17 Ekim 2024

The Aftermath Ch. 02

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Sorry this one took so long! Life has been busy and I am trying to find time to write more frequently. Enjoy!


Rubble and debris filled the streets of Riverbend. Even at the edge of the city, the effects were devastating. Flipped cars littered the roadway, some of which had caught fire and were left burning until only a charred skeleton remained. The roofs of nearby houses were stripped and collapsed; windows were shattered; walls impaled by anything that could have been thrown by the blast, including the bodies.

David kicked aside a roof gutter laying in the street with his boot and stepped over a pile of rubble. He turned around and reached for his sister’s hand, helping her over as well. Claire cautiously stepped down next to him, her orange Babydoll dress that cut off halfway up her thigh blowing in the wind.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked, grabbing a water bottle from the large backpack he carried. “Shouldn’t we be headed AWAY from the city?”

“We will, right after we get to the library,” he answered, continuing again down the street and around the corner.

“Do you really think we’ll find anything useful?” she asked before taking a sip of the water.

“There has to be a couple of books that we could use. There are people who spend their whole lives preparing for something like this,” he replied, continuing to wade through the debris

After leaving their grandfather’s bunker, the two of them salvaged what they could from their home and the shelter. They stocked up on what food, water, and clothes they could manage to carry. Claire brought along a family photo of them with their parents. She hoped that they would see them again, but her hopes faded as they passed by the lifeless bodies scattered throughout the city.

“”There it is,” he pointed out as they approached the next intersection.

Claire returned from her thoughts and looked up at the library. The large concrete structure stood out from the rest of the surroundings. It remained relatively intact, although the front right corner had collapsed. They approached the building, ascending the stairs and stopping at the entrance. The glass double doors in front of them were shattered.

“Let’s get what we need and get out of here. Who knows how stable it is in there”, he said, turning to his sister. She nodded and the two made their way inside.

The library was a mess. The floor was blanketed with fallen books. Many of the shelves were leaning over or had fallen altogether. The interior was dim, only illuminated by what natural light entered through the shattered windows and the collapsed corner. David looked around, already feeling that their search for a useful book would be difficult. Claire didn’t wait for him, her boots clomping on the wooden steps as she ascended the stairs to the second floor.

He started up the steps after her, quickly noticing her dress bouncing with her steps. Her orange cotton panties peeked out at him from between her round cheeks. David’s cock stirred. He recalled the kiss they shared just before leaving the nuclear shelter. The way she came the night before, calling out his name. David snapped back to the present, the enticing view ending abruptly as they reached the second floor.

“Where do we begin,” she asked turning to him.

“I have no clue,” he replied, looking back and forth across the aisles.

“Wasn’t this your idea?” she said, frowning.

“Well, yeah, but… I’ve never been inside this place before,” he answered, scratching his head.

“Fine. We split up and call out if we find anything,” she instructed, walking away from him peering down the aisles as she passed.

“Be careful!” he shouted, watching her walk away and turn down an aisle.

David began in the opposite direction until he picked an aisle in which the floor wasn’t entirely covered. Piles of books had fallen but he chose to pick through what remained on the shelves. He scanned the book titles for keywords like Prepper or Survival. The first aisle proved useless, but he continued his search through the other aisles. Eventually, he found a section that contained quite a number of books on wilderness survival and how to start a homestead. He skimmed through them, flipping through pages of knot tying, shelter designs, foraging and a plethora of other useful information.

“I found something!” he shouted loudly, calling to his sister further back in the aisles. He continued to scan through some of the pages waiting for her to show up, but she never did. David closed the book, exited the shelves and made his way down the hall.

“Claire?” he called out, scanning the aisles for his sister. Eventually he found her halfway down an aisle, flipping through pages of a book she held. He approached her, wondering what could possibly be so interesting that she didn’t hear him.

“What did you find?” he asked, curious. She turned sürmene escort to him with a playful smile.

“So, is this how you seduced Sylvia?” she laughed, turning the open page to him. There simple depictions of a man and woman having sex, with the man holding her in a cartwheel position.

“Really? This isn’t the time to be playing around,” he said embarrassed, reaching for the book. She jerked the book away from him and turned around, placing herself between him and the book.

“Or maybe this one?” she continued, laughing more as she held up another page with another strange position. David lunged forward, grabbed her side and tried to reach around her to snatch the book but she resisted him while giggling. She turned to face him with the book held behind her. She dodged to the side to avoid his reach and he fell into her, the two of them knocking into the bookshelf. Loose books from above them began to fall. Claire lowered her head and David instinctively covered her, the books falling on him instead.

Claire raised her head to look up at him and kissed him. He kissed her back, placing his hands on her sides. She raised her hands to his chest, kissing more passionately and pushing into him. He stepped back, stumbling over the fallen books. David fell backwards to the ground, Claire falling on top of him. She let out a short laugh once she recognized he was alright and then locked her lips with his again.

She continued kissing him, spreading her legs around him to position herself on top of his groin. They continued kissing, their tongues gently exploring each other. David felt his cock stir underneath his sister. Claire pulled away and smiled down at him. She shimmied backwards, repositioning herself further down her brother’s legs with his groin in front of her.

She reached down and placed her hand on top of his cock through his pants. He watched her slowly unbutton and unzip his jeans, slipping her hand underneath his boxer briefs. Her soft fingers gently wrapped around his half-hard cock and pulled it out. David was speechless and in disbelief that his little sister was holding his cock.

Claire began slowly sliding her hand up and down her brother’s cock. She watched it enlarge between her fingers. He felt his cock pulsing in her hand, growing until it was completely hard. She started stroking faster, switching between shorter, faster strokes over the edge of the head and long strokes down the entire shaft. Claire scooted back further and leaned down. She flipped her hair out of her face and looked up at her brother, her mouth inches from his cock.

“Claire, wait, we shouldn’t be–” he started, but was interrupted by his sister’s tongue crawling up the side of his cock as she stared into his eyes. A part of him felt wrong for what was happening, but that small part was quickly overwhelmed by the intense pleasure he felt. Her tongue slid over the tip of his cock. She flicked her tongue back and forth across the head.

Grasping his cock at the base, she leaned in and pressed her lips against the head. She parted her lips, taking her brother’s cock between them. Her mouth slowly lowered down over him, stopping halfway. Her warm tongue caressed his cock from inside her mouth. She began bobbing her head, her soft lips stroking his hard cock as she did.

Reaching her hand beneath her dress, Claire rubbed her wet pussy through her panties. She was soaked. Pulling her panties aside, she dipped her fingers between her pussy lips. She wet her fingers and moved them to her clit, beginning to rub herself.

Pleasure shot through David as he watched her hand stroke the lower half of his cock while her mouth worked the top. He reached down and ran his hand through his sister’s hair, her blue eyes looking up at him. He wanted more. He wanted to be inside her. To feel her pussy wrapped around him. David grasped the back of her head, gently pushing her down further.

Claire closed her eyes and pushed her lips to the base of his cock. All six inches were buried in her throat. She started choking and tried to raise her head but he held her in place. She opened her eyes, beginning to tear up, and looked at him. He released her and she pulled her head up, choking and coughing.

Claire felt as if she should have yelled at him for holding her down, but she loved it. Her pussy was soaking wet at being controlled by him. Being submissive to her brother. Letting him use her for his pleasure. She gathered herself and returned to sucking her brother’s cock, more excited and motivated than before.

She wrapped her mouth around him again, stroking him with her throat. Her pace quickened, sliding up and down her brother. She listened to his moans as her head bobbed, signaling to her that he was about to cum. Claire pushed her mouth further down his shaft with each stroke. The head of his dick pressed against the back of her throat.

She moaned, her throat vibrating against his cock. He couldn’t suşehri escort hold out much longer. Claire thrust herself down on him once more and held there. She gagged on her brother’s cock. He swelled inside her throat.

“Oh fuck, Claire,” exclaimed David as he exploded. Streams of cum erupted from his cock straight into her throat. She immediately started choking, pulling out halfway as his warm fluids filled her mouth. His cock pulsated between her lips. The slightly salty taste danced over her tongue. She swallowed and pulled her mouth off of his cock. A few remaining beads of cum spilled down over her bottom lip.

More. She wanted more. She wanted him inside of her. Wanted him to make love to her. Claire continued rubbing her wet pussy while slowly stroking his cock. She climbed over top of him, lifted her orange dress and pulled her panties to the side. She lowered herself slowly until the tip grazed her wet pussy lips. Teasing him, she guided the head back and forth against her lips as she prepared to take her brother inside of her.

“Oh my!”

Claire jerked her head around to the woman standing at the end of the aisle. Claire jolted off of David, shocked and embarrassed. David was surprised by his sister’s reaction, sitting up partially before noticing the woman as well. She stood there for a moment, staring at his hard cock.

“Sorry!” she called out to them, shooting a quick smile at David before disappearing behind the shelves.


“Hello again!” the woman called out to the two of them as they descended the stairs. “Sorry again for interrupting.”

“No, it wasn’t… we were just–,” started David.

“Oh, it’s fine! No need to explain. Clearly these are some HARD times,” she replied, holding in her laughter. David and Claire looked at each other briefly and blushed before turning away, hoping the awkward moment would pass.

“I’m Eve, by the way, and you are…” she greeted as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

“David… and this is Claire,” replied David. He looked Eve over briefly. David guessed the woman was in her mid to late thirties. Her long, black hair blended with her leather jacket, matching her tight, black leather pants and boots. A collection of tattoos peeked out at her wrists and hips. Bright green eyes stared back at David, watching him with a slight smirk across her pale face.

“Just the two of two?” asked Eve, confidently approaching them.

“Just us. You’re the first, since…” trailed David, pointing his head around the destroyed building.

“Really? You poor things must be terrified,” continued Eve, turning to Claire who had unease written across her face. “My husband is outside… and there is a group of us at the edge of town.”

“A group? How many?” asked Claire.

“Twelve, including us. You should come with us,” invited Eve.

“Sure,” David quickly replied. Claire turned to him, questioning his immediate answer without discussing it with her first.

“We would love to,” she reluctantly chimed in, facing Eve again.

“Great! A new couple to join our merry group!” declared Eve, turning away from them and starting towards the main entrance.

“Oh, we’re not–” began Claire, but Eve was already halfway to the shattered doors.

“Are you sure about this?” asked Claire, looking up at her brother.

“What’s to be sure about?” he asked, confused by his sister’s reluctance.

“We don’t know her, and… I don’t like the way she flirts with you,” remarked Claire.

“Flirts? How?”

“I saw how she looked at you…and I don’t trust her.”

“Look. We need help. We don’t know what we are doing or where to even begin. Let’s just go with them for now and see how it goes,” said David, reassuring his sister.

“Fine…” surrendered Claire.


“Your girlfriend doesn’t seem to like me much!” shouted Eve as she weaved the motorcycle through the debris filled street.

“She’s not my girlfriend, she’s–” replied David, stopping himself early. He looked ahead of them up the road to his sister on the back of the other motorcycle.

“A friend? Looked like more than that to me,” giggled Eve, glancing back at David. “Sorry again for interrupting, though I enjoyed the view.” Embarrassment flushed over David as he remained silent holding onto her. “If you’d like I could stop somewhere and finish what she started.”

David was shocked at the comment and uncertain whether he heard her clearly. The thought flashed through his mind; the tattooed woman riding on top of him. David’s cock stirred. A sudden bump in the road shook the bike, David re-actively squeezing tighter against Eve. He pressed against her round ass, the friction making his situation worse.

“Ha ha, relax! I was only teasing!” shouted Eve, feeling his taksim escort cock pressed against her.

“I–” started David.

“Its okay. I won’t tell if you don’t!” she replied, turning back to him again and smiling. She shifted her hips, rubbing herself against him briefly. She laughed and faced forward again, accelerating closer to Claire and her husband, Craig. David’s cock pressed harder against her despite his attempts to resist.

Claire turned to look back at them, Eve smiling at her. She quickly turned forward again, irritated at the sight of the woman smiling with her brother wrapped around her. Craig weave through the debris in the streets as Claire watched the crumbled buildings pass by. Her eyes glazed over as her mind returned to the library. She recalled herself over top of her brother; imagined lowering herself onto him. Feeling him press inside of her. Her pussy throbbed at the thought, but was suddenly interrupted as the motorcycle bounced.

“How long until we arrive?” Claire shouted up to Craig.

“We’re here,” he replied. Craig was a tall, buff man. His cut vest showed his biker club membership. Claire figured he was military, based on the USMC tattoo on his upper arm. She felt like a child clinging to such a large man.

The motorcycle began to slow as Craig pulled off to the right, entering the parking lot of a shabby motel. He approached the main office of the building. Claire noticed a few heads turn towards them from inside. Eve and David stopped next to them. Claire looked to her brother and then Eve, who winked at her.

“You found more?” a voice called from the office door. A heavier-set, bearded man in jeans and a plaid shirt stood at the door facing them.

“Two more. We checked most of the main streets but these two were all we found,” replied Craig in a gruff voice as he and Claire dismounted the bike. Three others filed out behind the first man. A black woman and her mixed daughter, both tall and thin. A pregnant red-headed woman in her twenties stood at the door. One of the nearby doors of the upper hotel rooms opened up. An older Asian man walked out to the railing and watched as his wife and daughter stepped out of the room as well.

“Hello, I’m Tom,” said the heavier man, reaching his hand out to Claire.

“Claire,” she replied, reaching out and shaking his clammy hand.

“David,” her brother chimed in, stepping next to his sister and extending his hand as well.

“Nice to meet you both,” the man replied with a friendly smile.

“Claire?” another voice repeated from a door on the ground floor. Claire turned to see a familiar face. A fit brunette with hazel eyes stared at her. She was slightly taller than Claire, with thicker athletic thighs and a more round bottom that squeezed against her tight white shorts. Her green top revealed her smooth stomach and much of her breasts, about the same size as Claire’s.

“Sylvia!?” said Claire, shocked. She couldn’t believe her friend was standing there in front of her.

“Oh my god! Claire!” exclaimed Sylvia, running to hug Claire. She nearly jumped on her, wrapping her arms around Claire and squeezing tight. “David!” continued Sylvia, letting go of Claire and moving to hug her brother, a moment of hesitation as she considered their secret. She gave him a quick hug, trying to hide her real excitement. David looked over at Claire and saw a flick of anger in her eyes… or was it jealousy.

“I can’t believe you two are alive!” Sylvia exclaimed, still surprised to see the two of them.

“We found them at the library,” chimed Eve, stepping into the conversation. An awkward feeling of embarrassment swept over David and Claire as they recalled the moment Eve discovered them.

“And your parents?” asked Sylvia, looking back and forth between the siblings. Claire shook her head.

“We’re not sure where they are. They were out of town when everything happened. But our Dad called us and warned us before it happened,” answered David. As soon as he finished the sentence, he realized the awkward position they were in. He looked at Claire and then Eve, who had her eyebrows raised and smiled at him.

“Interesting…” started Eve, “So at the library you were–“

“Looking for books! We thought maybe we could find something useful about what to do now,” interrupted Claire, desperate to cut Eve off.

“That’s smart,” said Sylvia, “but you don’t have to worry about that now. Craig and Eve have a plan for us.”

“You do?” asked David eagerly.

“Tomorrow we’re gonna grab the truck and fuel up the bus two blocks down. We’ll load her up with everything and then head to Hayfield,” replied Craig.

“Hayfield? Pretty far from here. Why not Sutter?” asked Tom, wondering why they weren’t traveling somewhere closer.

“Hayfield. That’s where Uncle Kyle lives,” said Claire, turning towards David.

“If Sutter was fine, we would’ve seen help by now. Probably just as bad there. There’s a military base at Hayfield. Maybe they saw this shit coming and had time to react,” answered Craig.

“Our parents were there when it happened. My dad is in the military. He called right before and warned us.” chimed David.

“Then they did know. Whelp, count me in and let me know where you need me,” said Tom, nodding to Craig.

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