16 Ekim 2024

The Auction

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The Auction

Just a quick story, but a fun idea that I wanted to do.

“Seriously, Vasuda?” She grinned, dark lips pulling back from white teeth and dark eyes alight.

“Come on it’s just a little fun for charity. I promise it’ll be good.” He stared wide-eyed at her.

“Vasuda, you seriously want me to be on a stage, naked in front of a group of other women?” The grin turned into smirk.

“And any men who happen to be in the audience. Besides you have nothing to be ashamed of.” At this point he frowned at her, but didn’t speak for a moment.

“So is this is you wanting to show me off?” Her response to this was to laugh for several moments.

“Maybe a little. Seriously, it’s for a good cause, what do you say?” This time he stared for several moments longer before finally he sighed deeply.

“Alright. I’ll do it.” Now he grinned. “But you owe me.” She ran a hand through his dark brown hair.

“Oh, do I now? I’ll just have to think of something special. Of course I think I’ll be in the mood after tonight.” They both laughed and both went to prepare for the auction.

“Okay, okay ladies settle down. Now in all honesty my boyfriend is nervous enough as it is, so please no catcalls and absolutely no making suggestive remarks. I don’t think any of us want him to hide backstage. Come on out Lykus.” He stepped out to enthusiastic applause and some whistling, but Vasuda was happy to see they behaved themselves.

“Alright, now let’s get started. Now I’m going to start off small, no rushing. Let’s start with his socks and shoes. Do I hear twenty?” A woman near the front raised a paddle. Vasuda smiled. “Do I hear thirty?” A paddle was raised. “Good, how about fifty?” This time a paddle was slowly raised near the back. “Do I hear an advance on fifty? Going once, going twice, done.” A friend of Vasuda’s went to the back to collect the money as Lykus sat on a chair to remove his shoes, followed swiftly by his socks. At a gesture from Vasuda he rose to his feet and she continued.

“Alright, now things get more interesting. The shirt. How about we start with one hundred?” Immediately a number of paddles shot up and Vasuda was glad that someone else had the job of spotting who was first. “Good. Now do I hear one hundred fifty?” Again a number of paddles shot up. She grinned. “Two hundred? Three? Going once, going twice? Done.” Lykus slowly unbuttoned his shirt and paused before pulling his arms from the sleeves. Once he set the shirt on the back of the chair Vasuda resumed. “I know, nice. Now quiet ladies as we go further.” In moments the audience quieted and she was able to resume.

“Now, the pants. Let’s start with five hundred.” If anything the response was even swifter this time. “Seven fifty?” She knew she was escalating things quickly, but felt certain the enthusiasm would hold. This proved to be the case, although she noticed the price hike caused some to drop out, while new bidders entered, as if they were only interested when the stakes were raised.

“One thousand? Twelve fifty? Fifteen hundred? Going once, going twice, done.” He unzipped and unbuttoned his pants before sitting to lower them, moving slowly, knowing Vasuda would appreciate it if he teased the audience. Based on the whistles and catcalls he was getting he guessed the audience was also appreciative. Finally she was able to gain calm from the audience.

“Well, ladies I am so grateful for the generosity that I have seen so far, but now is the part I’m sure you have all been waiting for. His underwear.” The catcalls and clapping became louder still. Once again she waited before continuing. “That’s right, he will be naked. So shall we start with two thousand? Okay, okay silly question. Five? Six? Seventy-five hundred, going once, going twice. Done.” Lykus took a deep breath as he slowly lowered his underwear, then pulled back before continuing as he wanted to continue to tease them. However he knew he couldn’t delay too long before at last he dropped them to his ankles and stepped out of them. Now his heart was really pounding. He wasn’t a natural exhibitionist, although Vasuda had gotten him to strip for a friend of hers, before she had revealed that it was to be a threesome. It was at this point that he noticed he was getting hard. He expected it to end here, but he saw a look on Vasuda’s face that was all too familiar. He took another slow deep breath and waited for her to continue.

“Alright, ogle all you want, but now I’m going to offer to two special opportunities. First if you win you will get to play with his nipples and rub his groin. So, let’s start with two thousand.” The response only grew. “Three? Forty-five hundred? Five?” She paused before smirking. “Let’s cut to the chase. Eight thousand? Going once, twice, sold.” At this point an older woman, late forties maybe early fifties walked up to the stage and asked Vasuda something that Lykus couldn’t hear. Vasuda thought before nodding.

“Well, ladies our winner has made escort an unexpected request, but it’s reasonable. She wants to kiss him, but she has actually bought this for her daughter.” Then Lykus saw a young woman, probably mid-twenties, but clearly the other woman’s daughter, reach the stage. The older woman quickly crossed the stage to him and wrapped her arms around him to pull him in for the kiss. His eyes shot open and his arms flopped around as he felt helpless to her enthusiasm. Needless to say her tongue was in his mouth and he felt that he had never been so thoroughly penetrated by a mere kiss. After what seemed a very long time she released him and he found it difficult to remain standing. Lykus suddenly felt rather embarrassed as he realized that he was not only fully hard, but starting to drip as well. However he resisted the urge to make an absurd attempt to cover himself with his hands. The woman waved to the crowd, which erupted into applause and even cheering. The daughter approached, but didn’t make eye contact with him as she reached him. He tried to smile reassuringly.

“I’m probably bright red and naked but you look really embarrassed.” She suddenly met his eyes, staring for several moments before laughing softly.

“You’re right. I’m Violet by the way.” He gestured her to come closer.

“Why don’t you start? You know before this crowd becomes restless.” She nodded as she slowly reached out to his chest with her left hand. At first she contented herself to rub her hand over his chest. Soon the hand reached a nipple and she pinched it. He was so surprised that he moaned. This must have been all the encouragement she needed because she began going back and forth between his nipples while her right hand began working down to his groin. Now more prepared he didn’t moan, but his breath caught as she began rubbing her palm over his hard cock. Soon he was lost in the sensations as she continued to explore him. This didn’t last long. Presumably as Vasuda wouldn’t want him to cum before they were finished. Vasuda approached and gently tapped Violet on the shoulder.

“Sorry dear, but I need to finish this up.” Violet sighed, but she straightened up and gave him a quick peck on the lips before returning to her seat.

“Well, everyone I imagine we all enjoyed that, but it’s time to come to the last item of this auction. This will be an opportunity to stroke his cock and play with his ass. So, how about we start with nine thousand? Wow, okay ten? Twelve? Fifteen? Okay, going once, going twice. Sold.” This time the woman who came to the stage was in her mid to late thirties with long blond hair, most of which hung loosely, but the rest was in two pigtails. She reached him displaying confidence in her every step and she was looking deeply into his eyes.

“Hi, I’m April and you look absolutely delicious. Too bad I can only stroke. Oh, well this will be fun anyway.” She immediately dropped to her knees and took his cock in hand. He tensed for a moment, but soon relaxed as she began to stroke. If anything he felt as if he was becoming harder and his eyes rolling back in his head. As he struggled to remain standing he was unable to suppress a moan. Lykus didn’t notice that Violet was grinning as she started stroking faster. Suddenly he tensed up as he felt a finger probing his ass. He forced himself to relax as her finger began thrusting in and out in time with the hand stroking him. Now it was all he could do to remain standing, so his moans were becoming louder. He nearly jumped as he felt a second finger being added to the one thrusting into his ass. This caused him to moan louder and there was a fleeting thought of how long he would last.

His thoughts were torn between the sensations on his cock and those in his ass. This consumed his thoughts to the point where he completely forgot where he was and anything else that was going on. However she unexpectedly stopped and his eyes shot open. He saw that Vasuda had stopped her. Lykus shot her a look and she mouthed ‘not now’ to him. Violet sighed but soon returned to her seat as Vasuda returned to the podium.

“Wow. I imagine you all wanted to see her finish, but we need to bring this to a close. Thank you, everyone for coming out and especially to everyone who donated to this charity.” However before she could continue a woman rose to her feet and gracefully waved her paddle. Once Vasuda had paused the woman walked to the stage. While she reached the stage quickly she did so with an elegant walk without the slightest sign of hurry. When she reached Vasuda she spoke softly, but not out of timidity, more that she didn’t need to shout. Lykus got a good look at her now. She was a striking woman, with severely cut blond hair, but no less elegant than her movements had been. Vasuda’s eyes shot open and she shook her head while gripping the podium as if she didn’t want to step back. The woman continued speaking unperturbed. When she finished she glanced over to Lykus uncertain, but finally escort bayan she returned her full attention to the other woman. Her shoulders noticeably slumped as she slowly nodded. The woman returned to her seat and Vasuda walked over to Lykus. She stood for several beats before speaking softly.

“Don’t hate me, but I agreed to continue the auction.” Lykus stared hard before speaking.

“What’s left to auction off?” He stared and she didn’t make eye contact with him. “You can’t be serious.” She took a deep breath and nodded. He sighed. “I really should say no, but we both know I can’t say ‘no’ to you.” She finally lifted her eyes to meet his and even smiled a little.

“I’m actually debating whether or not to tell them or just give it to her.” This time he grinned.

“Don’t tell them, but make her work for it, see how badly she wants me.” She lightly punched his shoulder.

“You are really bad. Be ready, as soon as she’s done, you’re all mine. And no you won’t be getting any rest. I’m really turned on.” He shrugged and she returned to the podium.

“Sorry everyone, but we’ve decided to continue the auction, but it will be a mystery. Consider what we’ve done so far, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. We’ll be starting with twenty-five thousand.” The woman who had approached was the first to raise her paddle and Lykus saw Vasuda biting her lip, a clear sign she was frustrated. However she continued.

“Thirty-five? Forty-five? Fifty thousand?” She sighed and he knew that if she hadn’t been in front of a microphone she would have cursed, colorfully as well. “Going once, going twice, sold.” The woman rose to return to the stage with the same grace as before.

“Thank you, everyone and good night.” Lykus quickly dressed and once he was the woman approached him.

“I’m Svetlana. I have a room upstairs, come.” Vasuda spoke from behind her.

“If I see bruises, scratches or any sign that you have tried to get pregnant, I will come after you.” If Svetlana was phased by this statement she gave no sign.

“Don’t worry dear, I do not break my lovers, unless they annoy me first.” As she said this she looked Vasuda up and down. If she had done this to most people they might have backed down, but most people were not Vasuda. However she continued. “Might you be included as well? Or you going to charge more?” Vasuda stared hard, clearly torn between two reactions, a biting retort and a quiet response. The retort would be to show herself to be what the other woman thought she was and the latter would be to give in. Finally she decided upon a more neutral, but staid response.

“We’ll see. Lead the way.” Svetlana nodded, smiling as she turned to lead the way. Vasuda struggled to remain calm as she knew she had lost the first round between the two of them. Svetlana lead them to the elevators which soon arrived. Neither were surprised when she pushed the button to the royal suite. She smiled as the elevator began to rise.

“I never settle for anything less than the best.” Vasuda made an effort not to scowl as she responded.

“Hubby doesn’t object to these expenses?” Svetlana laughed as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.

“I’m not married. Some of the money comes from my father, but I’m very good with money. I would imagine that I’m now worth more than ten times what my father left.” She crossed the floor to the bar. Vasuda assumed she was on her own for a drink, but Svetlana expertly served three drinks. However the shocking part was that the drinks weren’t the same, but rather different. Vasuda’s was a white wine, not her preferred drink, but one taste told her that it was a nice and quite expensive one, although she couldn’t have said exactly what kind it was. Lykus’ turned out to be a Caribbean Painkiller, while Svetlana’s was a vodka and lemonade. Svetlana sipped hers and laughed softly.

“Which are you more surprised by, the fact that I gave you the expensive wine or that I served him such a specific drink?” Vasuda glanced at Lykus who was sitting on the couch, drinking slowly as he looked back and forth between them. Vasuda returned her attention to Svetlana as she attempted to remain focused despite Lykus’ obvious amusement.

“I suppose his drink a bit more. How did you know that he doesn’t drink wine or beer?” Svetlana shrugged.

“The wine was a guess, but I imagine such a submissive boy wouldn’t really drink beer.” Vasuda nodded as she sipped her own drink. Finally after drinking half the glass she sighed and set the drink down.

“Alright, you’ve been eyeing me up and down since the moment you stepped on stage.” Svetlana grinned.

“Oh, actually it was from the moment you stepped onstage.” Vasuda struggled to keep her expression and finally just downed the rest of her drink.

“No, I won’t be charging more and I will be joining you. However I’m telling you now, I don’t submit.” If anything Svetlana’s grin seemed to widen.

“I enjoy subs, but I also enjoy someone who bayan escort sees themselves as my equal, at least until we find out who is more dominate.” Vasuda blinked as Svetlana’s tone implied something unexpected. Before she could react Svetlana leaned in to kiss her. Lips parted and both attempted to penetrate the other. Soon they both stepped back, not breathing heavily, but definitely affected. Svetlana turned her head.

“Stop looking uncomfortable boy, undress.” Vasuda glanced over to the couch where Lykus was quickly removing his clothes, to reveal the reason he was uncomfortable. Clearly he had been enjoying the show they had been putting on. The two of them walked over to the couch and sat on either side of him as he finished. Svetlana pulled him by the chin until his lips met hers. As expected she met no resistance as her tongue plunged into his mouth. Lykus was soon moaning softly and Vasuda took a nipple into her mouth, slowly closing her teeth into him.

Now his moaning was louder despite being muffled by Svetlana’s mouth. In time Svetlana broke the kiss to stand and her dress dropped to the floor, revealing no bra, but panties and stockings held up by a garter belt. Vasuda turned his head so that she could kiss him. Her tongue was no less forceful and his moaning was no quieter, especially when she took a nipple between her fingers and squeezed. Svetlana once again took her place on his other side. She reached between his legs and slowly circled his throbbing erection with her hand. Her strokes were also done with deliberate slowness. This had little effect on his approaching orgasm as he began thrusting into her hand. She gave it a count of three before releasing him, changing his moans to groans. Svetlana tapped Vasuda.

“We should give him a few moments or he’ll cum too quickly.” Vasuda glared at her, but nodded. Vasuda stood to remove her own dress. However she didn’t stop, instead when she finished she was naked. Svetlana’s eyes widening showed she approved of what was revealed to her. She wasted no time in removing the rest of her own clothes. Once again Svetlana took Vasuda in her arms and a new duel began between their tongues. Soon both were moaning loudly into each other’s mouths. Suddenly Vasuda felt a hand on her left breast and she gasped, causing her mouth to open wider as well as her tongue to pull back. This allowed Svetlana’s tongue to enter her mouth and she seized the advantage. Svetlana’s other hand went down Vasuda’s back until she passed her waist.

When the hand reached her rear it pressed hard causing a new gasp and forced her tighter into Svetlana’s embrace. She felt her eyes close and her moans came softly. Her eyes shot open when she felt a finger easily slip between her moist lips to find the opening between her legs. The fingers was soon joined by a second and it was not long before both were thrusting hard. Now Vasuda found herself struggling to stand, never mind fight Svetlana’s dominance. Vasuda felt her orgasm fast approaching and only now was the inches of height in difference between them became apparent. She felt her feet leave the floor even as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her arms circled Svetlana, gripping her shoulders lest she fall. Vasuda cried out in one short burst before her head dropped to Svetlana’s shoulder, shuddering as she allowed her head to rest. After a few moments Svetlana gently set her on the couch. She spoke softly.

“Round one to me. Now to claim my prize. Don’t worry, we are far from done.” She turned her attention to Lykus. She grinned as she saw he was still hard and briefly stroked him. His reaction was to tense slightly, but he didn’t jump, although his eyes were still closed. Svetlana only stroked for a short time before lowering her head to his lap. Her tongue swirled around the head, but she wasn’t really interested in teasing and parted her lips. She took him in her mouth and he moaned loudly as her lips reached the base in one go. His hands rested on her head without gripping as she moved up and down. Lykus swelled slightly in her mouth and his hips began moving slowly, however he didn’t begin hard thrusts Vasuda’s eyes opened and she looked over to see Svetlana’s head moving up and down at speed.

Her first thought was to look away, but she found herself watching in fascination as Svetlana used her lips and her tongue to stimulate Lykus. She saw Svetlana’s head turn as she moved up and down. Vasuda’s hand was soon between her legs as she watched the clear experience and skill demonstrated by the other woman. She wasn’t trying to get off, just enjoying the sensations as she saw the signs that signaled Lykus was on the verge of orgasm. Svetlana continued her efforts without seeming to notice. However she suddenly poked a fingertip into his ass and hips thrust up into her, even as he cried out. Vasuda watched as Svetlana’s lips clamped onto the head of Lykus’ cock and the way her throat was contracting showed she was swallowing. In time she rose and turned to Vasuda, who showed no resistance as the other woman kissed her. She allowed her lips to be parted in order to accept what turned out to be a taste of Lykus’ cum. She felt disappointed when the kiss was broken. Svetlana smiled.

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