16 Şubat 2025

Three is the Magic Number

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I look at myself in the mirror. The lacy red sheer dress hardly covers anything. Not even the bruises that brings a shy smile and wild memories. I look at myself, who a month ago was a virgin, hadn’t even kissed a guy properly. I stare deep in my reflection’s eyes, and smile again, this time a new slutty smile. Today, I might just cover all of the categories of sex you generally find on a porn site. It’s hard to believe it’s just been one month since I moved to Singapore to live all by myself. However, in the whole month, I never had to sleep alone.

Moving in – Day 1

I had spent weeks on internet getting to know the city (or the country). By now I had memorized the small walk to my school, places to eat, bus and train stations, everything around my new home for the next 6 months. I had no option, dad could spare only half a day and I had to settle down really quickly.

When we stepped out of the cab, my jaw dropped. I had looked at the pictures of the building but in reality the place was mesmerizing. I was amazed I could find a studio apartment here in my budget. The ad mentioned that the place was a bit small and could house only one person, but who cares. It’s not like I planned on having people over. The introvert that I am, there’s a good change I might return home in 6 months without knowing one new name.

I knew one. Pierre. He had posted the ad to sublet the apartment. At that throwaway rent, I was happy I reacted quickly. The apartment was apparently empty and he confirmed to furnish it by the time I move in. He had sent a few pictures last night and the place looked cozy and stark clean. Just the way I liked it. I was so excited to be finally moving in.

Dad paid the cab and I unloaded my luggage. As I counted my 2 giant bags and multiple small ones, he went in looking for my new apartment.

I heard him ask and a sexy sounding voice replied, “Oh the ser… small apartment 3B? It’s the left door. There are two 3Bs here.”

Curious, I moved to peep in the lobby from corner stairs I was standing in and BAM.

I open my eyes to see two blue eyes staring back and a warm breath that made a sound of a soft oh.

I automatically replied oh?.

The eyes smile. I smile.

I hear dad, “Are you OK?”

And I unfreeze.

There’s a hand on my left breast and I look back at those blue eyes with shock. He quickly regains his balance, reluctantly moves his hands to himself and apologizes.

I want to say ‘Thank you’ but say ‘It’s OK’ instead.

He says sexily, “Maybe you’ll be my lucky charm today. They’re going to make a life-changing announcement at work today. Wish me luck.”

I find my voice and meekly say “Best Luck”.

He turns back and smiles before riding off. I melt.

“All the best!” shouts dad. And I’m back to being me.

Dad and I find my new place and I call Pierre.

“Hello” says the voice on the other end.. Oh French! I tell him I’m here and the door on the right opens. A tall guy in a crisp white apron with a phone in hand.

Oh Black!, I wonder it’s true what they say about black guys and feel compelled to sneak a glance between his legs.

He scans our faces and smiles. “Hi, I’m Pierre. You must be Mira and Mr. Ved?” We nod and smile back. He hands over my keys and excuses himself to back inside pretty quickly. I wonder what I did wrong as I hang my head and walk in my new home.

It’s a small room with a single bed, study table and a cabinet, and a no window. There were fresh sheets, new curtains, new mattress still in its covers and even a vase with plastic lilies in them. The small kitchenette had a few pans, hot plate and a tiny fridge. The best part was that the rent covered wifi and electricity so I cranked-up AC and started unpacking. It was minimalistic but tastefully done.

There were two more doors, one for the washroom and other, it was locked. From the sounds, we made out that there must be a kitchen on the other side of the door. In a flash both me and dad figured out that this wasn’t really a studio apartment, it was actually servant’s quarters for Pierre’s apartment. I felt cheated. I excused dad and head out to confront Pierre for lying to me.

I rang the bell and heard Pierre rush over. He opened the door with the widest smile that reached his eyes.

“I’m a Chef and I made a fusion French pastry with something Indian. Taste it for me please.” , He said as he held out a spoonful of cake near my lips. As I parted them he slowly pushed heaped spoonful of sweet juicy dessert into them.

A warm current radiated through my body and somehow it had nothing to do with the food. I kept staring deep into his eyes as I tasted a familiar yet distinctly different dessert. The French gulab jamun pastry was just like him, dark, succulent and inviting.

I kept on looking up at his face as he was saying something. His lips moved and made sound but I couldn’t keep away from the magic of the shapes it made while he spoke. His eyes were amused at what they saw and seemed like they were waiting for an answer. But then his lips Ankara Escort moved again and I drew into looking at them without realizing what was happening. They moved with such grace like dancing on music. I wanted to feel them, maybe they realized my heart’s desire and started coming closer.

Is this an imagination or they’re actually an inch away from mine because I cannot see them but I feel some warmness near me. And then I feel them land softly on my lips to trap some escaped sugar granules.


The lips stay on mine for a while and begin to move away. Instinctively, my hand reached to grab his apron so I don’t have to part with the feeling so soon. He stopped, hovered and came back to my lips. This time, just landing on my lips warmly and knowingly.

My eyes close. I feel his arm at the small of my back direct my feet two steps forward as he steps two steps backwards.

As I part my lips, his lips fill in the space. There is an urgency to feel more and a fear to moving too quickly. Our lips find the right balance and move in sync.

The kiss gets deeper and wet. He discovers a taste he created inside my mouth and sends his tongue to explore more. The Indian – French fusion was this.

My other hand went to the back to his neck to lift me up and bring us closer. I was on my toes but I could have as well been in clouds I felt so light. I could feel the shift of energies as his arm held me tighter and our embrace, warmer. I felt a hardness between and my closed eyes smiled. The urgency and knowingness in our kiss increased. We could’ve been like that for 3 seconds or 3 hours, who knew. But we abruptly came to our senses as dad called my name.

I opened my eyes he slowly supported me till I could stand on my feet.

“Mira”, my dad calls again. He smiles and mouths my name, ‘Mira’ with his beautiful mouth.

No Reaction.

“She’s here Mr. Ved. Just finishing some formalities.” he replies on my behalf.

I still haven’t said a single word to him. I look at him embarrassed.

I have no explanation for what I did. I get red and before I could apologize, He says,

“I made this to welcome you. Hope you like it. Also, I know the ad said yours was a studio apartment as you figured, it was designed to be a servant’s room. Most four bedroom condominiums here have them. We converted one of the rooms to a gym and this wasn’t in use. Figured someone could use it so I put it up for sublet. ”

He smiled again, “You’ll have complete privacy and it’s completely safe. I hope you aren’t too mad about it.”

I was, but how can I be anymore? I just took the plate from his hands and smiled. I turned to leave and turned back. This time, not looking at his eyes.

I managed to mumble, ” Sorry for what just happened. I’m not usually like this. I’m never like this. I have no idea what came over me”

He stopped me mid-sentence and kissed me again. This time, he closed the door behind us. He placed the plate from my hands onto the table nearby and lifted me up to bring my face to his height. I’m fairly tall. 5’9″ feet to be precise and even taller than a lot of guys I know back home. It felt good to be tiny in this giant’s arms. We kissed passionately but this time we knew we both wanted it and that we had plenty of time.

When we parted he smiled almost shyly and said, “Never apologize for that kiss ever. It was probably the best kiss of my life.”

I felt a wave of heat in my chest and a want to tear off his clothes right away. I would’ve too.

There was a knock on the door that startled us both.

We fixed ourselves and he went to open the door expecting my dad at the door. Instead there was a the most well-built man I had ever seen. He seemed to be in a rush. “Sorry Mate, forgot my keys.” he said and rushed inside. I don’t think he even saw me as he zoomed in and zoomed out just as fast closing the door behind him.

“This is… I mean that was Peter. He stays in one of the bedrooms and there’s another guy, an investment banker who stays in the third..” his voice darted as he realized that he didn’t want to talk, just fix his lips with mine again. Before Pierre could though, I said, “I must head back. Dad must be waiting.” and left reluctantly.

“Bye.” I like him. I bite into his cake, “This is delicious.”

“Thanks. See you soon.” He seems to like me too. He lingered till I was inside.

Dad had arranged majority of my things and by that I meant the kitchenette. A big part of my luggage consisted of spices and instruments not easily available outside of India. The rest, of my books and art kits. And a small bag that had only essential clothes. I almost never wore makeup or fancy clothes. I had a very small set of close friends and my life revolved around reading, writing and illustrating designs.

I was offered a training position at a renowned art school. I was very keen to take one of their writing classes too. Singapore didn’t allow for kids on student visa to work and I couldn’t afford to live without working. When the University saw my Illustrations they Çankaya Escort offered me a teaching position for 6 months trial and also waived my fees for their writing program too.

My parents were very proud of me for getting this offer. My sister had decided to get married into a big Indian family as soon as she turned 18. They always wanted a career for her but all she cared for was a fairytale princess life. It suited her too, the party girl she. She has long hair, big bouncy bosom, tiny waist against her full bottom.

Me on the other hand, I’m tall with average perky tits and a firm bottom. I look athletic but I am anything but that. She has been sexually active, partying hard and living the high life as soon as puberty hit. Me on the other hand, at 21, I am still a virgin, never kissed properly (until just a while ago), never did drugs or even alcohol for that matter. My requirements for being attracted to someone I’ve been told were too high and unnatural. So much that my friends expect me to die single. I expect me to die single.

Maybe that’s why today’s events surprised me. I was not only attracted but fell for not one but two guys.

I’ve never been drawn to anyone so much as I had with the stranger I bumped into this morning. I couldn’t forget his eyes or the warmth and gentle pressure of his hands on my breast. I kept touching my left breast as if expecting to find some radical change in it from his touch.

And Pierre. I kissed him. I had tried to want to kiss so many guys before but I hated doing it. This, this was so different. I floated the rest of the afternoon just thinking about Pierre and the stranger in the lobby.

Dad and I ate lunch at a food court nearby and I got him a cab for airport and waived him goodbye. I was dreading this moment, but now all I could think of were two guys. A brown girl crazy attracted to a white and a black guy, on her first day in a yellow country. I sniggered at the irony feeling silly.

It was almost dark by the time I got back to my apartment or the servants quarters. The humidity and heat got to me and all I wanted was a cool shower. I stepped in my shower and lathered my favorite coconut body wash and washed my long brown hair.

When I heard a knock on my door, I expected Pierre had come with his kisses and perhaps something more. So I put on a large white tee I sleep in over my semi-dry body and pulled my hair over my breasts. I was amazed at my bold choice of clothing but somehow I didn’t feel shy, not for Pierre. Not after what happened this morning.

I opened the door and a set of blue eyes peered right at me. He smiled politely

“Hi Mira.” Of course he knew my name, he tripped over my suitcase this morning.

” Can I come in?”, he said thrusting fresh lilies in my hands. His other hand had a bag with a bottle of champagne and gift wrapped box.

Without any hesitation, I opened the door further, hiding a little behind it though. His eyes widened at the choice of my outfit. I wondered if he could make out that I was commando underneath.

He slyly smiled and walked inside. Since I didn’t have a couch, he sat comfortably on the bed, now spread with fresh white sheets.

“I’m sorry for coming unannounced but I have had the biggest smile on my face today and it’s all because of you.”

he spoke casually, “and not even because I’ve been promoted to the regional head today.”

“Oh that’s fantastic!” I chirp and walk from behind the door.

I realize what I’m wearing (or not in this scenario) when I see his eyes widen. His eyes follows a bead of water as it drips down my leg.

“For years I used to think this will be the best day of my life, and it was.” he continues, now the droplet of water is on the soft blue rug I was standing on,

“but for most part of the day, I was only smiling at the quiver of your lips.”

As on cue my knees give up and I lost my balance. Was he expecting this? Because he instantly got up to hold me.

His hands on my hips, he definitely knows I’m commando now.

“Do you mind if I close the door Mira?” he asks and proceeds to close it with his heel never taking his hands or eyes off me.

“Sure stranger” I reply.

“Adam. I live in the rest of 3B” he said cheekily.

“Hi Adam. Congratulations. Looks like I was your lucky charm.” , I reply as I stare back at his eyes. Two can play this game.

“And I wanted to celebrate with you”, he said pointing at the bottle in his bag.

He was still holding me, he gently moved his hand to be absolutely certain of what he had felt earlier. Yup. No panties.

“Were you expecting it?” he asked coming closer with a sparkle in his eye. For the first time today I felt my confidence shake. I stepped out of his gentle hold and proceeded to replace my fake lilies with Adam’s real ones in the vase.

“Hungry?” I asked him. I have no idea why, since there’s nothing edible in my house right now.

“Yes.” trying to gauge if he needs to be in the neutral zone or can step into the sexy one again.

I walk in my kitchen and Etlik Escort look up at him “Pizza?”

“I’ll order. What will you like?”

“Can I see what’s on the menu?”

He shifted and tapped on the side of the bed. I sat down and leaned over him to look at his phone. My fingers traced the menu. We ordered and before dropping his phone, he intertwined my hands with him. Our hands clasped together now lie on my naked thigh. He caress it with the back of his hand. There is too much sexual tension now to ignore or avoid anything. We don’t know anything about each other but neither of us have anything to ask. Not with words at least.

“Champagne?” he asks.

“No Glasses. I’ll get cups.” As I begin to get up his hand stops me, other hand extending, he grabs the bag.

“This is for you.” He gave me a box wrapped in Tiffany blue and white ribbon.

“What is it?”

“Not a ring. Don’t worry.”

“I can’t accept this.”

“It’s nothing. It is your welcome and thank you gift. If anything, I got off easy.”

Inside were two crystal flutes with my name engraved on them.

He expertly popped and poured champagne and we clicked.

I had a sip and coughed, curious he raised his eyebrow.

“I don’t drink much.”

He smiled and just like that moved my hair back in one smooth move. My left breast is now coverless under the wet tee shirt. The cold air blowing from the air-conditioner made my hard nipple pop. I am almost naked, wet with eagerness and his closeness was enough to make me explode. I look into his blue eyes and he hears my unspoken plea to touch me. He holds my neck to bring me closer and just then his phone rings.

“It’s the Pizza.”

I nod. Disappointed. How much longer do I need to wait.

I tried to get up. He stopped me mid way, looked at my legs and cheekily said, “Let me get this one. We don’t want the delivery guy to faint.”

He got up and winked at me.

Adam is such fun person to be around. I thought investment bankers were boring people. But he wasn’t. He was the fun, life of the party guy. A textbook extrovert. I wonder why hasn’t he taken out the only piece of clothing am wearing and even when we’re having the best conversation over cheap pizza and expensive champagne I start regretting my earlier hesitation when I got away from his embrace.

Did he read minds? Because just as this thought hit my mind he decided to remove his jacket. I feel brave and I ask him if he had a girlfriend.

My mind says wrong move. He says, “I haven’t asked her yet. But I’ll know if she kisses back.”

With this he place his lips on mine. Elated, I hold his face with both my hands and kiss him deep. As we part, he has the biggest smile on his face. His hands runs up my thigh but I stop him.

“This is not fair. You have too many clothes on.”

(Fuck. Did I actually say it? I must have because he is taking his shirt off)

I kiss him down his chest and help him take his trousers off. His shoes and socks lie in a pile on the floor. He is in his white boxers and me in white tee both forming a tent of excitement under the little white clothes. We take a second to look at each other.

He pulls my tee over my head and say “Wow” I meekly replicate a “wow” as my hand touched he front of his boxers.

Without warning he jumped on me making me fall on my back. His lips aimed my left breast (what’s with this guy and my left breast?) he kissed and sucked on my nipple squeezing right boob in the other hand. Once he felt me all over, he realized we don’t need to rush. We have the whole night.

I pulled down his boxers and held his dick. The first dick I ever held. It was hard yet so smooth. His veins throbbed and it felt hot in my hands. He looked at me look at it quizzically. I put my lips around it and looked up if he was still curious. His eyes closed and I smiled. Maybe I can do this right.

I dived in with all my eagerness for this new feeling of having something alien in my mouth. The slightly salty taste and fullness in my mouth was overwhelming and so was the need to go deeper. My tongue followed his length to the end. I could feel his bulged hardness buried deep in my throat. When my lips finally touched the base, I gave a shudder from the astonishment of what had just happened. On cue, he began to move. His swollen veins and throbbing head radiating detailed sensations as the friction increased. My hands are clasping his bum partly so I don’t lose my balance and partly to push him back in my throat.

Once the urgent round of throat fucking subsided, I released my grip. I slowly move my mouth covering the entire length of the shaft till I feel the barrier of his glans. Then I suck-in sharply with my tongue flat on the tip. I hear him make a sharp sound aahh, I want to repeat it, but my lips are bit too busy.

I lick and suck his head gently, amused at the occasional taste pre-cum he offers as reward. The tip of his head is smooth and my lips glide over them as I suck, lick and slide over it in a loop. I touch his balls that are armed and ready to shoot. I squeeze them lightly with my palms. I flick his head again with my tongue before parting my lips from his dick. I look at his reluctance to open his eyes. But I need his blue eyes now to recharge my courage. He looks into my eyes and I melt again.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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