17 Ekim 2024

Sophia’s World Pt. 05

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



Sophia was a tad surprised when the concierge came across to her in the lobby and told her that Kaori was waiting for her in her car outside. She was surprised because she imagined she would have a driver. Perhaps it was just her way of asserting her independence as a scion of a wealthy family. She was certainly driving a fun car: Kaori explained to Sophia that it was a vintage Toyota Supra Mk4, manufactured in 1984 – well before either of them was born. Kaori drove it to the Kobe beef restaurant, where she handed it over to a valet who whisked it off to some subterranean car park. It was only when they got inside the restaurant that Sophia was able to get a good look at what Kaori was wearing.

Not many women of her age would have been able to pull it off. She had on a short black button-up dress, where the dress proper started just above the waist – in other words, the straps went far and deep over the blouse. The blouse was a white high-necked long-sleeve affair, ornately decorated in lacy frills. Beneath the mini dress – and accentuating the kawaii (cute) effect – were a pair of black stockings.

Sophia herself was wearing something she had bought earlier that day: a long floral Japanese dress with flared three-quarter sleeves, essentially cream with a pattern of grey blue leaves and flowers in autumnal colours. A broad red obi went around the waist, tied by a bow at the front with long, dangling tassels.

The man who owned the shop had been born and raised in Kobe, where he had learned the art of raising specially selected cattle to create the delicacy known as Kobe beef. Now in his early 70s, he was in the process of handing the business over to his son. Although he spoke no English, Kaori was on hand to translate as he explained how the cows were lovingly massaged every day to give the meat its melt-in-the-mouth quality. The beef, together with a selection of vegetables, was prepared on a hot plate incorporated in the table where the diners sat. A selection of condiments was available, but Sophia felt that to add mustard and suchlike to the meat would be to spoil it rather than enhance it. The proprietor noticed this and told Kaori that this was the first time he had seen an American not smother his beef with mustard. When Kaori translated for Sophia, she said she wasn’t an American.

‘Ah,’ the septuagenarian replied. ‘That explains it.’

After dinner, Kaori took Sophia to a dessert shop, where they enjoyed bean curd with mango and a sesame dessert, which was particularly heavenly. Given the lateness of the hour – it was past eleven by now – and the clement weather, the journey to Kaori’s country place took only three quarters of an hour. The two-storey house was situated near the top of a valley several kilometres away from the nearest village. As they made their way up the winding road from the valley floor, Sophia could make out the outlines of cows standing in the fields. Kaori explained these were part of a dairy herd which supplied the milk that would be brought to her place in the morning and left in a refrigerator by the door. The cherry trees were situated on the other side of the ridge that marked off this valley from the next one.

Kaori showed Sophia to the guest room upstairs, which was furnished with two single beds, and told her she would light a fire in the sitting room, if she would care to join her for a nightcap. Sophia freshened up and joined her ten minutes later, still dressed in the same dress but minus the shoes. Kaori was sitting on the sofa, with two cups and a bottle of sake neatly laid out on the low table before her. Sophia joined her, sitting down close, but not too close, and accepted the sake from her host.

‘Thank you for a beautiful evening,’ she said, clinking cups and sipping at her drink, sneaking a glimpse at Kaori’s stockinged feet.

‘You are a very easy guest,’ Kaori said. ‘It is a pleasure to spend time with someone who is so accommodating.’

‘Oh, I can be quite the difficult customer at times,’ Sophia replied, laughing. ‘But the attention to detail and the unfussiness of Japanese hospitality is enough to satisfy even a demanding person like me.’

‘You like to make demands of yourself too?’ asked Kaori, turning and looking Sophia in the eyes with an enigmatic look on her face.

‘Some people call me an over-achiever, but I guess I’m just blessed with the ability to identify opportunities when they arise and to take advantage of them.’

‘Have any opportunities arisen on this trip?’ Kaori asked, moving a little closer to the Englishwoman.

‘I think one may have been opening up in front of my eyes, but I have been a little shy about grasping it.’


‘Because I’m not sure that I have been able to read the signs.’

‘Do you need to have everything spelled out for you in black and white before you make a move? Can you not just plunge in headfirst?’

Sophia shifted uneasily on the edge of the settee.

‘Perhaps it is erbaa escort that you want me to make the first move?’

Sophia sat there like a statue, her heart racing within her, waiting for the Japanese to make good on her words. Kaori slipped the scrunchie from her hair and let her raven locks fall loose over her shoulders. She moved stray tresses from her eyes and did the same for Sophia, letting her fingers stray to her forehead and her cheeks as she did so. Sophia clenched her fists on her lap, feeling as awkward and gauche as a schoolgirl.

‘Perhaps Kaori thinks this is my first time with a woman,’ she thought.

It was a thought that fuelled her arousal. She had found her role in this drama quite by chance. Her nervousness had been real but now she would be able to redirect it towards her own ends. Happily, she reflected, those ends would align with Kaori’s and the needs of both women would be satisfied. More than satisfied, she hoped. Sated.

Kaori moved in to kiss Sophia, gently on the lips at first, showing no hint of the urgency that was surely to follow. Sophia, determined to stay in character for as long as she could, kept her mouth closed but was not entirely unresistant to Kaori’s advances, responding as best she could with virtually locked lips. Clearly, Kaori was not discouraged, as she broke the kiss to whisper in Sophia’s ear.

‘You are a very beautiful woman.’

‘Thank you,’ Sophia responded – a certain breathiness betraying her confusion.

‘I think you like me too?’

‘Um, yes. You are also very beautiful. Very beautiful.’

‘And my lips are soft?’

‘Very soft. Yes.’

‘My tongue is also soft. Would you like to feel it?’

‘I would like to try it. Maybe just once.’

Kaori returned to Sophia’s mouth and parted the lips with her pink tongue. Whatever locks had been guarding those lips gave way immediately and Kaori found she had full access to the blonde’s sweet mouth. She swept her tongue over Sophia’s teeth and the roof of her mouth before seeking out her tongue and engaging in a slow and passionate dance with a partner that proved to be no novice in the art of kissing. Kaori placed her hand on Sophia’s leg just above the knee, causing Sophia to squirm slightly by way of indicating to the Japanese woman the direction she wished that hand to travel. Kaori ignored the unspoken plea and left her hand where it was, but by way of compensation she brought her other hand to the nape of Sophia’s neck so she could drive her tongue deeper into the blonde’s mouth.

Feeling the clenched hands act had outlived its usefulness, Sophia moved her hand straight to Kaori’s breast, which she found well muffled by the ornate tracery on the blouse and, presumably, some kind of bra. Was it padded, she wondered? Certainly, the Japanese woman hadn’t appeared so buxom at the sushi bar last night. Maybe she was wearing a push-up padded bra? The mere thought got Sophia’s pulse racing. But this was as nothing compared to the reaction she felt when a vision of the Japanese woman wearing a garter belt with those sexy black stockings came into her mind.

Kaori let out a whimper when Sophia fondled her, encouraging the Englishwoman to press home her advantage. She moved her other hand to her throat, seeking out the buttons that needed to be undone as a matter of some urgency, as their lovemaking moved from the preliminary stage to the business end. Thwarted in her attempt, she moved her hand round and found the top button. Using both hands, she made quick work of the half dozen or so buttons, and celebrated by kissing her lover on the neck, drawing something more than mere whimpers from her this time. Beginning to assume control, Sophia took Kaori’s hand in hers and moved it up to her inner thigh, exhaling deeply when the Japanese woman’s elegant fingers made a movement of their own towards Sophia’s centre.

They kissed once more – now with a hunger bordering on frenzy. Kaori untied the bow on the obi as if she were unwrapping a Christmas present, then located the hidden press button on the neckline of Sophia’s dress and unsnapped it. She told the blonde to stand, and, standing herself, slipped the dress over her shoulders and watched as it billowed to the polished oak floor. With only the briefest of pauses to take in the majesty of Sophia’s body, she unclasped her pink bra and tossed it onto the sofa. Only the matching panties stood between Kaori and her midnight feast. She told Sophia to lie on the sofa and thought of removing her clothes. She opted not to, believing that the married Caucasian woman would prefer the fantasy of being made love to by an Asian schoolgirl. With one hand on Sophia’s right breast, she moved her other hand to Sophia’s naked thigh, as her mouth centred in on her lover’s left breast. She laved it firmly with her tongue, sweeping across it at all angles, slanting across her taut nipple from time to time, drawing gasps from her victim-cum-lover.

Sophia was content to ercis escort play the passive role, willing Kaori’s hand to make the short journey to a pussy that was more than ready to receive a lover’s full attention. She could smell her own arousal and knew that the Japanese must be able to detect an odour that simply cried out, ‘Fuck me!’ Desperate for release, she did everything but take Kaori’s hand and place it on her pussy. She wriggled and squirmed, but all to no effect. She didn’t want to beg, but even as she raised the possibility with herself, she realised that this was what Kaori wanted her to do. The time for civility, decorum and Japanese indirectness was over.

‘Fuck me!’ Sophia said with all the quiet authority she could muster.

‘Undress me first,’ Kaori said, standing meekly – like a schoolgirl, with hands crossed in front of her legs – before Sophia.

Sophia sat up and eased the straps of Kaori’s ludicrous little dress over her shoulders. Pulling the blouse roughly out from the confines of the dress, she pulled it over the Japanese woman’s head and tossed it on the floor. She found a hook above the line of vertical buttons on the skimpy dress, undid it and made short work of the buttons with fingers that seemed to by flying of their own volition. Kaori stood before her in white padded uplift bra, while panties and black garter belt and stockings.

‘What sort of schoolgirl wears this underwear?’ asked Sophia.

‘A very naughty one,’ said Kaori, entering into the spirit of the fantasy they were both enacting.

‘And what happens to naughty schoolgirls?’

‘They must be punished.’

‘You first punishment is to remove my panties,’ said Sophia, rising to her feet.

The shorter woman knelt down and pulled the pink panties down to Sophia’s feet and steadied her as she stepped out of them.

‘Your next punishment is to lick me out until I am dry, or until I come, whichever comes first.’

Still kneeling, Kaori spread Sophia’s legs, brought her nose to her sex and inhaled her aroma.

‘I think I will make you come,’ she said.

She directed her breath onto Sophia’s mons and watched as the wispy blonde hairs swayed in the breeze. Then she placed her mouth lightly on Sophia’s petals, inhaling the fragrance and stimulating her lover’s nerve endings. Sophia sighed softly and opened her legs wider still. Her hand found its way to the environs of her clitoris, but was stopped in its tracks by Kaori, who clenched it firmly before sending it back to where it came from. The clitoris was hers, Kaori’s, the Japanese woman seemed to be saying, as she moved her lips to the already swollen nub.

‘Oh, fuck, yes,’ Sophia vocalised, desperate for her lover to increase her pace.

Kaori responded by withdrawing her mouth and placing a finger on her swollen bundle of nerve endings.

‘For fuck’s sake, frig me off,’ Sophia exclaimed, losing her patience together with her politeness.

Choosing not to reply to Sophia’s petulance, the Japanese woman slowed her pace still further, removing her finger and satisfying herself by blowing on the aching clitoris. Sophia had finally got the message and made no comment or action that might further alienate the zen-like Oriental. As a reward, Kaori placed her mouth once more on Sophia’s stalk and unleashed her tongue on it. Sophia had to place one hand on the sofa arm and one on Kaori’s shoulder to stop herself from collapsing. Far from prompting her lover to slow down, this merely spurred her on to more frenetic action, her tongue working like a blender turned up to maximum speed.

Sophia could feel the orgasm building like a high-speed lift reaching its zenith. No sooner had she climaxed than Kaori was at it again, tonguing her vagina as if there would be no tomorrow. On the one hand, Sophia was desperate to sit or lie on the sofa, but, on the other, she didn’t want to break Kaori’s rhythm. And what a rhythm it was! So much for the fabled demure, submissive Japanese lady! From time to time, she would take a break from her assault on Sophia’s cunt and address her in a staccato and serious tone in Japanese – like a schoolmarm, or perhaps a madam in a bordello. Needless to say, it turned the Englishwoman on even more and primed her for another orgasm. She knew she was on the cusp. She knew that Kaori knew she was on the cusp. And she knew that it was entirely in Kaori’s gift whether she came or whether she would ultimately be left frustrated.

So Sophia played it safe, exerting no pressure on her lover besides the unspoken but very real pressure of her overwhelming desire. How she longed to drive that beautiful face into her pussy, or to turn the tables and drive her tongue into that Oriental asshole! But she kept her discipline and, for the most part, kept her mouth shut and let Kaori do her thing. When she saw Kaori licking her finger, Sophia’s heart leapt within her.

‘Please, please!’ she pleaded inwardly. ‘Invade me! Invade me now!’

‘You’re erdek escort craving a degrading act, aren’t you?’ said Kaori with severity in her voice.

Sophia knew better than to defy her mistress, nodding in response with a hint of remorse in her features.

‘You are willing to become a slut to receive sexual satisfaction, are you not?’

‘Yes,’ replied Sophia simply.

‘You Caucasians come to our country like a disease to pollute our race and spread your unnatural habits.’

Receiving no response, Kaori repeated her words, adding ‘yes?’ in a tone that required an answer. The right answer.

‘Yes,’ said Sophia again.

‘Then receive the punishment for your actions,’ Kaori added.

The punishment was the one Sophia was hoping for. Kaori’s slender finger plundered Sophia’s ass, while her tongue took no prisoners in her dripping cunt. The outcome was as predictable as it was speedy. Sophia’s whole body went into convulsions, causing Kaori to disengage herself and help her stricken lover onto the sofa. She reckoned that this would mark the conclusion of the evening’s entertainment, but she was reckoning without a knowledge of Sophia’s powers of recovery and of her voracious sexual appetite.


Sophia lay naked on the sofa for several minutes, while Kaori put another log on the fire and tidied things up. She went to her room, took two yukata robes from a wardrobe, put on the smaller one herself, and, returning to the sitting room, gave the other one to Sophia. She then went to the kitchen, took a bottle of an isotonic drink from the fridge, and brought this together with two glasses to the sitting room. Sophia was happy to slake her physical thirst, but was not relieved of the much keener desire to quench her sexual appetite. All it took was a flash of Kaori’s stockinged calf to send Sophia into overdrive.

Taking the glass from her host’s hand, she placed it on the table and pushed the woman back onto the sofa. There was something in her eyes that might have been frightening if Kaori had met her on the street. As it was, here in this safe and snug environment, the look still made her feel uncomfortable. Or rather, it took her out of her comfort zone and into a place that offered risk, adventure and almost limitless opportunities. She slouched back and allowed Sophia to take control.

The first thing that had to go was that underwired padded bra. Shame on Kaori for making herself out to be more buxom than she really was. Sophia reached around and undid the fastening, letting the garment fall into her lap. Kaori was pretty much as flat as a pancake – except a pancake doesn’t usually have a dark (almost black) appendage jutting proudly from it. The areoles were narrow in diameter but, Sophia thought, very sexy. The nipples themselves had required all that padding to prevent them ruining the cutie effect that Kaori had worked so hard to achieve. Now freed from their confinement they screamed out for attention, determined to make everything about them. If the treasure veiled by her panties was Kaori’s Rome, then these magnificent organs were her Florence. Unwise would be the traveller in Italy who failed to stop in the city on the Arno to take in the splendour of the Duomo and the Uffizi in his haste to get to the capital. Even so, Sophia realised it would be remiss of her bordering on the criminal not to spend time in northern climes before venturing south.

Closer inspection had revealed to Sophia that the apparent flatland was in fact composed of two shallow domes, more akin to the Pantheon in Rome than to St Paul’s Cathedral in London, though with not even that much loft. They were worth exploring, Sophia reckoned, before she moved onto the twin obelisks that dominated the landscape. She decided she would take them one at a time. It was possible that they hadn’t received the attention they deserved since Kaori attained womanhood and Sophia was determined to help redress the balance. Starting with the one closest to her, she rubbed it gently with her fingers. There was fatty tissue there – just not an abundance of it. A baby, she felt, would have no cause to complain, and neither should she. Resisting the almost magnetic attraction of the towering nipple, she applied her mouth to the small mound, kissing it lightly, as she herself would like to be caressed. Presently, she brought her tongue into play, eliciting the faintest of reactions from Kaori, who clenched and unclenched her fist. She continued to work on the spongy – almost springy – surface for a minute or two before switching to the other breast and going through a similar regimen.

Finally, the time came to seal the deal. Returning to her starting point, Sophia stuck her tongue out like a snake tasting the air and arrowed it onto the tiny platform provided by the dark brown areole. The contrast with her pale skin was a wondrous thing, Sophia thought. Kaori jolted as if struck by lightning as the tip of Sophia’s soft, wet tongue made contact with such a sensitive area. No one – man or woman – had ever made her feel like this before. In spite of the pleasure she was receiving now, her mind raced forward to the time when the blonde would peel off her panties and bury her face in her pussy.

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