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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
The kids were away with grandparents. Her husband was away. Her au pair was at the mall. No one but the cat and her, in the big house, surrounded by blissful silence. No one needed her and the To-Do list had nothing that couldn’t be put off an hour or two. This had never happened in a full ten years and she was not about to lose an opportunity.
She slipped her pants and underwear off and let her legs fall open on the bed, reaching in her night table for her trustiest vibrator. Looking back through old messages from her husband, she returned to a voice memo left when he was desperate at work one day. This memo recounted a fantasy he had of her coming to his office by surprise, demanding a thorough licking, and leaving without letting him come.
In the middle of the recording he had clearly begun to touch himself, which he did with greater and greater abandon as the fantasy enveloped him and brought him to the brink of an orgasm.
Later, when she questioned him, her husband insisted his colleagues couldn’t have heard him recording all this because the door, he maintained, was very thick. His voice grew ragged and soft as his breaths became jerky; it turned her on to hear it so many months later in the recording.
As she kept her toy trained on her clit, she listened to the whole thing, and was suddenly reminded of a story from her own past, one that she had never told her husband. He loved when she would speak of her hot adventures with various men—there had been quite a few before he came along—and he most loved when she described in detail her memories of how they had made love to her with cocks much larger than his own.
So she was surprised to realize she had never recounted a particular prize of a story, one that she knew he would relish and play back in moments by himself. Too bad, she thought, that he isn’t here now to hear it, while the details have returned to me so vividly.
There had been one guy, back when she was in her late twenties, who was reckless in all sorts of ways, some of which disgusted her and led to a breakup within months. He’d gotten pulled over for speeding so many times that his license had been revoked for awhile… he would take her to a particular Mexican restaurant and always paid for the meal on a company card while laughing about how often his boss ate at the same restaurant… he would take her to his parents’ apartment when they were out (because it was bigger and nicer than his) and insist they have sex on his parents’ bed when they might walk in any moment. So many things. So many reasons to dump the guy. And yet there was one convincing reason not to quit him. His cock.
This man (his name was Luke) worked in Manhattan at a glamorous law firm with plenty of white marble and expensive art in the halls. How did she know what it looked like? She had visited once and never forgotten a single şişli escort detail about the afternoon. It was in spring, on one of those days that a woman can suddenly put on a sleeveless top without shivering even once, when summer is undeniably close and everyone feels the joy of a sunny warm day. She and Luke had made plans to go to an outdoor concert that evening in Central Park and she had packed a picnic in a backpack for the occasion. He’d suggested she pick him up at his office, which seemed like a fine plan.
When she reached the lobby of his firm, a young man who appeared to be a college intern called Luke’s office to tell him she was there. He looked so fresh and innocent, attractive in a wholesome way, not marked by the rough and tumble of New York living.
As she waited for Luke to come out to meet her, she chatted with this receptionist and sure enough, he was an intern, freshly arrived that very week from a small college in Minnesota. He seemed so green in every way; she even wondered if he had to shave more than once a week. She inwardly smiled to herself as she imagined him earnestly stroking himself in some paltry dorm room at night, imagining a woman sucking him when in fact he had no experience whatsoever and no courage to seek one out. Strange, she thought, that sometimes the strangest images would appear in her brain.
And then she remembered Luke mentioning this guy to her the day before; Luke had remarked how eager the college kid seemed to soak up any and every experience. She had thought how sweet that sounded, and suggested that Luke take the mentor role seriously and show the guy the best of New York. Now that she was meeting him, she realized that Luke had made him sound like a dorky kid, not this tall, cute guy at the desk.
But then Luke appeared, opposite in every way. He had a swagger that turned her on, and wore his suit well, with a fitted button down shirt that hugged his muscular chest. He was in his late thirties and already had a six o clock shadow when it was only 5:30pm.
“Hello,” he drawled in that deep voice she loved. “Come on back to my office for a sec,” he gestured to her. “I didn’t have a chance to wrap one last thing up for the day.”
He put his hand gently on her back and guided her down the hall, past those glittery, paint-dabbed prints in the hall.
“Actually, let me stop in the bathroom first. Meet you in a moment?” she asked.
The receptionist—Mark was his name—kindly offered to show her the way and handed her the office restroom key. He mentioned that Luke was the last one on the floor and that he would lock up the office when they were ready.
She followed Mark’s directions to Luke’s office and found him packing up his computer.
“What a view,” she commented, looking out his window at Central Park below.
“Yeah, taksim escort I got lucky with the best office,” he agreed, and as she gazed at bikers circling the reservoir, she heard him close the door and felt his hands around her waist. It was a very thick door, though that realization only came to her decades later, when she remembered the whole scene while listening to a recording of her husband stroking himself in his office, behind the same type of door.
“I have to have you before we go to our concert,” he growled. “I haven’t seen you in anything sleeveless since we met in January, and this dress is making me crazy.”
“But your receptionist—he’s waiting for us to leave so he can lock up!” she reminded him, though his obvious erection pushed up pleasurably against the small of her back.
“We’ll be quick. We both know how fast I can make you come.” It was true, he had discovered her talent for orgasms that rushed through her with hardly any effort, and this was the part of his recklessness that attracted her so much.
He lifted her dress, groaned with satisfaction upon discovering her bare ass, and slid his fingers between her legs. “Wet already, you naughty girl!”
He flipped her around, pushed her roughly onto his desk, and pulled her legs apart. She sat up, facing the door, grasping at the glass surface of the desk to keep her balance as he hungrily licked her on his knees. In the excitement of the whole scene, she came within a minute, as he’d predicted. It was very hard, actually impossible, to do it silently, though she didn’t think she’d moaned too loudly.
“Your cock, right now,” she urged, and he stood up and dropped his pants in a smooth gesture. Positioning himself between her legs as she stayed seated on his desk, he grabbed her by those uncovered shoulders and pushed his way into her dripping pussy.
Oh, it was so fulfilling. That satisfying cock always undid her, made her rethink her plan to end the relationship as her friends advised. Luke’s cock was just so thick, so meaty, and so expertly used as he pumped in and out hard without building up at all.
They both knew they had no time, and he was desperate too. (This was years before she learned to demand that her partners withhold their orgasms; back then she foolishly let them come every time.)
“I can’t believe how good you feel in this position,” she mumbled. “I guess I’ve never been fucked in this position by anyone as big as you. It just never felt like enough with the others but this is perfect.”
“My cock is the biggest, isn’t it?” he asked. “I want you to say it now.” He smiled through clenched teeth as he drew closer to his orgasm. His cock swelled even further and she felt her pussy stretching and squeezing it.
“Well, I’ve yet to meet a bigger one,” she whispered. And that mecidiyeköy escort tipped him over the edge. In his reckless way, he grunted loudly as he came, and she felt his balls slap against her in his final thrust. The final straw was hearing him shout the name of another woman—the same woman he’d assured him was a long-ago ex.
Suddenly she was disgusted and felt her desire for him wilt away. His cockiness and carelessness overwhelmed her and she felt herself in a new place altogether.
Before he’d even pulled out of her, they suddenly heard a voice calling, “Excuse me! Excuse me!” It was Mark, she realized, and a perverse idea suddenly came over her.
She pushed Luke off her as she stood up and let her dress fall back into place. “Yes, come in!” she called, though Luke was still pant-less.
Mark pushed open the door, saying, “You forgot to return the bathroom key! I have to put it back in my desk drawer before I lock up…”
All at once he took in the scene before him and gasped. There she was in front of him, perhaps the same type he had in his mind as he masturbated at night, flushed and unkempt, with her hair undone. And Luke! His pants were around his ankles! Mark couldn’t help but glance at the now-flaccid cock hanging down impotently. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing and equally shocking was the sight of this confident man all red and embarrassed.
Only she was calm. What a delicious situation, she realized. “Oh my god, the key! I’m so sorry, I completely forgot to give it back to you! Here it is!” she remarked, as she bent over to grab it out of her purse on the floor.
She made sure that Mark could see her breasts peeking out through her dress as she rummaged through the purse. She leaned towards Mark to give him the key and when he reached to take it, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him close to her. Both men seemed to want to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary but she wasn’t going to allow that.
“Mark, that’s your name, right?” He nodded and gulped. “Oh, you came at just the right moment! I heard that you’re new to the way things work in the City and I’d love to show you something that will really help you get a feel for New York. But first, before Luke gets his pants zipped up, have a look at that cock!”
Mark dumbly looked as she directed, though Luke was scrambling to put himself back together. “See how soft it is? That’s the cock of a man who’s done fucking for a little while. He won’t be able to get it up for a few hours at least. But the problem is that I only came once. Maybe you heard me, though it’s more likely you heard him when he came. I really am used to multiple orgasms. So before you lock up for the night, would you help me out?”
“Uh, I think I should leave,” Mark stuttered, and Luke agreed that this was a great idea. But she had thought fast and reminded both men that this state of affairs should stay between the three of them.
“If you don’t help me out, Mark, I’ll have to tell the partners about the shenanigans that you’re both involved in. And if you do help me, I’m sure Luke will write you an excellent recommendation for law school, right Luke?”
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32