17 Ekim 2024

Pat’s Pounding Ch. 10

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Pat had seen many firsts since this whole whacky experience, too many to remember, in fact. However, one first that would stay with him until his dying day (other than seeing his mother’s cock for the first time) was witnessing her freezing up upon being discovered with her fat mushroom tip pressing against his entrance. For one terrible moment, so great was his mother’s apparent fright, he thought she might bolt for the nearest exit: the window they were currently leaning against.

Thankfully, before she could do anything drastic (how fucked am I when I don’t consider my mom fucking me in the ass with her giant cock as something extreme?!), the approaching priestess took things out of her hands.

‘My, my, Julie,’ she teased when she was finally within arms reach of them. ‘Of all the hot, horny bitches under this roof tonight, I didn’t expect something like this from you.’ Still, Julie stood locked in place, silent as the grave. ‘Nothing to say for yourself, eh? That’s a surprise! I mean, this is from the girl who used to mock the mothers who couldn’t hold back from breaking their bois before the ceremony! Where’s that famous discipline now, judgy Julie?!’

Before the priestess could continue her tirade, Julie finally spoke, her voice cold and as unyielding as iron. ‘What do you want, Elizabeth? I don’t have time for this.’

‘You don’t have time for this, you stuck-up bitch? That wasn’t the song you were singing when you destroyed my mother’s sissy, now, was it?’ The now revealed to be Elizabeth snarled. ‘What was it you said? Oh, yeah. ‘I’m going to destroy this boi-cunt.’ And that’s what you did. My mom’s sissy’s ass-pussy still hasn’t recovered from your freakish dick. And, as if ruining my mother’s fun wasn’t bad enough, you humiliated her! Her sissy’s ass was so loose when you finished she couldn’t even make him cum to complete the ceremony! She still gets mocked for that, you fucking cunt!’

‘What’s in the past should stay there, baby-dick Betty,’ Julie replied deadpan, voice dripping condescension.

‘What the fuck did you call me?!’ Shrieked the priestess, her hands balled into fists at her sides.

‘You heard me, bitch. Baby. Dick. Betty. Did I stutter?’ Julie mockingly responded, seemingly unworried of the rapidly reddening priestess mere feet from them. Still in his mother’s arms, Pat, watching the rapidly escalating confrontation, discovered two new facts: first, his mother apparently didn’t recognise when enough was enough when dealing with angry individuals, and second, that fat pale python hanging between the irate priestess’s legs was somehow considered a baby dick despite it being magnitudes larger than his pathetic offering.

For one brief moment, it seemed as if the priestess, huffing like an enraged bull, might attack them, but between one lengthy inhalation and the next, she seemed to regain her calm in an awe-inspiring display of control. ‘Oh, you clever bitch,’ she muttered as the tension visibly drained out of her. ”Trying to get a rise out of me, were you? What was your plan? Let me guess: you probably hoped that I’d do something stupid like attack you so that you could cover up the fact that you were about to plunder that sissy’s pussy? Hm?’

Stonily, Julie remained silent, maintaining her stern mien.

‘I’m right, aren’t I, cunt?’ The priestess asked gloatingly, a large cheshire grin splitting her face. ‘So, taking your stupid fucking silence as agreement, I’ll let you know what’s going to happen next. You have two options. First, I leave and raise the alarm about what you were trying to pull, or should I say push, and we both know, even if you’re lucky, you’ll face excommunication, losing all of your rights, properties, and sissies made accessible through the Sisterhood.’

Eyes flickering between the two bedicked amazons, Pat could see from the rapidly paling expression on his mother’s face that the threat issued by the spiteful priestess was one his mother feared and took seriously.

‘Or, yahşihan escort you can choose option two.’

‘Well?’ Snapped Julie after the priestess lapsed into a long pause, showing no signs of continuing. ‘What’s option two?’

‘Oh, you’ll love option two, I think,’ the priestess answered lazily, apparently in no haste to reply now that she had control over the conversation and the future of its participants. ‘Basically, option two is I take this here dick, force it in your sissy’s boi-pussy and do to him what you did to my mother’s sissy; leave him fucking ruined for you.’ So saying, she wrapped her hand around the base of her erection and twirled it about like a baton.

‘There’s not a chance in hell, baby dick Betty. Do you hear me? Not a chance in fucking hell you’re even touching my sissy, let alone spoiling his cunt,’ Julie replied with zero hesitation and plenty of conviction.

‘Ho ho,’ Elizabeth taunted, voice full of bravado. ‘Judge Julie’s laying down the law, is she? Wrong,’ she snarled hatefully. ‘I’m the fucking law here, bitch. And, if you don’t do what I want then you’ll be out on your ass sooner than you can cage a clit.’

As his mother seemed to dither, the gloating priestess was not quiet. ‘Tick, tock,’ Elizabeth mocked, shaking her turgid tent pole back and forth like some fleshy pendulum. ‘Tick, tock, goes the cock.’

For one brief, terrifying moment, Pat thought that his mother might be considering giving his pussy virginity to the vengeful priestess as he watched a look of hopelessness overcome her face. Thankfully, her uncertainty was only momentary before she resumed projecting that calm, badass confidence he always associated with her.

‘Let’s get one thing right, baby dick. You might have one over on me now, but what do you think I will do to you in the weeks and months after the ceremony? You know, Elizabeth, as much as you may hate to admit it, I’m far more liked than you are. So, if you insist on taking my sissy’s ass-pussy, then there isn’t much I can do to stop you. But, mark my words, I’ll make it my mission to get my friends in the Sisterhood to ruin your fucking life! Once I’ve finished with you, breaking in ass-pussy will be a distant dream for you! And, even ignoring everything I’d do to you if you choose to follow through with trying for Pat’s pussy, you still wouldn’t have the time, you stupid bitch!’

As his mother went on the offensive, Pat couldn’t help the proud, victorious smile he sent towards Baby Dick Betty. However, hearing that his pussy might still be bent over the table, he quickly became grim. At least Mom would try and be careful, he thought, looking at the priestess out for blood. That crazy bitch would probably love it if she killed me.

‘With all that having been said…,’ Julie trailed off before resuming, each word forced out as if it caused her great pain. ‘I know that we can’t get out of this scot-free as you’re still a robed Sister while I’m not any longer, so, rather than his ass, my sissy will give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had,’ she offered grudgingly.

Wait, WHAT?! Pat looked at his mother as if she were crazy.

‘Well?’ Julie asked, ignoring her sissy, her confidence fully regained as she watched that same quality drain out of her adversary.

‘Um, I don’t know…,’ Elizabeth responded, off-kilter and wary of Julie’s vow of potential retribution and the promise of a blowjob, as well as the unsubtle reminder of them all being on the clock, especially after the unplanned for delay of what occurred in the house grounds. ‘Well…, what will you be doing during it?!’ She questioned waspishly, desperate to recreate some confidence-boosting aggression like before.

‘Me?’ Julie pondered briefly before smiling a Grinch-like smile. ‘I’ll continue with my plan from before: giving Pat’s pussy just the tip.’

Before he could complain or offer an objection, Julie had performed some aerial alchemy, her sudden yakacık escort contorting of him leaving him dizzy and breathless, on his knees and elbows, ass up in the air, facing towards the now bug-eyed priestess.

‘Well?’ Julie asked again, a low drawl to her voice like a western gunfighter, as she simultaneously grabbed her meaty rifle with one hand and gestured towards his mouth with the other. ‘Aren’t you going to claim your reward for being a blackmailing bitch, Baby Dick Betty?!’ If it wasn’t obvious already to all participants that although Julie was going along with this, her compliance wasn’t without great reluctance, then her continued taunts served as blatant evidence of such.

While Elizabeth dithered in hesitation at her apparent stroke of good fortune (she could count on one hand with multiple fingers left over the number of her sisters who had successfully got one over on Julie for small things, let alone something as valuable as a blowjob from her seed son), Julie draped herself over Pat’s back, grinding the base of the underside of her meat missile into his sensitive, swollen opening.

‘Now, Pat, I know you’re probably worried about having to suck this bitch’s cock, but I promise you I won’t let her get too carried away.’

‘What the fuck, Mom?!’ Demanded Pat, genuinely angry at her for promising on his behalf that he would do such a thing without at least consulting with him first. ‘I thought that whatever this thing is, it would stay just between us. I mean, I don’t want to suck some rando bitch’s dick!’

‘This whole thing is my fault,’ she admitted, softly pushing her head into his, not unlike what a cat would do when pet by its owner’s hand. ‘I went too far too soon, and now you have to pay the price, and for that, I’m sorry. I really am. Trust me! But Pat, you don’t understand what it’s like! I mean, having to wait more than eighteen years for your premium pussy… All the time, I would hear from the others how much better a seed son’s ass-pussy was. How it was so much tighter and how it could take far more than their husband’s distended cunts. I guess I’ve been waiting so long that now we’re so close, I just got a bit carried away. So, I’m sorry.’

As much as a part of Pat sympathised with his mother’s situation these last eighteen years, another, just as large part, was still pissed at her promising the use of his mouth-pussy to someone other than her. However, despite his desire to tell her he wasn’t going to be sucking any dick other than hers (and even that was now in doubt after this whole debacle), he realised, logically, that they had no choice but to comply with the blackmailing bitch’s demands, as otherwise, they would face expulsion.

In a rare show of moxy, Pat gripped the side of his mother’s head while turning his own so that they were staring into each other eyes, their noses brushing against each other. ‘Listen, I’m only going to say this once, Mistress, Mom, whatever the fuck. I love you, so I want to explore all this with you. And, in the future, although I might be willing to try things with the other members of the Sisterhood, I want to be consulted first. Do you understand, Mom?’

In a rare show of emotion, his mother smiled proudly with the beginnings of tears in her breathtaking blue eyes. ‘Sure thing, baby. I promise.’ So saying, she kissed him lightly on his lips before rapidly deepening it, her strong and agile tongue rapidly dominating his in his mouth.

‘Ugh,’ Pat moaned long and low, his arm becoming limp, falling once more to the floor from the pleasure of tasting his mother and, in turn, being ravenously consumed by her.

Sadly for them both, before they could really get into it, they were interrupted by their unwelcome voyeur. ‘Am I going to get my cock sucked or what?’ she asked snidely, taking perverse pleasure in interrupting theirs while giving the aforementioned meat stick long, slow strokes.

‘It’ll be erzurum escort okay, baby, his mother whispered reassuringly into his ear before giving it a soft nip. ‘As bad as this situation might seem, there is a positive to the whole thing.’

At that, Pat looked at his mother in askance. Where the hell is the silver lining in this situation?

‘You shouldn’t look at your mother like that,’ she scolded him with faux severity before she broke into a soft laugh. ‘The best recommendation I can give you is to not look at it as a task, baby, but to look at it as practice,’ his mother advised him. ‘After all, you can never have too much practice choking on girlcock.’

‘Is that what you do when you suck cock?’ He asked, ducking his face shyly as he once more became timid and pliant, his previous defiance gone like it had never existed.

‘Me? Suck cock? Not a chance, my love. Only sissies with clitties suck cock.’ So saying, she reached under him to his dangling dicklet and smacked it a few times, sending his seemingly unending thin streams of cum everywhere.

‘What’s it to be?!’ The visibly impatient priestess interrupted them again. ‘Is this happening or not?’

‘Well, Pat, will you suck this bitch’s cock for mommy?’ Julie asked as she straightened up and placed the drooling head of her meat cannon carefully against his boi-pussy.

‘Mmmhmm,’ Pat moaned, nodding minutely as his head dangled loosely between his arms, his mussed hair grazing the floor with each movement.

‘That’s your cue, bitch. Go on, get your little dick wet,’ Julie scornfully permitted.

From there, for Pat at least, things went rather quickly. From what seemed to be between one moment and the next, Elizabeth had her heavily leaking tip placed within his mouth, her cockhead leaking its thick fluid out onto his tongue while his jaw stretched to accommodate her. Thank fuck I took Mom’s fat whopper first, as after that, this feels a lot easier.

‘Right, before we really get started, there are some ground rules, alright, Betty?’ His mother’s voice came from behind and above him, her tone leaving no room for disagreement.

‘Uh-huh,’ Elizabeth dumbly responded as she stared with lusty intensity down at the sissy nursing on the end of her pale pole.


Suddenly, after that loud and abrupt noise that had caused Pat to flinch so forcefully, he nearly impaled himself on his mother’s sexy spear, the cockhead tickling his tonsils withdrew. It was only after a few confusing seconds of staring at the priestess in front of him as she sat back on her heels, one hand around the base of her cock and the other clutching her reddening cheek, did he realise what had happened.

FUCK! Mom slapped the horny out of the bitch!

Despite the crudeness of Pat’s words, he wasn’t wrong. On the contrary, it was obvious to all and sundry from the almost-comical expression of disbelief adorning the stunned priestess’s face that the last thing on her mind at that moment was getting her dick sucked.

‘You… hit me?’ she asked, incredulously, as if the very idea of such was unfathomable, let alone such actually occurring.

‘Yeah, bitch, I hit you,’ Julie confirmed. ‘I hit you because you weren’t paying fucking attention. Now, listen up! This blow job isn’t going to be some violent, revenge-fueled face fuck, alright? If, for one moment, I think you’re deliberately trying to hurt my sissy, this whole thing stops, and I end up ruining your fucking life. Got it?’

Upon seeing Elizabeth suitably cowed, her head nodding subserviently (as much as someone blackmailing someone into oral sex could be), Julie gave her own satisfied nod.

‘Good. Now, stay exactly where you are and don’t touch his head.’

Without further ado, now that her rules were in place, Julie grabbed a handful of Pat’s silky hair and slowly but inexorably pushed his head toward Elizabeth’s long, leaking pole until, once again, its tip rested within the warm confines of his mouth.

‘Alrighty, then, lets get this show back on the road.’ So saying, she simultaneously applied pressure to the back of Pat’s head and his ass-pussy with the tip of her womanhood.

‘That’s it, my sexy little sissy. Open wide,’ she cooed as both his entrances were invaded and pried apart. ‘Give your holes to mommy!’

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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