17 Ekim 2024

Family Tradition

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Public Sex

I was sitting with my mother chatting over a cup of coffee. We had spent the morning cleaning my new house. It had been my late grandmother’s and she had left it to me in her will. I had finally been given the keys last week after the solicitors had sorted out the details of the will. This meant my husband and I could leave the flat we had been renting since we got married five years previously.

Although it was tatty and in need of plenty of TLC it was a lovely three-bedroom detached house in a nice part of town. My mother lived close by which was a good thing. She was in her late fifties and having lost my father to cancer last year she was lonely, and I was happy to have her close by.

“What was Grandmother like?” I asked. She was always a distant figure to me. I knew she loved me, but we did not enjoy a close relationship.

“Strict,” was my mother’s reply. “She stood for no nonsense. When I returned home from boarding school at eighteen, I was a bit of a rebel. She was very strict and punished me if I stepped out of line.”

I looked at her, aghast. “She spanked you, is that what you are saying?”

“Yes, dear, she spanked me and if I had been really bad, she caned me. This carried on until I got married and then your father took over.”

“Daddy spanked you?”

“Oh yes, he liked all things spanking. I think Grandad used to spank Grandmother back in the day too.”

I could not quite believe the way this conversation was going it seemed that everyone in my family spanked each other and I previously had no idea.

“That’s barbaric, how could you let that happen to you?”

“Times were different then. But you seem to think it was a terrible thing. I did not like being punished but I did deserve it. Most of the time spanking and so forth are fun and most enjoyable. Has David never spanked you then?”

“No, my husband has not,” I said most indignantly.

“You are missing out; it is amazing what a hot stinging bottom does for your libido.”

I felt a bit like Alice after she had fallen down the rabbit hole. I could not believe this conversation was happening. My mother who was a pillar of the local community was telling me she was spanked and worse by my late father. I did briefly wonder what the women in her book club would think.

“I will live without the experience, thank you.” Even as I said the words, I was just a little curious.

“I had better get on, I am working in the charity shop this afternoon. I will leave you to clear the attic. If you have anything for the shop leave it in the garage, I will pick it up when I next visit.”

As she left, I shook my head. So, my grandfather spanked my grandmother, my grandmother spanked my mother, and my father also spanked her. It was unbelievable. I thought an afternoon of sorting through the attic would help clear my mind.

The attic was a large room built into the eaves of the house, there was a staircase leading up to it. It was full of boxes and dustsheets covering old furniture I am not sure anyone has been up here for years. I had set myself a mammoth task.

When I knew the house was ours I had taken a couple of weeks off work and set myself the task of making the house our home. David had to work as he had an important customer event that he could not delegate. I have always been happy in my own company. Although there was plenty of work ahead, I was looking forward to the challenge.

Initially, I found boxes of old clothes that were moth-eaten and only fit for the council tip. I came across something covered in an old dustsheet. I pulled off the sheet and found myself staring at what looked like an old saw bench, it had an A-frame at each end, and between the frames was a leather padded top. There were two further wooden supports attached between the frames making for a very solid structure. At first, I thought it must be some piece of gym equipment I had not seen before. Then I remembered my earlier conversation with my mother, and I had an idea of what this could be used for. If you bent over this piece of furniture with your tummy on the leather padding your bottom would be in the perfect position for a spanking.

I stood for several minutes imagining my mother bending over this for punishment. Then I imagined myself in the same position. Despite myself, simav escort I could feel a tingle of excitement in having to offer my bottom for punishment. The leather was dry and old but still, with some TLC it could be recovered. I could not decide what to do with my latest discovery. I smiled as I imagined giving it to my mother for her charity shop for it to be displayed in the window with a label stating, “Spanking Bench, submissive woman required.”

I decided to leave the problem of what to do with my latest discovery and turned my attention to a wooden chest. I pulled this into the middle of the floor and opened it to reveal an assortment of spanking implements. Inside were a selection of canes, various straps, a long-handled wooden bath brush, and a couple of hairbrushes.

Hidden at the bottom were a couple of old books. I reached for the top one and opened it at random. The handwriting was very neat and written using a proper fountain pen. I had found some sort of journal judging by the dates next to each entry it had been written by my grandmother. I sat and read the entry before me. ‘I was sent to bed early and told to present myself for punishment. I had embarrassed him in front of his manager earlier. I positioned myself on the end of the bed. As usual, I removed my underwear but kept my stockings on. As I had been requested I knelt on the bed, opened my legs as wide as possible, and then leaned forward and laid my head on the bed cover. I waited in the position. When he finally arrived, I was given twelve sharp strokes of the tawse across my naked bottom.’

I could not believe what I was reading, everything today was about spanking, this room seemed to be full of equipment and spanking memories. I pondered if that was why my mother had brought the subject up earlier.

I noticed whilst rummaging through the box the earlier tingle had grown. Despite myself, I imagined presenting myself like my grandmother had for punishment and found the idea exciting. I flicked through the rest of the journal; all the entries detailed some sort of punishment. Most seemed consensual. Grandmother enjoyed having her bottom punished you could feel the excitement through her writing. I felt something of the same reading of her experiences. I then turned my attention to the second book, on the cover was the name, Samantha, which is my mother’s name. It proved to be a list of the punishments she received. I could not believe I was reading this.

Eventually, I returned everything to the chest and spent the rest of the time sorting through piles of junk. I did not discover anything else quite so interesting. At the end of a very tiring afternoon, I carried the chest downstairs and placed it on the kitchen table. I could not decide what I wanted to do with my find.

When David came home from work naturally, he asked what I had found. I shared the conversation I had had with my mother earlier and I showed him the contents of the chest. He picked up each cane in turn and swished them through the air. My tummy gave a little flip each time he did this. My buttocks clenched at the same time. He flicked through the journals and the other items. Eventually, he smiled. “Well, good old granny she was a very naughty girl. Lucky old grandad.”

“You have not seen the furniture I found yet.”

We went to the attic and David looked at the spanking bench with wonder in his eyes. “Wow, that would position someone perfectly.”

“Does this turn you on?” I asked.

I could see that it did just by looking at him. However, I could see him struggling with his answer. He knew he should say it was wrong and barbaric, but that was not how he felt.

Eventually, he answered. “Yes, it all does look very exciting. How do you feel?”

This was the question I was not sure of the answer to. I answered as honestly as I could. “I was so shocked when Mother talked to me this morning, but if everyone understands and agrees then yes, I can see the excitement.”

We left the subject there and tried to get on with our evening. Even as we watched one of our favourite dramas on TV, I felt the subject of spanking was still there waiting for something to happen. That night we made love and throughout I was imagining myself kneeling on the bed with my bottom uppermost sincan escort being strapped. Sex was far better than usual.

The next day I had errands to run in town. As I walked down the high street, I passed an equestrian shop. I stepped inside telling myself I was only seeing what was on offer in the local shops. I browsed the riding crops and imagined them striking my bare bottom. I did start to wonder what was happening to me. I resisted buying one but did consider bringing David into town at the weekend. I did however purchase some leather oil which promised to restore and preserve old leather, I knew I was going to use it on the straps I had found and on the leather top of the spanking bench.

When I got home, rather than push onto clearing out the next room I sat down to work the oil into the leather straps, I became fully absorbed in the task. I could not help running my hand over each item in turn and imagining the effect of each if used in anger. One item in particular caught my imagination. It was a leather tawse; I discovered its name on the internet. It was around two feet long and a couple of inches wide with a ten-inch split in the business end leaving in effect two connected straps to contact the skin. I made sure I used plenty of oil and the suppleness returned. I was rather proud of the result.

Just as I had finished my labour of love, I heard the front door open. David called out. “Hi, just passing on my way back to the office, thought I would grab a sandwich and see how you are getting on.” With this, he walked into the kitchen.

With a slight smile, he asked. “Is this what you are supposed to be doing?”

“Well, no, I just got distracted and thought I would work some life back into these.”


That was a very good question. If I had no intention of them being used, then why had I done this? I looked at David blankly whilst trying to find an answer to his question.

“I will be home from work this evening at six o’clock, you will be upstairs in the same position as your grandmother described in the journal entry. I would like you to wear stockings for your punishment and I will use that tawse you have been labouring over on your bottom. Is that clear?”

David is usually mild-mannered, but he had an edge to his voice, he was not exactly cross, but he was not to be argued with. I stared at him unable to find my voice.

“I asked is that clear?”

“Yes,” I stammered.

“Yes, what?”

It took me a moment to find an answer then whispered. “Yes, sir.” As I said the words my pussy fluttered.

We shared an awkward lunch, as David left, he said. “Remember six o’clock on the bed.”

With this, he went back to work, and I was left to contemplate my fate. I knew I had engineered this situation; I could have just thrown everything I found away. But I knew I did not want to do that. I felt the delicious rush of excitement, it was a feeling I had not had for a long time. David and I have been married for five years and although we do enjoy a good sex life if I was to be honest it has become a bit predictable. The last couple of days have provided more sexual excitement than the last year.

The afternoon dragged on. I cleared out a couple of things but with no enthusiasm. As time passed by excitement was gradually replaced with nervousness. I knew David would not really hurt me, but what would it be like being strapped on my bare bottom? Would I cry? Would I shout out? Would I be brave? Eventually, I decided there was only one way to find out and that was to wait for six o’clock.

I had a long soak in the bath, shaved my legs, and trimmed my pussy hair. I spent a long time blow-drying my hair to get it just right but decided he would not be looking at my head, it was the other end he would be interested in.

I had to dig into the back of the drawer for stockings and suspenders, I used to regularly dress in lingerie for David, but this has not happened recently. Even putting on my stockings made me feel sexy and naughty at the same time. At two minutes before six o’clock I got myself into position. I knelt with my knees spread and leaned forward so my head rested on the bed. I placed the tawse across my lower back just above my bottom, so there would be no doubt about sinop escort its intended target.

Although I had pictured myself in this position, I had not imagined how exposed I would feel. My bottom was the centre of my attention. Even if I say so myself, I do have a nicely shaped bottom, it is a little larger than perfect, but it does get admiring glances when I am out. Now it was presented for my husband’s pleasure.

I heard the key in the door and my heart rate went even further up. With every tread on the stairs, my nervousness increased. I heard the bedroom door open and felt David behind me.

Obviously, I have been naked in front of him countless times but somehow, I had never felt more naked than I did now. I was on full display to him.

“Beautiful, you look beautiful.” I heard. I knew from his tone that he really meant it. I was proud to make him feel this way.

“Knees a little wider please,” I was asked.

I complied, and now my legs would not go any wider. Everything was on display.

“If ever a bottom needed spanking this one does.”

He took the tawse and laid it beside me.

“I am going to warm you up with my hand, before the main course so to speak.”

I felt his hand rubbing my bottom and it felt lovely, he could carry on doing that if he wished.

“I want you to stay in position until I tell you otherwise, no shouting out, ready?”

I whispered, “Yes, sir.” I was not sure you could ever be ready for a spanking, but I was as ready as I was ever going to be.

The first smack landed, it hurt. This was swiftly followed by a second on my other buttock. David quickly established a rhythm. After each smack I let out a small sob, the pain was building. Whilst not intolerable it was becoming uncomfortable. Suddenly it stopped and the rubbing re-commenced. His fingers strayed to my pussy which was soaking wet.

“Pussy seems to be enjoying her spanking,” he remarked.

“It hurts,” I pouted.

“I do think that is rather the whole point.”

All the while he was teasing my clit. When you have been married for a while, you know exactly the way to excite your partner and David was using all his skills now. “Right time for the second half of your spanking.”

He was as good as his word the spanking recommenced, and my bottom got even hotter. He then started smacking my thighs between my stocking tops and my buttocks. If I thought it hurt before this took things to a new level. I cried out and tears started to form.

Eventually, he stopped, and his fingers found my pussy again. After a few minutes I was getting aroused, and my warm bottom contributed to my excitement. I could not deny the whole scene was exciting.

“Right, as this is your first spanking, I will only give you six strokes of the tawse. Remember to stay in position.”

He lifted the tawse, and I heard him give a couple of practice swings. Then silence. I knew it was time for my first proper punishment.

The first stroke landed across both cheeks; it did not really hurt. I think David was getting used to this. I felt a sense of relief. This however was short lived the second stroke landed with much more force and burned a line across my bottom. “Ouch,” I cried out. After the third stroke, David switched sides.

“We need to keep things even,” he cheerfully announced.

The fourth and fifth strokes proved David had got the hang of this. The sixth landed across the tops of my thighs driving me face downwards on the bed. I reached behind to frantically rub my bottom.

“Back in position”, David ordered, and I struggled slowly to present myself again. This time rather than David’s fingers his tongue found my clitoris. I have always enjoyed oral sex and David knows just how to get me going.

The sharp unexpected pain was receding and being replaced with pleasure. I raced toward orgasm. Once I had reached my peak, I heard David frantically undressing. He climbed on the bed behind me and mounted me. There was no subtlety in what happened next, we fucked each other, and it was wonderful.

Later after we had calmed down, we shared a bottle of wine and had a meal delivered. David announced. “I have a present for you,” he went into the hall and came back with a book that had Journal printed on the outside and a silver fountain pen. “You will need these to keep a record”, he smiled.

We went to bed early and made love again this time slowly and with much more tenderness.

After which David said. “On Saturday we will use the spanking bench and the cane.”

“I cannot wait,” I replied.

The End.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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