16 Ekim 2024

La Belle et Le Bête

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Belle sat at the creek just down hill from the cabin she lived in with her little sister Mel. She sat on a large rock near the waters edge while she let the constant stream of water flow across her feet. She wiggled her toes and sat relaxed as she watched the sun come up in the beautiful Virginia sky.

This was her favorite spot to be at since she was a little girl. She leaned back and breathed in the mountain air she had been accustomed to just about all her life.

She had walked down to the creek about 20 minutes ago after having woken up from yet another nightmare. For the last week it was always the same.

Belle and Mel were walking together in a big field with the sun shining. They were laughing and talking until dark clouds descended upon where they were standing. Then abruptly dark figures came out of nowhere and dragged the sisters in opposite directions. They kicked and screamed but to no avail, the figures wouldn’t let either of them go. Then one of the figures would grab her by her neck and slowly tighten his grip. She struggled for breath until she awoke sweating and gasping for breath.

“What do these blasted dreams mean?” She mumbled out loud. She shook her head and tried to relax a little more before she would need to start breakfast.

She had her eyes closed when she heard the sound of a wagon near her house. Her eyes flew open. No one ever came by their cabin. And even if they did, no one should be here at this time of morning.

Belle quickly got up from the rock and ran up the bank that led to the creek. That’s when she heard it; the screams that she had been hearing in her nightmare.

“Mel! Melanie! What’s going on?” She screamed as she rounded the corner. She took in the scene before her: there were three men standing around her sister, one was holding her while the other two were looking in her direction.

Belle’s eyes widened at what she saw. “Get away from my sister!” She ran towards the men but was suddenly grabbed from behind. It seemed there was another man she had missed when she looked around.

She kicked, screamed, and tried to free herself to no avail. “Please! Please just let my sister go! Take me instead.”

The man who held her spoke up. “No way. We need you both. Now shut up and get in the carriage,” he said as he pushed her towards a carriage she hadn’t noticed before. He none to gently helped her into the area for people to sit. Another man pushed her sister in after her and then went around to the front of the wagon.

A man dressed much better than the other three was standing outside giving orders to the men. Belle leaned sideways and opened her arms to hug her sister. “Don’t worry Mel,” she whispered,” we’ll be okay.”

“And how do you know that Belle? We’ve just been kidnapped from our home we have lived at since we were babes! What do they want with us?” She said in an anxious whisper.

“Just trust me little sister. I’ll get to the bottom of this.” She shushed her sister as she was about to respond. “I think that man is coming. Quiet.”

The man came to the door of the carriage and looked in. “Make haste boys. I want to be in the city by noon,” he said as he climbed into the carriage. Someone shut the door behind him and then the carriage started moving.

“Sir, please tell us where you will be taking us.” Belle said.

“Somewhere to pay off the debt on your house. You wont be able to live there any longer now that there is no white person to oversee you anyway.”

“But that was our house! And there was no debt! Our mother would have told us about a debt!” Belle said exasperated.

The man looked up and into Belle’s face with bored look on his face. “I’ve been instructed to bring you to Odenton, Maryland. Now shut your mouth. I’m tired of arguing with someone who is not my equal,” he said while picking up the book that was next to him.

Belle and Mel sat holding hands and watching the scenery, thinking about what their future would bring.

It took about three hours for them to reach Odenton where Belle and Melanie had been told they were going.

They came to a beautiful looking yellow house that bordered on being a mansion. Under the circumstances Belle wasn’t too excited to be here but if it were voluntary she probably would have been extremely eager to see the house.

One of the men who were riding in the front of the carriage came around, opened the door, and grabbed Mel’s arm to get her down. Belle started scooting over towards the door when the man who had been riding with her pushed her back and climbed out the door.

He looked back at her and smiled. “Not your house sweetheart. Only Ms. Melanie will be living here.”

Belle’s eyes connected with görükle escort her sisters and she could see the tears well up in her eyes. Mel started fighting the man who was holding her hard. “Don’t let them take me Belle! Belle!”

Belle jumped out the carriage and happened to make her way over to her sister. She hugged her sister tightly as if she never wanted to let her go. Two of the men were on either side of them trying to pull them apart but Belle hung on long enough to whisper in her little sisters ear, “I will find you mon choux! Je’taime petite fille!” The men finally got them apart and started dragging Belle back to the carriage while one of the men along with the well dressed man pushed Mel towards the house.

The sisters never took their eyes off of each other while being pulled and tugged in the directions their captors were ushering them in.

“Je’taime aussi Belle! I know we’ll find each other again!” Mel said as tears streamed down her eyes.

“Remember what maman taught us…” was the last thing Belle was able to shout out to her sister before they were finally able to push her into the carriage. She sunk down into the seat and started sobbing.

“How could I lose my own sister?!” She said out loud. She pounded her head with her hands as she thought back to the last time she saw her mother alive.

She remembered how she brushed her moms dull blonde hair out of her pale and once lively face. She kissed her moms forehead and then looked into her watery green eyes.

“Belle, my firstborn… I love you so much. You know that right?” Her mother Solaine said to her.

Belle nodded. “I know maman.”

She smiled and looked to the right of her bed where her youngest daughter had her head bent. “Melanie? Mon choux? Come here and sit with your maman,” Solaine said.

When she sat down on the bed she looked into her mother’s eyes and a tear came down her cheek. “Maman, but what will we do without you? You cant die,” she sobbed, “you just cant!”

“Sweetheart… death is not an awful thing. This body will go back to the earth that it came from. But my soul… that will live on forever.” She put the palm of her hand onto Melanie’s little caramel face and stroked her smooth skin. “Its okay baby. Your sister will always be there to take care of you; and you have to look out for her.”

She looked between both of them. “Promise me. Promise me you will both take care of each other and no matter what always stick together.”

“We promise maman,” they said in unison.

“Good girls,” she smiled. “Now come lay down with me.”

As the two girls snuggled into their mother’s side she peacefully glided off into unconsciousness and then died. 19-year-old Belle was now going to be in charge of her 17-year-old sister. And who would have known she would mess up her mothers dying wish less than a month after her death?

Just then the well-dressed man climbed back into the carriage and her flashback faded.

“Well, now that that’s all taken care of we’re off to the manor that you will be residing at.”

Belle didn’t speak a word this time; she just stared out the window and hoped for a miracle. 15 minutes after leaving the house were her sister was dropped off they arrived at a huge mansion and she was pulled out of the carriage.

The well-dressed man grabbed her by her arm led her towards the back of the house where the head maid was waiting for her.

“Here’s the girl Mr. Béliveau requested we pick up, Mrs. Anastasie.”

The old graying woman that he was talking to just nodded her head and lightly took Belle’s arm to lead her threw the back door.

Belle thought to fight her off but she was getting the gentlest treatment she had ever been afforded by a white woman. They stepped in the door and Belle found herself in the kitchen of the big house. She looked around in awe, for she had never seen a kitchen so extravagant and big. Her whole house was about as big as this kitchen!

When she had finished looking around the kitchen her eyes drifted back to the old white woman. Anastasie the man called her.

She had to be in her late 50’s and she was a slightly plump woman who wore spectacles and a pleasant smile on her sweet face.

“Hello dearie. I’m Mrs. Anastasie and I’m the head maid here. I’m the overseer of everything that goes on.” She moved closer to Belle and took her hand into her own. “Now I know you didn’t have the best experience getting here and I’m sorry about that. But this is where you’ll be living and working now. Everything will be fine if you just do as you’re told.”

“What exactly am I here for?”

“You’re here to clean and cook as needed. That’s all you will be required bursa escort bayan to do. Trust me, it’s not bad here. You will probably be safer and more cared for than you would have been wherever they picked you up,” Mrs. Anastasie said while patting her hand.

Belle stared off into space although Anastasie had expected her to respond to the things she had said.

“Hmm… You look peaked dear. Would you like some tea while I explain the in’s and out’s of the house?”

“Yes please,” came quietly from her mouth.

Anastasie smiled and started getting the water ready for the tea.

“Oh my, where are my manners? I forgot to ask you your name.” She turned and looked at Belle expectantly.

“My name is Belle,” she said while looking down at her hands. She had started picking at her nails and the skin around them; a nervous habit that started when she was younger.

Her mind drifted off and she couldn’t help but wonder where her baby sister was. Were the people treating her as nicely as Belle was being treated? She was sick with worry for her sister and didn’t even notice Mrs. Anastasie sit the tea down in front of her until she tapped her arm.

“Are you ok? You’re turning pale my dear. What’s wrong?”

Tears came to Belle’s eyes instantly as she voiced her concerns. “I’m all my sister has and… she’s all I’ve got.” Belle shook her head. “She’s only 17 and she’s just lost her mother. She shouldn’t have lost her sister too.”

Mrs. Anastasie patted her on her back. “Well dear, I’m sure your sister is quite fine at her new house. And I’m sure if you perform well here it can be arranged that you meet up with your sister every once in a while.”

“Really? That’s possible?!”

“I’m sure. Mr. Béliveau is not an unreasonable man. As a matter of fact I think you’ll like him.” Mrs. Anastasie smiled brightly. “Now drink up and I’ll show you to your room.”

A couple hours later after Mrs. Anastasie had instructed Belle on the rules of the household and showed her around the house, she instructed her to get dressed and then clean up the study that Mr. Béliveau entertained in the night before.

Belle looked around her room. It was simple and small with just a bed, a nightstand, and a dresser. Mrs. Anastasie had showed her that she had several of her gray and white maids outfits and a few changes of clothes for when she wasn’t required to be dressed as a maid.

She reached into her dresser and picked out a spotless white blouse and the gray skirt that went to her knees and then put them on. Then she folded the dress she had taken off and placed it into the dresser.

She went out the door to her quarters, made a right, and headed down the servants stairs. She went down the hall at the bottom of the steps and came out in the foyer. She went on the other side of the steps where she remembered Mrs. Anastasie had showed her the study was located.

Belle opened the heavy oak door and walked into the study. She scrunched up her face at the leftover smell of cigar smoke that hung in the air.

She stood in the doorway for a moment and took in this massive room that was called the study. She looked to the right and saw a large oak desk that had papers neatly stacked on it.

Then she glanced at the humongous bookshelf that seemed to be calling her name. ‘Come on Belle… Focus on what you were sent here for. Wouldn’t be good to get in trouble already,’ she said to herself.

She made her way over to a side table with two armchairs sitting next to it and picked up two empty glasses that reeked of scotch. She placed them in a little basket so she could take them back to the kitchen and then pulled out a cloth from her pocket in order to wipe all the ash off the table and floor.

“Really? They couldn’t make it into the tray?” She shook her head.

After she got off her knees from cleaning she looked back towards the bookshelf. She just couldn’t help herself and it felt like she was drawn to the bookshelf as if she was sleep walking.

Although she thought she had an awfully big collection at home, it was completely nothing compared to this one. There were about 8 bookshelves that lined the back wall to the study. Belle considered all the furniture in the room and thought the bookshelf was the best part of the study.

She scanned the books by lightly running her fingertips over their spines. She noticed many of the novels were French and she thought she would love to read them one day.

Then a familiar title caught her attention and she snatched the book from the shelf. She was so engrossed in the book that she didn’t notice a figure that had been in the room the whole time, approaching her.

Zacharie bursa escort Béliveau was lying on a couch towards the window at the end of his bookcase when his new maid came in. Correction: his new slave. This was the first time he had ever owned a slave and he wasn’t sure how he felt about it, but the reasons for having her were complicated.

He thought he’d watch her for a minute before he made his presence known.

The first thing he noticed was her curly and crazy auburn hair that rested on her shoulders. She was already in that dreadful uniform that Anastasie made every girl that came into the household wear, yet he could still tell that she had some serious curves beneath them.

And when her face turned his way as she started to clean the ashes, he saw that she was adorned with a light caramel shade to her skin. He had never actually seen a Negro woman that was as light as she nor as beautiful. It would have taken his breath away had he not realized she was completely off limits for more than the obvious reason.

He watched her as she looked over the books upon his bookshelf. He wondered if she knew how to read and got his answered when she grabbed a book she clearly recognized and her face lit up with a smile.

He stood and started approaching the girl caught in a world of her own as she flipped through the pages.

He smiled. “So mademoiselle, what is that you’re reading?”

She jumped and grabbed her chest. “Oh Mon dieu! You scared the hell out of me!” She exclaimed before slapping her hand over her mouth. She had realized what she said and whom she was talking to.

Zacharie smirked. ‘This girl is definitely far from normal,’ he thought to himself.

“I’m so sorry Mr. Béliveau!” She put her head down and looked into her basket, seemingly embarrassed that she said something like that to the owner of the house, the first time they met. “I’ll just take these things down to the kitchen to be washed.”

“What about the book you’ve taken from my bookshelf?”

Belle’s eyes got wide and locked with his. “I really didn’t mean to do that… It just caught my eye and I completely forgot I still had it.” She moved to put it back but stopped when his hand closed around her wrist.

He saw her look into his eyes and suddenly saw her flush a mute shade of pink. He smirked and wondered what she was thinking.

“I don’t think I caught your name mademoiselle,” he said while still holding her wrist.

She looked down and then backed up, acting as if she was shy. “My name is Belle.”

‘How appropriate,’ he thought as his mouth turned into a crooked smile. “It fits you ma chère.”

She blushed even pinker and he saw the edges of her mouth turn slightly upward. “Thank you.”

He smiled, “And as I’m sure you know, my name is Zacharie Béliveau.”

He finally let her wrist go and looked down at the book. “So what were you reading?”

Belle looked down at the book as if it was an old friend. “La Belle et Le Bête. I used to read it all the time when I was younger.”

Zacharie looked at her curiously. “I’ve never met a slave that could read, and in French no less. Who taught you these things?”

The pleasant face that Belle had been wearing, faded into a scowl and she put her hand on her hip. “I’ll have you know that I am not a slave nor have I ever been one! My mother taught me how to read, write, and speak just like everyone else! And she is the one who taught me both French and English.”

His curious gaze turned into a menacing one and he took one step closer to Belle so that his body towered over hers and she had to look up into his face. He looked into the green and hazel colored swirl that made up her eyes and almost didn’t say what he needed to.

But he spoke to her in a clear, low voice, “Well sweetheart, you ARE a slave now. If you ever take tones like that with me again it will not be a good day for you.”

Zacharie closed his eyes, let out a deep breath, and then looked back at her. On her face he could see a mixture of surprise at what he said, along with fear and anger. He felt bad for her but that didn’t mean he could let her talk to him any kind of way.

“If you truly weren’t a slave before… Then I know you’re probably upset and going through a lot of emotions but that was your first and last pardon from my wrath.”

He turned away from her and started walking towards his desk.

“You may leave. Keep the book with you and return it where you found it when you are done.” He sat down at his desk and began to gather papers together. He found himself glancing up as she turned to leave the room and found her wiping a tear from her cheek as she opened the door.

He wasn’t too sure about this girl yet. Not being a slave her whole life was pretty far fetched; but she certainly didn’t act ass though she had ever been threatened by the sting of a whip. Maybe he had the wrong information on her…

Whatever the case, he would damn well make sure she respected him.

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