17 Ekim 2024

Curiosity Pt. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


When I entered the room, Rachel was lying beside Lisa, looking right at me. On the other hand, Lisa was looking for pinholes in her eyelids. A soft snore escaped her mouth, and Rachel chuckled quietly. I walked around the bed and made sure that Lisa was tucked in before kissing her forehead. She was dead to the world.

Rachel got up and joined me as I walked out of the room. We went to the kitchen, and I poured us a glass of wine. I leaned back against the island while Rachel leaned against the kitchen cabinets. She had read me pretty well and knew that I wasn’t feeling all that romantic at the moment.

“Rachel, I am so confused right now. I know the alpha types would say kick her to the curb, but that’s the last thing I want to do. I understand how things happened and probably would have reacted the same if I were in a situation that erotic. I can also understand how she could lose herself in the experience. I guess what worries me is that if tonight tempted her so much, when will the next temptation happen? Will she decide that she likes fucking other people? Will I even fit in the life she lives next?

“I know what she said, but she was exhausted. I can’t help but wonder if, after she’s had time to think about it, she’ll want to do it again. Tonight was the best sexual experience of her life without a doubt, and I’m left feeling inadequate as hell.”

Rachel’s eyes were wet when she walked over to me. “I’m glad you’re telling me this now so we can deal with it. If you said those things to Lisa, it would break her heart. I’m not seeing the Gary that Lisa and I know and love. Yes, I said love. I do love you, Gary, and so does Lisa. She loves you with a passion I’ve never witnessed before. You truly do complete her. If you lose your faith in her, it will destroy her.

“I get where you’re coming from. I really do. My ex-husband’s PA is younger, hotter, and much more compliant than I am. I saw my marriage evaporate and couldn’t do a damn thing about it. And do you know why? It wasn’t because she had me beat in every sexual measure. It was because he didn’t love me. It’s as simple as that. He betrayed our marriage without one second of compassion for the woman he’d promised to love all of his life.

“Do you understand what I’m telling you? Tonight happened, and at the end of it Lisa was concerned about you. When you touched her, her entire world focused on you. I don’t believe for a second that you will lose Lisa because of a sexual adventure. Your biggest danger is losing faith in yourself, and in her.”

She kissed my lips lightly while I wrapped my head around what she had told me. I wanted to believe everything she had said about Lisa’s love for me. It hit me hard when I realized that I was making this hard and doing it by doubting the woman I love. I hugged Rachel and held her tight until my arms got tired. “Thank you, Rachel, for saving me from myself.”

I let her get some circulation back and kissed her lips. “Has Lisa told you yet that she’s in love with you?”

Rachel shook her head. “I really feel that she does, but she hasn’t said it.”

I kissed her again. “It’s like she’s waiting for something, isn’t it?”


“I know what she’s waiting for. When she wakes in the morning, the waiting will be over. In the interim, what will you and I do to fill the long hours of waiting? I suppose we could sleep, but to be honest, there is this amazing, beautiful woman in my arms, and I would very much like to make love to her.

“What are your thoughts on the matter, dear Rachel? Sleep or…?”

Her mouth fell on mine, and her tongue was in my mouth in a heartbeat. She managed to pull back after a few minutes, although her hand kept squeezing my erect cock through my pants. She rubbed a hand along my length. “I’ll take ‘or’ anytime and every time.”


I left Rachel sleeping soundly in the guest room where the two of us had spent the night. The anxiety I had suppressed woke me early, and it was just as well. I wanted to be near Lisa when she woke so that she wouldn’t be anxious, especially since I hadn’t slept in our bed last night. I could just see her waking up to see my side of the bed undisturbed and jumping to some unhealthy conclusion.

I checked on her as soon as I got up. I walked over to the bed and looked down at her sleeping face. She looked so wonderfully beautiful. It struck me how very much I loved her. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, but she was sleeping so deeply I knew she didn’t notice. That was fine with me. I hadn’t wanted to disturb her anyway. I walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled the covers down. I took my pillow, rolled it around a bit to make it look used, and gently laid it against Lisa’s shoulder.

I stepped back and took a short look. If she woke alone, she would roll onto my pillow and see the turned-down blankets. She would hopefully assume that I slept next to her and, therefore wouldn’t be upset. She could then wake up without worrying that I left her or some shit like that. When we canlı bahis siteleri got around to talking about last night, I wanted us both calm and open to each other.

I made coffee and read for an hour before taking a shower and getting dressed for the day. I got Lisa a glass of cold water and some Ibuprofen. I walked into the bedroom with the idea of letting her sleep and leaving my little offering on the nightstand.

I’m sure that I didn’t make a noise. I think she sensed my presence because her eyes opened sleepily, and she watched me set the water and pills down. Her voice was soft but full of emotion. “I love you, Gary.”

I looked at her, and what I saw nearly broke my heart. She looked like she was bracing for the blow that would kill her. I was on the bed holding her in an instant. I kissed her lips, then looked into her pain-filled eyes. “I love you, Lisa. That hasn’t changed, and it won’t. I’m not going anywhere unless you make me.”

I needed her to know that the choice was hers. It was always hers. There was no way I would give her up unless she wanted out. I would let her go if she decided her life needed something I couldn’t give her. I refused to contemplate what life would be like after that.

Her arms held me tightly. She buried her face in my neck for the longest time. When she pulled back to look at me, I smiled gently. That got me another crushing hug. “I’m a stupid slut, and I don’t deserve you, Gary.”

“You’re not stupid or a slut. You are a very passionate and beautiful woman. Last night, I saw what was happening and could have stopped it. I didn’t because I knew that the uninhibited you wanted it and that it would be an amazing experience for you. I promise that you won’t lose me because of last night.

“Now, why don’t you take some time to start your day? I’ll be waiting in the kitchen when you’re ready. I’m making omelets for breakfast.”

Rachel was sitting at the kitchen table sipping her coffee when I walked into the kitchen. I walked over to her, gave her a good morning kiss, and started organizing breakfast. Rachel watched for a moment, then talked to my back. “You really are lousy at hiding your anxiety. Look at me, Gary.”

I set the knife down next to the cutting board and turned to face her. “Gary, honey, you need to get some perspective. You’ve not only accepted that Lisa had sex with Anna and Deb, but you’re also really happy for Lisa that it happened. It isn’t the sex that’s fucking with you.

“Do you really think that one night of hot sex is enough to destroy your marriage? Do you think for one second that Lisa would let that happen? Do you have so little faith in her love for you that you think she’ll toss you aside so she can fuck other people?”

I understood everything she said. “I understand, and I want to believe it, but I can also see how tempted Lisa must be. Hell, I have never made her feel the way they did. Why wouldn’t she want more of them or someone like them? It would be so easy for her to go down that path. Even if she treated me kindly, I would still be the second choice. I can’t imagine living my life knowing that I’m not enough to make my wife happy.

“As I stand here thinking about what I just said, it suddenly occurs to me what’s really fucking with me. It isn’t the worry about possible future events. It’s the right now. After last night, I know that I’ll never be the best lover my wife ever had. When she thinks about her most wonderful orgasms, someone else will be in her thoughts. It’s like I have a sign around my neck now that says, ‘He’s Not bad, But She’s Had Better.”

I was on a roll now. “How do I fight that? I’ve already seen that I can’t compete. Now that she’s experienced Anna and Deb, why wouldn’t she want more? I couldn’t live with that, of being reminded every time she was with someone else that I wasn’t good enough. Even if she doesn’t fool around with other people, I’ll feel like I’m keeping her from the sexual fulfillment she deserves.

“It’s not her having sex that bothers me. In all honesty, I thought last night was erotic as hell. Lisa looked so fucking hot and sexy. I’m sure you felt it, too. I loved seeing her like that, so lost in ecstasy and giving herself to the moment.

“No, the problem isn’t the sex. DAMMIT! It’s my own feelings of not being good enough for the woman I love with all my soul!

I turned back toward the counter and grabbed a potato. It was blurry in my vision for some reason, and I hesitated to pick up the knife. I felt a hand on my arm and turned my head. Lisa was standing next to me with tears in her eyes. “Gary, you have always been and will always be the greatest lover I’ve ever known. You are part of me, and I treasure you. Please stop making yourself out to be a failure. You’re not one, and I don’t like you thinking that you are.”

It wasn’t just the words or the empathy that swept my self-destructive thoughts away. It was her presence. I could feel her emotions as if they were my own. I understood the feelings behind bet siteleri the words and knew there was no doubt about her love for me.

I also knew I’d made myself crazy with worry for no good reason. Add to that pissing off Rachel by being an oblivious dick and making my wife cry. Well, it can only get better from here. Unless I talk some more.

I wrapped my arms around my wife and kissed her with everything I had, and she kissed me back the same. We stayed at it a while. Our hands were getting busy when Rachel coughed loudly. “I’d say get a room, but you would, and I’m hungry. Gary, get to cooking. Lisa, come over here and kiss me good morning.”

I chuckled and disobeyed orders. I wasn’t about to start cutting potatoes and turn my back on that kiss. Lisa swayed across the floor as Rachel stood to meet her. They held each other, their lips met softly, and they kissed each other good morning romantically. Any second now. Here it comes.

It didn’t take long before ‘Good morning.’ turned into ‘I desire you.’. They were really into it and barely managed to pull themselves apart before they got to the ‘You, Me, Bed, Now’ point. I got busy cooking and soon had the omelets, potatoes, and bacon ready. I set their plates at either end of the table and sat myself down in the middle. I knew if I let them sit next to each other, they would continue to play, and breakfast would be forgotten. Lisa needed her energy back. I wondered if she would love a nice massage and a nap after breakfast.

I broke up their footsy playing twice and paid the price for that. Before I knew it, I had two hands suddenly squeezing my cock under the table. Fortunately, I was done eating by that point, and the coffee wasn’t all that hot when I dumped the cup on my own chest. They thought that was pretty funny. Me? Not so much.

I went to the bathroom and stripped off my T-shirt. I filled the sink with cold water and put the shirt in to soak so the stain wouldn’t set. I would spot-wash it in a while. I had higher priorities at the moment and walked into the bedroom to see if my two priorities had arrived.

They had, and the two vixens had started without me. Lisa was settled between Rachel’s legs, and the two of them were making out rather vigorously. I normally would have kicked back and let them have at it, but today was different. I climbed into bed and moved right up against Rachel’s body. I propped my head on my arm and watched them kiss a few inches away.

They could feel my breath on the side of their faces and managed to keep kissing for a few moments. Lisa was the first to blurt a laugh into Rachel’s mouth. That made Rachel laugh, and the kiss fell apart, just as I had hoped.

Lisa turned her head the tiny bit required to look me in the eye. “Bit needy this morning, babe?”

I smiled and kissed her cheek. “Nope. But we do have a little business to take care of.”

Lisa looked at me, puzzled, while Rachel just looked confused. “Yes, dear, we do. I believe there is something you have been aching to tell Rachel. I also believe you haven’t told her because you were concerned about me.

“I’m here to tell you, dear, that I’m very happy that you feel the way you do about her. So, please, tell her.”

Lisa studied my face for a moment in wonder. I took advantage of that to kiss her lips. I gave her some room, and she looked into Rachel’s eyes. “I’m in love with you, sweet Rachel. I want to be with you always.”

Tears flooded Rachel’s eyes, then their lips met, and their love flowed through that wonderful connection. I watched, smiling as they sealed their promise to each other. When their lips parted, Lisa was so very happy. She grinned down at Rachel. I took advantage of the distance between them to turn Rachel’s head toward me. I looked into her lovely eyes. “I’m in love with you too, Rachel. Would you consider living with us?”

The tears came again. Rachel was trying to talk while sobbing. “I…love you both…so…so….much!”

I looked at my wife and grinned. “I didn’t hear her say yes to living with us. I guess we’ll have to convince her. I’ll take the top while you take the bottom. Sound good?”

Lisa grinned mischievously. “That sounds really good.”

Lisa lowered her head and began kissing her way down Rachel’s belly. I captured Rachel’s lovely lips with mine and kissed her thoroughly. Lisa lovingly licked Rachel’s pussy while I kissed her lips, her neck, and her amazing tits. I loved it when Rachel moaned into my mouth as my wife made her orgasm. She completely lost herself in the pleasure our mouths were giving her. I can only imagine how that orgasm must have been for her. I could easily see why they call it afterglow. She seemed to glow with happiness. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful.

Lisa left her position between the very relaxed Rachel’s thighs and settled next to her. The way they kissed had me hard as granite. I definitely wanted to share my current state with the beauties next to me, but not yet.

I let them enjoy their en iyi bahis siteleri kiss and finally settle next to each other while looking all lovey-dovey at each other. “So, Rachel? Is that a yes?”

She looked at me, positively glowing, and smiled. “Yes, that’s a definite yes.”

I gave her another kiss, then turned to my wife. She lifted her head to me so that I could kiss her. My hand cupped her face. “I am so very sorry for how I acted. It happened so fast, and I wasn’t prepared for it. I reacted like an idiot, and I hurt you. You didn’t do a thing wrong. I’m glad you had a great time. I want you to have a great time. Maybe not as surprising next time?”

Lisa grinned at me. “I love you too. Now shut up and kiss me.”

I did, with enthusiasm. The position I was in leaning over Rachel didn’t lend itself to long and drawn-out kisses, but we made the most of the moments we had. I settled back on the pillow and looked at the two amazing women lying next to me. “I would love for you to tell me how it all felt. It must have been wonderful. It sure looked wonderful. You were so hot it was unbelievable.”

Rachel turned her head to look at Lisa. “I agree. I’m dying to know everything!”

Lisa sat up. “Really? You’re sure?”

Rachel and I nodded like bobblehead dolls, which made Lisa laugh, as intended. Lisa sat with her back against the headboard. I guided Rachel onto her side and settled in with my cock between her legs. Lisa giggled when she saw the angry red glans appear between Rachel’s legs. I reached around and cupped Rachel’s breast and let my thumb brush over her nipple. “You were saying, honey?”

Lisa bit her lip. “Yeh, uh… Oh, you know that Anna and Deb are our friends and we all knew I could trust them. They know how we feel about each other. I think they respect that in their own way. I mean, if you leave out the suddenly revealing that they have cocks and want to fuck my married ass part. I knew they would never hurt me, and our fun sexy times would be kept private.

“I was actually going to live the fantasy of being with two hot women. I was beyond turned on just thinking about it. When we got home and they started in on me, I was ready for anything they wanted. I let myself go and turned my inner slut loose. When we went through the bedroom door, I was ready for anything. Well, I thought I was.

“I mean, you guys heard me yell. I was in total shock that they had dicks! That was all that registered at first. There are two chicks in pantyhose, and inside their pantyhose were dicks instead of pussies. My world tilted for a minute. Then they peeled off their hose. I was fascinated by Deb’s amazing body. Her super hard cock sent fucking shivers through my pussy. I was fascinated and so damn horny.

Then I looked at Anna’s cock and was immediately torn between fear of the damn thing and wondering what it would feel like. I wanted to touch it so bad. I wanted to touch both of them. It was so damn erotic. I’d let my inner slut out to play already. I was dripping with desire when you said what you said to them. I thought you were going to stop things. As horny as I was, I still wouldn’t have argued. You would have got your ears blistered if you didn’t immediately fuck me, though. It’s one thing to ask for what’s yours. It’s quite another to leave a girl hanging.

“That didn’t happen. You gave me a gift. I love you so much for that. You set me free to enjoy myself. That alone made the whole experience ten times better. Knowing you were there for me and cared for me enough to let me have this wild sexual moment made my heart want to explode with love. My unleashed slut said thanks for the handoff and grabbed Anna’s cock.”

I had been sliding my cock very slowly between Rachel’s legs. Her very wet pussy was lubing things up nicely. The way she was rubbing her clit against my shaft clearly indicated she was as turned on as I was.

“I had to suck his cock. I had to see how much I could take. To be honest, it scared me. I wasn’t sure that I could take that thing in my pussy. It was so much fun sucking that big cock. The more I sucked on it, the hornier I got and the more I wanted to see if it would fit. I was so focused on sucking Anna’s cock I didn’t realize that Deb was behind me until she started rubbing her cock on my pussy. It felt so damn good that when she slid into me, it felt like the perfect thing to do. I came so hard my slut reveled in it. She wanted more. I wanted more, and boy, did they give it to me.

“Deb is a super good fuck all on her own. She made me cum so hard. I was so completely into it that I wanted to be their fuck slut. Everything they did to me felt amazing, and I wanted more of it. When Anna rubbed that fat cock of hers against my pussy I was nearly hyperventilating with a combination of fear and lust. I’m so glad she’s a considerate lover because she really could have done some damage.

“She didn’t, though, at least not anything long-term. When I felt that massive cock filling me, I started to cum, and I couldn’t stop. She just kept filling me and filling me until I could feel her pressing against me deep inside. I was relieved when she stopped pushing. I went a little insane when she started flexing that monster. I’ve never felt anything like it. It hurt some, but it definitely did wonderful things to me.”

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