16 Ekim 2024

A Sisters’ Ploy Ch. 01

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It all started as Matt sat next to Lucy under the lifeguard sun shelter as they did their turn at volunteer lifesaving on Mona Vale Beach in Sydney. Well, that’s where it started from Matt’s point of view anyway.

Both in their early 30’s they’d shared duty on many occasions and as they’d started duty that morning, Matt had no reason to believe this would be any different.

Matt was recently single; having broken off from a girlfriend of many years when it became evident she wasn’t willing to commit to a long term relationship and settle down and have a family.

Lucy was a more complex creature and getting to know and at least partly understand her had taken Matt quite a while; many years in fact. He regarded her as a friend, even quite a good friend, but still dealt with her in a somewhat tentative manner.

Even though, professionally, he knew she was a successful accountant, Matt had deduced she was probably on the spectrum. Very high functioning admittedly, and clearly very smart, but inhibited in her interpersonal relationships.

Partly that was because of snippets of her history she’d revealed in their frequent, and sometimes surprisingly frank, conversations as they sat on the beach, partly observation of her and her manner and partly as a result of the surprisingly hurtful manner in which she sometimes responded to innocent enquiries he’d made of her; no more provocative than asking whether she was interested in volunteering for extra duty to meet a projected shortage of lifesavers on a particular day.

But it caught him completely by surprise when, mid conversation, after a moment’s pause where she was clearly building up the courage to ask, she turned to him and said…

“Matt, I need someone to teach me how to have sex, but at a pace and in a way I can cope with. I need to be able to trust them to go one step at a time and stop when I need them too. Would you be willing?”

That’s not a question you get asked every day.

But Matt also recognised the challenge involved in it.

It didn’t surprise him if the question inferred she was still a virgin. Lucy was not one who liked being touched in any way. She avoided the greeting and goodbye hugs virtually all the other women lifeguards engaged in and studiously avoided sitting anywhere that involved a risk of her generous concept of personal space being invaded. And he knew from the talk of the other girls, she was obsessive about her modesty in the shower rooms. None had seen her in anything less than her lifeguard swimmers in a room that was not designed for such privacy and an environment where the rest of them were uninhibited about their nakedness.

And while she seemed to like to put herself where boys were, in the years he’d know her there’d never been evidence or mention of a boyfriend, or even a date, then or in the past.

It had always surprised him that Lucy didn’t get hit on by guys more often, given she was actually quite an attractive woman. And yet Matt also knew from previous discussions this didn’t happen. Whether it was never or rarely, again he hadn’t in the past found it prudent to explore.

But it was also true she hid her attractiveness. Certainly the sun protecting long sleeve polos and baggy shorts which was the lifeguard uniform did nothing to flatter figures. And while the one piece women’s swimmers that was the underlayer was anything but sexy in its cut, she rarely stripped down to even those.

Beyond that, an unconfident stance meant her rather cute face was often disguised by a tucked in chin. But more importantly her manner of dress hid the features of what, on one or two occasions when she was wearing the right clothes or the wind was blowing the right way, Matt had noticed was a seriously attractive figure; slim with disproportionately large breasts. But mostly wearing unflatteringly loose clothing, her normal clothing instead created the impression of a dumpier figure.

Taking a moment to recover and to formulate a reply that drew out her plan, Matt answered…

“The answers yes, but what are you looking for from me?”

Lucy had anticipated a question such as that. Whatever might be her limitations — and the thought she might be on the spectrum wasn’t one that had occurred to her — she wasn’t completely oblivious to the strangeness of the question she’d just asked.

“You know I’m not into hugs or being touched. I don’t know how well it will go. I need someone who’ll take it a bit at a time over what might be many sessions and let me stop when I need them too without forcing themselves on me.”

That was pretty well what Matt figured she was wanting.

In researching and coming to understand Lucy’s sometimes brutally rude responses to innocent questions — a common feature of those on the spectrum — Matt had come across the concept of a hetro-romantic asexual and wondered whether Lucy didn’t more likely fall into that category; in which case sex was never going to be her thing. Still, that was for her to decide.

He was single, bahis siteleri and while he figured there’d be no shortage of frustration and cock teasing involved in it for him, he liked Lucy enough it wouldn’t be a burden.

“When did you want to start?”

Lucy was ready for that question too. She hadn’t wanted to inflict a long anticipation period on herself and was pretty familiar with Matt’s post duty routine by now…

“What about when we finish duty today? You can come back to my place.”

Matt knew she lived with her slightly younger sister only a couple of blocks away. It was an interesting relationship she seemed to have with her sister; almost one of mutual dependence. He’d met her a couple of times and she’d seemed nice enough. He knew from a relieved Lucy she’d also recently broken up with her live in boyfriend; one who annoyed Lucy no end to the point of causing a lot of friction between the otherwise very close girls.

Matt figured the sister thing was something Lucy could work out and her place would certainly be much better than his temporary, post breakup, digs.

During the rest of their duty time and as he walked back to Lucy’s place still dressed in their lifesaver gear, Matt resigned himself to simply doing what Lucy asked him too. Nothing more, nothing less. Clearly he’d been chosen because she needed to be in control and she’d trusted him to allow her that control.

He was a bit surprised as they walked in the house to find Lucy’s sister lying on a sunbed out by the pool; more surprised when Lucy tapped on the window to attract her attention and they gave each other a wave before Lucy led him purposely into her bedroom.

For some reason, the bedroom was as Matt imagined it would be. Fastidiously tidy and very girlie, in an old fashioned, frilly sort of way.

In a businesslike manner, Lucy stripped down to her one piece swimsuit, folding the shorts and top and putting them on a chair before turning to Matt…

“Would you take your shirt off, but leave your pants on?”

He hadn’t had to do any rescues that day, so it was lucky they were still clean and dry. As he pulled his shirt off and folded it to add to Lucy’s pile of clothing, he watched as Lucy neatly peeled the covers of the bed back to reduce it to the under-sheet.

He was aware she had an incredibly cute butt at the top of her relatively long, slender and shapely legs but for the first time he viewed it with a sexual intent. The lifeguard women’s one piece might not be what you’d call sexy, but the legs were cut high enough to highlight her butt and the outfit vertically challenged by her height enough to draw it into her butt crack. It was sufficient to induce the start of an erection growing uncomfortably in the speedos he was wearing under the lifesaver shorts he was wearing.

Lucy turned to him and in the excessively businesslike manner she seemed to be using to get her through the awkwardness of the situation, asked…

“Would you be able to finger me through my swimmers, without lying too close to me please?”

As, basically assuming his compliance, she lay down on her back on the bed with her arms rigid by her side, Matt found himself readily forgiving her almost robotic approach to this. He could imagine how uncomfortable it was for her; physically at least. He sensed she was dealing with him like one might a masseur at a spa as a defence against using a more personal approach; something quite understandable if, as he suspected, she was on the spectrum.

Matt carefully laid down on his side alongside her, ensuring there was a gap for the full length of their bodies, so that he was not touching her. With his head supported slightly elevated by his lower arm.

As he scanned down her body he decided that, however frustrating this might be, it wouldn’t be an unpleasant task. Her relaxed posture brought out the full beauty in her soft, rounded face, framed as it was by her long auburn, sun bleached hair. Her breasts stood tall, full and perky in her swimmers, even if the modest cut of the garment didn’t permit a cleavage view and the tightness of it squashed them a lot. And below that her plank flat stomach led down into her crotch, where a prominent and very nicely shaped raised mound announced the start of her vulva.

Still, Matt found himself uncertain how to start this process…

“Just to give me some guidance, have you ever self-pleasured?”

“No, why?”

“Because it might have given me a better view of what works for you. You don’t usually just start by fingering a clit. A bit of foreplay is better to arouse it first and I was wondering how you’d like me to do that?”

“Just stroke me wherever you think is likely to work.”

Lucy wasn’t keen on an embrace and certainly not keen on kissing. So Matt decided he should gently stroke her from her navel, down to and across her labia; something that his previous lovers had generally enjoyed.

When, after a short while, he felt her swimmers start to kumar siteleri moisten and with Lucy simply lying still with her eyes closed as if trying to shut out any external stimuli, he decided it was a good time to start to concentrate more on her clit; rubbing it gently with an extended finger, the tip of which could occasionally feel her vaginal opening through the material.

He could feel through her swimmers that she was physically aroused. Her labia were opened wide, her vaginal opening was easily discovered and the firm bud of her clit easily felt. When her nipples hardened and pushed up the material of her swimmers, Matt asked…

“Are your nipples sensitive? Would you like me to flick my tongue against them?”

Lucy’s answer was almost disembobulated, as if she was trying to be in a different place…

“If you think it might help, you can try.”

Being careful to avoid any other physical contact, Matt leaned over her chest, flicking his tongue firmly against the material covering the nipple closest to him and immediately feeling it harden further and rise into impressively jutting edifices. Matt asked…

“Is that good?”

Lucy’s answer was distant but firm…


But Matt was having his own problems. His now raging erection was curled very uncomfortably in the speedos he had under his board shorts. He’d tried surging it to get it to break free of its material prison and stand erect, but that hadn’t worked.

Eventually he’d had to take his hand away from Lucy’s crotch for the moment it took to pull the material out and let his erection stand proud.

While Lucy’s wetness had told Matt he was having an effect on her, for a while that had been the only signal to him that what he was doing was working for her. But eventually he detected her breathing growing heavier and finally even a moan emanated from her.

Her orgasm when it came wasn’t spectacular, but it was definitely an orgasm. Matt felt her body tense and just the slightest rise of her hips accompanied by a noise that was half moan, half a sharp intake of breath. She squirmed briefly before settling back to lying still, almost motionless on her back again as Matt took away his hand and awaited further developments.

From Lucy’s point of view it was her first ever orgasm. Her body tensed with it, and it was nice. But it certainly wasn’t the hip throwing, cry out loud experience she’d read about. Lucy hadn’t really thought about what to do after it was over; instead continuing with the business-like approach that had got her this far.

Matt hadn’t expected any reciprocation of his efforts from Lucy and none was offered. Instead she sat up in the bed, swung her legs around onto the floor and turned around to ask him…

“Would you like some tea or coffee?”

“Sure, coffee would be nice.”

Matt watched as Lucy exited the room without getting any further dressed. Once she’d gone, he got up and followed, aware an erection was tenting up his pants; following her rather cute butt not doing anything to settle it.

He leaned against the opposite bench as Lucy boiled the kettle and made two coffees and a tea, setting out some biscuits on a plate.

Perhaps for the first time since he’d known her, he got to study her figure from behind.

Quite apart from her cute butt and shapely legs, he admired the sensuous curve of her hips, the straightness of her back, the purity of her light olive complexion where her swimwear plunged at the rear and the lovely way her long hair cascaded down her back. The thought of actually getting to make love to her one day soon invaded him mind in a way it never had before as he undressed her with his eyes; prolonging his arousal.

As Lucy picked up the three cups, she asked Matt to bring the biscuits as she led them out to the poolside patio.

Close to the door was a small table and two single Ottoman like outdoor chairs. Lucy put the cups on the table and sat at the nearest chair.

As he sat on the other seat, Matt looked nervously across to Lucy’s sister, Kylie, laying apparently asleep in the lounge on the other side of the pool. His erection was still prominently tenting up his pants. In a way, he was happy for Lucy to see it. It was a reminder to her there were two participants in sex and he was almost hoping she would comment on it to start a conversation. The top of it was nearly bursting out the top of his pants and he seriously wondered whether he should let it become exposed to encourage the conversation.

And the fact he was now staring across to where Lucy’s swimmers were showing a large damp stain and folded into her crease in an exaggerated camel toe display as a result of his fingering of her meant his sexual arousal was continuing…

“Thanks for the coffee Lucy.”

“Thank you for helping me…”

Lucy turned towards Kylie lying on the other side…

“Kylie, your tea is here.”

Kylie sat up on the lounge…


Matt watched as she rose and bahis started to circle around the pool towards them approaching from Matt’s back. But the panic he felt about his display wasn’t enough to supress his sexual excitement.

He felt Kylie’s hand on his bare shoulder as she came alongside.

“Hi Matt, nice to see you again. Do you mind moving over, you know Lucy doesn’t like people sitting too close.”

The Ottomans were wide enough for about 1 1/2 people. Matt shuffled across until his bum was partly hanging over the side.

Kylie was dressed in nothing more than a rather small bikini and Matt soon had her all but naked flesh pressed firmly against his own, with her arm around his back, anchoring her precarious balance on the chair. She’d obviously been in the pool for a swim recently, because her flesh and bikini were both damp, although no longer wet.

Matt was a bit shocked when Kylie looked across the Lucy and boldly asked…

“Did you get there?”

Lucy unashamedly answered…


“Oh well done you.”

And then, turning to Matt, she added…

“Well done to you too. I didn’t think Lucy would even end up letting you touch her, let alone bring her to an orgasm.”

Lucy added…

“He licked my nipple too.”

“Exposed, or through your swimmers?”

“Through my swimmers.”

“Well, it’s a start. A great start actually.”

Kylie turned back to Matt…

“I bet it’s left you a bit frustrated.”

For the first time, Kylie bent forward and looked down into Matt’s crotch where a full erection remain in his pants…

“Oh my god, that’s no overstatement.”

Placing her hand on his upper thigh, she added…

“Well, we might be able to do something about that before you go if you’d like.”

Then, giving him a grin, continued…

“It’s been a bit of a drought for me too.”

Sliding her hand up his thigh until the back of her fingers rested against the base of his erection, Kylie picked up her tea and looked back to Lucy…

“How was lifesaving to day?”

There followed an animated half hour conversation, mainly between the girls, discussing their day. It was obvious to Matt that Kylie was a more fee spirited version of her sister; free of the inhibitions that limited her sister’s options while retaining Lucy’s more likable characteristics that had drawn Matt to her as a friend.

Kylie also seemed to draw out the best in Lucy. He was largely a bystander as Lucy’s own manner came more to life than he’d ever seen her in outside conversations.

But Kylie clearly didn’t have Lucy’s physical limitations. Quite apart from the intimacy of her seat position, she was sliding the back of her fingers up and down against the base of a Matt’s erection. Having found him aroused, she seemed determined to keep him that way.

It wasn’t hard. Well, actually in one way it was. But Kylie was having no trouble keeping it that way.

Matt still had a view of Lucy’s camel toe and the damp stain within it. But now he also had the sight of Kylie to deal with; much more exposed than Lucy in her tiny bikini.

She was of the same genome as Lucy; looked very much like her. Twins almost, except for the fact Kylie seemed just a little bit more filled out than Lucy. In some way that might have been good. Her breasts, barely contained with the brief bikini top she was wearing, might have been a little bigger. But she didn’t have Lucy’s plank flat stomach. You could call her a little more shapely; or less flatteringly, a little more solidly built, although in no way fat.

Matt figured Kylie more likely represented the family genome. Lucy’s limited and bland dietary habits, along with her sensory issues about being touched, were part of what made Matt conclude she was likely on the spectrum.

But there were two bodies sitting in close contact and Kylie was no innocent in the game being played.

Lucy might have first raised the idea of finding a male to introduce her to sex, but Kylie had been a willing conspirator in roping Matt in to be the male to do it. She’d been attracted to Matt from the moment they’d first met. Had it not been for the fact she worked on Lucy’s duty day, and that both she and Matt were partnered, she’d have spent a lot more time hanging out at the beach on those days.

Kylie was well aware that her previous partner was, shall we say, below her league, and that Lucy’s complaints about him and his behaviour were well justified; even if Lucy was inclined to complain about all her partners. But Kylie needed a man — physically and emotionally — and he was available.

And the physical absence of a male was starting to get to her.

Matt offered a solution to many problems; Lucy’s, hers and just maybe, if they shared him, the tension that a male in the household caused between her and Lucy.

Her sitting in close contact with Matt had been no accident; any more than being dressed revealingly when he’d arrived. Nor were the fingers teasing up his cock, even if Kylie had tried to make it look incidental to her balancing on the chair when she first put her hand high on his thigh. After all, any pretext of an accident was lost when she started rubbing the back of her fingers against the hard shaft within his pants.

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