17 Ekim 2024

Divorce Lawyer Pt. 11

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“Well, don’t you look happy,” Grant said when he saw Penny enter the office Monday morning.

“Another perfect weekend in paradise,” Penny sighed. “I can’t believe how much I love that house and being there. I’m finally figuring out how to just relax when I’m there, something that you should consider doing more often.”

“You’re probably right,” Grant conceded. “Fortunately, I was here working, getting a new client.”

“Oh! Who? What’s the case about?” Penny asked eagerly as Cindy showed up with two coffees.

“This should be an interesting case,” Grant said.

“They’ve all been interesting,” Penny laughed.

“This one involves Dwayne and Gladys Hill, 66 and 65 respectively,” Grant explained. “They live in the Audubon suburb of New Orleans near Tulane University, where our client, Dwayne, retired a year and a half ago after teaching in the School of Public Health for 40 years. Gladys is a retired elementary school teacher. Gladys comes from old Louisiana oil money. She’s conservatively worth some $6 billion which she inherited upon the deaths of her parents. The gist of the story, according to our client, is that Gladys wanted more excitement in their lives once they retired and encouraged an exploration of the swinging lifestyle.”

“Oh, wow, at their age?” Penny laughed.

“Dwayne worships the ground that Gladys walks on and is incapable of refusing her anything, so he agreed,” Grant continued. “Dwayne says that they had always had a dynamic sexual relationship, but that it had waned. Gladys apparently took to the swinging lifestyle like a duck to water, especially with other women. Dwayne was slower to fully get into it, but didn’t want to disappoint Gladys’ new-found enjoyment of life. At her encouragement, he experimented, including with other men, and found that he enjoyed it. When Gladys realized how much he was enjoying that aspect of their swinging, she became upset and asked for a divorce.”

“But it was her idea?” Penny asked.

“So our client maintains,” Grant replied. “He’s not interested in a divorce and now thoroughly enjoys their new lifestyle and has no wish to return to the way things were prior to their entering the world of swinging. While Gladys maintains that their relationship is irretrievably broken, Dwayne says that it’s never been better and insists upon receiving $500 million to agree to a divorce, his point being that he only agreed to the change in their lives at her insistence and that she’s unfairly trying to punish him for enjoying himself.”

“How do you see things going?” Penny asked.

“As ever, it’s all about face and public humiliation,” Grant replied. “They’re very prominent in New Orleans’ elite social society due to Gladys’ family connections. Dwayne has fully embraced his new-found lifestyle and feels that he has nothing to lose if he is exposed, while Gladys fears the humiliation and scandal that would accompany a public trial. I’d say that we’re sitting in the cat bird’s seat on this one.”

“It sounds like fun,” Penny said, smiling.

“It sounds lucrative,” Grant laughed. “We’ve got our $10 million retainer and stand to get 10% of any settlement.”

“It’s funny, but I don’t think about the money,” Penny said. “I’ve already made more money than I ever imagined having, more than I could possibly spend in a dozen lifetimes. I’m enjoying the process, watching you work, and I get off on the salacious details of our clients’ lives.”

“That’s a good thing, because we’re going back to Philadelphia Wednesday to interview Mr. Gold,” Grant said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Ron Winters,” the slender black man introduced himself as he rose to his feet when Grant and Penny were shown into an office when they arrived from the airport after their flight.

“Grant Studder, and my co-counsel, Penny Lane,” he introduced as they shook hands.

“My client, Jeremy Gold,” Ron introducing the tall, slightly overweight man with brown hair and hazel eyes wearing the uniform of a Philadelphia policeman.

“Mr. Gold,” Grant said, shaking his hand. “Sorry that we’re having to meet under such circumstances.”

“You’re not the only one,” Jeremy replied, eyeing Penny, whose thick cherry nipples and breasts were clearly visible through her pale-blue blouse.

“My client is willing to answer your questions, though I reserve the right to tell him not to answer if I feel it necessary,” Ron said as they all took seats.

“Fair enough,” Grant said. “Mr. Gold, even though I represent your wife, my interest is in resolving the issues at hand in the best way possible for everyone concerned. I hope that you can believe that.”

“That’s easy enough,” Jeremy said. “Have her withdraw the request for a divorce. It’s not necessary. I’ve already apologized to her many times. It was an inadvertent lapse and I didn’t really mean it.”

“I believe you,” Grant said. “Unfortunately, your wife has been deeply hurt by your words and she’s a very determined woman.”

“Stubborn, turhal escort you mean,” Jeremy said. “What do you want to know?” he asked.

“I’d like to hear your version of what led up to the unfortunate incident that has precipitated this legal action,” Grant replied. “Obviously, I’ve heard how your wife sees things.”

“Where should I start?” Jeremy asked.

“The beginning would be a good place,” Grant replied. “If certain things are too painful for you to talk about, I’ll understand.”

“It’s not as painful as it used to be,” Jeremy said. “I don’t have the nightmares very often anymore.”

“That would be pertaining to the murder of the child?” Grant asked.

“Yes,” Jeremy said. “It’s still the most awful thing I’ve seen in my life and I’ve seen some pretty terrible stuff,” Jeremy said with a sigh. “Philadelphia has an extremely evil aspect to it that most people don’t realize who don’t live here. I was pretty raw when it happened, a cop for less than a year. The barbarity of it all was too much for me to handle. I saw doctors and took all sorts of pills, but nothing really helped all that much. And then there was the problem with sex.”

“The main thing that made me and Rose so great together was sex,” Jeremy explained. “The rest of our lives were just a sideline around sex. When I couldn’t, afterwards, it put a lot of strain on our relationship, at least from my perspective. I knew how important the sex was to her. It was to me, too, but not like it was for Rose. I’m no expert, but I always thought that she was a nymphomaniac, which she loved to hear. She was proud of it. I tried to make up for my inadequacies in other ways, orally, with toys and things, but nothing could replace a real cock.”

“I was pretty desperate,” Jeremy continued. “I was worried about losing Rose. So when Dr. Denholm suggested that we try having another man help, I was willing to try it, anything to avoid losing her. I asked my best friend, Frank Harris, if he’d be willing to help. I knew that he thought that Rose was sexy. He agreed and came home with me one night after our shift. I could tell that Rose was nervous and so was I. Frank was great, though. He treated her with respect, kissed her, played with her breasts, even ate her before he started fucking her.”

“How did you feel about seeing that?” Grant asked.

“I had mixed feelings,” Jeremy replied. “On the one hand, I hated seeing Rose with another man, but it was also exciting, seeing her reacting to him, watching him fucking her. When I realized that I had an erection, I couldn’t believe it. It had been months since I’d had one. Rose insisted that I fuck her right away and I did, even with Frank watching. We were both pretty emotional about it, but it felt so good to be able to do it again.”

“We tried again the next day and nothing,” Jeremy continued. “I couldn’t get an erection. We tried for a few days before we decided that we should try it with another man again. Rose admitted that she had enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind, especially if it had the same effect on me again. So we did and it worked. I was able to have sex with her. So I started bringing different guys home with me once or twice a week. We decided that it would be better that way than having the same guy, making it into some kind of an affair.”

“How did you feel about that?” Grant asked.

“Seeing Rose enjoying herself, I stop caring that it was some other guy,” Jeremy replied. “It was exciting. I got to where I enjoyed seeing her fucking other men, especially since it always resulted in me being able to fuck her afterwards. We’d try it on our own, but nothing ever happened, so it just became a part of our lives, me bringing home other men, always fellow cops. I accepted it, realizing that it wasn’t personal for her with any of them, that it was just about the sex and getting me stimulated enough to be able to do it, too.”

“Then I blew it,” Jeremy said, shaking his head. “She had just finished fucking three guys – sometimes I brought more than one home with me, which she loved – and they had each fucked her and she had sucked them when they were ready to cum. She always did that. Rose is a cum freak, just loves the stuff. Then they all fucked her in the ass. When they finished, I started fucking her in the ass and that’s when I said what I did. The biggest mistake of my life. The next thing I knew, she wanted a divorce. It didn’t matter how much I apologized.”

“Was it always your initiative to bring home other men to help?” Grant asked.

“No, not at all,” Jeremy replied. “Rose was constantly asking me to do it. Sometimes more than twice a week. She’s an extremely sexual woman, just loves to fuck. She’d ask me to bring home more than one guy at a time, two, three of them. I was so glad to see her happy that I didn’t mind, especially since I knew that in the end, I’d get to do it, too.”

“And has this continued since she asked for the divorce?” Grant asked.

“More than ever,” Jeremy replied. tuşba escort “She bugs me practically every day now to bring someone home with me.”

“When was the last time it happened?” Grant asked.

“Last night, two guys,” Jeremy replied.

“Well, you’re certainly an extraordinary man who obviously loves your wife very much,” Grant said. “Not many men would be able to do what you have done.”

“What’s going to happen, Mr. Studder?” Jeremy asked. “I don’t want a divorce and I don’t want to lose Rose. I don’t care how many men she fucks.”

“That will be up to her,” Grant replied. “My job is to try to realize her wishes, but I’ll talk with her, see if she’s amenable to moderating her position. She still loves you. She’s said as much. She’s just hurt by your words.”

“I know that this is all my fault, all of it, her needing other men and now my big mouth screwing things up,” Jeremy said. “But I’ll do anything to make it up to her if she’ll just let me. I swear.”

“Well, I’ll certainly pass that on to her,” Grant said. “For now, I have no more questions. Thank you for agreeing to talk with me.”

“I just want this all fixed, back to the way things were,” Jeremy said.

“Mr. Winters, we’ll be in touch,” Grant said as he got to his feet, shaking hands with each of them.

As they exited the building, they were approached by a uniformed officer who said that someone would appreciate a few minutes of their time. Exchanging glances with Penny, Grant agreed and they were led to a black stretch limousine, which they entered.

“Mr. Studder, I’m Harold Myerson,” the man in the limousine introduced himself. “And you’re his daughter Penny, is that right?” he asked.

“Yes,” Penny replied. “Who are you?”

“Police Commissioner Myerson, I believe,” Grant said.

“You know of me?” Mr. Myerson asked, smiling.

“Only in the context of the Gold divorce proceedings,” Grant replied. “How can I help you?”

“This little matter is threatening to become the most devastating of incidents that could very well destroy the Philadelphia Police Department and greatly damage the public trust in it, which is sketchy at best,” Mr. Myerson replied.

“Not to mention your own personal reputation,” Grant said.

“So, she’s told you, has she?” Mr. Myerson asked, sighing. “Damned woman!”

“I think that you’ve got a lot of nerve,” Penny said. “Nobody forced you to fuck her.”

“Are you always so charmingly direct?” Mr. Myerson asked.

“Always,” Penny replied.

“We can’t let this continue to play out,” Mr. Myerson said. “There’s too much at stake. We’d like to resolve this in a civilized manner if we can.”

“And if you can’t?” Penny asked, shivering at the look he gave her.

“The Police Benevolent Association has a legal discretionary fund,” Mr. Myerson said, ignoring her question. “They’re willing to cover Rose’s legal costs and give her an additional $10 million if she’ll just let it go, resolve this and get back to normal.”

“You mean Rose continuing to be the police’s fuck toy,” Penny said.

“If that’s what she wants, yes,” Mr. Myerson replied, smiling thinly. “She’s eagerly enjoyed doing it for the past 20 years or so, so if that’s what she wants…” he said, shrugging. “Talk to her. Make her see reason. I’d hate to see anything happen to her or Jerry.”

“Are you threatening my client?” Grant asked incredulously.

“Wake up, counselor!” Mr. Myerson snorted. “You’re fucking with things and people who won’t be fucked with. Talk to her, then get back to me. Call me on my personal number,” he said, pulling out a business card and writing his number on the back. “Time is short. Don’t be a fool or allow your client to be one,” he said as he handed the card to Grant.

“I can’t believe that!” Penny gasped once they exited the limousine and it sped off. “Who does he think that he is?”

“Untouchable,” Grant replied. “Let’s go talk to Mrs. Gold.”

They flagged a taxi and went to the Gold residence, seeing a uniformed policeman exiting the house as they got out of the taxi. Going up to the door, Grant pressed the button to ring the bell.

“Did you forget something?” they heard Rose’s voice asking as the door opened and she stood there naked, the large dark nipples on her big breasts hard and sticking out, her inner thighs glistening wetly, cum still dripping from her pussy. “Oh! It…it’s you,” she said, her face flushing. “I-I wasn’t expecting you.”

“So I see,” Grant said. “May we come in?” he asked.

“Yes, of course,” Rose said, standing back as they entered. “I was just…” she started to say, picking up her housecoat and putting it on. “Please have a seat,” she offered, recovering her poise. “Why are you here?” she asked.

“We just spoke with your husband,” Grant explained. “He told us his version of the situation. He seems very sincere in his desire to make things up with you, to return to living the lives that you’ve managed to create.”

“Why should tüyap escort I?” Rose asked. “Without him, I can have men day and night and not have to worry about him finding out.”

“Don’t you love him?” Penny asked.

“Yes, but I’ve started to wonder if it isn’t more trouble than it’s worth,” Rose replied.

“Mr. Gold seems to be willing to endure anything to repair your relationship,” Grant said. “Would you be willing to let the divorce go if he were to agree to you having unrestricted freedom to have sex with as many men as you like, whenever you like?”

“Do you think that he’d agree to that?” Rose asked.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Grant replied. “Ask him. He’ll either agree or not. Either way, you lose nothing but stand to gain everything, including keeping your marriage intact. You do love him, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes,” Rose replied softly, sighing.

“There’s another factor that might influence your decision,” Grant said. “We happened to run into Police Commissioner Myerson. He made some veiled threats about your safety and that of your husband if you continue to pursue a divorce.”

“That putz,” Rose sneered. “Him and his small cock. He wouldn’t dare.”

“I wouldn’t count on that,” Grant said, shaking his head. “You’re threatening to destroy him and the entire police force if you disclose your ledger. He offered to cover your legal costs and give you a further $10 million if you’ll end things.”

“He’s scared!” Rose said gloatingly.

“Yes, and scared men often react irrationally,” Grant said. “As your lawyer, I’d advise you to consider his offer, especially if your husband would agree to give you your freedom, as it were.”

“I want to hear it from Harold himself,” Rose said. “And I need to talk to Jerry.”

“I’ll make a call and arrange a meeting,” Grant promised.

“She’s just amazing,” Penny said, laughing as they waited for an Uber in front of the Gold house.

“Quite a woman,” Grant agreed.

Getting home late, Penny was happy to find Amy there, joining her in bed after a shower.

“What a crazy day,” Penny said, lifting her face from Amy’s pussy. “This is just what I needed.”

“That’s supposed to be my line,” Amy laughed. “You’re eating me.”

“Mmm, I am, aren’t I?” she agreed, lowering her face back to her pussy.

“There’s a party this weekend,” Amy told her when they snuggled together. “Saturday night.”

“Oh! That sucks. I wanted to go to Nassau,” Penny said.

“I thought you might, but I figured I’d tell you anyway,” Amy said. “I’m going to stay here and go to the party. I can always go to the Bahamas.”

“I wonder if my mother is going,” Penny mused.

“Does it matter?” Amy asked.

“No,” Penny replied. “And you’re right. The Bahamas will always be there. These parties don’t happen all that often. Let’s go and have some fun.”

Saturday night arrived and Penny and Amy decided to wear loose shorts and T-shirts, wanting something easy to take off, knowing that they were going to spend most of the evening naked and on their backs. Penny drove them to the address that they had, north of the Palm Beach Country Club on N Ocean Boulevard between Orange Grove and List Roads.

“Wow, what a beautiful house,” Penny exclaimed as they turned into the drive and were directed to a parking spot by one of the liveried attendants. “What on earth is that?” she asked, gawking at a science-fiction inspired car parked by itself in an obviously special space.

“Bugatti Bolide,” one of the parking attendants said, overhearing her. “$4.7 million and it can do 311mph.”

“That’s insane,” Penny laughed. “Where could you drive it? But it is beautiful. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a more beautiful car.”

“I’d rather meet the guy who drives it,” Amy said. “It’s got to be a guy, right?” she asked.

“If it’s a woman, I definitely want to meet her,” Penny said. “Wow!”

Entering the house, they found themselves in a grand foyer, three stories high, with double, curved Koa wood staircases on either side going up to the second floor, a large crystal chandelier illuminating everything.

“This is great,” Penny said as they entered the house through the double staircases, starting to see people, though they were dressed, and a couple of large tables laden with food; one with large shrimp cocktails, heaping platters of clams and oysters on the half shell, ice bowls full of caviar, assorted fruits, and bowls of fresh vegetables with various dipping sauces, the other table covered in a kaleidoscopic array of desserts.

Following the crowd, they came to the back of the house, a huge patio surrounding a swimming pool on three sides, and covered with mattresses, dozens of naked people writhing on them in a variety of sexual situations.

“This is the place,” Amy said, quickly undressing, Penny following suit and dropping their clothes next to a planter before going outside.

When she felt someone grab her ankle, Penny looked down to see a man on his back, a woman riding his cock.

“You’re beautiful,” the man said, smiling up at her. “Sit on my face?”

“I’d love to,” Penny said, smiling at the woman as she squatted down, sighing when she felt the man’s mouth on her pussy.

“Isn’t this a lovely party?” the woman asked.

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