17 Ekim 2024

A Most Pleasureable Offer – Ch. 01

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Hannah breathed deeply, trying and failing to steady herself. She rubbed her palms down her dress, again, hoping to stop the sweat from forming. She was just a palace worker. There was no need for her to be summoned. No reason Lord Paris even knew who she was.

She was just a poor girl, trying to earn money. Her role as assistant gardener barely paid enough for rent and a bit of food but it was more than most people from her neighborhood made. Despite living in modern times, the palace had an old-world feel to it, with towering ceilings and marble carvings throughout.

Yet, it was her name that was used. Not just the fact he needed somebody but now. Her name. And now she was walking, numbly, down the cavernous hall. Normally there were always servants bustling around but it seemed empty, her steps echoing on the marble floor.

She was to see him in the library. She focused on that fact. The library was her favorite place in the entire palace. She only came there occasionally, when she was needed to replace fresh bouquets from the palace gardens. It was warmer than the other rooms. Towering bookshelves lined the walls and in the middle of the room were plush chairs and sofas. It was the perfect place to spend a rainy day, if one also had the luxury of spending all day doing nothing.

The door to the library was slightly ajar but Hannah paused. Her hand trembling slightly, she knocked. It was softer than she wanted to be but when she heard a voice from within call out, “Enter,” she was glad she wouldn’t have to try knocking harder.

Hannah pushed the door open and stood slightly inside the library, waiting for further instruction.

“Come here,” Lord Paris spoke.

Desperately she wanted to look at him but knew if she did, she would be undone. Instead, she kept her eyes on the ground, moving until she was a foot from Paris. His shoes were polished but slightly worn on the bottom. She liked that. He could have new shoes every day if he so wished, but it showed that he had some common sense that it would be too wasteful to do so.

“Hannah,” Paris said.

Yes, he knew her name. Somehow, her years of supposed anonymity weren’t quite so.

“Look at me.” His words were a command, she knew that, but they were softer than expected. Swallowing, she looked up, her breath catching in her throat. He was beautiful. Dark brown hair that fell just above his eyes, eyes which were greener than she could have imagined, now that she was closer to him than she had ever been before. He was muscular but not a wall of muscles. Solid but lithe.

“Do you know why you’re here?” he asked. Again, the voice made her relax somewhat, the smooth texture of his baritone like velvet.

“No, sir.”

“I’ve been watching you, Hannah. You.. intrigue me.”

“Me?” she squeaked out.

“Yes, you.” Paris’s lips turned up in a smile at the edges but he wasn’t laughing at her. No, he seemed to enjoy her timidity.

Despite being a puddle of nerves just mere minutes ago, Hannah started to relax. She had no idea what would happen, but she was at least less afraid she would lose her job. There was a manner about Paris that made her trust him, despite not knowing him.

Just as her posture became softer, the door behind her closed solidly, making Hannah jump. She turned to see two men enter. One had the figure of a football player. His shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes held warmth, however.

The other was tall. His dark brown hair seemed almost black and he had a layer of stubble on his face. His eyes were dark but they weren’t scary so much as mysterious.

“She’s awfully young, Paris. Shouldn’t you be running away from the big bad wolf, little one?” This came from the tall man.

“Xander,” Paris’s voice came out in a warning but the man paid him no heed.

But Hannah was done playing the damsel in distress. She didn’t know where it came from but her back was suddenly straighter and, not daring herself to look away, she stared this new man straight into his eyes. Eyes that were dark brown and with an edge that could tip into madness or sanity.

“I’m twenty-two. Not a little girl.”

“Ah, she speaks.” But Xander’s tone wasn’t mocking and if anything, he seemed to appreciate her voice.

“Gorgeous,” murmured the second man.

“My apologies, Hannah. This is Xander and Cole. They are my most trusted advisors and accompany me everywhere.”

Xander merely tipped his head at Hannah but Cole walked to where she was standing and took her hand. Turning her wrist over, he kissed over her heartbeat, his lips smooth and warm. Hannah jumped slightly from the contact then eased as Cole rubbed his fingers down her skin. He was tall but slightly canlı bahis shorter than the other two.

Her eyes darted to his blue eyes the color of the sky and sandy blonde hair.

“Hannah, my aim is to be perfectly honest with you.” Paris’s voice from where he sat drew her attention and Cole let go her wrist. She missed his steady fingers instantly.

“Quite simply, I want you, Hannah. You intrigue me and while I know you don’t know me very well, I hope the feeling is somewhat mutual. I also need you to know that if you agree to be with me, you agree to be with Xander and Cole.”

“The three of you?” Hannah croaked out.

“Yes, darling, the three of us. Together we would take care of you, treat you right. We would show you unlimited pleasure.”

“And in return?”

“Ah, so she’s as smart as she is beautiful,” Cole laughed warmly and Hannah couldn’t help but thrill at his perception of her.

“In return, you submit to us,” answered Paris. “It may seem like a lot but it’s really quite simple. You give us our body and in return, we make it come alive.”

It was too much. Such things didn’t happen in real life. It would have been one thing for Lord Paris to want her but his friends as well? No, Hannah should turn and run. Back to her tedious job. Back to her one-room apartment and the couch that served as her bed. Back to the loneliness.

“Yes. Lord Paris,” she added hastily.

The response in the room was palpable. No matter what objections Xander had had, his body relaxed considerably at her words. Cole broke into a gorgeous smile, making Hannah wish she were funnier if only to be rewarded by his grin more often. Even Paris seemed to breathe out in relief. He still sat on his chair but he settled into it further.

“Come here, Hannah.”

Hannah closed the distance and as soon as her legs met Paris’s he scooped her up, cradling her in his arms. She froze at first, not used to the physical contact but he settled her further into his lap, her side curled into his chest. He was solid but warm and in less time than she thought possible, Hannah relaxed into Paris. One hand rested on her thigh, just above the knee, as if to steady her, while his other hand moved to her back. He ran his fingers up her spine, from the top of her bum to the nape of her hair, then down again. Slow strokes and she was like a cat, arching slightly into his touch.

“You’re crying.” Xander’s voice cut through the silence and she startled. Automatically, Hannah blinked back the tears that had started to form in her eyes.

“Shit, this isn’t going to work, Paris.”

They weren’t even tears but he had noticed. Xander’s sharp gaze was always on her, she realized, even when it seemed like he wasn’t looking at her. She wanted to feel afraid of such a gaze but instead, she felt seen, more so than she had ever had before.

“Let her explain,” said Cole. His voice was softer and invited her confidence.

“It’s been a long time since anyone has touched me, that’s all,” she said softly, aware of how ridiculous it sounded. If nobody had touched her, even in a non-intimate way, it showed how alone she was in the world and that wasn’t something she liked to broadcast.

Through her explanation, Paris kept his hold on her, his fingers never failing her. They stroked her, calmed her, and she never wanted the sensation to end.

“Come here.” It was Xander again, his voice strong and commanding. Hesitantly, Hannah looked up at Paris and after a quick nod, she moved off his lap, hating the lack of touch instantly. If this was the only taste she would get, was it better to have it to remember or to never have had it so she wouldn’t miss it?

Stopping in front of Xander, who lounged on a sofa, she forced herself to stand up straight. If he was going to dismiss her, she wanted to have some dignity. But his words surprised her.

“You’re cold.” Again, it wasn’t a question but an observation. An accurate one.

“Yes, a little.”

Xander sighed then, before removing the grey sweater he wore. His hair was momentarily messy but then he smoothed it down with a hand. Underneath he had on a white button-up shirt, the collar framing his tan skin.

“If this is going to work, you have to be honest. How are we supposed to take care of you if you don’t tell us what you need?”

“Wh-?” she asked, now more confused than ever.

“Here,” Xander spoke as he shifted the sweater over Hannah’s head. It was large but she didn’t care. It was warm and covered her bare arms and smelled of spice and honey. “Now, sit.”

Hannah moved onto Xander’s lap and this time his hand was in her hair. He smoothed down her tresses and his fingers, popüler bahis so strong, were soft in her hair. He kneaded her scalp and when he moved to her neck, much of her remaining tension lessened.

“That.. that feels nice,” she said.

“Good,” he replied and she could hear the satisfaction in his words. Not only because he was making her feel good but because she had told him so.

It was silent in the room and Hannah appreciated it. She hated to be put on the spot, hated to have to answer questions. The men around her were all watching her; she could feel their eyes on her. But they weren’t looks of judgment.

With her eyes still closed, Hannah felt Xander adjust himself and then his mouth was on her neck. He kissed her softly, then harder. His teeth found her, grazing over her skin, then he surprised her as his tongue licked over the abraded flesh. He was giving her a hickey, she realized. She remembered high school, when her friends had been given hickeys by their boyfriends. It had seemed such a weird thing at the time but now, with Xander’s gentle nips on her skin, she never wanted the sensation to end.

Moaning slightly, she let the sensation wash over her but her eyes popped open as another set of teeth found the other side of her neck. It was Cole. He had moved onto the couch. His hand rested on her thigh and he inhaled at her skin.

“You smell like fresh apples,” he murmured as he kissed along her skin.

“I was picking apples in the orchard this morning,” she stammered. The sensation of two men was astounding. Across from where they sat, Paris remained seated. Hannah looked to him for confirmation that this was okay and found him looking at her, his eyes hooded with lust. Yes, he seemed to be quite okay with the situation.

“I’m going to touch you, Hannah,” Cole murmured.

He placed one hand on her back to steady her and the hand that had rested on her thigh moved up her side, under Xander’s sweater and the shirt she wore. His hands were warm on her bare skin and they moved steadily higher until they found the cups of her bra.

He moved the bra down, exposing one of her breasts to his palm, and gently moved his hand, caressing her, easing her into the touch.

In an instant, Xander moved so that his hand mirrored Cole’s actions. His fingers were slightly rougher but still warm and almost in sync, both men began to gently tug at her nipples. Hannah gasped at the sensation as need coursed through her body. It was electric.

“You’re so responsive,” Cole murmured in approval.

Gently, then firmly, Cole and Xander continued their assault. Their mouths roamed her neck, the sensitive part behind her ear. Xander’s nips were harder as he tugged on her earlobe but he was quick to soothe the sting. Cole was more even but she sensed a thread of restraint in him and wondered what he would be like when he stopped thinking of her as being so fragile.

Hannah’s eyes closed again at the sensations. She squirmed slightly, wanting more but afraid to ask for it, unsure of how it would feel. She was supposed to submit to these men but Xander had told her quite plainly that she was supposed to tell them what she wanted.

“Has anyone ever made you come, Hannah?” Paris’s words were close and she opened her eyes to see him, just a foot away from her. He was on his knees, his hands on her legs and he moved them gently apart. Her skirt was in the way but he moved it up to her thighs so he could part her legs further.

“No,” she trembled.

“Have you ever made yourself come?”

“I tried, a few times,” she said, her voice shaky, partly in embarrassment at the question and partly because Cole and Xander still had their hands and mouths on her. “But I could never, um, make it work.”

As if in unison, all three men groaned at the new information.

“That, my lovely, is about to change.” Paris spoke calmly, as if it were a foregone conclusion that he could bring about the elusive orgasm and she had no doubt in her mind that he would be able to. He licked his lips and moved his hands up her thigh, under the skirt that was bunched up.

“Wait,” she called out, more loudly than intended. All three men froze. Cole and Xander moved from her neck; their hands stilled on her breasts. Even Paris looked confused.

“Wait,” she said again more softly. “Aren’t you going to kiss me first?”

“My dear Hannah, what a treasure you are. And what ogres we must appear to you,” said Paris as he shook his head. He kept his hands on her skin but moved his head closer until his lips met hers.

He was soft at first. His lips danced over hers and she breathed easier at the slowness. Then, his lips güvenilir bahis siteleri parted and she mimicked his movement. Paris’s tongue danced in her mouth, entwining with hers and she felt heat blossom throughout. Paris’s hands gripped her thighs tighter and while there was a little pain, she soon grew to love it. His fingers steadied her and she was lost in the moment.

Cole and Xander were back at their tasks and she wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, if she wasn’t so lost in it. Three men touching her, stroking her, making her feel more alive than she had her entire life.

“Sweet Hannah, I will forever be craving your lips,” Paris sighed as he broke off the kiss.

His eyes lingered on her face, her lips that were plump and slightly bruised. His eyes trailed down her body, over where Cole and Xander’s hands still hid under her shirt, and settled on the small bit of skin hidden by her skirt.

“No more panties,” Paris dictated. “If you’re dressed around us, you will be naked underneath us.”

It was the first major command he had given her. “Yes, Lord Paris,” she replied breathlessly.

She was treated with a smile at her words. “Please, call me Paris.”

Hannah nodded in understanding as Paris moved his hands further up. He found the waistband of her underwear and Hannah lifted her hips slightly so as to help him remove it. Paris flung it to the floor and then his fingers were on her, exploring her folds, groaning as he did so.

“Tell me she’s as wet as I’m imagining,” Cole murmured.

“More so,” Paris answered as he closed his eyes in ecstasy. His fingers parted her slightly and he rimmed her opening with one finger, gathering her slickness before he moved up to her clit. An electric pulse shifted through Hannah. She needed something to hold onto. Her hands moved to Cole and Xander’s shoulders and she dug in. They were so muscular she didn’t care if she was hurting them or not.

Every time Paris brushed along her clit, Hannah sank into the sensation. She was no longer aware of her actions. She moaned, and writhed, and the three men held her in place, letting her feel, letting her get used to this new sensation her body was suddenly capable of.

Then, Paris lowered his head and trailed kissed up the inside of her thigh. His head was partly hidden from her skirt but Hannah knew what was about to happen. The electric shock intensified as Paris ran his tongue through her folds. He dipped inside her opening then up to her clit, licking, then sucking as he did so.

“Paris,” she breathed out. It was too intense. There was too much stimulation. Cole’s resolve had weakened and his fingers tugged harder on her nipples, almost as hard as Xander’s.

“Come for us, Hannah,” Xander whispered in her ear.

At his words, Paris inserted one then two fingers inside her. He moved them just so, finding some hidden part of her and his tongue found her clit, sucking fiercely, grazing his teeth along her nerves.

“Oh!” Hannah exclaimed as orgasm washed over her. The fire inside her grew, expanding to her hands, her feet. She felt it run up her spine, exploding behind her eyes.

With final kisses, Xander, Cole, and Paris soothed her, petted her, helped her adjust to the knowledge that this was what her world could be like.

She was still on Xander’s lap and Paris moved to the couch, kissing her lips, her cheeks, her eyelids.

“We’re leaving for my compound down south. We have work that needs to be done but there will be fewer distractions there. My uncle is coming to stay at the palace and he takes up too much space. Tell me you’ll come with us, Hannah.”

Paris held her hand, tracing soft patterns over the lines on her palm. It was such a silly question. She had nothing here for her. Of course, she would go.

“Yes,” she breathed out, a smile stealing over her face.

“Good. I’ll have everything you need where we’re staying but is there anything from your home that you want to bring?”

Her home, if you could call it that, was stark and barren. “No, I don’t need anything.”

“Is there anyone you want to call before we go?” asked Cole. “We’ll be gone about a month and I don’t want anyone worrying about you.”

He was so sweet to ask but Hannah couldn’t help but laugh bitterly inside. “No, I’ve been on my own for the past six years.”

She didn’t mean to share the information, not really. It’s just that the men made her feel so wanted, so accepted, that she couldn’t find the strength to twist a lie.

“Shit, you’ve been alone since you were sixteen? That isn’t right.” Xander said this but she could sense that the other men thought the same thing. But there was nothing to say to it. Her past was just what it was and there was no way to change it. She had learned that long ago.

“Come, Hannah, we’ll drive to the airfield and then onto the plane,” said Paris as he smoothed her skirt down. “You’re with us now and you have nothing to be afraid of.”

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