17 Ekim 2024

Free Use Family Pt. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Note: Part 4 is boys competing over whose mom is the best, mostly dialogue. Part 6 is mostly mother-son incest. I couldn’t be bothered figuring out what parts of part 5 broke site rules so just got rid of it all, no big loss, it was kinda weird.


~ ~ ~ Part 4

Unfortunately for Mark, most of his mates hadn’t convinced their moms or had even brought it up yet. The best he got was Bryan and Ben testing the waters and telling him it was looking good. But for now, he’d have to wait it out. He did get an invitation to hang out together at Bryan’s though. And with Megan gone, Mark was finally ready to start spending time with his friends again.

The next day Mark biked over to his friend Bryan’s place. He let himself in and found most of his mates already there with only Jordan and Ethan missing, they were typically the last to arrive for anything. Mark greeted his friends and sat down with them, though the four already there were deep into a heated Rocket League session and barely acknowledged him as he arrived. Though he hadn’t spent time with them in weeks, it was quick and easy to fall back into the rhythm of talking and joking with them.

Jordan and Ethan finally did arrive and just as easily joined the banter. One of the guys eventually asked Bryan why they hadn’t seen his mom yet. Bryan just said she was just out on some errands and would be back soon. Bringing up Mary had the effect of pointedly reminding everyone of the deal they’d agreed to and soon enough the guys were all ribbing Bryan about what Mark was going to do his mom. It was all in good fun but there was a slight undercurrent of jealousy there. Most of the guys had only ever been with two girls, a sister or mother and Megan. With Mark getting access to everyone’s mom, he was going to go from least to most experienced very quickly.

Feeling that jealousy bite a bit more than others, Max started bragging about what his mom would let him do. That really kicked things off. Ever since Mark had started up the snipchat group with his mates, an unsaid competition had developed between them all to see who could get their moms to go the furthest and do the worst things. And since then, they’d all come a very long way.

“Well whatever you do with Mary, I bet it’s nothing next to what my mom lets me do,” Max boasted.

“Oh fuck off Max, your mom doesn’t do anything all our moms do,” Jordan said, rolling his eyes.

“That’s like saying ten bucks and a hundred bucks are the same because they’re both money,” Max sarcastically retorted. “Have you seen how wide my mom lets me stretch out her asshole? I get to completely blow her out. Ethan is lucky if his mom even lets him bottom out or double dip. No one else holds a candle to my mom.”

“Oh cool, so you’ve got the loosest mom, real lucky,” Jordan replied, matching the sarcasm.

“She’s not loose,” Max said, frowning angrily.

“I think we can all agree that my mom’s the best,” Bryan interrupted.

Several of the guys disagreed at once and threw whatever they can get their hands on at Bryan.

“What? How is my mom not the best? She’s the only one that does ass to mouth all the time,” Bryan said, fending off the makeshift projectiles. “You guys have always been jealous and wished your moms did it like mine; don’t even try to deny it.”

Several guys tried speaking at once to do exactly that but Mark spoke over the rest of them. “Yeah OK your mom does do ass to mouth and everyone else is jealous of that-”


“-Shut up let me finish, but that was weeks ago and we’ve all done it at least once now, plus Mary is a real plain Jane, no offence Bryan.”

Bryan opened his mouth to deny it, but after looking around and seeing several nodding heads, he quickly shut his mouth.

“Well if she’s so ugly maybe I shouldn’t bother trying to convince her to let you use her, you can just use your own mom. Oh wait, you can’t because she won’t let you,” Bryan said sullenly.

Embarrassed at having his mom’s weirdness called out, Mark ignored the second part. “I never said she was ugly, don’t be like that man.”

Ethan luckily spoke up before things got any worse. “Well I think I got you guys beat. It took some doing but I got my mom to start doing this stuff I saw on a porno once. I was going to send this later, but, whatever, check this out.”

Ethan whipped out his phone and turned it towards the guys who clustered together to watch a video of Ethan jerking off while the tip of his cock was still inside his mom ass.

“Dude, I don’t want to watch you jerking off.”

“Just give it a second.”

When Ethan eventually finished inside his mom Jane, he grabbed her hips and maneuvered her so she was squatting slightly before reaching out of frame to grab a glass. Placing the small glass underneath his mom’s asshole, he told her she could push now. The vile, frothy liquid quickly ran freely out as soon as she did and filled the bottom of the glass. As soon no more of the fluid followed, Ethan went around and offered the obscene drink to his mom who was reading a book at the kitchen countertop. cloud storage

Taking her eyes off her book, she addressed her son finally firmly but kindly. “Remember mister, this only keeps up if your grades do alright?”

“Yes mom.”

Dropping the stern act, Jane’s expression softened. “Alright then, you earned this.” She placed the rim of the glass against her lips and tilted it up. Jane holds it there for long moments as the viscous fluid slowly crawled its way down the walls of the glass, drawing out the disgusting act. The anal creampie dripped into her waiting mouth and what was left on the inside of the glass was expertly licked up before Jane lightly gulped it all down.

Pulling back the phone, Ethan looked at the guys expectantly.

While Mark was impressed, the rest of the guys didn’t seem that moved, Cole especially.

“What, that’s it? You’re mom just now started eating anal creampies? That’s nothing man,” Cole said, waving Ethan off.

“Cole’s right,” Jordan added. “I’ve done it a few times with my mom too and I don’t even need to get high grades or anything. I just have to wait until she’s not busy with work.”

It was Cole’s turn to look smug now. “A few times? That’s cute, really. My mom says I can feed her an anal creampie once a day, sometimes even more.”

“Every day? Seriously?” Ethan said, crestfallen. Ethan wasn’t the only one envious. Mark tried not to let it show but he was burning with jealousy too at what his friends got to do.

“Yeah well it’s not the quantity, it’s the quality,” Jordan replied, feeling a little slighted. “My mom’s the prettiest so when she does it, it’s better.”

Cole was quick to snipe back. “That’s not true. Mark’s mom is the prettiest.” Despite being an accountant, Susan looked like she could be a movie star.

Jordan had the response ready to go. “But she doesn’t count because she doesn’t do anything, isn’t that right Mark?”

Mark might have wanted to deny it, but it was hard deny the truth.

“Plus, my mom doesn’t just eat it out of a glass all neat and clean like that,” Jordan added with a grin. “A couple times, I got her to lick it up off the floor.”

Both Cole and Ethan’s eyes went wide. Ethan was the first to find his voice. “You got your mom to eat anal creampies off the floor? Really?”


This time both Cole and Ethan shared the same look of jealousy and disappointment. The rest of the guys looked blown away by the news too.

“Why haven’t you ever send us a video of that then?” Cole asked.

Jordan shrugged. “Because I didn’t feel like it.”

Wanting to impress the others more, Bryan spoke up uncertainly. “Yeah? Well I bet if I asked my mom, she’d eat as many as I wanted to give her every day, off the floor too, off anything I wanted.”

The guys gave him disbelieving, skeptical looks. That just annoyed Bryan more and made him dig a deeper hole. “I told you guys my mom is the best. You don’t believe me? I’ll prove it. I bet if I ask, she’d let everyone give her anal creampies and eat as many as we wanted her to.”

“Alright, let’s see you prove it,” Jordan smoothly said.


“You said you’d prove it, so prove it when she gets back.”

“I… I… I will,” Bryan stuttered weakly.

The competitive conversation slowly died down and the guys went back to playing Rocket League and talking normally, except for Bryan who looked like he was stewing in anxiety.

When Mary did eventually come back home, all the guys looked to Bryan and egged him on. Eventually biting the bullet, Bryan went up to his mom while she was sorting through letters at the dining table.

“Hey mom? Can I use your ass for a bit?” Bryan asked softly.

“Hmm? Oh sure honey, here you go,” Mary replied as she scooted back over the edge of the stool and pulled down her underwear a little, just enough to give her son access to her ass.

“Uhm, could we do it outside? In front of my friends?”

Mary laughed lightly. “Oh so now we’re not embarrassed to hang out with your mom are we? Just give me a minute and I’ll be out soon.”

“Thanks mom.”

“It’s fine honey.”

When Bryan came back empty handed though, the guys immediately set to mocking him but he quickly fended them off by saying she’d be out soon and they’d all see she was the best.

Just like she said, after a minute Mary did come out and greeted everyone. “Hello boys, I hope we’re having fun today?”

Most of the guys replied with a few platitudes, except for Jordan. “I think we’re about to have a lot more,” he said, earning him a punch in the shoulder from Bryan.

“Hey! I was just joking.”

Mary rolled her eyes at the display and went down to her knees in front of the boys onto the hardwood floor. Mark noticed she didn’t even bother to get a cushion for her to knees to rest on and knew it would soon get uncomfortable for her. He was annoyed that Bryan didn’t even seem to notice how good he had it.

“Here you go sweetie, you boys enjoy the show too.”

A chorus of ‘thank you’s’ followed. Bryan was quick to cloud file storage mount his mom and bury his pole inside her ass. That was the easy part; the hard part was getting her to go along with things later. Bryan really hoped she’d just go along with it instead of embarrassing him in front of all his friends.

While Bryan started off nervously, but it was hard to stay anxious when you were balls deep in a girl’s ass and he soon got back to his usual self. Wanting to show off how easily his mom would taste her ass off his cock he started getting his mom to spin around on her hands and knees so that he could put it in her mouth after quickly slipping it into her ass. Bryan even went as far as constantly rubbing his cock all over his moms stuck out tongue after dipping it into her asshole every chance he got. The guys had a good time watching but a few of them tried to act unimpressed. A couple of the guys also began to surreptitiously film on their phones too.

“Wow, Mrs. Lane you’re really good at that. My mom always makes a face when I do it,” one of the guys complimented.

“Well thank you, I have had a lot of practice. It’s Bryan’s favorite thing to do, though I’m sure you all know that. He’s always filming this and that these days.”

The ass to mouth merry-go-round continued for long minutes before Mary suddenly spoke up after remembering what her son had said. “Oh Bryan, that friend you told me about, the one with the strange mom, is he here?”

Mark raised his hand. “Hi, yeah, that’d be me. Bryan told you about that?”

“That’s right, Bryan told me all about your mother’s strange views and your sister’s recent visit. You poor thing, now I know it isn’t my place to judge, but your mother is certainly odd.”

“Yeah she’s like that.”

“Well Bryan explained things to me and I’d be happy to help out.”

“Wh-Really? Just like that?”

Mary shrugged as Bryan popped his cock into her mouth. When Bryan left her mouth and went back to her ass, she continued. “It’s no problem dear, you can join in now if you’d like?”

“I’d love that thanks Mrs. Lane.”

“You’re welcome Mark.”

Mark quickly joined Bryan and the two shared Mary. With him being part of the fun while the rest only got to watch, the envy got a bit more intense for the rest of the guys. As Mark swapped between Mary’s mouth and asshole, he felt a bit guilty about the plain Jane comment he’d made earlier. It was true but seeing her so easily taste her ass off his cock made it feel uncharitable.

Mark was a lot like Bryan when it came to doing ass to mouth, he just completely loved it. There was nothing better than seeing a woman suck his cock right after it had left her asshole, still wet with her own juices. It felt so incredibly filthy and immoral but they did it all the same carelessly. Mark loved them for that.

As the minutes went by, the two enjoyed degrading Mary by going back and forth between her holes. Eventually though they had gotten their fill and were nearing the edge. Typically Bryan would pull out and unload in his mom’s mouth but this time he stayed inside. Gripping her hips and throwing himself into her one last time, Bryan surprised his mom by filling her ass up with cum.

“Oh, Bryan honey I thought you liked to finish in my mouth?” Mary slurred, talking around Mark’s cock.

“I do mom, but I just wanted to try something different today,” Bryan said, in between grunts.

Bryan pulled out of his mom, his cock wetly flopping out as he pulled back. While Mark continued to facefuck her, Bryan pressed down on the small of her back so her ass tilted down. Taking a breath and praying she wouldn’t deny him, Bryan politely asked his mom, as if it was a usual thing, if she could push out his cum. With her mouth still full, she couldn’t question it but did hesitate for a moment. Though only for a moment, before she thankfully followed Bryan’s instructions and forced out the load he had shot up her ass. It splashed wetly between her feet, dollop by dollop.

When Bryan saw no more could be pushed out, he signaled Mark to let go of his mom for a bit. This was it, the final stretch. Bryan prayed again his mom wouldn’t kick up a fuss about this. Spinning her around one last time, Bryan grabbed the back of his moms head and gently pushed it toward the mess on the floor.

Confusion was clear on Mary’s face for the first few seconds before comprehension finally dawned on her. “Bryan, did your friends put you up to this?” Mary said sternly, her eyes going slightly wide.

“No mom, I just… I just wanted to show them you were the best.”

“That’s sweet honey, but I just want you to remember you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to alright honey? Just do what you like, you don’t have to try and impress them.”

“I want this though mom, I want you to lick it off the floor.”

Mary nodded solemnly and let Bryan press her face into the lewd mess on the floor which she easily started lapping up. “Oh where are my manners. Mark, did you want to do the same?” Mary said, part way through licking up her sons mess.

Excitement file upload didn’t begin to cover what Mark felt. “I-I would really like that Mrs. Lane.”

“Well go ahead whenever you’re ready.”

The fact Mary suggested it herself rather than needing to be asked set Mark off and he started rutting into her furiously as she seductively licked at the cooling jizz on the floor.

While Mary had stoically been enduring the building pain in her knees from the floor quietly so far, the desperate pounding that characterized Mark then was a bit much and she couldn’t help but groan in pain. The guys being oblivious mistook it for enjoyment and a chorus of impressed comments followed. Mary felt amused by their naivety and didn’t feel like correcting them so kept quiet, busying herself with lapping up what was left of her son’s cum.

Once Mary had gotten all of it, just before she was about to swallow, her son stopped her. “Wait, mom, could you open your mouth and show my friends first?”

Mary rolled her eyes at the request but did it all the same, noticing for the first time the cameras pointed her way. Boys she thought. She opened her mouth wide, showing off the cum she’d pooled there before gulping it all down loudly.

While the interruption in her day was a bit annoying, Mary was secretly glad Bryan had asked her to do this. She had been worrying recently that her son wasn’t developing a healthy appetite properly like other boys. After all, all he ever did was ass to mouth at most and rarely if ever pushed the boundaries. In fact, she was the one that had to coax him into trying ass to mouth in the first place. Mary was glad his friends were finally being a positive influence on him and hoped this wasn’t a one off.

The display did it for Mark and he finally exploded deep inside her. Repeating what Bryan had done, Mark guided her face towards the new mess she had to eat.

Less concerned with Mark than her own son, Mary skipped the slow lapping she had done earlier and simply vacuum up his creampie quickly with pursued lips. Wet, slurping sounds were the only sounds in that room as the boys watched rapturously as Bryan’s mother made a whore of herself by slurping up the anal creampie she’d just gotten off the floor.

Offering the boys another look she briskly swallowed it down, happy she could get back to her day and off her sore knees. Though after standing up and seeing the state the boys were in, Mary felt a stab of guilt.

Cursing her own empathy, Mary sighed internally, she knew she couldn’t leave them in that state. “Bryan, I don’t think it’s fair the rest of your friends only got to watch,” Mary said, her bright voice betraying none of the exasperation she felt. How she wished she were a little more apathetic. Addressing the boys, she continued. “Did you boys want to try doing the same?” she asked.

Mary hoped a few of them would turn her down. Her knees ached terribly and she really had a few things she had to take care of. Unfortunately for her, every single one of the boys began eagerly nodding.

Mary clamped down on her sigh before it could get out and got back down onto her hands and knees with a wince as another pair of boys took her mouth and asshole. This was going to be a long day Mary thought.

After almost an hour and a few of the boys having seconds, Mary finally finished satisfying all of them. She’d hadn’t eaten more semen off the floor since her old college days.

“Mom?” Bryan asked as everyone was recovering.

“Yes honey?”

“Can we do that more? I really liked it.”

Mary felt relieved that it wasn’t just her son trying to impress his friends. “Of course we can honey, we can do anything you like.”

Mark spoke up. “Mrs. Lane, can I do it with you too?”

“Yes Mark, I told Bryan I’d help you out so don’t you fret.”

The boys looked at each other with wide, dumb smiles.

Mary shook her head at the display. She got up to get cleaned off but when she saw the looks on the rest of the boys faces, her damnable empathy kicked in and she couldn’t help herself. “That goes for all of you too, I’m happy to help out all of Bryan’s friends,” she said reluctantly.

The boys left very happy.

~ ~ ~ Part 6

Mark couldn’t find a replacement for Mary but thanks to his sister’s efforts, he still had half a dozen assholes he could satisfy himself with so it wasn’t all bad. The only thing that bugged Mark was that his mom still kept up the cold shoulder treatment and refused to do anything for him, he had seriously underestimated how upset she was over using his sister. So with no one at home to satisfy him, Mark spent practically all his time at his friend’s houses enjoying their mothers. This kept up for days, then weeks before something changed.


Susan had hoped by denying Mark for a while he’d learn his lesson. She hadn’t counted on the deal her daughter had arranged for him and instead, all she managed to do was push him away. Of late, Mark had grown increasingly distant and hardly spent any time at home. She saw him less and less and when she did, it was never warm between the two, only cordial. After almost two months, Susan decided she couldn’t take it anymore and wanted things to go back to normal with her son. She thought the best way to go about it was offering to do oral for him again, but things didn’t go as planned.

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