16 Ekim 2024

Sophie’s Work Experience Pt. 01

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Carol pulled into the driveway and shut off the car. “Ok I’m not gonna be very long in here, are you coming or waiting in the car?” she asked her daughter sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

“I’ll come” Sophie answered, as she unclicked her safety belt then turned to open the car door.

“Ok, but no messing about and no cursing” Carol said, also unclicking her safety belt and exiting the car.

The two walked up the drive towards a large expensive looking house. Carol pressed the car security button on her keyring as they approached the front door, then tapped the door bell a couple of times.

“Remember this is my work colleague Sophie, so don’t go showing up or embarrassing me in there, ok?” Carol said sternly.

“Yeah mom, I already know, I got it the first time, ok?” Sophie replied petulantly.

Sophie may well have been eighteen, but that didn’t make the slightest difference to how Carol talked to her. Their dynamic had always been the same regardless of her age and would likely remain that way for years to come.

“Yes, and I know you well enough by now Sophie…” Carol stopped halfway through what she was about to say, as a figure at the other side of the door approached and unlocked the door to greet them.

It was a Man that appeared to be in his early fifties, about five foot eight inches tall, give or take an inch, short cut hazel hair with notes of grey, blue eyes, clean shaven and dressed in trousers with matching socks and a clean pressed shirt.

“Carol” he said, opening the door fully and greeting her with a smile. “Good morning and come on in.”

“Thank you” Carol replied as she stepped inside the house and waited by the door.

Sophie followed her mom inside, flashing a smile at the man as she walked by.

“Good morning to you too” he said, getting a good look at Sophie as she breezed past him, then turned to close the door behind them and lock it.

He estimated Sophie to be about eighteen or nineteen years’ old, an inch or two shorter than himself but she was wearing heels with a considerable platform to them, light blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, slim petite figure with a moderate sized perky chest. She was wearing powder pink gym leggings with platform heels and a figure hugging, white short sleeved tee-shirt.

“This is my daughter, Sophie.” Carol said, “I’m dropping her off at a friend’s house but I’m running late so we had to come here first, I hope you don’t mind?”

“No not at all Carol, think nothing of it” he said before turning his attention to Sophie “It’s nice to meet you Sophie, I’m Frank.”

“Nice to meet you too” Sophie smiled.

Frank smiled back at her briefly then headed towards the kitchen “I knew you’d be pushed for time this morning Carol, so I’ve got those files out for you. Come on through when you’re ready and take a look.”

“Excellent, I appreciate that” Carol said as she followed him through.

Sophie walked behind her mom as they made their way through the long hallway and into the brightly lit kitchen.

Frank was stood at the kitchen counter as they walked in, “Files are over there next to my laptop, Carol. Help yourself to whatever you need and can I fix you a drink or anything?”

Carol scanned around the kitchen until she spotted the laptop, then started to make her way over to it “I see them, and nothing for me thank you Frank” she said.

“Anything I can get for you Sophie?” Frank asked.

“Latte?” Sophie asked him.

“Sure, I have Latte if you’d like one?” Frank replied.

“That would be great, thank you” Sophie smiled.

Frank went to the other side of the counter and grabbed a latte capsule to slot into the coffee machine. It was like a small cup or capsule that you put into the machine, then it did the rest for you.

Carol looked back at Sophie, scowling as she mouthed something inaudible to her. She knew full well Sophie had only done it to frustrate her.

Sophie quickly smiled at her mom to fully rub it in before Carol shook her head and went back to looking through the files.

“Done” Frank said as he secured the capsule in the coffee machine and pressed the power button. “Should only take a couple of minutes, Sophie.”

“Thank you” Sophie said, as she stood next to the kitchen door.

“You’re welcome to come in if you like Sophie, there’s stools at the counter or chairs at the table, whichever you prefer” Frank said.

“Thanks” Sophie said again, as she briefly contemplated the counter or the table. Then headed towards the table, as it looked the most comfortable and took a seat close to Frank.

It was a large kitchen, Franks laptop and files were located to the far end of it, directly opposite the door they came in, where there was a second door that led to a smaller hall and staircase. The counter with stools was directly in the middle and the table Sophie was sitting at, was to the right side of the first door, placed just in-front of a set of marble countertops. Where the coffee machine Sahabet was and where Frank was standing.

“You just come from the gym, Sophie?” Frank asked due to her attire.

Sophie looked up at him from the table “Yeah, I went to the early session this morning, it was a lot busier than the one I usually go to in the afternoon.”

“Sure, I go myself and the morning is always the busiest time, everyone getting a rushed workout in before they head to work for the day.” Frank said as he admired her physique, then stopped when he reached her platform heels, “However I’m hoping you didn’t wear those during your workout Sophie.”

Sophie looked down at her platforms, then turned her heel to the side and laughed, “Nooo, I’d fall flat on my face if I tried working out in these. I have some normal sneakers that I use just for the gym, and these are my regular heels.”

“Those are your regular heel’s” Frank said with surprise “Well, then I can’t even begin to imagine what your irregular heel’s look like.”

Sophie nodded “Yeah these are my three-inch platform’s, I have so many more in different styles and colors. My tallest one’s are seven-inch platforms, but I’ve seen some that are taller and I kind of want a pair.”

Frank was shocked, as he had no clue that such thing’s even existed. “Seven-inch heels on platforms like those, heck what would you even do with them Sophie? Surely, they’re not practical enough to wear very often, or for very long.”

Sophie agreed, “You’re right, I don’t wear them much, just sometimes in my room or around the house. I love them though and think they’re cute and glamorous, even if they’re really hard to walk around in.”

“I think I know what you mean Sophie” Frank said as the coffee machine started to hiss and pour latte into the cup. “Its like art, you can’t do much with it but it sure is a pleasure to look at.” He turned to focus on the cup once he’d finished talking, then waited for it to fill, before picking it up and placing it on the table in front of her.

“There you go, one latte. I would give it a few minutes to cool though as that machine serves it piping hot. Theres plenty of extra milk and sugar too if you want some” Frank said.

“Thanks” Sophie said, as she sat back in the chair watching Frank bring her the latte. “Looks just like the one I get from the mall.”

“Now that’s not surprising, but very reassuring to hear.” Frank said, as he stood at the side of her looking down. This angle gave a whole new perspective of Sophies t-shirt, cause from the front he couldn’t see much, except the general overall shape of her breasts. However, from up here he could see the whole pronounced fullness of her tit’s, as well as her soft protruding nipples through the thin fabric.

He continued to enjoy the view, while doing his best to not make it so obvious as to what he was looking at. “I’m a big coffee drinker, Sophie, so I wanted to get a good machine. It’s a year old now but was top of the line when I bought it, so the quality shouldn’t be all that different to the fresh coffee you get at the popular stores.”

Sophie smiled as she looked up at him “Yeah, it looks exactly the same, like I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference at all.”

Frank laughed “It’s good to hear, now let’s just hope it taste’s as good as its look’s.” Before remembering to add, “Give it another minute or so though, trust me when I say this thing make’s very hot coffee, I don’t want you burning your mouth on it Sophie.”

“I’ll give it a few more minutes and blow on it a bit before I try it.” Sophie said.

“That’s good thinking” Frank said, as he looked down Sophies top one last time, then stepped away to lean back against the marble countertop. “Is there anything you’d like with that, a snack or cookies or something?” He asked.

“Have you got any sausage?” Sophie asked. “I usually order latte with a grilled sausage sandwich, you can have it with just sausage or with melted cheese too, it’s really nice.”

Frank tried to recollect whether he bought any sausage the last time he was at the store, but genuinely couldn’t remember. “That’s a good question Sophie, but I don’t think I do” as he walked over to the fridge and looked inside, just to be certain. “No, there’s no sausage, I didn’t pick any up the last time I was shopping, I’m sorry.”

“That’s ok, I only asked cause it feel’s strange to have my latte and no sausage sandwich to go with it. It’s not like you knew I was coming and would ask for sausage or anything” Sophie smiled.

“I know what you mean, I have my food and drink combinations like that too. One always goes with the other and it does indeed feel strange otherwise, that’s why I wish I had some for you Sophie.” Frank said.

Sophie blew on her latte, then asked “You wished you had some for me?”

“I do” Frank said, “to go with your latte, it is a shame that I don’t.”

Sophie tried her best not to giggle as she asked, “Some what?”

“Some sausage” Frank said Sahabet Giriş with a manner of confusion.

Sophie found it much harder to contain her giggles this time, her whole body softly shaking as she replied, “You wished you had some sausage for me Frank.”

Frank closed the fridge door and watched as she blew on her coffee giggling. He was completely unaware of the joke, he was however aware of the innuendo, but surely, she couldn’t have meant that. It was probably an age thing, something he wouldn’t get as he was Afterall much older than her.

“Everything ok?” Carol asked as she walked back over to the kitchen table.

“Everything’s fine Carol” Frank said, as he stood back against the marble top counter. “Did you find what you needed in those files?”

Carol nodded enthusiastically “I did and more, these are exactly what I was looking for, thank you Frank.”

Frank smiled at her “Honestly don’t mention it Carol, I’m happy to help, plus I have copies of all those files so you’re welcome to keep them.”

“Thank you so much, you’ve no idea what a help these will be and if I can return the favor, be sure to let me know.” Carol said.

Frank nodded “You’re welcome and the offer is appreciated, thank you Carol.”

Carol smiled as she clutched a stack of files under her arm, then turned her attention to speak to the back of Sophies head. “Come on you, ponytail. We better get moving if I’m dropping you off before work.”

Sophie wiggled her head from side to side, causing her ponytail to flop about. She then turned around in the chair to face her mom, while holding the full cup of latte in her hand, “Frank literally just made this for me.”

Carol stared at Sophie “you knew we didn’t have long and it’s not like Frank need’s us taking up his whole morning, he’s a busy man.”

Sophie stared back at her, “ok but it’s impolite to just rush in and out and refuse a drink, isn’t it?”

Carol shook her head and turned back to Frank, “I’m sorry, she shouldn’t have bothered you to make her coffee, she knew we weren’t staying long.”

Frank shrugged “It’s no trouble Carol, stop worrying. I’m not leaving for another half hour, so if it’s ok with you she can stay and finish her coffee, then I’ll drop her off at her friends on my way in to work.”

A flash of fear coursed through Carols body when he finished talking. She didn’t want to say no to it, as that might make her seem unreasonable, but she didn’t want to leave Sophie there alone either. She worked with this man, and she knew what Sophie could be like, the last thing she needed was a man of Franks status spreading gossip at work of how potty mouthed and trashy her daughter could be.

“Are you sure Frank? I don’t want her imposing on you” Carol asked nervously.

“Absolutely sure Carol, it’s no trouble at all and just let yourself out, I’ll come and lock up after you.” Frank replied.

“Well ok then, as long as its no trouble” Carol gulped, then leaned in to kiss Sophie on the cheek. Whispering to her as she pulled away slowly “You be on your best behaviour and no cursing, do not embarrass me, Sophie.”

Carol smiled at Frank as she pulled away from Sophie, then turned to leave the kitchen “Thanks’ for this Frank, I’ll see you at 2pm for the afternoon meeting.” Carol waved as she walked out into the hallway while calling back “See you tonight, Sophie.”

“See you tonight mom, love you” Sophie replied, seconds before she heard the front door close.

“Be right back” Frank said as he walked out into the hallway to lock the front door behind Carol, then make his way back into the kitchen. “So, how’s the latte, Sophie?”

“I haven’t tried it yet” she said, before blowing over the top of the cup one more time then taking a sip. Sophie let the taste flow over her tongue before taking another quick sip and swallowing. “It’s good, still a bit hot but tastes like the one I get at the mall, maybe better.”

“Great” Frank replied, “so it looks and tastes as good as the one you usually get, I’ll say I’m happy with that result.”

Sophie smiled, “No joke, you should be cause it’s really nice.”

“Well thank you for the compliment, I guess all I have to do now is get some sausage and you can make this your regular breakfast place Sophie.” Frank said.

Sophie laughed “Yeah like you need me over here every morning, annoying you at breakfast while you’re trying to get ready for work.”

“I can think of a few ways to describe you Sophie, but annoying isn’t one of them. Believe it or not I’m enjoying your company this morning, it’s been a nice change of pace for me.” Frank said.

Sophie took another sip of her latte then smiled at him, “Yeah but you’ve only known me for like half an hour and I promised my mom id be on my best behaviour. So maybe you’d think differently and change your mind If you knew me better.”

Frank nodded, “So this is a pretend Sophie, you aren’t really nice at all?”

“Well, no, I am nice sometimes but other Sahabet Güncel Giriş times I’m not as nice. My mom was worried id embarrass her though, so she told me to behave and not to curse or anything while I was here.” Sophie said.

“I can see her concern’s, but this doesn’t sound much different to what we all do in certain situations or on specific occasions Sophie. How we think one thing but say another, or how we avoid acting in certain ways when were around someone were trying to impress. Theres many examples but I think you get the idea, and who knows maybe I’ve been doing the same as you have, since we met.” Frank said.

Sophie looked up at him “Your mom told you to be on your best behaviour and not to curse when you met me too?”

Frank laughed “Maybe she did, would you tell her if I said fuck though?”

Sophie shook her head, the smiled “No fucking way, I wouldn’t tell her.”

“Good” Frank said, “Then we understand each other and there’s no reason for me to go saying anything to Carol if you feel like not being on your best behaviour.”

“Yeah, we understand each other, thanks.” Sophie smiled up at him, “Does this mean I can fucking curse as much as I like now and run around your house naked?”

Frank scoffed, “The cursing yes, as much as you would naturally feel the need to curse, sure. Running around naked, well I’d hope that’s not something you’d even want to do, at least not yet anyway.”

Sophie agreed “That was just an example, I’d probably need to know you at least an hour before I started running around your house naked.” She blew across the top of her latte again then took her first real mouthful, “Yep I can taste it better now that it’s cooled a bit, it’s definitely better than the mall one.”

“I make better coffee than the mall, well my coffee machine does at least” Frank joked. “What about the sausage though Sophie, still missing it or is the latte so good that you forgot about that.”

“Forgot about the sausage?” Sophie asked, “No I’d never forget about that, don’t get me wrong, the latte is great. I just associate the flavours together so much that it does feel like somethings missing when I have one without the other.”

“I’m with you Sophie” Frank sympathised, “Like I mentioned earlier, there’s so many food and drink combinations that just aren’t the same to me when I have them separately. I promise the next time you’re here; I’ll have sausage for you.”

Sophie smiled “You’re absolutely sure you don’t have any now, like not even one.”

Frank shook his head “Disappointing I know but it’s just latte for breakfast this morning Sophie.”

“That’s strange, cause I was certain I saw one earlier.” Sophie said.

“You saw one, not a packet or several, just one?” Frank asked.

“Yeah, just one, but it was kind of a big one” Sophie replied.

“Ok and where did you see it?” Frank said.

“Well, that’s the even stranger bit, because I first saw it in the hallway, then it was in the kitchen, then I don’t know where it went and then it was in the kitchen again.” Sophie pondered.

“That is strange, well it can’t be the coffee that’s making you hallucinate or anything, cause you only just started drinking. So maybe your right and you did see it, what was It doing though Sophie? Was It moving around or was It still? vertical or horizontal? Any other clues that might help us out?” Frank asked.

Sophie took another mouthful of latte and gave Franks question some thought before she swallowed and answered. “Ok it was definitely vertical, maybe slightly leaning to one side, but it kept switching anyway. Like one time it would be slightly to the left and the other time slightly to the right. In the hallway It was lower, like at the same height as my waist and in the kitchen, it was higher up, like closer to my face.”

“Very strange” Frank said, “Was it obscured somehow, perhaps covered by something, or could you see the whole sausage clearly, Sophie.”

Sophie looked up at Frank enthusiastically “Yeah, actually it was now that you mentioned it. Its like it was covered by something, or behind something, maybe a fabric or material. Almost like it was hiding there just waiting to pop out at any moment.

Frank took a step closer to Sophie, the front of his pants at the exact same height as her head. “It’s the darndest thing” he said, pressing his mid-section even closer, until his crotch was no more than 10 inches away from her face.

Sophies gaze drifted back down to Franks crotch when he approached, her light blue eyes unflinchingly fixated on his bulge.

Frank looked down, watching her as she stared directly at it. “You ok, Sophie?” he asked, “recollecting anything else, more clues that might help us out?”

Sophie nodded, “I think I found it” she whispered softly while pointing to the front of his pants.

“In there, you think there’s a sausage in my pants?” Frank said.

Sophie nodded again “A big one and I think it’s moving around or getting bigger, or something.”

Frank shook his head, “Well this does indeed keep getting stranger doesn’t it. Any ideas on what we should do about it Sophie?”

Sophie gazed back up at him, “I could take a look, it’s probably the only way to find out if there’s really a sausage in there.”

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