16 Ekim 2024

Laura’s Femdom Empowerment Ch. 03

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Chapter 3 My First Submissive

The next day was Saturday and I woke up early. I decided to go for a run. I got up and went out to the bathroom to pee and make my hair presentable. As I passed Leesa’s room I peeked in and she was asleep.

On my way back to my room I heard Leesa say, “Hey Laura.”

I poked my head in her room and, “I’m sorry, did I wake you.”

She replied, “Nope. I was already awake I was mentally planning our day.”

I went in her room and I sat on her bed then I smiled and said, “Okay what’s on the agenda?”

She said, “I’ll summarize. Mani-pedis, lunch, slave fishing.”

I chucked and said, “Slave fishing?”

She said, “Fine. We will call it boy fishing.”

I laughed and countered, “No, no, I like the first one. After all you are building a new me right? I kinda like the idea of having a slave boy. Anyway, I’m going for a run. I can be ready anytime after 9 o’clock.”

Leesa said, “Ok, I’ll make us an appointment. Oh and I’m picking your outfit today.”

I smiled and said, “I can handle it I’m a big girl.”

Leesa said, “I know, I know. It’s part of my plan though. You and I are both going to dress sexy-casual.”

I said, “Okay. I’ve never heard of that term but it’s quite self-explanatory.”

Leesa said, “Yeah, I think I just made it up. We are going be sexy enough to turn heads but casual enough that we look like two girls out shopping.”

I said, “Got it.” I stood up to leave.

As I walked out Leesa said, “When you are out for your run I’m going to go through your clothes okay? I’ll layout an outfit on your bed.”

I gave her a thumbs up and went to my room. I put on some running clothes and grabbed a bottle of water and went outside. I stretched for a few minutes then I ran one of my favorite routes. It was about five miles.

During my run I felt great and I was wondering. Could it have something to do with the orgasm I had the night before?

Back in front of our apartment I cooled down with more stretching. I went straight to our bathroom and showered. I made the shower slightly cool to help cool myself down. I put on my comfy robe and I was wondering what Leesa had picked out for me to wear.

I decided to keep myself in suspense and did not go to my room. I went straight to the kitchen to make an egg white omelet and read the news on my phone. I heard Leesa get into the shower.

After her shower Leesa came to the kitchen in just a towel and said, “Mani-pedis at 1 o’clock. It’s time get to ready. Did you see your outfit yet?

I said, “No, I wanted you to be there for the big reveal.”

She said, “Excellent. Let’s go take a look. We have to make sure we get the bait right.”

We walked down to my room and I looked on the bed. She had laid out my new two piece dress. It had a horizontal gray and white stripes. It had half sleeves and a high neckline. It didn’t show any cleavage but it really accentuated my C cup breasts with its snug fit and stretchy material. The lower portion revealed several inches of my tight tummy and was snug around my hips and ass.

Next to it was one of my white thongs and a pair of boots I didn’t recognize. Finally there was a small silver object. It looked like an expensive lipstick.

I picked it up and said, “What’s this, sexy lipstick?”

She smiled and said, “Nope, but that’s what it’s supposed to look like. Let me show you,” and she held out her hand.

I gave it to her and she pulled the cap off and put it on the other end which revealed a bullet shaped tip. Then she twisted it, causing it to start humming.

My eyes got big and I said, “Oh my God, is that… a vibrator?”

Leesa smiled proudly and said, “Yep. A girl’s best friend. My gift to you.”

I laughed and said, “Wow. A true friend.”

Leesa said, “Yep. You can leave it on your nightstand and it won’t get a second look. Mine is lavender chrome and you’ve never noticed it have you.”

I said, “Hey, I’ve seen it on the bathroom counter!”

Leesa laughed, “Oh yeah, it’s waterproof so I use it in the tub sometimes.”

I said, “Thanks Leesa.”

Then I looked back on the bed and said, “Are those your boots? And I don’t see bra.”

She said, “Yes and I know. See they are faux suede and open toe. They are super sexy and they should fit you. Oh and no bra for you. I hardly ever wear a bra.”

I said, “Yeah but you don’t have…” I cut myself short.

She laughed and said, “Listen bitch. Don’t judge my A cups they make a nice mouthful. Awe I’m kidding. Don’t worry you don’t need a bra. I want your nipples to show through your top. Shit if I had your chest I’d go topless every damn day.”

I laughed and said, “Okay you’re the boss.”

Leesa said, “Let’s get dressed then we’ll do makeup.”

I was skeptical and said, “Uh, I don’t usually wear makeup unless I’m going out at night.”

Leesa said, “Laura you have to trust me. It will be so subtle most people won’t even know you are wearing it. Just a little blush and some eye makeup. Maybe a little lip gloss to make your canlı bahis lips shiny.”

Leesa went to her room to get ready and I started getting dressed.

I felt a little slutty with no bra. I looked in the mirror and decided it was not too obvious I was braless.

I went over to Leesa’s room and said, “What do you think?”

Leesa looked at me and said, “Yummy. You look good enough to eat.” and she gave me a wink. “Let me see your chest.”

I stood in front of her and she reached up to my chest and cupped one boob in each hand and rubbed for a few seconds. My nipples hardened and were clearly visible. She stepped back and admired her work.

She said, “I like it. It will easy to see if you have a chill. All we need now is a little makeup.”

I noticed her outfit. She was wearing a short black skirt and a white tank top. She said, “Sit here in front of my mirror and I’ll do your makeup.”

She was done in about ten minutes. I said, “You were right. I like the makeup.”

She said, “I know, never doubt me.”

She looked down at my feet and said, “Put the boots on.”

I said, “We don’t have to leave for hours.”

Leesa countered, “I know but we need to practice. Class is in session girl. I’m going to teach you how a sexually dominant girl handles herself.”

I smiled and said, “Alright let’s do it.”

I went and put the boots on and we met in the living room. Leesa said, “Don’t you love those boots. Super sexy, plus they show your toes. That helps you pick out foot guys.”

I said, “What’s a foot guy?”

Leesa said, “Some guys are sexually attracted to the feet of pretty girls. I’ve even turned some guys into foot guys. Once you have a guy kissing your feet and sucking your toes, he’s a goner. He might as well just put his balls in your purse.”

I laughed and said, “Oh my god Leesa I think I’m going to like this.”

She nodded and said, “You will love it. Ok take a seat.”

I sat on the couch and she sat in the chair across from me.

Leesa started laying out her plan. She said, “First let’s talk about the goal for your first slave. I say we find you a guy that you go out with for four or five months. In that time you make it clear that you are not interested in sex before marriage and you don’t give blowjobs. You will train him to eat your ass and go down on you and give you orgasms like I gave you.”

I interjected, “I like the sounds of that. But I’m not a virgin.”

Leesa said, “Yes, we know that but no one else has to.”

She continued, “Furthermore you will do all this while only giving him an occasional handjob, sometimes stopping short of orgasm and sending him home horny.”

I said, “Won’t he just go home and jack off?”

Leesa agreed, “Oh probably, but it doesn’t matter. I guarantee he’ll be fantasizing about you when he does it. Plus then he’ll feel guilty which you can use to your advantage. If you get him to admit masturbating without permission you can use that as a reason to punish him.

I said, “Punish him, how and why?”

Leesa said, “Well it’s kind of basic psychology. You want certain behaviors out of your slave boy. You use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior and punishment to discourage bad behavior.”

She continued, “All guys have high sex drive and they all masturbate. That is key to what is happening here. You need to get him to admit he masturbates and then promise to never orgasm without your permission. This is not a first date thing for sure. You need to give him some pleasure up front. After a few weeks you need to introduce the idea to him. You can say it’s so he will focus more on you, or make up your own reason.”

Leesa said, “Remember girls night?”

I said, “I will never forget it.”

Leesa smirked and said, “Ah yes, you are welcome. Think back to it. I toyed with you for a long time. Remember how horny you were? You couldn’t wait to go down on me. Well it’s easy to get guys that horny. Plus, if you are limiting their orgasms they will be totally wrapped around your little finger.”

I said, “Basically they become your slave. Wow I never even thought about all this.”

Leesa said, “I know. Most girls don’t think like this. It’s pretty rare so when guys start dating a highly sexual girl that plays these games they are super eager.”

I laughed and said, “Go on. Tell me more.”

She continued, “Once you are regulating his orgasms the fun can ramp up for you. As your relationship grows you will figure out how to read him and how far you can push him.”

I said, “Ok how do you go about catching and training a submissive guy?”

Leesa said, “Sub guys have radar for dominant women. It’s all in how you carry yourself. Your posture is key. Good posture exudes confidence. Yours is pretty good but you need to focus on it. See your shoulders right now. Move them back a little and straighten your neck.”

I sat up and pulled my shoulders back. Leesa said, “Perfect. Feel the difference? See how your boobs are loud and proud out front?

I said, “Yeah kaçak iddaa I feel it but it doesn’t feel natural.”

Leesa said, “You’ll get used to it. This is new to you. Now try walking, straight back boobs out front.”

I walked back and forth. I felt like I was practicing to be a model.

Leesa said, “Good. Now, eye contact. A dominant woman makes eye contact and never looks away first. I mean there’s a technique. You don’t want to stare them down and freak them out. You smile and look them in the eye and wait for them to look away. Alpha guys sometimes take that as a sign to come over and hit on you. When that happens you need to shoot them down immediately.

Our target guys will look away. If they look at the ground or your feet, you need to move in and engage them.”

Leesa stood up and started pacing and said, “Okay here’s my plan for your first try. After mani pedis let’s go to the coffee shop by campus. We will stalk our prey there. Once we pick a guy you will strike up a conversation with him.”

I spoke up, “I will?”

Leesa said, “Yes you. Be confident Laura. How many times to I have to remind you that you are gorgeous? Once we get talking, if it’s going well, I’ll say I have to go and I’ll leave.”

I said, “Okay then what.”

Leesa continued, “I’ll wait ten minutes or so and text you. If it’s not going well you say nice to meet you, blah, blah, blah, I have to go. But, if it’s going well we start operation accidental date.”

I was curious now. I said, “And what is that?”

Leesa continued, “You tell him that you and I have tickets to a movie tonight but I just bailed. Then say hey, would you like to go with me? When he said yes you shoot me a text and I’ll buy two tickets then text you the barcode to claim them. Walah. Instant date.”

I said, ” This is kind of cloak and dagger. I like it.”

Leesa said, “Great. Now let’s work on how to flash glimpses of your thong without being obvious.”

I giggled and said, “God you are naughty.”

I had never had a pedicure while dressed like that. The girl working on my toes was probably about my age. I decided to try a little of the thong flashing on her.

I noticed her stealing a few glances up my dress. I couldn’t decide if she thought I was slutty or if she wanted me but it was fun practicing on her.

I chose a pretty intense red polish for my fingers and toes. Leesa went with a more subtle French style.

Later, at the coffee shop we got our lattes and had to decide where to sit. Leesa said, “We don’t want a table in front of you. You need to be as visible as possible. Ok, over there.”

She was pointing over at some couches. There was a large rectangular coffee table with couches on the long edges and big chairs on the short edges.

I followed Leesa over and she pointed at the chair facing the door and whispered, “You go there.”

Leesa sat on the end of the couch right next to my chair. Only moments after we sat down a guy came over to me and said, “Hi I’m Steve what’s your name?”

Something in my head clicked. I immediately recognized him as an alpha and I went into bitch mode. I looked right at him and said, “You don’t need to know my name. You’re not my type.”

He had a startled look on his face and said quietly, “You don’t need to be a bitch about it.”

As he turned to walk away I said, “Have a nice day Steve.” He went back to a table with a couple of his friends and they were razzing him.

Leesa smiled and said quietly, “Nice job. You had to do it. Now all the guys in here are scared to talk to you.”

I clarified, “Scared?”

She said, “Shitless. But that’s not a bad thing. You are a force of nature. How does it feel?”

“It feels good. I do feel in control,” I said.

Leesa was looking toward the door and said, “Hold on. Fresh meat at the door but don’t stare.”

I glanced and saw him. Kind of geeky but sweet looking. On the thin side and maybe five foot seven.

I purposely did not look at him again but Leesa could see him as he stood in line. She said, “This is good. He keeps looking at you.”

Leesa spoke quietly, “Okay, I’ll bet you twenty bucks he sits in the chair right across from you.”

I said, “You’re on.”

Sure as shit. There were at least two dozen places he could have gone but he sat right across from me. I was focusing on not looking at him but Leesa kept a subtle eye on him. After a couple minutes she texted me, “Foot guy.”

I texted back, “Think so?”

She replied, “Definitely. He keeps looking at your feet. Smile at him and see what he does.”

While he was looking down I looked at his face and waited. Soon enough he looked at me and I smiled. His eyes darted to my feet, then away.

I texted Leesa, “omg I think you are right.”

She replied, “Get ready to do a thong flash.”

Leesa started talking. She said, “See Laura this is what I’m talking about.” She held her phone so it was facing me but the screen was black.

I uncrossed my ankles and put both feet on the floor, kaçak bahis slightly apart. Then I leaned toward Leesa to look at her phone and I allowed my knees to separate just a little. I looked at her phone for a few seconds then I looked back at our boy. Caught red handed. He was looking right up my dress and quickly looked away.

I turned back to Leesa as if I was commenting on what she was showing me and I said, “Oh yeah. I really like that color.”

I settled back in my chair and crossed my ankles again with my knees together. Then I texted Leesa, “This is my guy. Follow my lead.”

She gave me a nod as I began talking, “Leesa, I’m telling you that guys prefer red nail polish. I mean the point of nail polish is to draw attention.”

She caught on and went along with me. She said, “I disagree. I think the French polish is more elegant.”

I said, “Well you are wrong, and I’m going to prove it.”

I got up and walked right over to my guy and said, “Hello I’m Laura.” I held my hand out to shake his hand.

He was obviously surprised but then he shook my hand and said, “Uh hi. I’m Jared.”

I continued, “I’m sorry for bothering you but I’m wondering if you can settle a debate?”

Leesa got up and came over and I said, “Leesa I want you to meet my new friend Jared”

Leesa extended her hand and he shook her hand and said, “Hi my name is Jared Shoemaker.”

I sat down on the end of the couch next to Jared’s chair and Leesa sat down on the end of the opposite couch on Jared’s other side.

I turned to Jared and I said, “Leesa and I just got our nails done today and we don’t agree on which polish is better. I obviously think red is better but Leesa likes the French style. I want to know which you prefer.”

I crossed my leg over my knee and put my foot right next to Jared’s knee with my exposed toes almost touching his leg.

Leesa said, “Hey that’s not fair. You’re trying to influence the judge.” She mirrored my position by crossing her other leg over her knee and placing her toes right next to Jared’s other leg.

I was already enjoying myself as Jared was obviously flustered and he didn’t know what to say. I began toying with him and I said, “C’mon Jared. Don’t you prefer the alluring red polish on my toes rather than the boring plain white on Leesa?”

Leesa mock protested, “Hey! Boring? I think the word you are looking for is elegant.”

I turned to Jared and said, “Ok Mr. Shoemaker. You are the judge. Which do you prefer?”

He pointed at my toes and said, “I like the red.”

I said, “Thank you sir.” I held my palm up to Jared for a high five. He smiled and lightly patted my hand.

Then I looked around for a second and I said, “I’m sorry. We’re not going to get you in trouble with your girlfriend are we?”

Jared said, “No worries there. No girlfriend.”

I said, “Oh well in that case do you mind if we sit with you or do you need to get work done?”

He said, “No, no, you’re fine. Please sit.”

Leesa and I made small talk with him for a few minutes. We learned he was a freshman engineering student from a small town. He hadn’t met many people yet so he didn’t have much of a social life.”

Leesa knew the plan so she said, “Well, I hate to break up the party but I have to go. I promised my mom I’d go shopping with her this afternoon.”

I said, “Hey are we still on for tonight?”

Leesa said, “Yeah. I got the tickets. Showtime is around 7 o’clock. I’ll text you.”

I said, “Sounds good.”

I stayed and chatted with my new potential slave boy. After about fifteen minutes Leesa texted me, “News?”

I replied, “It’s a go.”

She texted back, “Give me a few minutes.”

I continued with Jared. I was trying to learn as much as I could about him. The better I knew him the easier it would be to manipulate him. Finally my text went off again, “The Conjuring. 7:10 pm tickets attached.”

I texted back, “Thx.”

Then I turned to Jared and said, “Dang it. Leesa just bailed on me. We were going to a movie tonight but now she can’t go. She even has the tickets already.”

Jared said, “That sucks.”

Then I sprang it on him, “Hey, do you want to go with me? I don’t want to go alone.”

He smiled and said, “Sure! That sounds great.”

I got up and said, “The movie’s at 7:10 at the CinemaPlex at the edge of campus. How about I meet you at the fountain in front of the theater at 7 o’clock.”

Jared said, “Sounds good.”

I said, “What’s your number? I’ll text you so you have my number.”

Jared told me his number and I texted him, “Laura Stanton”.

“That’s me,” I said. He texted back, “Jared Shoemaker.”

I said, “Great. I’ll see you tonight Jared.”

Back at our apartment Leesa and I compared notes. She said, “So let’s talk about your new boy Jared ShoeLicker,” and she chuckled.

I said, “You are bad.”

She continued, “I loved your idea about the debate over whose nail polish was better. He already couldn’t keep his eyes off your feet. Next thing I know you’re practically rubbing his leg with your toes.”

I said, “Yeah, it just kind of came to me. Do you think he was turned on?”

Leesa said, “Oh yeah. I mean you’re hot anyway but he loves your feet. You need to wear sandals tonight. Turn up the heat on him.”

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