17 Ekim 2024

League of His Own Ch. 02

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Wargamer, I’m an avid rugby league fan. Fairly sure mentioning rugby league in many of my stories gives that away! Magic Weekend was excellent, though as a New South Welshman, the result of the first State of Origin was disappointing, but the second State of Origin… I’ll keep quiet but I was pleased.

For those who have no idea what the hell this sport actually is (figuring many of the people reading this are Americans), I’ll explain a few simple things:

Rugby League is known as ‘footy’ in New South Wales and Queensland.

‘Gonna watch the footy tonight, mate?’

‘Fuck yeah. Gonna smash that pack of bogans.’

The New South Wales Rugby League competition started way back in 1908. The first ‘Premiers’ were South Sydney. Between 1908 — 2022, they’ve won 21 Premierships. Only four teams have won more than 10 Premierships in 114 years. The competition was not halted during the two world wars.

‘State of Origin’. A three match series that began in 1982, played mid-season, between New South Wales and Queensland. ‘State against State, Mate against Mate.’ It is not a three-match exhibition. It’s brutal, fierce, and state pride is on the line. Biggest games in rugby league, perhaps more so than the end of year Grand Final, while test football is a shadow of what it used to be. Between 1982 — 2022, Queensland has won 22 series, New South Wales 16, with 2 drawn series. Queensland won 11 of 12 series between 2006 — 2017.

Field dimensions:

100 metres long x 68 metres wide.

In-goal dimensions between 6-11 metres.

Goalposts are at the ‘tryline’, 100 metres apart. 5.5 metres wide, at least 16 metres high, crossbar is 3 metres off the ground.


Try (equivalent to a touchdown): 4 points

Conversion (after a try is scored): 2 points

Penalty goal: 2 points

Field goal — Outside 40 metres: 2 points. Inside 40 metres: 1 point.

There are no forward passes.

Scrums have been practically eliminated from the game. Disappointing. Bring back the biff!

‘The Bunker’ checks every try is correct and also judges other on-field incidents.

Concussion is now treated seriously and players are immediately removed from the field and assessed.

Salary cap is between $9-10 million dollars, spread across a team of more than 20 players. You don’t play rugby league to get rich.


Being summoned to the principal’s office the very first day back at school wasn’t something I expected. I knew I couldn’t have done anything wrong within the half day I’d been back, but receiving a summons during my first class in Geography certainly earned me more than one curious glance, Mark going so far as to mouth ‘What’s this about?’ I returned a shrug and followed the rather young and pretty school administrator.

One thing I couldn’t complain about Northern Meadows High School. At least three-quarters of staff and teachers were women, and I reckon most of them would be under fifty. And very few were what I’d deem unattractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, of course, but I certainly had few complaints.

“Good summer?” Lisa asked. She was the young and very pretty administrator. Blonde, perky, probably mid-twenties at most. I knew she’d attended the same school as where we currently were, attended university, and had returned once she’d finished her studies.

“Can’t complain, I guess, ma’am.”

She stopped and turned towards me. “Ma’am? My mother is ‘ma’am’, Danny. The principal is someone you can call ‘ma’am’. I’m Lisa. How old are you?”


“I’m twenty-four. So you can definitely cut the ‘ma’am’ crap.”

“Yes… Lisa…”

“Better. We’ve been talking about your contract signing in the office all morning. You’re the first student from this school to ever make it all the way to first grade footy.” She paused before giggling. “Could have chosen a better side.”

“Get in young, build a dynasty. There have been periods in the past where teams have won three, four, five titles in a decade or so. I’m convinced enough. The first couple of years will be tough, but if all goes as planned, they’re talking about finals footy by my third year as a professional.”

“Hell of a turnaround if that happens.” We arrived at the principal’s office. “Anyway, I’ll leave you to it.”

“What’s this about?” I whispered. Lisa shrugged, wished me good luck, before I watched her walk away. Her trousers were moulded to her very firm little butt. She turned and noticed me looking, smiling brightly at me.

Mum did mention about me sowing some wild oats. I had a feeling my last year at high school was going to provide quite the opportunity.

“Come in, Mister Cole,” Principal Symonds ordered, “Shut the door, take a seat.”

Doing as she asked, I sat in one of the two empty chairs as I met her hazel eyes. Ms Symonds had been principal as long as I’d attended, and as far as I mecidiyeköy escort knew, had been in the same position when my sisters had attended. She wore her slightly greying brunette hair in a bun, giving her a rather severe look. Guess it suited her position, but without it, she’d probably be attractive. I put her at late forties, maybe five or so years older than my mother.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you in here, Daniel. It’s actually rather simple.” Then she smiled, and there were those signs that suggested she was attractive. “I just wanted to congratulate you on behalf of the school, the teachers and staff, but also my own personal congratulations for signing that contract and taking that first step into professional sport. I knew you wouldn’t want a public spectacle at the assembly this morning.”

“Yeah, thanks for that, ma’am. But thank you for your support too.”

“What are our chances of going all the way to the grand final but also winning it this year?”

“We’ve got the same core of players. Only three graduated at the end of last season, but our spine is the same. Trials will be held within the month, I’m sure the coach will pick the best we have available.”

She leaned back in her comfortable looking leather chair, looking thoughtful for a moment. “Winning the entire thing will put this school on the map. If we could expand our program even more. I mean, before you even started at this school, our side had never made the quarter-finals. Now we’ve made two finals in two years. Just a shame about the grand final last year.”

“Try not to think about it too much, ma’am. Losing in the last minute of the game still hurts, particularly as we’d led since the first try scored.”

“I’m sure this year will be a great success. And knowing you’ll be playing for the Rangers, the school will do all it can to accommodate you whenever you need to travel or miss a day at school.”

“Thank you, ma’am. That would be appreciated.”

She smiled again. “That’s all I called you in here for. Didn’t want to interrupt your lunchtime.” Rising to my feet, I was about to open the door when she added. “I have heard what happened between yourself and Miss Parker. I’m not one for gossip, but I am sorry…”

“I’m not, ma’am. Not sure if you heard the detail, but I’m quite happy to be single right now.” Turning back, I threw her that winning smile I had. “I’ll see you later, ma’am.”

The bell for lunchtime rang as I was on my way back to class, so I diverted to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat. Nothing had changed from the previous year, my teammates and friends gathering at the same table, already moaning about one or two things from their class, while there were mentions of a couple of the new teachers. One of them, a Miss Taylor, who taught physical education, was meant to be rather attractive.

As they wanted to head out onto the playing field to throw a ball about, I told them I’d catch up, walking across the cafeteria, taking a seat next to Kim, who was reading a book, keeping to herself as always. She had friends but was happy sitting in solitude as she was in a small group. “You know I don’t like seeing you alone, Kim,” I said softly. She knew I only meant well, only because some kids were stupid, and thought a student sitting alone meant they were a nerd or weird.

“I’m reading a good book, Danny. I’m surprised you’re not outside.”

“Noticed my best friend sitting all by herself.”

She placed her book down, turning to me and smiling. “I do like it when you call me that,” she whispered, leaning against my shoulder. Kissing the top of her head, she released a light giggle. “Are we going to study together again once they start piling homework on us?”

“Of course, though I’ll have training soon enough. Pre-season training for the Rangers will start in a fortnight. Monday and Thursday. Thankfully, the school season doesn’t start until May, so I’ll have Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon’s free for the time being.” I paused before asking, “Want to come read outside in the fresh air, at least?”

That earned me a kiss on the cheek. Wasn’t the first time she’d done that. Didn’t make either of us feel awkward. She had done that far less when I’d been with Rachel. When I turned to face her, Kim simply met my eyes before smiling. I did wonder if she was tempted, though I knew she wouldn’t rush anything, believing my heart was still broken about Rachel.

Considering what I’d done with my sisters and mothers since, I think it was safe to say I was already over her.

Grabbing her small bag, looping that over her shoulder, she collected her book as I took her hand, leading her outside. There were seats in the shade, leaving her to read in peace, as I joined my friends out on the field, organising a six on six touch footy game. Touch footy meant no hard contact or tackling.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed melikgazi escort the deadbeats and druggies in their usual position at the edge of the playing field, under the shade of a few trees by the perimeter fence. No surprise Rachel was there, hearing Mark tell me that she was putting on a show, practically all over one of them. I could only laugh before replying, “Mark, mate, she’s trying to get under my skin, make me jealous. I’m sure you’re all expecting me to hate her, but I don’t. I don’t care. We were not going to last another three months at best, even before what I walked in on. She was leading me on for whatever reason.”

When we stopped playing with a few minutes to the end of lunch bell, Chris gestured with her head. “So what about you and Kim, then?”

“It’s obvious you love each other,” Mark added, “I know you both insist only as friends, but, well, it could be more.”

“We’ve been friends since our first day at public school. I don’t want to ruin thirteen years of friendship by starting a physical relationship and then losing that friendship if it goes wrong. We work as friends. Being lovers is something else entirely.”

“There’s something different about you though, mate,” Mark said, looking me up and down, “You seem to be in a remarkably good mood.”

“Mark, mate, it’s obvious. He got laid,” Greg stated, slapping my back for good measure, “Well, about damned time, mate, considering that slut was nothing but a cocktease to you but fucked anything else that could get hard.”

“So who was it?” Chris wondered. I gave him a look, holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay, I know, you don’t like discussing things.”

“But you moved on quickly?” Mark only half-joked.

“Rachel isn’t worth being all broken up about. All she’s done is damage herself further. I was paying enough attention to see her given the cold shoulder by nearly everyone in our year group. Even her friends wanted nothing to do with her. Received more than one message since that night, telling me how sorry they were about it all. They claim to not know about all the guys she’s been fucking.”

“Reckon they’re telling the truth?” Matt wondered.

Shrugging, I admitted I didn’t know. “All I know is that, walking the halls today, everyone’s given me support. From what I’ve been told, it’s proving rather uncomfortable for her. But within a fortnight, something else will be the talk of the school and what happened will be forgotten.” Sighing, a ran fingers through my hair. “Too much fucking drama. I hate drama.”

End of the school day, I waited for Kim by my car. She walked out with a couple of her friends, the three looking in my direction. They both said something to Kim, the two others giggling as Kim smiled shyly, her pale skin definitely glowing a brighter colour, before she wished them goodbye for the day. Joining me in the car, I drove us home, discussing our first day back at school.

Pulling up outside her house, I put the car in park and turned towards her. “Want to come to my…”

Before I could finish my question, she leaned over and kissed me. It was the first time we’d ever kissed on the lips. Neither of us seemed willing to add tongue, but it was no chaste kiss either. When we finally pulled away, we were both breathing a lot quicker.

“Rachel’s a fucking idiot, Danny,” she whispered.

I rarely if ever heard Kim curse, so that meant she was being honest. “Um…”

“Just wanted to kiss you, Danny. You’re single for the first time in two years.”


“I don’t know yet.”

“Want to come for a swim at my place? Since we shouldn’t have homework this week, and the weather will be nice. Take advantage before we’re inundated with work and assignments.”

I loved watching her smile. Kim was the most genuine person I knew outside of my own family. “I’ll go grab my bikini, cream and a towel. Don’t want to be looking like a lobster later.”

“I’ll park up and come walk you back to mine.”


Parking up, I quickly walked inside, checking to see Aimee was already out by the pool. Dumping my things in my room, I quickly changed into swim shorts, put on a vest, grabbed my thongs (flip-flops to the rest of the world) and walked back up to Kim’s place. She was waiting for me, wearing a light top over her bikini, a wide brimmed hat and a pair of sunglasses, taking her hand and escorting her back to my place.

Aimee wasn’t surprised to see Kim, the two women immediately chatting away. She’d been away to see family for most of the holidays which is why I hadn’t seen her since just after the new year. Before she wanted to jump into the pool, she asked me to apply some suncream on her back. Sitting behind her on the chair, I very carefully and slowly rubbed it into her skin, noticing Aimee watching. When I met her eyes, she smiled and there was a brief nod. Guess she was giving me the okay to pursue something if I wanted.

When meram escort I was done, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against me, resting my head on her shoulder. “Missed you while you were away. Have fun up the coast?”

“I did, though I missed you in return, Danny. Though didn’t you spend a lot of time with her?”

“No, which was another sign something was wrong. I was warned more than once, Kim, but when you’re infatuated with someone.”

“Not love?”

Snorting, I almost laughed. “No, it wasn’t love.”

Kim then helped apply cream to my back, and I felt her fingers run along the muscles around my back and shoulders. I wasn’t as muscular as those in the forward pack, but I could look in the mirror and see the fruits of my labour in the gym. Jumping into the pool, we swam and splashed about until Aimee joined us. Mum and Kyla arrived home within fifteen minutes of each other, both delighted to see Kim visiting as always, Mum insisting she drop by whenever she wanted. Kim’s home-life was great. Parents still together and obviously loved each other, two younger siblings who adored her. And her parents adored me too, always asking me to stay for dinner whenever I was over.

This time, Mum offered Kim dinner, which she accepted after sending a message to her parents. Having received my new dietary guidelines, Mum made dinner for herself, my two sisters and Kim, while I prepared my own. Mum had made sure I wasn’t a lazy slob growing up. I helped with laundry and housework, my room was kept today, and I could prepare simple but healthy meals in the kitchen.

After dinner and helping clean up, I took Kim by the hand, leading her to my bedroom. She’d been there plenty of times before, but this time, it felt a little different. Thankfully, Mum nor my sisters said anything. We ended up gaming for an hour or so. It was something we liked to do from time to time, ensuring we bought co-op games to play together. The banter always flowed between us, plenty of laughter at the same time.

“I’d better go,” she finally announced, noticing the time was getting late. I still needed to shower and unwind. Walking her home, she held my hand, gently pressing her body into mine as we walked ever so slowly the path that led from my house to hers. Stopping at her front door, she turned towards me, standing up on the single step that led inside.

I took a chance and kissed her properly, wrapping my arms around her as I pulled her close, ensuring that, this time, I slid my tongue into her mouth. She’d definitely chewed on some gum in preparation for the moment, and when she released a light whimper, I couldn’t help smile. And she could have felt something press into her below.

“Danny, just one thing,” she whispered, breaking the kiss, “I’m not going to be your rebound.”


She smiled, placing a finger at my lips. “Listen, I love you, okay? You’ve been my best friend most of my life and I don’t want to lose that. So I won’t be your next girlfriend. But…” This time, it was her turn to kiss me, no surprise she ended up pressed against the door. When I pulled back ever so slightly, the look in her eyes was something I’d never seen. “As I was going to say, I’d love nothing more than to hook up with you whenever you want. I can’t think of anyone more I’d love to lose it with.”

“Oh… I would have thought… I mean…”

“Three boyfriends, none got more than a little upper chest action. I dated because you weren’t available and I hated being alone.”

“Don’t want to rush this either, Kim.”

“Nor do I, so you’re not coming in tonight!” We both chuckled at her tone. “But I do want to be intimate with my best friend. Sex is meant to be fun, right? And if sex leads to the confession of deepening feelings later, then we’ll deal with it then. We’re meant to be adults, right? We can talk about things?”

“We can and we will, Kim. I promise.”

“Right, I’m going to go inside, otherwise I’ll want to spend all night kissing the schools star half-back on my doorstep, and my parents will eventually come looking for me.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bright and early as always, Danny. Goodnight.”


I waited until she was inside, the door locked, before I turned and walked home. I managed to start whistling a tune within ten seconds. Life was looking good.


“How was your first training session?” Mum asked once I sat down at the dinner table.

“It was mostly introducing me to everyone. The coach and staff are all friendly, aware that I’d be a little overawed by it all to start with. Being introduced to all the players was something else. Billy’s a nice guy, pretty much already taken me under his wing. Admitted that he’d have retired for this season, but they convinced him to stay for one last season to give me time to get ready. Big fat bonus cheque no doubt helped too. But I did take part in drills, the usual thing. Passing. Kicking. Tackling. A little five on five, only light contact. I was worried one of the big units would absolutely crunch me as a way of welcoming me to the team. The biggest guy picked me up so easily, even I could see the humour. Put me down on the ground and warned me I was likely to be picked out and smashed very quickly on my debut.”

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