17 Ekim 2024


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I hope that you enjoy my story, and I would love feedback, but please not with a fake email address. If it is worth saying, good or bad, own it and let me respond. Please enjoy xx Mica

We had a week of briefings and introductory sessions in Cambridge, and then on to the airport at Brize Norton. It had been a pretty awful journey, England to Ascension, then Ascension to Port Stanley and finally onto Rothera. If we hadn’t had such poor relations with Argentina we could have flown in luxury to South America, but HMG decided on our safer passage route with the RAF. Finally, we were here. Antarctica for our three months stay. Dad is a scientist and is doing some work with ice cores, me, I am no freeloader, I am going to work supporting their heavy machine shop. I am a certified diesel technician and I know my way around the big Cats and will be maintaining the fleet. What an opportunity.

Whilst we were at Port Stanley they gave us some Antarctic wear, nothing we could buy in England would be good enough, and they equipped us with unbelievably warm coats with hoods, trousers, boots, mittens etc. We thought we had done well with what we had bought, but what we had bought were like summer rain wear in comparison. “Don’t wear the coat on the plane,” they said, “wait till you land, make sure you have it on before they open the doors.”

We were lucky, it was only minus 5˚C when we landed. “It can be minus 55,” the pilot cheerfully told us as he did his post landing briefing. “Head straight to the building over there at your eleven o’clock, you will be met and briefed properly there.”

The plane door was opened and the steps let down. The cold air rushed into the plane. ‘Christ above, that is cold,’ I thought. There were seven of us passengers on the plane and we all filed out, grabbing our luggage and heading over the surprisingly bare ground to the door that they had pointed out. Dad and I sort of lagged behind, letting the seasoned travellers that had been before lead the way.

“Good morning,” a chap in T shirt and shorts said. He had bare feet too. What?

“Welcome to you all, some familiar faces and some new. First rule, you do not go out of any building unless you take a tracker and enter the details on the board next to the door. You must not, ever, break that rule. There is no search and rescue here, it is usually search and recover. It can get to minus fifty five out there, and that will kill you in minutes. There might be bare ground out there, but tomorrow that could be two feet thick snow. Make no mistake, Antarctica will kill the unwary and careless.”

“Right,” he continued, “scared? Good. Now. No need to be. Inside the buildings it is always over twenty degrees and most of us walk round in shorts and tops. It is relaxed inside the buildings. No, we don’t have a swimming pool or hot tub, we don’t want to add those chemicals to the environment, but we do have mess areas, an Odeon cinema room, lounger rooms with recliners, a quiet room, a faith room, and a quiet room with a landline where you can just pick up and dial and talk to anyone anywhere. There are a few Gyms and work out rooms dotted about too. Our chef here does not have a Michelin star but we have awarded him a Two Penguin status. The food he conjures up is frankly amazing. Now, please look to the table on the left, there you will find your room allocations. Mikhail and Mica, hang around after and I will go through your allocation, okay? Right then. The rest of today is pretty free for you, but work starts at 0800 tomorrow and we are in permanent light at the moment, so make sure you take the opportunity to work out how you get to your work place. Mica, the engineering shop is on the far side of station, but you can get to it entirely indoors with the snow corridors, but, make sure you take your outdoor gear with you.”

“Okay then everyone. I have been Bill, welcome, enjoy your stay, and well, that’s it.” There was a ripple of applause and thanks, and we were done. We let the others go and grab their allocations and we walked up to Bill.

“Hello Bill, I am Mikhail, this is my daughter Mica.”

“Great, pleased to meet you and I hope you have a great three months and hope that you decide to come back again. Now then. Your room.”

“Yes?” Dad answered.

“We had a bit of an issue, we did have two singles assigned, but there was a technical problem with those rooms, and they are unusable. Now space is obviously at a bit of a premium, and most rooms are multiple occupancy. We have assigned you what we call a family room. It is a bit cosy, little personal space, but pretty much all we have. Is that going to be an issue? Only I am not sure what the alternative we could offer you is. The bonus is that it has its own private bathroom, most of the others have a shared bathroom.”

Dad looked at me. I shrugged.

“I am sure it will be fine, it’s not as if we don’t know each other,” I said, “thank you Bill, we don’t really want to be any trouble.”

Dad nodded, “exactly,” he agreed.

“Oh tunalı escort good. Right well, your allocation is over on the desk and there are building maps and direction signs everywhere. I really do recommend that you take the afternoon to find your way around so that you won’t be late in the morning. When you’re hungry, just head off to Mess and grab something. There is nearly always something hot available.”

“Thanks Bill,” dad said.

We went across to the table. ‘Blue Fam” dad read of the allocation, “and it looks like it is that way,” pointing to one of the doors that exited our arrivals room.

“Right dad, come on, let’s go and dump our stuff and have a look around, and I can’t wait to get these bloody outdoor clothes off, I am so hot.”

We followed the signs on the corridors and found our room opened the door and went in. Well, this was cosy.

“This is tiny Mica,” dad said, and he was not wrong. The room held a double bed, a chair, a dressing table, a wardrobe and there was a door off. Through that door was a bathroom with shower, basin and loo.

“Well, I can see why Bill might have been concerned. There is only one bed.”

“Dad, it’ll be fine, it’s wide enough. Come on, let’s drop our bags and have a wander.”

“Door doesn’t seem to lock baby.”

“I don’t imagine theft is much of an issue here. There is a deadlock on the inside, so we can lock ourselves in, dad, don’t worry.”

We shut the door behind us and headed off for a look see. The place was a bit of a maze and it took a while to get my bearings. But I think I had it sussed, and whilst it was a good fifteen minute walk through the snow corridors, it was straight forward run to the machine shops where I would be working. It was a lot cooler in the workshops, probably due to the huge roll up doors for getting the equipment in and out.

There was a Cat 11 dozer in the shop, and the engine looked partially disassembled. I guessed I would find out the situation in the morning. I was quite looking forward to working on the beast. A quarter of a million pounds worth of extreme engineering. I did know that the ones in use here were rugged winterised and had most of the emissions stuff deleted, sensors didn’t tend to work well in extreme cold. That pleased me, it made them more straight forward to work on.

The labs, where dad would be, were on the other side of the station to me and we went there next. They had a pass activated entry, so, we went and found the pass room and dad got his pass issued and authorised.

In the mess I got a chicken carbonara and dad had a steak with pepper sauce. They were really excellent; they certainly had a good chef and kitchen team in place. There were just a few occupied tables, I guessed there were busy and quiet times, probably coinciding with end of work shifts, and we had happened upon a quiet time.

We went back to our room and opened up and walked in, dad dropped the latch behind us. On the bed were two keys and a note. ‘You can lock the door if you want, here is a key each. A master copy is held in the admin office. Most people don’t tend to lock, hope the room is ok. PP Bill’

I opened the outer door and had another closer look, and yes, there was a small key hole, neither dad or I had noticed it. Oh well. I went back in and relocked the door, dad had stripped down to his pants.

“Are you tired dad? That journey has left me a bit bushed.”

“It is a bit of a killer, but my God, look where we are, I mean, end of the world.”

“I know. Pity we haven’t got a window.”

“True. I am going to the loo and then I am going to lay in bed.”

“Okay dad, I’ll go after you.” I stripped down to bra and panties, I normally sleep nude, but, well, that didn’t seem appropriate with dad.

Dad came out of the loo. Oops, well I couldn’t help looking.

“Dot of shame dad,” I said and squeezed past him to go to the bathroom.

I had a wee, cleaned my teeth, washed various bits and pieces and went back into the main room, dad was already in bed. I got in beside him and turned the lights off from the switch at the side of the bed. ‘Bit like a hotel room’ I thought. The room had a low blue glow, I guess it was a sort of emergency lighting, I was sure I would get used to it and it wasn’t long before I was gone, the room faded from view.

I woke up in what I presumed was the middle of the night and padded to the bathroom for a wee. For some odd reason I was feeling really horny, and I briefly had a little play, sliding my fingers up my valley and touching my clitoris, but I was too tired, my fingers would have to play later, but only if I managed to get any alone time in the room. I did not want to be pleasuring myself in front of dad or even within hearing distance, I can be quite vocal. Luckily the rooms either side of us didn’t seem to be accommodation rooms, so hopefully no one to overhear when I did.

I woke up in the morning not sure where I was, what noises I could hear were strange tunceli escort and unfamiliar, and I could feel movement that wasn’t me in the bed. I sat up and looked at my watch, 06:30. Oh, yes. That was dad and then I remembered where we were. I got out and went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, slipped my bra and pants off and got in. Oh that water was so nice, I think it was aerated, it felt so soft.

“Morning baby” dad said, standing in front of the loo. Couldn’t he have waited just a few minutes?

“Morning dad.” I ensured my back was turned to him and carried on washing, waiting for him to leave.

“I’ll leave you to it, I’ll have my shower when you’ve finished.”

“Okay dad.” I finished my shower and then wrapped a towel around me and went back into the bedroom.

“All yours dad, I’ll dry in here whilst you have your shower.

Dad went into the bathroom, and I started drying myself. I probably had most of me uncovered and bare when dad walked naked out of the bathroom, “just need some clean pants baby,” he said, “for after my shower. Sorry, I forgot.”

Right. Fine. I suppose we are just going to have to get used to no privacy. We haven’t even been here twenty-four hours.

I gave up. Sod it. Clean pants, and bra, coveralls, and socks and I was dressed. I had my own toe-tectors, and I had seen neoprene gloves and the like in the workshop, so I was ready. Dad came out of the bathroom in his pants. ‘why bother dad,’ I thought, ‘I’ve seen it all now.’

Dad dressed in shirt and slacks, and flip flops and we headed to breakfast. It was a lot busier than when we ate yesterday. I had fried egg, bacon, sausage, grilled tomato and coffee, dad had pretty much the same, but scrambled rather than fried egg.

We said farewells and I headed off to the other end of the station to the heavy workshop.

“Morning, you are Mica, yes?”

“Hi, yes, arrived yesterday.”

“Excellent, I go tomorrow, so you need to pick my brains today. I am Jack by the way.”

“Hi Jack. What’s up with the eleven?”

“Well, that’s a good question. How familiar are you with them?”

“I have done a few elevens, mostly tens though. The Cummins 3508 engine I am very familiar with, done a lot of those.”

“Excellent. There should nothing to phase you. All the service manuals and parts catalogues are in the grey cupboard over there. We carry a lot of stock, rings, seals, pistons, glow plugs, injectors, gaskets, filters, in fact pretty much everything for a comprehensive repair. That is all in the room next door. Anything else is air shipped, usually from the Australians and takes about a week to get here. You never know exactly when, it depends when they are next coming our way.”

“Okay, got it. Details for how to order?”

“In the grey cupboard. Now, the eleven. Been sluggish to start, blowing white smoke when started.”

“Have you done a compression test?”

“Yes. Looks okay, but it looks to me as if the issue might be cylinder four. That’s as far as I’ve got.”

“Okay. Let me get some gloves on and I’ll make a start.”

“Do you want a coffee?”

“yeah, that’d be great.” I grabbed some gloves and put them on. Had a look at the tool cupboard, I would need a long reach 10mm socket. Grabbed what I needed, climbed up the track and buried myself in the business side of the engine. I cracked loose the cylinder 4 glow plug and pulled it. Crikey though it was tight, I thought I might have to use the impact, but it released just as I was about to get the big guns. I left the tools as is and climbed back down.

The plug looked pretty poor. I showed it to Jack.

“Looks knackered to me,” I said, “but it is easy to test.”

“Oh that’s dead. You can test if you want or just replace it. I have a full set of replacements, if one goes, usually the others follow quite quickly.”

We spent most of the rest of the day replacing all the glow plugs. A couple of others looked as bad as cylinder four. The others I put aside for testing, if okay we might hang on to them as emergency spares. I checked all the Injectors, and they looked okay. I took a mental note to change the one for cylinder four if there was the slightest hesitation in starting.

“Outside, the operators always put burners under the blocks, otherwise they will freeze solid, but in here we don’t need it. I expect it’ll start right up once we have put it all back together.” Jack said.

“okay,” Jack said, “fire in the hole.” As the glow plugs did their job I waited for Jack to turn it over. I wanted to look at the exhaust stack as he did.

A puff of white, as usual, and then it fired right up. No smoke. Excellent. I gave a thumbs up to Jack. He left it to run, got out and pointed out the extractor switch and flicked it on. Job done.

I got back to an empty room. I stripped and went into the bathroom and had a wash. I had just walked back into the main room when the door opened and dad walked in. What could I do? Nothing, I was stark naked turgutlu escort facing dad. He looked at me, in fact made no effort to hide looking.

“God, you look so much like your mum did.”

“I’m not her though dad.”

“More’s the pity baby.”

“Oh dad, really?”

“Yes baby, sorry, no in fact, I’m not sorry. I miss her and you are the spit. It is difficult.”

I thought, this is going to be a long three months. Unless.

“Dad,” I said, “I’m not the one overdressed.”

“Do you mean?”

“Yes dad, I do mean.”

He pulled his shirt off and his pants came down with his slacks. His penis was growing before my eyes. I wondered if he had engineered this, the walking in on me in the shower, walking out of the bathroom naked, but what did it matter? Here we were, we had arrived at this point.

I got onto the bed and lay on my side as dad got up to join me.

“Baby, it’s been a while for me.”

“Oh dad,” I said, “things are pretty much exactly where you would expect. Come here and kiss me.”

He shuffled over and leant to my face and kissed. I closed my eyes, I didn’t need to see my dad’s face in close up, not yet, and I kissed back. Our mouths opened and my tongue sought his, his mouth warm and his tongue slippery and wet. His hand cupped my boob, a thumb and finger closed on my hardening nipple and tweaked it.

I reached down and grasped his penis, hard, fat and ready. I stroked him slowly, feeling his soft skin move over his hard inner. I released his mouth and moved down, pushing his skin right down, I sucked him into my mouth.

“Oh fuck baby, your mum never…”

I took him from my mouth.

“Dad,” I said, “never compare me to mum, I don’t need to know what she did or didn’t do. This is me.”

I resumed, my mouth going slowly over his cock, sucking him in as deep as I could. His cock was a little too fat to go deep into my throat, but that didn’t matter, his taste was wonderful and I began to relax into it, to enjoy it, to love my dad as he deserved.

I felt his hand on my bottom, he roamed and then followed my crease, past my back crinkle to my front opening and gently waggled, slightly in. Oh, that felt so good. It had been several months since my last boyfriend, and I really did miss the personal touch. As I started to bob up and down on his cock, his finger worked in and out of me, and I found myself gasping with pleasure on his cock.

His one finger became two and I really began to get the jolts and electrics, I knew I was close when a finger touched my clitoris and my breath stopped and I gasped, waiting, holding on, oh it felt so good.

I pulled back and turned, dad’s fingers sliding out of me easily, I was so wet, so ready.

“Daddy, make love to me,” I said softly.

He lay above me, I could feel his hard cock nudging at my entrance, I was ready for him. He pushed forward a little, and he moved past my opening and was partially inside. Oh my, his was the biggest cock that I had ever had. He was really stretching me. Luckily I was wet and the only resistance were my muscles unused to his girth. They learned and dad went in further. He knew he was big and he knew not to ram himself in, but to take it easily, slowly.

A little further, and then a little more. He was still not fully inside, and my fanny was being stretched more than it ever had, but I knew it could take more. I put my hands on his bottom cheeks and pulled him, trying to get his cock fully inside me, all of him. Still he eased his way in, still my fanny slowly opened to accommodate him.

‘Oh dad, you are so big,’ I thought and then I felt his balls on my thighs. He was in, fully filling me, my fanny at capacity.

“Oh daddy,” I murmured.

He began to slowly move out, my fanny crying as it was eased and then almost as he was out, he pushed back in, one movement, fully inside. My breath, such as I had left, shot out of my mouth and I think I screamed a little scream. Dad began to move, picking up a regular pace, the sound of him slapping against my mons would give no one any doubt as to what we were doing if they could hear it, I didn’t care if anyone heard, I was damn sure they would be hearing a lot more in the coming three months.

Faster dad went, harder and deeper. I could feel him reach my depth, I could feel each bump and ripple inside me as he moved, my fanny lips pressed apart and my clitoris crushed as he shagged me, grunts from me and pants from dad. My fingers were digging into his back, nails biting, my legs wrapped around him, this wasn’t love making, this was almost feral shagging and I wanted it, I needed it more than I realised.

My nipples felt tight, my clitoris was humming and my bottom was puckering, I started saying ‘oh, oh, oh,’ over and over, I was close.

“Oh baby,” dad gasped and pushed hard into me and held, and as I felt his spurts began, my climax exploded within me and my orgasm rumbled through my body, my muscles tensing, clamping and squeezing his cock, my back arching and I screamed.

Oh fuck, that was a big one, my biggest ever. Slowly my muscles relaxed, my back lowered and dad’s cock slipped from me. I lay there utterly shattered. Dad said nothing. I said nothing. We had three months of this. Working in the Antarctic was going to be nothing but pleasure.

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