17 Ekim 2024

Poppy Seed Ch. 01

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Poppy Seed 01

All I’m promising to you is that people have messed with me since I used the supplies in art class for other purposes and that when I have a chance for a little pay back, well, that goes in my back pocket then and I take it. But I’ll also promise you that my recent pay back, tee he, with Rick Wick was only meant to juice up his blood pressure a little bit and nothing more. And Rick Wick should promise you back that he likes a few things about, but stays in his lane. And if he confesses that he has popped off over my poppy seed booty a couple of times, tee he, stop by and tell me that! Ahem, just so I have more pay back material for future use purposes. And I’ll make you a BLT.

[Two male hotel guests and oddball Poppy Seed wait patiently at the hotel front desk to complete the check in process. And then oddball Poppy Seed directs one of the male guests to wait on one of the lobby couches because oddball Poppy Seed understands what his friends can and cannot handle]

Um, I’m quirky, ahem, quirky cute and not an oddball, sheesh.

[And no matter is said at anytime during this story, oddball Poppy Seed always wears designer warm up suits]

“Whew, sorry folks, but it’s been extremely hectic here at the hotel today since there is a Texas Poker tournament and a Hero Con at the same time this weekend, but I’m almost finished registering the three of you and I’m placing a hold on a room for your two friends who are lagging behind and I’ll be [tap, tap, tap, tap, tap] all finished up just as soon [tap, tap, tap, tap, tap] as I take care of this special request that I see on my screen, so, just give me…”

“Oops, no, no, Miss, there are no special requests, so, no, no, it’s hand over the door key card and say have a nice day and go all “tap, tap, tap” on your keyboard and that’s it, Miss, so, no, no, there are no special requests, just enjoy your stay and that’s all, so?”

[Is a smirk the same as going all “tap, tap, tap” on the keyboard because the front desk clerk was not tapping her keyboard, hmm? And Poppy Seed is crying over her long straight hair]

“Oh, tee he, no, no, sir, usually the customer is always right, tee he, but, no, no, not this time because yes, yes, I see a special request right here [the front desk clerk click taps her device screen with her cerulean blue fingernail, click, click, click] and it says…”

“No, no, Miss, no, no, it’s “enjoy your stay and enjoy the Hero Con, have a nice day” “tap, tap, tap, the end, so?”

“Tee he, no, no, sir, it says right here and not only am I quoting, I’m getting a big kick out of quoting, ahem, “Rick Wick and Poppy Seed are requesting an adjoining room because” and I’m still quoting sir, “because two people might want to brush their teeth together before bedtime nighty, night sleepy time”, end special request quote, so?”

[Rick Wick drops his face down into his hands in a geez moment of embarrassment, but Rick Wick choses a couple of other words instead of geez.]

“Tee he and I think that’s a lovely idea for a hotel weekend bedtime nighty, night date! Oh, and by the way, sir, here are your door key cards, enjoy your stay and enjoy the Hero Con and oops, just let me add one more thing to your reservation [tap, tap, tap, tap, hit enter], there, your turn room down services now include complimentary tooth brushes, have a nice day, folks and thanks for choosing our hotel.”

[Rick Wick is now cradling his face in his hands and almost crying]

Well, it came to me in a dream once and a dream is exactly the same as a meme, so.


“[Tap, tap, tap, tap] oh, I missed that [tap, tap, tap, tap, hit enter], there it is, Poppy Seed, the set of Hero Con bedtime nighty, night satin jammies, which will be perfect for brushing teeth together, tee he, are expected to be delivered by 4pm today. I’ll ring you when they arrive, so, enjoy…”

[Rick Wick’s head literally hits the front desk counter top]

“And, Poppy Seed [tap, tap, tap, tap], I’m adding a little something ($100, $200, $300) to your room account that can be spent in our restaurant, gift shop or hair salon because I’m borrowing your “because two people might want to brush their teeth together” idea to spice things up at home! Enjoy!”

[Rick Wick almost passes out]

And it was all just in good fun because Rick Wick likes the way I look, but does not have it in him to walk on the other side of sidewalk. Not that we ever would, but, tee he, that was fun.

And all of our previous “accidental” bumps were mutual, so that’s a tie.

Besides, this was my first long weekend in a hotel and I needed him to watch my back because what the hell do I know about what goes on in a hotel, right? So, I paid him back for literally nothing since we maintained a tie score forever and he had my back, right? Especially, tee he, since his hotel roomie is my step brother, who I love and adore like a step brother and who I couldn’t live without since he has always kept an eye on my back too.

[Rick Wick wipes elbistan escort embarrassed eyes from sobbing and whisks Poppy Seed off to the side of the front desk and behind the large plastic plants that were, huh, real plants!]

“What the hell, Poppy Seed? Adjoining rooms?”

“Oh, this is my first time for a hotel weekend, Rick Wick and I’ll feel much safer knowing that you and my very protective step brother are puffing your weeds and whacking off over your Hero Con posters just a set of flimsy doors away from me, that’s all, so?”

“Oh, you mean your step brother, Ken, who has been the weekly victim of how you press your fingers to the sides of your forehead while squinting your eyes and attempting to emit an invisible death ray in his direction, huh?”


“And who is also the step brother of yours who has yet to figure out who keeps putting match sticks in the sole seams of his running shoes, huh?”


“Ahem, who is also my hotel roomie for the next four days and three nights, huh?”

“I brush my teeth in just my undies, Rick Wick, and all I packed was hotel weekend undies, so?”

“Bellhop! Bellhop! Hop to it! Miss, Miss, hit the dingdong dingy Bellhop bell!”

Well, then he briefly passed out anyways.

[Rick Wick didn’t exactly pass out, but needed time for his Poppy Seed boner to subside because Rick Wick’s story is that, fine, I look sometimes, but I stay in my lane]

And it didn’t matter anyways since Rick Wick has his limits, but since I look pretty decent in just my undies and since we were in a hotel for the weekend, well, we’ll see. Well, for tease brushing only, but I wouldn’t be mad about brush shaking my booty for someone since I haven’t done that before, especially when Rick Wick will freeze up, tee he, hopefully [gulp].

[Poppy Seed casually strolls over to the lobby couch where his favorite step brother took a seat and plops down on the same couch, but not to close because, um, Poppy Seed might catch on fire]

“Well, Kenny, tee he, your head must be spinning right now since you just found out that there is a Texas Poker tournament here this weekend too, so?”

“[Staring at the ballroom area] what, oh, damn, Poppy Seed, did you know about this, huh? I mean, you’ve pulled some mean pranks on me before, but this is just dirty mean.”

“Nope, you can’t pin this one on me, step bro, but tee he, I probably should have picked up how the ad said Texas Poker when I thought it said the hotel was hosting a Texas Pork BBQ inside of their main ballroom! Anyways, Buster and Frank are still running late, so, can’t you play cards just tonight then and then have a go at the Hero Con Saturday and Sunday then with the guys, hmm?”

[Step bro Kenny, I mean, Ken, is almost drooling looking at the Texas Pork BBQ tournament games]

“I mean, with these types of poker tournaments, you’re either in or out more than a play as you please situation, but my head does feel like it’s going to explode from a death ray now!”

[Poppy Seed may or may not have been sitting on the other end of the couch, pressing his fingers against his forehead and squinting his eyes]

“Anyways, Poppy Seed, I’ll figure something out, hopefully. So, are we all checked in then? And did the hotel play the old Switch-a-Roo on us with the room prices? Is that why Rick Wick is passed out? And, and, and more importantly, I mean, we made a dysfunctional family rule about you wearing a warm up suit around the clock this weekend, right, Poppy Seed? And, and, and that includes any and all runs to the ice machine from your hotel, which, tee he, is on the other side of the hotel, right, Poppy Seed?”

“[Poppy Seed doesn’t even bother answering that] well, it’s your choice whether to play a poker game that you’ve become addicted to in the Millers’ basement or to wander around the Hero Con, which, tee he, you and the guys are also addicted to, so…”

[Poppy Seed stands up]

“Poppy Seed, Poppy Seed, do not whip your warm up suit off right here in the middle of lobby!”

[Poppy Seed ignores that too! Zip, zip, whip. Tee he, that brought the Bellhops running]

“[The hotel loud speaker announcement system, squeak, squawk] attention, Bellhop staff, we have other guests with baggage too! I mean, it is mostly marital baggage, but still, ahem!”

Well, I’m not ashamed anything about my body and I mostly wear warm up suits, ahem, designer warm up suits, because I really like the buttoned up tight look. Unless I’m brushing teeth with a partner. Then buttons just get in the way.

[Three oddly fitting green jackets have Poppy Seed surrounded, but they have to listen to the voice of reason because Margo from the front desk is the voice of reason when she uses the hotel loud speaker system]

“Oh, and before y’all green jacket guys scurry off because the front desk clerk just called you out for trying to bellhop my poppy seeds, this is my step brother, Kenny and…”

[Now it’s time emek escort for the step bro to lower his face into his hands to hide]

“And before we get into what a properly fitting green jacket is, ahem, my step bro, who actually looks good while wearing eyes hiding sunglasses because Texas Poker players always wear sunglasses to hide the fact that they are sitting on a killer hand, I love my step brother like a step brother and he should be able to have it both ways this weekend (since I can’t get his head to explode), so, how can he play the games and attend the Hero Con, hmm?”

[The step bro is now cradling his face in his hands even lower and sobbing]

“So, how does he sign-up for the poker tournament too, which will keep him busy while I brush my teeth, so…”

[Oh, step bro, Kenny, has gone straight to crying in his hands]

“And if he can’t still sign-up to play cards, is there a list of the lonely and horny cougars that will be left alone all weekend because that’s another game to play, so?”

[Wait, step bro Kenny’s head lifted up! With a smile!]

“And that’s not my boyfriend quivering behind the tall plants, green jacket with the name tag of Duke, which I assume means your real name is Ben, I mean, I wouldn’t be mad if you were the one who toted my luggage up to my hotel room and left a fresh tooth brush on my pillow each night during turn down service, so?”

[Damn, Poppy Seed is flirting right in front of the step bro, so he went back to cradling his face in hands]

Well, green jacket Duke looked like a possible match for me, you know, way, way down the road when I actually turn in my poppy seed booty “tease” card for a “sex machine” card.

[And green jacket with the “Duke” nametag on it speaks up]

“Well, well, well, scram other green jackets! Ahem, Ben, Ben Bendict, at your service and I’d be happy to escort you and your luggage up to your room so you can get settled in and I’ll get into a fight with my manager to be the one who gently places a fresh tooth brush on your pillow every night.”

[The step bro starts to sob into his hands again because Poppy Seed’s flirting works every time]

“And not to be forward or judgmental, ahem, some of the poker players are female, which leaves a couple of lonely husbands around, if that’s something your step bro is…”

[The hotel should change its name to the “no, no” hotel because step bro Kenny went all “no, no” quick!]

“Oops, no, no, I mean, no, no, I’m fine with, I mean, no, no! Just, um, see to it that Poppy Seed gets settled into and you know, no, no!”

Well, it was my first time in a hotel for an entire long weekend and that, oh boy, was an interesting elevator ride to my room! And by the way, whoever invented glass enclosed elevators, thank you because I could see how stuff could happen in an elevator if they were not made of glass! Not that I’m complaining and not that, I mean, who knows for some other time and all, but for my first glass elevator ride, so, thank you Mr. Inventor.

[Grr, brr, grr, brr, the elevator slowing glides upwards]

“So, Duke Ben Bennedict, what are your intentions then, hmm? And stop looking at my feet. I wore flats for the car ride to the hotel, okay, sheesh!”

“You can relax, Poppy Seed, but I am sizing you up! So, my best guess is that you have lap danced a couple of dates in the past, so?”

Um, he got that from my wearing of flats? I mean, it was true and spot on, but still, right?

[Grr, brr, grr, brr, the elevator slowing glides upwards]

“Well, at least they popped off from my Poppy Seed booty and that’s all a guy care’s about anyways, so? And by the way, it’s only been twice!”

[Ding, the elevator doors swoosh open]

I mean, I waited for him to say something about brushing my teeth late at night, but that didn’t happen. At first.

[Room 317 opens]

“[Plops down the roller bag on the funky little luggage stool thingy in room 317] um, two beds, one table, two chairs, a balcony with a decent view of the shopping and dive bar street down below, a double latch on your adjoining room access door and one bathroom with a double sink in case there might be any teeth brushing going on here this weekend in a side-by-side situation, so?”

Um, I just fooled around with the double latches on the adjoining room door because reality started to set in and if anyone doesn’t understand reality, that’s me. And even more, anyone doesn’t understand the reality of what it’s like to be in a hotel room with a Bellhop named Duke, who was born as Ben, that’s me too.

“Alright, alright, Poppy Seed, I can tell that you’re nervous, so, I’ll leave you to getting settled in and all, but I work here at the hotel, so you’ll see me around this weekend, so, here’s to seeing you later?”

Oh, so, “here’s to seeing you later”, hmm? Was that a toast without a cocktail or a seduction line, hmm, folks? And I’m asking since all of my seductions thus far have been more like “hey, erbaa escort you dress like a girl, so suck my dick like a girl” or things along those lines.

[Ding, the elevator doors swoosh open after getting settled in, like, ten minutes later]

“Excuse me, excuse me, hold the elevator, please.”

[Poppy Seed sticks his head with his short and curly dark hair out though the doors to see who was shuffling to the elevator and whoosh, gets knocked backwards by a shuffling body]

“Whew, thanks for holding the elevator, um????”

[Swoosh, the glass elevator glide closed]

“Poppy Seed, I’m Poppy Seed, so, since there are floors above us, are you going up or down, ma’am, hmm?”

“Tee he, I’m one of those women who haven’t gone down since the next day after the wedding, but since that’s where the limp hubby is, down it is! But just this once, tee he. Also, whew, you had better watch how you wander around the hotel this weekend after dark since they’re all faggots and by the way, I saw those two young gun studs that you checked in with, so, fess up!”

[Grr, brr, grr, brr, the glass elevator glides slowly down]

“Um, to repeat what I just heard at the front desk, no, no, I mean, no, no, that’s my, um, we’re friends and only friends and we’re here for the Hero Con and nothing else. And there are two more comic con nerds coming later, so?”

“Well then, maybe I’ll revisit going down then, what’s your price, purdy boy, for an intro?”

Well, snap, even in a glass elevator, I mean, when a woman spins around and blocks the view with her back and flashes her bra at you, I mean, what? And by what, I mean, what! And by that, I mean, what the hell goes on in hotels anyways? Oh, and no, no, I’m not complaining. No, no.

Also, tee he, no, no, I didn’t mean to just spill it out!

“Bah, bah, bah, my step brother’s name is Kenny and he’s the one staring up at us right now and his friend, who is also staring up at us right now, is named Rick Wick and my dream hotel date is brushing teeth together and bah, bah, bah, those bra cups are huge! And full!”

[Slips “works every time” shirt back down. Grr, brr, grr, brr is the elevator still moving?]

“Huh, that’s how I hooked my first boyfriend back in the day after his mom made us dinner! Well, I mean with brushing our teeth together. Well, I’ve always been blessed up top, so that may have helped too, so.”

Or she something like that because those were the first bra cups I ever saw in life and my head was still going all “bah, bah, bah” just a bit.

“Well, be quick with your photo of my tits before the poker tournament ladies gossip machine cranks it up since we’re alone in the elevator! Just don’t post it until your friends fuck me stupid and sideways!”

[Photo snap, twist please, photo snap, back forward please, photo snap]

Well, everyone likes boobs, so.

“(The lobby gossip machine catches that! “OMG, Martha just went lesbian in the elevator and I saw it! Whisper, whisper, that’s not a girl! That’s the booty cutie that was making out with the green jackets and I saw it! Tap, tap, text, Martha just had a 3-way with a Bellhop and a girl with an Adam’s Apple and I saw it! Whisper, whisper, Mar-Mar just found out that the girly elevator operator had a cock and she sucked it hard in front of the other elevator passengers and I saw it)”

Well, people love to talk, right?

[Ding, the elevator doors swoosh open at the lobby level]

“See you around, sweetie. Text me your series of room numbers later. I’m Mrs. Manners, Martha Manners, by the way.”

Hmm, wait, snap, I didn’t have her number! Unless her phone number is 44GG.

[Another pair of shuffling feet]

“Hold the elevator, please.”

[Poppy Seed didn’t learn any lessons about leaning forward and peeping his head out of the elevator doors to see who was shuffling his way, bump, boom, slammed backwards against the rear of the elevator]

“Oh, I mean, I was in the way and all, so, ahem, my bad, ma’am! Anyways, since we’re at the lobby level, I assume that you’re going up then, ma’am, right?”

“Tee he, well, since I’m one of those women who stopped going down the next day after the wedding, up it is, purdy boy! Three please.”

Well, since I was inside of the elevator and all, tee he. Besides, with the glass elevator going up, I mean, it gave me a great bird’s eye view of Mrs. Manner working her charms on Kenny and Rick Wick, tee he, at the same time!

And by the way, since I’ve been subjected to “labels” since art class, I didn’t say a word.

“Ahem, I see that you’re scoping me out and bimbo is a tired label in these modern times. I just have big hair, big lips, big hips, a big booty and big boobs, so?”

“Oh, I know all about tired and dated labels, ma’am and I was only looking at your lip gloss color for just a poker tournament weekend event, it’s really bright red and I’m just going to shut it now and push button number three, which is my floor too.”

“Well, I can see that labels have probably tailed your tail around for a while, so, we’ll call it a tie. And be quick about pushing the button before the poker tournament ladies gossip machine cranks it up because we’re alone in the elevator together.”

[Hits the 3 button and the elevator doors swoosh closed]

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