17 Ekim 2024

Milfdom Ch. 03

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This story Is posted on the Literotica website, Do not repost anywhere else without the Author’s consent.

As with all my stories, all characters are over the age of eighteen, this story has a possible incest storyline, although they are not blood-related.

I am not always grammatically correct, so please show a bit of leniency in that regard. If you enjoy the story please leave a kind review, if not, well better luck next time, we all do this for everyone’s enjoyment and do not deserve any abuse.

Wow, so that happened, and I’m in so much shit, was my first depressing thought on waking up. I rolled over, opening my eyes, to find my stepmother sitting by my bed with a strange smile on her face. Her eyes were drawn to my morning hard-on tenting the sheets. What the hell? She was sitting there in a silk kimono-like creation that I had never seen her in before, and the way it billowed at the front gave me a look at her small breasts, seemingly pushed up in a satin shift of some kind.

Dear God, that all happened, didn’t it? It was the best but weirdest dream of my entire life-no, that had been my life.

“Good morning, Mother; to what do I owe this particular pleasure?” I asked, smiling,”Is it the morning wood police again?”, while she just outright stared at the tent in my sheets.

“Oh, hush now Baby, I was just about to wake you up; you have some more jobs to do around the house today before you have to go work for Mrs. Reynolds tomorrow,” she said in a sweet, sexy voice. Good god, what has become of my geeky, awkward life, not to mention my bible-thumping, Puritanic stepmother?

“I feel a little guilty for agreeing to all that work without your consent, Baby; Mommy always needs your consent,” she said, continuing in the Stepford Wives manner, which, quite frankly, I loved.

You could keep your Bible-thumping psychopath and leave me with this confused, innocent sex kitten any day. I looked over, and she was still staring unabashedly at my tent.

“Ok, Mom, I will be down in a few minutes,” I said, softly smiling at her, but she showed no signs of moving.

“I think it’s best I wait and remove the wicked temptation of sin from your poor young mind, Matthew,” she said determinedly. Hmm, so it was still game on; Mom equals Matthew, but Mommy equals Baby. Interesting…

“But Mama, I’m so hard this morning; I think I may have sinned in my dreams and dreamt of you lying on the couch last…” She interrupted me quickly before I could finish.

“Hush now, baby, Mommy was just helping her boy fight the sins of the flesh, and she will continue to do so,” she said, huskily. “There’s nothing dirty about what we did.” Well, that clears up those worries, I thought, but you have to wonder what her church would say.

Ok, so Mama was as good as Mommy, and quite frankly, not quite as cringe-inducing to me when not lost in the fog of lust. Luckily, the house phone rang, and sighing, she went to answer it.

Just at that particular moment, my mobile phone pinged. Hmm, maybe one of the guys wanted a quick game online before they headed out; they were all mostly going away for the holidays.

A quick inspection of my mobile found my eyes wider than my head and my heart beating faster than was healthy. Mrs Reynolds had sent me a picture of her in the lace-up stockings. The one where she was in a sheer suspender skirt, which gave me a perfect view of her luscious, full ass.

Just then I could make out it was her on the phone, sneaky sneaky, making sure the coast was clear for my heart-attack-inducing photograph. Well, two could play at that game, I thought. I snapped a quick pic of my still unattended hard-on beneath the sheets; it did not show my face or give away my identity, so I sent that to her with a smiley face.

I heard my mother say, “Oh, are you okay, Em? Your breathing went a little funny,” on the phone, and I may have failed to stifle a laugh at that. Well then, the game is afoot, my dear.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen in my sleep shorts and T-shirt, sitting at the island with the breakfast cereal in hand.

“Oh no, if my son is busy working hard this week he needs a proper breakfast, what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t provide for your needs, hmm?” She asked, standing way too close and ruffling my hair. She did smell good, though…

My hands were reaching out on instinct alone when the front door opened and closed, with my dreaded spoilt step-aunt striding into the room.

“Don’t mind me,” she said, laughing at the way my stepmother shuffled away, allowing me more space. She did start cooking breakfast, though…

“Really, is it his birthday?” she asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow at the never-on-a-weekday fried breakfast rule being broken.

Standing at just about 5 feet 2, with the same lithe, thin athletic body as my stepmother’s, the only differences were that she was slightly taller, her eyes were a haunting pale blue-grey, and her tits were store-bought by her much older, now kartal escort decrepit husband. He had insisted on augmenting them from an A cup to a quite ridiculous-looking D cup; yes, they were technically the same size as Emilia’s but without the natural curves to break up the thinness.

They stood out proudly, jutting from her body at a right angle and making her quite the wet dream. If I ever allowed myself to dream of her in, let’s say for argument’s sake, a lipstick red satin lace slip with stockings and suspenders, well, I would have the problem I now have, damn it! I crossed my legs uncomfortably to hide my massive boner. Unattended morning wood combined with Aunty’s dream wood made for a rather sizeable problem.

“Are you OK there? Mattie?” She asked sarcastically, staring at my thin shorts and the protruding problem.

“Leave him alone, Jane,” my stepmother snapped, shocking us both.

“I was just teasing him; that looks to be a rather Hard problem you have there, perv,” she added snidely. “Maybe you should go take care of the Problem before you burst,” she added huskily, to purposefully wind me up.

“Jane, I am warning you; he is not allowed to sin like that in this house,” my stepmother blurted out, embarrassed, as I once again wanted to crawl into a hole and hide.

“Jesus Mary, you can’t stop a boy his age from relieving the situation,” Aunty said, in my defence, I think, “It could be really bad for his development,” once again staring at my shorts.

Holy hell, was I in the Twilight Zone? What was happening in my life? The innuendo was killing me with sheer embarrassment alone this morning.

“I think I’ll skip breakfast and just get on with the jobs,” I said weakly, trying to hide my erection as I stood to leave.

“You will do no such thing, young man; if Jane can’t be civil to my son, then she’s welcome to leave.” Mom said, staring at Aunt Jane with determined confidence that I had never before seen her use on her spoilt sister.

Jane herself was taken aback by this. Her eyes widened then closed, screwing shut, to try and stem the tantrum we all knew would follow, but somehow she managed it. She always got her own way in everything, but no sane person would take on my Bible-thumping stepmother in a straight-out throwdown.

“I’m sorry, Mary; I meant no harm,” she whispered, unused to having to apologise.

“No, Not to me, Jane; it was my poor Matthew you insulted,” she said determinedly, her face hard, Good god! And it had sounded difficult for her to say Matthew and not baby.

“No, seriously, I’m all good here,” I said, getting the hell out of dodge. I made a break for the safety and sanctity of my room as they glared at each other.

“Matthew Johnson! You will sit your behind back down on that chair until I have fed you,” she said sternly, once again sounding like the psycho stepmother I knew and feared.

“I, well, I-I am sorry, Mattie, if I went too far teasing my favourite nephew.” Aunt Jane said, walking over and hugging me tightly.

What the fuck, we had never hugged ever! And now that I was sitting on the stool, her breasts mashed into my chest, and my cock raged even harder. All the blood left my body on the Boner Express. They certainly felt real, and they must have cost an absolute fortune I thought, desperately trying to take my mind off her tits by thinking about her tits! What the fuck!

“There now, see my two favourite people in the whole world hugging. What could be better than that?” Mom said, cheerfully.

Well, as Aunty pressed her big tits further into my chest and jiggled them somehow, I thought of her naked, apart from stockings and suspenders. My mind betrayed me yet again as my cock twitched against her stomach. That’s when I noticed the smirk on the spoilt bitch’s face and realised she was doing this on purpose, as revenge for being told off.

Oh, fuck that! I breathed out a big sigh and slipped my limp-dangling arms around her waist, pulling her in tighter. A tiny umph sound made it worthwhile. When I let the hand my mother couldn’t see slide down onto her ass, her breath hitched as I gave it a friendly but firm squeeze. She couldn’t get away fast enough, while still trying to seem friendly. Her hidden scowl met my smug smile, and it was game on!

Luckily, breakfast was a ham, sausage, and mushroom omelette, which was to die for by the way. Aunty looked on with extremely jealous eyes after being told; that surely she had fed herself already this morning. My over-the-top groans of satisfaction winding her up while making Mom smile in equal proportion.

“Oh, baby, you have to stop by Mrs Reynolds’s house first; she called and said she had some instructions for you. Also, to find out if you need anything special from her for the job.” My stepmother said casually, as I nearly choked on sausage.

The word baby and my choking made sure my aunt was on red alert, her bullshit detector going into overdrive.

“What kastamonu escort does Mrs Reynolds want from him?” She asked sneering, She’d always been fascinated by Emilia, and I think that’s where the idea for her tits came from.

I excused myself to get changed, not needing to be there for that embarrassing conversation. I showered, changed into day shorts and a shirt, and came down to find the conversation continuing at pace.

“So you’re telling me both Mrs Reynolds and Selena are having him this summer?” I heard my aunt ask incredulously, now staring at me like I was an alien.

“Yes, he’s a very popular boy.” my stepmother cooed, smiling sweetly at me.

“Except with girls,” my aunt added unkindly, even for her.

“Jane! What in the Lord’s name has gotten into you this morning?” My stepmother started tearing her a new one as I slunk away sadly, only to turn, smile, and wink at the wide-eyed bitch as I left.

I walked down the block to the Reynolds house and knocked on the door; unfortunately, it was answered by the ever-scowling but still hot-looking Amber.

“What do you want? How did you find out Sarah’s here, stalker?” Amber quite literally spat at me.

“I er, well, I’m here to see your mother,” I said, straightening my bending spine and looked her in the eyes. “Please be a good girl and inform her I’m here.”

“What? What the hell did you just…” She was mad now, but thankfully, her mother appeared.

“I can take over from here, Amber.” Her mother said, in a tone that implied leaving,

She looked at me with pure hatred and said, “Well, don’t spy on us, perv!”

“No need, there’s plenty of much better things to look at,” I replied quick as a whip, and she nearly choked; as her eyes bulged, now that led to an entirely different image that I didn’t need mid-argument.

Mrs Reynolds took my arm and led me to the kitchen, smirking to herself.

“My my, my big boy has grown a pair since we last met,” she whispered, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” I said without thinking; her eyes widened as she looked upon her prey.

“Now, baby, tell me all about it over a nice glass of iced tea,” she purred, and I nearly came then and there from her voice, her look, and the way she was stroking my arm.

“I was just calling to cancel, as Amber and Sarah insist on lounging by the pool like sluts with a few football players. I’m sure she does it to make you jealous; she has some kind of grudge against you.” She cooed, still stroking my arm.

Just then, Amber and Sarah walked in, looking at how close we were standing.

“What’s going on in here? Are you perving on my mother?” Amber screeched, while Sarah looked at me confused, as I blatantly ignored them both.

“Leave the kitchen now, Amber; Mattie is my guest, and if you can’t be civil to my guest, then get out,” Emila said sternly, making Amber wince.

While she whined to her mother, Sarah moved to stand in front of me as I continued to ignore her, finding something interesting on my phone. I sipped my iced tea.

“May I have some, Matt?” Sarah asked, in a sickly sweet manner, and suddenly their games seemed transparent–just that games, children’s games, in fact.

“No, I’m sorry; this was made especially for me,” I said, not relinquishing the glass to her now confused face. I was polite but uninterested, not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she had pissed me off.

“Excuse me?” she asked unhappily.

“Is there a problem, baby?” Mrs Reynolds asked me, slipping back to my side, further annoying the two spoilt bitches.

“Not at all, Mrs Reynolds,” I replied politely. “She was just asking for my tea, but I couldn’t possibly give it up after you took such care making it for me.” Emilia’s eyes lit up with understanding at that, and she smiled a conspirator’s smile.

“Oh no, this was made for my hard-working hero; why, he came over Saturday evening and quite literally saved my night,” she said breathily, and their eyes almost popped out of their pretty but petty faces.

“Now, we have some work to discuss, so maybe we should retire to my office, where we won’t be disturbed,” she said, leading me away from her very irate daughter and her friend.

“I will call you later, Matt,” Sarah suddenly said, looking as confused as everyone about where that came from and why, what with having a football player waiting by the pool for her.

“Oh, I wouldn’t bother Sez,” I replied coldly. Where the fuck had Sez come from? “I’m finding myself pretty busy this summer.”

We walked into her office and locked the door, which her daughter immediately tried, and then knocked loudly.

“What is it, Amber?” Emilia asked her, making her take a step back.

“Why did you lock the door, and why is he here?” she answered, sneering towards me.

“He is none of you or any of your little friends’ business,” she said, shutting and locking the door, ignoring the now incessant kayaşehir escort knocking.

“Look, I should just go, Mrs. Reynolds,” I said, moving to leave.

“You will do no such thing,” she answered, pushing me against her desk. Then she slipped to her knees, pulling my shorts down with her.

As I looked down at her beautiful face, she looked up, smiling mischievously at me, and then she took my cock in her dainty little hand and licked the length of me.

“Gnnnnah!” I cried out eloquently.

“Shush baby,” she cooed, and she slipped my cock into her mouth, suckling the end and swiping me with her tongue.

“Wait!” I managed as she engulfed me in her warm, wet mouth and began to bob her head, working my entire length now.

She backed off and began to lick me from tip to balls; she was gently stroking said delicate balls while sucking the final two inches, swirling her tongue around the tip. She teased my hole with her tongue, and my legs buckled.

“There there, baby, I’ve got you,” she said, as she kissed my cock.

What with the sensations of her mouth, the vision of her on her knees, and her sexy-assed daughter knocking on the other side of the door, it was too much. After a few minutes, I spasmed, and she tickled the end until I burst, shooting cum into her mouth as she sucked it all down. I sagged against the desk.

She cleaned me up with a final lick and suck, before kissing me on the cheek, and as she helped put me away, she winked at me.

“See you tomorrow, baby,” she purred, opening the door to her enraged daughter as I slipped away to the front door.

“Mattie,” Sarah called as I went outside. But there was no way I was getting bogged down enough for Amber to catch me, so I kept on walking.

I went home and found the list included sweeping the patio, cleaning the pool, and changing the filters on the Jacuzzi. I found Aunt Jane in the pool when I went down an hour later. I ignored her and swept the patio, but she was still lazing in the pool with her big tits barely contained in a tiny bikini on display when I needed to clean the surface.

I started, but she refused to budge, so I ignored her again and changed the filters in the Jacuzzi. I slipped into the hot, bubbling water and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I found Aunt Jane staring intently at me from the other side of the jacuzzi.

“What could Mrs Reynolds possibly need you for?” She sneered at me, as I smiled and once again ignored her.

“Hey, I’m talking to you, boy!” she said, moving aggressively closer, but I just closed my eyes.

The next thing I knew, she was sitting in my lap.

“Ignore me now, boy,” she sneered, her big d tits inches from my face.

“Please get off, Aunty; it’s unbecoming of a married woman,” I said softly, and she laughed at me, which only ground her further onto my hard cock.

She thought it was hilarious to tease me like this until I lifted her tiny ass up. She struggled, thinking I was throwing her off, but in fact, I let her go after lowering my shorts. She dropped down onto my now-naked hard cock, and her eyes flew wide open in panic as she braced her legs. Somehow her costume had slipped, allowing the tip of my cock to find her warm, wet entrance.

“What did you do?” she hissed. I sat still while she fought gravity, her little legs struggling as she straddled my cock, her folds slowly opening as she slipped about on me.

“I’m doing nothing, Aunty; you came over here and jumped into my lap, did you not?” I grinned as she paled at my truthful description of events. Her sister could spot a lie.

The door opened and out walked my stepmother, whose eyes immediately went to her sister, who was diving backwards off my lap.

“What in hell are you doing, Jane?” She asked coldly.

“It was nothing, just a bit of harmless fun, right, Matt?” Jane replied automatically,

“Really, Matthew, was it just harmless fun?” She asked me slightly kinder, but there was still an edge to her voice.

“Truthfully, Mama, she, well, she straddled me, teasing me; to be mean, I think,” I said quietly, my head dropping in shame. It also meant no one could see my evil smirk.

“Was she now?” My stepmother asked, but her voice had changed, growing even colder, making you feel like a frozen wasteland was just around the corner; you did not want anything to do with that wasteland!

“What! No, I was just kidding; the pervert got hard!” She threw it back at me.

“Did you, did you get hard?” she asked me kindly, with warm eyes.

“I-I, well, I, yes, Mama, I got hard when she ground herself onto my tiny cock, as she called it,” I lied, in for a penny and all that jizz.

“Get out of our house! Do not come back without a damn good fucking apology!” My stepmother shouted, and hell had, in fact, frozen over.

My aunt jumped out, her big tits bouncing around, grabbed her towel and raced for the house, where she dressed in record time and left, slamming the door behind her.

I got out shame-faced and I headed to my room.

“Where do you think you’re going, young man?” She asked me, shit she guessed I was going to relieve the rather hard problem.

“Shower, then clean the rest of the pool, Mama; she wouldn’t get out when I tried earlier,” I said, grassing her sister up yet again.

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