17 Ekim 2024

The Gift (TG TF Feminization) Pt. 01

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My wife, Samantha, had stuffed them at the very bottom of my stocking.

I found them — under batteries, a cool pocket hand tool with a knife and screwdrivers, some candy, and a packet of razor blades for my razor.

My eyebrows raised when I looked at the package. “Gender change pills?”

My wife smiled sweetly at me. “His and Hers variety.”

“His and hers?”

“I thought we could play a little this Christmas now that the presents are opened.”

I laughed. “Play, huh?”

I admittedly felt a little on the spot, as this was something I had never considered. And now, my wife was kneeling before me with a sweet, expectant look on her face. I do like making my wife happy — but I wasn’t so sure.

Samantha could sense my hesitancy. “I mean — it would be just for a day.” She bit her bottom lip and winced, waiting for my response.

“I don’t know…”

“Just for Christmas.” She pouted. “Please, Eddie?”

I removed the pills from the box. There were ten. A row of five, blue, and a row of five, pink. The pills rattled in their containment between plastic and foil. I was not ignorant of their power; I had seen the stories on the news. Eyebrow-raising stories. These pills were no joke.

“How much did they cost?”

“No more than your new bandsaw. Not bad for 10 pills, right? Besides, you now have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience femininity — to be a woman completely. It’s so worth it, Eddie. Honestly, it will be so much fun, I promise.”

I rattled the pills a bit more in my hand. Was this really a good idea?

“There’s one more present I have for you. Maybe you should see it, and then you can decide.” She turned back to the tree. The ornate golden earrings I had bought her for Christmas dangled from her ears. Her breasts bounced in her shirt. She reached for a package hidden behind the tree, a rectangular box covered in brown paper and frilly red ribbons. She passed it to me.

“What is this?”

“You’ll see.”

I pulled back the ribbons and ripped open the paper. I held the top of the box and let the bottom slip from under it. In the box was a thick sheet of glittery white tissue paper. Slowly, I slipped it back revealing crimson lace and satiny fabric.

“Your breasts will settle nicely into it, I think. I mean, think of your mom and your grandmothers on both sides — and your sister. All of them are so well endowed. Yours will be big, Eddie. Much bigger than mine. I swallowed nervously in disbelief, my chest tingling at the thought, already feeling uneasy. But Samantha kept talking.

Oh, and I bought you stockings, too. They have nice little, red-tipped toes, your little feet will look so sexy in them. And I bought a garter belt. And panties of course. Mmm. I can just imagine your new pussy getting the crotch of those panties soaking wet. Can’t you?”

With a slightly shaking hand I searched through the box, inspecting each element of the outfit she had chosen, understanding the deliberation that had gone into selecting it. I swallowed and traced the lace around the edges of the lingerie. I touched the soft fabric. I admired the brilliant crimson color and the toes of the stockings. I curled my feet in my wool socks.

Then I held the cups of lingerie. They were large. I balked, I imagined them encasing two large breasts and my nipples hardened. I imagined my own flesh filling them completely. God. Did this really turn my wife on? With a little chagrin, I realized blood was rushing into my cock.

“I wanted this to be special, so I splurged. This set is from a little boutique lingerie shop in the city. The clerk was so helpful. She asked what you looked like, and I did my best to imagine it. I told her and she entered it into her computer, creating a 3D model of your body so we could do sizing. Seeing it all got me so wet. After selecting I paid and rushed out to the car. I couldn’t help but dive my hand into my panties once I got inside. I came so hard in the mall parking lot thinking of you as a woman wearing my gift… Eddie?”

I must have trailed off because she startled me when she touched my arm.


I stammered. “Yes, dear?”

“You know how I bought you those razor blades for your shaver?”

I nodded, looking back to my pile of presents as I touched the lingerie — my new bandsaw, my underwear, various tools and practical items. The lingerie was a gift of entirely another function. I had never considered ever dressing as a woman. “They are good razors for a man. But you’re going to need to use my shaver if we are going to do this right. I’ve put a fresh blade in it. It’s the pink one by the bath.”

My breath shook. My cock was engorged fully and pitching a tent into my flannel pajama pants. My wife looked down and back to me.

“Your body hair will mostly fall out when we take the pills. But you will need to shave your armpits, your legs, and — ” Her eyes fell to my crotch.

“You mean?”

“Shaved clean. I want your pussy shaved clean. Do you understand?”

Goosebumps gerze escort broke out on my arms and legs, and I could suddenly feel my trimmed pubic hair tingling at the thought.

For a moment I thought of the guys on my community league baseball team. What would they think about this? Was I seriously considering doing this?

My wife smiled. “And, honestly, I can’t wait to taste your pussy.”

My cock pulsed. A small drop of precum pushed from its head and soaked into my flannel pants.

I was already getting wet.

I thought of the pink razor waiting for me at the edge of the bath and winced. The situation was too much to fathom, and it made me whisper softly, “Oh, fuck.” The corner of my wife’s mouth perked up in a grin.

“So, Eddie — can I run you a bath?”

I took a deep breath. I nodded.

It was worth experimenting.

I placed the pills in the box with the lingerie and stood up. I bent over and picked up the box and turned to talk to our master bathroom.

And, in all the intensity of the moment, with my cock throbbing in my pajamas — in all the allure of becoming a woman and my wife’s tongue teasing my freshly bathed pussy — I completely forgot all about my wife and the line of blue pills in the package.


We walked up our stairs to the master suite, my mind flooded in competing thoughts:

Was this a good idea?

What would I look like?

Were the pills safe?

What would the guys think?

Was I allured or completely terrified?

Those two emotions — arousal and terror — blended within me. I noted how, working together, they drove my steps forward. Together, they were compelling.

Suddenly the door to our bedroom had taken on the foreboding appearance of a cosmic threshold. I was entering as Ed, or Eddie as my wife and friends called me. How would I be leaving?

I thought of my mom and sister. My grandmothers. The long ancestral line of men and women who had led me to this point. And now, here I was, at the behest of my wife, about to confound that progression. Defy it.

What would the results of that defiance look like? My mind flashed with possibilities. And in each the resulting me was slinking about in the silky soft lingerie my wife had bought for me, an object of desire and lust. To my chagrin, my balls expectantly awaited the soft cupping of the satiny panties in the gift box.

I rested the lingerie box on our bathroom counter. My wife followed close behind me. I pulled off my shirt and slipped out of my flannel pajama pants, the crotch of which had been soaked with an ever-expanding patch of precum since my wife had let me in on her little Christmas wish. I could hear her turn the faucets and the room was filled with the sound of rushing water into the tub. I turned.

“My god, Eddie.” My wife’s mouth fell open. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so hard in my life.”

My cock was engorged, nearly painfully so. It pointed skyward, head thick. My heart was racing in my chest.

“God, just look at it. It’s hopping with your heartbeat.”

I looked down, slightly embarrassed.

She smirked. “You really like the thought of it going away, don’t you?”

My breath shook a bit — then I tried to laugh it off. “Samantha! C’mon…”

“I bet your balls are so heavy. Yes! Look, Eddie, you’re dripping to the floor.”

I looked down at a long strand of precum dripping from the head of my cock. My cock pumped and it was followed by another, adding to the first, breaking the translucent strand of fluid with its weight and falling to the floor.

My wife’s eyes widened. “Oh fuck, Eddie. I like that you are so aroused, that your balls are swelling with come, that your cock is rock hard because a pretty, pink, little pussy is about to take its place.”

My cock suddenly swelled, nearly touching my stomach. Another long strand of come dripped to the floor. A puddle would be forming if I stood in place for too long.

“My Eddie really wants to be a woman, doesn’t he? Every time your heart beats you drip. Your cock is already acting like a pussy. It wants to be wet.”

“Stop. Please.” I blushed, involuntarily flexing my muscles, making my cock bounce. The drip just wouldn’t stop.

She approached me and wrapped her arms around me softly. “Oh, Eddie. It’s okay.” She lifted her arm, cradling the back of my head sweetly in her hand, and beckoned my head to her level. Then I could feel the tips of her manicured nails tickling my shaft.

She took my cock into her lithe fingers and pumped it languidly a few times. She whispered softly in my ear. “It’s okay. I’m wet, too. My panties are soaked completely through. They’re hugging my crotch under my flannel pjs.” She pulled on my cock, the head pressing into her hip, and depositing a wet spot to her pants. I moaned softly.

Steam danced over the crystal-clear water of the bathtub and in the late winter morning light shining in the window as Samantha stroked my fully engorged cock. I was close. giresun escort Fuck. I was already so close. I leaned forward, ready to explode. But Samantha tugged only once more before releasing me. She lifted her hand and tapped my chest with a finger. “Time to get in the tub.”

I sighed and moved past her.

“No, no,” she retorted. Her hand was outstretched. “Before you can use my pretty, pink razor, you have to start with yours. I’ve put the right guide on it. You’ll shave close. You can stand right here and do it. I want to see your hair falling to our cold, white-tiled floor. Shave your pubes to start.”

I took the razor, flummoxed by her suddenly demanding presence. I had never seen her act like this.

She turned back to the bathroom counter and touched the lingerie in the box. I stood watching her. Even beneath her Christmas pjs, her lovely hourglass figure could be surmised with a glance — the way her ass plumped out deliciously behind her, the curve of her back, the outline of her breasts, her long hair flowing gracefully down her back and around her shoulders, her dangly earrings bobbing with her slight movements. She was a head shorter than me. I lingered for a moment admiring her until she looked up in the mirror and right into my eyes sternly.

“Eddie! I said be a good girl and shave your pubes. Right now. Pronto. Do you understand?” You should already be shaving.” She looked back to the lingerie, her fingers dancing over it.

Good girl? Oh my god. I flipped on the razor. It whirred to life. I took a deep breath and aligned it and shaved a strip of pubic hair, just to the right of my cock, near to my thigh. It fell to the tile without fanfare. I shaved another, then another.

Soon my pubis was graced with trim, short hair — not stubble though. A soft, short, sensuous trim. My wife seemed to have picked a higher guide on my shaver. I ran my hand above my crotch, feeling the smooth result, then noticed my hair along my thighs.

“Should I shave my legs, too?”

She turned and settled her tight ass to the bathroom counter. “Oh, look at my little Eddie. You already look much more feminine, erect cock aside. So cleanly trimmed and ready. I already know you’re going to look so hot for me. I can just imagine you standing by the tree, your daddy’s daughter, horny and aroused in her new lingerie. Can you imagine it, Eddie? Can you imagine how you’ll look in your lacey lingerie?”

Butterflies filled my tummy. I tried to keep the subject on the matter at hand. “So — should I shave my legs?”

“As I said before, the entirety of the hair on your body will fall out when you take the pill, but, yes, now I think I’d like to watch you shave your legs. And your armpits. Shave, Eddie. Shave your body clean.” I tried to ignore her enthusiasm and lifted my left arm high. She giggled. “That’s right. Shave under there, dear.”

I stood surrounded by a pile of hair. She eyed me up and down, then lifted her hand and did a twirl with her fingers. I turned in a slow circle and then back to face her.

She nodded in approval. “Very good, Eddie. Now give me a moment.” She walked into the bedroom. I stood, cock still hard, feeling a little sheepish — nearly like a shorn sheep — and waited. In two minutes, she arrived with a broom and dustpan and thrust them toward me. “Sweep up your mess.”

I stepped back and laughed at her.

She stepped forward and scowled. “Do not make me ask you twice.” She gestured with a flick of her chin to the floor. “Sweep. Now! I want all of this male body hair off our tile floor and in the trash can. You won’t be needing it anymore.”

My cock swelled at her demands. Fuck — couldn’t she see I was about to burst already? I knew she could see it — my painfully swollen cock swinging in the air as I moved. She was teasing me. Making me wait. I flashed puppy dog eyes at her as I began to sweep, in a way I was pleading for her to ease the tension that was positively possessing my entirety, but much to my chagrin, her expression didn’t change.

She watched me coldly as I swept the floor. I thought about her easy grasp on my cock. The way she had tugged me. Sweeping up made me closer still. I stretched in every direction, sweeping my hair into a pile, cock swinging, so close to the edge of coming.

I flexed my muscles to reign it in. I couldn’t bear the idea she would see me come with so much as a look, especially since my erection was giving me away at every moment. I leaned down and swept the pile of hair into the dustpan and threw it in the trash.

“Good girl. Now get in the bath.”

I nodded.

I never took baths. Always showers. My wife was the one who took baths. I thought of her relaxing in the tub. Reading. Candles lit. Taking her time. Shaving her legs. She called these her creature comforts. I realized suddenly that I was unexpectedly about to have a taste of what that was like.


I stepped into the bath. One foot at a time. Steam rose, swirling around my calves. Samantha had girne escort run the water hot.

“Now Eddie, as you settle in, I want you to make sure to deeply feel the sensation your balls dipping into this hot water — and as you feel it, know deeply that they are going away.”

My eyebrows arched. So taken in what was occurring, my cock — which was achingly full and throbbing — now hopped at any suggestive thing that crossed my wife’s lips. It bounded in place, dripping another long string of precum into the bath.

“My little Eddie is excited to say goodbye to her balls. Isn’t she?”

I whimpered as she stepped forward and stretched out her right hand. I pushed my pelvis forward, hoping desperately for another tug before I settled into the bath.

Instead, her pointer and middle finger made a “V”. She turned her palm facing up and placed a fingertip lightly on the underside of each of my balls. I shuddered.

She moved my balls up and down, barely bobbing them in place, licking her lips. My cock moved with them. “Oh Eddie. They’re so heavy with come.” I moaned. “Do you think they know what they are about to become? I think they do.”

“Samantha.” I whispered. She was taking me to the edge with her words. I could barely think straight. My nipples hardened.

“Oh, I like thinking of your balls vacating your ball ack. Pulling your lovely scrotum behind them. Pulling it tight against you.” She moved her fingers ever so slightly against my balls. “Two words.” She smiled mischievously. “Labia Majora.”

“Oh fuck.” A long drop of come dripped out onto her lithe wrist. Then another.

“My little Eddie wants labia. Doesn’t she?”

I was frozen in place, knees shaking. I felt like the only thing keeping me from falling was her two fingers. Balanced there, by two light touches on each of my testicles.

She removed the subtle balance of my balls between her two fingers and traced the center of my ball sack with her middle finger, “And this.” I moaned. “What will bloom here?”

I breathed in. I was shaking, so much that my inhale shuddered as it filled my lungs.

She tapped her finger between my balls. “I asked you a question, Eddie. Answer it now. What will bloom here once your engorged come-filled balls say ‘bye bye’?”

I bit my lip.

She shook her head, pulled her hand away, and turned. “Fine, Eddie. We don’t have to play.” She went to grab the lingerie and leave.

“My pussy.”

She stood still, box in hand.

“I didn’t hear that, Eddie.” She stood. Silent. Unmoved. “What did you say?”

“My pussy.” My balls bounced at my reply. They tingled, charged, positively electric at my denial of them. “My pussy will bloom.” I delicately traced my finger down the center of my balls. “Right here.”

My feet, ankles, and halfway up to my calves was so warm — acclimated to the hot, inviting bath. The rest of my body began to shake in the cooler air of our bathroom. Shivering at the disparity of it all. I wiggled my toes.

Every part of me that entered the bath would be changing. But for now I was locked in this maddening liminal space, aching for a pussy, with my mind reeling over the fact I could never in a million guesses guessed how we would be spending our Christmas morning.

I looked at Samantha, who stood, still unmoved, her back facing me. This was a Samantha I had never experienced before. Calm, resolute, uncompromising.

She stood and said quietly. “Eddie, you will sit down in the bath.”

A sigh of relief left my lips so quickly it made butterflies in my tummy. She continued and I listened.

“You will feel your balls settle into the hot water. The water is hot for a reason. Hot water helps open the pores on your legs. It helps soften your hair so that that pink, girlie little razor will easily cut through hair and give you a close shave.”

I thought of the lingerie Samantha had waiting for me. Slipping my cleanly shaved pussy into it. What would it feel like?

“You will soak in the bath now — do you understand?”

I looked down at the bath and nodded.


I looked up

“I don’t hear you getting into the bath.”

I fell back, holding the tub behind me and lowered so slowly, until the underside of my balls met the water. I stopped, thinking of my wife’s fingers. My cock painfully hard, I descended, so very slowly, lavishing my balls in the sensation of submersion; saying goodbye — at least for a while. I moaned out at the hot water. It burned only slightly and quickly became agreeable.

The water reached the base of my cock and it pulsed on its own, dripping into the bath. I moaned out as I sunk down into the water and leaned back, submerging my body.

My wife turned.

I tried to meet her eyes, looking for her approval. Instead, her eyes moved along my body, as if it was a mere inspection. Something she had to do. Perfunctory.

I reached for the razor.

“Ah, ah, Eddie. Remember, we want a close shave. You need to be smooth. Soak first.”

I could feel her eyes settle on my cock. It was hard and the head was sticking out of the water. Her gaze didn’t move from it. It was cold. I flexed, pushing another stream of precum from my bulbous cockhead, which flowed out like lava into the bath. There was no change of expression on her face.

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