16 Ekim 2024

Trish’s Place… Ch. 07

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They were, for the most part, silent, lost within their own thoughts, as they put mile after mile behind them on the Nebraska plains.

The vibe between them was good; no, it was excellent, if truth be told. The silence was more a manifestation of the realization that soon, way too soon, they would be ‘back in the real world’, to use Trish’s phraseology. That also meant back to life without each other 24/7 as it had been during their travels together.

Neither looked to that as a good thing, no, not in the slightest.

“Do you want to push and get back to Denver tonight, or shall we find a motel for one more night on the road?” Trish asked Jil as they approached their sixth hour on the road.

“I’d prefer another night on the road if you think we can find someplace to stay,” Jil answered, her head laying on the headrest and turned towards Trish.

“Shouldn’t be too hard if you don’t mind pulling in sometime in the next hour; there’s a couple of larger-‘small towns’ off the interstate that should have decent motels,” Trish answered, turning her head to give her young friend a smile.

“Let’s do that,” Jil replied, reaching with her hand to brush her fingers along Trish’s cheek.

“Consider it done, sweetie,” was Trish’s soft reply, glad within herself that Jil wanted a last night as much as she did.

They were checked into their motel room within the hour, leaving them about a six-hour drive the next day. Using Trish’s laptop, Jil logged on and checked email, replying to a few, checking school schedules for the upcoming semester, etc. Trish used the time to call Jon, to check in on her business and much to her relief, there was no urgent issues that needed her immediate attention.

“Business has been good, T,” Jon said, using his ‘pet name’ for Trish, “No problems and nobody not showing up for work; take a couple of more days, if you’d like, we’ll survive.”

“You saying I’m not needed, Jon?” teased Trish.

“Aaah, you know better than that, boss, it’s really just the fact that you work your ass off and take very little time for yourself,” Joh replied.

“Well, if it’s going that well, I might just take the weekend to unwind from my trip and just come back on Monday, okay?” Trish said, hanging up after Jon gave her a positive response.

“Well, the good news is that I’m not going back to my joint until Monday; I gave myself the weekend off,” Trish said as Jil was logging off the laptop.

“The bad news?” asked Jil.

“The bad news is that the real world is waiting for us to return and I really don’t want to,” Trish answered honestly as Jil crawled onto the bed to lay next to Trish, to lay in Trish’s arms.

“I have a little bit of good news,” Jil said, “at least, I think it’s good news.”

“Well, you going to keep me waiting all day, Bitch?” Trish teased as she hugged Jil tightly to her body.

Laughing, Jil said, “No, you cunt! Okay, my news is that my pre-semester enrollment and class plan has been accepted and I don’t need to be back at school until Monday.”

Pausing a nano-second, Trish asked, “Want to shack up with me for the weekend at my place? I’ll bring you back to your dorm either on Sunday night or Monday morning, whichever works best for you.”

“Yes, I’d love to shack up with you but only if you don’t bring me back until Monday morning,” Jil replied, her heart swelling with happiness at the thought of more time with Trish.

“Done!” was all that Trish said, in reply.

They showered, settled on a place to eat dinner (not that there was a huge selection of restaurants to choose from), and were back to their room by seven’ish.

“And that’s the way to roll a nice, tight joint, got it?” Trish asked when she was through showing Jil how ‘she’ rolled doobies.

“Looks easy when you do it but, when I try, it seems like my fingers becomes toes,” Jil laughingly replied as she took the offered doob from Trish.

“Yeah, me too when I first started but with enough practice, it becomes easier,” Trish replied as she took the joint from Jil’s fingers for her own toke.

“Speaking of smoking dope,” Trish interjected, “don’t you jocks have to pass pee tests and all that crap?”

“Yes, yes we do,” Jil answered, “but since my sport is a Spring sport, I won’t get tested until January and, following my usual practice, I’ll stop smoking dope at Thanksgiving and will not smoke again until after Spring semester is over.”

“Crafty, good-looking, and really good at eating pussy; my kind of gal,” joked Trish.

“Good”, Jil said, pushing Trish onto her back, on the bed, and unsnapping Trish’s shorts at the same time, “because that’s what I’m going to do right now, I’m going to eat that delicious pussy of yours.”

And she did, for a very long time and in such a manner that to say she was ‘eating pussy’ wouldn’t seem quite right…now, if you said that she was making love to Trish’s pussy, that would have been much more accurate.

And, on that last night ‘on the road’, they made slow, languid love to one coffeedonutfest.com another, taking their time, making it last, long into the night until they fell asleep in each other’s arms…


Trish’s estimate of about six hours driving time proved to be right on the money, almost to the second. It wouldn’t have been that long had the Nebraska State Trooper not held up their trip to give Trish a speeding ticket, the rat-bastard.

“Count your blessings, baby,” Jil said in an effort to calm Trish down after leaving the trooper, “at least we hadn’t fired up a doobie yet and he didn’t smell the weed, or ask to search the car.”

“Yeah, I know, we were lucky in that respect, but still, it pisses me off,” Trish fumed, a little less so, now.

“What the fuck did you expect? Did you really think you could drive us back to Denver, the whole way, at ninty miles an hour?” Jil playfully teased.

Smiling, Trish replied, sheepishly, “No, you’re right…it was dumb and I should be punished,” showing Jil a fake-pout of sadness.

“Yes, yes you should…so, I’ll think about a suitable punishment for you while we drive back to Denver but, at the speed limit, Right?” Jil responded.

“Yes, ma’am, at the legal speed limit,” Trish agreed, feigning a tone of resignation.

“Good, because I’m going to try to roll a good joint for us to enjoy and I don’t want to be interupted by fucking lights and sirens, understood?” Jil admonished.

“Yes ma’am,” Trish replied with a gladness in her heart that she hadn’t felt in a very long…well, she suddenly wondered, have I really ever felt ‘this’, before?

It gave Trish something to tuck away, in the deep recesses of her mind, something for her to think about, later, much, much later.

“Ohhh, Trish, I love these old trees hanging over the street,” Jil said as they drove down Trish’s street in the turn-of-the-century neighborhood. Most of the homes were well over a hundred years old, most updated to meet current codes.

Trish’s bar had given her a very nice living, with a very nice income that she used wisely and well. She had bought her place five years ago, spent a ton of money remodling the interior to suit her life, her wants, her needs. It was her house, in every meaning of the word.

The exterior was refreshed, including the coach house garage,located at the rear of Trish’s property. Unlike most homes in the neighborhood, Trish’s fence was made of stone, not wood, and stood about a foot taller than usually found in fencing. Trish figured that the original owner was a very ‘private’ person…that, or a psychopath that wanted to keep his social sins hidden. Didn’t matter to Trish, she liked the tall, stone fence, feeling as if she was in her own private world when in her back yard.

“Oohh, Trish, this is beautiful,” Jil exclaimed when Trish drove into her driveway, parking under the small, flat extension next to the side entrance. The downstairs was comprised of a living room/den, kitchen, bath, dining room, and a small utility/mud room between the kitchen and back entrance. She had added a small deck at the back of the house, covered, and a hot tub that was large enough for six adults. She had also added some shrubbery and trees which served to provide shade and privacy to anyone using the tub.

Upstairs, Trish took out a wall and made two small bedrooms into one, huge master bed/bath complex. She converted another bedroom into a study/library/computer room/office. So that left her with only one other bedroom, making it into a guest room with private bath.

After giving Jil the fifty-cent tour, they opened windows and doors, letting the coolish, late summer air refresh the house that had been closed up for a couple of weeks. Checking her mail, delivered through a front door slot, there was the normal array of ciculars, ads, crap-mail as she called it, which she gathered and dropped straight into the outside trash can, unopened or looked at by her.

“You didn’t even look through it for anything important,” Jil admonished Trish.

“Anything by mail that’s important goes to my business address,” Trish explained, “nothing, I mean nothing that means anything comes to this address.”

“In fact, cutie-pie, there’s only been a few, a very few, people who have come to my house” Trish smilingly said.

“I feel honored,” Jil said, and meaning it.

“Me, too, sweetie, me too,” Trish said before kissing Jil softly on the lips.

“So, what do you want to do tonight? Eat in, eat out, stay in, go out, what?” Trish asked.

“I don’t know, honestly, no joking, I’m really pretty open,” Jil said, “What do you want to do?”

“You like theesomes, right?” Trish asked as an idea suddenly popped into her head.

“Yeaah,” Jil replied, her curiosity piqued, now.

“How ’bout foursomes?” Trish asked with a wicked grin on her face, her eyebrows arched questioningly.

“Never done a foursome,” Jil replied, “But, it sounds pretty interesting.”

Picking up her cell, Trish called Marge, asking her if she and Beth might like to come over for some drinks, some hot-tubbing, and to meet her new friend, Jil.

“Well, that sounds intriguing but do you think you can pick up the phone at the last minute and that I’ll drop whatever plans I might have had to indulge your whimsies?” Marge responded with a faux-voice of indignation.

“Well, yeah…” Trish replied, a grin on her face that Marge couldn’t see, of course, “that and the promise of some very hot sex with my friend and I for you and Beth.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so, you slut,” Marge laughingly replied, “We’ll be over at seven, cunt.”

“Fuck you, Bitch,” Trish said with a laugh, “and don’t forget to bring your toys,” disconnecting the call afterwards.

Looking at the confused, inquisitive face of Jil, Trish simply said, “We’re going to fuck some gals tonight, cutie, let’s go get our game faces on,” walking towards the staircase that led upstairs.

As they got ready for the evening’s activities, Trish brought Jil up to speed as to who Marge and Beth were, of Trish and Marge’s meeting, their first fuck that night, of the threesomes with the submissive Beth, and of Beth’s fetish with leather.

“Sounds like fun,” Jil responded as she toweled herself dry from her shower.

“Should be,” Trish said as she entered the large, walk-in enclosure for her own shower, “should be a lot of fun for all of us.”

“You’re not doing this just to please me, are you? I mean, you’re into this, too, aren’t you?” Jil suddenly asked.

Looking to Jil in all of her nineteen-year old, naked beauty, Trish honestly replied, “Just for you? No, I like kink too, baby.”


“Damn, Trish, is this young thing even legal?” Marge asked when she and Beth were introduced to Jil.

“Yep, she is,” Jil answered for Trish, with a smile.

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear the story of how you two hooked up,” Marge said, returning the smile to Jil.

Trish told the story of their meeting to Marge and Beth, with a few interjections from Jil, as Jil opened, then poured them all some wine from Trish’s excellent collection.

“Omaha? Hard to believe,” Marge commented after hearing of their adventure with Sherry that night in Nebraska.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Trish commented to the group, “But, in fairness, Sherry’s a big-city gal from Chicago who was in town on business.”

“Gotta love those big-city gals,” Marge opined as she took a large doobie from her purse.

“Oh no, put that away,” Trish said, “I’ve got some shit you two just have to try,” reaching for her stash box on the end table, next to the sofa that she and Beth were sharing.

Beth said very little, at first, listening mostly, her eyes darting between Trish and, Jil, who had sat with Marge on a small settee that was part of the ‘conversation pit’ arrangement of Trish’s living room.

The four of them smoked Trish’s weed through a hookah-style pipe that Trish had filled with a few ice cubes and a bit of the wine.

“Oh my, that certainly is smooth,” Marge said after her third pull on the pipe-hose, “really, really good, Trish.”

“Yeah, it is,” Trish agreed, the effect of the herb taking her into ‘that zone’.

“Come with me, Beth,” Trish suddenly said, “You can help me take the ge the hot tub ready so that we can use it a little later.”

Dutifully, Beth stood, then, followed Trish out to the back deck. Cover off, controls turned on, Trish fished some towels for them to use from a storage cabinet, next to the tub.

“Mmmm, the water feels good,” Beth said to Trish as she tested the water with her hand, using a towel to dry, afterwards.

“Shall we open some more wine and go get the girls?” referring to Marge and Jil.

“Yes, we shall,” Beth smilingly replied, her eyes showing the glaze of a good stone, now.

Walking back into the house, Beth kept her hand on the small of Trish’s back, her fingers moving in small circles near the base of Trish’s spine, lightly rubbing just above Trish’s ass. Feels good, Trish thought to herself as she reached for the wine to open.

Looking into the living room, Jil and Marge were in quiet conversation, Marge’s fingers ‘toying’ with Jil’s short hair as they talked. Smiling, Trish told them to come out and join her and Beth when they were ready.

“On the way, sweetie,” Jil said as she looked over her shoulder, towards Trish’s voice. When she turned to do that, Marge used the opportunity to place her hand onto one of Jil’s breasts, through Jil’s tee-shirt. Squeezing softly, her hand cupped Jil’s tit, feeling Jil’s nipple get hard against her palm.

Jil smiled and still looking back, rested her chin on the sofa back, leaning in, letting Marge fondle her. Reaching with her own hand, Jil returned Marge’s touches by cupping and fondling Marge’s breasts at the same time.

They stayed silent did Marge and Jil, fondling each other’s breasts, no words needed between them, their hands and fingers doing all the talking that was necessary, for now.

“As good as this feels, I suppose we should join them, shouldn’t we?” Marge asked as she pinched, gently, Jil’s nipples between her fingers.

“Let’s,” Jil agreed, “we can continue this later,” smiling at Marge.

“Oh yeah, we surely will continue this later,” Marge sighed, then gasped, as Jil pinched Marge’s nipples as well.

Trish had lowered a bamboo shade/screen that rolled up and down, blocking the elements from the deck/hot-tub area. More importantly, the shade also blocked any voyeurs that might be lurking amongst her neighbors. Didn’t know that there were any but why take the chance?

Trish and Beth were already in the hot tub in all of their naked glory when Jil and Marge finally joined them on the back deck. Trish was laying on one of the sculpted, full-body spaces designed for just that, to lay out in full recline in the warm water. Beth was sitting a bit lower, but next to Trish on another sculpted spot, the water-line just above her tits.

Wasting little time, Marge and Jil dutifully disrobed, and climbing into the tub, found spots near each other, across from Beth and Trish. Marge’s hand quickly stole over to Jil’s lap, her fingers stroking Jil’s trimmed landing-strip pubes, under the bubbling water. Turning to look at Marge, next to her, Jil simply smiled and returned the stroking to Marge’s shaved, bared honey-pot, Jil’s fingers gently peeling Marge’s pussy-lips back in play as the four of them made banal conversation.

Beth, for her part, talked little, preferring to lower her mouth to Trish’s breasts to suck and lick Trish’s now-erect nipples, one at a time, taking turns, if you will. For her part, Trish enjoyed Beth’s suckling of her breasts, her own hand, under the bubbling waters, now between Beth’s legs, two of her fingers, slowly finger-fucking Ms. Beth while Beth continued to make love to Trish’s titties.

Conversation soon waned, the combination of the wine and good herb now taking center-stage among the four of them, a lovely stoned silence eveloping the hot tub much as under a ‘dome of silence’ as seen in the old, “Get Smart” T.V. series from the sixties. The only sounds that one could hear were four different levels of heavy breathing as their manual manipulations of each other got each of them excited, making them all wanting more of the same.

Her eyes closed, her head leaning on Marge’s shoulder while Marge continued to play with her pussy, Jil was first to break the silence.

“I want to fuck somebody,” Jil softly moaned, her legs parted so that Marge could, now, finger her snatch which, of course, Marge was only too happy to do.

Turning Jil’s head towards her own, Marge kissed Jil, her tongue diving deep into Jil’s opened mouth, her fingers (two of them), buried to the knuckles as she increase her fingering of Trish’s new friend’s cunt.

Breaking off their kiss after a deliciously long time, Marge looked into Jil’s young eyes, smiled, then said, “Oh no, sweetie, fuck one, fuck all of us, the first time, anyway,” accenting her statement with a pinch of Jil’s erect clitoris.

“Even better,” Jil finally managed to say through the horned excitement that had wrapped itself around her body.

Giving Marge another tongue-kiss, Jil suddenly rose and exited the tub, grabbing a towel to dry herself.

“First come, first ‘cum’,” Jil said playfully, “I’ll be in Trish’s bed, waiting,” walking off as she said it.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Marge asked as she moved closer to Trish and Beth, her mouth dropping to trade tongue swipes of Trish’s hard nipple with Beth, who was doing the same.

“No, Beth will go first,” Trish said firmly, “Let the two young ‘uns fuck each other’s brains out to get ready for us old broads.”

“Works for me, sugar,” Marge said looking into Trish’s eyes as she swirled her tongue around Trish’s nipples, one at a time.

Moving apart from Marge and Trish, Beth climbed out of the tub, drying herself as she gazed in stoned silence as Marge raised Trish’s pussy to her mouth. With one last look over her shoulder, Beth walked upstairs, softly, quietly, and, finding the master bedroom, stopped at the doorway to look at Jil, laying naked on the bed.

Getting more horny by the second, Beth climbed onto the bed and, without any words, or foreplay, laid between Jil’s opened legs, dropping her mouth to Jil’s wet pussy. Slipping her tongue into the warm, moist slit, she reached above her head and, finding Jil’s firm breasts, wrapped her hands around them, twirling Jil’s nipples between her fingers.

“Oh Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jil screamed as she drove her pussy hard against Beth’s magic mouth and snake-like tongue, her climax straining the very fabric of her being.

“That’s yours,” Beth said coyly, rising to bring herself over Jil’s still-shaking body,”And, now, I’ll get mine,” saying this as she knelt with Jil’s head between her knees on the pillow, lowering her wanton cunt to Jil’s wanton mouth.

For a deliciously long time, Jil ate Beth’s pussy, bringing Beth to many orgasms. So involved with this joyful activity were they, that neither heard Trish and Marge enter the room, a small, soft carryon bag in Marge’s hand.

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