17 Ekim 2024

Oral Advocacy Ch. 09: The Doctor

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Samantha hurried past the receptionist’s desk in the lobby of Kate’s law firm and walked briskly down the hallway to the conference room. She was surprised by how nervous she was to be meeting her boyfriend’s ex…girlfriend? Lover? Sam wasn’t quite sure how to classify Becky. She just knew that, while Becky was Matt’s teacher during senior year of high school, she had turned him into an incredibly talented lover and amazing boyfriend. Now, getting to meet–and thank–Becky for the first time, Sam wanted everything to go perfectly.

Sam paused and took a deep breath as she grasped the door to the conference room. Not too long ago she and Kate had blown Jason in this very room, along with orally pleasuring each other. Now, in mid-June, Sam smiled at the thought but quickly suppressed it, knowing this was not the meeting in which to talk about that. By all accounts Becky was very conventional, her torrid affair with her student notwithstanding. Sam was nervous that Becky would be upset that she was there, the new woman in Matt’s life sitting face-to-face with the woman he’d slept with previously. She was also excited to finally meet the woman who’d unknowingly done so much for her.

She was dressed relatively modestly in a knee-length, short-sleeved floral print sundress that showed little cleavage. Sam had seen Becky once before and knew that, while she was certainly attractive, she couldn’t quite compete with Sam. Few women could. Standing 5’7″ with long, toned legs, flat abs and exquisite 34 C breasts, Sam was always the hottest woman in the room. Today would be no different, Sam thought as she pulled the door open. No need to rub it in Becky’s face, especially after all she’s done for me.

The smile slowly dropped from her face as she entered to find only Jason and Kate inside. “Good morning,” she said. “Where’s Ms. Tapper?”

“Nice to see you too, Samantha,” Kate replied. “She’s not here yet. I’m sure she’s on her way.”

“I hope so,” Sam said as she sat down. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Did you get your hair cut?” Kate asked.

“Yes, this morning,” Sam said as she turned her head to give Kate a better look at her now shoulder-length blonde hair.

“Looks like someone has a bit of a crush on the high school teacher,” Kate said with a smile. “Oh my God, are you blushing, Samantha Gentry?”

“So what if I am?” Sam said. “I owe her so much, you know? After all she’s done for me, sure, I’ll admit it. I’m nervous and excited to meet her and yeah, I got my hair done.”

“It looks great,” Jason said, unable to take his eyes off her. Sam could tell he wanted her, probably bad enough to do her right there on the table. She felt a surge of excitement. Sam was still horny from the night before, the lone orgasm she’d had during her threesome with Mr. Nevil and his wife the night before coming from the hand job Mrs. Nevil had given her. Sam returned Jason’s lustful look with a smile.

“Thank you, Jason,” she said with a hint of flirtation in her voice. “It’s really nice to see you again.”

“Well, Samantha,” Kate said, “please understand that you’re only thanking Ms. Tapper by saying so. She’s my client, and Jason’s, and we can’t have you doing anything beyond that, do you understand?” Kate knew better than anyone what Sam was capable of, having slept with her multiple times and knowing Sam had also been with Megan and Mrs. Nevil.

“Of course, Kate,” she said. “I know where the line is and I’m not going to go over it. Besides, I was just with the Nevils last night.”

“Speaking of that,” Kate said. “Why don’t you fill us in while we wait for Becky?” Sam proceeded to tell them all the details of her night with the Nevils, knowing that as a result of her advocacy Becky was going to be able to keep her job.

“That’s quite the story,” Jason said when she’d finished, a bead of sweat on his brow as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Sam walked over and sat next to him.

“I can tell you liked it,” she said as she reached over and began to rub his erection through his pants.

“Sam, settle down,” Kate said sharply.

“Whoa, Kate,” Sam said as she withdrew her hand. “It’s just that the Nevils left me unfulfilled last night. I’ll stay away from your boyfriend.”

“It’s okay,” Jason said.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Kate interjected sternly. “But he is engaged.”

“You didn’t seem to care about that a few weeks ago, when we were together in this very room,” Sam said.

“That was a one-time thing,” Kate said. “Jason’s getting married soon. Besides, Becky will be here any minute.”

“You’re right,” Sam said as she looked down at Jason’s bulging erection and rubbed it one last time.

“You don’t have to stop,” Jason said, his desire obvious. Sam smiled and licked her lips.

“Speaking of a few weeks ago, you promised to tell me about your senior prom,” Kate said. “Don’t think I haven’t forgotten.”

“Where’s Ms. Tapper?” Sam asked, trying to change the subject. “Shouldn’t she be here by now?”

“You’re not getting off that easy,” Kate kaçak bahis said. “But you’re right, she should be here. Let me go call her.” Kate left the room, leaving Sam alone with Jason.

“Thank you for doing that with the Nevils,” Jason said. “I know I put you up to it and it was a lot to ask. Getting Becky out of this jam will be huge for Kate’s career. The partners and the insurance company will be really impressed and she’ll be sure to make partner next month.”

“How long have you been in love with her?” Sam asked matter-of-factly.

“I’m not in love with her,” Jason said. “I’m in love with my fiancé. Kate and I are close friends and I want her to succeed in her career. That’s it, there’s nothing more.”

“Okay, whatever you say,” Sam replied. “But speaking of succeeding in her career, do you know how Kate got James to go back on his story about seeing Matt with Ms. Tapper? Or how she got all that information about the investigation from Henry?”

“No,” Jason said. “She just told me she wore a tight dress and flirted with Henry. She didn’t say anything about James. Why, do you know something?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Sam said. “But I can certainly imagine what happened.” Just then Kate returned and told them Becky wasn’t answering her phone.

“This isn’t like her,” Kate said. “I called her yesterday and left a voicemail about meeting at noon today. My assistant emailed her and left another message. I hope everything’s okay.”

“She’s not that late,” Sam said. “It’s only 12:15. Let’s give her a few minutes. In the meantime, why don’t you tell us how it is that James retracted his allegations against Ms. Tapper. And why Henry told you so much about what was going on.”

“Like I told Jason, I wore a tight dress and flirted with Henry,” Kate said. “Guys are easy that way. You of all people should know that.”

“Yes, they certainly are,” Sam said. “But for James to go back on his story like that and say it was all a wet dream, for no reason, I don’t know Kate, that sounds unlikely to me.” Sam could tell Kate was hiding something by the way she shifted in her seat and refused to make eye contact with Jason. “Come on, I told you my story. I want to hear yours. And trust me, Jason does too.”

Sam saw Kate glance at Jason, who gave her an understanding look. “Fine,” Kate said. “I blew Henry and let him fuck me in the teacher’s lounge. And then I had a threesome with him and his girlfriend. As for James, I let him reenact everything he saw Becky do with Matt with me. And he’s been fucking me almost every night since.”

“I knew it,” Sam said. Glancing over at Jason, she added, “Come on, you did too.” Then she leaned over and whispered into his ear, so only he could hear, “I know you wish you were the one who was fucking her every night.”

“What did you just say to him?” Kate asked sternly.

“I asked him if he wants to hear the juicy details,” Sam said. “Right, Jason?” He nodded and Sam added, “Go ahead, Kate. Tell us everything.” Kate proceeded to tell them every detail about her encounters with James, Henry, and Sofia. When she was done, around 1:00, Jason was so hard he looked like he was going to tear a hole in his pants.

“That’s everything,” Kate said. “Jason, I’m sorry. I know you were trying to protect me and my career by having Sam sleep with Nevil, and then I go and do this. I hope you can forgive me.”

“It’s okay. We can talk about it another time,” Jason said. “Now I’m starting to worry about Becky too. It’s not like her to be an hour late.”

“I’ll call her again,” Kate said. She used her cell phone and hung up after a few seconds. “Voicemail again. Something doesn’t feel right. I’m going to drive out to her house. I’ll let you know what’s going on. Again Jason, I’m sorry. I hope you don’t think less of me as a lawyer now that you know how I won my first case.”

“Of course not,” he said, standing up to hug her. “You’re the best lawyer I know. Let me know what’s going on with Becky.” Kate squeezed his hand and walked out, leaving Sam and Jason alone again.

“I don’t think she’s sorry because of the lawyer thing,” Sam said. “I think she’s sorry because you had to hear she’s having sex with other men. It’s almost like you just found out she’s cheating on you.”

“You’re really something, aren’t you?” Jason said. “You’ve got it all figured out.”

“I know you two have the hots for each other,” Sam said. “More than that, really. For some reason neither of you will admit it.”

“We’re close friends and colleagues,” Jason said.

“I don’t need to hear it again,” Sam said, standing up to leave. “Anyway, Ms. Tapper isn’t coming in today. Why don’t you buy me lunch?”

“Um, okay,” Jason said hesitantly. “There’s a place downstairs.”

“What, you don’t want to have lunch with me?” Sam asked.

“No, it’s not that,” he replied. “It’s just that someone might see us and get the wrong idea. I’m pretty sure my fiancé already thinks I’m cheating on her.”

“Hmmm, I wonder where she got that idea,” Sam said. bedava bahis “Might the load of cum you shot into my mouth have anything to do with it?”

“Very funny,” Jason said. “Actually, she thinks I’m cheating on her with Kate. She hasn’t said anything, but I can tell. So, I can’t do anything to make her more suspicious.”

“Speaking of the blowjob I gave you, how many have you had since then?” Sam asked.

“None,” Jason replied. “And before you ask, I might as well tell you I haven’t had sex since then either.”

“What the hell is wrong with all these women?” Sam asked. “Why won’t anyone give her man a blowjob?”

“Carrie says we’re not in high school anymore whenever I bring it up,” Jason said. “She thinks it’s beneath her.”

“You poor thing,” she said. “Gosh, hearing all those stories about me and the Nevils and Kate getting it on must have been hard for you.” She reached down and felt his crotch. “Yes, it’s very hard, isn’t it?”

“Come on, let’s have lunch,” he said. They went downstairs and got a seat outside, the warm June air perfect for eating outdoors. They got to know each other a bit and Sam was pleasantly surprised to learn Jason had played high school tennis and had been a state champion just like her, albeit about ten years earlier.

“Do you still play?” she asked.

“I do,” he said. “Not as much as I used to, and certainly not as well, but I can still hold my own.”

“Think you can beat a woman?” she asked.

“I would think so,” he said, a bit of uncertainty in his voice. “Although I’m kind of rusty.”

“Yes, well, I am too,” Sam said. “How about we make it interesting?”

“What do you mean?” Jason asked.

“If I win, you fulfill my current fantasy,” Sam said. “If you win, I’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve had since the last time I blew you.” Jason exhaled loudly. “Look, if you don’t think you can beat me, I understand.”

“No, it’s not that,” he said.

“I understand you’re trying to be good,” Sam said. “But you can’t go this long without getting laid. Look where it got the Nevils. Don’t you want to be inside me?”

“Of course,” Jason said. After a pause he added, “You know what, you’re right. I agree. Let’s do it. What’s the fantasy I would get to fulfill on the off chance you beat me?”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Sam said. They agreed to meet up in an hour at a local park. Sam arrived in a tight, short tennis dress that left little to the imagination. She could tell Jason wanted to do her right there on the court as they warmed up. That’s certainly not going to hurt my chances, she thought as they got ready to start.

They agreed to play one set, winner take all. Jason won the first two games, his powerful shots and serves being harder than Sam was used to after months away from competitive tennis. But she quickly found her game and went up 3-2. After he tied the set at 3, Sam could tell he was tiring. No longer in good enough shape at age 31, Jason couldn’t handle being run all over the court and Sam quickly built her lead to 5-3.

“Care to tell me what your fantasy is?” he asked through his labored breathing.

“Giving up already?” Sam asked.

“Of course not,” he said. Sam toyed with him in the last game, making him run all over but giving him just enough of a chance that he could return most of her shots. By the end he was exhausted, and Sam mercifully finished him off with a powerful shot from the baseline to win the set 6-3.

As Jason collapsed onto a bench to the side of the court, Sam joined him and said, “I’ve always wanted to be with another man while my boyfriend watched. And not just any man, but one with a big cock, at least 8 inches. It’s Matt’s fantasy too. He wants to watch me get fucked, really good and hard. He’s going to be in town next weekend, so you can do me then.”

“Sounds like the best bet I ever made,” Jason said. “You’re not going to tell Kate, are you? I’m not sure what she’d think of this.”

“Don’t worry, just the three of us will know,” Sam said. “I won’t tell your fiancé either.”

“Right, her too,” Jason said. “Anyway, you’re really good at tennis. College athletes are a different level. But you know back in my day, I could have taken you.”

“Yeah, right,” Sam said with a laugh. “But you know what else I’m really good at?”

“What’s that?” Jason asked.

“This,” Sam said. She knelt in front of the bench and pulled his shorts and boxers halfway down his thighs. Then she started stroking his rock-hard erection with both hands. Sam loved how long and thick his cock was and how she could stroke it with both hands at once.

“Sam, we’re in a park,” Jason said as he stiffened further.

“Then I’d better work quickly,” Sam said, again tugging at his shorts. “Will you let me feel your huge cock in my mouth?” He nodded and let her take his shorts to his ankles. Sam began sucking the tip of his cock as she stroked him with her right hand. She could taste his sweat on his skin and got turned on by blowing him out in the open kazandıran bahis siteleri in a public park. Jason began to moan as Sam took him deeper, getting about half of him into her mouth. She tried to go further but gagged and pulled off. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Your dick is so fucking big.”

“It’s okay,” he said breathlessly. “That feels so good, just keep doing what you’re doing.” Sam started sucking him again, getting into a rhythm with her mouth and hand. She fondled his balls with her other hand, knowing they were filled with cum and ready to explode into her. It wasn’t long before Jason started jerking and twitching and his cock swelled further. Sam pushed him as deeply into her mouth as she could, now pleasuring him with just her mouth. Her hands rested on his thighs and she felt his muscles tighten as he prepared to cum.

She pulled off and said, “Tell me what you want.”

“I want to cum in your mouth,” Jason said, his eyes closed and his head leaning back as Sam gazed up at him.

“I can’t wait to taste you,” Sam said before returning her hand to his dick. “God, I can’t wait to feel this in my pussy.” She licked and kissed it a few times before taking it in her mouth again. The taste of his precum and his sweat combined to excite Sam even more. Jason was moaning loudly now, desperate to cum as Sam continued to suck him. Just then he jerked hard and Sam felt a massive load spray into her mouth. She held her head still as Jason shot multiple loads into her, filling her mouth with warm, salty cum.

Sam gulped it down and sucked him a few more times, knowing it was all his sensitive cock could handle. She swallowed his last few drops and pulled off, smiling as she looked up at him. “There,” she said as she sat next to him and looked around, thankful no one was near them. “All better.”

“That was amazing,” Jason said. “But you won the set.”

“True,” Sam said as Jason pulled his shorts back up. “But I love sucking cock and I’m still really horny after being with the Nevils last night. And I feel bad knowing you’re not getting any. Plus, I want you primed and ready for next weekend, so hopefully that gets you through the next week.”

“About that,” Jason said. “Are you sure Matt’s okay with it?”

“Absolutely,” Sam said. “He’s been talking about it for months. I got to watch him with Kate and always get to hear what they do to each other. Now he wants that experience, watching me with a stud with a giant dick. When Mr. Nevil nailed me the other day, he was so wild and out of control. I loved every minute. Knowing how big you are and that you haven’t had sex in months, I know it’s going to be perfect.”

“It’s going to be a long week,” Jason said. “I can’t wait either.” Just then Sam’s cell phone rang, and they saw it was Kate.

“Kate, what’s going on with Becky?” Sam said on speaker. “Is everything okay?”

“No, not exactly,” Kate said. “Becky’s husband Tyler overheard me talking to her when I asked her to tell me about the times she had sex with Matt at the school. I needed to know so I could recreate it with James. Now Tyler’s upset and he moved out a couple weeks ago. He’s living in a hotel and talking about divorcing her.”

“Shit,” Sam said. “Does he know that all happened before they were even engaged?”

“Yeah, but it doesn’t matter,” Kate said. “He’s mad that she cheated on him, and with a student no less. But I have an idea of how you and I can help. Where are you?”

“I’m at the park with Jason,” Sam said. “I just kicked his ass at tennis.”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Jason said meekly. Sam frowned at him. “Okay, well I’m 31 and she’s 21 and I haven’t played much lately. And it was only 6-3.”

“I’d love to have seen it,” Kate said, laughing. “State champ Jason losing to a woman. I hope you don’t make fun of him too much, Sam.”

“Don’t worry, we’re all good,” Sam said as she smiled at Jason. “Anyway, what do you need from me?”

“Be at my house at 7:00,” Kate said. “We’re going to a sports bar, so dress appropriately.”

Sam showed up at Kate’s right at 7:00, wearing tight jeans and a low-cut, tight white t-shirt with her hair up. Kate was wearing a nearly identical outfit, only with a dark grey shirt. “What’s this all about?” Sam asked.

“Becky said her husband will be at a bar watching the game with his buddies tonight. We need to convince him to take her back,” Kate said. “You got the Nevils back together, so together we shouldn’t have any trouble.”

“But to get them back together I…” Sam said, trailing off.

“Exactly,” Kate said. “Let’s go, I’ll drive.” They drove to a local sports bar, arriving at the start of the fourth inning. They sat at the bar and looked for Tyler, comparing everyone they saw to the picture Becky had given them. Unfortunately, the bar was packed with groups of guys, and it was nearly the end of the fifth inning before Kate noticed him at a table in the corner. Turning to the bartender, she ordered a drink and asked that it be sent to him.

After the waitress delivered it, they saw her gesture toward them at the bar and raised their glasses to Tyler, who raised his glass and nodded at them. Kate gestured for him to come to the bar and, as he approached, they noticed he was tall, fit, and quite handsome. “Good for Becky,” Kate said quietly to Sam.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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