17 Ekim 2024

The Countess

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This is the continuation of my story “Dreaming in the Shower.” Reading that story will give some context to the characters in this story.


It was very hard getting back in the swing of things after the week I spent in the Caribbean. I still remember my encounter with Lady Sara. I was sad knowing that there was little chance we would see each other again. The thought of her caused me to get excited.

“I read over your suggestions and I’m working on the third act,” said Bret.

I was snapped back to reality with Bret sitting on the other side of my worktable. She and I were working on a screenplay based on women code breakers during World War Two. She finally got my attention and we discussed several issues with the story and trying to build the drama but not making it unreal. Bret’s watch beeped and displayed a message that her son needed to be picked up. We laid out a plan for our next meeting. I also reminded her that I was about to start editing another feature and meetings would be on a catch as catch can basis.

She picked up her papers and was about to leave when she turned “Heard from the Countess?”

“You know that I have not, that encounter was the best example of a one-night-stand ever,” I replied.

Being a good friend, I told Bret the story of my date with Lady Sara Jane Solsbery, and she interrogates me about her when we meet.

“See you in a couple of days,” said Bret as she left. I looked over the notes and a copy of the screenplay she left and decided to look at it later. There was another screenplay on my desk and I needed to study it. The movie would start production next week and I would begin the edit the week after. This would be the first movie that Bret would not be my assistant. So things were going to be a little bumpy as Debby Jones and I start to work together again. Debby and I worked together on several films. We worked well but it has been awhile.

Three hours later I was trying to decide what I was going to do for dinner. I spent the time working on Bret’s script even though I thought that I would work on my next feature. I went to the freezer and pulled a meal and let chef micro do its thing. I set the hot tray beside my computer and looked over my email. I have two main email accounts, one that I use for correspondence with clients and close friends. The folks that have that address are very select. I also have a website that I use to market my services and there is an address on the site for folks to send questions and enquiries to me. That address is bombarded with spam and requires significant filtering.

I looked over the inbox for my website, and began tossing the spam. I separated several messages that were somewhat legitimate, and deleted the others. One message caught my eye from an address I did not recognize.

“Darling, if you are the gentleman that I met in the Caribbean. Please reply with the name of the co-author of the screenplay you were working on while you were there. Sara.”

I was completely surprised, I waited to reply but finally my curiosity got the better of me and I replied with Bret’s name. I put the computer to sleep and went to bed. I woke up at 8:00 since I was not working and checked my email. There was a message from the same address,


Thank you for replying back to me. I am going to be in LA in a week and would love to meet up with you again. I could not get enough of your cock. I dreamed about fucking you all the way back to London. Please restrict the use of your cock until I can get a hold of it.


I didn’t know what to think about the very forward message, but I was very happy to meet up with a beautiful member of the British aristocracy again. I replied with my phone numbers and expressed my wish to inhabit her pussy soon. I also mentioned that the thought of her made me excited. I told her that I wanted to eat her pussy and suck on her breasts.

Reluctantly I started to study the screenplay of my new project that would start production next week. The procedure is the cast and crew would shoot the first few pages of the script and the footage would be sent to me to start building the movie. As more footage was produced the scenes would be cut together. The movie would be revised over and over again until the director and producer says it’s locked and then it goes to the sound guys to add the sound the color timers to set the color of the film. The movie was character driven with very few effects shots.

I spent the morning reading and rereading the screenplay and got a sense of the rhythm of the movie. I had worked with the director before and knew his quirks so the movie looked like it was going to be fun. I looked at the clock and realized that I had an hour to make my appointment with my assistant editor, on this movie, Debbie Jones at the editing facility. I dressed and headed down to the meeting.

I had opted to live close to the studio so I was not stuck in the notorious LA traffic and made the meeting with time to spare. Debbie bonus veren siteler was in an office when I walked in. After a few minutes of discussion about film we looked at some of the preliminary camera tests of the set and actor screen tests. We would not be doing the color correction but we got a sense of what the director and DP were looking for.

It was Monday of the next week and Bret was sitting across from me at my worktable. We were again reviewing the changes she made to her script. It was almost to the point to find a production company since we were writing the screenplay on spec. I coached her on writing the synopsis, the first thing that they would read. If that did not sell the movie all the effort between us would go to waste.

She was picking up her papers and notes when she again asked about Sara Jane “Did that Countess ever try to contact you?”

I paused weighing whether to tell her or not. “Yes she sent me a note through the website. You might get to meet her.”

“You know that I get to approve all of your girlfriends John,” Bret said with a slight laugh.

“OK mom I will bring her by so you can put an approval stamp on her butt.”

“Don’t patronize me John but I do worry about you. I was surprised that you took that trip. You usually go from one project to another.”

“Bret I was really burned out after working with God’s gift to movie making,” I said as we walked to the front door.

“If we sell this script and get a green light do you want to direct?” asked Bret.

“No you should direct, I would be happy to edit and produce.”

I leaned over and kissed Bret on the cheek and watched her walk to her car. The sun was starting to disappear toward the ocean. I closed the door and decided to take a shower. All the talk about Lady Solsbery was making my cock grow. So I stripped down and waited for the shower to heat up. I stepped in and pointed the stream at my cock. The shower invigorated my organ and I began to rub my shaft. I remembered that Lady Jane asked that I restrict the use of my tool until she could sample it. I didn’t feel that masturbation counted.

After the shower I was totally relaxed and looked over my collection of delivery menus to find something to eat. Chinese caught my fancy and called and left my order. The delivery would be in about thirty minutes. My hand decided to work my cock over again while I waited for my dinner to arrive.

My phone started to ring and dance off of the table, picking it up I heard and lot of noise in the background. “John Rogers.”

“John it is the infamous Sara Jane Solsbery”

“Where are you?”

“I just landed at LAX and I am about to head to my hotel can I send a car for you?”

“I thought that you were coming next week?”

“The firm allowed me some extra time after they cut short my other vacation, they think that I am back on the island.”

Knowing that the Chinese food will store I gave her my address and she said that a car would be there in an hour to an hour and a half. Just as I hung up my doorbell rang and I met the delivery guy at the door. I signed the chit from the restaurant and gave the driver ten dollars. I opened some of the containers and made myself a small meal. I put the rest of the order in the refrigerator. I changed slacks and shirt and just as I was putting my shoes on the car came.

There was another knock on my door and a very tall Hispanic woman stood in the entrance and asked my name. She pointed to the large Cadillac parked in front of my house. I walked with her and waited for her to open the backdoor. I figured that I would play it to the hilt. The car took off and got out of my neighborhood and headed to Beverly Hills. Other than asking my name the driver did not say a word. I did not know if she was employed by Lady Sara or was a contract driver. Thinking about the Countess built a bulge in my pants. I did not know where we were going until I saw the pink sign of the Beverly Hills Hotel. The car passed the main building and headed toward the cabana units.

The car stopped in front of one of the larger cabana suites. The driver got out and opened the door and pointed toward the entrance. After a few steps I slipped my hand in to readjust my equipment. As I walked up to the door it opened and a very tall well-developed black man stood holding the door.

“Her Ladyship is in the sitting room please follow me.” said the man.

“William I need a martini and find out what Mr. Rogers will be having?” said Sara.

“I will have what she is having, to keep it simple.”

I was directed in to the sitting room and found Sara sitting at a desk with a phone to her ear. “No George my client will not take your offer. You will need to sweeten the compensation. … Yes we will discuss it on Thursday, … Good evening.”

The Countess of Redding put the phone down stood walked over to where I was standing and kissed me. She was in a pair of red high heels just below a pair of tight black pants. Her top was a white bahis blouse with a high neck. Unfortunately she was wearing a bra but it helped hold up her breasts. She was well made-up finished with a bright red matt lip color. Just as we separated, William walked in with two cocktail glasses on a tray and handed one to Sara and the other to me. Sara took my arm and guided me to the sofa.

“William, I don’t believe I will need you for the rest of the evening. My friend here is a good bartender if we need something else. Please make sure that I am up by 9:00.”

“Yes your Ladyship, thank you for the early evening,” the man responded.

I heard the door close signifying that we were alone.

“Don’t worry I have a button that will get him over here quickly, don’t try anything funny,” she said slipping her hand to my crotch.

I took a deep breath as her hand rested on my sensitive cock. “Lady Sara you are a very beautiful woman, I don’t think that you need to worry about me doing anything funny.”

“I knew that there was something I liked about you, you lie very well.”

Her hand plunged into my crotch and began to manipulate my cock.

“Darling, cut to the chase and kiss me,” said Sara.

I brought my lips to hers and we jousted with our tongues. My hand moved to her breasts and I massaged one of her tits. I tried to unbutton her top but I couldn’t find the buttons. We kept kissing and I massaged her breasts. I pulled back and opened my pants allowing Sara to free my raging hard-on.

“You really took my request to heart,” said Sara.

“Yes the last time I had sex was with you.”

“You and Bret don’t diddle in the afternoon?” asked Sara.

“Bret is married and her husband and I are great friends and play golf together.”

Lady Sara stood and encouraged me layback on the couch. She deftly extracted my cock and began to massage the head.

“I love cocks,” said Sara as she painted the crown. Her tongue was silky as it passed over my organ.

“Do you want the main event or are you happy with the preliminaries?” asked Lady Sara.

“Madam, that it up to you. Is there anything I can do for you,” I said as my breathing started to deepen.

“Sara stood bent down and removed her shoes. She stood again and opened the fly of her slacks. They fell to the floor allowing her to step out of them. She slipped her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and took them down to her knees. Her pussy peeked out between the tails of her shirt. She finally brought her legs together and the garment landed around her ankles.

Sara freed herself from the panties and walked over to where I was. She grasped my cock, which was still hard. Her nails were perfectly colored in a deep shade of red gloss. She continued to massage my tool and it was difficult not to explode.

“Did you think that a ladies finishing school just taught us how to hold a teacup, darling,” she said with a slight laugh.

She took my cock in her mouth for a second time, taking the entire length. It felt great. Her hand wrapped around my balls and gently pulled. I have never been sucked like that before. As she scratched and pulled on my balls my cock let go. She took my entire load and moved up to my mouth. She kissed me and deposited some of my cum in my mouth.

She stood and drained her martini and asked that I make us a fresh round. “Oh you can leave the pants off, darling.”

I stood dropping my slacks and underwear on the floor and walked to the bar and mixed two more drinks.

“Darling, it drove me wild trying to find you, we did not exchange information. I did not realize how you affected me until I was in the air heading back. Then I got tied up with work. It wasn’t until last week that I picked up the search. I put your name in the Google and found you,” said Sara as I was mixing the second round.

When I returned she had removed her blouse and was completely naked. She was a beautiful as I remembered from the trip.

“I am very glad that you found me. I have been thinking about you also,” I said as I handed her one of the glasses.

Do you get a hard-on when you think of me?” asked Sara.

“I would be lying if I said no. I got a hard-on on the way over here.”

“I told you to save that organ for me, darling.”

“I tried, but with a woman as beautiful and fascinating as you it is difficult,”

“Do you have to do something tomorrow, darling?” asked Sara.

“No my day is free, what did you have in mind?”

“First fucking you until you say uncle, then we make love,” said Sara with a laugh.

Lady Sara motioned to me to follow her and we walked into the bedroom. I thought the room on the island was nice, this was heaven. A large bed with a canopy took up the majority of the room. The walls were painted in a hint of pink with the bedding mirroring the wall color. Sara got on the bed and opened her legs, the vulva were pink and fully engorged. I got between her legs placing my mouth on her pussy. My tongue invaded her cunt sweeping deneme bonusu from bottom to top. I stopped at her clit and sucked on her mini prick. Sara jumped when I hit her most sensitive spot. I crossed my arms under her butt to control her movements. I continued to suck on her clit and controlling her movements.

I decided that it was time to sheath my sword. “Do you want me to wear protection, Lady Sara?”

“Fuck me you bastard,” she replied

“Such a potty mouth.”

She was about to speak when I thrust my pole in her hole. The feeling was different than the first time we made love. It was good then but without a coating of latex between her silky cunt and me, it was fabulous. Sara took a deep breath when I started to move in and out. My mouth found hers and she held my head close to hers.

I could feel the two mounds of her breasts against my skin. Her nipples were like sharp points digging in to my chest. Sara moved in the opposite direction to my thrusts. When I moved in she moved up. I lunged forward and felt my cock let go with streams of cum. I continued to move in and out of her cunt but I couldn’t hold my erection. I slipped out of her pussy but my mouth found one of her breasts. My tongue moved over her hard nipple. My hand moved to her cunt, I continued to stimulate her.

“Come here John and kiss me” said Sara.

“Yes your Ladyship.”

“Do not say that again,” said Sara.

I moved off of Sara and she maneuvered down to my cock. She started to stimulate my tool again.

“I need to keep you going, darling because you are the best fuck I have had.”

“Sara will you kiss me again?”

“After I suck your beautiful cock, John.”

Sara sucked on my cock like I fucked her cunt. I saw her mouth move up and down, alternately showing then watching my cock disappear. I found a second life and felt my erection building.

“That is nice, darling. You’re coming along fine,” said Sara.

Sara moved up toward me positioning her pussy over my cock. She directed me into her cunt for a second session. Her lips found mine as she started to jog up and down on my poll.

I lifted her head away from me and looked in her eyes. I never noticed how green her eyes were. I slowly brought her lips to mine and I concentrated on kissing her. My tongue started to move around her mouth touching her teeth. While I was concentrating on kissing Sara, she was busy moving up and down my revitalized tool. Her movements were tearing down my defenses and I was afraid that I would cum again and I wanted to last as long as I could. I slid out and down and started to kiss her pussy.

“Darling, I enjoy being fucked by you and then you take your tool away.”

“I was about to climax and wanted to make it last as long as possible. You can have it back in a few minutes.”

I thrust my tongue in her pussy and tasted the combination of her essence and my cum. I felt two hands grasp my ears and pull me to her mouth. “Mount me, darling.” I moved up to her mouth and painted her lips with the crown of my cock. She fucked my cock with her mouth again. When I was ready I moved between her legs and mounted her pussy and began to fuck her.

I knew that I would not last long but I tried to hold back until I felt Sara climax. Sara let loose and her cunt was even more silky. I rammed home over and over again and felt my cock let loose with a load of cum. I found her mouth and my hands found her breasts we kissed and I massaged her nipples. We both went a little comatose after the intense lovemaking.

I felt a few pokes in the ribs and then a wad of cloth fell on me. I opened my eyes and all I saw was white.

“Get up darling, I ordered a snack for us,” said Sara.

The cloth turned out to be a bathrobe and I stood and pulled it around my body. The clock on the table read 3:30. How did she order food at this hour, oh yes she can. I walked into the sitting room and was amazed at the spread. The buffet table held eggs, bacon, some kind of small fish, toast biscuits. There was a pop and Lady Sara started to pour Champagne.

“Your idea of a snack and my idea of a snack are not the same, Lady Sara.”

“Oh I thought that you and I could use some refreshment,” she said as she handed me a glass of Champagne.

I drained the glass and realized that this was not cheap sparkling wine. I did not see the bottle but it was much more expensive then what I usually drink. I held up my empty glass hopping that it would be refilled.

“There you go Darling, but don’t think that you are off the hook. I have more needs that you can satisfy,” Lady Sara said as she refilled my glass.

I picked up a plate and filled it with the bacon and eggs two biscuits and sat at the table. Sara sat down next to me after she filled a plate. I felt a hand searching my leg and my cock responded in the only way it could. I leaned over and kissed Sara on the cheek.

“Darling, how romantic. My internal clock is telling me that it is breakfast, but I still need more of you,” she said.

“As I said I have nothing on the schedule until Thursday, so I am at your service,” I said taking a sip of the wine. I stood and moved over to the couch and stretched out. I let the robe move allowing a good view of my erection.

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