have for another idea?

Hannes licked, and she moaned. When I felt my cock rise, I glance down and saw that his also had – of course. If she had another idea, it couldn’t be for me just also to lick her pussy. He licked and she moaned. He did it as good as I did? She had said so. I had been right about hoping he wasn’t holding his cock, when she had been sucking mine; my cock wanted me to hold it. She could see it, if she wanted to look, but her eyes were closed, and she was moaning, pulsing moans: “Uhn-hn-hnn! Uhn-hn-hnn! …” It sounded like he was doing it as good as I could, not that I doubted that, after listening to them so many nights.

Did Marie’s new idea have a solution for our aroused cocks? If not, were we going to have keep taking turns: her sucking our cocks and then we licking her pussy? Whatever, was she going to want me immediately not to just look at her pussy? Anything she wanted.

It took me great self-control not to grasp my cock, as I watched her hips twitch and heard her almost desperate moans, then saw her grasp Hannes’ head, holding his mouth to her twitching pelvis. I knew where and what his tongue was doing, willing him to give her her orgasm, even if she then didn’t want me to do anything, thinking that would be all right; one for each of us, and one for her was a fair, Christian exchange: “do unto others …,” just that I then wouldn’t be able to do unto her as she had done unto me.

Hannes did. Watching a girl having an orgasm isn’t really pretty. Even though I was sure that it was being good for Marie, her facial expressions and noises suggested that she was in pain, but obviously she wasn’t, still holding his mouth to her pussy, wanting more such “pain.”

She couldn’t really still want me to do anything, I thought, as she finally shoved Hannes’ head back with final groan. He gasped and moaned, and she did. At least, I didn’t have to worry about wanting to hold my cock; but what had she also in mind? I couldn’t blame her for forgetting. It didn’t have to happen immediately, like it had sounded when she had said that. I trusted on her not forgetting, her being fair, difficult with my aroused cock still bobbing.

Marie had dropped back at some time, her shoulders resting where her elbows had been, why she could hold Hannes’ head. Good boy, he stood up and reached down and supported her head, and then drew her up, her ass slipping off the lid, she dropping to the floor and embracing him. Good, right, that they then kissed, I thought, then that being just a voyeur was also nice, all right; we were going to be together long enough to make up for any times when we didn’t immediately alternate. Consoling myself, I watched them kiss. Then Marie glanced over and saw my sinking cock. She smiled a little wanly, and said:

“Could have expected that, I guess.”

She didn’t have to look to know that Hannes’ cock had been just as aroused. They separated, and he wiped his wet face, looking a little uncomfortable about my having watched him, now seen them kissing. She didn’t look uncomfortable about it all. I was about to ask about her other idea, when she chuckled and said:

“I’ve got a better idea now, seeing you both like that again.”

“Hmm?” Hannes and I both responded, looking at her and then at each other.

Marie chuckled again, smirking and adding:

“For both of you,” glancing down at our cocks, then looking at me and adding:

“And you can look, but not for long. Hannes, tilt up the seat back.”

He turned and did so, giving me quizzical glance. I wondered what she had in mind, well, obviously that I could see her pussy and then lick it, but her “for both of you?” She looked at me and said:

“You’d better go first, feet first.”

Okay, that way, I thought, and moved to get on the bed, understanding that it would be easier for me to lie down that way first, also understanding that she could then suck my cock – but Hannes? She got up next to me, then said:

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