17 Ekim 2024

The Process/Progress Pt. 03

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Based on a true story; names have been changed; some details reflect reality closely, others have been exaggerated or fabricated for dramatic effect; all characters in the story are 18 or over.

There are elements of forced feminization and incest in this story. The forced fem began near the middle of the first chapter, and has been a slow burn I admit; the incest has been hinted at, but will appear in this chapter.


“You know, Truc was actually bullied a lot in school.” I was back at Linh’s house and she was painting my toenails green as we both sat on her floor; I was in my boxer briefs and she was wearing a white bra and panty set with pink bows on the sides of the panties and between the cups of the bra. I had regaled the story of my date with Tham as per usual and when I explained how I convinced Tham to get her toenails painted, she grabbed her stuff and wanted to do mine again.

She didn’t care for the conversation about Friends though. She turned on the TV and changed it to Friends basically to spite me.

“Neither of you told me, but I’m not surprised,” I responded.

“They’d beat him up and tell him he was too small and girly to be a boy. That’s why I was so worried you beat him up the first time you met.”

Things were falling into place, but I was still confused. “If he had a problem with bullies for being small and girly, why is he totally into me treating him small and girly.”

Linh shrugged. “No idea.”

I thought about it for a second.

“Am I a cypher? A stand in for the bullies for him to work his feelings out he bottled up due to the bullies I represent?”

“I think you took too much of a liking to your literature classes at school. And did you use the word cypher correctly?”

“I think I did. But it makes sense, right?”

Linh shrugged. “I guess so.”

I was quiet for a while. We changed feet, and Linh started on the other one. As much as I enjoyed the attention, I couldn’t relax. My mind was racing.

“If you were concerned I beat him up, why did you encourage me to bully him into dressing up?” That didn’t sound like an accusation when I thought it, I was just trying to understand things, but after saying it out loud, I realized how it sounded.

Linh’s hands stopped. She slowly returned the cap/brush to the polish bottle. “Okay, babe, I didn’t mean to say it like-“

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. “Am I a bad sister?” And then the damns broke. She fell into my arms and buried her head into my shoulder and sobbed for a few minutes straight.

All this time, she seemed more excited than I was about this whole thing. But for some reason, she was hiding whatever guilt that was driving her to encourage me.

“Okay, are you feeling better?”

Her sobs had quieted down, but she was still sniffling some. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

“Okay. So whatever I ask or say, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. Whatever reason you had, it’s probably a better reason than I had.”

She nodded and I continued. “I’m just asking questions because I really don’t understand.”

“Right. Well, growing up, I’d always play with Truc. Dustin would play sports with his friends and Truc would play dolls or house or whatever with me.”

“Uh huh.”

“So, you know, dolls and house and all that is really girly. So instead of thinking I had a girly brother, I always considered Truc more of a sister.”


“And the bullies took that away from me. Truc let them. Even though the bullies never stopped picking on him. He was never manly enough. But he never came back to being my sister.”

“But now maybe she will?”

She nodded her head.

“Because of me.”

“Because of you.”

“And you want me to fuck her because…”

“You always let me do what I want. Or find ways to convince me to try something new. Maybe we’re really good together. And you’re really open to trying new things.”

“I won’t try everything.”

“But you’ll force my brother into girl’s clothes and seduce her,” she said with a smirk.

“You said it was more of a guilt trip,” I shot back at her.

“Admitting it’s not okay makes it okay, right?”

“And now we know it’s okay all around, right? She told me herself she wants to dress up and be a girl.” Something seemed to be nagging at Linh still. “What’s up?”

“We got lucky that’s what she wanted.”

“Mmm hmm.”

“What if she didn’t want that? What if we messed him up?”

“That would… be bad… but, I don’t think this plan would have worked so well if she didn’t want it.”

Linh didn’t seem so convinced. “This only worked so well because I was able to make her relax in the hotel. We had a good time, I made her feel happy and comfortable… We tried rape roleplay before, right?”

Linh looked confused, but nodded.

“And it didn’t go so well, did it?”

“You weren’t very convincing as a rapist.”

“And you basically threw yourself at me. Not much of a victim.”

She giggled.

“You don’t think I’d rape your brother do you?”

Linh actually laughed. gümüşhane escort “I hope not!”

I rolled my eyes. “Not a ringing endorsement, but I wouldn’t hurt you would I?”

Linh smiled. “No.”

“And I wouldn’t hurt your brother. Or sister. Because it would hurt you.”

Linh hugged me. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I figured Linh was emotionally exhausted, because we spent quite a while with her laying on top of me. My hands have always been a bit restless, so even now I was drawing lazy circles from between her shoulders, down the small of her back, around her little bum, and back up. For her part, Linh was mostly still, aside from the occasional kiss on my chest or rubbing my arm.

“Roll over, I want you to make love to me,” she announced while sitting up and taking off her bra.

“I’d love to, but my nails aren’t done drying, right?”

“Uhhhh what time is it?” She looked at the clock. “Shit. Fine, sit on the sofa. I’m on top.”

I slipped off my briefs, careful with the polish, and took my place on the sofa.

I was already hard, but Linh sucked my cock a little to get me wet enough. Once she was satisfied, she climbed on top of me, and wrapped her arms around me. I held my cock in position so I could enter her and then she slowly bottomed out on me in one stroke.

“Oooooh…” She breathed heavily in my ear. She remained like that for a moment before slowly grinding into me. “Do you really think we’re doing the right thing with Tr… Tham?”

“I do. She seemed really happy when I accepted all of her.” I reached my hand to hold it against Linh’s face.

“Do you like her?” she asked in a husky voice.

“She’s nice, smart, funny, and cute. Of course.”

“But you love me more,” she said with the confidence of someone who knew how I’d respond.

I held Linh’s face closer to mine. “Of course.”

“Are you going to have sex with her?”

“Do you want me to have sex with her?”

I felt her nod her head.

“Do you want to have sex with her?” I returned the question to her.

My girlfriend started grinding harder against me. “Yes.”

“Do I still need to fuck your ass before Tham?”

“Change of plans. Tell you later.” She started grinding hard.

For the next ten minutes, we remained in that position. I just let Linh do what she wanted. It had been an emotional few days for me, and Linh just went through the wringer herself. But eventually, nature takes its course.

“I’m gonna cum soon.” Linh started pressing against me pretty intensely.

“I want you inside. Don’t let me go.”

I hugged her tightly and she did the same to me, then I came. It wasn’t a lot, but it felt intense. Even long after I shrunk down to normal size, she stayed on top of me until it was time to get something to eat.


“Remember, I said I reserved the right to refuse to wear anything that made me uncomfortable, right?” Tham said through the bathroom door.

“How are we going to go swimming if you don’t put on a swimsuit?” My father and I had recently put up the temporary pool for the summer and I wanted to make use of it.

“Okay, just… be nice.”

“Yeah, I promise.”

The bathroom door slowly opened up and Tham revealed herself. She was wearing a black bikini with some frills in the front. Though the top was more like a tube top, but it included some foam to add a little to the chest.

“Woooo! Looking good,” I said. Tham blushed and looked away. “Do you not like it?”

“No. I mean. I love it, but..”

“So what’s wrong? I won’t force you, but I’d like to hear what you think.”

“It’s a cute design, I like the color. I’d like to wear something like this… but…”


“Even with the padding, I’ve got no boobs.”

“I mean, there’s a little there. The frills make the lack of boobs less obvious.”

She stared at me like I told her two plus two was five. “Jack, we may be… you know…” the blushing started and her voice lowered as if anyone else would hear, “physical, but I still like girls.”

“Yeah?” I said, interested in where this conversation was going, but still confused.

“Yeah. When I see a girl in a bikini, I wanna see a bunch of cleavage ready to spill out.”

“Hmmmm I see what you mean. I kinda felt the same way before I started dating Linh. ‘Oh my god, look at her, she has big boobs, she’s hot!'” Tham laughed. “But now it’s like, it’s not just the size, it’s the shape, the person it’s on, how perky it is. It’s the total package.”

“And you feel that way because of Linh?”


Tham smiled for a moment, but then returned to her current problem. “But at least Linh has SOMETHING. I’ve got NOTHING.”

I started walking to my room and motioned for her to follow. “Okay, okay, we don’t need to do the bikini. So what should we do?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have a one piece in that endless supply of women’s clothes you keep around do you?” I could tell from the way she said that, that she didn’t buy the bullshit I was selling about güngören escort all these clothes being left behind by Linh from previous dates. Why would she need so many changes of clothes? She didn’t come over enough and she sure as hell wouldn’t be allowed to stay the night. But that was the best I could come up with on the spot.

“Endless? Nah, sorry, Linh didn’t, ah, leave one over any time. But a one piece would have been fine? Not a bikini?”

“Sure, if the design was nice. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about being sexy, but more striking. Like an Olympian or gymnast or something.”

“Yeah, okay, I get ya. But you’ve thought about this before.”

She blushed, “I… like watching the Olympics.”

“Anyway, Miss Olympian is out. We can try trunks. My current size is too big, but maybe we can find an old pair we haven’t thrown out yet?” I preferred her to wear the bikini, but I promised I’d be nice.

“Nahhh, I wanna dress up. I like it. I know you like it. Plus, I don’t want to worry about the trunks falling down all the time.”

“Sure.” We thought about it a little longer. “Oh! Wear the bikini bottom and one of my shirts as a top.”

“Hmmm” she thought about it.

“Plus, if you wear the bikini top under it, it might make it look like you have some boobs too.”

She smiled. After after some consideration, she chose a black Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt I had. I had suggested one of my plain white tops, but she said “after it gets wet, you’d see my bikini top underneath and that would be a little too trailer trashy for me.” Both of these sisters could be brutal with their words.

“What about the wig?” she asked.

“I don’t think the wig would stay on in the water.” Tham nodded her head. “Plus, your hair has grown out a bit since our first date. When you came in wearing your boy clothes, your hair was a bit androgynous, but seeing you now, I don’t think you even need a wig. Maybe a stylist could do even more with it.”

It took a little bit longer than we anticipated, but we finally got into the pool. We lounged around a little, splashed a little, then I remembered, “Oh, do you need any sunscreen?”

Again with the look that I just said something incredibly stupid. “Jack, I’m Vietnamese, my skin is a light brown just from sitting inside and studying for two semesters in a row, and I’m wearing one of your shirts. If anyone needs any sunscreen, it’s you.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“In fact, I can’t even look at you.” She brought up her hands as if to shield her eyes. “The sun. It’s reflecting off your skin and blinding me.”

“God damn, woman,” I yelled with mock indignation as I got out of the pool. “I’m just trying to be a gentleman, you don’t need to ride my ass for it.”

“Maybe I want to ride your ass.”

“Yeah, maybe I’ll ride your ass later.” I disappeared inside the house before she could respond.

I grabbed the sunscreen from the bathroom medicine cabinet. I took a quick peak at Tham from the window. She looked like she was checking herself out in the reflection of a different window, trying to scrunch of the shirt in front of her check to make it look like she had boobs. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling.

When I came outside, I saw she had pulled the bottom of the shirt through the neckhole of the shirt, causing the shirt to bunch a bit at her chest and exposing her midrift.

“Heeey, looking good,” I said squeezing out a bit of lotion and applying it to my shoulders and chest. “Hey, miss perfect golden brown skin, help me apply some to my back, please.”

After she got out of the pool, I handed her the sunscreen and turned around. “Nuh uh. Turn around,” she said.

“Ooookay?” I did as she told.

“I need to make sure you got eeeevery inch.”

I stand up straight and hold out my arms. “Inspect away.”

She began rubbing her hands over my chest and rubbing in circular motions. “Uh huh, uh huh, this… looks good.” She moved on to my shoulders and arms, rubbing my biceps. “These look yummy. Too bad they’re covered in sunscreen or I’d take a bite.”

“Yeah? And this?” I flexed for her. I didn’t take any sports at college, but from the three sports I took in high school, I was still in good shape.

“Mmm hmm!” Tham blushed. She avoided eye contact with me, but kept staring at my body. From then on, each part of the body she put sunscreen on, I’d flex.

After finally covering my back, she hugged me from behind. I could feel her breath and she seemed out of breath “Let’s get into the pool, I need to cool off.”

“Sure.” I grabbed her arms, squatted down, and hooked them around my neck. It wasn’t much to pick her up, but still took a little effort to carry her up the ladder to get into the pool. So once I reached the top, I fell into the pool, chest first.

She came up for air first and splashed me as I came up. “Warn me before you do that next time.”

“Next time? You want to do it again?”

“No.” She splashed me again. “But you can carry me around on your back some more.”

“Sure thing, güzeloba escort princess.” I let her on my back and started gliding around the pool. The pool was only four feet deep, so I had to lean over to keep most of our bodies in the water. Her hands massaged my chest and I reached behind myself to cup her ass to keep her from sliding off. And to grope her a little. I could feel a bit of movement coming from her bikini bottom.

“This is nice,” she purred on my back.

I didn’t have anything else to add, except “mmm hmmm.”

After a good while of doing nothing but floating and chatting and relaxing, I was ready to change things up. I slowly stood up straight, giving her a chance to stand up too, but she floated on and swam by me. “What’s up?”

“Just- stand up for a second.”

She looked confused. “Okay.”

“Turn around. Okay, feet shoulder width apart.”

“You’re not doing anything perverted are you?” she asked half-joking, half-concerned. I guess my secrecy about it was a bit odd.

“Maybe, kinda,” I said before I ducked my head underwater, placed my head between her thighs, and lifted her on my shoulders.

“-yyy gooood” I heard her squeal as I came out of the water. She started laughing, “okay, what now.”

“Hmmmm, good question.” I turned to the left and turned to the right. “Do you see anyone we can play ‘chicken’ with?”

“Not much of a crowd today, I’m afraid.”

“Never a crowd when you want one.”

“I like the view, but what are we doing?”

“Hmmm, I don’t know. Why’d you make me pick you up anyway,” I asked sarcastically.

She put one elbow on top of my head. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I assumed she was pretending to think about it. “Hmmmm, maybe so I could do-” I felt her shift her weight. “-THIS.” She suddenly leaned forward with enough force that I couldn’t keep my balance. She was basically dunking me into the water with her weight and she was falling into the pool face first again.

We both came up for air around the same time, and she was laughing. I couldn’t help but smile. “Okay, that was clever. You got me back.” I was wiping the water from my eyes and saw her with her hair covering her face and her smile beaming beneath it.

She saw me staring. “What?”

“Nothing. But one act of revenge elicits another. This means war.”

She shrieked and ran for the edge of the pool. I was hot on her heels and grabbed her before she could scale the edge. I tried to pull her away from the end and toward the middle of the pool, but I don’t think the walls of the temporary pool were going to hold up, so I changed to plan B. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started kissing the back of her neck and her shoulders. She stopped wrestling against me and relaxed.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned and wiggled her butt against me. “Does this mean the war is over?”

“No, I’ve just declared a ceasefire so we can negotiate terms of your surrender.”

She paused for a moment, then crossed her arms, put down her head. “Pffffft!” And she laughed. I was still leaning on top of her and holding her, just enjoying the sound of her laugh. “How did you seduce me in the first place?”

“I guilt tripped you into a date, then I charmed you with a good time, good conversation, my good looks, and good kissing.”

She turned around, so I stood up straight to accommodate her. She pressed her body against mine and I could feel her hardness against me, and I’m sure she could feel mine against her.

“Now that you’re thoroughly seduced, I can say all the stupid shit I was too scared to say before.”

She rolled her eyes, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh. “When you put it that way, it all sounds so romantic.” I leaned in for a kiss and our tongues danced for a moment before she pulled away. “How about we get out of the pool?”

I kissed her again. “It’s like you’re reading my mind.”

“Nope, just your body language.” My cock twitched against her.

We got out of the pool and dried off. The shirt was too soaked, so she took it off outside. She still had the bikini top on, but crossed her arms in front of her chest in modesty or embarrassment. I thought it was cute, but I decided not to say anything about it.

We stepped inside and I took her hand and led her to the bedroom.

Once in my room, we stood next to the bed, and I held her close. She was avoiding eye contact with me, so I put one arm around her waist and the other cupped her face and I pulled her into a kiss. My heart was pounding. I wondered if she could feel it or if hers was pounding too hard to notice anything else like mine.

We fell on to the bed and I positioned myself on top of her. Our kissing resumed, more hungry this time. I started planting wet and sloppy kisses down her chin and neck, to her collar bone. I took my time, enjoying the smoothness of her skin. When I attempted to pull up the bikini top, she stopped me. I realized I’d have to fight to take off every piece of clothing, but thankfully, there wasn’t much.

“If you want me to treat you like the woman you want to be, let me treat you like the woman I know you are.” I slid down and kissed her on her belly, licking around her navel, as I pushed up on the top. Slowly she let me push it up and over her head, exposing her flat chest and puffy brown nipples. Then she put her arms by her sides and blushed, but she let me look at her.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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