17 Ekim 2024

Tucky Ch. 01

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Tucky 01

So, most folks just call me Tucky based on my last name being Tucker and that seems to be the end of that. But it kind of works out for me since I could easily tuck right under your arm, so as they say, life has a habit of working itself out.

And recently, like a lot of people in Middleton, I got up early on a Sunday morning to watch the two very tall smoke stacks from the old Incinerator Plant be explosively demolished. And let me start out by saying, wow, everyone always knew those two smoke stacks were tall, but once they removed most of the surrounding building, wow, they seemed to reach the heavens!

But the city and demo crew insisted that the demo would be controlled and safe from the distance that they allowed people to gather in a watch area and wow, famous last words, right? Well, there were no injuries, but the cloud of dust that resulted from the second tower falling was unexpected. I mean, talk about your little “poof” that turned out to be the size of Wyoming, right?

Now, I’m not trying to say that the city of Middleton was caught up in a Mt. Vesuvius situation, but there was a thin layer of dust basically everywhere and that’s with mother nature chipping in and directing the dust cloud away from the heart of the city. So, I guess I’m saying that for a couple of days, Middleton changed its highway welcome sign from “CD Capital of the World” to “Coughing Capital of the World” and the sales of those blue masks soared again.

But everything settled down after a couple of days and the people started to come back outside.

I mean, I would have never thought about it, but the thin layer of dust actually was beneficial to those people who like to pull hole shots, burn outs, spin donuts and things like that and that’s exactly what they did! The Strip in Middleton had never seen such hot-rodding activity and the people and the authorities seemed to find a balance with the way the cops cruised the Strip and then circled back the 15 blocks through the alleys, so that particular Monday night was the night to be on the Strip!

Which was many times more dangerous than the demolition itself, but it seemed to be more important to be seen of the Strip than sitting home safely for a day or two, so, well, that’s what I did too! But not as a driver! And I didn’t even park on the Strip for fear of sand blasting my truck’s paint or even worse, a donut spin gone wrong, so I parked in the alley behind the Hoodie shop and then LOL, had my legs sand blasted from the sidewalk of the Strip like everyone else.

But the Strip was hopping!

“(Cough, cough) hey, Tucky.”

“Forget it, Ray.”

“(Cough, cough)”

“Ray, OMG, Ray, OMG, you would do so much better with me if you didn’t just bring it with sex right from the get go, so, I’m sorry, Ray, but I am not going to say “turn your head and cough” while I reach down and massage your balls!”

I mean, Ray just starts out with something sexual like every single time! But I have performed that medical procedure a few times in the alley, but only with Ben and only twice. And I like Ben, so.

[Huh, reverse door chime jingle, jangle from the Hoodie Shopfront door]

“Hey, Tucky, would you mind walking down to the Lava Java Coffee Shop and grabbing me a quad, quad, hmm? I’m working alone in the Hoodie Shop tonight since it’s just a Monday, so?”

“Ingrid, I thought you were mad at me since you falsely accused me of talking smack about you up and down the Strip, so?”

“Well, maybe I heard things different when I heard things from Marsha and then maybe I’m trying to apologize and maybe I’m willing to fan my fingers over my eyes and let people live their own lives, so?”

Well, hopa escort as one of the girl wannabe’s who has a dick that hangs out on the Strip, trust me, I’m in no position to talk smack about anyone, so, yay for Marsha and whatever Marsha said then, right? Besides, since Ben was Ingrid’s step brother and all, I mean, I hopped right on getting Ingrid her quad, quad from the Java Lava Coffee Shop, especially before the conversation got around to why she had to loosely cover her eyes once in a while. I mean, I like Ben.

Also, I really didn’t mean to refer to myself as a girl wannabe, but I have so many issues with all of the other titles. So many issues with them.

[Front door chime jingle, jangle]

“Hey, double hey, Giana!”

“Hmph! Don’t you “double hey” me, Tucky! The word is that you’ve talking smack on the Strip, so?”

“Gianna, I have been proven innocent in the highest court of gossip!”

“Hmph! I’ll check with Marsha later about that! So, what do you need and do you want me to rub your legs down with lotion? I can see that you have been watching the sand burn outs, so?”

“OMG, Giana, that last time I let you do that, I mean, you spread smack around about me!”

“Well, your fem boner popped up so fast, well, it was actually good smack talk, so?”

Tee he, it was good smack talk! I just wanted to hear Giana say it! Well, not good, good, good smack talk, but I’ve heard that it’s, well, never mind then.

“Anyways, Ingrid wants a body vibrating quad, quad and I’ll have a small double, double, so?”

[Squirt, swish, squeal, swoosh, grr, grr, steam, pump, brr, brr, steam, pump, sploosh, squirt]

“There you go, Tucky, one DNA changing quad, quad for Ingrid, one small double, double for you and one bed partner, so?”

“Gianna! You know that won’t….”

[Front door chime jingle, jangle]

“Oh, oh, hey triple, hey, Ben, whew, what are you doing, um, oh, hey Ben.”

[Smack, lip smack that is, smooch]

[Photo snap, photo snap, photo snap, Gianna likes her evidence]

[Huh, Tucky likes tipping up on his tippy toes then]

“Is one of those coffees for my step sister then, hmm?”

“Ooh, um, yep, but it’s a dash and drop situation, so?”

“I’ll be in my SUV then, Tucky, so?”

[Huh, a condom secretly slips into Tucky’s back pocket then from Giana, huh?]

“Um, I’ll find you shortly then, ooh, um, oh, I should get Ingrid’s quad, quad to her, um, so (gulp), I’ll find you then, Ben, so?”

[And Gianna is still stuffing something in Tucky’s back pocket]

Well, I already whacked Ben off a couple of times, so I knew his size from my hand and that was fairly reasonable and I knew the speed of his grunting from having him turn his head and cough while I went ahead with that medical procedure and I know the size of his release from all that, so given that the next steps seemed to be written on the alley brick wall, I mean, I like Ben, so. But not as far as a condom was required! LOL, not just yet anyways.

[The Hoodie Shop door chime jingle, jangle. Tucky has head down]

“It’s alright, Tucky, I texted my step brother, (sip) so? Wait, what’s that? OMG, did Gianna rub your legs down with lotion again? Oh, ooh, ooh, oh, my bad, everyone gets turned on, I guess, so, oops.”

[The Hoodie Shop door chime jingle, jangle behind Tucky. Tucky has head up]

Well, I’m not shy about what type of shorts that I wear on the Strip and yes, I get turned on too!

[Turned on smack talk flying up and down the Strip at lightning speed! Tucky trots to Ben’s SUV]

“(Cough, cough) where are you going in such a hurry then, Tucky, hmm? You shouldn’t trot in such dust horasan escort filled air, so?”

“Frank, well, you’re right about that last thing, but I’m expected somewhere and it will look suspect if I take too long, so?”

“Oh, Tucky, I have something that you might not be expecting and I suspect that you’ll whimper for me, so?”

“Frank, I totally suspect that you are a side fag and I expect that you want to stick your baby maker into a couple of my places, but that’s not going to happen! By the way, knucklehead, the store front that you and your crew hang out in front of is a toy store! It’s for toy doll baby clothing and not for adult female babydoll nighties!”

“BS! Wait, what?”

LOL, those freaks still liked how a couple of plastic bare butts were visible through the store window, so, Frank’s “wait, what” was the only BS there!

[SUV door creaks open, Tucky slides in]

“Hey, quad hey, Ben.”

Well, LOL, since the twin smoke stack demolition, boy, did I pick a bad week to not own a car wash or what?

“Oh, crud, Ben, did you leave your windows cracked open during the dust cloud of 23 then, hmm?”

“Well, it was hot as usual and I sort of forgot things, so. Also, if the dust build up is going to ruin your Denim, I mean, tee he, remove them then or something, okay, Tucky?”

Hah! That’s an old twin concrete smoke stack demolition dust build up trick if I ever heard one!

“Drive to the car wash, Ben.”

“Aww, come on, Tucky! It will take all night to vacuum all this dusty crud out!”

Hah! I knew a better trick!

“Ben, you just need to reverse the tube thingy on the vacuum and blow it all out like a leaf blower! And then I will blow you because it feels like it’s time for that, so?”

[Screech, squeal, screech, squeal, wheel hop, screech]

Well, there are always next steps, right? And I like Ben, so.

Also, LOL, I think I started a trend! Which made for another dust cloud at the south end of the Strip, but much smaller. Also, I may have a new place to hang out, maybe. I mean, talk about a cast of characters, right? The Car Wash had them all!

“Do you need a boyfriend for tonight, hmm? And what’s your name since we’re going to fuck anyways, so?”

“I’ll have you know that I am the boyfriend and that’s my boyfriend just over there messing around with the reversed vacuum cleaner machine thingy, so? And my name is Tucky.”

“Hah! He has a line of customers, so we have time for you to reverse suction my vacuum cleaner, so? Wait, well, I want a forward suction from you, so?”

“Hah! What’s your name then? I mean, I want to get it right for my boyfriend Ben, who is going to kick your ass just after he plows my ass, so?”

“Hah! My name is Deadbeat! How much of that is true then, Tucky, hmm?”

“Well, we’re on our way, so?”


Oh, so that worked, I guess.

[Grr, grr, grr, brr, brr, blow, blow, whoosh, whoosh, grr, brr, blow]

“Tee he, your boyfriend is blowing my car!”

“Cute, Darla, so, um, things are reversed with that, right?”

“Yep, nobody knows why a suck off job is called a blow job, but I think it’s been that way for eons, so, ooh, do I sense something to gossip about coming soon then, hmm, Tucky?”

“Well, I don’t know there has to be any gossip about it, but tonight feels right, so, hey, third base, here we come.”

“Oh, second base is a blow job in these modern times, but it’s your ball game, so, um, did you want a double up partner then, hmm?”

Well, who has a readily available response to that, right? I mean, I didn’t have one, so. Well, wait, right?

“Um, a double up like two couples or ikitelli escort a double up where Ben is the happiest guy on the planet for having two mouths at once, so, ooh, um?”

“Oh, wow, I hadn’t thought of that, but I’m solo tonight, so?”

Okay, talk about being put into a stunned situation, right?

[Grr, grr, grr, brr, brr, blow, blow, whoosh, whoosh, grr, brr, blow]


“Ben, um, people get the drift with the dust blowing, so, um, ooh, Darla wants to show me how it’s done, so?”

LOL, guys, right? They want a two for one deal all the time!

But I mean, I couldn’t do that, right? No matter how hard Ben was crying since I mentioned it to him, which in hindsight, I shouldn’t have done! All of which left me stunned again with no clue as to what to do.

LOL, guys, right? They always have the answer when a two for one deal is about to slip through their fingers!

I mean, it was swoosh, lock your car, Darla and swish, everyone in the SUV and then it was vroom, vroom, vroom to the old abandoned airfield parking lot where, guys, right, Ben just spent his time getting the three of us into his rear seat! And with a plan! I mean, guys, right? They always want to be in charge of the two for one deal!

“Proposal one is that Darla sucks it up good and Tucky swallows it down!”

“Hah! Only if Tucky strips down to his undies!”

“Hah! Proposal 1A is that Darla sucks it up good and Tucky swallows it down hard while just in his undies!”

I mean, I should have had a say in the matter, but internally, I had committed to that night being the night and it was hard to argue with having a live instructor over all of those tutorial videos on Chang and it just so happened that I had previously considered being in a more naked mode when performing my first real medical procedure, so. And I whispered that to Darla on the way to the old abandoned airfield because Ben was too lost in “two for one lust” to pay any attention to what Darla and I were saying anyways, so.

Anyways, with one quick snap of the button and a quick push down of my shorts, that’s what I did.

And my undies were a modest bikini style with the wider sides, so I wasn’t throwing all that much shock across the rear seat, so.

But then wow, did I get a lesson on how things were done or what? Granted, I’m sure Darla had sucked off her boyfriends in the past, but holy bobbing head smoke! I knew nothing! Except for that I was just in undies like I had always planned to be. LOL, and I knew that Ben was living the dream!

But then, here’s what I came to know or not know. I didn’t know what to do or when to jump in or anything like that and with Darla being so busy and preoccupied, well, I didn’t want to interfere with that and with the way that Ben was moaning and groaning and throwing his head around, I mean, I wanted to lip lock him, but it didn’t seem to be the time for that, so, damn, I slithered in.

I mean, I meant to just slither in close and become a part of mass of human body flesh, but Darla took that another way and traded off with me. Or, holy stick it to me smoke, she shoved Ben into my mouth, which was right there and holy perfect timing smokes, as if on que, Ben blew! And blew and blew and blew! LOL, and grunted a lot more, which was something that I never heard before. Like that anyways.


“Swallow, Tucky! He’s your boyfriend, so swallow quick and hard!”

Also, huh, the timing was perfect and I think Darla had a sense for things and oh boy, she wasn’t letting me off of the hook. And maybe it was sex cheating, but I held my position and did what was expected of me, no matter how “ewe” it was at first.

And then, huh, what I learned next was that everyone needed a breather after that. I also learned that we weren’t alone in the old abandoned airfield parking lot, so from there I was expecting zero smack talk up and down the Strip and maybe a little, um, respect. LOL, at least a rep, right?

End Tucky 01

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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