16 Ekim 2024

Tammy (1) The Bus Trip

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Tammy (1)

The bus trip

“Tammy! Tammy.” Dad shouted, “Grab your coat we have to go to the coast and pick up some students.”

I was almost asleep when he called, so I popped my head out of my bedroom door, “What do you mean?” I asked.

“They sent the wrong bus to pick the students up from the French trip and I have to take the mini bus to collect the remaining students.” dad said, “Just grab your coat, come on we have to hurry.”

Still half sleep I put my coat on over my nightdress and ran down stairs still half asleep. “Sorry baby girl I know your tired so just go and lay on the back seat and go back to sleep.” Dad sounded really guilty but I knew he would never leave me on my own as I was only fourteen, and while he trusted me he didn’t trust the rest of the world.

I got into the mini bus and as I settled along the back seat I saw dad put his ear phones in and smiled. He loved listening to soft music when he had to drive a long distance as it kept him calm he said. It was only then I realised that the ‘coast’ was about two hours away. I drifted off to sleep.

It must have been about midnight when the back doors opened up and let in a blast of warm summer night air. A moment later the side door opened and four boys got into the mini bus. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. The back door slammed shut and my eyes jerked open as the sound made me jump. Then dad got in the drivers door and said, “I will pull this curtain across so you can have the internal light on but keep the noise down lads ok.”

Ok Mr Jones.” The boys answered in unison.

As the mini bus pulled away one of the boys looked at me, “Your Tammy Jones.”

“Yes I am.“ I replied slowly sitting up. I was acutely aware that all I had on was a nightdress and a coat, not even any panties. Even though I had a 34” bust I didn’t wear a bra as dad had never got up the courage to take me and buy any, and mum couldn’t be bothered. And anyway to me it just didn’t seem important. Till now.

I knew the boys by sight but had never spoken to them as they were a couple of years ahead of me at school. I was just 14 and they were all aged 16 or 17 I suppose, and they were very aware of my embarrassment at being the only girl on the bus. I was a little surprised as I had expected another teacher to be with them, or at least a girl or two.

“So what you doing here then?” one of them asked.

“I….was in bed, when dad, was called to pick you up.” I said hesitantly.

“So that’s why your in your nightdress then.” The other boys laughed.

I just pulled my coat closer I now had a boy sitting either side of me and two standing in front. I was feeling decidedly insecure at this point but I knew it was pointless calling dad because he would be listening to music and the curtain was pulled and I knew he couldn’t see me. As I was the middle of summer the boys were all dressed in shorts and t shirt.

Why don’t you take the coat off it’s way to warm a night and you will sweat if you keep it on. I‘m Josh by the way. This is John, that is Colin and the short one is Ian”

“I will take it off if you promise to behave.” I said seriously.

“Course we will,” Colin said, laughing.

“Yes we will make sure Ian keeps his monster in his pants.” Josh said to even more laughter.

“I doubt she would know what to do with it anyway.” Ian said.

“Yes..I…” I stopped mid sentence.

“Oh right so not the stuck up little virgin then.” Josh mocked, “So who is the lucky boy then?”

“None of your business.” I said angrily. I was angry at myself not at them, but there was no way I was going to tell them about James.

About six months previously my best friend James and I had been talking about what we would like our first time to be like. Anyway to cut a long story short we decided to be each others first. It wasn’t brilliant and we both wondered what all the fuss was about. Of course we tried a few more times and it got better and better. Not that we were experts of course. And while I got a lot of tingles down there I still had no idea what an orgasm was.

“Ok ok.” Josh said, “But you will be quite safe if you take your coat off.”

“Promise?” I asked rather naively.

“Promise.” anadolu yakası rus escort they all said.

“Here let us help you.” Ian and Colin who were sitting either side of me took an arm each and pulled it behind them in order to pull the sleeves away from my arms, or so I thought until they leaned back on my arms and locked them behind their backs. The next moment they were both playing with my boobs through the thin cotton nightdress.

The sudden assault on my nipple sent shock waves down my body to my pussy. “No you have to stop that.” I moaned, “You don’t know what it’s doing.”

“Judging by the colour of your cheeks it’s giving you a lot of pleasure.” As I fought to get away from them I squirmed down on the seat and my nightdress rose up. Before I knew it my pussy was out in the open.

“Well thank you very much Tammy.” Josh smiled I am sure I can find a use for it.”

Once I realised what he meant I struggles to sit back up but the hands on my tits had moved to the hem and were pulling it up to and over my head. It was at this point I realised that my arms were free but it was too late. Josh had dropped down between my legs and pulled them apart. I felt his warm breath on my inner thighs just before his tongue licked at my pussy lips.

“Oh fuck.” I gasped. If there had been any fight in me at all it left at that moment. The two boys either side of me were now sucking on my nipples while the last boy had leaned in and started kissing me hard and with his tongue sliding between my lips, I responded avidly.

My hands were moved and I found myself gripping a hard cock in each, other willing hands showing me what to do. I would love to say I was scared, or even being forced but in truth I was literally just going along with everything, willingly. Even participating.

Josh stopped licking at my pussy and a moment later I was pulled off the seat and found myself kneeling across him as he lay on a bed of sleeping bags. My eyes went wide as I felt his cock at the entrance to my pussy, I said nothing. I did nothing. Then as I felt him enter me I slowly dropped down onto that throbbing member, my eyes closed as, for the first time, I took pleasure in feeling a cock enter my most private place. The first thing I noticed was he was bigger than James, longer and fatter. Thinking about it ow it seems a little strange that I should have even thought of that.

The next thing I remember is someone behind me licking at my bum hole. I was about to protest when a cock was pushed into my face, as I opened my mouth to say “What the fuck?” the cock went past my lips and was now thrusting merrily as it fucked my face. A couple of times it went to far and I choked but I soon got used to the pace and avoided being choked again.

So here I was, a cock in my pussy, another in my mouth, another waiting to go into my mouth and a fourth prodding at my bum hole. And I was in heaven. What kind of slut am I?

I couldn’t do anything about the cock in my pussy or the one trying to get in my bum hole but the two in front of me I gripped tightly and each time Josh thrust up into me I took one of them into my mouth. Taking them in turn. Then the cock at my arse burst it’s way in. The pain was excruciating. I stopped a scream and stopped all motion. I didn’t even know this was possible. My bum muscles had gripped that cock like it was an invading enemy. As the pain subsided I started to move slowly back and forth, back and forth till whoever it was took over and started fucking my arse proper. Josh just lay there now playing with my tits as each thrust up my arse lifted me off his cock and then back down onto it. The two cocks in front of me also soon got back into rhythm.

Then something strange started to happen. I had been getting those tingles I always got with James since Josh had penetrated me but now they were getting stronger and stronger, and they were moving, spreading all over my body. I moaned, “Oh fuck. What are you doing to me?”

“So not the stuck up little virgin then.” Josh said as he squeezed my nipples really hard and thrust up into me as hard as he could. And continued to do so.

I had never sucked a cock before in my life but I must anadolu yakası sevişen escort have been doing something right as suddenly one of the boys grunted and shot sticky stuff into my face then as he entered my mouth he shot another load, he didn’t pull out till he had finished filling my mouth with his slimy salty fluid. I swallowed it all. As he stepped away the other guy took his place but before he could come his load I felt Josh shoot his into my waiting pussy. That was when all my tingles mingled into my very first orgasm. It rushed up from my pussy through my stomach and into my cock filled mouth. The vibrations from that silent scream sent the cock in my mouth into orgasm and my scream turned into a gurgling sound, my eyes watered up and I felt like crying but couldn’t as I was laughing in a stupid cock filled way.

“Oh fuck she is fucking tight.” Bum fucker said as he too shot his load into my over filled body

Never having had an orgasm before I ad no idea how long it was supposed to last but this one just didn’t seem to want to go away.

Bum fucker pulled his cock out and Josh moved out from under me. I was put on my back with my feet up on seats either side of the walkway. First cocksucker then got between my legs and rammed his cock into me making my orgasm go to even higher levels. Josh moved next to my head. “All good sluts clean their men up after a good fuck.” He pushed his cock at my mouth and I opened up and took him deep, despite the smell of my pussy and the taste of is and my come juice I loved the feeling of it. Bum fucker on the other hand I was not so keen on.

“Come on slut.” He said, “You heard what Josh said. It’s your job to clean up your shit.”

I think it was at that point I admitted that I quite liked being called a slut and being used like they were doing. Not that I would admit it to them. But I did take that shit covered cock into my mouth and managed to clean it up without throwing up. By this time face fucker number two was between my legs and thrusting wildly. My orgasm had subsided to a mere tremble by this time.

“Five minutes boys.” Dad called out. Thankfully he hadn’t moved the curtain.

“Fuck I ain’t come yet.” Face fucker number two said.

“Too bad.” I said pushing him off. “If my dad catches me like this you will all be in prison. And you better not tell anybody. Do you hear?.”

“Don’t worry Tammy.” Josh said, “If they do they will have me to answer to. Hopefully we can do it again sometime.”

“Maybe.” I said, with a smile. While it may have started out as rape, I didn’t try to stop them at any point really, and I had to admit that I had enjoyed being used like that. It was certainly better than anything I had done before.

Five minutes later they boys were with their parents and dad drove us home. I felt weiry so walked slowly into the house. Dad had put the light on and taken his coat off as I waked in the door. He turned to look at me and the look of shock on his face took me by surprise.

“What on earth have you been up to?” He asked with a shocked look on his face, “What is that mess all over your face?”

I took a quick look in the mirror and realised that I had not cleaned up after the boys shot their juice over my face and in my hair. Shocked I said,” Nothing dad. I am really tired I’m going to bed.” And I ran up the stairs.

I ran to my room and was taking my nightdress off when dad walked into the bedroom. In panic I knelt on the bed in the hope that I could at least cover myself up with the duvet.

“Stop right there.” Dad said in his ‘you will do as I order’ voice. “Stop right where you are.”

I froze. Kneeling on the edge of the bed. Dad had seen me naked many times so I gave no thought to the fact that with my nightdress over my head, my bottom and pussy were completely uncovered and on display. My only thought was, would he know what happened?

“So you better tell me what happened.” He said sternly, “And don’t try lying to me because the evidence is plain to see.”

With the nightdress over my head I couldn’t see where he standing but he had obviously seen enough to know that I and the boys had been doing something. anadolu yakası escort I felt trapped, I didn’t want to lie and I also didn’t want to get the boys into trouble. But I had no choice. “They raped me, well that’s how it started.” I said.

“What happened? And do not hold anything back.” He said, “I want the whole truth. And you will stay like that till you have told me everything.”

So I told him what happened. He listened in silence till I go to the point where I had a cock in my pussy and one up my arse. “How did that feel?” He asked, “Did it hurt?”

“When he put it in my bum it hurt like hell but they stopped moving till I said it was ok.”

“So you told them they could carry on.”


“Then what?”

“Well the other two boys had their cocks in my face so I took one in each hand and took it in turns to suck on them.”

“Then you were enjoying it.”

“Yes. I suppose.”

“Then what?”


“Then what?”

“Well ond boy shot his all over my face and Josh shot his in me then the other boy came in my mouth and over my face and then my was filled up as well. Then the boy in my bum pulled out and so did Josh. One of the boys in front of me went behind me and put his cock in me….”

“In your bum?”

“No. In my pussy.”

“Like this.”

“Daaaaaaaddd.” I screamed, as he rammed his cock into me.

“Was it like this?” He asked again.

“Oh fuck daddy. Yes, but faster, and he had reached up and was pulling on my tits as well. But you feel so much bigger than any of them daddy.”

He reached forward and took hold of my tits while he kept slowly pushing his cock into me. Even though I was shocked, and he was my dad, I never once thought of trying to top him. In fact I have to admit that it felt ten times better than anything I had felt with the boys.

“Oh god daddy you fell so good inside me.”

“And your pussy feel so tight wrapped around my cock. Like velvet baby girl.”

“Use me daddy.” I like the feeling of being used. Do it hard daddy. Make me come.”

“Oh I will use you baby girl. But I will do it my way and you will come like never before.”

And he did. He fucked me slower but rammed in harder than the boys which seemed to make my pussy lips feel like they were constantly letting off electric shocks in side me. I don’t know how long he fucked me but I do know that once I started to come I couldn’t stop. In the fog of orgasm I heard him ask if I was ready for his juice. Then he moved his hands to my hips and rammed harder and faster till I felt his load fill me to over flowing. Of course by now I was naked. He collapsed on the bed beside and pulled me close to him. And that’s the last thing I remember till I woke at midday. At some point in the night dad had put me into bed and covered me up.

As I remembered what had happened I started to feel really unsure of what to do. I had loved it, all of it. From the boys right till dad took me in his arms. But now I was afraid of what dad would say, and how he would feel about me knowing that I had done it all so willingly. And in his case eagerly.

I took a long shower and got dressed. As I walked downstairs I could smell Sunday dinner roasting just like it was a normal Sunday. As I walked into the kitchen dad gave me a big smile.

“I have done you coffee and toast.” He said smiling. “Sit down. I think we need to talk.”

I sat down as he placed the hot toast down and, more than a little embarrassed, and very afraid, waited for him to start the conversation.

He took a sip of his coffee and looked at me. “I need to apologise for what I did last night. No don’t interrupt. I have been rehearsing this all morning.” He said as I started to say something. “ While I am sorry for what I did I am happy that it happened and would be in total heaven if you felt the same. But. I would totally understand if you felt violated.”

I could see tears welling up in is eyes so I jumped up and put my arms around him pulling him to me. “I have no regrets about anything that happened last night.” I said softly, “And I would die if you wanted to stop what we have started. I love you daddy and I always will. You are the only man I will ever truly love and ever truly trust.” And even though it was an impulsive response I knew I meant every word of it.

We spent the whole day talking and fucking. Well more fucking than talking but it was the best day in whole life and I knew I was going to have a lot more just like it.

More to come

Feedback and ideas are always welcome

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