16 Ekim 2024

Buggs 01

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Buggs 01

I mean, sometimes people think I’m a bit of a scatter brain, but it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and I mix up normal words in sequence and words that have an “x” towards the end of the word get me mixed up and when a sentence that has too many words that start with a “b” gets me a little tongue tied, which makes me seem a little bit sideways, but I mean well.

And I’m friendly all the way around and I have a nice round butt.

“Well, look who finally decided to get the message after all and show up at the right hang out spot then.”

“Freddy, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but I just got a little confused between the Square Circle spot and Circle Square spot, so I spent a couple of weekends at the wrong spot, so?”

“Oh, and did the rough necks over at the Circle Square spot brain wash you into dressing differently then, hmm, Buggs, huh?”

“Freddy, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but there are more bugs near the Circle Square spot, so to protect my legs from bug bites, well, I started to wear fishnet stockings under my tall socks for added protection, which hasn’t really added much more protection given the nature of fishnet stockings, but a couple of people liked the look, so?”

“Hmph, well, the word is that Dexter liked the look so much that you ended up with bug bites on your bare boy butt from bending over, Buggs!”

“Freddy, it’s not like that all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but that’s none of your business! Unless you want to hear the details on how he has a lot of power and how Dexter’s body smashed all of the bugs that landed on my bare boy butt every time he smashed against me as he smashed me from behind, so?”

Honestly, that didn’t happen and it wasn’t like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but only in my fantasy thoughts. But it might have happened if I hadn’t confused Dexter for Drax. Which I fixed later, but that still didn’t help with my sexual fantasy of being in a position to have bug bites on my bare boy butt during a few minutes of a moment. But that’s enough about that for now.

And I just said all that to Freddy to shut him up from his questions and accusations and it worked. And Freddy was sent packing and disappeared deep into the crowd who had gathered at Square Circle for a Saturday evening of hanging out and mixing it up.

And seriously, OMG, someone needs to change the name of one of the weekend hangout spots or at least re-arrange some of the rocks into a different configuration! Sheesh. Square Circle, Circle Square, who could blame me for getting a little bit confused, right?

“So, Buggs, are you wearing wet suit pants or something?”

“LOL, Dale, it’s not like that all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but it’s just a fashion statement and extra protection against bug bites and my double leg coverings go with my double shorts, my double shirts and my double undies, so.”

“Well, that all sounds like a snowmobile suit to me, Buggs, but you can be you, so, are you here tonight at Square Circle looking for love or what, hmm? And a quick sex affair is the same as finding love, so.”

“Dale, it’s not like that all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but not for any quickie stuff. And stop asking me such personal questions because now that I think about it, some of the thoughts in my head might be the same as a quickie, erzurum escort so.”

“Oh, and what, Buggs, did a few of those rough neck faggots from Circle Square offer to take sex from you for up to three times before they dumped you flat then, hmm?”

“Dale, it’s not like that all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but I have had a few offers for sex on the side and in secret for up to a week, so. And by the way, if the guys over at Circle Square are faggots for me then, I mean, what does that make you then, Dale, hmm?”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but it’s different because I just want to fall into a heated moment with you for my secret desire to have some tight fem boy butt on the side while they just want to smash bugs on your bare boy butt before the bugs have a chance to bite your cheeks and basically do all that in the parking lot, so.”

“Dale, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but it kind of fits into my stupid fantasy, which, I suppose I should stop posting about on my Chang blog (but I really liked your response on how two people actually and magically fall into a moment), but since I spent a couple of weekends over at Circle Square instead of here at Square Circle, I’m friends with your step sister, Mya Mia Maye, now, so you and I cannot have any fantasy magically moments. However, Dale, you have some surprisingly good ideas about a few things, but you need to make your comments on my blog sound more like suggestions than what you want to do with me or to me. And stop saying “rump roast” about my butt! Unless you really think it’s grade A prime beef.”

“Oh, Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that because Mya is no longer my step sister since my dad divorced Mya’s gold-digging mom, so Mya has no bearing or input on what I say about your body or what I want to do with it! Wait, that SOB didn’t remarry Mya’s mom again, did he?”

“Dale, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but only in a circle back around way. Your mom married Mya Mia Maye’s dad, so, she’s back in as your step sister and since this is her legit second time around, well, she’s in line for a double share of the heritance now, so.

LOL, and that shut Dale up and made him disappear into the crowd that had gathered around the rocks at Square Circle. Which happened before I asked him for a grand tour of the, um, hot spots, LOL, or the hot rocks spots that surrounded Square Circle. And before you go thinking that I was looking for a good hot spot to possibly fulfill my bug biting fantasy, well, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but the time felt right for me. So, I wandered around a little by myself, but with great caution so I wouldn’t get caught alone and off guard.

“Well, well, well, look who is looking around for the perfect spot to drop his shorts and undies for me so we could get with it then! And I saved a package of honey dipping sauce from the chicken nuggets place to draw in biting bugs from all around, Buggs! You’re waiting on me, right, Buggs?”

“Gingerbread, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but not with you since you have such a rep for just being a red headed rough neck wannabe! And just why are you here at Square Circle instead of your home turf over at Circle Square then, hmm? And I also know that your name is Dexter, but I already esat escort confused you with Drax once, but listen, Gingerbread, I also know that you have a bad boy rep of roughing up your fem boys just afterwards to make yourself feel better about getting your boy butt sex from a guy, so?”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but I’ve just now grown a bit and I’ll vow to double sex you up instead of double rib cage punching you and by the way, it’s just wrong of you to keep all this grade A prime beef to yourself [squeeze] and according to your blogs, well, I’ll double sex you because I have that kind of power and you always say on your blog that when you get bug bitten sex, that you want it power and Buggs, I have the power that you’re looking for, so?”

“Gingerbread, I mean, Dexter, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that because when I do succumb to my weird fantasy, I mean, if I’m going to get all bug bitten on my bare boy butt while all those bugs get smashed as I’m getting smashed from behind, I mean, that should be balanced out with all the power, but when I think about my fantasy, I mean, Dexter, I just don’t see it being with you, but we can make out a little right now if I can have your package of honey dip, dipping sauce. And if you want me from the rear so bad, then you should want to tease my lips just as bad as a first step, so?”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that because I am hypnotized by your mouth just as much as I’m hypnotized by your backside, so.”

And that shut up, Gingerbread, I mean, Dexter. And I’m pretty well practiced with kissing and it shuts your partner up! And it gave me a chance to snatch that package of honey dip, dipping sauce package out of his faux leather jacket. But holy, lip smacking, smoke! That guy Dexter kissed me back with a lot of power!

[Mwah, ummah, mwah, smooch, lip smack, lip lock, mwah, ah, rub, rub, mwah, ah, bump, grind]

“Hah! You liked how I kissed you back with so much power, Buggs!”

“Dexter, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that and that was a lot of lip power, but, whew, you need to get back to where you belong over at the Circle Square spot and whew, that was a lot of lip power, Dexter! Besides, Drax is more for you than I am and he might like getting roughed up afterwards and I know that you have had an eye on him before since I spent two weekends hanging out at the wrong rock formation spot because I get things mixed up sometimes, so, Drax is for you then and I know you will follow through, so?”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but since you blogged that Drax turned out to be more like you than anyone thought, so.”

“Dexter, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but without the double leg coverings, the double shorts, the double shirts, the double undies, the hair, the sparkling eyes, the facial makeup and the fem attitude, but he did turn out to be a hidden butt slut. Which through me for a loop when I thought he might want to help me with my bug bitten bare boy butt sex fantasy, when it just turned out that all he wanted was to double up with me, so go get your man ass. And give me three weeks to think more about you. And kiss me again before you leave.”

[Mwah, ummah, mwah, smooch, lip smack, lip lock, mwah, ah, rub, rub, mwah, ah, bump, grind]

And esenler escort that sent Dexter away! Not happy, for the moment, but he left anyways.

And left me wondering if he was red down there! I mean, I never saw that before, so. But I felt it as he pushed against me while we were playing hide the tongue! Which also gave me pause for my stupid fantasy! In my visions, I’m shaking and bouncing and whimpering and drooling and saying sexy stuff, not crying from the pain of something that large! But I was curious about the red down there thing. But for another day.

“Well, curiosity killed the cat, Buggs, so what are you lost in thought about then, hmm? Or are you just thinking about another one of your scattered brain ideas, huh?”

“Lio, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but it’s not like I’m thinking about why you had to change your name from Leigh to Lio to cover up your ménage à trois sex scene with Ethan and Nate!”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but it was just a one-time experience and it wasn’t all that bad anyways. Well, it wasn’t that bad during the 3-way sex act, but it sure felt like a porn movie afterwards! Which is why I had to shorten my name, but that’s not important, anymore! What seems to important tonight is if I missed a two for sale at the mall! I mean, two leg coverings, two pairs of shorts, two shirts, which is your normal and everyone already knows that you wear double undies, so what’s up with all the extra clothing tonight then, hmm? And did you have a write down a clothing removal process sequence for when you find a partner for the night, huh?”

“Lio, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but Ethan and Nate have been texting with me and they both claim that for me to replicate your sex scene, I mean, I only need to drop my double shorts and my double undies and then drop down to my hands and knees, you know, like you did for them, Lio! But I’m not judging and someday that might be my other fantasy, so, if there is a video that you can share, Lio, I mean.”

“Buggs, it’s not like that at all. Well, it’s a little bit like that, but from what you just explained, well, you seem to have it all figured out in your pretty little head anyways. Besides, I can’t shorten my name Lio any further, so my video will not be released! Anyways, I like you and I know you have all this crazy fantasy stuff stuck in your head, so, if you like, I mean, I can be your girlfriend tonight and we can stroll over there to the Leaning Rock and have a little private time and then maybe we get caught by a couple of horny cool guys, who might be named Ethan and Nate and maybe they put us both into a side by side situation up against the Leaning Rock and then maybe we both succumb to the heat of the moment and then maybe I even take it in the butt to match up with you and maybe I’ll drop a boob as I count the bug bites on your shapely boy butt as one or both of the guys try to smash those bugs before they can bite you on the butt cheeks by smashing you into your fantasy land and I mean, it’s just too bad that you don’t happen to have a package of bug bait, like a package of honey dipping sauce in your pocket, so?”

Oh, well, it was totally like that and not even just like a little bit like that! It was exactly like that! LOL, and it was sticky, but I did get bit. I mean, I got bit on the butt by Lio, but since my nickname is Buggs and all, I mean, it all worked out for my stupid fantasy! And it worked out for Ethan and Nate too, but what two guys would pass up two shaking butts, that were closely matched up in size and shape, that were perfectly positioned up against the Leaning Rock down at Square Circle, right?

End Buggs 01

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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