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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
First of all, I wanted to thank everyone that read part one and for all the encouraging comments. I was honestly really surprised, and it gave me the encouragement I needed to continue the story.
This section is written from the perspective of Lydia, the star from the Halloween party. The next entry will pick back up on our “husband” Ethan’s perspective.
As overwhelmingly stated, I will avoid delving into anything supernatural. A large facet of the story I had planned however revolves around an exclusive kink club focusing on power play and domination.
Please let me know what you liked and didn’t like about this story. Feedback is something I’ve never really played with before.
The Halloween party unlocked something in me. I was less stressed, more alive. I hadn’t felt this refreshed in years! My prize, the resort waver was at the front of our minds, and I couldn’t wait. I got permission from my husband to “treat myself” to some fun new clothes for our trip. What he didn’t know is that it was Vanessa that would be choosing most of the orders.
Day after day, packages arrived at the doorstep. Dresses and tops with plunging necklines, tiny bikinis, and of course lingerie that could give a holy man a fever. Each time I’d slip into my new finds and give my husband a little preview of what was coming. I gauged what clothing made the cut based on his reaction. It was almost turning into a wordless game where I judged his reaction, and often by the strength of his erection.
One evening another package arrived. I was fresh out of the shower, still slightly damp and wrapped in a towel. Without thinking I raced to inspect the new delivery. I Should have been more careful, but I was moving too quickly. I opened the door and passed through to retrieve the package. The door handle snagged the overlap in my towel and didn’t let go. In a flash the only thing keeping my decency was gone! In my momentum I had left it hanging on the door knob and stepped out into the cool air completely stark nude.
The young delivery man was just dropping off my parcel when he looked up. His face jumped between confusion, fear, boyish joy, and finally embarrassment. To make things worse across the street, our sweet elderly neighbor Mr. Horton practically dislocated his jaw in surprise at the accidental display.
Crisp autumn air washed over my naked body, hardening nipples that now pointed out fearless and free in front of the strangers. For a split second, I stood there, completely exposed. I glanced over my shoulder at my husband, cheeks blazing, but still… I didn’t cover up. My towel was behind me. A strange but familiar thrill raced through my heart. Even though I knew I should be embarrassed, a small part of me relished the thrill.
“Good morning!” I managed awkwardly, taking up the package and using it to hide as much of my breasts as I could. The delivery man was young, college aged, and in uniform. His freckled face blushed while his eyes scanned up and down taking in my figure. While the small package hid my breasts, my womanhood didn’t even have pubic hair to protect against an unwanted gaze.
“G-good morning, ma’am.” His eyes still wide were not directed at my face. I chewed nervously at my lip, “Do I… need to sign anything…?” His head snapped up in realization. The neighbor was still frozen in place, watering an already drenched shrub. “Uh-yeah here’s your… you can sign here.” He stammered. I held the package close with one hand and signed with my other. “Thank you, goodbye!” I said turning to get back inside. My hand did little to cover my exposed ass when I ran inside.
I was flustered, but if I was being honest with myself, more thrilled than ever. The shock on their faces, the dumbstruck look on my husband’s face, it left me tingling. “That couldn’t have gone any worse!” My husband called from behind his desk. “I probably should slow down next time.” His eyes were still wide and glued to my body, still perky from the cold. “If you slowed down any more, they might have time to draw your portrait!”
By dinner that night, Ethan had calmed down. We even laughed about the whole thing. I particularly laughed about Mr. Horton and his stupefied stare. “I mean, he probably hasn’t been surprised like that in ages,” I said playfully. Ethan grinned and shook his head. “No doubt you gave him something to think about. He’s probably telling his friends about this incident as we speak.”
After that, every new delivery seemed to stir a little spark of excitement around the house. My husband wasn’t complaining about my behavior, surely, he would enjoy the show himself. Knowing Mr. Horton may be around I found myself lingering in the doorway a little longer, letting the cool breeze dot my skin and arouse my nipples. It was thrilling, like a secret wager I’d taken without speaking it between me and my husband.
It didn’t take Mr. bursa eskort bayan Horton long to notice either. He began to find reasons to be in the yard when packages would arrive; tending to his bushes, cleaning a bird feeder, or just checking the mailbox for the second or third time that day. His participation became part of the routine. I could feel myself flush and perk up every time I went outside in a thin robe, or braless under a t-shirt.
One afternoon while lounging in only panties and a tank top, a particularly daring order arrived. This time, instead of rushing, I took my time. I thanked the flustered delivery man and opened the package right there on the porch. It was a silky and slinky, mini-dress, more daring than any dress I’d ever worn. I slowly inspected the fabric and held it up to myself to gauge a fit.
Across the street Mr. Horton paused, frozen in his “yard work”. His gaze lingered just a moment too long and I went back inside to satisfy my husband. Ethan caught my gaze suspiciously, but didn’t mind the view himself.
November was settling in, mornings growing colder, and the strings of sunlight that streamed through the windows were a welcomed warmth. After my husband was gone to work, and the sun was beginning to rise, I’d pry the curtains wide open and let early sunlight fill our bedroom and the front room with light.
The way the light displayed my curves and highlighted my blonde hair was emboldening to say the least. It made it almost impossible not to linger a little bit longer in front of the windows. My mornings developed into a new routine: coffee, breakfast, then drifting through the house in increasingly skimpy lounge wear.
At first it was innocent enough. I’d walk around wearing only an oversized sweater or tank top; keeping just enough covered. But as days passed, and my husband’s thirsty glances gave me encouragement, my choices of “morning attire” grew more daring.
One particularly chilly morning, I wandered through the living room in nothing but a cropped cami that hugged my athletic core and a pair of shorts that barely reached my thighs, every curve was unapologetically on display. Ethan noticed our curious neighbor before I did. I watched his hands fidgeted at the curtains, gripping them tightly as if caught between the urge to pull them shut and the temptation to let this quiet game play out.
“Oh let him look,” I chuckled softly. “He’s harmless.” He didn’t respond, but he stepped back from the window, leaving the curtains parted. His silent concession sparked the beginning of something, a boldness I hadn’t dare explore before. I didn’t just pass the windows anymore; I lingered. When I adjusted the throws on the couch, I bent over with deliberate care, letting the fabric of my shorts stretch and display my tightly toned ass. And when I paused to admire the view outside, I leaned into the moment, my hip cocked, my posture a quiet invitation to any wandering eyes.
One golden afternoon as the sunlight bathed the room in gold. I stepped out of my bedroom in a silk robe so thin I could’ve probably gone without it. The material barely reached the tops of my thighs. Ethan looked up from his book, and I caught the flicker of absolute lust in his eyes. I deliberately stretched up on my toes to dust things throughout the room. The movement pulled up on my robe and the hem slid up, revealing my skin where my husband expected panties.
Ethan watched enthusiastically his mouth hanging open. I sauntered over to the bookshelf at the end of the front room, carefully placing each step. The robe slid higher with every move I made, teasingly exposing more of my thighs till it rested below my naval. When my arms returned at my side the robe fell open, framing my breasts in a deep V of black silk.
Ethan’s eyes darted from me to the wide-open window where Mr. Horton stood frozen in his front yard. His mouth hung open and leaves blew out of his hand till he was holding nothing. It was such a funny scene, but the heat that rushed through me was anything but funny. My skin prickled and electricity woke a warmth between my legs. The stakes had risen again.
“Do you think he noticed?” I purred with mock innocence. Ethan swallowed hard, already forgetting about the book now abandoned on the couch. “Either he’s frozen in the yard because he’s having a stroke, or we’ve both seen most of my wife naked in a robe.” The package swelling in my husband’s boxers made me so hot I could sweat. I didn’t mind letting my robe fall open to quench my burning skin. I had been working hard after all.
The silk robe slipped from my shoulders, pooling precariously at my elbows. Mr. Horton was given a view first of my shoulders leading all the way to the two dimples at the small of my back. It was Ethan that got the best view. My right breast spilled out into the air and with my legs parted he could see the uncovered lips between my legs.
I could see Mr. Horton retreating into his house from over gursu eskort my shoulder. When I looked back I met Ethan’s darkening gaze. The unmistakable bulge strained down the leg of his boxer shorts. My game, the thrill of being watched wasn’t just affecting me. His manhood hardened down the leg of his boxer shorts. Its girth threatened to lift the shorts completely away. My arousal surged, an insistent ache that filled me from the inside out.
Ethan’s Jaw tightened and his hand curled into a fist. His eyes weren’t darting nervously to the window, they were locked onto me with an intensity I’ve never seen. Shivers rippled down my spine. “Do you think this is a game?” His voice was low, commanding. My robe barely clung to my frame, both breasts now fully uncovered beneath his eyes. “What if it is?” The words slipped out before I could catch myself.
“Enough” His voice cut through my defiant energy, both low and firm. The single word was spoken with an authority I’d never heard before. I had prepared to playfully continue, but my tongue caught when I saw his expression. His eyes searched me possessively, burning with desire.
“Come here.”
My pulse raced and I hesitated. I had been riding a thrill of being in control, but his tone, the way he stood like a pillar with, his chest rising and falling calmly. His strength and his size never occurred to me, but now I wanted to submit. The thought was enough to make me blush. I clutched my robe, catching it with my arm as I crossed the distance between us.
He snapped to life, grabbing me by a wrist, with enough force to warn me that he was serious. His other hand came down, tearing the silk robe off my shoulders completely. The garb pooled around at my feet, held on only by the wrist he held tight. The air brazed my skin but the heat radiating from his grip was all I could feel.
“You want to play this game?
Before I could respond he spun me around, ripping my robe away from me as he did. His hand pressed firmly against the small of my back, guiding me forward until I was bent over the arm of the couch. My chest fell into the cushions. His left hand palmed down, gripping me by the hip. “Is this what you wanted?” His voice was a growl, his breath hot against my skin. “To put on a show? To tempt me?”
I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t find my words. Pain stole the breath from my lungs as his firm hand slapped against my exposed ass. I gasped, almost a moan as the sharp sting ignited an ache that only fueled my arousal.
“Answer me,” he commanded. His tone left no room for defiance. “Yes,” I gasped, barely a whisper. From the couch I could see out the window, instantly I was deeply aware of my nakedness. I searched, but couldn’t see any sign of Mr. Horton outside.
Before I could decide if I was comforted by this or not, a clap echoed through the room. Another slap sent a jolt of heat to my core. A startled gasp was all I could manage as the sting pulsed through sensitive skin. The windows were wide open, no barrier between us and the outside world. My fingers trembled as I tried to focus on anything other than the fact, I was fully exposed.
His grip tightened around my hips, pulling me back into him. “Is this what you wanted?” He breathed against my ear. I could barely breathe under the intensity of his presence. His voice made my body tremble with need. A switch had been flipped inside me, begging to give in. “Do you want me to take you right here? To fuck you like a slut?”
The moment the word slipped from his lips a torrent of heat flooded through me. “Yes,” I repeated. “You belong to me.” His hand moved lower, sliding over the curve of my waist and further down to where my skin burned for his touch. My chest tightened, and my nipples hardened against the cushions. A gasp escaped my lips the moment his hand slid between my thighs.
My entire body stiffened as his fingers made contact with the heat between my legs. His fingers pressed against me, and I immediately felt the slickness, the warmth that had been building and releasing inside me. It wasn’t the touch that startled me, it was that I was already so wet for him. He hadn’t even touched me yet my body was already offering itself to him.
“What are you?” He demanded. I was soaked, exposed, and vulnerable. The word coursed through my mind but I was afraid to admit it even to myself. “I’m a slut?” I whimpered. Another involuntary moan slipped from my lips, and my hips instinctively shifted toward his probing fingers. “You’re MY slut.” I felt my body betray me, sending another rush of silky warmth onto my husband’s fingers.
“Say it. What are you?” His fingers moved, slipping along my folds teasing without giving me what I wanted. It was maddening! “I’m your slut,” Instantly a shiver ran through me, a rush of cold humiliation followed by an overwhelming tension that was encouraged by his touches. A small but involuntary pulse of pleasure shot through me starting Bursa elden ödeme escort deep in my core. A rush of throbbing warmth flooded my thighs, wetting Ethan’s fingers. The reaction was small but unmistakable. Instead of providing a relief it left me feeling weak, dizzy with need.
“What are you?” He repeated again. I should have been embarrassed, ashamed even. Instead, I felt alive, more so than I ever had. His fingers explored me, and I pressed into him. The wetness between my legs was proof I wanted him more than I could ever admit with words. “I belong to you! I’m your personal slut!” This time louder, more desperate, more willing than the first.
My body was trembling, and when his fingers finally slipped inside, I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped my lips. I had no control left, none. My body was entirely his. The more he touched me the more I realized how badly I needed to be taken. I arched my back involuntarily, trembling beneath his touch. My insides pulsed with need as his fingers stretched and filled me.
My body happily responded, clenching around his fingers, wanting more as another release grew closer. I could feel the heat building in my core, a tension that coiled tighter and tighter. He made me wait, torturing me with just enough to keep me on edge, but never letting me release. I could feel my wetness coating his fingers. I was soaked for him. In this moment, I existed only to be used. This wasn’t like times before. I wasn’t just wet for him I was burning up. In that moment I knew nothing could satisfy me except him.
The moment his fingers left me, I felt a deep hollow ache that made my body tighten in protest. The loss of his touch left me feeling vulnerable and exposed, desperate to be connected again. I pressed my thighs together slightly, but it wasn’t enough to relieve the ache. Putting my hands on the couch rest I pushed myself up to get a look at what he was doing.
What I saw stole my breath. He had dropped his boxers completely. His full length rested against my bare skin as he gripped my hips with both hands. I could have watched more if he hadn’t pulled me back, forcing my legs to spread for him. My body offered no resistance, happily giving itself away. His organ rested at my opening and with small thrusts he rubbed it against my wetness.
When he finally slipped inside everything faded away. At first there was a brief moment of pressure, then of fullness as I stretched to accommodate him. My body clenched instinctively, calling a wave of heat pulsing through me as I gasped. It was almost too much, yet it felt like everything I’ve needed. He was exactly where he belonged and the ache that had been building finally found its release.
My muscles tightened, and the walls inside me gripped him tight. I adjusted my hips, allowing more of him to bury deep within me. My thighs quivered and I felt a burning heat rising from within.”You’re mine,” He whispered low and rough. His words sent a shock through me, straight to the pit of my stomach.
The sensation of him moving inside me made my surroundings blur. His deliberate thrusts were both comforting and maddening. Each thrust pushed me closer to the edge. The closer I got the more I could feel my body responding to him. My hips rocked instinctively, needing more and more with every movement. I quivered inside when his thrust would bottom out against me, pounding me against the arm rest of the couch.
A hand moved from my hip to my shoulder, securing me in his grip. His movements became faster, more urgent. He thrust harder, pushing me closer to the edge of my control. He wasn’t being gentle now, just the primal force of a man taking what he wanted. He forced me to feel every inch of him as he drove it into me again and again.
Each thrust was deep and unrelenting. The sound of his body crashing into mine filled the room with a steady rhythm that seemed to match the rapid beating of my heart. My body shook naturally with the force of each movement. He was no longer holding back. I met his thrusts, bucking my hips against him, desperate for more. Pleasure was flooding through me with each punishing thrust. My knuckles went white as I gripped the edge of the couch for support. My breasts danced wildly while his hand guided my body to match the speed of his thrusts.
My breathing came out as quick gasps, every thrust sent a jolt of pleasure so sharp I could no longer hold back the moans of pleasure spilling from my lips. The sound of my submission only fueled his lust. I wanted, no, I needed it. I was a mess, unable to do anything more but let him take control. Let him move me the way he wanted, to fuck me in a way I never knew was possible.
I wanted this feeling to last forever, but the pressure built so rapidly I could barely keep up with it. His unrelenting thrusts moving inside me, drove me closer to the edge. I strained to hold onto the feeling but it was useless. There was no stopping it now.
A tingling rush of electricity spread through me, building to an unbearable peak. “O-oh!” I gasped over short breaths. The bouncing cadence of our flesh slamming together was on time and uninterrupted, pushing me further into a sinking abyss of pleasure. Then, with one final deep thrust, he broke me.
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