17 Ekim 2024

The One Who Got Away Pt. 02

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Author’s Note: This is a continuation of “The One Who Got Away: Part 1”, which was told from character Leigh’s point of view. This story is being told from Jayson, the male character’s point of view, and picks up where part 1 left off.


Dang, who would’ve thought me taking on this job with the museum would bring me back to my first love?

Leigh and I just spent the last few hours kissing, touching and loving on each other. It was quite the workout. As the shower provided a unique, soothing sound, I decided to go check the mini-fridge to see if there is another bottle of water.

I opened the door, and there was an unopened bottle, thank goodness. I was spent! I downed the full bottle, and sat down on the bed. My dick had finally settled down and was limp. The room smelled of our sexscapades and anyone who came in would automatically know what we were up to.

Heck, the neighboring room is probably pissed because we were loud as hell!

As I chuckled at the thought, my mind drifted back to Leigh. We didn’t get into her divorce, nor mine, but I did sense a sadness that came over her when she briefly mentioned it.

Then it hit me. What if she thinks that I only see her as a booty call or that I’m taking advantage of her situation? It made me panic a bit because that is not the case.

I fell in love with her when we meet during freshman orientation in college. This quiet, chocolate skinned girl got this sometimes arrogant, chocolate skinned dude to calm down and think about others. It was something about her that made you want more for you, but also made me want to protect her.

Then the night it all changed. My advisor had told me that the university was discontinuing my major and recommended a few other colleges for me to transfer to if I still wanted to pursue my field of study. I did and after some thought, I chose a college that was out of state. I probably should’ve told Leigh before I made the decision and before I had already begun the transfer process, but I thought for sure she would stick around.

Again, that was the arrogant part of me. But she cried, a lot, when I told her. The next day, I woke up to a text she had sent late that night breaking up with me and wishing me luck with my future. I would never admit it to Leigh, but it did hurt. It hurt because I felt that I had forever lost the one girl I ever truly loved.

A few years after graduating from college, I thought I had found a woman I cared for.

Looking back, I don’t even think it was love. It was more of a companion, someone to do things with, but not build a life with. We were married for five years, but we wanted different things in life. She wanted to travel, life her best life, not be tied down to a particular thing or place. I could understand that, but it wasn’t what I wanted.

I wanted to eventually settle down, have a family, and enjoy life with them. I was also very career focused, not for the money, but to make sure that what I did could make a difference. It was what attracted me to the museum project. When my boss approached me about the opportunity to work with the history museum in the city where I first started college, I was excited. I always loved this city and wanted to return one day. This was my chance.

I had figured that by now Leigh would be long gone and it wasn’t even a thought that she was still around here. Then I saw her tonight. I had walked out on the patio at the gala to get some alone time and prep my mind for my presentation, and there she was dressed in a fitting dress that complemented her body and was so very sexy. She had gained weight since our freshman year, but so have I so who am I to judge?

But, I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to make things awkward. What if she was there with a beau or husband? What if she was stilled pissed at me deep down for leaving her?

So my brilliant line was “I’m not much of a crowd person either.”

“Yeah, I just needed some fresh air,” she simply responded without looking at me.

“I feel ya,” I replied, not knowing what else to say. Clearly, she didn’t want to be bothered.

But, as fate would have it, she would come up to me at the end of the gala and well, one thing lead to another and here I am completely naked sitting in her hotel room.

Reminiscing about the night came to a sudden stop as I heard the shower turn off and Leigh call out, “Jayson? Um, can you hand me a towel? It’s too far for ByCasino me to reach.”

I stood up and walked into the bathroom and there she stood. Wet, beautiful, and sexy with her arm stretched out for the towel.

I grabbed it off the counter and handed it to her.

“Here you go baby girl,” I said. “Damn, you’re so beautiful.”

She smiled and looked down before quietly saying “Thanks…I think something else does too.”

That’s when I looked down and saw that my dick was again at attention. “Damn Jayson,” I told myself, “you better calm yourself down. You have all weekend to get in that kryptonite pussy.”

“Well, it’s what you do to me,” I said to Leigh before heading out of the bathroom back into the room.

I glanced over at the bed and there were wet spots all over it. There’s no way she’s going to be able to sleep in the bed like that.

Leigh walked out with the towel barely covering her curvaceous body and glanced over at me.

“You can jump in if you’d like. I know I said I would leave the water running, but it’s habit to turn it off…I haven’t had someone who even wanted to get in the shower after me in such a long time,” said Leigh, as the same sadness I noticed earlier slowly creeping over her face.

“Baby girl, you’re good,” I said as I stood up and kissed her on her forehead. “Listen, I was thinking, we’ve made quite a mess here. Want to head up to my room? It’ll be fresh sheets to mess up.”

“Uh, um…” said Leigh, “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Cool. I’ll jump in the shower and that’ll give you time to get dressed. We’ll then head up to my room,” I said as I headed into the bathroom to clean up.

When I finished showering and came out of the bathroom, Leigh was sitting on the chair next to the bed reading a magazine in some athletic shorts and t-shirt. A far cry from lingerie, but there was something about her that still made it sexy.

I put on the basketball shorts and shirt I had on when I came down earlier. “Ready to head up?” I asked Leigh.

“Yeah, let’s go. I’ll just grab my room key, phone and charger,” said Leigh. She closed the magazine and tossed on the nightstand and went to grab the items off of the dresser.

We headed up to my room and I put the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door before heading to bed where Leigh had already gotten comfortable. I was exhausted and I could see sky getting lighter. It was still dark, but clearly, we had been busy making love almost into the morning.

I wrapped my arms around Leigh and we both dozed off.


I woke up to my phone ringing.


“Hi Jayson, this is Ana. One of the museum board members you met yesterday?”

“Oh yes, hi Ana. How may I help you?”

“Well, I just stopped by Leigh’s room and didn’t get an answer so I was just wondering if you’ve seen her around. I know it’s a weird question, but I see her car outside and she’s been having a rough time with the divorce and all…Sorry I’m saying way too much. But, um, have you seen her around?”

I’m sure that Leigh didn’t mention anything about me to Ana and I didn’t want to seem like I was bragging about some conquest. “Um, I’m sure she’s around. If I see her, I’ll let her know to give you a call. Cool?”

“Um, yeah. That’ll work. I’ll try calling her phone again too,” said Ana.

After hanging up, I glanced over and Leigh was still sleeping on the other side of the bed. Sure enough, her phone began ringing with Ana. I hated to wake her, but figured it would be good for her to let her friend know she was OK. So, I woke her up and said, “Ana’s trying to reach you. She’s worried.”

Leigh sat up and sighed. “OK, where’s my phone?” she looked over at the nightstand and picked it up just in time.

“Hey girl! What’s up?” she said before putting it on speakerphone.

“Dang, where are you? I’ve been to your room twice this morning and have called you and no answer. What’s up? Are you OK?” Ana screeched over the phone.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, it was a, um, long night” said Leigh as she glanced at me with a smile.

“Okay, don’t scare me like that! On another note, I called Jayson this morning to see if he had seen you around. Leigh, that man’s voice will make you melt. You know I’m a sucker for a deep voice. That’s how I ended up marrying Trevor. You better try and get with him. At least get the cobwebs off if you know what I mean?” Ana said as she giggled through the phone.

“Ana!” said Leigh By Casino as she looked at me and blushed. “Okay, okay, it’s time to get off the phone now.”

“Well, what are you going to do today? I was coming by to see if you want to go do some girl shopping. Retail therapy never hurt anyone,” replied Ana.

“No, I think I’ll pass. Not really in the mood to head out. But thanks though. If I don’t talk to you by tomorrow, I’ll definitely see you at work on Monday. Thanks for checking on me,” said Leigh as she held up the phone ready to press the “end” button.

“Ok, well, I’m around if you want to talk. Please take care of yourself,” said Ana.

“Will do. Talk to you later,” said Leigh before hanging up and turning to me. “So sorry about that. Um, it’s probably best I head back downstairs to my room now. Thanks for letting me sleep here.”

“It’s fine. And, you sure you don’t want to stay for a little while? I can run out and grab us something to eat. A late breakfast, early lunch, brunch, whatever you’d like,” I said, secretly wanting her to stay with me the rest of the weekend.

“Um, uh, I guess I can stay to eat. Um, I’ll take some breakfast. I’m good with almost anything, as long as it’s not pork. I gave that up years ago,” said Leigh.

“Breakfast it is. Give me about 30 minutes and I should be back,” I said as I changed out of my basketball shorts and threw on a pair of jeans, grabbed my SUV keys and headed out the room.

Before long, I was back with two orders of waffles, eggs, and turkey bacon with orange juice and coffee. I wanted to talk about last night, but didn’t want to push Leigh. I also wanted to know more about the divorce. Whatever the circumstances, it seems to have hurt her something bad.

But, who was I to ask about something like that? It hasn’t been even 24 hours since we first reconnected after 15 years.

Well, as we ate, it seemed I wouldn’t have to.

“Jayson?” said Leigh before taking a sip of her coffee.

“Yeah Leigh?”

“I figure I should tell you what’s been going on before you think I’m some crazy lady. So here goes…” Leigh proceeded to tell me about her marriage, how it went downhill, and that her divorce has only been final for a few days.

Suddenly, I got it. I got why she seemed to have a sadness about her. That made it more important to me for her to know I didn’t see her as just a booty call.

“Leigh, I know you didn’t have to share that with me, but I’m glad you did. I know last night was a whirlwind. We had fun, had sex—lots of it, and spent the rest of the night together. For me, it wasn’t a booty call. I wanted to be there. I want you to be here,” I said as I reached over to grab her hand. “I just want you to know that.”

There was a sense of relief that came over Leigh making me glad I said what I really felt. I stopped short of saying that I was still in love with her, but honestly, that is truly how I feel.

Leigh stood up and walked over to start kissing me. I put my hands on her waist and she sat on my lap. Her hips were much larger than mine, so seconds later, she repositioned herself to sit as if she was straddling me.

That was all it took for my dick to get hard again. I reached under her shirt and began cupping her breast as we continued to kiss. She probably could feel my dick against her because she then started to grind against me. I was ready to take her to the bed.

I guided her off my lap and to the bed. I reached down into her shorts and began fingering her pussy. It was so wet!

“Mmmm, Jayson,” moaned Leigh.

I continued until she was on the brink of an orgasm. I stopped, pulled down her shorts and panties, and spread her legs. I began planting kisses from her knees, up her thighs, into her pussy.

I used my tongue to spell my name on and around her clit. By now, she had both hands on the back of my head, and the way she was grinding up against my mouth I knew she was close. It was time to stop playing.

So I went to town on her pussy, licking and sucking while I used two fingers to pound into her pussy. It didn’t take long before she screamed out a loud “Ohhooohhoohhhh!” and was shaking with her legs stiffening around my head.

I sat up and took off my shirt which was now partially wet with her juices. I then used the shirt to wipe my face which was also covered in her juice.

I looked over at Leigh as she laid there breathing hard and eyes closed. As much as I wanted to lay on top of By Casino Giriş her and get inside, I wanted to give her a moment to recover. So I went over to the table where remnants of our breakfast now laid cold and cleaned it up.

When I finished, I headed over to the bed where Leigh was now sitting up on the corner of as she watched me walking toward her. I leaned down to kiss her forehead and then give her a passionate kiss when I felt her hands unbuttoning my pants and pulling on the zipper.

She remained quiet but looked up at me with lust and desire. I wanted her so bad, but was curious as to what she wanted to do next. I stood up and finished pulling down my pants.

As soon as I stood back up, in what seemed like one move, Leigh took my dick in her mouth and was sucking it so good. She sucked it so damn good last night, but today, mmm! There were no words for her skills.

I found myself gently pumping my dick into her mouth as she massaged my balls. “Mmm, Leigh baby girl,” I managed to say in between breaths.

Suddenly, as she was sucking, I was feeling some vibrations, as if she was moaning herself. I looked down and noticed she was fingering herself as she was sucking me off. The vibrations from her moans was too much to take.

“I’m about to cum baby girl,” I said. “Where you want it?” Last night she swallowed, but I didn’t want to assume.

She didn’t say anything, but looked up at me and began sucking faster with as much of a smile you can have with a dick in your mouth. I knew, she was going to swallow again.

I started pumping faster into her mouth and she started fingering herself faster.

“Ahhh, agrh!” I screamed out as my seeds began filling her mouth.

I took my dick out of her mouth as she swallowed my load and leaned down to replace her hand with mine.

“Come for me Leigh, come for baby girl,” I told her as began rubbing her clit, gently but frantically wanting her experience the orgasm she wouldn’t forget. “Come for me, that’s right. That’s it,” I coached as she began to shake again and cover my hands in her juices.

“Da-, dammnnnn! Yes baby!” screamed out Leigh as she came again.

Once she settled down, we took off the rest of our clothes and crawled back under the covers. But, I wasn’t done yet. I needed to feel her pussy around my dick.

So I rolled over on top of her to see if she was up to the task. I’m telling you, non-verbal cues can be everything. Leigh wrapped her legs around my waist and was grinding and moaning. I reached down and took the tip of my dick and placed it at the entry of her hole. “You good? Want me to stop?” I asked for reassurance that she wanted it.

“Yes Jayson, I want it. Put it in please,” begged Leigh. That’s all I needed.

I pushed in hard, causing Leigh to gasp out loudly, and began pumping my dick into her wet pussy as if I was in a race.

I reached and grabbed her right tittie and began sucking on it. She reached up and grabbed her other breast with her left hand to rub that nipple and used her right hand to grab the back of my head.

It felt right. It felt good, but it felt RIGHT. Like we were indeed made to be with each other.

As we both began to cum, we held on to each other in an embrace that felt natural and not forced. We moaned into each other’s mouths as we kissed with a passion only seen in movies.

I laid there on top of Leigh as my dick remained inside of her, pulsing until it softened up and slipped out.

We fell asleep again. When I woke up a couple of hours later, I rolled over to give Leigh as kiss and she wasn’t there. I got up and walked to the bathroom to see if I heard her in there, and the door was open, but still no Leigh.

“Damn, damn, damn! Jayson you pushed it too far,” began to silently chastise myself.

I went over to my phone and there were three text messages—all from Leigh.

The first one: “Jayson, thanks for everything and making me feel better. I left to head back down to my room. Don’t be alarmed.”

The second one, which was sent about 30 minutes after the first one: “I’ve checked out of the hotel. You’ve had a LOT of dessert, want to come over to my place for a decent (REAL) dinner around 7? Here’s the address.”

The third included her address and instructions on where to park.

I replied: “Hell yeah! But I still want some dessert too…can you make it happen?”

I began looking in my suitcase for something to wear when I heard my phone ding with a text message notification. It was Leigh.

“Yeah, I definitely can CUM up with something.”

I licked my lips and felt my dick starting to get hard just thinking about the possibilities.

*To be continued*

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