16 Ekim 2024

A Welcomed Guest 10

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Bast – Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Sekhmet – Goddess of fire, war, and dance

Hathor – Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility.

Serket – Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Maat – Goddess of Truth and Justice

Tefnut – Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water

Mut – Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven

Isis – Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra)

Ra – God of the Sun, the major god of Egypt

Epaphus – Greek Mythology demi-god – Son of Zeus, and Io; and a King of Egypt

Ephus – the man, husband of Bast and all her sisters at present

Thoth – God of knowledge half brother to Bast

Sobek – God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles, half brother to Bast

Anhur – God of war and the sky bearer – Full brother of Bast and Sekhmet

Ephus was staring at the Doctor. The look of worry on her face wasn’t setting well with him. “Alright now what is the problem?”

The Doctor hedged for a moment then spoke. “Ephus, this trial of power is far, far more than you think. It is designed to kill if not maim.” Looking down the Doctor blushed. I… I know that you have seen me in all that I am. It is still embarrassing to me; I am a very private person I always have been. I know hardly anything about you but for some strange reason I feel close to you.”

“Actually Doctor I have become quite fond of you also. You are truly the first that isn’t a slave to the religious side of the gods. For that fact alone I thank you. I am sorry that I had to involve you but now that you have been touched also, I don’t feel as bad.” Ephus smiled at the Doctor.

“Ok, I guess,” the Doctor said. “If I continue to help you through this may I ask one thing of you?”

“Doctor at this point you can ask me any damn thing you want to. If it wasn’t for you I’d still be pretty much in the dark.” Ephus replied.

“Good I’m glad I’ve shined a little light on all of this. The request is, can you please call me Quinn? It’s my first name, you calling me Doctor after today seems a little redundant don’t you think?” Quinn asked.

Ephus thought a few minutes then answered. “I guess Doc… Quinn, I was only showing respect, though I do like the name Quinn far better than your title of Doctor.”

“Thank you as close as we have gotten I feel it is only appropriate. Now I should also warn you about Bast’s brothers. Well her half brothers, Sekhmet is her only true full sibling. First we have Shu, then Horus, Anhur, Thoth, Apophis, I have to look… never mind Bast has provided the answers. There is also Sobek, Khonsu, lastly there is Min. I am feeling she has far more but these are the ones that will test you.”

Ephus sighed, eight gods, and then again he might as well include Ra in the mix as Ephus had fought him in a small way. “So as I said earlier I am dead meat.”

“No, for what both you and Bast are doing they really aren’t wanting to do this. Min could care less as he is seeking females all the time, considering he is the god of fertility. Khonsu is the god of the moon he and Bast were close at one time so he would be happy she was released. Sobek is the god of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles. He might be a bit of a problem as he loves a good fight. Apophis or Apep was the god of chaos and the opponent of light and Ma’at. He also would like Bast free.” Quinn relayed to him.

“So 3 out of 4 that’s not too bad.” Ephus said.

“The last four start with Thoth the god of knowledge he will be the one that I feel will be the hardest. It bycasino was rumored that Thoth gathers every piece of information he can. Then again he might also hold the answer to living through this. Anhur is the god of war and the sky bearer. He… oh Bast informed me that I was wrong he is the only full brother of Bast and Sekhmet. He might also be a problem. Horus… was in several forms. At one time he was Isis’s father, then he had himself reborn as a half brother to many of the later gods. He is the god of the sky and kingship another that I think might want Bast released.” Quinn told Ephus.

“So, you think that Min, Khonsu, Apophis, and Horus won’t really be a problem. I might not have a problem her brother Anhur. You think that Sobek and Thoth will be a problem. Wait, you forgot one that’s only seven.” Ephus told her.

“What? Wait,” Quinn said as she went over everything she’d just told him. “Ah! I forgot about Shu! Shu is the god of the wind and air. That’s five that I think you won’t have to worry about.”

Ephus sat there not really sure about this test of power, he DID love Bast, he was ready to do all he could to be with her. If he died then he felt she would at least know that his feelings were true. “Alright Quinn, again I am sorry.” Ephus said to a more confused Quinn. Looking up Ephus stated. “Thoth! I know that all of you are listening to me. I also know that you are much like Ra. You know that knowledge is power, I know you wish to posses all knowledge you can. I wish to have council with you, to perhaps impart a bit of your vast wisdom for the coming trial!”

For a moment nothing happened then there was a sudden rushing of power. “Well put human, I do wish to posses all knowledge. Though it isn’t normally allowed for us to discuss with your kind, the coming trial.” Here Thoth pointed a slender finger at Ephus. “I also know that this rule applies to those that are human. I have looked into your family. So you are a descendant of Zeus. He was a strict god, more so than father. It is a wonder his reign lasted as long as it did.”

Thoth looked up a moment nodded then turned back to Ephus. “Though I would love to discuss with you about my family, I would like to remain a secret for now.” Ephus stated.

Thoth nodded and waved his hand between them. “There no one but Ra and ourselves are privy to this discussion.”

Ephus nodded also and reached out to touch Thoth wishing to test a theory he had. The moment his hand touched Thoth’s shoulder, Thoth shuddered and started to glow!

“I thought so! Tell me Thoth, has most of your strength returned?” Ephus said to a startled Thoth.

“By the hand of Ra! Father! This is incredible! I feel almost as I did before the conflict between my sisters.” Thoth bent low bowing to Ephus. “Truly you are part god! You posses a power that even I have never heard of!” Looking up a wide and huge smile was on Thoth’s face. “For this you have no fear of me! I can once again feel the knowledge rushing to me!” Rising Thoth grabbed Ephus in a bear hug. “I will be proud to call you brother!”

“Thank you Thoth but I seek knowledge about this test of power.” Ephus said.

Thinking a moment Thoth paced a bit then stopped suddenly. Looking over at Quinn a sly almost wicked smile crossed his face.

“Alright! What in the hell do you have on your devious mind?” Quinn asked.

“I have need of you, ah! I see that you also are a seeker of knowledge. A seeker of things that are past. A most noble past time, though sadly not many engage in much anymore.” Reaching out he was about to touch Quinn when she said, “Now wait a damn minute! I don’t want to be covered with marks like Ephus is!” Quinn stated.

“Worry not young one, a small symbol that only you and my kind can bycasino giris see. I had always thought that humans liked the touch of the gods.” Here Thoth smiled again. “Especially the after effects!” Finally Quinn nodded her ascent and Thoth touched her forehead much like Bast had. “Remember young one. I must go brother to be, be well!” With that Thoth was gone.

Ephus nodded as there was a boom then Thoth was gone. Turning he was about to thank Quinn for saying yes when she started to pant. “Damn it! They’ve done it to me again!” With that her trembling body started to convulse a bit as she fell to her knees then her back. Lifting her skirt she began to paw at her panties to get them off. Her hands were shaking so bad she looked at Ephus with a pleading look. Nodding her tore her under clothes off as she sighed and started to bury several of her fingers deep within herself. Screaming out her orgasm she took a huge breath and started over again!

“Quinn? Are you alright?” A worried Ephus asked.

“N… n… no I..I need you… you in me…. PLEASE Ephus hurry!” Quinn almost screamed as she started to orgasm again.

Ephus a little shocked but he quickly disrobed and buried himself within her. Quinn screamed out another orgasm as Ephus started to move within her. “No! Harder Ephus, PLEASE, Harder!” Quinn was now shouting and screaming as Ephus began to pound as hard as he could within her. Only ten minutes later Quinn screamed out her fourth orgasm just as Ephus poured his hot seed deep within her.

Both of them collapsed unable to move. Ephus opened his eyes, a most content smile on his and Quinn’s faces. That’s when Ephus saw the Moon disk with a papyrus scroll next to it above an ankh symbol on her left shoulder. “Well,” Ephus stated, “he said they wouldn’t be that large he was right.” When Quinn looked over at her shoulder her mouth dropped open the she turned and looked at Ephus shoulder.

“It seems that you are destined to be covered with the markings of quite a few gods.” Quinn said indicating his left shoulder. Disentangling himself from her Ephus went into the bathroom. Sure enough there was a Moon disk with a papyrus scroll next to it above an ankh symbol on his left shoulder also.

“It appears you are right,” Ephus said to Quinn as she walked into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she gasped making Ephus turn back to her.

Pointing to the mirror her mouth open Ephus looked and saw a much younger Quinn. Turning back to her he watched as her face and body regressed in age. “WHAT!? But… but… but.” Was all she could get out, then a strange look came into her eyes. “Alright, we need to talk apparently Thoth has given me information that he could not speak to you. Like Bast he gave it to me to impart to you. Clever, very clever indeed.”

“What did Ra do? Restrict any of them from saying anything to a human? Though you are right it was a clever way to get the information to me.” Ephus said.

“Yes,” Quinn replied. “You pretty much guessed it. I guess Ra expects humans to be smarter than they are. As I see it they are allowed to give hints, very vague hints but hints none the less. I also assume that you knew that Thoth would know all the ways around the rules. So, from what Thoth has told me it is pretty much like I thought. Min, Khonsu, Apophis, Horus, Shu and Thoth, you have nothing to fear from. I feel that Bast’s brother Anhur will put on a show to appease their father. That leaves Sobek, I am unsure if talking to him will help.”

Ephus sat there wondering what if anything he could do to turn the tide of this coming trial. “Alright tell me exactly everything you know of Sobek, I may have a plan but I need to know all I can alright?”

Quinn nodded as she went through all that both bycasino giriş Bast and Thoth had let her know. “Sobek is the god of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles. He was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity with apotropaic qualities, invoked particularly for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile River.”

“I see, please go on.” Ephus asked Quinn.

“He is considered to be one of the ancient gods of the old kingdom. I believe that some of the first mentions of him were about 2686 B.C. These go all the way up to and past the 1077 B.C. decline ’til I think 350 A.D. I believe he was the last to withdraw to the realm.” Quinn continued on. “At first he was thought to be a brutal animalistic deity but later he started associating with his brother Horus. It was said that he became benevolent and protective, just as fierce as he was before when he was more violent.”

“So you are telling me that though he was the god of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles, he changed?” Ephus asked of her.

“Yes, especially after he and Horus started to be seen together more.” Quinn stated.

“I…” started when the door knob turned and several women walked in.

The one in the lead stopped when she saw Quinn hiding behind an also naked Ephus. “Oh dear,” the older woman started. “We’re here for our weekly book discussion with Doctor Markov. We…” Quinn had been worried ’til Ephus turned and looked at each of the 6 women. All 6 could only stare at him as each nodded and started to remove all of their clothes!

“You might want to go in another room this will take a bit.” Ephus said over his shoulder. “You may be immune now but almost all aren’t.” Quinn nodded and went into her bedroom and put on music to drown out what she knew would soon be groaning and panting.

Ephus smiled at least Quinn was starting to be less embarrassed by her body. Especially now that it was that of a thirty year old! Ephus sat there as each of the older women daintily removed his clothes. The woman who spoke when they all first arrived climbed onto his hard shaft and grunted with satisfaction as he slid all the way in. A mere five minutes later he’d shot deep into her. Climbing off she kissed him then four of the other women descended upon her cleaning her up with their tongues.

It was almost thirty minutes later when the last of the six climbed upon him. Leaning down she whispered, “thank you, Thoth has allowed me to be filled with the seed of his soon to be brother. I thank you for allowing me to honor him and you with the gift of my body!”

Ephus’s eyes went wide she wasn’t under the spell at all! Then she started to slowly move her body taking all of him with each thrust down. It was a few minutes later Ephus heard. Thoth’s thoughts said.

This time it was ten minutes ’til he could feel his orgasm building. The wide eyes of the woman told him she could feel it also. Suddenly she started to pound herself upon him as hard and fast as she could. Finally unable to hold back Ephus felt his seed flow out filling the older woman ’til it was leaking out of her.

Kissing him she said, “Again thank you for allowing me to honor Thoth and you.” Getting up the other five arose each kissing him, dressing then leaving. Ephus stood and dressed he needed to get home.

Knocking at Quinn’s bedroom door he thanked her but said he was going to head out. “Alright, you have my numbers, if you need me call.”

Smiling Ephus kissed her turned and only took a step when a green skinned male appeared in front of him. “So, you are the human Ephus that wishes to free Bast! You will have to go through me! I welcome the challenge!” Moving closer the male clapped his hand on Ephus’s shoulder. “I am Sobek! Face me, if you dare!”

Ephus turned and looked at the hand on his shoulder grimacing, this wasn’t really fair he thought.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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