17 Ekim 2024

At Long Last Ch. 04 – Revelation

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


//Authors notes – Another chapter focused on story development. As usual, contains futa’s of ridiculous proportions, obscene amounts of cum and other fetish material! Hopefully the next chapter wont take long to come after this one. Enjoy!

I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I walked, twirling them amongst each other gently. My eyes focused deeply on my ever-moving hands as my thoughts aimlessly drifted around my noggin. Each step I made was not as heavy as usual and seemingly made a gentle tap against the ceramic tiles of the mall, only to be drowned out by the banquet of noise within the shopping centre. A gentle sigh of anxiety left my lips.

10-1 had asked to meet at a café in the mall; he hadn’t even asked if I was here. I chalked this up to the company he worked for. I could only imagine the kind of intelligence network they had there. That paired with the wealth of information they had access to probably made it incredibly easy to track down me and my number. This was a slightly frightening feeling, knowing that I, along with everyone else, was on some kind of radar. QD was a powerful company indeed.

As I pulled up to the cafe, I looked upon the hanging door sign outside. Upon it ran the words, ‘Puka’s’. It gently swayed to and fro while the rest of the shop lay there in serenity. Several tables and chairs lay outside, neatly arranged along the side of the store. Each piece of furniture was made of a mixture between steel and wood, giving off a forest-like aesthetic. The store matched the design philosophy as rich mahogany laced the building, gilding it with a rich brown.

I press my hand against the glass door, taking a deep breath as I did so. With a gentle push, the door swings backwards. I lower my head slightly and turned my body sideways to fit through the doorway but even so, my shelf of an ass held me in place for a brief second. Thankfully, I hadn’t made much of a scene and once I was inside, I could stand normally once again.

Inside were a small amount of people; the shop consisted of mostly elderly folk that didn’t have the energy or time to twist their head to see me. Although the ones who were sat facing the door took their time trying to pry their eyes away from the gargantuan figure that had just entered.

I ignored such gawking and looked about until my eyes rested upon the man I was looking for. An immediate shiver ran through my body, a feeling of nervousness I thought I’d never feel again. His eyes were fixed on his phone, and it appeared like he was talking quietly into an earpiece. I couldn’t make out what he was saying and I was ineffective at lip reading so instead, I just gathered my confidence and slowly walked up to him.

As I got closer, his gaze shifted from his mobile device to my legs, then his eyes slowly trailed up my body. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have assumed he was checking me out. As his eyes reached my face, he raised an eyebrow.

‘Can I help you?’ He asked.

I blinked a few times in response and pressed a hand against the top of my chest.

‘It’s me, L-‘ I started.

‘Wait, no way!’ He exclaimed, ‘God I’m sorry for not recognising you!’ He said as he quickly stood up to his feet.

‘Oh no, it’s fine!’ I laugh nervously and run a hand through my hair.

‘Forgive me, you seem to have changed an awful lot’, 10-1 reached a hand out for a hand shake. I took it in kind and quickly shook it back.

We both stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before 10-1 ran behind me and pulled out a chair for me to sit in just opposite him. I glanced down to the chair that I knew wouldn’t ever harbour one of my enormous cheeks. Instead, I look to the circular tables further into the cafe. They were the kind of tables that had a pseudo-sofa seat encircling them, meaning I’d be much more able to fit there.

‘I’m sorry but these seats ate just a tad bit small for me. You mind if we go over there?’ I ask. 10-1 glances over and I spot his eyes look to my lower half. He was quick to avert his eyes as he smiles reassuringly.

‘Yeah, absolutely.’ He responds, pushing the original seat back under the table.

The both of us make our way over to the back tables and I try my best to fit my plush thighs underneath. I couldn’t deny how uncomfortable this entire ordeal was, and you could even hear the table gently straining against my powerful legs. But with some effort, I allowed myself onto the sofa-chair. I let out a gentle ‘phew’ as I sat there with a quiet sense of merry. 10-1 lets himself down just across from me. It wasn’t long before he started speaking.

‘Well.’ He started. ‘I had originally asked you here to quiz you on any strange happenings that may have occurred after you touched that rock.’ He chuckled, ‘but clearly things have changed… a lot…’

I gently push some hair behind my ear as my cheeks turned a deep red.

‘Yeah… a lot…’ I repeat.

‘So have you worked out what it actually is? Like obviously we can’t ignore the elephant in the room, you’ve grown… a lot bigger.’ innovia escort He starts, clearly trying to be careful with his words. ‘But has anything else happened?’ He asks.

‘Actually, yeah. It turns out-‘ I start, only to halt my own words. I was quickly reminded of what Gabby had said and how she warned me about educating people as to what my actual power was. And this much was true – even though I believed 10-1 to be a well acquainted person, I had no doubt that he’d have to report back to QD regarding my abilities. And if that happened, who knows what kind of person could have a hold of my information.

‘It turns out I have super strength! I think my body grew to accommodate it?’ I lied, playing on some ignorance.

10-1 nodded in response, unquestioning of my response.

‘Yeah, that would make sense.’ He says in response. He goes to ask another question but is briefly interrupted.

‘Hey, would you both like anything?’ A waitress asks who had sneaked upon our table.

The both of us were taken aback briefly as we had been lost to the outside world amidst our brief talk. I look to the waitress who could easily be seen as nervous. Her shaking hands made it incredibly clear. I looked to 10-1 as he glanced to me.

‘Erm, I’d just like a coke, please.’ I ask, not exactly feeling hungry or thirsty.

The waitress nods in response and looks to 10-1. He smiles deeply toward her.

‘Just a black coffee, please.’ He asks.

The waitress nods in response again, fumbling with her fingers before garnering the confidence to speak up.

‘I’m sorry, you can probably tell I’m nervous. But PLEASE can I have your autograph?’ She asks excitedly to 10-1.

He smirks gently in response and grabs a piece of napkin from the middle of the table. He swiftly pulls a pen from his pocket and clicks it on. I couldn’t quite see what he scribbled down on the piece of paper but when he gave it to her, her eyes almost popped out of her head. Her lips curled into an unbridled smile and she held the napkin close to her chest. Without even a word, she was quick to scamper off. As she made her way down the store, I watched as 10-1 turned to watch her walk away. His gaze was very clearly fixated on her swaying hips as she moved. He slowly turned back around and smiled toward me.

‘Anyway.’ He began, ‘How far does this super strength go?’ He asks.

‘Oh, pretty far. I haven’t done any proper tests but everything is completely effortless now.’ I claim.

He nods in response. ‘Well, we have some testing facilities at QD, I don’t think the boss would mind if you came in and we ran some tests.’

I wasn’t naive enough to see this as a simple offer. QD would be very interested in my abilities, especially since they came from an unknown source. I could see clearly that this was scouting. Being an information broker meant that all the pies needed to be checked. All the pieces were too closely linked; Such a quick call from 10-1 after the incident, hastily moving onto the topic of my changes and a request to come test my abilities. It was all so obvious. But a more prominent thought that was racing through my head was in regard to employment at QD. If I showed myself as being more than able, it wouldn’t be a far fetched thought.

‘I-‘ I start. I was shocked at my shaky voice. Within my own thoughts lay a wealth of confidence. I understood the situation and what was being asked, but my shaky hands made it transparent. I was nervous and unsure.

‘I wouldn’t mind that… yeah…’ I respond. I wanted to kick myself. This was my dream, yet I was unsure? Why couldn’t I just get the correct words out?

10-1 nods gently before reaching a hand out and placing it atop my own shaky one.

‘Look, I know it’s a big leap. I know you’re not stupid either. What I’m asking is clear so don’t feel bad for being nervous. Just treat it like a… a small taste test.’ He says reassuringly. ‘You saved my life, Lila. Someone with your heroic mannerisms deserves a better place.’ He compliments.

My heart fluttered in response. I nod gently as he pulls his hand away. After that comment, the waitress that neither of us had noticed began to lay down our drinks. She smiles gently.

‘Enjoy!’ She says before taking her leave again.

I wrap my hand around the glass of coke. It was comical how tiny it looked within my grasp. I took a gentle sip from the drinks, letting the sweet taste fall over me. It created such a deep and lovely warmth against my body, caressing me so lovingly.

Things really were looking up for me.


The rest of the conversation was brief. 10-1 was clearly on duty and didn’t exactly have much time to spare for our meeting. The way he spoke was hastened and his attention was fixed on his phone. What ended the conversation was a call, presumably from QD.

‘I’m sorry, Lila. I gotta run. But I’ll drop you a text with the meeting time, yeah?’ He asked.

I understood his position and how QD probably ipsala escort made him rush around like a lunatic. I nodded in response. He dropped the needed cash for both of our drinks and was quick to exit the building. I sat there for a few moments, merely taking in the request from 10-1. I still had college to attend, and working for QD might be a huge undertaking. But why would I even need college if I worked for QD? I could change the world for the better. I could finally do everything I wanted to do.

I stand up with a new found determination before taking my leave from the store.


Elly was waiting at the car for me and probably had been for a little while. She had kindly offered to take all my clothes back to her vehicle while I met up with 10-1. As I approached, she was sat with her legs hanging out of the open drivers side door, sipping on some kind of drink. As she saw me approach, she smiled a loving smile.

‘So how’d it go, honey?’ She asked.

‘Decent.’ I start, ‘He asked if I wanted to come into QD to test my new strength.’ I say, clearly struggling to hide my excitement.

‘Wow, that’s fantastic!’ Elly started. There was a slight pause. ‘When’s that happen..?’ She asks.

I shrug my shoulders in response.

‘Dunno. Whenever 10-1 gives me a call, I guess.’ I reply.

Elly nods with a loving smile before gesturing her head towards the car.

‘Well c’mon, honey. We’ve been lurking around this mall for long enough.’ She says.

I smile back, making my way over to the car which I, once again, began to stuff myself into.


Once we were back home, the first thing I did was hang up my new clothes, neatly laying each one out in my wardrobe. It looked like I was hanging up curtains with how enormous each piece of attire was. Gabby had really outdone herself as there was more than enough there to give me a considerable amount of choice.

As I was hanging my clothes up, I couldn’t help but feel a deep satisfaction that this was my new wardrobe. As in, this wasn’t anyone else’s clothes that I was hanging up. Each of these pieces of clothing were fit for a fictional Amazon, and they were all mine.

‘Amazon.’ I stated. I liked the way it left my lips when referring to myself.

‘Amazon.’ I repeated.

I was in the house alone as Elly had left to see some old friends. I could only assume she was excited about her new size and was eager to talk about it. Elly had never been one to tip toe around conversations so she’d probably be very up front and clear when asking for people’s opinions. I sighed lightly as I thought about what Elly used to look like.

Her old form was… gorgeous. She was so beautifully thicc, with tits I could envision blasting load after load at.

At such a thought, my cock throbbed.

Each part of her was so enormous that I could grip her deeply and watch my fingers disappear amongst her plush flesh. Her rear was so juicy that it could barely fit through doors. What she used to be was such a perfect fuck toy.

My cock throbbed again.

Each inch of her body was so perfect, and I wish I could ram someone of that enormity aga-

A light ‘ding-dong’ echoed through the house as the familiar sound of the doorbell rang. I raised an eyebrow, curious as to who could be at the door at 18:50. I look out of my window, only to be met with a darkened porch. I sigh, my mind now clean from the dirtied thoughts of moments ago.

I slowly make my way downstairs and toward the front door. Usually, being alone in the house at night would make me nervous. Yet, with my newfound powers, the confidence flowing through me was immense.

I unlock the latch and open the door and for a moment, I couldn’t see anyone. I almost even closed the door before a light voice sounded from below.

‘Erm… hey?’ It said.

I hadn’t been able to see the small person below as my vision was blocked by my mammoth sized tits. I gently stand back to get a better view of the person who called out. I hadn’t recognised their voice as it used to be deeper. But the person standing there left me rumbling.

My fists clenched shut and a panic began to flutter its way through my body. The sight of her caused an immediate rush of adrenaline to surge through me. An adrenaline caused by pure fear and hate.

I was quick to react, my hand thrusting forward to wrap my thick fingers around the persons neck. I picked them up with ease, leaving their feet to dangle in the air.

‘Why the FUCK are you here!?’ I growled through gritted teeth.

The woman in my grasp was none other than Kat, the bully who I’d stolen everything from. She sputtered and choked within my prison, her hands gently patting against my arm.

‘P-please… I just wanna t-talk…’ Kat struggles to say.

My furrowed brow grew lighter and my venomous expression dropped slightly at her light plea for help. She was helplessly flailing around, but wasn’t even trying to harm me. My strength was overwhelming, iskenderun escort and she was utterly powerless in my grasp; the sight of her struggling made me question my own actions. I immediately let her down.

She coughed and sputtered, trails of spit exiting her mouth. She pressed her hands on her knees and continued to struggle for a short while. I didn’t say a word as I watched her attempt to catch her breath.

‘I never… er… took you for such an angry person…’ she stammered, a slight chuckle in her tone.

‘You fucked my Mother to get at me.’ I stoically announced, ‘you were lucky I let you go.’

Kat props herself up and nods, finally finding her feet.

‘Yeah… yeah. You did me a solid. Back when I still had that power, I wouldn’t have done that for you.’ She agreed.

‘So why the fuck are you here?’ I demanded an answer.

‘I feel guilty. And… I wanted to thank you, Lila.’ She stammered.

My eyes widened as I saw her trembling lips. She was upset.

‘Bullshit. You’re ready to cry over what you lost. I shouldn’t even be giving you the time of fucking day.’ I say, almost ready to shout.

‘No, it’s not…’ she wipes her eyes free of the slight tears that had emerged from them, ‘I feel so much better. I’m upset because of what I used to do to you.’ She struggled to express.

I blinked, unknowing of how I should even react emotionally to this. There was no way I could believe it, there was no way the Kat I knew would even dare comprehend that she’d done something bad. I clenched my hands, as all I knew for this woman was hatred.

‘I know there’s no forgiving it… but I still wanted to say sorry. I feel calm, I feel like I understand so much more now. I know it hasn’t been long, but taking away my power may have been the best thing that ever happened to me…’ Kat stated, looking down to her now much smaller hands.

Kat’s eyes look up into mine and she could see a struggling woman. I wanted to cry, I wanted to lash out, I wanted to call her a liar. A big part of me even wanted to hurt her.

‘The best thing..?’ I stammer, struggling to even comprehend my own emotions. Kat nodded in response.

‘I felt so angry all the time before. And I took it all out on you. Probably because I was jealous..? You didn’t have any powers yet you were so smart. I felt challenged. But now that all them stupid powers are gone, I can’t just be so stupidly reliant on them. Now I realise… I need to be better.’ Kat says with a weird tone of determination that I’d never heard from her.

My eyes look to the floor, as my hands continue to shake. I felt my legs go weak, almost so much so that I stumbled back a bit. I propped myself against the doorframe to hold myself.

‘Lila..? Are you alright..?’ She asks, reaching forward in case I was about to fall.

‘There’s no way…’ I start, ‘there’s no way you can just apologise for the hell you made me live through. You tried to ruin my fucking life. And you would have too if I didn’t get lucky.’

Kat pulls her hand away and stares at me with a sad expression.

‘If I didn’t get lucky with these new powers, you would fucked my Mother, you would have fucked ME. You would have won. And fuck knows what would have happened if-‘ my anger was interrupted as Kat wraps her arms around me. I blink unknowingly as she did so. She was so small that she was trying to get her arms around my hips with her face pressed against my abdomen.

I couldn’t see her past my chest but I could feel her trying to squeeze me into a gentle hug. I listened closely as I heard her begin to sob. I wasn’t sure what to do. My natural instinct was to reach down and gently stroke her hair but I refrained from doing that.

‘I’m so sorry…’ she cried.

My lip quivers as I couldn’t help myself. My hand gently stroked down the back of her soft hair.

‘I-‘ i begin but struggle to find the words. ‘You really regret it, huh..?’ I ask.

I feel Kat pull away from me so she can look up to meet my gaze. She was a mess. Her tears had smeared her make up across her face and she clearly couldn’t stop herself from crying. She nods in response to my question.

I grit my teeth, almost finding myself angry that I wasn’t angry enough. After what she had done, who was I to forgive her? At that thought, it clicked.

Old Kat would have never forgiven anyone for anything, she would have condemned them for their actions forever. And I wouldn’t let myself turn into that version of Kat. I was better than that, and clearly this wasn’t the same Kat that had done what she’d done. My fists gently start to unclench.

‘Come inside. It’s freezing out there.’ I mutter.

‘Wait… huh..?’ Kat starts.

‘Don’t make me repeat myself, Kat…’ I say as I avert my gaze.

Kat wipes her nose as she paused, unsure of how to respond. But she was more aware now and nodded in response. My body had moved to one side so that there was room to let her in. She took that room and moved past me. I closed the door behind her and locked the latch, letting out a sigh. I didn’t know if I was doing the right thing, and I didn’t know if the right thing was the stupid thing. But either way, I wasn’t letting myself be hateful.

I turned to Kat who was stood awkwardly, unsure of what I wanted her to do. I calmly pointed toward the living room.

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