16 Ekim 2024

Step Sister Corruption 321 – 330

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Step Sister Corruption Part 321 – Day 161 Elephant Man Inquiry



Gabe: I’m sorry….what’s going on?

I sighed as I typed my reply…..again.

Me: essentially the girls think if they get male talent to fuck them then we’ll be able to compete with the other adult sites.  initially they wanted you to be the primary talent

Gabe: and I take it you told them I’m off the table?

I smiled at Gabe’s text seeing he wasn’t arguing nor was he trying to fight for their case.

Me: not in so many words but yes you are off the table.  So Kelly and I are going to talk to Dr. Braxter about maybe suggesting some people to help assist and be viable talent for the girls

I didn’t mention that Kelly had maybe suggested Dr. Braxter for another reason to possibly shut up an uppity bitch named Jaime.

Gabe: sigh alright I’ll put a call to our lawyer to see what we have to do

I didn’t think of that.  But the moment he mentioned lawyer I didn’t think that we would need legal representation on anything we were doing.  

Me: ok that’s probably a good idea.  How’s the building search going?”

I waited as Kelly drove to where we were supposed to meet Dr. Braxter….her house.  I had noticed we had to pass a security checkpoint before we could go up to Dr. Braxter’s house while I waited as I watched Gabe’s reply come in.

Gabe: frankly….it’s a bust.  Most of the ‘locations’ I have thought of has either been gobbled up by someone or some company, it has been repurposed already, or the realtors/banks won’t take me seriously

I looked at his text reading in between the lines feeling his frustration.

I typed….Me: well we’re almost at Dr. Braxter’s I’ll let you know how that goes in securing some talent for the girls.

We had just pulled up to Dr. Braxter’s house and I looked at Dr. Braxter’s house always feeling this admonishment at the house and feeling dread as we pulled up.

If it weren’t Dr. Braxter’s place I would be more inclined to really admire the architecture of the house as it was gorgeous but because it was Dr. Braxter’s house it looked more like a horror house in my mind.

My phone vibrated reminding me I was communicating with Gabe.

Gabe: be careful and I’ll contact the lawyer

I smiled at his reply and wanted to reply myself but simply just sent a winking face to him as my final reply.

We got out of Kelly’s vehicle and walked up to Dr. Braxter’s door before ringing the bell.

We only waited for a few moments before Dr. Braxter herself opened the door and smiled at us, “Ms. Michaels.  Ms. Prior.  Please come in.”

She stepped aside and allowed us to enter her house.  After she closed the door she held out her hand towards the living room, “Please sit.”

She walked passed us and walked into the living room sitting down at the chair before turning her attention to the TV looking at the news that was happening at the moment.

Kelly and I walked in and took a seat together on the sofa and simply waited for Dr. Braxter to address us while I caught what was being displayed on the news.  We calmly waited as Dr. Braxter seemed glued to the topic before she finally lowered the volume and looking at us, “Sorry about that.  Was just seeing what was going on on the global scale.”

I smiled, “Anything important?”

She smirked, “Depends on your view.”  She folded her hands in her lap, “But I don’t think you came here to talk about ‘politics’ now did you?”

Kelly and I looked at one another before we both shook our heads.

She smiled, “Alright. I imagine it’s something going on?” She addressed me, “How’s your milk coming along?”

I blushed but spoke, “My milk is coming in fine.”

She smiled, “How much have produced?”

I looked at her still feeling semi embarrassed, “In all….about 300 ounces. I’ll be bringing that in on Monday if that’s ok?”

Dr Braxter blinked in astonishment, “I’m sorry did you say 300 ounces?”

I looked at confused but nodded.

She clicked her tongue, “Uh.”

She recovered from her obvious shock, “Ok. Then is it your bodies?”

We both looked at each other before shaking our heads.

Dr Braxter spoke, “Ok then. If it’s not your milk Ms Prior and not your bodies. What do I have the honor of discussing with you?”

Kelly spoke, “Do you remember that gentleman that you spoke about as you used for an example of what could happen to us before we underwent the enhancement?”

Dr. Braxter thought about the day.

I helped as I added, “The gentleman with the elephant trunk.  The one that you have two kids with?”

Dr. Braxter immediately smiled and chuckled, “OH him.”  She looked at us, “What about him?”

Kelly spoke, “Is there any way we could ascertain his services for a day?”

I added, “And maybe some other individuals?”

Dr. Braxter blinked at us before she spoke, “Why?”

Kelly and I looked at one another trying to judge each other on how much we should share with Dr. Braxter.  I looked at Dr. Braxter, yenimahalle escort “Let’s just say I want to pay someone back and use that person’s ahem gift as pay back.”

Kelly spoke, “And the other’s is for some friend’s we’re trying to ween off Gabe.”

Dr. Braxter looked at us for a moment as I could tell she was visibly confused but she spoke, “I don’t think I can do that girl’s.”

I spoke, “Why?”

Dr. Braxter looked at me, “Because the man you are requesting is a highly valuable commodity to Muschi on multiple levels.  I can’t request his services unless I know why.”

I blinked wondering how a man with a elephant trunk for a penis is a ‘highly valuable’ commodity as I’m sure if I saw that man in front of me and his trunk hanging in front of me I sure as hell wouldn’t be salivating…..I’d be running.


YES I would run.

No I wouldn’t RUN towards him to worship it like I worship Gabe!  So YES I would RUN AWAY from him.



Ok I might salivate BUT I would still definitely run away as that TRUNK would BREAK ME.

Besides, Gabe’s bat is just perfect for me.  Big in the right places and attached to the right person.  

So why would a person like that be valuable but then I remembered who I was speaking with….a member of Muschi.  Knowing Muschi they were probably using him as a bull simply breeding girls left and right as he destroys their hips.

Kelly spoke, “But we just told you why.”

Dr. Braxter looked at us, “NO you just told me you want to use Muschi assets for some teenage pay back.”

I spoke, “No we want to use ONE asset to pay back a girl.”

Dr. Braxter nodded, “Uh huh you already said that.  But WHY?”

Both Kelly and I looked at each other trying to figure out HOW to explain to Dr. Braxter WHY we wanted Muschi’s assets for our own personal use without telling her WHY.

Dr. Braxter looked at us and spoke seriously, “Listen girls.  If you really want me to request Muschi for you to use one of their most valuable assets plus other assets.  I need to know WHY?”  She looked at us, “And be honest.”

Kelly and I looked at each other before we both sighed and I was the first to speak, “We’re doing porn.”

Dr Braxter looked at us obviously shocked for a moment before a slow smile spread across her face and I knew we were about to make a deal with the devil.

The only question was ‘How much was this going to cost us?’


Step Sister Corruption Part 322 – Day 161 Haggling



I should have figured that Dr. Braxter would want some quid pro quo for our ‘request’ to use one of Muschi’s ‘highly valuable assets’ as a stand-in to satisfy a certain bitches request.

Actually the moment Dr. Braxter smiled the way she did when we admitted that Kelly and myself had gotten ourselves entangled in starting a porn studio.

But this price?

This was TOO HIGH in my mind.

When we admitted that we had started a porn studio and were requesting one of Muschi’s asset was that Dr. Braxter requested that Gabe possibly impregnate a couple of select individuals as penance for use of Muschi’s highly valuable asset when we requested the man that Dr. Braxter showed us some time back before we became ‘enhanced’.  

Back when we were still talking about becoming ‘enhanced’ Dr. Braxter showed us a photo of someone who had taken the fertility formula and had adverse reactions as the individual had grown an elephant trunk for a dick.

Should have figured the person that Dr. Braxter had shown us was a ‘highly valuable asset’ with Muschi.

So when we made our request and admitted our predicament Dr. Braxter replied Well if I’m going to request such a highly valuable asset I think an equal trade would be advisable for the use of such a high level individual.  

When we asked what that meant Dr. Braxter mused the idea as she spoke, “If I’m going to request you the use of Mr. Chance I think that if we had the use of Gabe to impregnate some select individuals I believe that would be an acceptable payment with Muschi.”

She smiled so sweetly when she made the request that both Kelly and I had our mouths open.

Took me a second to get my wits back as I stated, “No way am I going to allow Gabe waste his cum in some female.”

That made Dr. Braxter raise her eyebrow at me when I said that.

She smiled, “Really?”

I nodded.

She chuckled as she stated, “He will make more.  We’re just talking a small amount for use of Mr. Chances time as he regularly impregnates females on a daily basis for Muschi.  So in order to free up his time to fuck one of your girls, I imagine it won’t be either of you.  So to free up his time we need someone to step in and impregnate the girls he has lined up.”

I growled at Dr. Braxter’s comment as she doesn’t understand that Gabe’s cum is mine as she didn’t miss it.

She smiled, “It’s either you or him sweetheart.”

I yeşilköy escort growled in return, “I’m NOT gonna get impregnated by ANY of your people.”

She raised her eyebrow, “Even if the four million is guaranteed?”

I ground my teeth as I hissed out, “Yes.”

Dr. Braxter shrugged but still spoke, “Still.  If I’m going to request Mr. Chance’s time I need something as payment for his services.”

Kelly spoke, “How much for his time for just a day?”

Dr. Braxter looked over at Kelly as she smiled, “I’d have to ask.”

She looked at me, “But I think a quid pro quo would be an easier price tag to get Mr. Chance’s services.”

I growled more as most of my thinking had gone to the wayside but eventually I found some calm and sighed.

I breathed in deeply and exhaled deeply.

Eventually I calmed myself using Kelly’s argument as justification, reminding myself this was just a way to bargain with Muschi.

I looked at Dr. Braxter, “How about WE give up our eggs and MY milk for a month?  Between our eggs and the milk I have already produced should be more than enough for his time.”

Kelly looked at me and whispered, “You really want to give up our money?”

I looked at her and whispered back, “You really want to lose Gabe to breeding because I guarantee you once they get him once they will get him again….and again…..and again to where we will never see him again.”

I heard Kelly sigh before she nodded and whispered back “Fine just don’t give away ALL that Muschi is paying us.”

I nodded and returned my attention to Dr. Braxter.

Dr. Braxter thought about it for a moment before she spoke, “How about I talk to Muschi and see what I can work out for Mr. Chance’s time.  If I can get a price tag I’ll bring it to you and let you two see if the price is worth your request.”

I nodded.

Dr. Braxter smiled, “Anything else?”

I nodded, “Yes, is there a list of guys who aren’t breeders that we could use for our porn studio as possible talent?”

Dr. Braxter smiled, “I’m sure I could pull together a list of individual’s but they won’t be cheap.”

I sighed and pinched my nose thinking I might have bitten off more than I can chew….or stomach.

Dr. Braxter asked, “Anything else?”

I shook my head and spoke, “How quickly can you talk to Muschi?”

Dr. Braxter looked at the clock and spoke, “I could call now and I might be able to get an answer in a couple of hours.”

I nodded, “Do it.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and passed the remote towards us, “If you want you can watch whatever you want.  Would you like something to drink while you wait?”

I grumbled, “Some water would be amazing.”

Kelly nodded, “Same.”

Dr. Braxter nodded and walked away.


Dr. Braxter was only gone for a few minutes after giving Kelly and me some water while we tried to figure out what to watch while we waited for a price on the now Mr. Chance.

Dr. Braxter came out with her phone still attached to her ear, “Hey you two, is Gabe out trying to find a location for your all studio?”

I blinked at her thinking how in the hell does she know but nodded, “yeah.”

She smiled, “Thanks.”

And left leaving Kelly and me semi confused though I had a painful pang in my gut telling me that was a different price that Muschi was going to hold over our heads now that they obviously knew.

I sat there beginning to think that we should leave because I was getting afraid of the new price that Muschi was going to hold over our heads now that they knew we had a porn studio….a studio we were trying to expand.  AND we were looking for talent.

Dr. Braxter walked out still talking on the phone with an obvious smile on her face while she was still talking, “How quickly can it be available?”

She turned the phone aside and looked at me, “How quickly can you get Gabe over here?”

I spoke, “Uuuhhhhh……”

She put the phone next to her ear, “What was that?  I’m sorry I was asking my guests a question.”

She nodded, “Uh huh.  Really?  That soon?”

She looked at us, “And modifications?”

She looked at us and listened before nodding for a moment before speaking, “Ok work the numbers and get back to me.”  She listened for a moment, “Right.”

She put her cell in her pocket, “Feel like going on a field trip?”

I blinked and thought not really.

Kelly spoke, “Where?”

She smiled, “Follow me.”

With that she turned and walked out her door making us follow her.

Forty minutes later we were on the other side of town close to where we turn to go home upon a building that read ‘Fertility Planning’.

We exited our cars as Dr. Braxter exited her car and walked up to the empty building with it’s empty parking lot.  The only people was us.

She walked up to the doors and waited for us to walk up the steps as she smiled, “Is Gabe on his way?  You did call him right?”

Kelly and I looked at each other and nodded still yeşilyurt escort confused as to WHY we were here though I had my suspicions.

She smiled and spoke, “I guess we can wait inside.”

She waved her ID next to the box on the door as it let out a beep and the door clicked.  She held the door open letting us in.

We entered and I blinked as the place looked semi dilapidated but you could tell no one had been in here in a while.

Dr. Braxter smiled, “What do you think?”

I spoke, “I’m not sure what we’re looking at here.”

She smiled, “Your new studio.”

At that both Kelly and I looked at her in complete disbelief.


Step Sister Corruption Part 323 – Day 161 The Art of the Deal



I arrived to an old building that still had ‘Fertility Planning’ on the outside.

I looked at the building confused as to why Kel and Summer had me come here.

And why was Dr. Braxter’s car out here with Kel’s car?

Had they found a studio replacement?

Did they talk to Dr. Braxter about helping find a suitable replacement?


I walked up to the door finding it still looked like the security on the door seemed new….I think.

I reached out and knocked on the metal door only waiting for a moment before it opened with Dr Braxter standing in the door way.

She’s instantly smiled upon seeing me, “Ah. Mr. Newman glad you can make it.” She stepped aside, “Come in and check out the ole girl.”

I looked at her quizzically for a moment before shrugging and walking in as Dr Braxter closed the door after I had entered.

I looked in to see Kel and Summer were standing in the…..main waiting area?


I shrugged residing it to be the front entrance and not dwell on what the actual area was called.

I looked around and spoke, “So what’s up?”

Dr Braxter smiled, “Say hello to your new studio.”

I looked over at Summer looking at her quizzically as she shrugged, “I didn’t tell her.”

I looked at Kel as she quickly shook her head, “Don’t look at me.”

I looked at Dr Braxter as she lightly chuckled before she spoke, “Mr Newman you haven’t been too secretive in your search.”

I looked at her, “Oook….”

She smiled, “Let’s just say a couple of locations you went to trying to find a building reached out trying to find a suitable building for an….”

She put a finger to her lip, “What did they say…..”

She thought for a moment before snapping her fingers, “That’s right…..,” she smiled at me, “A fledgling website looking to expand already'”

She looked at Summer and Kel, “When I was told that and you two admitting you had started a porn studio. I simply put two and two together.”

She looked at me, “Plus one the locations was your bank Mr Newman stating the business account was for a ‘Circle of Fun LLC’ saying you were the account holder and were in the market for a building.”

I sighed and thought ‘Well Shit.’

Dr Braxter spoke, “So once I was told that and Muschi authorized me to help by offering this location,” she looked at Summer, “at a very reasonable price.”

I sighed, “How much?”

Dr Braxter smiled, “How about we walk through. See if the location and the space gives you ideas.”

I looked over at Summer and Kel as they looked at me.

Eventually Summer rolled her eyes, “Just walk?”

Dr Braxter smiled, “Yes. Just walk.”

Summer and Kel stepped into each of my sides as we started walking further into the building.

And I started getting ideas.

On the first floor was the reception and waiting area.

There was rooms where most of the faculty were located as there was and old filing room. Most of the files were gone as the cabinet’s and other storage were either missing or what was left was falling apart.

A faculty lounge room that seemed stripped down severely.

Bathrooms some of which had actual showers in.

Rooms where there was still desks and old cubicles.

In all there was roughly 40 rooms for something on the first floor. Which seemed like a lot but I was including broom closets and small areas where you couldn’t walk in and raise your arms without touching the walls…well I couldn’t at least. So yeah I was including those.

Below there was a basement where most of the electrical and water were located. Then two floors below that for parking underground.

Each floor for parking held enough for 30 cars. So with both floors I could accommodate 60 cars.

Then the next three floors above the first floor held more offices, examination rooms, and other rooms.

The last floor was meant for surgeries on one side. And on the other were the big wigs at the building as their BIG ASS offices remained almost nearly in tact.

The building frankly held a lot of potential as it was a literal fuck ton bigger than mom’s little studio.

My mind was already swimming with idea’s for each floor.

Like the top floor could be our living quarter’s where Kel and I could be free without having to worry about dad accidentally walking in.

All three of us could be free.

We could put spare rooms for the others like Morgan perhaps. Maybe even Sabrina.

Hell Mia and Karinna could live with us on the top floor and we’d still have room to play with.

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