17 Ekim 2024

Sadie’s Score Pt. 01

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Author’s note: this is the first story I’ve ever written. There’s a fair amount of absurdity in it but it was fun to write. Please feel free to leave a comment. Tell me things you liked or would like to see more of. I have many more chapters ready to upload already. Anyway.

Sadie looked back at the other team’s goalie. She felt a secret satisfaction in seeing her dejected face as she picked up the soccer ball that had just been kicked into the goal by her.

She jogged back to center field. She used her practice jersey to wipe the sweat off of her forehead, exposing her tan, glistening midriff to the air. Sadie was tall and slender. At 6′ tall and 135 pounds, she towered over most of her other teammates. She was a dedicated athlete; she played varsity soccer, volleyball and competed on the varsity swim team. The muscles on her legs, arms, and abs were all well defined. To her athletic dismay however, she also sported 34E breasts. During most athletic events, Sadie wore two sports bras to keep her breasts securely in place. Most people at school were unaware of her buxom tendencies however, as she typically wore an oversized hoodie to hide them during school hours. What many girls would have done anything to achieve, she instead felt insecure about. Otherwise, she displayed exemplary confidence in everything she set her mind to. She had long, voluminous brown hair that she usually kept slicked back into a high pony tail.

She was the star of the girls soccer team, and this practice was going particularly well for her. After scoring the aforementioned goal against the other practice team, the coach called for a water break. She jogged over to her green Gatorade bottle and took a long drink. The water tasted…off. Not bad or gross, just…different. Before she could even process it however, the water break ended and the match resumed. She ran back to her position on the field.

The match resumed and Sadie continued to dominate. She perfected her ball handling outside of scheduled practices to the point that she could weave around the opposing teams defenders with ease. After one particularly embarrassing play for the other team, Sadie ran circles around her opponent and scored once again. This time, however, Sadie’s typical sense of satisfaction was instead replaced with a feeling of sudden lightheadedness.

Her coach let out an approving holler at her play, but before Sadie could react, she fell to the ground, slipping in and out of consciousness. When she fully came to, she was in the nurses office with a cold compress on her forehead and her feet elevated with a pillow. The only other person in the office was her teammate Kara. She was friends with Kara, although lately she felt like the two were growing apart, due in part to the bitterness Kara had from the special attention the coach had for Sadie on the soccer team.

“What happened?”

“You passed out on the field. Do you not remember that I helped you walk here? Coach said you must have heat exhaustion”

Sadie sat up. She felt different. Her abdomen specifically felt funny. She looked down at her waist and noticed a pronounced bulge under her shorts, making them look almost like she was wearing swim trunks bloated with air underwater. She looked at her friend who seemed as confused as Sadie.

“Is this some kind of a joke?” Her confusion began to turn into disgust and then anger as she began to suspect that someone on her team had stuffed her shorts with something as a kind of prank.

“I d-didn’t see anything, I swear!” Kara replied timidly.

Sadie sat up and went to the locker room next door to change. Her shorts felt as if something heavy was being held in there. She usually wore small, seamless panties while at practice but that day she was forced to wear hip hugging spandex boxer briefs. The kind that looked like volleyball shorts. She didn’t have any other clean pairs that morning when she got her soccer bag ready. With every step she felt as though there was something fleshy hanging, almost clinging to her body, tightly contained by her tight spandex underwear. She wasn’t shy to be naked around other people. She often took as many as three showers a day at school, always around other naked girls. She often felt the stares of curious admiration from the other girls watching her disrobe and rinse off during PE and after practices. She didn’t usually mind being stared at by her female classmates and even enjoyed the attention. She wasn’t about to reach down her pants in the school hallway, however, even if there wasn’t anyone else around.

With every step she felt more uncomfortable and as soon as she made her way to the shower stall she could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her desperation to see what was under her shorts grew. She reached the single private stall and threw her shorts and underwear down together in a single motion.

Time seemed to go in slow motion for her while she watched in the mirror as a long, fleshy….hose unraveled itself erenköy escort in front of her eyes. To her horror, she came to realize that the hose could better be described as a massive, floppy…dick–and that it was connected to her!

She let out a yelp and tried to slap it away. The instant her hand made contact, she gasped out loud, “OUCH!”, she said, recoiling from pain in a place she had never felt before.

“What the hell is happening??” She said frantically. She was afraid to touch it again since the first contact hurt. She tried to control her breathing and calm down. Her gaze switched back and forth from the mirror to looking at the dick directly. She reached down and calmly attempted to lift the member up. She had never so much as kissed a boy, and the only dick she had ever seen in real life was in her biology textbooks.

She gasped again. Underneath the dick were a pair of two mango sized balls hanging in an extremely tight pouch of skin. She felt like she was going to faint again.

Just then, Kara came in and pulled the shower curtain to the side

“Sadie! I heard you–ahh! What is that??” She exclaimed before quickly closing the curtain again. Sadie sat on the shower bench and caught her breath. She had to think fast..

“Somebody tied a dildo to my underwear! How did you not see who did it??”

“I don’t know! As soon as I laid you down on the nurse’s bed, I left to tell the coach you were fine. When I came back you passed out again..I couldn’t have been gone longer than ten minutes!”

“Okay well..I’m not feeling well. I’m just gonna take a shower and go home early.” Sadie turned on the shower.

Kara seemed worried but left her friend in the shower and returned to practice.

Left alone again, Sadie’s mind began to race. What was she going to do? How was she going to be able to practice? Where did this thing come from?? Curious to see what all was still down there. Sadie carefully lifted up the dick, and pulled the balls to the side. She frantically moaned to see that her pussy was completely gone. She rubbed all around her gooch and felt nothing but soft flesh. She began to panic. This was a small thing to worry about, but she had been told by many girls that she had a “perfect pussy”. She didn’t fully grasp what that meant as girls had told her she had no visible labia and perfectly sealed lips. She didn’t know exactly why that was important but she felt a sense of ignorant pride in them before having to lament their loss.

She sat on the shower bench under the water for another twenty minutes until she knew practice was about to end. She hurried and got dressed again. She realized she never took her two sports bras off during the whole ordeal. She couldn’t put a shirt on over them or else they’d soak through her shirt. She pulled at the outer one and completely failed to make the wet fabric move at all. She attempted to take both off at the same time to no avail. She put on her shorts and underwear again. She positioned the long dick and balls like a clump of garden hose between her legs. She grabbed her jersey, ran to her locker, threw on her sweatshirt, and ran to her car. Just as she drove away, she could see her teammates running back from the practice field. She pulled the hoodie up over her head and pretended not to see any of them. She got home and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She was an only child and her parents were in Hawaii for the week. She usually looked forward to her parents’ ‘work trips’ because it meant that she got the entire huge house to herself. This time she instead felt relief at not having to explain why she was acting so weird and hiding to anyone.

In the solitude of her room, she took off her sweatshirt and attempted to remove her sports bras again. With great effort, she was able to peel the outer one over her head. The inner one had a small zipper in the front, which she pulled down. Upon unclasping, her tits bounced free and returned to their normally wide set, perky positions.

She felt like a weight had lifted from her chest. She looked in the ceiling high mirror. Suddenly she felt like her boobs weren’t the worst thing about her anymore. Her gaze slowly shifted downward until she saw the slightly visible bulge in her shorts. “I have to be dreaming”, she said out loud. She was glad that it was Friday, as she wouldn’t have to think about school for at least a few days–“VOLLEYBALL!” She exclaimed frantically. Tryouts started Sunday morning. She began to panic again. How was she supposed to go with that thing?

Overwhelmed, she went to lay down on her bed. She pulled her shorts down and tried to fall asleep. The dick felt so…unnatural. At first she let it rest under her while she lay on her stomach. The dick touching her tummy felt weird and made her skin feel sweaty. She tried sleeping on her side to no avail. Frustrated, she finally took a towel, wrapped the dick in it, and fell asleep

She awoke ergani escort several hours later, disoriented.

“I just had…the weirdest dream” she said while shifting to get out of bed. She felt like her bladder was about ti burst. She sat up and began to walk to the bathroom. The towel, which she had forgotten about, slowly unrolled itself and fell to the ground. She recoiled in disappointment as the newly liberated dick popped out and flopped around freely.

“This is a nightmare.” The urgent feeling in her bladder returned. Her heart sank as she realized she was going to have to use the new member to pee.

She didn’t have time to think. She positioned herself to sit down until she thought, “wait. This thing is going to touch the water. gross.”

She stood back up and held the dick in both hands, both about halfway down the shaft, like she was holding a shakeweight in front of her. There were at least six inches on either side of her hands.

“…here goes” she said. She let her bladder release. Within an instant, her dick was spraying all over the toiled. She never considered having to aim before. She panicked and frantically tried to control the hose, now decorating the entire bathroom. Her hand shifted down the shaft. She fumbled with the head, now pissing all over her hands, until she managed to crudely aim it into the bowl. Her body was filled with immense relief as she let her bladder empty for at least 45 more seconds.

“That feels SO much better..” she exhaled. She finished up. She noticed pee was still dribbling out so she gave it a good shake and flexed where she normally would if she were to try and stop with her pussy. The dick stopped dribbling and she stood there, stunned by a mixture of emotions. She knew she needed to clean the mess up but she decided to do that later. Having fulfilled its first duty as her new dick, she felt encouraged to explore the new hardware some more. She washed her hands and used a wet wipe to wipe any places on her body touched by piss. She back went out into her room and stood in front of the mirror.

Sadie looked at her hanging dick from every angle. She touched every inch carefully. She noted the huge looking vein at the base where it met her pubic bone. She was surprised to find that part surprisingly pleasing to look at. She lifted the balls up. She squeezed them gently. She knew balls were sensitive and she wasn’t about to find out why they made guys keel over when they were punched at school. Still though, she continued to fondle them. She separated the balls and held one in each hand. It was like gripping two baseballs. She let go and noted that there wasn’t a single hair anywhere on any part of the new junk. She only ever had about ten thin pubic hairs above her pussy which she could shave off with one pass when shaving her legs.

She grabbed her phone. She went into an incognito tab and searched “girl suddenly has a dick”

She spent several minutes perusing trans porn sites for the first time in her life. She was shocked and sickened by the pictures and videos. She couldn’t help but notice that their dicks were much smaller than hers. She did not look at porn. It was not a thing she had thought about much prior to that moment. She came across a page with the tag “futa girls” the absurdity of the illustrated girls with massive dicks seemed much more similar to her. She closed the browser and vowed not to look at any of that again.

After a few seconds, however, she realized she couldn’t get the images of trans girls and illustrated “futa” girls out of her head. Out of curiosity, she went on a Google search binge.

“How big average dick size”

“How deep is the vagina”

“Largest dick in the world”

“Largest dick ever inside of girl”

Her eyes were shocked by pictures and gifs of girls taking massive dicks in not just their pussies, but also their buttholes. “That’s a thing?” She blurted in disbelief. She looked at her dick. Something seemed off. Those dicks were big on screen. She read that there were dicks bigger than 13 inches when erect and began to wonder how big hers was. She went to her desk and got a ruler. She pulled her dick out straight and was surprised to find that the tip of it extended well beyond the edge of the ruler.

She had to find out though. She went into the basement and found a box of her grandmas old sewing supplies. She found a roll of measuring tape. She took the tape and positioned it on her dick again. She fumbled with the loose dick until she was able to run the tape along the length of her soft dick.

“Twenty inches???” She exclaimed. She let go of the tape and her dick flopped back down. Her eyebrows furled.. “but wait,” she thought, “those were erect dicks. This one is soft!”

She went back to her phone and the image of a tiny girl taking a massive black dick in her ass popped up on the screen. “That is insane.” She thought. Curiosity began to grow inside of Sadie’s ergene escort mind. “What does my butthole look like?” She inquired. She scooted and sat in front of the mirror with her legs spread wide. She lifted her balls and dick with one hand and looked at her hole. It looked firm and rigid. She poked at it with a finger from her free hand. “It’s soft..with ridges…how do girls not poop on the guys’ dicks when they do that?” She thought. She poked at the opening of her butthole. The dry skin denied entry. “Oh..uhhhh..” she timidly drooled some spit on her finger and attempted to push it in the hole once again. It slid in to her second knuckle with relative ease. It didn’t hurt at all. She was nervous of what may be on her finger if she tried to pull it out however.

She squinted her eyes and hesitantly pulled her finger out. She opened them fully to see totally clean skin. No presents. No smell. “Oh. Well that’s easy.”

She wondered if her butthole was also appealing to look at like her friends said her pussy was. She imagined asking her friends to look at her butthole jokingly when a thought popped into her head.

She washed her finger in the sink and grabbed her phone.

She texted her friend Sophia and asked if she wanted to spend the night until she remembered that she got her phone taken away by her parents for the week.

She hesitated to text Kara. She felt like she had been rude to her friend earlier in the nurses office. Plus things were awkward between them with the coach situation.

“i just had the weirdest day. Do u want to come over tonight?” She texted Kara anyway.

Kara responded right away and said that she’d be over after her family finished a movie. Thirty more minutes.

Sadie sighed. What was she gonna do? Show her the dick? Explained what happened? Her anxiety soared. She still had images of girls taking massive phalluses in their holes and pulled up her phone once again. She felt weird looking at all the smut that she before today had typically associated with perverted guys.

Having just fingered her butthole for the first time, a thought occurred to her; she had never fingered her pussy in her entire life. She worried she’d never be able to try that or put anything else in the place that was now just smooth skin. She wondered what sex would have felt like there. Sadie’s mind began to imagine all the different possible scenarios. She knew she liked boys. Would she only be able to give blowjobs to them? What if they saw her dick?? Do boys even like anal? Would she be able to take a dick in her ass? She realized that she didn’t know if her dick was sexually functional. If it was, what would she do with it? She assumed that all the boys she knew would never ever ever take a dick in their asses at the risk of it being ‘gay’. So if she ended up wanting to use it someday, would she have to find a girl to put it in? She had never been against the idea of kissing a girl. She did it once at a volleyball sleepover. What girl would want to have sex with another girl that has a dick this big? Or a dick at all? She pictured the trans girls again. Would people just think she used to be a man? She was afraid. She wasn’t a man. She just somehow got a dick bigger than any in the world. She felt afraid and dejected. She realized she was letting her thoughts wander too far and only snapped out of it when she heard a loud knock at the door. She shuddered. It had only been ten minutes since she talked to Kara. She was afraid of intruders until she pulled up the doorbell camera on her phone. Kara’s familiar face was on the screen with her friend pleading to be let in so she could escape the moths flying around the porch light.

Sadie froze. She talked into the doorbell app, “Kara! Why are you here so quickly??”

“I left the movie early–let me in!”

“One minute i gotta–do something real quick!”

“Hey hurry I gott-” Sadie closed the doorbell app and lept to her feet. What was she going to do?? How was she going to hide…this? She frantically paced around, remembering the piss covered bathroom. She stepped inside and looked at the disaster. She didn’t have time. She’d have to make up an excuse why she couldn’t use that bathroom. She went to retrieve her hip hugging boxer briefs only to realize they were still soaked from the locker room shower incident earlier that day. She went to the dryer, still naked, and frantically rummaged through her clean panties. NONE of these would do anything to help hide her secret

She ran back to her closet and scoured the clothes looking for anything to help her at this moment. A lightbulb went on in her head. She grabbed a dress. It was a semi formal piece that she wore for her freshman volleyball banquet. It was light pink with black sequined beads running down the sides and neck. It was form fitting but it went down below her knees. She threw it over her head and shimmied down into it. It was not stretchy but she was able to fit it over her hips and shoulders with relative ease. She reached down to the zipper at her belly button and pulled up. About halfway up the teeth she realize: her chest had grown significantly since freshman year. She didn’t have a chest when she last wore this dress. She panicked further and screamed bloody murder when she felt a hand on her shoulder

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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