16 Ekim 2024

A Pretty Elf in Qeynos Part XI

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Llisanya came up from the Down Below via the sewer grate in Qeynos Harbour. She should have used the Elddar Wood entrance again but it was late and she was in a hurry; anxious to find Falco and find out why he had not returned to M’Tun. She headed to Fish’s Ale House just down the road.

She found Ellister at his usual table. He looked up from his whiskey. “Hello Llisanya. Where, by Ro, have you been to get that nasty bruise on your face?”

“I’ve been hanging out with our mark” she responded cryptically. “Do you have any idea how much work he is?” She sat down and looked for the barmaid.

“If you’re looking for a server she’s over a couple tables being gangbanged for tips.” Ellister indicated the naked Human girl lying on her back on a table with her dress crumpled on the floor nearby. She was taking on all comers. At the moment a High Elf was on top of her really giving it to her. She had smallish breasts that were nonetheless quite attractive. Just then someone made a crude joke and those titties jiggled as she laughed.

“How does this place operate with such lousy service?” Llisanya got up and went over to the lady bartender. She gave Llisanya a pretty smile. Llisanya always overtipped her and she always overpoured. “Just give me a wine, please. Any wine.”

She returned to Ellister with her wine. She sat down and watched the horny men screwing the waitress. Someone new was now on top of her. Everybody was either cheering the libertine girl on or waiting their turn. Some were doing both. Ellister was noting which cocks were prettiest for future reference or maybe he was looking for anyone needing to buy a cock enlargement charm.

“I have to thank you for that performance you and Falco put on the other day in the window” Ellister complimented her.

“You saw us?”

“Uh huh. Some cute boy was so aroused by the show he asked me if I would suck him off. He had a lovely wang.”

Llisanya did not want to hear about Ellister’s self-indulgent fag encounters. She glowered at him accusingly “You got that mouthy little Arasai to yell that horrible insult, didn’t you?”

“Well, yes. Did it help our efforts?”

“Yes, but it hurt him badly, you son of a bitch!”

“Really? He sure looked to me like he was having fun. I envied you enjoying his nice looking cock going in and out. How often do you fuck him?

“Loads of times. He still isn’t doing it right.” She sipped her wine. It was quite good. It had a lovely nose plus a hint of pepper on the palate and a delightful finish. It had good legs. “I’ve swallowed his cum, too. He produces a ton” she teased Ellister. “I bet you wish he would cum down your throat while sucking his cock like I do.”

Ellister nodded, remembering how nice Falco’s cock looked as he pulled it out of Llisanya. How lovely those arcs of cum flew as he came all over her body. Nevertheless, he ignored his sudden, homosexual erection and decided they better get some business done. “So, where are we at with this scam, Llisanya?”

“Well…you’re sitting in this tavern and I am doing all the work.”

“That’s why you’re getting sixty percent. I get a paltry forty percent as a finder’s fee plus I did pay that Arasai to let him know how inadequate he is without my magic charm. That counts for something.” Ellister sipped his whiskey and returned to the matter at hand. “So what’s happening with him?”

Llisanya gathered her thoughts “…he has three gold and maybe M’Tun will give him some more work but he is not impressing anyone, especially not M’Tun. And maybe he will earn more coin but for now he has nothing in his wallet worth mentioning and, to boot, I do not even know where he is. I was hoping you had run into him.”

“I have not seen him since the night we agreed to pull this scam off. Well, except for the window sex. So…are you ready to pay me back my twenty silver and call this a bust?”

“No. It’s gotten complicated. Falco has not completed a job M’Tun gave him so I need to find out why he has not done it or else deal appropriately with him.” She took another sip of the wine as she spoke. Ellister noticed her wineglass trembled a little when she mentioned the need for ‘dealing appropriately’. In his line of business, Ellister stayed away from anything violent but he knew that Llisanya could be hired for matters requiring an expedient demise of someone. He doubted she was usually this nervous about murder.

The Half Elf currently fucking the server made three hard, deliberate thrusts into her as he orgasmed. Everyone around them hooted approval. He got off of her. Ellister noted how his long prick shone with dripping sperm.

The Half Elf pushed a couple silver in the server’s hand with a resulting round of boos from the audience at the paltry gratuity. Chastised, he gave her a couple more silver to make it a proper tip and the crowd sarcastically applauded his tardy generosity.

A young Human immediately got on top of her. His big penis was already out and pointing to the rafters. It swung about as he positioned himself. Ellister hit Llisanya on the upper arm. “Look at that cock, Llisanya! What a beauty!”

Llisanya turned to look at the ‘beauty’. The Human boy looked a little inexperienced trying to insert his impressive erection but he eventually got it in and started fucking a little awkwardly. Llisanya suspected this was his first time, judging by his youth and lack of expertise. Ellister chortled “What I could teach him to do with that big dick, Llisanya…!”

Llisanya got bored watching the show and had to find Falco, anyway. She knocked back her wine like it was a shot of hard liquor and said “I need to try a few other spots to find our asshole friend. Catch you later, Ellister.” She left her business partner to his voyeuristic pleasures.

Ellister tore his eyes off the lad’s pistoning hips to watch Llisanya leave. She was behaving oddly. If he did not know her better he would have suspected she actually cared about that foolish Wood Elf boy.

A few yards outside the Ale House, Llisanya dove into the stream and swam under the bridge looking for Sprockfuddle. In order to keep intact whatever reputation she still had she preferred to mostly keep clear of those shady folk down in the well. Still, she knew the place well enough. She popped up into the cellar half expecting everyone to have gone home.

Arabella was still there. No one else had remained that late, but Arabella was not technically a citizen and thus tended not to go topside too often.

“Hello, Llisanya” Arabella said “It’s been so long since you have come to buy my wares. Did I cheat you too much last time?”

“No, Arabella, you only cheated me a little. You must be slipping.” Llisanya climbed out of the well and hopped up and down to shake the water off her. Her incredibly firm tits hardly bounced. She tilted her head to clear her ears. “Sorry to not bring you any business, but I am looking for Sprockfuddle.”

“Everyone today is looking for Sprockfuddle” Arabella complained. “Well, he is not here. The guards woke him up early yesterday morning by smashing in his front door and hauling him off to prison. Thank Karana, too. I have been getting all his customers.”

“I am so happy for you. But can you tell me if a good looking Wood Elf fellow was by looking to deliver a message to him?”

Arabella did not like telling anyone about her customers’ comings and goings. Some of them were particular about that. She started needlessly organizing her well organized merchandise, avoiding Llisanya’s eyes as she answered “nope, I have seen no one all day. Business was really slow.”

“You just complained that everyone was here looking for Sprockfuddle. Now you tell me no one came by?”

“Well…no one came by that was important.” Caught in her lie, Arabella started reorganizing the clothes and armour display behind her. She unnecessarily took a cheap chainmail jerkin off the rack and hung it further down the same rack in a totally pointless action. The jerkin was a real lousy looking piece of armour only an idiot would waste his money on.

“Excuse me, Arabella, but where did you get that chainmail jerkin you just moved?”

“Oh, this? Why…why I’ve had it for a few weeks.” She removed it to show Llisanya. “It’s pretty good stuff. I can let it go for four gold. Oh, what am I thinking? For you, good cousin, let’s call it three.”

“I’m not interested in overpriced crap. Where is the Wood Elf that used to own that piece of junk?”

Arabella figured there was no further sense in lying. “How should I know, he left here just after Starzbet we all fu-…um…I mean…just after noon.”

Llisanya knew what often went on down there in the well and with Arabella’s beautiful features and obvious endowments did not credit Falco with resisting any sexual invitations from that oversexed Dark Elf. She was unexpectedly angry. “You bitch, you fucked him, didn’t you?”

Arabella first looked guilty then became defiant. “Yeah” she boasted. “Yeah, okay, in fact, we all fucked him. He had a nice cock. I gobbled his goop down and it tasted fantastic! He had so much for me I didn’t need any fucking lunch.”

“You tramp. He’s my boyfriend! That was my cum!” This exclamation took Llisanya by surprise. He wasn’t her boyfriend and she didn’t need his cum. Why had she said that?

“Your boyfriend? I didn’t see any label on him saying that you owned his prick. I had every right to let him put it in me. Besides, seeing as how his balls were so chocker block full I don’t understand why you are so mad; you definitely haven’t been tending to his needs. I mean, he came like a centaur!“

“Shut up, you bed-bouncer. Just don’t touch him again!” What was she saying? She should be glad to see him bothering some other female instead of her. She took a breath and collected herself. She looked at Arabella and said a little more calmly. “I need to know where he went, is all.”

“Well, I don’t know where he went. I sold him some fairly good chainmail and a decent bo staff and he fucked off. Maybe he went off to screw his other girlfriend! Check with her.”

“Fuck you, you little Inky whore.” So at least Llisanya knew he been there and had not found Sprockfuddle. But where did he go afterward? Llisanya huffed angrily and turned back to the well.

Arabella’s tone was suddenly conciliatory. “Llisanya, you’ve got an aweful bruise on your face. Are you all right?”

Llisanya turned back and looked at the Dark Elf directly in her beautiful almond eyes. She had never noticed how lovely her eyes were. She decided Arabella was being sincere.

“Yeah, I’m alright. It’s just a love tap from your boyfriend, ‘Scratchy’.”

Arabella lowered her eyes and fussed with her merchandise again. “He’s a bastard.” She paused as if clearing a lump in her throat. She didn’t look up. “If I find out anything about your boyfriend’s whereabouts I will let you know, Llisanya.”

Llisanya was touched by the unexpected kindness. “Ok, thanks, Arabella. That’s decent of you. I’m sorry I called you those names. For the record, he’s not my boyfriend. I was just frustrated. You can enjoy him all you want; let him fill you up to your eyeballs. He’s just another dumb male with a perpetually hard cock.” She dove into the well and disappeared.

Llisanya dropped by the brothel next because it was close by. How young she had been the first time she stood before this door, a homeless waif. Now all grown up, she knocked.

The madam was a huge Barbarian woman who could look after unruly customers all by herself. “Hello, Honey. Why are you sopping wet? You look like a drowned rat.”

Llisanya ignored the question. “I am looking for a handsome Wood Elf with some economically priced chain armour, a bo staff and no common sense. Anyone like that in there, Fiona?”

“Sweetheart, you know the rules: I can’t tell you. Unless, of course you want to come work for me again. I can find you all of the handsome Wood Elves your perfumed vagina can handle.”

While she was speaking, Fiona thought she saw something. She shifted slightly so the light behind her fell on Llisanya’s bruised face. Someone had hit her.

“Just please break the rules this one time, Fiona. Is he here?”

Fiona checked behind her to ensure no one would see her flouting her own regulations and whispered “no one like that right now, Sweetie, but I have more customers than working girls tonight. I can pay you two thirds of what you bring in freelance. Your older gentlemen still ask about you, you know.” She then leaned in and pleaded kindly “come back home, Llisanya. It’s safe here.”

When Llisanya declined, Fiona gave her an genuinely affectionate hug and said what she always said. “Be careful out there, Dear.”

Llisanya checked the other taverns without finding Falco then headed to Falco’s crummy apartment. She found it empty. The unmade bed was just as they had left it in the early morning. It smelled like Falco’s cum and her pussy. She climbed in and tried to go to sleep but she tossed and turned a long time. She couldn’t stop worrying about what had happened to him. Uncharacteristically, her thoughts dwelt on Arabella’s almond eyes and shapely body. The image of Falco eagerly driving his elegantly curved cock between Arabella’s indigo thighs aroused her despite her jealousy at such infidelity.

She waited to hear the door knob being turned and for Falco to walk in and cuddle with her and caress her breast until her nipple hardened. He would explain about Sprockfuddle’s arrest being the problem. She would demand to know if he had enjoyed Arabella as much as he enjoyed her and make him apologize however he answered. They could hump away naked in front of the window tomorrow morning if he wanted and then they could straighten out things with M’Tun. Everything would be fine.

She gave her head a figurative shake and she told herself she was being an idiot. Falco had made no commitments to her and besides, he was just a mark…and an idiot. Very early in the morning she finally fell asleep. Falco had not come home.

Llisanya woke to a polite tapping on the door. Late-morning sunlight poured through the window where everyone had watched them fornicate.

She was sure it was Falco knocking; the moron has lost his key again. Why didn’t he just pick the lock like she had showed him? She rolled out of bed naked and opened the door for him. She wanted him to see her nude and give her that look he had given her beside the moat as she changed into dry clothes. Her nipples were as hard as they were then.

A strange Wood Elf was standing there, getting a good eyeful of her perfect tits and curvy thighs. Surprised, she crossed her arms over her nipples but to cross her legs to hide her slit would have put her in a poor defensive stance should this stranger prove a problem. She had to stand there in a posture that left her ready to fight but with her most intimate girl parts showing. “May I help you?” she asked in a guarded tone.

The stranger did not comment on her nakedness but clearly enjoyed the view of her shaved snatch. He also did not comment on the bruise that had now become a black eye. “I have been hired to deliver a message for a certain Llisanya.”

He lifted his eyes from her crack up to her chest, admiring the swell of her barely covered breasts being pushed up by her modestly crossed arms. She was unaware the upper portions of her areolas were showing over the tops of her forearms but he saw them.

“I am Llisanya.”

The Wood Elf delivered his message as if memorized. “There is a required cleanup in the Cess Pool. Please attend to the problem right now.”

He waited for Llisanya to acknowledge the message. She was giving him a fully erect boner. He seriously considered pushing this immodest little Half Elf into the room and slamming the door behind them. The unmade bed looked like it would be a very comfortable place to pin her down and have his way. No one would blame him; she was just a little cockteasing exhibitionist who had answered the door without a stitch on. It wouldn’t be rape.

Llisanya knew that look he was giving her nakedness. By the obvious hard-on in his leggings she could see he was sexually agitated by her unclothed state. She waited to see if he would move to take advantage of her, ready to fight him off if he tried anything.

On any other day it would have been fun to see if he did try anything. If he got the best of her in the resulting struggle he would have earned the right to the use of her. It was a good way to get leverage on a man. Most males felt guilty after the assault and invariably the male never wanted Llisanya to mention such an incident to a jealous girlfriend or a suspicious wife. She had called in not a few favours on past offenders after they had committed such assaults on her. Today she did not have time for Machiavellian games.

The messenger was indeed trying to decide whether to do anything. With that black eye she had, common sense said she was not the helpless little girl she appeared. He hesitated to do anything.

When nothing happened, Llisanya Starzbet Giriş relaxed a little. She figured if he was going to do something about her vulnerable state of undress he would have done so already. “I understand the message” she at last told him dismissively “now stop gawking.”

That rude remark annoyed the messenger. After the frustration of searching for her for four hours he had every right to ‘gawk’ at her if she was going to answer the door like a bare-ass whore. He knew right then he had the right to fuck her.

Too sudden for Llisanya to react, he stepped forward and gave her a massive bear hug before she could uncross her folded arms. He had them pinned to her chest in a powerful embrace.

Her arms immobilized, Llisanya realized too late that she should not have had her arms crossed. What a stupid mistake. He lifted her up, stepped into the room and pushed the door shut with his heel. She angrily kicked at him with her helplessly dangling feet but made no contact. “You asshole! Get out! GET OUT!!”

He ignored her. Still holding her immobile in his arms he moved further into the room and dropped her ass onto Falco’s bed, falling with her and keeping his weight on top of her. Her arms remained pinioned against his chest.

“You son of a bitch! Get offa me!!”

“No.” He liked her spunk. He was really going to enjoy this fuck. He dared not release her arms so he puzzled how was he going to get his erection out. He rubbed his pants up and down against her naked thigh, getting them to slide down off his ass until his hard cock popped free. Its size was bigger than Llisanya preferred but nothing to fear.

“Stop squirming, Slut! You know you were asking for it; standing there buck naked!” She struggled and growled at him like a vicious wolverine in a leg trap while trying to get her arms free.

What a feisty little babe! It was fun to hold her down. He used his knees to pry her alabaster thighs apart. She tried to keep them together but he was too strong. At last her pretty slit was spread wide open, sparkling pink and ready for his manful rights. If only she would hold still instead of twisting and bucking and generally interfering with his attempts to enter her. It would have been easy if he could have used his hands to guide himself in. He dared not release her arms so he made several failed attempts to get his knob on target and penetrate her. “Hold still, Cockteaser! I’m not going to do anything your boyfriends don’t already do!”

Finally he poked the first inch of his prick into her gash. He would have pushed it further in slowly, like a considerate gentleman, but with her rolling around and not co-operating he was afraid she would manage to get his dick to slip back out. To forestall that event, he rammed it in hard, all the way up to the hilt. She was a snug little piece of fluff.

Llisanya shrieked in discomfort as he bottomed out in her unprepared womanhood. “Not so deep, you bastard. You’re too big!”

As she expected, the only answer the messenger made was to pull back and push in again. It sexually aroused men to hear they were too big for the vadge they were in and, in her experience, every man did exactly the same ramming act when they heard their size being ‘complimented’. But she protested his cock size because it was fun to tell males that they had a big schlong. She liked to see their vain reaction. She started to get just a little wet when she saw him grin at hearing his cock was ‘too big’.

Llisanya lay back and endured the somewhat uncomfortable violation of her vagina by a stranger’s prick It was only a little bigger than Falco’s so she should have been okay with it if only he had just performed at least a perfunctory bit of foreplay. She felt the penis slide brutally in and out of her. Her assailant was not caring a hang about her pleasure. It was still a better fuck than Falco gave her.

“Don’t cum in me.” she ordered him. He made no answer, he just kept fucking. He began moving faster and she knew he intended to empty his balls inside her just to spite her. “Don’t cum in me yet!”she amended. “Let me cum before you finish.”

“How long you gonna be?”

“Just don’t cum, I’m close! And let my arms go so you can watch me play with myself.” He obligingly slowed down to a slower pace and for some reason decided to free her arms as requested. He wanted a good look at her rib balloons anyway. He lifted his weight off, freeing her arms. He expected her to slap him or try to scratch his eyes but instead she reached down and used both hands to rub herself while he watched.

“Just be patient” she told him “I need to be wetter to accommodate your girth.” He waited only a short time then went back to pumping her at a moderate speed while watching her masturbate for him. He was chuffed she found his shaft too thick.

Before too long, she had a small climax. As it subsided, she flung her arms out in submissive abandonment, fingertips glistening with her own lubrication.

Her breasts were now fully exposed for his examination. He had never seen a pair of mounds such as she had. They pointed straight up for him to admire. As he banged her, her tiny body moved in answer to his driving thrusts but her amazing tits hardly swayed.

He grabbed her wrists and held them down on the bed. She seemed to like that and told him “help yourself…enjoy, Big Boy!” She spread her legs wider for him and murmured “I’m almost there!”

Finally she’s co-operating, he thought and kept fucking her slow but hard. She saw him staring at her breasts. That was how Daddy leered at them. “You like my titties, Creep?” He nodded. He bent forward and fastened his mouth on the left nipple, standing tall above the areola. The thick stalk elongated in his mouth as he sucked.

She started to make those female noises that signaled an intense orgasm was beginning. He figured she was close enough to her climax that he could resume his rapid thrusting. He was soon breathing hard from the exertion required to fuck her at full tilt.

“There it is!” she told him “I’m gonna cream all over your big rhino prick!” She said it loudly enough that the neighbours must have heard. Her back arched, her face and chest flushed, she closed her eyes to better enjoy.

She came on the messenger’s cunt-stabbing penis as she thought about Daddy’s hard cock. Stupid, dead Daddy. The climax rolled over her in mounting spasms while her face twisted in an intensity that revealed the magnitude of the orgasm.

Thank Marr she’s finally cumming, the messenger thought. He would not have lasted much longer. He made a couple more thrusts then drove his cock deep and held it as far inside her as he could.

“Do it, Daddy!” she whispered in his ear, eyes still closed.

Llisanya felt his cock twitch. His penile muscles contracted and sent a voluminous amount of semen along his dick to flow into Llisanya’s insides. She felt the warm torrent coating her vaginal walls. He certainly did not splash her as full of jism as Falco did when he came in her but it was still a lot and the feel of it sent a pleasant thrill through her. She lay back and enjoyed the knowledge that a strong, confident male had forcefully asserted his rights to use her as he wished. She admired strong males. She had a another small climax as she felt his penis twitch again, sending more warm cum oozing into her cooze.

When he was done, they lay together a short while not talking. The messenger was collapsed on top panting heavily from the effort of both restraining and fucking Llisanya simultaneously. He remained in her. She reflected she best not let Falco know that another man had just had her in his bed nor must he know how she had loved it.

Finally, still out of breath, the messenger got off her and stood next to the bed. His cock was soft. He pulled his leggings up.

Llisanya rose and stood facing him, nude. She said nothing as she grabbed Falco’s only towel and used it to sop up all the cum leaking out of her and down her thigh. The cum soaked into Falco’s towel.

“That was a nice romp, Honey.”

She hung the sticky towel on the headboard to dry. “Yeah, for a rape” she answered tartly.

He bristled at the accusation. “It wasn’t rape, I made you cum! Had it been rape why didn’t you shout to your neighbours for help?”

“Because in this crap neighbourhood all the men would have come in and cheered you on, then lined up for their turn. I’m busy today and don’t have the time to wait for a bunch of bastards to stick their peckers in my crack and use it to jerk themselves off.”

He Starzbet Güncel Giriş looked at Llisanya’s petite figure. That flat tummy, those perfectly proportioned curves, those unbelievable breasts. “With that perfect little body, they would not have taken very much time to ‘jerk themselves off’ in your crack.”

Llisanya was not in the mood for compliments. “Let’s not discuss it. We both had fun but I need to go look after the Cess Pool and you need to leave before my boyfriend comes home and you two have to get into a knife fight over me. Trust me, I am not worth it.”

She saw him to the door. He kissed her thank you on the cheek, caressing her breast one last time. She lifted his monogrammed handkerchief out of his back pocket.

He turned to go but added as he walked down the hall. “You sure were hard to find. I’d been tracking you since dawn just to give you that nonsensical message.” He disappeared down the stairs to the main floor below.

Llisanya frowned as she stood there with her sore crotch dripping more semen. She wiped it up with the handkerchief.

She needed to find Falco quickly if they were going to sort things out. Instead, she just lost thirty minutes losing a wrestling match to a pervert because she was not more prepared to fend him off. What an idiot she had been to stand there with her arms folded in modesty as if half of Qeynos hadn’t already seen her tits. And now, having wasted that half hour with him she was still going to have to deal with the Cess Pool business. She would be able to make it quick she hoped and Falco must be somewhere easy to find.

She washed her pubic area then hurriedly got dressed. Some makeup hid her black eye a little. She pulled on her second best top since she had not yet mended the one Falco had ripped. She headed out, dagger in a secret pocket.

She walked into the Harbour District then up towards the Clock of Ak’Anon. The thing was broken again. It was stuck on 10 o’clock. “Will someone get one of those crazy Gnomes to fix this?” she muttered. She headed past it and into a secluded dead end alley. A plain door no one much noticed was the only thing there. A small sign on it read:

“Cess Pool Access. Restricted to Qualified Persons. WARNING: DEADLY FUMES! Please Ensure your Designated Protective Survival Gear is Fully Functioning Prior to Entry”

She knocked hard to be heard on the inside. After a mere second or two the door opened. A tapestry always hung over the door to hide its existence from those inside. A hand had pulled the tapestry aside and a familiar voice said “About time, Llisanya. Please step in.”

She entered Vishra’s office and curtsied politely to the Marshall. She was always a little hurt that her reputation was so sullied that Vishra could not have her enter his office through the front vestibule like a lady. Her pragmatic side told her the work she often did for Vishra required a degree of secrecy. This helped her accept such things as they were.

He dropped the tapestry back in place. “You took your time coming, Llisanya.”

“Your messenger only just found me” she apologized, already unbuttoning her top. They always had sex first. Sometimes that was all he wanted. She never charged Vishra any coin for it; he repaid her in other ways. She pulled open her top. Her stark white breasts thrust out for him to feel. She hoped her black eye was not too apparent.

Vishra reached forward to her lovely rack. To her surprise, he closed her top back up. “I needed you here three hours ago, Llisanya. I regret we must deal with some business rather quickly today. I assure you, we will have fun when the work is complete.”

“Oh…excuse my presumption, Lord.” She bowed slightly and re-buttoned her top. This was not good; Llisanya had hoped Vishra just wanted a quickie. She needed to find Falco, not run around doing other tasks. “How may I help you, Sir?”

“I need you to go discreetly check up on an undercover informant of mine named Cadwarra. I am impatient to see if she has completed her assignment so she can get back to working on the task she and my nephew have been given. She’s in jail and until we pull her out I can’t be connected too closely to her. If you are seen to be her acquaintance no one will think anything but that she is of a questionable reputation. That shiner your make-up isn’t hiding helps, too.”

Her low reputation was an asset to Lord Vishra? Llisanya tried to hide her reaction, but that hurt. Was she always going to be just one of Fiona’s girls? She realized how much she wanted to be someone who could come in the front entrance of Vishra’s office instead of skulking in through the ‘Cess Pool’ whenever Lord Vishra wanted a piece of tail or an unsavoury errand performed.

She recognized the name ‘Cadwarra’ from something Falco had mumbled that first night she had slept in his bed. She suspected Cadwarra used the front entrance to Vishra’s office. Jealous, she also wondered if Cadwarra and Vishra were fucking and if that was why he was not needing a ‘piece’ right now. All her lovers were sticking their cocks elsewhere, it seemed.

Vishra was not insensitive to Llisanya’s reaction to his unthinking remark and regretted his words. He admired how the diminutive Half Elf had survived in a heartless world. He knew her background; more than Llisanya realized. She came from a hodge podge of ancestors; mostly Human and Wood Elf but her family tree went back generations before a purebred could be found. Her fair complexion came from her single High Elf forefather and belied the smidgeon of Dark Elf ancestry which explained her tiny size and some of her odd quirks. Quirks Vishra often found useful.

“You will be very well paid for a simple task” he assured her.

She hardly felt comforted but she appreciated he had recognized he had hurt her and was trying to apologize. She thought this may be a good time to ask a conciliatory favour of Vishra. “Lord? May I ask the name of that messenger you sent and if he has a wife?”

Vishra studied her and pondered her black eye. “Was there a problem with the messenger? He is usually very reliable.”

“He was fine, Marshall. But he owes me a future favour. In return for such a favour, I shall not return his handkerchief to his wife nor mention any details of his…how shall I say it…masculine assertiveness this morning.”

Vishra understood Llisanya perfectly. “Please forgive him his impulsive youth. You are very attractive and he likely realized that unwanted overtures to a girl of your reputation cannot be considered rape. I will have a sharp word with him about delaying your answering my summons just so he could satisfy his base male needs.”

She decided not to worry about Vishra’s last remark about her reputation. She knew he was right. “Lord, I am sure he meant no disrespect to you.”

Vishra gently pulled Llisanya’s tiny body into his arms. She leaned into his embrace. “Still, he can’t go treating you like that.” Despite his haste today he let his hands begin to wander. “The messenger is named Baltazar” he told her as he ran his hands all over her firm, round backside. “As for the name of Baltazar’s woman, leave me to find that out. I will have her name next time we meet. If Baltazar took advantage of you, then have your revenge, Llisanya. He deserves to be blackmailed out of every ‘favour’ you can get.”

To show her appreciation, she reached down to his obvious erection. She ran her hand along the monstrous length. The immense size of it always intimidated her.

Vishra raised his hands to her girl-bubbles and kneaded them. “Such perfect tits” he told her as she kept caressing his prick “I can’t really blame Baltazar for impetuously taking you.

“Thank you, Lord.”

He reluctantly let Llisanya go and returned to the business at hand. “As we were discussing, can you get into the cell area to talk to Cadwarra? You just need to discreetly find out if she has the needed information yet. We need an address and confirmation that two specific fugitives are there.”

Llisanya straightened out her disarranged clothing as she considered the task. How pleasant his hands had felt as he had pawed her body. Finally she replied “Well, I do know the Senior Jailor…”

“And will he help you?”

Llisanya knew he could be cajoled, but at a cost in effort and coin. This was not the simple task Vishra anticipated it would be. “Lord, he will help me but I will need to do something in return. I will need to swing by my apartment for some special perfume I have and I will require a certain magic charm from Ellister. They usually cost two platinum.”

She was relieved Vishra did not ask for more details about the charm. He just went to his petty cash and gave the required plat to her. She had not realized how much he trusted her word.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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