17 Ekim 2024

Tango on the Razor’s Edge Ch. 12

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Female Ejaculation

I only saw Holly and Dan a couple of times over the following days. When I did see them, they were framed in a second-floor window, looking down at me on the shop floor. He always looked confident and in complete control, while she seemed enraptured by his very presence. I don’t know if anyone else noticed that they were always together, but Dan’s absence from the floor was hard to miss. Raul and I made the best of the situation by doing the repairs necessary to get through the upcoming week. We got in early, stayed late, and worked through the weekend. The equipment was running well enough for the crew to clear the backlog by the following Monday morning. By Friday, we were ready for the audit.

When I wasn’t working, I was looking after the girls. I helped Chris with her college applications and Cathryn with her math homework. The substitute math teacher lacked Mr. Roberts’ gift for making math fun, which put more burden on me. Fortunately, I knew math well enough to teach it. On Wednesday afternoon, I told Raul that I was taking the rest of the day off.

“What’s going on?” he asked. His anxiousness belied his concern that Holly had me on another crazy mission.

He relaxed when I said, “The girls have a game today. I’m going to cheer them on.”

“Have fun. I hope they win.”


I arrived early enough to catch the JV game, just in case Cathryn got to play. Most of the time, she rode the bench, but sometimes the coach put her in for a few minutes when the score was lopsided.

She covertly waved at me from a warm-up line while I ascended the nearly empty bleachers. I waved back and then watched her hit a ball over the net. Not long ago, I might have chatted with the small clutches of parents scattered about the stands. Instead, I sat alone and avoided eye contact. They all knew I was a crossdresser, and I was in no mood to hear their opinions on the matter. About halfway through the first game, John Hammonds approached and asked, “Do you mind if I join you?”

I offered my hand and said, “Please do.”

After shaking hands, he sat down and watched one of our girls serve into the net. He clapped his hands and shouted, “It’s alright. Shake it off. We’ll get the next one.” Unfortunately, the next one and the one after contributed to the opponent’s score.

During a timeout, Hammonds asked if I’d been to last week’s match – I had; he asked if I knew the parent who had caused the trouble – I did, and asked if the troublemaker was there with us – he was not. “Let me know if you see them,” he said.

I nodded in consent as the girls lost the first game 10-25. There was a chance Cathryn would start the second game, but she remained on the bench as the six girls lined up. It wasn’t until they were down 6-21 that she subbed in to serve. She waited for the whistle, bounced the ball several times, and then ripped off a flat scorcher that landed just inside the back right corner.

I sprang to my feet, cheering wildly. A few of the other parents politely clapped but most ignored the JV game in favor of their conversations. Cathryn looked up at me and smiled.

Her second serve was another ace, which brought me to my feet again. Her third serve burrowed into the net. The opposing team served three times, and the game was over. I stood and clapped while the teams shook hands and then sat down and waited for Chris’s game to start.

The stands rapidly filled as the starting time for the varsity game approached. Time and again, people that would have chatted with me averted their eyes. Only Frank Wilson greeted me with a cheerful, “Hi Nick!” much to the embarrassment of his wife, Jane, who tugged at his arm to pull him away.

Jane said, “Come on, Frank, let’s sit down.”

Frank was unperturbed. In an era when most people snapped pics on their phones, he was bound to the past by the twelve-pound camera hanging from his neck. He roamed the gym seeking out new vantage points for ever-better photographs, much to the chagrin of his wife, who wished he’d act like the other fathers (well, all the other fathers but me). I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by his lack of interest in the gender confusion his wife had witnessed at the supermarket. Instead, he did his own thing with his camera. Why should he care what I did? We chatted for a few moments before he departed for a new vantage point at the other end of the gym.

I tried to make eye contact with Chris while she warmed up, but she was too focused on psyching up for the game to be distracted by the audience. As game time approached, the disruptive parents took seats in the middle of the bleachers and started letting the rest of us know what they thought. Hammond’s asked, “Is that them?”

“Yup,” I responded.

“Time for me to go to work,”

“Are you going to make a scene?” I asked.

“No, I’m going to sit next to them and set a good example.”

I chuckled. “Is that why you were sitting next to me? Were you afraid I’ll embarrass the school?”

Hammonds clapped me on the back and said, “Maybe a little.” He shook antep escort my hand again and then crossed the bleachers to introduce himself to the troublesome family. I think they expected him to give them some space once the game started, but he sat down in the middle of their group and stayed there until the match was over. Not a single negative comment from them was heard.

The varsity game pitted our team against the previous year’s state champions, who were favored to win the championship again this year. Chris had a dozen kills and several blocks, but the highlight was a beautiful one-on-one stuffed block in the middle to win the match. Me, Hammonds, the unruly family, and everyone else went berserk. The team mobbed Chris before she realized what she’d done. The bench cleared to create a dogpile that seemed to feed off the applause ringing out from the bleachers.

While the girls were untangling themselves on the floor, Frank Wilson clapped me on the shoulder and said, “That was a great game.”

“Yeah, the girls really pulled it together.”

“They sure did. Where’s Holly?”

“I wish I knew.”

“It’s too bad she missed it. She’ll never appreciate what Chris just did.”

I nodded thoughtfully, but I couldn’t find the words that needed to be said.

Afterward, the team and most of the parents went to pizza. I cooled my rockets at home alone, avoiding the sanctimonious shaming I’d have had to live through at the pizza parlor. One of the other families dropped the girls off a little after 10:00. I probably should have nagged the girls about their unfinished homework, but I couldn’t bring myself to dampen their mood. I congratulated them on their well-played games and sent them upstairs to bed.

I’d thought they were both down for the night when Chris came back downstairs. She walked past me, went into the kitchen, then asked, “Where was Mom tonight?” as she filled a glass with ice.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“She’s still seeing that guy, isn’t she?”

“As far as I know.”

She thought for a moment as she topped her glass off with water, then she asked, “Why did you have to do it?”

I didn’t know which of my many transgressions she meant, so I asked, “What did I do now?”

“Why did you have to come to school in drag?”

“I’m sorry, swee…”

She cut me off. “Do you have to prance around in frilly underwear everywhere you go? Couldn’t you have the decency to act straight at school?” She was angry, confused, and on the verge of tears.

I exhaled deeply. “This is hard for al…”

She shouted over me, “This whole family is a total fucking embarrassment! Everyone at school knows mom’s having an affair. They know you’re a – whatever you are. And then there’s Cathryn. Why did she have to do that to Mr. Roberts?”

I wanted to console her, but she was so upset that I was afraid to touch her. In my calmest voice, I said, “That’s not wh…”

She cut me off again, “And then you come to the game and act like nothing’s wrong.”

“I wanted to see you…”

“Even the girls on the other team were talking about you. They kept looking into the stands to see the crossdresser. The only reason we won is that they couldn’t concentrate.”

“No…” I tried to object.

This time I was interrupted by Cathryn, who had joined us. “What’s going on?”

“Chris is mad at me for going to that parent-teacher conference in drag.”

“Oh, no, you don’t. Don’t try to take the blame. This whole family is a fucking train-wreck.” She pointed her finger at Cathryn and said, “And you’re as bad as Mom.”

Cathryn was surprisingly composed. She said, “Tell me what happened.”

It was all Chris could do to hold back the tears.

“It’s Mike, isn’t it?” Cathryn asked.

At that, the dam broke, transforming Chris into a teary mess. She turned to me and sobbed, “Why did you have to fuck everything up?” I tried to wrap her in my arms, but she pushed me away, saying, “I don’t want you to touch me anymore.”

“What happened?” asked Cathryn.

Chris ignored Cathryn as she collected herself. She looked me in the eyes and said, “I don’t want you to visit the school anymore. Even if you’re dressed like a guy. Do you understand?”

“What about games?” I asked.

“No games. No parent-teacher conferences. No open houses or back-to-school nights. I don’t want anyone I know to see you ever again!”

I looked from Chris to Cathryn and back and then asked, “What happened?”

Chris glared at me and said, “I don’t want to talk about it. Just stay away from the school and me.”

“But sweetie, I always go to your games.” I protested.

She cut me off. “Not anymore, you don’t. Do you understand?”

Of the three women I lived with, I thought my relationship with Chris was the strongest, but I guess I was wrong. Rather than argue, I silently nodded. What else could I do?


That night I lay in bed with my thoughts in a jumble of resentment and self-pity. Why had Holly done this to me? Why had I let her? Was gaziemir escort there something I should have done differently? As the night wore on, my questions gave way to grief for losing my close relationship with Chris.

I awoke before dawn to the cold shock of the covers pulling back and the jostle of Holly crawling on top of me. “Stick out your tongue,” she said. “I want to touch it.”

If it wasn’t for my groggy disorientation, I would have sworn I hadn’t slept at all. It took a few minutes for me to center myself. Holly was naked with her knees at my head and her pussy inches from my face. A translucent mixture of her vaginal juices and what I was sure was Dan’s aging cum glistened in the light of a streetlamp that slipped in through a crack in the blinds. I tried to lift her hips to reposition her weight on my chest, but she slapped my hands away. “You can’t touch me.”

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“I can touch you, but you can’t touch me. Now stick out your tongue.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Do you think I woke you up at five in the morning because I’m kidding?” She pulled at my hair and said, “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, Cumeater.”

It was typical of her. She expected me to orbit her latest infatuation without a moment’s consideration of where I was coming from. I probably should have called her out for being a selfish cunt. I should have asked why she missed the volleyball game and told her of Chris’s game-winning block. I should have told her about the big argument in the kitchen. But I didn’t say a word. I was so desperate for her affection that I meekly opened my mouth, hoping to please her by swallowing another load of Dan’s cum.

She lowered her hips, tightly sealing her pussy to my parted lips as she weighed heavily on my face. The musky odor of old sex saturated my senses as my nose probed deeply into her dank cunt. “You like this, don’t you, Baby?” she asked. She rocked her hips forward and back upon my face, allowing a few seconds here and there for me to catch a breath as the thin residue of Dan’s cum dribbled into my mouth. “Come on. Say it. Tell me that you like the taste of my used pussy.”

It was impossible for me to say anything with her pussy enveloping my mouth, so I probed her vaginal canal deeply with my tongue.

She lifted her hips and looked down at my dimly lit face. After a long, silent pause, she said, “Go ahead. Say it.”

I took a deep breath and said, “I wish you were still mine.”

“No, Baby. Not like that. Tell me how you feel.”

I looked up from her pussy to see her gorgeous face framed by her swaying, beautifully-formed breasts under the oblique illumination of the lights outside my window. I said, “I wish you still lived here with us.”

She smiled and said, “What do you mean? I still live here.”

“You have some clothes in the closet, and there’s some junk mail with your name on it on the kitchen counter, but you don’t live here anymore.”

“Oh, Baby. Does that make you sad?”

“Sad? Yeah, I guess I’m sad.”

“Tell me about your sadness.”

“I want you so badly, but I’m never going to have you again, am I?”

She looked into my eyes as she stroked my hair. My mouth rang with the musky residue of Dan’s ejaculate, while her pussy’s wet five o’clock shadow tickled my chin. “How does it feel to want something you can never have?”

“I feel so lost and so inadequate. It’s like nothing I could ever do would make me worthy of you.”

Her pussy crashed into my mouth as her hands pulled sharply at my hair. She ground her slick cunt against my lips for a few moments and then froze while my tongue probed deeply into her cum-filled slit.

After what seemed like an eternity, she subtracted her crotch from my face and demanded, “Tell me how you feel when I’m with Dan.”

I took a few seconds to catch my breath before I replied, “I feel worthless.”

“Oh, Baby. Of course you do.” She touched her pussy to my lips, let me lick her, raised herself up, and said, “Tell me more.”

“I want you so badly. You’re all I think about.”

“Even when I’m with Dan?”

“Especially when you’re with him, knowing that he’s filling you with his seed while my useless cock has been locked away makes me so hard for you.”

She smiled broadly, “You’re cock gets hard even though it’s in its cage?” she asked.

“Yeah. It gets hard, but the cage keeps it from getting big.”

With a mock pout, she teased, “Oh, your little cock never got very big.”

“Nevertheless, it strains to be bigger than the cage will allow.”

Her smile got even broader. She said, “I bet that hurts. Tell me about it.”

“When I think of you with him, my cock aches, and it burns where the cage pulls against my skin.”

She said, “That sounds painful,” as she pressed her crotch into my face once again. “I bet you wish you could break out of your cage and put your little penis inside of me, don’t you?” She ground her drenched pussy against my face, covering me with her vagina’s gaziosmanpaşa escort viscous nectar.

During a brief pause in her grinding motion, I replied, “More than anything.”

“But you can’t, can you?”


“Tell me why you can’t.”

“You know why.”

“Yes, I do, but I want to hear you say it.”

I hesitated for a moment before continuing, “I won’t ever worship your yoni again because it belongs to Dan now.”

“Oh, Baby, that’s right. You don’t even own your wife’s pussy. What does that make you?”

“It makes me a worthless cuckold.”

“A worthless, sissy cuckold,” she corrected me.

I lifted my head to flick my tongue at her clit. Between flicks, I said, “I’m no longer a man. I’m just a servile eunuch, castrated, and poised to do your bidding.”

“That’s it, Baby. That’s what I want to hear.” Her back arched, and her fingers pulled harshly at my hair, drawing me to her pussy. I redoubled my tongue’s rapid flicks at her succulent flesh. Her ruddy pussy was swollen, and the musky taste of Dan’s cum was long gone. Her body spasmed and was still for a moment before her hips restarted their cyclic motion. She clenched my head with both hands and demanded, “Come on, tell me how it makes you feel.”

She was on the verge of ecstasy, so I brought her home the only way I could. I said, “I’m embarrassed, alone, and humiliated. I’m not even a man any longer. Everyone knows you’re cheating on me, and I’m too much of a pussy to do anything about it. No one even talks to me. Even the girls won’t have anything to do with me.” Her hands pulled tightly at my hair, drawing my face into unyielding contact with her crotch, which undulated against my face. During the brief periods when I could talk, I said, “Everyone knows you’re too good for me. They know I’m worthless. They know I’m a crossdresser, that I eat your lover’s cum, and that I suck his cock.”

“That’s it, Baby,” she purred.

“We all know I’m nothing to you. Yet, I cling to the hope that you’ll throw some scrap of affection my way. Maybe you’ll let me lick your cum-filled pussy, or you’ll acknowledge my existence by humiliating me, but you hardly ever do. I’m desperate for your attention, but I’m not even worthy of your neglect.” At that, her body tensed and then froze. She moaned heavily, then her cunt exploded, coating my face in a gush of her briny ejaculate. I let it rain down upon me, licked my lips, and then burrowed my face back into her cunt while her hips slowly cycled down from their excitement.

After enjoying a few more moments of post-orgasm cunnilingus, Holly separated her pussy from my mouth and looked down at my cum-slick face. Her expression was a mixture of satisfaction and desire. “You’re such a good sissy-cuckold.”

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Of course you are. You live to please me.”

She rolled to her side of the bed and collected her pillow under her head. She thought for a few moments and said, “We’ve got a big night tonight.”

“Me and you?”

“Oh, don’t be silly. Of course not. Dan and I have something special planned for you.”

I stared at her blankly, afraid to ask what was coming.

“An auditor is arriving tonight. Dan wants to wine him and dine him. You know, grease the wheels of commerce with some of the local delicacies.”

“What does that have to do with me?”

Holly smiled. “Mr. Carlson has exotic tastes. He’s got a thing for princesses like you. You need to look your best. Dress up in something that makes you look hot, and be sure you have something sexy on underneath.”

“You want me to entertain the auditor for you?”

“Of course, that’s the kind of thing a princess like you does.”

“You’re pimping me out for Dan?” Only a few moments ago, it had seemed like she was into me, or at least that she valued what I could do for her, but now I was back in my place.

Holly stroked my face and said, “We’re entertaining the auditor of the company that’s buying Dan out. We’re going to show him the best time he’s ever had. Once we’ve wined and dined him, he’s going to take you up to the hotel penthouse where you’ll let him put his cock anywhere he wants, and you’ll smile while he’s pushing it in. You’ll tell him how big it is and how much you like having it inside of you. You’ll laugh at all of his jokes and fake orgasms at all the right times. In the morning, he’ll be in such a good mood that he’ll love everything at the plant. He’ll give our books the benefit of the doubt and approve the sale. When it’s all over, you will have helped make Dan a very wealthy man.”

“Is that all you think of me? I’m just some glorified call girl that you pay to have sex with your customers?”

Holly laughed. “We’re not going to pay you. You’re doing this to make money for Dan to spend on me.”

I turned my head away from her and said, “Jesus, is that all I am to you?”

Holly got up, put on a silky black robe, and inspected herself in the mirror. “Oh baby, don’t be like that. You’re going to like Mr. Carlson. He’s warm and gentle. He’s the kind of guy who will treat you like the princess you are.”

I got out of bed and turned on the shower. While I waited for the water to warm, she approached me from behind. She wrapped her arms around me, kissed me softly on the ear, and said, “Trust me. You’re going to have fun tonight.”

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