17 Ekim 2024

Kitty in the Middle Pt. 04

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Kitty knew instinctively that changes would be coming in the third week. Things seemed to be constantly escalating between her and her new doms, so it only made sense that their third and final week would hold new humiliations.

She wasn’t disappointed.

When Kitty exited her room on Sunday morning, she found that Becca and Laura were already awake, changed into their dominatrix outfits once again, and impatiently waited for her in the living room.

“Good morning, darling,” said Laura with a welcoming smile. “As you can see, I’ve called another family meeting. Why don’t you take your clothes off? I think it will get you in the right frame of mind to hear our news.”

By this point, Kitty had learned not to hesitate when her mommy gave her commands. Although she still felt the sting of humiliation as she stripped naked in front of her gorgeous, dominant mother and sister, the shame only added to her pleasure now.

She stripped her pajamas and panties away fully and stood naked and shivering before her Mommy and Mistress, nipples hard points of desire, her pussy already moistening in anticipation of her Mother’s new commands.

Laura’s eyes were filled with pride as Kitty sank to her knees without being told, taking an inferior position to her betters by force of habit alone. “I think it’s fair to say that our little family experiment has been a complete success,” said Laura fondly, cupping her naked daughter’s cheek in a loving hand while looming above her in her obscene dominatrix outfit. “But we have so much more to explore. Our outing last night opened my eyes.”

“Good news first,” said Laura briskly, gesturing to Becca, who retrieved the tiny key from between her breasts with a huffy little sigh and handed it over to her mom. “We are dispensing with your chastity starting today. You proved your complete obedience beyond a shadow of a doubt last night. It’s no longer necessary,” said Laura, dangling the key in front of her wide-eyed eldest daughter and allowing her to take it in shaking hands.

“Now for the… more challenging news,” said Laura, her eyes glittering with cruel amusement, “Your sister and I have decided that we cannot truly help you until we all understand the full depths of your submissive tendencies.”

Laura’s deep blue eyes flicked over to share a silent, meaningful glance with Becca, who winked back.

“To that end,” said Laura, turning her heated gaze back to the obedient sub at her feet, “We think that in our last week together, it makes sense to try out some… new roles. To see if further submission will finally satisfy your dark desires, darling.”

Something about how her mother had said it sent a thrill of arousal and anxiety through Kitty’s fluttering heart. “New roles?” she asked meekly, her soft eyes upturned to her dom with eager submission. “I… I’ll do anything for you, Mommy,” she added with a hopeful smile, silently begging her mother to be merciful.

“Good girl,” murmured Laura, her finger tracing down to touch the “Mommy’s Girl” choker that her daughter still wore. “I need to get some work done at home this Friday. You will become my secretary.”

Kitty couldn’t help but tilt her head in confusion. Working answering her mother’s calls and helping her with paperwork didn’t sound particularly sexy, but the look in Laura’s eyes promised that it would be an erotically humiliating experience, so Kitty simply meekly nodded and said, “Yes, Mommy.”

Then Becca stepped forward, fierce and dripping with sexual menace in her skin-tight catsuit. “Until then…” she said, her eyes lingering on Kitty’s naked body, “I have another new role for my beloved older sister.”

Becca stalked forward and placed a possessive hand on Kitty’s head, stroking her hair. “You know how I always wanted a dog? Do you remember why Mom would never let me get one?”

“She s-said that she wasn’t sure you were responsible enough,” said Kitty, her voice trembling and her face growing pale as her eyes nervously darted back and forth between her Mistress and her Mommy.

“Welllll, Mom saw how incredibly responsible I’ve been this past week managing your orgasms, and decided that I can finally get a cute little puppy all my own!” said Becca with an evil giggle. Her constant stroking of Kitty’s hair suddenly took on a sinister implication.

“M-mistress, I…” whimpered Kitty, looking away and feeling waves of shame and arousal crash over her at the degradation of being forced to become her little sister’s loyal pet. The last shreds of her pride ached and tore at her heart as she surrendered to the feeling, nuzzling up against her mistress’s loving hand.

“That settles it,” said Laura crisply. “Later this week you will serve as my secretary. Until then, do your best to act as your sister’s puppy.”

Kitty looked up at her mother and sister where they stood, perfect and untouchable above her.

There was just one week left until she would leave them behind and start a new life.

Did konya escort that fact excite her, or disappoint her? She was no longer sure.

Monday through Wednesday, Kitty was her sister’s dog.

When she came down the stairs Monday morning, Kitty wasn’t quite sure what to expect. What did it mean to be Becca’s puppy? Was she supposed to act super enthusiastic and loving toward her Mistress? She didn’t think that Becca meant anything more literally than that. But she was in for a rude awakening. When Kitty entered the dining room, Becca paused mid chew in a mouthful of cereal, her eyebrows scrunching together as she laid eyes on her puppy for the week.

She stood, looming above the suddenly bashful Kitty, making her feel the height difference as her eyes ran coldly over her older sister’s body. With an arched eyebrow and a grimace, she turned to Laura, who was sitting at the table with a look of faint amusement on her perfect face.

“It looks like I have a lot of work to do,” remarked Becca dryly to her mom, scooping up a magazine from the table and rolling it into a tight tube. Kitty didn’t even have time to ask what was going on before the rolled-up magazine gave her a sharp swat on the head. She yelped in surprise. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but the humiliating condescension implied the act stung.

“Bad girl!” said Becca, shaking a finger with her free hand. “Puppies don’t wear clothes or stand up. This is an awful start to your new role, puppy. I thought you would at least know the basics of being a dog!”

Kitty’s mouth fell open in bewilderment. “M-mistress, you can’t be serious,” she said in horror, “You mean for four days I need to…”


The magazine hit her head sharply once again. “Puppies don’t make excuses when their owner gives them commands, pet. They obey. Eagerly and happily. Now off with those human clothes. Then down on the ground.” Kitty had felt inferior to the rest of her family at various times this week, but this raised things to horrifying, arousing new levels.

Kitty blushed beneath her mother and sister’s amused eyes as she stripped off the clothes she had chosen for the day, back when she had assumed she would still be allowed to act as a human. Finally naked and shivering with cold and her suppressed lust, Kitty sank to her knees.

She had gotten used to obedience since Laura and Becca had become her doms, but this new humiliation weighed heavily on her. There was something about being naked and on the ground while Becca and Laura wore casual, everyday outfits that was even more degrading than doing so while they were dressed in fetish gear.

Becca smiled sweetly, patting her older sister condescendingly on the head. “Now that wasn’t so hard was it? We’ll make a cute little doggie from you yet, Sis! Now wag your tail to show how happy you are to obey, puppy.”

Kitty squeezed her eyes shut against the storm of humiliation within her as she awkwardly swayed her ass, obeying the command of her giggling mistress.

When she opened her eyes again, a shiny, brand-new dog bowl clattered to the floor in front of her face. “Kitty” was written on the side in pink cursive. With a nasty grin, Becca scooped up the cereal and milk from the table and poured her good girl some breakfast. Finally, she used her toe to slide the now-filled bowl beneath the dining room table and said “Bon appetit, puppy! You’ll need your strength, so eat up!”

Kitty tried to look on the bright side as she crawled beneath the table to take her place as the family dog. After all, she wouldn’t have put it past her little sister to force her to eat real dog food, so this was merciful in many ways.

Kitty finally began to understand on a spiritual level what it meant to be the family dog as she sat beneath the table naked, slurping her cereal from her dog bowl as the two humans in the room chatted like she wasn’t even there.

It would only get worse from there. The day was filled with fresh humiliations just like she had experienced at breakfast.

Becca took her time to teach her naughty little puppy how to sit up, beg, and fetch without using her paws. Over the hours, the humiliation of obeying her little sister’s commands as a loyal puppy wore down Kitty’s reserves of self-respect, until by the end, she wasn’t even blushing and hesitating. She just happily followed her Mistress’s commands with her tongue lolling and hot feminine lubrication streaming down her thighs freely.

But even in Kitty’s state of eager, dog-like submission, bathroom time was a challenge for her.

“I-I can’t mistress!” squeaked Kitty, pulling back on the leash in desperation, just inside the back door of the house. “P-please, someone will see!”

Becca stood grinning in the bright sunshine just outside, her hand pulling the leather strap of the leash tight in one hand, her other hand on her cocked hip. It was clear from her wickedly sparkling eyes that she was konyaaltı escort enjoying this act of humiliating domination immensely. With a sigh she moved close and dropped to one knee, coming face to face with her terrified older sister.

“But puppy,” she said with mock concern, “You’re the one who told me that you needed to use the bathroom. We don’t need to go walkies right now if you don’t want to… but I don’t think you’ll like the punishment for having an accident.”

Kitty’s wide eyes looked around their well-landscaped backyard. It wasn’t exactly open to public view thanks to the hedges surrounding their property, but the surrounding houses had a clear view of the back patio, lawn, and pool. Laura had complained about it in the past: tanning nude by their pool simply wasn’t an option thanks to the possibility of being seen.

The empty windows of the surrounding houses seemed like bright searchlights to Kitty right then; just waiting to focus on her secret shame.

“This is t-too far, Becca,” whined Kitty pitifully, looking up at her with pleading eyes. For just a moment, she dropped the pretense of submission and the fantasy sexual play that she and Becca had been participating in for the past week and appealed to her little sister as a person. Kitty had finally gotten spooked by the ride, and she wanted off.

Becca’s eyes, just inches away from Kitty, hardened for a moment. Her mouth drew into a grim, stubborn line. Then her expression softened, and she patted Kitty’s head with a chagrined smirk. “Potty training is hard for some puppies,” she sighed in defeat, striding back into the house and pulling Kitty behind her. “I suppose if my naughty little puppy refuses to do her business outside like a good dog, we’ll have to find a stopgap measure.”

On her way past the kitchen table, Becca snatched up a stray newspaper, spreading it on the ground in front of Kitty’s shocked, wide-eyed face.

“There. A nice place for my potty-training puppy to do her business.”

Kitty gulped as she stared nervously at the newspaper spread on the hardwood floor. She knew better than to assume that Becca was joking. She would use the newspapers, or she would be punished. And Becca’s punishments were frighteningly erotic tortures that Kitty had learned to avoid at all costs. Kitty’s bladder felt full and heavy. With a pounding heart and a face burning with shame, Kitty crawled forward onto the spread-out sheets of newspaper.

Becca couldn’t hold back a gale of giggles as she watched her once-proud older sister prepare to piss on the ground for her amusement. Kitty paused with her lower half above the paper, her chest heaving with labored breaths. The firm little tits swinging below her torso were tipped with rock-hard nipples, signaling how much this extreme new humiliation was turning her on.

“Remember how dogs pee, puppy,” said Becca gloatingly, looming above her pet with arms crossed. With a groan of unwilling submission, Kitty raised her leg, revealing the shining evidence of her shameful arousal. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to do what her Mistress commanded. But she physically couldn’t. The taboo against the act, drilled into her from a young age, was just too strong.

Then Kitty felt Becca’s warm hand on her shoulder and heard her sister’s amused whisper in her ear. “Do it, Sis. Show me how far beneath your mistress you really are. Prove that you are so pathetic you are only worthy to be my cute little puppy.” And then suddenly, the taunt worked. In a hot, shameful gush, Kitty proved how disgustingly submissive she was.

Becca squealed with glee at the sight. The smug older sister who had always been too busy to play with her little sister. The surly teen who had rolled her eyes when forced to spend time with Becca. The woman that Becca had looked up to for so long. She now cringed with shame even while she panted with arousal. Kitty blushed a deep crimson as she obeyed her younger sister and did the most humiliating thing she had ever experienced.

Becca’s love and care would always be there for Kitty, but, watching her older sister act the part of a naughty un-housetrained puppy, Becca decided with gloating satisfaction that she would never be able to respect her slutty sub of an older sister ever again.

Just as Kitty finished, Becca was there with a tissue, using a teasing hand to dry Kitty between her legs. “That’s a goood girl,” crooned Becca mockingly in her ear. “Right on the paper just like I said. And do you know what good girls get?” Becca stood and sauntered over to the cupboard, pulling out a jar of peanut butter.

“They get a treat.”

Kitty watched, mesmerized, as Becca sat on a dining room chair and dipped a slim finger into the jar, withdrawing a healthy glob of smooth brown peanut butter. Kitty’s heart pounded, still not recovered from her shameful display. Becca slowly tugged off a sock while making smoldering eye contact. Kitty was so korfez escort well conditioned to accept and become aroused by her own humiliation at this point that her mouth actually began to water as her little sister smeared the peanut butter over her toes, wiggling them to spread it deep between them.

“Let’s put my puppy’s cute little slurpy, slobbery tongue to good use,” said Becca teasingly, beckoning Kitty forward. “Come on, pet. Come get your treat.”

And Kitty realized as her lips closed over her sister’s peanut-butter-smeared toes that it really was a treat. The opportunity to serve her mistress’s feet on her knees filled her heart with submissive pleasure. And to make things even better, Becca didn’t even say anything as Kitty’s hand slipped between her legs, intensifying her shameful pleasure with her naughty rubbing fingers.

Kitty’s fingers between her legs matched the swirling, wriggling motions of her tongue as she moaned against her mistress’s foot. This is truly where she belonged. Submissive, pliable, and humble. On her knees before her superior. A servant. A possession.

A pet.

Kitty stared up into Becca’s bright, fascinated blue eyes as the movements of her tongue and fingers grew more frantic. Kitty’s eyes were wide and pleading, wordlessly begging her mistress for release with puppy dog eyes.

With an indulgent smile, flexing her toes against the delicious feeling of her sister’s devoted tongue, Becca nodded. “Cum for me, puppy. Show your Mistress how much you love her.”

It was an order that Kitty was thrilled to obey, clamping her thighs tight against her fingers, trembling and moaning through the toes still stuffed into her drooling mouth.

Despite her sexually exhausting day, Kitty didn’t sleep well that night.

Becca insisted that puppies don’t get their own room. And a good, strict mistress definitely wouldn’t allow a dog to sleep in bed with her. Kitty’s heart sank as Becca pulled a brand new dog bed from her closet and proudly set it down at the foot of her bed.

She barely managed to snatch a few hours of cramped sleep before she was awakened by Becca for the next day of fun between the new puppy and her owner.

The next few days were a blur of fatigue and sexual humiliation. Laura seemed content to let her youngest daughter have her fun, simply patting Kitty fondly on the head and remarking how well Becca had trained her puppy in the short time since the beginning of the week. Laura’s smoldering blue eyes told Kitty all she needed to know: her mother was content to wait for her turn, secure in the knowledge that her time with Kitty would be sweet when it came.

On Wednesday Morning, Kitty woke up curled on her doggy bed to see Becca kneeling above her. Becca’s eyes were filled with possessive affection as she leaned down, took Kitty’s head in her hands, and kissed her on the forehead. “Tell you what, puppy,” she said, her voice radiating condescending affection. “If you can act perfectly as my puppy today, I will give you the biggest tastiest treat ever.”

At that moment, looking up into her mistress’s eyes, the only thing that Kitty felt was a deep, cringing eagerness to please her.

Kitty did her best. She barked instead of talking. She wiggled her ass when Becca pet her hair. She accepted scraps under the table from Becca’s hands at lunch. When the belly rubs that Becca gave her failed to transition into fingering as they sometimes did, Kitty swallowed her disappointment, and remained the enthusiastic, loyal puppy that her sister wanted.

She should have known that it wouldn’t be that easy. This time when she whined at her mistress, indicating that she needed to use the bathroom, she noticed the glint of dominant amusement in Becca’s eye immediately. This time, Kitty realized, the newspaper wouldn’t be an option.

Kitty took a deep shuddering breath as she paused for a moment in the same position she had held earlier in the week: on all fours, just inside the back door. Becca held her leash, looking back at her puppy with a challenging smirk. This was the true test, Kitty knew. If she did as Becca commanded, she would claim the “biggest, tastiest treat ever”. If she failed, she would be punished.

The past few days of being her little sister’s puppy had crushed Kitty’s last reserves of stubborn pride. With shaking limbs, she tentatively crawled out of the back door, eyes glued to the windows of the surrounding houses.

With a grin of triumph, Becca kept the leash taut, pulling her sister further and further away from the concealing shelter of the back door. Kitty’s mouth went dry and she felt sweat prickling all over her exposed body. If anyone happened to peek out right now, her life would be over. She had to satisfy Becca’s cruelty then return to the house as quickly as she could.

Becca must have felt the same pressure as Kitty, because, despite her happy smile, she didn’t waste time rubbing her sister’s humiliation in. She led Kitty directly to the large, shady oak tree in the corner of the yard, her eyes darting up to the windows of their neighbor’s houses just like Kitty’s.

“Well, puppy,” said Becca with a smirk despite the nervous edge on her voice, “Time to do your business. And be quick about it.”

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