16 Ekim 2024

The two wiwes

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The luxurious boardroom of the prestigious law firm of Pierce, Pierce, Singer, Melanchthon they were waiting for the aperture and reading of a testament.

The lawyer had summoned the two waiting ladies to read them the will of the late Mr. Martin Vandervoort; the ladies were Mrs. Charlene Vandervoort, his widow, nee Wainwright, sole heiress and principal shareholder, with almost seventy per cent of the stock, of the Wainwright industrial empire, founded by her grandfather, and Ms. Margie Eaton in whose bed Mr. Vandervoort, due to tremendous efforts and heart failure had passed away.

The will was a simple one, as it contained only two paragraphs; in the first Mr Vanderwoort left to her “mistress-secretary” his new last model Mercedes Benz 500 SLG, the car for which he had paid the tidy sum of 80,000 dollars, which was to be sold and the proceeds from the sale ought go to the account of Ms Margie Eaton in recognition of services rendered; in the second paragraph Mr. Vanderwoort appointed sole heir of their common property to his wife; and here we must make a stop and make it clear that the fortune of the Vanderwoort family was, by inheritance, the property of Mrs. Charlene Vanderwoort, so, Mr. Vanderwoort has little to bequeath to his widow.

After the reading of the will a frozen silence descended on the room. The lawyer at the ugliness and discomfort of the situation, coughed several times, Mrs Charlene Vanderwoort maintained a gelid calm while Ms Eaton face was as red as her hair with shame and couldn’t look straight to the others. The lawyer trying to come out of the tense situation with some dignity for Ms Eaton offered his services to find out who would sell the car, and so put an end to the awkward situation.

Suddenly, the until now silent Mrs Charlene Vanderwoort, to the astonishment of the other two said: “don’t you worry, I’ll see to the selling of the car”.

As it was, from any logical point of view, Mr Vanderwoort had pretended, with the sale of the car, leave financially secure, at least for some time to who had been his… mistress?

To the lawyer, it had been taken a hot potato out of his hands; to Ms Eaton it was a further step down the ladder of shame. None could understand the reasons for Mrs Vanderwoort to take over as menial a task. Unknown to them she had a powerful reason: vengeance. She was a smart lady, and had found the formula to get back at her husband and his slut. With class, as befits a lady of the high society.

Before exiting the conference room Mrs. Vanderwoort made a sudden request to the lawyer. She told him to start immediately the corresponding legal proceedings to get back to her, legally, her family name, she intended, as was the case in ancient Egypt, to erase her death husband name in everything concerning her life, present or past.

Before living, the lawyer asked for means to communicate with Ms. Eaton when he had news of the sale of the car.

As for Mrs. Charlene Vandervoort, she made a decision, unprecedented in the last years, and went to the Headquarters Tower of the family industrial empire, and took two actions; seal the 36th floor office of her late husband for a later exhaustive control of his documentation, and fire from the company a Ms. Margie Eaton


She was named Charlene, but everybody, in her social circle, called her “Lone” and she was the only one who knew why. When she was a child, one of her governesses used to hold her and sing softly while waltzing her around the room: “Charlene, lene, lene, Charline, line, line, Charlone, lone… lone… lone…lone” The sound of that last wayward syllable delighted her, and so she appropriated it as a nickname. When a child, in her moments of confusion, she used to think that “Lone” suited her perfectly because she was always alone, and because the more family and friends surrounded her, the lonelier she felt.

Her mother had died giving birth to her, and from then on, she had always been alone. Her father, the big industrialist had no time to care for newborn babies and he let her in the care of a vet-nurse, maids, and nannies. When she was eight years old her father thought it was time for her to start learning, slowly, the ins and outs of running an industrial empire, and being she, his only heir, every Thursday he took her to the board meetings, sat her in a chair at his side and made her pay attention to everything that was said and being dealt. It was at that time she met her future husband.

Martin Vanderwoort was the rising star at Wainwright Industries; at thirty three he was a very competent business administrator on his way to great achievements. Later, to everybody, his greatest personal achievement had been his marriage for money to the heiress of the Wainwright Industrial Empire. She was, at the time, twenty three years old and he was her senior by twenty eight years.

But, not everything is what it seems. Yes, they went to live at the Wainwright mansion, a spacious three story house in the suburbs of Shaker Heights, a wedding gift from her father; but since the first day, or rather since the first night, Charlene went to her bedroom in the house second story, closed and locked the door. The next morning at breakfast they discussed their sleeping arrangements. She informed him she lacked interest in men or in sex with men. She abhorred sex, with anybody; period. She had made plain her mental distaste of gropings and heavings in the sex act, and then they, by mutual consent, that was the only choice left to the good old Martin boy, decided to use separate sleeping quarters. Her sexual rejection and the locking of her bedroom never ceased to offend and annoy the mature husband.

When her father died and she took his place at the head of the companies, she usually worked and directed them from home. On the third floor of her mansion, she had set up offices, exact copy of that of his father on the Downtown Wainwright tower, and from there she ran her empire. Going downtown solely for the most important issues, Board of Directors meetings or surprise checks., for the rest of the matters she had at home the perfect errand boy, her husband, who used the pompous name of director for Special Operations, in fact he was the chain of transmission of the orders and decisions of his younger wife.

As to Martin Vandervoort himself, he had accepted married sexual deprivation uncomplainingly, in part because since he was thirty three years old sex was something he could take or leave at will; in part because his ambition to succeed at Wainwright Industries had, by then, become his central driving force. So, like a machine which slips into disuse, his sexual urgings dwindled. It was years later, when he was at the top of the corporate ladder, second only to his wife, that all that, for years repressed sexuality, showed up in force at the surface of his conscience.

He knew without a doubt that in that important portion of his life the curtain fell too soon. So, it was when his sexual desires broke through the corsets that had them compressed, they appeared with force and malignity, his revenge against his wife was paid for, with pain and sorrow, by other innocent women.


Mr. Martin Vandervoort had told his driver to wait outside as he opened the door to the apartment of his — in the day—secretary and moved immediately to the bedroom. He had called from his car to let Margie Eaton, his fiery redhead mistress, know that he was on the way. She was his favorite; he had had at least a dozen “secretaries” in the last years, none as hot as Margie. Red haired from the top of her head to the pussy between her legs, he thought, mistakenly, since she loathed sex with him, that she had a sexual appetite for him to match his own for her. Showed how little he knew her or of women in general.

When they were together, he would fuck her for hours, always him the dominant man he was not at home. She also gave him great head, which also, he never got at home. In fact Charlene, his wife, was, to his way of thinking, a sexless bitch.
He loved her women sucking him, what he would not do is go down on her or any woman. His ridiculous macho stand was: only fags and weaklings would put his mouth between a woman’s legs. If a man could not satisfy a woman with his cock, he was not a man as far as Mr. Vandervoort was concerned.

He stood 6’1″ tall, a solid 190 pounds, and looked at least 10 years younger than his sixty five years. He started to undress as he walked to the bedroom. His cock was hard already just from the thought of fucking Margie’s tight pussy. He loved the way her vagina muscles would grip his cock and hold on to it like a vise.

He was not in a hurry, his wife didn’t wait for him, and had removed his shirt by the time he arrived at the bedroom door. He entered and there she was, laying in bed with a sheer see through negligee that left nothing to the imagination. He could see the red pubic hair lighting up her pussy like the flame on a candle. She smiled and him and crooked her finger and made a motion for him to come to her. He unbuckled his trousers as he walked and was sliding the zipper down as he got to the side of the bed. He removed the rest of his clothes and laid down naked on the king size bed next to his mistress.

Margie knew what her boss wanted and slid down the bed to a place between his legs and hefted his cock in her hands. He had large pendant balls, as all old men have, with dark peppered with white, wiry pubic hair around then and around his cock. Her tongue extended from her mouth and started to lick at the base of his cock, up the thick shaft, and ending at the corona of his manhood. Margie sucked him in, inch by inch, trying not to gag, letting her mouth get adjusted to the size.

No matter how many times she went down on him, her repugnance always took her time for getting used to, and she never could. Her tongue ran in circles over the head as one hand massaged his balls and the other his cock. She accepted giving him head but she was not going to let him cum that way. After being fucked as many times as she had since coming to the city and going to work as a secretary for Mr. Vanderwoort in the Wainwright industries she felt as if she were a whore in one bordello,

He took to her the first time he laid eyes on her and that luxuriant red hair. A few weeks later, her job was depending on her availability to make “extra time” late in the evening to take “dictate”; the first time he fucked her all night long and then had her moved up to be his special “secretary”. In one night, Ms. Eaton went from a $10 an hour pool secretary salary, to a $500 a day mistress. Two years later, he was still the only one that could get to fuck her.

Margie had him very worked up, using the magic of her mouth and tongue, bringing him ever closer to orgasm. But every time she sensed he was going to cum, she squeezed the base of his cock, to tame the beast. She stopped sucking him and heard his moan of disappointment as she straddled his hips and directed his cock to the entrance of her enflamed cunt. She sat on his cock and slowly sank down on it, driving it to the very end of her cuntal passage. She could feel every inch move through her opening; bury in it deep inside of her. When she felt him hit her cervix, her cunt muscles contracted and she felt his first orgasm.

Margie needed no guidance or help; she knew exactly what he wanted. Her hips rose and dropped on her boss cock as if she wanted his cock as deep as it would go. Faster and faster she fucked him, her cunt muscles were contracting and pulsating with a vengeance, which in a sense it was, feeling every vein and ridge of his massive organ. She despised him because of what she had been converted by him using his power.

She pushed her cunt down hard on the cock and engulfed it with the walls of her cunt, and used her cunt muscles to squeeze the cum out of him. Martin felt the internal heat of Margie’s pussy on his cock and could not hold back any longer, he let a torrent of white hot cum erupt from his cock, flooding the deepest crevices of Margie’s cunt. Splash after splash of sperm filled her grotto, soaking every inch, nook and cranny of her cunt, spilling out onto her boss cock and balls. Margie dismounted and bent her head down using her mouth and tongue to lick, suck and clean her pimp-boss organ.

She rose from the bed and went into the bathroom and cleaned herself up before the next round started. Mr. Martin Vanderwoort reached over to the night table to retrieve a cigarette and his lighter; he lit up, and lay back down to rest. He did not have the stamina to go five or six times like he did when he was young and single, of course not with his fish of a wife Beatrice Wainwright, whose money he had married, but could still go at least three times on a good night.

Meanwhile, his driver stood outside of the condo door, waiting for his boss. He leaned against the car, knowing that he would be here no less than two hours. He wondered why he messed with these whores when he had that rich and beautiful wife at home. She was only 40 years old and had a body that would make blind men see. His boss wife had white blond hair, green eyes, and small rounded breasts that even the elegant though androgynous clothes she usually wore could not hide. And what a pair of legs! If she wasn’t his boss’ wife, what he would not do to fuck her the way she should be fucked. Only he didn’t know his boss wife didn’t like sex with men.

Margie came out of the bathroom and went back to bed. Her boss pulled her to him and roughly kissed her, tasting the toothpaste. She knew he would not kiss her after she had sucked his cock unless she brushed her teeth. Now came the hard part; he moved to her breasts, taking a nipple between his teeth, sucking it and sadistically biting the end just too hard to leave the mark of his teeth so Margie squeaked in pain. He did the same to her other breast and used his fingers to rub her pussy, sliding two fingers in.

She was still dry from cleaning up and it hurt her from his manipulations. Margie didn’t like rough sex. That was why she preferred to be on top, so she could ride the cock controlling the up and down pounding. Now, he wanted it from behind so she got on all fours and raised her ass and offered her cunt to him, as she asked herself again and again: ¿what was he?, ¿her boss, her pimp, her master? ¿What was she? ¿His secretary, his whore, his slave?

The honorable captain of industry, the pious Sunday church goer, moved in on her like a mad male dog going after a heated bitch. He unceremoniously shoved his 7 inches up to the hilt and began to fuck her hard and fast. He roughly grabbed her red hair and kept pounding his man meat in and out of her love cavern. Margie pretending to enjoy, and thinking of the way to end this ordeal, was pushing her ass backwards, driving him in even deeper, telling him to fuck her harder.

“Yes, yes, fuck your bitch, Come on, you sissy, you are a pussy, a wimp, fuck your cunt. It is all yours. I am your fucking bitch” she wailed at him as his cock was knocking against her cervix.

The honorable chairman wailed back, “here it is bitch, here is the cock you want, feel that, you cunt”

She was so lost in her foggy world of pain, her nipples and breasts a formless mass of pain that she didn’t realize that her tormentor had momentarily left her breasts and was holding her ass-cheeks open. Before she knew it, he had pulled his cock out of her pussy and placed its thick head right over her ass-hole.

“Sissy, eh, wimp, eh, pussy, eh, I’m gonna rip your bowels, you slut, I’m gonna fuck you in the ass, bitch” bawled an enraged Martin Vanderwoort

“No, please, I can’t, I’ve never… and you’re too big, It hurts…” her sobbing was filling the bedroom.

But as usual, he wasn’t listening to her. He was as lost in his lust as she was in pain. He started shoving his cock up her ass. Margie thought he would split her open. Her arms gave out and she fell with her face against the mattress. She was out of her mind with pain, but he kept forcing it in. Suddenly he gave one big thrust and then his whole cock was inside of her to the balls again, but in a place where she had never had a cock before, she could feel her blood as it was lubricating his dick deep in her ass.

He drove his ramrod deeper and deeper, feeling the cum rising from his balls he let go of her hair and reached again around to pinch her nipples hard, hurting her, and when he did, Margie’s cunt and ass muscles contracted in pain and he exploded in orgasmic pleasure, flooding her bowels for the first and very last time. He spewed his hot thick seed into her steaming ass, splashing off her intestines, and soaking his own prick. At that moment a sharp pain in the center of his chest made him cry out in anguish, and suddenly his body slumped over his lover’s back limp like a rag doll. He was death. Of heart failure.


Not having passed ten days since the meeting with the late Mr. Vanderwoort lawyer Ms. Margie Eaton received a call to concur again the to the law firm, and receive updates on the sale of the Mercedes Benz. She was euphoric; finally something good was going to happen in her life. After so many abuses and humiliations, with the money from the sale of the car she could finally relax and maybe take a short vacation before searching for a new job. She could not have been more wrong.

She chose to dress sober and moderately severe, letting her fancy and provocative garments become a thing of the past. She wanted to start a new life and let the old one became something from the past. When she got to the lawyer’s offices she was taken to the same conference room where the testament had been read, only this time she was here alone. She waited nervously to hear de good news.

The lawyer came into the room, greeting her with a slight inclination of his head, told her to be seated, and without further preamble he said that the Mercedes had been sold, and its selling price had been one dollar. Ms. Eaton felt that everything was beginning to spin as though the world had gone mad, felt as if her head would burst, and suddenly total darkness enveloped her and she fainted.

When she regained consciousness, she only wanted to know what happened, how that had come to be. The lawyer was nervous and uncomfortable.

“Mrs. Wainwrigh ordered to put a notice on the company’s bulletin board it said she wanted to sale the car at that price to the first person to be interested. The will made explicit that you would receive the proceeds of the sale.” The lawyer embarrassed, explained to her.

“But….but that’s so wicked” was the pitiable reaction of Margie. “I counted on that money to begin a new life, particularly after Mrs. Wainwrigh did order my dismissal from the company”

“What I’m going to do now……” sobbing with her hands covering her face.

The lawyer was truly uncomfortable. “The only option I see is that you go and speak directly to with Mrs. Wainwrigh, that would be my advice”

“But, I can’t go to see her; you see, that would make my humiliation total, first the husband humiliated me forcing me to have sex in exchange for not losing my job, and now … oh my god, what now”

“That’s all a can do Ms. Eaton, now if you would excuse me I have work to do. I’m sorry, very sorry, believe me” and gently accompanied her to the exit door.

Once on the street Margie Eaton was disoriented and lost, like not knowing where she was or where to go. It was not a physical sensation; it was a feeling of loss, it was a sensation similar to that in the death of a loved one; only this time she was mourning for herself.

Dejected, she returned to the apartment she was going to have to leave at the end of the month when payment of the rent for the new month was due.

Once in her apartment, despondent, completely depressed drew the window curtains, put the room in darkness, lay down on her bed and began to think about the possibility of suicide. She was physically hurt under her clothes, and now this, where would she go? She had no money, in a few days she would be with no roof over her head and she couldn’t go back to her parent’s house.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, her vision blurred, she went to the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet, looked inside, took a bottle she believed contained her sleeping pills, emptied the contents of the bottle on the palm of her hand, put the pills on her mouth and with a mouthful of water she swallowed them all. Then she went to her bed awaiting the arrival of Big Sleep.

The eternal sleep didn’t come. Next morning outside noises slowly woke her up; the most absolute darkness surrounding her, as memories of the day before returned to her mind, she recalled that she had swallowed the whole bottle of sleeping pills and could not believe that she had awakened. With her mouth dry, thick tongue and an incredible thirst, staggering she got up from the bed and headed for the bathroom.

After drinking several glasses of water, she looked in the mirror and the face that stared back at her was emaciated, pale, and haggard, not understanding what had happened, she looked for the bottle of pills and reading the label had the big revelation; she wasn’t death, she was alive and kicking, and the bottle had contained her vitamins.

At that very instant she decided her way forward. She would go see Mrs. Charlene Vanderwoort.


At three in the afternoon that same day, she was calling at the Wainwright mansion door. A maid opened the door and asked her what she wanted. Margie told her she wanted to see Mrs. Vanderwoort. The maid, with a mocking smile told her there were not a Mrs. Vandervoort in the house anymore, maybe she would like to see Ms.Wainwright. Margie didn’t understand a thing, so the maid told her from now on; Mrs Charlene Vanderwoort had become again Ms Charlene Wainwright in accordance with her wishes.

She made Margie enter the foyer and told her to wait, she would consult whether Ms. Wainwrigh was free and could receive her; and please would you tell me your name.

“Tell Mrs. Wainwrigh Ms. Margie Eaton wants a few words with her”

The maid reappeared a few minutes later and told Margie Mrs. Wainwrigh would receive her: “Please follow me”. And she took her to a lavish waiting room.

Half an hour later Charlene Wainwrigh made her entry into the room and addressing Margie asked, “Good afternoon, the maid told me you want to talk to me, what can I do for you?”, and to the maid “please close the door and don’t disturb us, I’ll call you when I’m finished here”.

Margie looked at her as though she could not believe what she was hearing. The gall of this woman, but she was beautiful, and Margie found herself wondering what her married life had been, and why her husband had “strayed”.

She was, and always had been, a slender and elegant woman now of forty years of age; her height of 5’ 9 was imposing when she used three inches high heel shoes; her hair long and silvery blond, frames an oval face with regular features in which stand out a pair of intense yellow green eyes and a mouth with thin heart-shaped lips that when smiling leave a view of two rows of perfect teeth, white as snow. Her slenderness weighted no more than 165 pounds in a body with slim but long and shapely legs; a tiny waist and smallish almost boyish breasts, maybe a 32 A, but, with long, sensitive and permanently puffy nipples in dark rose one silver dollar sized areolas.

Her big yellow green eyes, despite their astonishing colour, expressed very little as a result of being forbidden to express anything at all. When her gaze fell on someone, it made them uneasy to see its fixedness; and the longer they regarded those large irises, so vast and vacant, devoid of any emotion, the deeper they were drawn into their emptiness. As she was now, mesmerized.

“Well, you asked to see me, what can I do for you”

Margie seemed to wake up from a long lethargy “I want you to pay me the whole price of the car your husband left to me”

“You want what? You are out of your mind. The gall of you. The selling price was one dollar, and that’s what you received, or are going to; no more no less. That’s what was in your lovers will. The selling price”

Margie’s eyes were filled with tears by the impotence, her powerlessness to do anything about; to Margie this was a matter of life or death, to Ms Wainwrigh was a joke, she wasn’t going to be living in the street in a few days.

“So, you think I let your husband fuck me out of love?, if you think so, you are crazy, I fucked him or I was out of work; there were no two ways about it; do you by any chance know how it feels to be treated like dirt, without respect, and be abused, just to keep a job” Margie’s face was transformed by passion, her flaming red hair was in disarray and the whiteness of her of her skin was suffused red with anger and shame.

Charlene kept her thoughts to herself; she was not convinced by the vehemence of the tone and the words of Margie, her privileged position in life, the comforts she had always enjoyed, and the speed with which all those around her obeyed her orders made it difficult for her to accept that Margie had not acted willfully fucking her late husband.

“Don’t you tell me you never wanted him to fuck you, that he always imposed himself with threats” she said scornfully, “after all he was quite mild mannered, and so much older than you”.

Margie was seeing red, “you…you …bitch, you don’t believe me, you don’t believe me when I tell you he not only forced me with blackmail, but also abused and hurt me when he fucked me”

“Sorry, no, I don’t believe you” was Charlene’s cold answer. “Now, if there is nothing else, I beg your pardon but I’m very busy”

Margie temper flared up, “So, you don’t believe your dear husband was a beast, now, don’t you, well I’m going to show you what he was and what he did”.

Margie rose from the chair she was sitting and started to undress slowly to the astonishment of Mrs. Wainwrigh.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy? Get dressed immediately”.

Now it was Margie who asked scornfully. “What’s the matter with you Mrs. Rich Woman, are you afraid to see the truth with your own eyes” or “are you afraid to see the naked body of a woman”

Margie had continued talking while undressing and now she had only her underwear on, a modest set of white cotton bra and panties, which, however, allowed Charlene to appreciate the beauty of her body. Body that seemed carved in alabaster, though she could see now it was marred with multiples dark spots that went from purple to yellow-green and all shades in between. It was proof of a badly beaten body.

Charlene’s eyes couldn’t believe what she was seeing and her face had turned a whitish sick. Her mouth hung open and she had an expression of bewilderment and incredulity.

“Now do you believe me? This was made by your mild mannered husband. But you have seen nothing yet”, and with a rapid movement of her right hand she unclasped her bra, leaving it fall to the ground.

“Oh my god, no, no, oh my god, no, that can’t be possible” and Charlene tried to cover her eyes so as not to see what she had in front of her.

Her eyes were glued to the sight of Margie breasts; the perfect pale mounds were bruised with dark finger marks all around, which showed a long time violent treatment. But what made Charlene stomach become sick with horror was the sight of Margie destroyed nipples. It was a vision extracted from a horror film. The nipples were a formless mass of angry blue-red flesh almost raw, cracked, irritated and swollen. Charlene’s eyes filled with tears, for the first time in her lone life she felt pity for another human being and shame because anadolu yakası escort of the way she had treated Margie, thinking all the time she was a slut.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry; no woman should be treated like that, ever” sobbed a rueful

“Yeah, well, so for you to have the whole picture, I’ll show you what I had to do to keep a job, the job you took from me”.

And with that she pushed down her cotton panties and turned around showing Charlene her back, she bent her waist and took off the dressing covering her anus. Same as her breasts, the area was swollen, red, and had a few recent stitches in the rim.

“As you can see, for some people, nothing comes free in life” the voice seemed bodiless coming almost from floor level.

“Please, please, stand up and dress, I beg you” a really distressed Charlene said.

“Not a nice spectacle, isn’t? And you’re lucky, because you do not hurt” said with irony a now hurriedly dressing Margie.

Charlene was frozen, silent; she could not assimilate what she had seen, such thinks didn’t happen in her orderly and protected world.

“Well, I’ll take my leave now. I won’t bother you again, good afternoon”

Before Margie could leave the room Charlene seemed to wake up of an evil dream, “no, please, wait, don’t go yet, I want to talk to you”.

“What now? What do you want? Don’t worry I won’t disturb your placid life again, you can tell that to your lawyers”

“No, you have it wrong; I want to ask you a favor”

Now it was Margie’s moment of surprise, “You, ask me a favor?”

Charlene took a deep breath before she spoke, “Yes I want you to work for me”

“Whaaat, you want for me to be your whore; well, I don’t know if I’m available” said a mocking Margie, “Now I don’t have a job to lose”

Charlene went red as a poppy leaf “No, no, don’t misunderstand me, I want you to work for me as secretary, you could be my eyes and ears in Downtown Tower; you already know everybody who works there, and you could be my agent….”

“You kidding me now, right?” interrupted her one mocking Margie.

“No, I’m not kidding you, why don’t be talk about it with a cup of tea and I’ll explain my idea to you”.

Now it was Margie who was flabbergasted, less than two hours ago they despised each other, and now Charlene was offering her her job back, she couldn’t help thinking there was something weird about it in the offer; on the other hand she didn’t lose anything talking and could win a lot. “OK, I accept the tea”


“What I want to propose to you is that you work with me; as you must know I work at home, and I don’t go to the city center offices except for surprise checks, or Board of Directors meetings. What I need you for is to occupy the place of my late husband, in short, be my woman there, no pun intended”

Now Margie was stunned, she didn’t understand Charlene, the same Charlene who had ruined her life deliberately just a few days ago. The expression in her face must have reflected her thoughts because Charlene hastened to assure her sincerity.

“Margie, excuse me, may I call you Margie?”

Margie nodded silently.

“Margie you don’t know how sorry I’m of what has happened to you. The only way I have to repair it to you is, in part at least, give you a good job. A job in which you’ll be respected because you will represent me”

Margie wasn’t convinced “But, what will the directors say, Martin at least was your husband, he was a person of authority in the company with a long career and extensive experience”.

“You don’t worry about the details; I’ll take care of them. What a need to know is, do you want to work for me?

Margie was hesitant, she needed the job, badly, but, and it was a big but, was that just what Charlene wanted, give her a job, or there was something else she could not make out. Margie did not wish to get hurt again, she was sure Charlene was not going to harm her physically, but psychologically or emotionally?

Truth be told, Charlene had been emotionally shocked when she saw the lacerated and scarred body of Margie, and strange unknown stirrings had coursed through her body at the sight of the gorgeous nude body in front of her. She had wanted to hold, console and caress Margie, and when she was bent and her broken ass rim was exposed, Charlene felt a strong animal urge to kneel down and lick the wounded flesh, like an injured animal licks its wounds, only it weren’t her wounds. In that instant she decided she wanted to protect Margie.

Sipping her tea Margie was trying to make a decision; at the end she thought aloud, “what can I lose?”.

“Is that a yes?” asked a hopeful Charlene.

“Yes, it’s a yes” was the answer.

Next Monday morning everyone received a tremendous surprise when, just before noon, Mrs. Charlene Wainwrigh made a surprise appearance at the company headquarters, she was accompanied by Ms. Margie Eaton, the same, rumors said, whom she had fired a few weeks before for being the lover of her late husband. They went directly to the office of the late Mr. Wainwrigh, broke the seals and enter.

“From now on this will be your place of work when you are here; we’ll take the documents home to see what he was doing; now please call all senior staff to a meeting at 14:00 p.m., we’ll inform them and go home”.


To Margie, life had began to smile at her, Charlene was easy to work with, she was a demanding boss but kind, sometimes gentle, and gradually Margie was taking pleasure working with and for her. Her body had healed almost completely, her mind still kept memories of her suffering and sometimes at night she still had nightmares. She went everyday to the Shaker Heights mansion to work, and most days she had to go at least once to downtown Headquarters to work with one head of section or other.

A few weeks later, Charlene and Margie were sipping tea and resting after a long and particularly strenuous work day when Charlene asked suddenly, “Why don’t you move and live here with me”.

Margie looked at her with surprise, their personal relationship was really good, better than she could have imagined not so long ago; Charlene had placed all her trust in her and she corresponded working long and hard hours, almost seven days a week, but move here? In her apartment she had her independence.

“I don’t know….”

“You don’t have to answer me now, but I would like it very much”

For some reason Margie couldn’t fathom Charlene, she seemed very nervous and anxious; Margie was very comfortable working with her and wouldn’t mind living here, she even had started to have feelings for her, she liked her, it was even easy talking personal things with her; and even Charlene had at times opened a small window in their relationship talking about her feelings, her past and her family. And for the first time in her life, she had confided to someone, that she had a nickname, “Lone”, and why it was that.

As to why Charlene was so anxious to have Margie living with her, the reason was not at all clear to her; but she felt goose bumps when they were together over some document, or when she felt wafting the scent of Margie perfume mixed with that of her body, she was…

“What was happening to her; was she falling for Margie?”

Taking a deep breath Charlene told Margie, “you don’t decide right now, but think about in all the advantages for both of us; you won’t have to go at night to your place, you will have more time to rest, you’ll have the same personal independence here, and well…I would like to have you here if an emergency arises”

Margie was not a naïve person; she had been, but not anymore, “All right Charlene, one simple question; you have outlined some advantages for me, what it is in it for you, what it is your win”

“My win is you; let me explain, I like you, very much, I need you, very much, we work as a team, and the most important thing, with you here I won’t be alone again”.

At the end of the month, Margie moved to Charlene’s mansion at Shaker Heights.


Margie’s life made a new and favorable spin, Charlene gave her the en-suite bedroom next to hers in the second floor, there was a closed door connecting the two bedrooms; and whenever Charlene’s alarm clock rang, Margie knew her boss was getting up.

One evening after dinner, the two women had finished talking, and went to their bedrooms, Margie had showered and she was drying her luxurious red hair wrapped in a towel her body naked, when she heard a faint tap and the turning of a key in the lock of the door connecting the two bedrooms.

Charlene poked her head through the crack and asked “May I come in?”

Margie turned her head, looked at her and “Of course, please do”

Charlene’s body was also wrapped in a small towel that barely covered her body exposing generous portions of her legs and her small bosom; and when she entered in the room she could not help uttering an exclamation of amazement when she saw Margie’s sculptural body in all its glory.

At the same moment Charlene’s pussy started to tingle and she felt her labia getting wet as a heavy scent of arousal started wafting from beneath her towel. Margie at once perceived the scent of horny woman and felt her body responding in kind, her nipples began to swell and her vagina began to moisten.

Both women tried to act as if nothing was happening, despite the high voltage electric current passing between them, with neither of the two knowing what was going through the mind and body of the other. They were two horny women. Each one for the other.

Charlene was the first to break the silence with a lame excuse. “Oh Marg, Just wanted to ask you if you would like to go out next Friday, for a walk and dinner”
Margie trying to recover from the surprise of Charlene’s words asked jokingly, “You mean, like a date?”

Now it was Charlene time to surprise, stuttering she answered, “Y…y…yes I would like very much to date you”

Margie looked deeply into Charlene’s big yellow green eyes, now full of emotions and hidden passions and desires and softly answered to her date, “Me too”


It was Friday evening and both Charlene and Margie were ready to go out in their first unofficial date. Both were very nervous, and contrary to custom they chatted ceaselessly, haphazardly, as if they were inebriated. They were, not from wine, or liquor, but of each other.

“I’m going to take you to a not well known place, but with wonderful ethnic food. American southern food. I’m sure you’ll love it” said an unusually ebullient Charlene.

When they reached their destination, Margie wondered if she misunderstood Charlene’s intention. Crossing the street, they entered the Sunshine Cafe. As they were waiting for a table to be seated Charlene assured her again, “This place it’s not well known, but they have great food. Trust me, you’ll be surprised.”

They were seated, and for the first time since Margie knew her, Charlene ordered a pint of Dark Irish beer for her and when the waitress asked what Margie would like she said “I’ll have the same”. Soon the waitress returned with two tankards of pitch-black dark ale, when the waitress left Charlene raised her glass in toast, “To us and our long live together”. They clink the glasses and Margie was bewildered by the toast when she took a sip. As she drank, Charlene saw Margie drink and winked at her.

Although Margie was warned she was surprised how good the food was; she was also surprised at the knowledge Charlene had of a place so “out of the road” and how Southern her food choices were. Charlene didn’t ask her and ordered for both; as an appetizer, she asked for “fried green tomatoes”, followed for a dish of Crab Cakes for an entrée, with a small bowl of corn chowder. After dinner they had coffee with Irish Cream.

The place was small and no cards were accepted. After paying the bill, Charlene asked her “Would you mind going for a walk home? You can help me enjoy the night.”

As they walked leisurely home, which was only about twenty blocks away, Charlene explained her how they had just recently restored a pair of late nineteenth century historical buildings demolishing the adjutant middle twentieth century blocks and opening a beautiful square. As she was talking, Charlene just casually took Margie right hand into her left. Margie surprised, looked at her. With an adoringly embarrassed smile Charlene asked, “You don’t mind do you? I’m so nervous I need something to do with my hands”.

Margie nervously just smiled her approval as her mind screamed, “Do I mind? My god baby I’ve wanted to touch you for so long you wouldn’t believe it if I told you. It’s pure hell living with you, working with you and sleeping next room to yours”

As they walked around, Margie felt oddly proud that she was holding hands with this handsome woman. Charlene, seeing her smile asked her, “You’re not embarrassed holding your boss’s hand walking in the street are you?”

“No, I was thinking I’m holding hands with the best-looking gal here” her mouth said before her brain could filter her thoughts. Now Margie was deeply embarrassed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I was just trying to give you a compliment that’s all. I’m sorry” Margie was embarrassed and tried to apologize.

“That’s all right, no need to be ashamed, I’m glad you find me good looking. C’mon let’s just keep walking”

And so that’s what they did, the city grew quiet and by the time they reached Shaker Heights darkness ruled. They continued south passing through dark streets and Charlene acted the role of a tour guide commenting in so and so edifice. Margie mostly focused her attention on how wonderful it felt to be holding Charlene’s hand. It seemed so incredibly sensual and yet so natural; her hand was warm and soft, and a little smaller than hers, and they had interlaced their fingers without even realizing it had happened.

Whenever they passed through one of the tree-shrouded mansions, Margie enjoyed watching the moonlight and shadows play across Charlene’s face. Since she would be babbling on about some historical point, she’d look at her and smile. Whenever she smiled up, Margie heart would skip a beat and she would think Charlene’s smile the brightest point of light around.

Eventually, they reached Whittaker Street and walked on along it to home holding hands.


Saturday morning Charlene chirped into the kitchen where Margie was preparing breakfast as the help had the day off. “Good morning my dear did you sleep well?”

Margie remembering last night’s stroll holding hands like two lovesick teenagers blushed deeply and answered with a soft “Very well, and you?”

“Never better” said a flustered Charlene taking a sip of her coffee.”Would you like this evening to visit a Museum, and dinner later again?”

Being Saturday they took their time breakfasting, Margie prepared some pancakes and served breakfast as if they were a just married couple, orange juice, pancakes with syrup, coffee, cream and the morning newspaper.

Acting husbandly and amid the laughter of Margie, Charlene asked, “Well my dear, what part of the newspaper you want, sports, gossip, comics, news, or…”
Merrily Margie took the gossip pages and gave Charlene a cheek kiss “Thank you my dear, I’ll let you to your sports pages”. And they laughed madly.

Later in the evening, when Margie caught up with her in the front door, Charlene held out her hand to her, as Margie gladly took it she asked, “How about we go over to Wainwrigh Academy of Arts. They have some beautiful oil paintings you should enjoy”

Hearing the Museum name, Margie made a gesture of surprise that did not go unnoticed by Charlene, this time it was Charlene’s turn to blush. “Well, this was one of my grandfather’s hobbies”

Unlike most other museum, this was an old mansion converted into a museum, the house in itself was a museum; European style, there were a series of Greek or Roman statues in the gardens and little paths that surrounded the house.

Once in the house, they walked slowly through rooms appreciating the collection of oil paintings, mostly Americans, they stopped in front of the pieces they liked most, and Charlene showed her expertise pointing at different technical details in the paintings; they were heading towards the principal room when tugging on Margie’s hand she said, “That’s the main gallery, we’ll go there last.”

They kept walking around the room enjoying the paintings and themselves in company, when they heard Charlene’s cell phone vibrate. Digging it out of her handbag, she flipped through the keyboard and then started reading the message. Her face lit up like a thousand bulbs.

“Yes, yes, yes, Oh my dear, Oh my dear Margie” she exclaimed joyfully and grabbed her, hugging her; and she tried to pick her up and spin her in the air as men do.

She failed, and Margie asked surprised “What is it?” “What happened” Charlene handed her the phone. On it was a copy of the email the Head Manager of China Wainwrigh Industries had sent to the corporate headquarters. It basically said the new contract with the Chinese government negotiated via Margie had been accepted and sealed.

“This is awesome Margie. Congratulations” Hugging her, Charlene gave her one kiss and held their lips together for three eternal seconds; ending the kiss, they released each other and she seemed embarrassed by her enthusiasm.

Then softly she called “C’mon let’s get out of here.” “How about getting something to eat?”

They left the museum and Charlene grabbed Margie hand once again. “I know a great Mediterranean local; they have very good food, ok with you?” Margie wasn’t about to argue with her about anything, she just let her lead the way; in ten minutes, they arrived at “La casa del gitano”. She was not kidding about them having great food. They shared a plate of “patatas bravas”, hot potato with clili as an appetizer accompanied by good “Marques de Riscal” red wine and then ordering the “Paella” she recommended. With full stomachs they finished supper with a good coffee and the excellent “Carlos V” Spanish brandy.

After they left the store Charlene grabbed Margie and pulling her close, she hugged her. Still holding Margie she whispered in her ear, “You’re so wonderful” and then the unexpected, In her other ear she huskily whispered, “I love you.”

Margie was trembling inside; powerful forces were tugging inside her mind. Love was one of them; fear was another, memories of the recent past were other, scared to surrender and being hurt again was the most acute. By then they had reached the long dark cobblestone accessing a ramp that lead from the bridge to the Riverside promenade.

Jokingly Charlene, in the way of a gentleman, offered, “Should I carry my Lady so she doesn’t trip on a stone?”

Margie following the playful and again husbandly spirit of Charlene answered her, “I’m fine, but thank you. You’re such a ladies gentlewoman, how did I get so lucky?”

Charlene didn’t answer, but when they reached the point where the walkway turns and there was no one around, aggressively pushed her up against the tall brick wall. In the darkness of a 12-foot wall, she kissed Margie hard. Her lips pressed on to Margie’s with feverish eagerness.

Charlene caressed the corner of Margie’s lips with her tongue. At last, slowly, she leaned again in and Margie parted her lips in anticipation. When their lips touched, they both at once felt an electric thrill ripple over them, and as though a huge weight had been taken from their shoulders. Small sighs were followed by soft, gentle kisses. Margie’s hands were uncertain and restless. The heat and tension in her tummy and chest grew.

I can’t believe I’m kissing Charlene, it’s really happening! The intensity of the things she felt inside and the way her head whirled was almost irresistible. She wanted to touch and feel and moan and revel. She squirmed as Charlene kissed her lips, her cheeks, around her lips. Charlene sucked her lower lip, and then traced it with her tongue, making Margie moan very softly.

When Margie felt Charlene’s mouth open, she opened hers with her. This time her tongue entered her mouth with confidence. And she felt Charlene’s tongue take possession of her mouth and a thrill of lust coursed through her.

Charlene pulled back and drank in Margie’s flushed, beautiful face. Stroking her red hair, she knew she had to let Margie decide where to go. “Do you want me to stop? If you want to keep going, we’ll go home where it’s more comfortable. If you want to stop, we can… stop, right here, right now.”

“No! I don’t want to stop. Oh God, you must think I’m a slut or something.”

Charlene laughed and kissed her forehead. “Then what would that make me?” Margie giggled like a teenager.

“How do you feel right now?” Charlene asked, stroking her cheek.

Margie smiled and rolled her eyes. “Unbelievable, I’ve never felt like this before, all warm and fluttery and …. Wet, all tingling, really, really good. And grateful you brought me to live with you”

“You don’t have to be grateful for something that is my gain; I’m grateful and give Heavens thanks for having found you”.

Now Margie laughed, and she slathered Charlene’ face with smacking kisses. “OK,” she said at last. “Let’s go home, our home” She took Charlene’s hand as they started moving.

“You are so incredibly sexy!” Charlene said, letting her eyes devour her beautiful lover..

As Charlene lead Margie into her big, spacious bedroom, twin of Margie’s, she fumbled for the switch and turned on the soft recessed lights over the head of her vast, empty king-sized bed, creating the illusion of a sanctuary of comfort and warmth in a dark and dangerous world.

At that instant, her tremendous and repressed passion, her aching hunger took over and she discarded caution like autumn leaves cast into a wind. Her heart thudded and her insides were bubbling and simmering, her pussy a cauldron of boiling volcanic lava. She tried to maintain some control when she sat on the edge of the bed and gently drew Margie between her parted thighs.

She moaned ever so softly as she stared rapturously at the incredible beautiful woman in front of her. Her angelic beauty, her glowing loveliness made Charlene weak and fuzzy; it was like looking at a forbidden goddess. Charlene brought her closer and Margie breathing herself hard, her expression adoring yet lustful, let herself fall against Charlene in surrender. All doubts disappeared.

Charlene buried her face in the crook between Margie’s neck and shoulder and she kissed and licked shuddering. Margie’s skin was pure alabaster, softer than soft, and Charlene could smell her womanly scent wafting to her nostrils. Charlene ran her parted lips and tongue feather-like over the skin of Margie’s arched neck, as only a woman can do, making the woman’s breath catch. She let the very tip of her tongue caress its way passed the angle of Margie’s jaw and over her cheek. Margie whimpered and her nipples got even harder as her legs started to go weak in Charlene’s arms. Charlene let her lips pass over Margie’s own sweet, delicate, parted lips to the corner of Margie’s mouth. And Margie, panting, with her eyes nearly shut could feel her vagina copiously leaking fluids and cream sliding down the inside of her thighs.

They started to kiss passionately again, their lips parted to let their tongues probe inside their mouths; then they sucked each tongue like their mouths were a vacuum. Charlene’s clitoris and big nipples stiffened as they kissed passionately and she rubbed her crotch on the front of Margie’s leg; deliciously she could feel it press back into her. While one of Margie’s hands caressed Charlene’s neck and kept her face pulled into hers, Margie felt her new lover’s hand slide down and creep into her skirt, then Charlene had eased her hand into Margie’s panties and into the soaking wet hair of her flaming red pussy. One of her fingers snaked through the red jungle and into her cunt like it had a mind of its own. Margie gyrated her hips and Charlene hand finger-fucked her.

When Margie broke off their kiss, she looked up at and stared deep into Charlene’s eyes. Without looking away, she pulled the hand out of her panties and brought it up to her mouth. She took the fingers into her mouth one at a time and Charlene could feel how she sucked and licked her own pussy juices off of each of them in their turn. After she had finished with the fingers, she moved Charlene’s palm over her mouth and licked it clean as well. Charlene hadn’t known till now how arousing it was to have her fingers sucked and her palm licked by a woman; it was a new experience for her.

Without speaking a word, Margie opened the buttons of her blouse. She stood before her lover with her blouse open and her perfect tits quivering in their freedom with each deep, ragged breath she took. She got hold of Charlene’s hand and made her stand up. Only the moon shining through the window gave them light as she closed had fumbled with the switch and turned off the soft recessed lights.

They stood before the bed; they kissed like lovers while Margie opened Charlene blouse. Her fingers ran through the flat chest of her lover caressing her small almost boyish breasts, and then she slid her hands around to the back and snapping open the bra she pulled Charlene towards her so that their breasts pressed into together. Charlene’s leg slid its way up along Margie’s leg and her knee caressed the inside of her thighs landing in her crotch and softly pushing at it; after a few moments she slid her leg down and her hands moved downward to grab a double handful of Margie’s scrumptious ass as she crushed her body into hers and their hips tango danced one crotch over the other; the tongues dueled frantically within their mouths and the two bodies breathed as one.

Margie broke off the kiss to bend forward and run her nails across Charlene flat chest as she sucked and licked her big nipples. She worked her way down her body to explore her navel with her tongue. Charlene reached her hands down between them to undo her skirt. Then she sat Margie on the edge of her bed and knelt down to remove Margie’s shoes and nylon tights. Once the feet were bare she took the right one and slowly sucked one by one the toes and licked between them and then worshipingly licked the sole; after the right she took the left and gave it the same treatment.

When she had finished with Margie’s feet, she reached up and eased her panties and garter off of her.

Once Margie was naked and had moved to lie back fully on her bed, Charlene stood before her and began to slowly remove her own clothes. In the pale light of the moon she looked like an angel preparing to give herself. When she had nothing on but her garter belt and stockings, she crawled onto the bed with Margie. She slid her hand around Margie’s breasts and up and down her body several times as she locked her eyes into Margie’s.

“I’m a little nervous my love, I have no experience making love; th…th…this is the first time for me” admitted Charlene, “Yours is the first naked body I touch” and with a little nervous laugh, “outside mine of course”
Looking straight into Charlene’s eyes Margie assured her “Don’t worry my love, I haven’t made love either, I have been fucked, but that’s different, we’ll learn together to make love”

Margie turned toward Charlene as she rolled toward her, Charlene arms went around her lover and she put a one leg over hers. She softly pressed her lips on Margie’s, she had never kissed a girl in her life, not one man for that matter, and to her this was going to be the only girl she kissed, and she would be happy; Charlene was anadolu yakası anal yapan escort ecstatic. Margie’s lips were almost unbelievably soft and she was additionally excited by just a hint of her perfume mixed with the natural flavour of her body.

Unintentionally and without being agreed beforehand, Charlene was the dominant partner in the new couple, her previous signs of husbandly care and attentions, made as a joke, now were becoming a reality; a reality Margie did not oppose and with which apparently was comfortable and she agreed.

They began again and as if on cue, their lips parted and tongues went into mouths. Their tongues danced slowly, savouring the taste and texture of the other’s mouth insides. They kissed softly, then more fervently, then softly again. Charlene stopped the kiss for a moment to plant soft, loving kisses on Margie’s forehead, then on her eyes and cheeks until she found her mouth again. She lingered on her lover’s mouth until she disengaged and slipped down to lick her neck with the very tip of her moist tongue. She dribbled lower, pausing at the erect nipples to suck and gently bite each of them. Her tongue traced ever lower before she stopped and straighten up over the body of her lover.

Charlene raised her head from Margie’s breast and asked her “I’m not hurting you my love, am I”

Margie, coming down from a cloud of pleasure, moved her head negatively and with a voice hoarse with passion “No baby, you don’t”

“I don’t want you hurt ever again, my love; I have a fixation with your harmed asshole and nipples”

Then Charlene bent down and again started kissing Margie’s body softly and slowly, first she took her right nipple and enveloped it with her lips, suckling it like a newly born baby while she used her hands to lightly scratch the left breast and her sumptuous chest or to grab her ass and probe Margie rim ass with her finger; she used only her mouth on the nipples, and she licked and sucked them like a candy trying to extract its essence. She swallowed half of Margie’s breast and abundant saliva fell from her mouth down the slope until she pulled back to its tip and with her teeth lightly raked it careful not to hurt it again.

Margie felt the cold in her wet nipples and breasts; she opened her eyes and saw Charlene was crawling towards the foot of the bed, once in place she gently encouraged Margie to open her legs, almost fainting at sight of such a lovely red haired furry pussy. Faced with this heavenly vision, Charlene salivary glands started madly to produce and her mouth was full of saliva. She looked up to Margie’s face, and without moving her gaze from her, she lowered her face to her groin.

She started licking at her perineum with the tip of her tongue. Margie moaned at the touch, Charlene felt the invisible fuzz on the small path between Margie’s pussy and anus and allowed herself to swirl in it. She toyed in the perineum for a minute or two more and then she was hesitant, whether going to suck her anus or her pussy, after a few seconds she decided, for the time being, go for broke and began to slowly trace her mouth up her pussylips. As she reached its centre, she used two fingers to pull the labia forward until it was standing straight up, and softly, she mouthed her lovers cuntlips, pushing her tongue inside the moist cavern as deep as she could, then she moved up toward the clitoris taking it in her mouth, teasing it lightly, gently, even sweetly with her lip and the tip of her tongue. She looked for and found the piss hole and placed a small, soft, even chaste kiss on the very place where she knew her urine flow out, and then allowed her tongue to merely tickle the opening at the centre of her urethra.

Charlene got up from the foot of the bed turned around and lay over Margie’s body, her head over Margie’s crotch and her pussy was directly over Margie’s face. Margie looked up not understanding at first and then tentatively pulled the cunt to her mouth and started licking as a wet snake entered her womanhood. They sixty-nined each other for what seemed like a year. Margie stuck her tongue as far into Charlene’s cunt as it could reach; she took her lover’s button love between her lips and sucked and licked across it with her tongue, giving as she had received. Charlene responded by grinding her pussy hard into Margie’s mouth; soon she was cumming and Margie could taste a new wave of her juices as they flowed over her tongue and flooded her mouth. As she came, Charlene let Margie’s pussy and slid over her body and sat up on her face as she continued to grind her cunt into Margie’s face.

“Oh, Margie my love… lick me, lick me… fuck me with your tongue… god! I never thought it could feel so good”

When she was finished cumming, she climbed off of Margie and lay beside her on the bed.

“I can’t wait anymore, my love. I’ve got to have you cumming; I need to fuck you so badly. Baby I need to make you cum for me”.

Margie didn’t need another invitation, she quickly positioned herself above Charlene’s head and she grabbed Margie’s buttocks to place her tongue between her lover pussy lips. Margie slowly pushed her hips forward to let sink the whole length of Charlene’s tongue deep in her cunt. She let out a cry of ecstasy when she felt the long and supple tongue moving like a snake inside her uterus.

She made fucking movements and Charlene would pull back unto only the tongue tip remained inside of Margie cunt and then she would begin a long, painfully slow up stroke that let Margie feel the tongue run along every inch of her pussy wall. Charlene tried to give her the best fucking of her life; she could tell by Margie moans and the way she was moving her hips around that she was enjoying it.

“Oh my god… Charlene, oh, yes… fuck me, tongue fuck me, oh my Charlene… oh god, you are fucking me so good… OH MY GOD, MY LOVE… YES, YES, MORE…DEEPER, BABY, DEEPER… OH GOD, YES… FUCK ME, FUCK MEEEE…”

Margie fell back over Charlene’s body with her knees bent and wide open, her body shuddering with the intensity of her orgasm; her head fell upon her lover pubes while her hair was spread over the entire area, covering with red Charlene’s thighs. The aperture of the knees allowed Charlene to see Margie’s vagina in all its glory, red, lusty, her nether lips swollen with lust and cream slithering slowly from the dark cavity to the perineum and from it to the edge of her anus disappearing between the two bodies. She caressed the thighs with both hands touching the clitoris with the tips of her fingers. The odour of Margie’s milk wafting to her nose was heady, tangy, strong, but not unpleasant and made her head dizzy with desire.

After a while, Charlene helped Margie to unwrap her legs and pulled to help straighten her. When Margie was again over Charlene face to face, they caressed each other bodies and kissed profoundly; little by little, their pussies started tribbing simultaneously, and their movements were getting faster and wilder with the friction, rubbing, and chafing of their labia and clitoris.

Charlene may not have had the sexual experience (despised experiences, hated experience) that Margie had, but her energy was inextinguishable. They pounded their pussies like madwomen breaking a sidewalk apart. Charlene was raking Margie back with her fingernails and biting into her shoulder to keep from crying out. Margie tits were bouncing up and down like basketballs. They were both reaching climax and were determined to, this time, cum together.

“Cum with me, Charlene… I can feel your pussy tightening up…; you are ready, aren’t you…my love.”

“Yes, baby yes, oh fuck me… fuck me… pound your pussy in mine harder, lover, hard, hard, harder YES…… OH GOD, YES… DON’T STOP… I’M… OH GOD… I’VE NEVER… I’M… CUMMING, CUMMING…YOUR CLIT ON MINE, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD… FUCK ME, LOVER… YESSSS, YESSSS… I…”

Suddenly Charlene’s legs pulled Margie hard against her as she shoved her pussy into her lover pussy as hard as she could. Margie cum squirted into her lover time and again as it flooded her cunt. She squeezed her pussy to drain every last drop of cum out as their juices mingled and seeped out to soak their pubic areas; both pussy hairs became matted and tangled.

When they both had finished cumming, Margie collapsed on top of Charlene as her arms refused to support her weight any longer. Charlene kept her legs wrapped around Margie to hold in communion a little longer. She pulled Margie’s mouth to hers and they kissed for as long as they could before they were forced to separate so that the exhausted bodies could suck in the air they so desperately needed.

Margie rolled off of Charlene and lay beside her with her arm around her. She huddled in close and rested her head on Charlene’s flat, almost a boy’s chest. Her fingers softly stroked that chest and nipples and she would occasionally bend her head over to kiss Charlene chest or her neck, or to lick the sweat off of her. For a long time, the only sounds to be heard in that room were that of breathing. Soon they drifted to sleep tightly entwined.


The next day, Sunday, when the first morning light filtered through the curtains in the window of Charlene’s bedroom, found the two lovers still sleeping and their bodies intertwined in the same position in which the sleep had conquered them after a full night of passion.

For some minutes nothing happened, the two lovers continued sleeping, suddenly; a ray of sun fell fully upon the faces of the two sleeping beauties and awoke them simultaneously. When they opened their eyes, their breaths intermingled their mouths were so close, staring at each other deeply in the eyes, their mouths approached and they sealed their love with a deep, profound and prolonged kiss.

“Good morning my love, are you well”, they said at the same time while they laughed together.

“Are you hungry?” said two voices again at the same time amid a burst of fresh laugher.

“Wait a minute, we seem Siamese sisters” said an amused Charlene.

“OK, what time it is, because I’m hungry, I’ll go and fix something to eat” said Margie amid a fresh set of giggles.

“I cannot help you; we rich women do not know nothing about kitchen stuff” and Charlene couldn’t stop guffawing.

Margie gave her a small tap on her chest “Don’t worry that’s what we here wives are for” and as an afterthought, “Stay in bed I’ll bring you breakfast in a jiff”

They breakfasted leisurely on bed, talking about the night before, about themselves, where they felt the relation was going, and where they wanted that the relationship reached.

Charlene was sure to where she wanted to go and with whom and she said so.”I want to live with you, as an equal partner. I love you. I never thought I could love anybody as I love you; body and soul”

“I love you too, but I’m afraid, I’ve been hurt, very bad, you know I’ve been abused, I’m intended suicide….”

Charlene was horrified “You WHAT, WHEN, I didn’t know, you must tell me when did you tried to take your life and why”

“It was the night before I came to see you for the price of the sale of the car and showed you the mauling on my body; I was near penniless and desperate”

Charlene took Margie in her arms and holding her against her chest promised;”Never again my love, never again, I’ll protect you with all my heart and my love”

“Thank you baby, now I’ll go to my room and take a shower….”

“Baby you don’t go anyplace, you take your shower in OUR bathroom; this is our bed now, and our bedroom, mine and yours. This is where, from now on to death, we’ll make love every night.” Charlene was caressing her, undoing her apron and the sweet pants she had put on for cooking and pulling them down.

“That means every afternoon too?” She smiled back at her, because it was just barely three o’clock.

Charlene took Margie in her arms and holding her against her chest “Whenever you want, my love, whenever you want, unless you are in the downtown Tower, managing my business”


Life was good, they worked together, eat together, shower together and sleep together.
Day to day, their relationship consolidated and intertwined like a braid, Charlene taught her new partner in love and life everything she could about her business and decision make, and Margie, her self-confidence restored, worked like a machine, in fact the two worked together as a very well oiled machine.

In the same manner, their lives in relationship were almost perfect. They complemented each other in such a way that seemed as if they were born one for the other. Emotionally as well as sexually. When in bed operated comfortably, like a worn shoe on the foot.

Over the weeks and months, Charlene in the dormitory had been taking an increasingly dominant role similar to the man in a straight couple, she had masculinized her performance in the bed, her husband’s role had increased, so much, they had decided to complete their nights of love adding some toys, especially those who permitted Charlene to act more like a husband. The toys had consisted of one strap-on, a couple vibrators and some different sizes dildoes; and, a new trend; sex role-playing games.

Charlene had discovered she liked sex, beyond her love for Margie; she now enjoyed the body contact, the gropings and caresses, but she was abhorrent of body penetration into her body, everything else was welcomed. And had discovered she loved penetrating Margie.

One cold weekend they decided to stay home, it was Saturday in the evening and Margie had gone to the kitchen to prepare some tea. The couch was in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. Margie returned to the living room, drew the curtains closed, and stood at the side of the couch. “Move over a little?” she asked Charlene.

Their home life was very simple, they managed as equals every aspect of their lives, but imperceptibly each of them in their personal relationship had accepted a different role; Margie took a more feminine approach in the couple, and by her own natural abilities she took care of the feminine aspects of the relationship. Charlene on the other hand, with her personnel training, always in male tasks and between men of power, in spite of being very beautiful and feminine in appearance, her mind was inclined to a more dominant role, that was why she had taken in the couple the masculine role, that of the husband.

Charlene wasn’t certain what her lover-wife had in mind but she did as was requested. Her wife removed the remaining cushions on the couch, making room for two, and let them drop to the floor before she lay down next to her lover wife-husband. She snuggled against her, ostensibly to watch television, while seeping her tea, but the way she spooned her body to Charlene suggested otherwise. Her round bottom was perfectly formed to the concave curve of Charlene’s slim body and she snuggled, warm in her lover’s body as she allowed her legs to mimic her in their posture. They were cuddled together, warm and cosy.

Charlene as always was pleasantly surprised to find Margie lying next to her, not that it were unusual, but it always was a pleasure to her when they were so. She could feel the warmth of her body and, with her head next to her own; she luxuriated in the hint of her perfume and the warm, dusky odour of her luxurious red hair. She draped an arm over her tummy and gently pulled her closer in an affectionate embrace. They lay there, luxuriating in each other’s presence, in front of the fire and a huge Television, the two woman set out to watch a romantic movie. Margie had on a shimmery loose-fitting, light blue blouse that ended just at the front at her jean’s top.

As the movie’s romance developed Charlene could feel Margie’s warm breath on her chest and her hand resting on her knee. She absent-mindedly stroked her hand up and down Margie’s arm, and realizing what she was doing; her hand lightly stroked the redheaded breast. She stopped her hand when she heard a quickly draw in breath in response to the touch. She thought Margie was uncomfortable, and was about to take her arm from around Margie’s shoulders, when she felt Margie shifting her body to give her better access. Then Charlene hand rested fully on her breast and wrapped her hand around the tit and squeezed as Margie pressed into it.

“Mmmmm… That feels good Charlene”

Charlene slid her hand over and unbuttoned Margie blouse so she could move her hand inside it. Then, deftly, she slipped her fingers into the bra and caressed Margie’s bare tit. She could feel the nipple harden under her palm, and as the bra opened in the front Charlene unsnapped it to free the straining alabaster breasts from their confinement. Suddenly she massaged the firm, full tits with an urgency that could only come from a lustful and unbridled passion.

Margie let herself slide down Charlene body and lay back across her legs to look up at her. She pulled Charlene’s head down to meet hers and pressed her soft, full lips into the other’s thin heart-shaped lips.

Awkwardly and with certain difficulty Charlene took Margie in her arms, got up from the couch lounge, and with wobbly steps carried her into the bedroom. Once in it, they disrobed each other with the security and speed that provides the practice and the confidence. The two climbed to the bed, and out of habit now, they lay down in the missionary position, Charlene on top.

She placed her hands on either side of Margie’s head, looking down at her. She pushed into her body, pressing her pelvis into her wife, against her bareness. She let her hands move over her, cupping each breast, with the nipples starting to get hard, they were so real, she loved them. She bent her head and took the Margie’s mouth, firm, demanding, which opened under hers with desire all over her. They kissed for a few long moments and she realized, as she always do, that she really could lie here all her life and do just this. Her fingers pinched Margie’s nipples lightly, their tongues sliding and fighting together.

“Do you want my mouth on you, licking you?” Charlene asked her, her hand moving down to cup her mound before Margie could answer her.

“Yes, husband, yes, you know I love your mouth in me” she whispered.

And now they started the games, “Where do you want my mouth?”

Margie squirmed biting her lip, “Wherever pleases you, my husband.”

Charlene shook her head, in their games, sometimes the good wife submitting to her master and lord, they have standardized answers; this was one of them, “Answer my question” she said slowly, pinching her other nipple.

Margie gasped softly; “On my breasts, between my legs Master and lord” Her cheeks reddened which made her almost seem shy.

Charlene moved her mouth to her full breasts and flicked at her nipples one by one, they were rock hard and long and she sucked them strongly, watching her woman’s face as she kept them moist in her mouth. Her other hand went between her legs, and she ran her fingertips up her.

She moved down her body to her vagina, it was so very nice, almost delicate looking; pink…smooth lips covering her opening. She opened her mouth and started to lick the folds. Margie’s legs trembled slightly, her back moving imperceptibly. She wanted to pleasure her, wanted to be on her knees before her, she liked the feeling; she smiled to herself as she ate her wife out expertly, taking her to the edge, only to bring her back down and start over. Margie opening started to pour fluids; her clit was now standing out from under the hood, her body trying to remain still but failing miserably. To Charlene she tasted like honey in her mouth as it slid down her throat gently.

Charlene moved her face away a final time and her woman moaned pitifully. She wanted to be inside of her. Oh god how she wanted to be inside her, to posses her, to make her wholly, fully hers, again and again. She got up and left the bed went to the closet and took her toys bag; she brought it back in, setting it on the dresser, she took out the strap-on and then put it on taking her time. Margie’s juices were glistening in her cunt lips, her nipples were harder, and her mouth lips were plump from her chewing on them. She was gorgeous, responsive, and she wanted to claim her anew.

She came onto the bed again and got between Margie legs. “Do you want to be fucked?” she asked her voice low,

“Yes husband, fuck me”

She tilted her head looking at her. “I don’t think you want it enough” She knew Margie was lubricated, but she put more on her strap-on from the bottle she had put on the bed, she didn’t want to hurt her love; she pressed just the tip of the strap-on to the pussy entrance, then ran it up and down to her clit before backing away. Margie whimpered, her mouth opening like a fish gasping for air.

“Do you want to be fucked?” Charlene asked her again, studying her face.

“Yes. Please. Fuck me, fuck me” she pleaded softly.

Charlene leaned over her, taking her breast into her mouth again, the strap-on tip barely sliding in; her wife’s body shook slightly at the penetration, her hips moving with her. She sucked on her nipple, carefully biting it, her other hand going to her long red hair now tangled around her head; she moved just the tip in and out, in and out, the wife’s mouth opening in an O as she tried to get more of her husband-wife fake penis inside of her, her hips pressing against her husband’s, the harness chafing her thighs.

She knew what Margie wanted. She wanted to cumm; and she wasn’t going to give it to her yet; she fucked her slowly, never fully seating herself or touching her clit as she raised over her, watching her fight the sensations at the same time she welcomed them. Margie’s breasts moved as she took her, her hands clenching spasmodically in the bed sheets. She glided in and out of her for long moments, and then she kept still, watching Margie fight not to cumm, just to lay still. Then she would start up again, only to stop and settle into her. It was torture, enjoyable torture.

Charlene wanted her to lose control; lose it to get all the possible pleasure; both of them getting pleasure together. Soon she was penetrating her more deeply, her other leg going over her thigh, pressing Margie to the bed, controlling her woman’s movement and her own. Their nipples teased one another, her mouths and lips brushing, they moaned softly, Charlene’s body was now moving faster, her back arching, she knew she was close to her orgasm, and could tell she needed stimulation on her clit, a mouth or a finger on her clit.

Just when Margie was about to break and orgasm, she stopped. Margie gasped, her body trying to raise with Charlene’s, her face wild with lust. Charlene sucked her own right middle finger into her mouth drenched it with spit and took Margie’ hand with her left; then, at the same time, she put Margie’s fingers on her clit and she reached back with her right hand and pushed her soaked finger into Margie’s asshole. The effect was explosive, both women crying out loud her mutual orgasms, their bodies sweating and spasming.

Charlene got off of Margie pulling the strap-on with her; she took off the prosthesis, let it in the dresser and lay down on the bed besides Margie. “I love you”, “I love you too”
“I know”, “I know too” they whispered, kissing their lips softly.

Margie turned Charlene over and she lay on her stomach, feeling Margie’s naked body slide over hers. She closed her eyes, letting herself feel the sensations as Margie kissed her skin, her tongue trailing down the middle of her back. She cupped her small breasts and twisted roughly her nipples, at the same time she felt Margie’s hands moving under her, and felt her fingers between her legs.

Margie opened her legs wider and she felt her own surrender form in her mind. Margie was laying on her, with her mouth was now on her lower back, her tongue tracing an intricate tattoo across the expanse of her lower back and buttocks, curving over each hip.

Margie’s fingers were very gentle on her, barely rubbing and she felt her eyes open and then slam shut as Margie’s face pressed between her cheeks, her tongue sliding against her closed hole; she relaxed into the feeling, her hands grabbing onto the pillow beneath her head as Margie nudged her legs, pushing her up onto her knees, her face against the pillow.

Then she was rimmed out slowly but thoroughly, her insides clenching around air, she shivered, the feeling delicious as the tongue slipped deeper inside her asshole, Margie’s fingers were on her clit now pulling the hood up and exposing her. She groaned when she felt the tongue stab deeper in her asshole, and the fingers were sliding into her. Instead of clenching to eject the intruders, she felt her body give in to being taken, her vagina opening to allow her wife deeper access.

“Do you want me inside that beautiful ass of yours?” Margie whispered behind her.

She let out her breath, but her back was moving with her mouth. “Yes” she let out.

Margie continued her ministrations, making her feel incredible and she started to turn her head to look at her when Margie pulled her fingers out wetly; she watched her as she got off the bed and went to the dresser, she took the harness with the strap-on; and Charlene felt her breath leave her, She couldn’t believe what was happening, she was going to be taken in the ass. And the idea turned her on completely.

Margie had put the harness with the dildo and brought some lubricant back with her, settling behind Charlene. She lubbed the dildo, then her mouth was on Charlene again. She groaned, her ass sensitive as all hell, her vagina clenching again under the not known before invasion of her entrails. “Relax, baby” Margie whispered and she felt the toy press against her asshole gently. She pressed her face into the pillow deep, her hands clenching as Margie spread her wider, inching the toy in slowly; Charlene lost her breath, the feeling almost too much, pleasure, pain, fire, everything at once.

Margie stopped pushing, her hand going under her to rub on her own clit; she felt her vagina walls contracting and pleasure pushed through her, then she started to fuck Charlene slowly, her groin pressed against the bottom of her ass, the plastic cock sliding in deeper and deeper with each pass. Unconsciously Charlene pushed herself up onto all fours, her ass pushing back into the cock as she gave up any fight she might have had about prolonging the inevitable.

Margie’s thumb pressed into her vagina, her index finger on the knot between her legs and she felt her completely slide into her ass. She cried out softly, her eyes slamming shut as Margie pumped into her, faster, deeper, until she knew nothing but the toy and Margie’s hands, her swollen nipples dragging across the sheets.

She felt the orgasm only a second before it screamed through her body and she fell onto the bed, Margie following her, sinking deeper as she bit the pillow, that first climax continuing into another one almost effortlessly. Margie moved her body over the sheets, fucking her strongly. She was now in command, and Marlene shuddered, her ass and pussy clenching uncontrollably in time with her thrusts.

Margie’s mouth on her back and neck finally calmed her down, her actions slowing until she stopped completely. She felt satiated, taken…and fucking unbelievably good. They lay together silently for a long moment, then Margie gently pulled out of her, making her groan slightly; when she turned, Margie was on her knees behind her, her eyes wide the prong obscenely swinging from Margie’s hips. She looked dazed and as slammed as she herself felt.

“Was it good for you?” Charlene asked her out of breath, anadolu yakası otele gelen escort watching her from her prone position on the bed.

“That was a first” answered a still bewildered Margie.

“Do you like being in control?” Charlene asked her softly.

Margie nodded slowly, “It was like I was watching myself do these things to you, making you feel things. But was it good for you?”

Charlene laughed and sat up, bringing her into her arms. “I think you know the answer to that one, Mistress”

There was nothing wrong; everything was just okay about what had happened between them. But it was so much more. Not just the sex or the love-making, but Charlene’s words, her hands…she was dominant without being condescending, strong without supplying the hurt and degradation that she had it coming from the late, but never forgotten, Mr. Vanderwoort; but she also was pliant, and Margie had just learned a new lesson, she too could be strong and dominant, not just a wife, she could became, if necessary, a husband.


It’s been a year since that ominous day of the reading of the testament in the law firm of Pierce, Pierce, Singer, Melanchthon she wants for them to get married and become parents.

They weren’t even done shivering and leaking cum profusely in the aftermath of their powerful orgasms when Charlene thought it was the best moment to let Margie know what she was thinking about the future, their future. They were embracing and kissing tenderly when Charlene hugged Margie fiercely as if fearing she could leave her.

“Baby, I need to know, do you love me?”

Margie looked at her as if she were crazy, “Of course I love you, with all my heart, you are the best has happened in my whole life” and as an afterthought “Why do you ask, has something happened? Is everything all right?

“Yes my love, everything is all right, it’s just that I…well, I think we must move on with our relationship”

Margie didn’t understand Charlene’s words and was getting nervous; she tried to disengage herself from the arms of her lover to look directly into her eyes, but Charlene simply squeezed more her arms in their embrace, not allowing Margie to move.

“Please Charlene, what are you talking about, what means –we move on–, do you want to end our relationship, that’s what you want? Margie’s heart was pounding madly in her chest. She was afraid, afraid as never before in her life.

“No, no, no my love, no my dear love, that’s not what I mean; what I mean is that I want for us to get married”

“Married?” asked a bewildered Margie, not comprehending anything.

“Yes, won’t you marry me and be my wife?”

“But how, I mean this state does not allow same-sex marriage and what about the people, I mean, your kind of people, what would they think?” At that moment Margie was talking as a worried wife.

“Fuck them, I don’t care about what anybody thinks; and we’ll go out state to get married. But first things first, you haven’t answered my question: will you marry me?”

“Yes, I’ll marry you” Margie answered

“Good, because I don’t want our children to be born out of wedlock”

This time Margie broke loose from the embrace of Charlene and looked at her as if she had gone insane.

“Children, Charlene you must be mad? I won’t have intercourse with any man, not even for you”

“I don’t pretend you to make intimate contact with a man, there are other methods to get pregnant… of course if you agree”

A heavy silence fell in the bedroom.

“Then how in hell do you pretend me to get pregnant. Or it’s you who is going to” It was the first time in their one year long relationship that red haired Margie’s temper boiled to the surface and the first time that she cursed.

This time a heavier silence fell in the bedroom, and for the first time Charlene felt she could lose Margie if she wasn’t truly careful, the until now accommodating Margie was showing a personality she had never considered her lover had.

“Well…I don’t see you pregnant or sick in the morning” Margie pushed.

“No, I wasn’t talking about me, I….” Charlene couldn’t end the sentence.

“So, it was me you were thinking of getting pregnant; and WHEN DID WE PLAN to start a family” now Margie was sarcastically angry.

“My love won’t you let me….”

“Don’t you –my love me–, I’m not a child, I’m a mature woman, as you should know by now, just treat me like one” Now Margie was furious.

“Ok, let me explain please, pretty please” said Charlene pouting.

Margie could not stop heartily laughing at the sight of the usually dominant and sure of herself Charlene behaving like a little girl.

“Oh my, oh my…ha, ha, ha, I’m sorry love” please forgive me, “You were saying…”

A now a little subdued Charlene told Margie her plans “I thought to marry you, and we could be a family with one or two children if you are willing to get pregnant, I would love to be a mother with you, I mean I would like for us to be mothers… what a want to say is that…”

“Ok, Ok Charlene, I get your drift, don’t force yourself; now, how do you intend I get pregnant, and who would be the putative father, I mean the donor, have you already a candidate”.

“That’s another thing I have to talk you about”

And this time Margie noticed something very strange in the way Charlene was saying it.

“You didn’t know my father, he died before we met; also you know I was his only child, and as he never married again I didn’t have a mother or siblings. My father always wanted to have more children, but he was very busy with his business, and had no time for or did not want to, whatever socialize or get married, so he could never have children by the usual means, intercourse as a married man. One day over fifty he realized that he only had a child and a woman at that, myself, and thought about assisted insemination in a surrogate mother”

Margie was enthralled with the story “And what did happen”

“Well he went to a clinic and, you know…he…hummm… well, he ejaculated several times, you know, to keep the semen”

“What happened, do tell me”

“Well, daddy died before he could use the semen and it is now in the fertility clinic waiting to be used”

Margie’s mind did some quick calculations, tied several ropes and came to the same conclusion, “You want to use your father’s semen to impregnate me” it wasn’t a question, it was an assertion.

Charlene was blushing now, fiercely “Well yes, that was my idea, but only if you agree, you see, that way they will have our surnames, and if at any moment they must prove with evidence who they are, the A.D.N tests will show they are my father’s children and my blood brothers”

“Ok, now I understand your reasons, would you mind to explain me how it works? The artificial insemination of course”

“Well, we will use Intra-vaginal insemination, a type of artificial insemination that is sometimes used to help couples conceive. Is a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure that we can perform here in our own home”

“I see you had it all figured out, will you tell me how it works?”

“Well yes; Intra-vaginal Insemination is a type of artificial insemination that places sperm directly inside your vagina in order to increase the chances of fertilization. It can be performed either at a fertility clinic or in the comfort of our own home”

“And what do you propose, we go to a clinic or do it here” Margie was now interested.

“Well, Intra-vaginal Insemination is usually reserved only for couples facing specific fertility issues, and is typically used when the male partner is unable to ejaculate during sexual intercourse when the female partner is healthy and fertile; the procedure requires that you are able to ovulate regularly”

“Yes, we both are healthy and fertile, and we are able to ovulate regularly” said a teasing Margie, “What do you propose, my husband, what procedure are you going to use to impregnate me”

Charlene couldn’t help throwing a laugh; thank God Margie was in a festive mode, so she explained “the cervical cap method is the best, is typically performed at home and involves using a cervical cap to insert the donor’s sperm as close to the cervix as possible. We can get a specially-fitted cervical cap from our health care provider”.

“How so”

“Yes, the cervical cap is filled with our sperm, I mean the sperm we have, and after folding the cervical cap in half, we insert the cervical cap into your vagina, the cervical cap should be left in place for two to three hours. Orgasm sometimes helps the sperm to travel up into the uterus once the cervical cap is in place”

“That means you have to fuck me to get me impregnated after all. Hummm… yummy. And I ask you Doctor, what are the success rates of this kind of insemination?”

Charlene followed Margie jocular tone “Well Mrs. Wainwrigh, by using washed sperm or ovulation-inducing medication, success rates can reach 30% per treatment cycle, and sometimes a little more”.

“Washed sperm? How it’s so?”

Charlene now used a doctoral tone “students, can I have your attention please; when undergoing Intra-vaginal Insemination, it is important to use sperm that has good motility and morphology. The sperm from a donor can be used “Raw,” or unwashed; however, it may reduce your chances of pregnancy as raw samples may contain lower-quality sperm. Sperm prepared through sperm washing, may be able to increase your chances of pregnancy, as the procedure separates any dead or slow sperm cells, from the good” “Any questions”.

Margie raised her hand as if in a classroom. “How do we know when is the best moment to be successful?”

“The key to success is the timing of the procedure. If the insemination is performed at home it is imperative that it occur around the time of your ovulation. In order to find out when you are ovulating, we’ll do urine tests to check for a surge in “luteinizing hormone”. This surge indicates the beginning of ovulation. We’ll have to perform within 24 hours of your luteinizing hormone surge, and will have so much fun”.

“Ok, let us think this carefully; if we do it, and we follow that plan, we must prepare for great changes in our lives, it won’t be easy”


During weeks, they talked, discussed, and fought, at times heatedly, by moments with discordant ideas, sometimes at night they slept each in their own edge of the bed and with their backs opposing. The relationship was becoming very tense, and neither knew how to break the impasse, so it would not be broken. One day Margie took the bull by the horns and told Charlene;

“Don’t you think we should separate for some time and think things calmly? Living like this it is not doing us any good. If we keep it this way we’ll end losing the love we have for each other, or worse hating each other”

Charlene seemed to have received a blow, her breathing became ragged and her heart seemed become paralyzed from fear of losing Margie. At that moment she became aware of how far, emotionally, they had been drifting apart.

“No, Margie, please don’t go away, not even for a moment my love, don’t even think about it my love, let’s find here, together a solution to our problems, even forgetting any plans of childbearing; I can’t live without you”

Apparently that was the end of it. They mend their relationship and the day to day life went back to almost normal. They made love, they fucked, they worked together, they slept together, but there was something in the gears of their relationship that would not let it function as before. Surely they loved each other with the same passion, but there was something unsolved, and that was causing a lot of wear on their living together.

It was again Margie who faces the situation. They were resting after a not particularly passionately love making session, when she laid the cards on the table; she was absently petting Charlene’s puffy nipples when with no prior notice dropped her bomb. “I suggest you prepare yourself to make me pregnant, in two weeks I’ll be ovulating”

Charlene rose from the bed as spring-driven and threw herself over Margie smothering her with kisses “Oh my love, oh my love, I love you, I love you, oh how I love you, tomorrow we’ll go to get married, my love” and began to cry of happiness, tears falling down her cheeks and mingling in the hair of her lover.

A week later they went to Vermont State, were married, and back in the Shaker Heights mansion the same day. With Charlene money and lawyers it was an easy matter.

And the long-awaited day came; neither Margie nor Charlene could sleep the night before, they were too anxious and skittish, both anxiously awaiting the arrival of the morning to eat breakfast and for Margie peeing to do urine tests to check if it were a surge in the “luteinizing hormone”; in order to find if and when Margie was ovulating.
The first test in the morning was a negative; the second around midday, the same. They had everything ready in the bedroom for a good fucking, toys, lube, candles, aromatic incense sticks softly burning, and the semen, now thawed, maintaining the cold chain in the fridge. Ready to be used. The only thing missing was the “luteinizing hormone”.

Their nervousness was increasing with the passing of the minutes and Charlene, particularly, wanted to start the insemination procedures, but, they needed a good pee test; and, after several attempts at peeing with no success, Margie’s bladder was empty.
Charlene made her drink and drink, and after several hours Margie peed and, oh Holy Grial, Margie was ovulating.

Margie wiped herself and they went to the bedroom. “So, we follow the procedure as we had planed it, don’t we?”

Margie nodded but did not get a chance to answer as Charlene’s mouth came down on hers, tongues lashing one another in frenzy. Charlene’s hands roamed over Margie’s large and conical tits and she, in turn, fondled her lover’s nipples and felt them grow stiff and hard. Without breaking their kiss, they stripped one another’s gown away and Margie ran her hand down the length of Charlene’s smooth body, feeling her boyish, tight ass.

“It’s so pretty” Margie murmured as they finally broke their kiss so Charlene could slip down her body and begin sucking, one and then the other excited nipples. She slipped further down until she was kneeling on the floor between Margie’s feet, her cheek resting on the other girl’s stomach.

“Lie back on the bed and lift your legs, Baby” Charlene told her.

Margie obeyed and looked down; Charlene bent to her open cunt and captured the swollen clitoris between her lips, her wet tongue wiped languorously from the rich nest of red hair to the puckered anus and back again. Margie closed her eyes in ecstasy as Charlene’s tongue ran in and out of her pussy while with a wet finger tickled her asshole. Charlene sucked and licked her ass and pussy as if she hadn’t done it for a long time.

Charlene slid up onto her and kissed her again, Margie could taste her cunt on the other woman’s lips and she cupped her boyish ass as she returned the kiss. Margie then turned around the bodies until she was on top of her and then slid back to her knees beside the bed. Now it was her turn; lifting the slim woman’s leg, she placed a full kiss on her pouting cunt and tasted the wet juices running out of it.

The odour of Charlene cream was a little stronger that at other times, perhaps because this was a very special day, but it fired her lust even more and she caught her husband’s bloated clitoris in her lips and spun her tongue along the length and inside of her pussy lips; then she peeled back the tiny folds at its tip and licked it wildly. Charlene twisted and squealed as Margie worked on her nether regions. Digging her heels into Margie’s back, she came violently, gasping and shuddering as her wife gave her no mercy, Margie pressed her face into Charlene’s cunt and shook her head like a fox-terrier, as if she were possessed.

Finally, the two lay back in exhaustion, Margie’s cheek pressed against Charlene’s wet thigh.

“Ok” said Charlene, “now that we have blunt our first appetite lets follow the plan”

“Come on, then,” Margie laughed. “The adventure is just beginning, and we have only twenty four hours”

“Let me first get some of the toys Baby, today is a very special day, and I want you as hot as I can get you, your orgasm today must be like any other before, so the sperm will travel fast to your uterus”

Charlene displayed her new collection of dildoes to Margie’s amazement.”When did you get this?”

They were in all sizes and colours, some so life-like they scared her. At Charlene’s insistence, she took one; a nine-inch replica of a penis that seemed impossibly wide, although Charlene assured her it could be nicely accommodated.

“Had you already tried it in your pussy or ass? Margie asked her

“Well no, but…”

“But nothing, if you want me to get used to this monster, first you use it and see how it feels, you tell me and then I’ll use it. Let’s now use the old comfy one, the same I used in your ass”

“Ok. Ok. Sorry”

Charlene began kissing her slowly and sensuously from her head to her navel. Her fingers played at Margie’s pussy as she sucked her woman tits and caressed her smooth skin. Her bald pussy lips rubbed against Margie’s thigh and she opened her legs to make the wet lips smear a wet trail of pussy juice along the slim woman’s leg Margie raised one knee and let her slip two delicate fingers into her cunt as Charlene’s tongue swirled around the dimple of her navel and across her soft red pubic hair.

Charlene replaced her fingers with the twisting, throbbing unharnessed dildo and Margie gasped as the cock entered her vagina, spreading the walls almost to the limits of their endurance. Moments later, she felt a second small one vibrator playing across her clitoris as Charlene pivoted around on the bed to bring her dripping pussy to Margie’s lips.

While Margie sucked Charlene’s clitoris, she reached down and took the dildo rubbing her clit from Charlene’s hand and slowly inserted it into her husband’s pussy. Charlene squealed in excitement and rotated her pelvis into Margie’s mouth. Her strong woman odour evoked a heady sensation in Margie as she watched the broad vibrator sliding in and out of her cunt. Charlene’s ass rode high and vulnerable, and Margie tickled it with a wet finger as she spread her own legs as widely as she could. Without hesitation, Charlene began finger-fucking Margie’s ass and Margie returned the favour with gusto as another orgasm built within her.

As the two women twisted and shuddered their ecstasies between them, Margie alternated between reveries of her past, Martin hated fucking, and the steamy presence of Charlene’s now highly skilled touch. The heavy taste and odour of cunt lingered in her mouth and when they kissed, she tasted the subtly different taste of her own pussy on Charlene’s lips.

“My love, I think is time” Charlene said getting up and off Margie’s body.

“Hummm, Ummm, all right” answered Margie coming out of her reveries.

Charlene went to the fridge and took out the sterile package containing the cervical cup filled with the sperm inside; she let the package on the nightstand and explained to Margie,

“Ok baby let’s do it, we’ll put a couple pillows under your buttocks to raise them, you spread your legs as wide as you can I’ll try to make you…”

Margie put her heels on the mattress in front of her, leaned back, her buttocks up, her head down, tilted her head to the ceiling, and went back to manipulating her pussy.
Charlene saw she was wet; the juices glistened on her inner thighs and trickled down to her perineum. Her fingers were moving slowly up and down her pussy lips, stopping every now and then to circle around her engorged clit. “I need you, Charlene” she said. “I want you to do this to me with your mouth. Please,” she looked aroused, her eyelids now half-closed and her upper body involuntarily swaying with the feelings rushing through her.

Margie asked Charlene to suck her pussy and clit before inserting anything inside her, including the cup; Charlene nodded and nearly sprinted around the bed while Margie shifted her body up to make room for her between her legs. She kneeled in front of her and dove into her pussy tongue first, causing her to buck her hips and spread her legs wider.

“This is what you wanted, Isn’t it?” And Charlene stuck her tongue as far as she could into her folds, causing a prolonged moan.

“Yes, yes, yes” she moaned, forgetting the almost frozen cum soon to be in her belly.
Charlene continued lapping at her pussy while she smeared some lube on her fingers. Then, she spread Margie’s ass and started rubbing her fingers around, occasionally probing carefully into the ring, as to not hurt her, and spreading the lube thoroughly. She went back for more lube, and continued getting her ready for the next round, as Margie’s ass stuck out, seeking the fingers that were moments before tickling and touching her back passage.

When Charlene returned her fingers to the tickling, Margie groaned loudly. “Yes, keep doing it”. “Finger fucks my ass” she moaned, grinding her hips down and down onto her tongue and out to suck in the finger further inside.

Charlene didn’t raise her face only asked, “You love this, don’t you?”

“From you, Yes,” she panted, her breath coming in shorter gasps. “I do. I love this. Keep going” And Charlene did, her tongue getting more insistent in Margie’s pussy and her finger now sawing in and out of her asshole. Margie started panting loudly. “Oh fuck,” she groaned. “Oh yes, yes, yes. Oh god yes. Oh fuck”

Charlene felt Margie’s legs tense and her pussy start to quiver, her asshole clenching and unclenching around the finger. Margie was cumming, hard and she was drenching Charlene’s face in juices as she let out a long, shuddering groan and nearly collapsed.
Charlene pulled her finger from her ass and kept her up on the pillows. She seemed spent, her breath taking time to come back to normal.

After resting a few minutes, Charlene pulled out her finger from Margie’s ass and slowly started to lick the rim; then Charlene formed a spear with her tongue and started pushing in further, faster, fucking and darting in and out of the crinkled back hole. Margie was gasping, pushing her ass back onto the tongue, forcing it in deeper.

“Yes” she said, “yes fuck me there. Fuck my ass” as Charlene pushed her tongue in harder. “Your cock,” she panted, “I want your cock in my ass.”

“My love, first things first, let’s get you pregnant”; and with a swift movement Charlene took from the nightstand the package with the cervical cup, extracted and inserted it on Margie’s vagina pushing until it was against her cervix. “Now I’ll make you orgasm again so your uterus neck will be well open to receive the spermatozoids in your womb”

Charlene wanted this intercourse to be perfect. She had bought for this momentous act, a double strap-on; one with two cocks. The short one would go inside her pussy after harnessing the contraption so she would be able to feel her and Margie movements when they were fucking; the other one, longer, almost eight inches long was aimed for the enjoyment and pleasure of Margie.

She reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a tube of lube, rubbing it generously up and down both ends of her plastic cock before squeezing a great dollop onto Margie’s ass and rubbing it thoroughly around and in. Margie was mad with passion and lust and was hardy coherent, moaning in anticipation, her asshole spasming in the air and then around Charlene’s invading finger. After harnessing it, Charlene reached her hands around and spread Margie’s ass cheeks wide, and placed the engorged head of the dildo cock firmly against the relaxing knot of her sphincter.

“Let me do this” Margie panted, pushing forward slowly, as not to fall from the pillows, and not disturb the impregnation process. “Don’t move”

Charlene held still, one hand on her ass cheek, the other caressing Margie’s tummy, and her eyes watching in wonder as Margie slowly pushed forward, then back a little, forward a little further, back again.

Margie started gasping, yelping in pleasure. “Oh yes, keep it up, keep it up” she said, pushing forward harder and keeping the pressure. After what seemed forever, her asshole loosened and the head of the strap-on cock popped in her bowels quickly, her ass clenching like a vice around it. “Oooohhhh” she moaned, holding still for a moment before resuming the push, pull, push, pull movement. Charlene’s pussy was on fire, she felt gloved by the warm sheath of her ass, squeezed by her tight sphincter, the heat running through the fake cock up to her pussy, Margie’s rectum twitching in anticipation and her movements transmitting within Charlene’s vagina. After…

“Go slowly, remember how my ass was not so long ago”, Margie moaned raising her head and facing her. Charlene did, pushing in a little deeper each time until she was finally crotch to ass deep and held it there.

Margie looked at her in the eyes and pushed forward hard, straining to get it in deeper still, and soon her body started convulsing in a long, deep orgasm. “I’m cummmmmiiinnnngggg” she wailed, pulling back suddenly before slamming forward onto the cock all the way. Her body was on fire, and Charlene could feel inside her the rippling from her belly through the cock that bound them, her asshole tightening and loosening, sucking her in and letting her out.

“Fuck my ass hard, and make me pregnant husband” Margie encouraged her, her eyes glazed over with lust.

So Charlene did, slamming back and forth for all she was worth, slowly for awhile, then like a piston, holding her legs up tightly so she would not fall from the position in which she was. Then Margie’s body her tummy started to tighten, her toes curling out and her hips grinding up. She was cumming again. She could hear her moaning amid mouthfuls of air, gasping and panting. Then Charlene felt the familiar tingling starting at her clit and said to Margie, “I’m getting close, my love”

“Yes” she screamed, “I’ cumming too, fuck me harder, fuck yes”

Charlene was slamming her asshole now for all she was worth, going weak in the back, and her legs beginning to buckle with the force of what was building. And then, she plunged one last time, and bawled as she kept convulsing, shaking, grunting and screaming.

When her climax was subsiding, she jammed in as hard as she could and held it there, titillating Margie’s clit with her fingers, and she felt her wife’s orgasm picking up in intensity. Margie was yelping, arching her back, pushing back at her with all the force she could muster. She must have climaxed six or seven times, and still she kept pushing.

“Oh yes” she cried, “I can feel you, and I can feel you filling me, oh yes, we are going to be mothers”

Charlene kept there, deep in her ass, until her orgasm had subsided. She was breathing hard, trying to catch her breath, “That was great” she said. “Thank you”.


A few minutes later, Charlene carefully pulled out of Margie’s ass, and un-harnessed herself dropping the strap-on on the floor. First thing she did was to surround Margie with all kinds of cushions, and put more pillows under her legs to maintain them up without her getting tired. Then, with lots of love she cleaned her ass with a damp cloth, thoroughly removing the lubricant. Then covered her with a quilt and waited for nature to take its course.

Forty days later, Margie’s morning retching warned Charlene her wife was pregnant.

The gynaecologist confirmed the pregnancy and the first echography showed them, yes, YES, and YES, they were going to be mothers-fathers… of …fraternal twins. Yes. Mummy Margie was carrying two instead of one. The artificial insemination had been successful, oh yes, very successful.

They didn’t know what was awaiting them; and as all parents they were going to learn firsthand.

The end…or the beginning?

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