16 Ekim 2024

Friendsgiving with Lissette , Anita

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Anita felt her phone buzz in her pocket and excused herself from the kitchen. She was helping her mother and her aunt clean up after a large Thanksgiving meal and she was ready to join her brothers and father on the couch with a nice cold craft beer and the four-thirty NFL game. She

She’d been there since early that morning helping prepare the turkey and seemingly endless side dishes that would mostly end up in Tupperware in the fridge.

She glanced at the tv as she went by, it was a close game nearing the end. This was a fun family tradition, but the real game was Saturday. That was the annual in-state rivalry between the Florida State Seminoles and the Florida Gators. She was a die-hard Seminole fan and would be somewhere rooting them on Saturday afternoon decked out in her garnet and gold. She was sure of that.

As she slipped out the back door onto the deck, she felt the slightly cooler than normal temperature of Florida in November greet her as she slipped her phone out of her pocket. It was a missed call from her friend Lissette.

She felt her pussy tingle briefly at the thought of a decadent afternoon and evening they’d spent along with another friend named Emerson doing delightfully naughty things to each other. She tried to think of the last time she had seen either Lissette or Emerson. Emerson, she hadn’t seen since that day on the boat, she was pretty sure. Lissette she’d seen at a happy hour a couple of weeks earlier. They had talked just like nothing had ever happened, although she could remember feeling like they had shared a brief knowing grin at the end of the evening. She was pretty sure she had not imagined that.

The phone buzzed again in her hand. A text from Lissette that read “plans later?” It was punctuated with a smirking emoji.

Anita’s heart quickened and butterflies formed in her stomach. She brought up the phone app and tapped Lissette’s number to call her back.

Lissette answered immediately. “Hey!” she said in a relaxed but perky tone.

“Hey!” Anita said, trying to sound casual, even though her heart was pounding, and she felt a little lightheaded. “Happy Thanksgiving!” She added.

“Happy Thanksgiving!” Lissette responded, Anita thought she maybe sounded a little nervous. There was a brief and sort of uncomfortable pause, then they both tried to speak at the same time. Then they both apologized at the same time and there was another awkward pause.

“You go.” Anita said with a little giggle.

“Okay…” Lissette said, her voice was a little lower and had a slightly mischievous quality “I’m not on speaker or anything am I?”

“Nope. Just me, and I’m alone on the back deck.” Anita said, she now sounded a little conspiratorial. “What about you?”

“I’m alone in the car, driving back home.”

“So, what did you want to say, that no one else should hear?” Anita said coyly.

“Do you have any interest in coming over to my house later?” Lissette said. She phrased the words ‘my house’ in such a way that it seemed to imply more than just a setting and more of a state of mind.

“Maaaaybe…” Anita said flirtatiously, her nervousness was transforming into excited anticipation. “What would we be doing exactly?”

“I thought maybe we’d have a naughty Thanksgiving meal.”

“Hmmm, sounds interesting… Do you prefer white meat or dark meat?” Anita said as she glanced over her shoulder to make sure she was alone and let a grin form on her lips.

“Both…” Lissette paused, then continued. “But my favorite parts are all soft, slippery, and pink…” she said.

Anita let that hang in the air for a moment and then added “Mine too…” She grinned and then asked, “Will anyone else be joining us?”

“Sadly, our other playmate is out of town. It’ll just be us.”

“So, I’ll be all yours to boss around?” Anita said suggestively. When she, Lissette and Emerson had spent that day of debauchery together, Lissette had assumed (and clearly enjoyed) a dominant role. Anita found it surprisingly arousing to be submissive to a woman. And she was still pretty new to the whole idea of these activities, so as an added benefit, it absolved her of having any responsibility. She just had to do what she was told.

Those words, ‘do what she was told’ ran through her mind and her pussy got ever so slightly lubricated.

“Oh goodie.” Lissette said as she audibly clapped her hands. “My house at 7?”

“Can we make it 8? I’m watching football with my family and the late game starts in a few minutes. It should be over by 7:30.

“Come straight here when it’s over.” Lissette said assuming her role as activities director already. “I’ll have everything ready for you.”

“I can’t wait.” Anita said, thankful that her dark skirt would hide any wetness that was threatening to seep through the crotch of her panties. Then she went inside to open a beer and try to think about football.

After the game, she did as she was instructed and drove straight to Lissette’s house. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she walked up the path leading to the covered Escort front entrance and nervously rang the bell.

Lissette said “Be there in a sec.” from inside the house. And then a few minutes later she was greeted by Lissette who was wearing an apron with no top on. The upper section just covering her nipples, which were visibly erect even through the heavy fabric. When she turned around to lead Anita into the kitchen, Anita was pleased to see she was only wearing the apron, and her lovely pale and freckled bottom bounced nicely as she happily led the way.

Lissette’s house was very nice, as was the case with most successful real estate agents. They always got the best deals. it had a new kitchen with a large island and a totally open concept where the kitchen, living room and dining room were all in one large area and were largely designated by furniture position.

It was decorated tastefully, with original art on the walls and accent lighting which made certain features, like artwork and the kitchen island, stand out under bright illumination while other areas felt cozy and dark.

“How do you like my outfit?” Lissette said over her shoulder, noticing Anita’s gaze was fixed on her bottom.

“You look, sooo sexy.” Anita said enthusiastically.

“Thank you!” Lissette said, taking the comment graciously as she pulled out a bar stool for Anita at the kitchen island.

“Thank you!” Anita said, emphasizing the pronoun ‘you,’ as she sat down and watched Lissette’s cute little bottom disappear around the other side of the island. She was pretty sure she was going to soak through her panties at any moment.

Lissette looked at her with a smirk from the other side of the island for a moment. She looked like a hostess that was about to begin prep for a dinner party. “So, are you ready to hear what is in store for you this evening?”

Anita sheepishly grinned and nodded her head, a little blush blossomed in her cheeks.

“I feel like I am still a little hungry. And I think I want you to be my lovely little delicacy. I am going to prep you until you are exactly like I want. No detail will be overlooked. Every inch of you will be cleaned, prepped, brined, basted and stuffed. When I am satisfied that you are one hundred percent ready, I will take my time enjoying the fruits of my labor.”

Anita’s whole face turned red as she bit her bottom lip.

“Does that sound like fun?” Lissette said as she slowly walked back around the island and behind Anita. She slipped her arms around her and caressed her breasts with her left hand and slid her right between her legs. Anita immediately assumed the submissive role and opened her legs for her. “That’s a good girl” Lissette whispered as her fingers gently slipped underneath the crotch of Anita’s panties and felt the warm, wet mess that Anita’s pussy had become in just the few minutes she’d been there. “I’d say you think that sounds like a very fun way to spend your evening, am I right?”

“Yes ma’am.” Anita said with a grin.

“The safe word is ‘Cranberry.” Lissette whispered as she slowly unbuttoned Anita’s blouse. Anita complied as she slipped off the blouse, then sat quietly as Lissette removed her bra, her first real nudity in the room heightened her senses and her nipples immediately hardened. Lissette spun her barstool around and took each breast gently into her mouth, lightly circling Anita’s soft pink areola with her muscular tongue, then flicking at her firm nipples repeatedly, still using nothing her remarkably talented tongue. And finally, lightly biting down on each one playfully as Anita moaned in pleasure.

Lissette then knelt in front of her and slipped off Anita’s sandals. She took each toe lovingly into her mouth as she massaged Anita’s feet lightly. Anita’s head fell back in ever heightening ecstasy. Eventually, Lissette coaxed Anita into a standing position, having her lean back as she unzipped and removed her skirt and pulled off her panties. Anita remembered the day on the boat that there were times that she had felt intensely naked. This was one of those times.

Lissette had her move her feet forward and out from the bar far enough that her pussy was totally exposed. Lissette was kneeling in front of her. Anita felt a slight bit embarrassed about the state of her privates. She had not shaved in weeks and had an ample mound of dark, soft pubic hair thrust in Lissette’s face. Lissette’s face showed nothing but lust for the raw sexual nature of what was being bared to her. She approached slowly, lightly blowing on Anita’s pubic mound and gently caressing her soft, wet labia with her slender fingers as she inhaled Anita’s musk deeply.

She loved the unprepared nature of her quarry, Anita was truly naked before her, no time to clean and prepare. She just bared herself as she was to satisfy Lissette’s desires. Lissette locked eyes with Anita as she took her hot pubic mound and salty, wet pussy into her mouth. Never breaking eye contact as she orally pleasured Anita.

Lissette’s hands grasped her ankles firmly so she Escort Bayan could do nothing but moan and squirm in delight as her clitoris became engorged with blood and became easy prey for Lissette’s rapacious tongue. She could feel cool tendrils of moisture clinging to her inner thighs. She wasn’t sure if it was her pussy or Lissette’s saliva, and she didn’t care. She gradually began to feel an orgasm stirring inside. Lissette may have sensed it too because intensified her probing and shifted her position to allow her to slip her tongue surprisingly deep inside of Anita’s lubricated pussy. That left her upper lip pressing firmly against her clitoris and providing ample stimulation.

That was just the push Anita needed and she reached her arms out to either side to help support her weight on the island as she had an explosive, screaming orgasm, Lissette’s tongue never losing contact with her wet, hot, salty, hairy pussy.

When she was finished coming, Lissette looked up from between her legs. Her face was a glistening mess of pussy juice, saliva and stray pubes. She grinned broadly. “How’s that for a start?” Then she playfully slipped a finger inside Anita and then into her mouth. “You haven’t been prepped you yet and you’re already delish.” she said with a wink and stood up and helped Anita up and back to the barstool.

“How about a drink while I get the supplies for your next preparation?”

“Sure, do you have red bull and vodka?” Anita said with a grin, indicating she was up for a long night. She remembered that Lissette had a bad habit of sometimes relying on red bull’s instead of a good night’s sleep.

“That’s a great idea, it’s only…” Lissette said as she glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Nine o’clock!” She said with real surprise. “Oh my gosh! did it feel like I was eating your pussy for an hour?”

“It felt like four hours!” Anita said with a giggle and then enjoyed the view of Lissette’s naked little bottom as she prepared their drinks.

“Single or a double?” She asked as she opened the cupboard where the liquor was stored.

“Is a double tall doable?” Anita said.

“Totally doable.” Lissette said as she got glasses and ice and made their drinks.

Anita strolled around the living room admiring the decor while Lissette prepped for whatever was next on the agenda. It was funny how her sensation of nudity had pretty much melted away after straddling Lissette for an hour and coming in her mouth. She was feeling pretty confident, but she was still afraid to sit on anything but the wooden barstool because her pussy was still a soaking wet mess, and she didn’t want to ruin any upholstery.

She was looking at a beautiful piece of glass artwork that was in an alcove when Lissette snuck up behind and wrapped her arms around her once again. “So how naughty do you want to get?” She whispered as she lightly stroked Anita’s pussy.

“Same rules as the boat?” Anita asked lustily.

“For sure. What happens here, stays here.” Lissette said to confirm that was the pact the three of them had made on the boat before things got really crazy.

“Then I want a ‘full send’ on the naughty.” Anita said with a giggle trying to use a modern term for maximum she’d seen on social media. She wasn’t sure she was using it right.

She was.

Lissette let out a little squeak behind her. “Tonight is going to be soooo fun.” she said and walked her back over to the island, which now had a yoga mat rolled out from the side with the barstools where Anita had been sitting, and it stopped at the large sink on the kitchen side of the island. the sink was one of those high-end sinks with the type of faucet you can swing around three-hundred-and-sixty degrees to fill a big pot or something. And for that reason, it was positioned next to the sink instead of behind it. Lissette helped Anita up onto the granite countertop, which was extremely cold against her bare skin and directed her to lie back on the yoga mat, so her butt was right at the edge of the sink. She complied, curious as to what the next activity was. Lissette moved over to the other side of the island and turned on the water. Anita could feel the warmth as it started to heat up. She lifted her head and looked across the island at Lissette with a curious grin.

“You are now my thanksgiving turkey, and we are going to start prepping you for my feast.” Lissette said with a little guffaw at her joke, which Anita found super cute.

Anita nodded happily. Thrilled to be in cahoots with whatever dirty act she was about to do with Lissette.

“So how does a turkey look when it is on the counter?” Lissette said a little cryptically.

Anita sort of shrugged.

“Like what position?” Lissette coaxed her.

Then it dawned on Anita. A turkey on a counter getting prepped for Thanksgiving dinner is lying on its back, breasts up, and legs in the air. Anita grinned as she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

“Now you’ve got it.” Lissette said with a giggle. “Now let’s get you plucked and Bayan Escort ready for serving. “She said as she turned on the sprayer and doused Anita’s pussy and asshole with warm water.

Anita once again moaned in delight at the warm water stimulating her. She rolled her head back and was enjoying the water when she felt the lather being massaged into her healthy mound of black pubes and her level of stimulation was brought even higher. Lissette didn’t want to risk getting shaving cream anywhere it shouldn’t be, so she didn’t work the lather in too much. Once she was satisfied, she pulled out a razor and carefully shaved Anita’s pussy completely bald. She was tempted to leave a little strip of her silky soft pubes, but she was going after totally smooth skin, so it all came off.

Then it came time to shave around her asshole, Anita helped by spreading her cheeks and once again felt that elevated sense of being totally and completely exposed. Lissette carefully stroked the razor around every fold and cleft of Anita’s pretty little asshole. She rinsed and applied lather to any areas she had missed and then declared her smooth and ready for the next phase. Anita started to sit up, but Lissette scolded her lightly. “Did I tell you to move?”

“No ma’am.” Anita said with a smirk.

“Oh, so you think this is funny?” Lissette said with a grin. She pulled open a drawer and produced a black plastic spatula.

Anita’s face became a disbelieving grin as she watched Lissette reach up to the commercial grade vent hood over the stove behind her and say “Let’s make a little noise so no one can hear you scream” before she flipped a switch, and it came on with a roar. She guided Anita’s hands back up to her knees, so her ass was totally exposed and then lightly slapped each cheek with the spatula. It stung a little and Anita threw her head back laughing in surprise.

Lissette walked around so Anita could hear her over the roar of the hood. “Keep your head back like this until I tell you otherwise. If you want me to stop, look up and slowly say the safe word so I can read your lips. Do you remember the safe word?”

Anita looked at her and mouthed the word ‘cranberry” slowly, her eyes locked wildly on Lissette’s.

“Do you want me to stop?”

“Do your worst” she mouthed slowly and grinned as she let her head fall back on the mat gently.

“Can do” Lissette said curtly as she returned to her side of the island and gave Lissette two more good swats with the spatula. She was pleased to see her skin was reddening in the pattern of the spatula from her first two swats. She spanked her several more times, and then tapped her on her bare pussy lightly, which got a squeal Lissette could hear even over the fan. That made her happy, so she lightly smacked it three times quickly and could see Anita’s hips buck as though she was nearing another orgasm. Lissette sensed it was the perfect time to surprise her with the next phase of her prep and see how she would react.

Anita remained motionless as she felt the warm nozzle of the hand sprayer press against her asshole. But that belied the eruption of butterflies in her stomach. When the trigger was pulled, the main faucet that had been showering her crotch turned off, and her rectum was flooded with warm water, she moaned and the nervous feeling increased. She expected at any moment that Lissette would help her up and guide her to a bathroom. She took as much as she could but eventually just had to relax and let loose. She felt the warm water flow out of her and was surprised that it felt better than when it was going in.

She also loved that Lissette kept the stream from the faucet running on her pussy and asshole as she expelled the first enema. It heightened her enjoyment even more. She waited for a few seconds with the warm water running on her pussy and ass before feeling the nozzle go inside her again and fill her up. Once again, she took all she could and felt the nozzle come out and the faucet run over her bare flesh as she let the enema expel out of her.

The act of giving Anita a surprise enema and making her expel directly in front of her was even a higher level of that raw animal sex and domination Lissette had felt when she saw Anita’s unkempt pussy. She had fully expected Anita to lift her head and use the safe word when she realized she was about to get an enema. She had watched for her head to come up the entire time she was filling her up. She was totally prepared to quickly usher her into the half bath that was two or three short steps away to expel privately.

What she was not prepared for was for Anita to completely submit to her will and expel an enema in front of her regardless of whether she was prepared or not. She was doing as she was told to satisfy Lissette’s depraved desires and hopefully some of her own. Lissette clenched her thighs together and stimulated her clit. She practically came because she was so aroused by Anita’s total submission. She cleverly left the faucet running on Anita’s exposed pussy and ass as she disappeared unnoticed to the half bath behind her to pour the expulsion from the large steel bowl Anita was filling up into the toilet. Anita did not know, and seemingly did not care. She was just going with the flow, Lissette thought. And giggled at the pun.

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