17 Ekim 2024

The Tales of Azure Rocks Ch. 01

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Author’s note: despite this first chapter being published in the Erotic Couplings section, the story will have elements of other categories, with future chapters getting into different sections according to the main theme of the respective chapter. I’d also like to thank Megamuffin for editing this chapter for me. I’ll always be available to reply feedback, either here or by e-mail, hope everyone likes the story!


Chapter 1 — Welcome to the Cabin

The hallways of Azure Rocks High School were quiet that Thursday afternoon, the students cooped up inside the classrooms waiting for the bell that would allow them to go home for the day. It was almost like the calm before the storm. At last, the ringing sound echoed through the school and a stampede of bodies occupied the halls. Among them, an 18-year-old senior with short dark brown hair patiently stored the books in his locker, his mind unwittingly replaying the History class he just got out of. His name was Zachary Bishop, or as his friends liked to call him…

“Hey, Zack!”

The gaze of his icy-blue eyes turned left to find the clear-blue ones of none other than Chloe McRose. long red hair framing her face. She had been his best friend since before they could even talk or walk, having been neighbors for their entire lives.

He smiled at her. “What’s up?”

“Just got a text from Regan, the coach canceled our practice today,” the redhead replied, seeming a bit bummed by the fact.

Chloe played on the school’s soccer team, and Zack thought she was really good at it, scoring lots of goals in her games. She had a toned, curvy body, with a large pair of breasts that she usually preferred to keep well hidden under baggy clothes. Not that Zack would have noticed, due to the nature of their friendship. As for him, he tried getting into the basketball team, but he was injured during the tryout period, so the best he could do was a spot on the bench among the reserves.

“That sucks,” Zack commented as he noticed Chloe was alone, without their other friend. “Hey, where’s Gavin? Wasn’t he in English with you?”

“He already left. His mom came to pick him up,” Chloe answered as they began walking. “Remember?”

“Oh, yeah, the anniversary of his father’s death,” Zack mumbled, recalling that Gavin had informed them during lunch that he would go home early that day.

“So, any news on your end?” Chloe inquired.

Zack nodded and grinned. “Unlike you, I’ve got practice tomorrow. Kevin wants us ready for the Rhinos next week.”

Chloe chuckled and bumped him on the shoulder. “Show off.”

“Zack! Chloe! Wait a sec!”

The two friends turned back to the voice calling for them. Brandon Cole, the star quarterback of the school’s football team, rushed towards the duo, a grin on his face. He was a really well-built guy, with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He and Zack had become friends when the blue-eyed young man tutored him in English a little more than a year ago, and because Zack was kind of friends with Brandon’s girlfriend.

“Hey, man, is something wrong?”

Brandon grinned in response. “Dude, Heather just had a really awesome idea!” Zack raised a curious eyebrow, staring at his friend and prompting him to continue. “She invited us to spend the weekend at her family’s cabin near Silver Lake Park!”

Silver Lake Park was a recreational area about thirty minutes away from their hometown of Azure Rocks, and a few people owned cabins alongside its borders. If Zack was curious, now he was absolutely intrigued. Sure, they were like a large group of friends, but his and Brandon’s sides of the gang never really became too close, at least not the same way he was with Chloe and Gavin.

“You mean, all of us?” Zack asked, pointing at Chloe and himself.

“Yeah!” Brandon nodded enthusiastically. “She invited some really cool people, make sure you guys tell Gavin too!”

Zack scrunched up his face, spending two days with the popular guys wasn’t exactly his idea of a fun weekend, even if they were his friends. He would probably end up keeping to himself with Chloe and Gavin while the others had fun doing whatever they wanted. “I’m not sure…,”

“Vicky will probably be there,” Brandon interrupted him, waggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

Dammit, Brandon, that was a low blow, Zachary mentally groaned. Victoria Walker actually was the most beautiful girl he had ever met, and quite possibly, the most intelligent one as well. He had it bad for her, but had never quite mustered the courage to make a move, in part because she had a boyfriend up until recently, but the guy moved away a few months ago. Zack even tried getting a girlfriend himself to see if he could get over those feelings, but it ended up backfiring on him. Lisa Rivera, the girl he was dating, got suspicious about the weird, distracted way he acted around her, so she tried to interrogate his friends about it and tricked Gavin into accidentally Starzbet Güncel Giriş babbling to her that he had feelings for another girl, thankfully without revealing it was Victoria. Zack would never forget the dressing down Lisa gave him when she broke things off. Can’t blame her, she was right, he agreed with her. She told him that he should not have led her on if he liked another girl, and that he had to figure out his life first before deciding to hurt someone else. Zack was brought out of his musings by someone poking him in the arm.

“You gotta go, dummy,” Chloe told him. She was part of the very restricted group of people who knew about his little crush on Victoria. The other ones were his older sister Taylor, and Gavin and Brandon.

“You won’t?” he replied, an eyebrow raised.

“Probably not,” Chloe answered. “Mom and Dad are planning to go visit my grandparents this weekend.”

“Damn,” Zachary mumbled as he turned back to Brandon. “Who else is going?”

Brandon scratched the back of his head. “Let’s see, if everyone goes, it’ll be Heather, Ashley, Victoria, Maddie, Gavin, Trent, Kevin, you, and I think she invited some of the other cheerleaders.”

“That’s a lot of people, is Heather’s cabin that big?”

Brandon shrugged. “We’ll manage, I guess, there’s couches and futons for everyone from what she told me.”

“Bran!” a female voice called from the other side of the hallway.

“Coming, Ash!” Brandon answered as they noticed his girlfriend, Ashley Woodsen, accompanied by none other than Heather Ravers. Zack and Ashley were sort of friends even before he befriended Brandon, due to the fact that their older sisters were best friends.

Heather smirked at Zack and Chloe. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad, and the heiress of the wealthiest family in Azure Rocks. It was the general opinion among the students that she was the hottest girl in the school, with her toned body and long silky dark brown hair. The swells of her large breasts mesmerized everyone who could move past her electric-blue eyes. Being Heather’s vice-captain, Ashley also had a very well-sculpted, fit body, with shining blonde hair framing her face and a pair of friendly, warm bluish-grey eyes.

“I’ll text you later with my answer,” Zack said. “I’ll ask Gavin as well.”

“Awesome,” Brandon held out his hand for a high-five. Zack chuckled and copied him as he and Chloe watched the football player join the cheerleaders.

Chloe regarded him with a confused expression on her face. “Are you telling me you’re gonna turn down that invite? Zack, it looks like the perfect opportunity to get some time alone with Vicky!”

Zack laughed. “I know, I’m going,” he told her while they headed out to the parking lot. “I just didn’t wanna sound too eager.”


On Friday night, Brandon was hanging out with Ashley at her house, and Heather, Victoria and his friend and teammate Trent Lee were there as well. Normally, Madison, Brandon’s twin sister, would have been there with them, but she had caught a cold and had to remain home that night, the same reason she would not be able to go to the cabin with them the next day.

The five of them were lounging by the pool and making some small talk, Brandon sitting on a chaise with Ashley cuddled up to him, and Heather, Vicky and Trent each occupying one. They weren’t being loud in respect to Ashley’s parents, who probably were already sleeping. Glancing at his watch, Brandon noticed it was getting closer to midnight, their quick meeting having stretched itself way longer than expected.

Heather thought they should have worn swimsuits and gone for a swim, but of course, none of them knew they would keep chatting for so long.

“Okay,” Victoria piped in, pushing a strand of her long, slightly wavy blonde hair behind an ear as her piercing emerald-green eyes scanned her friends. She was the president of the student council at school, proof of how smart and active she was. Body-wise, the young blonde wasn’t as skinny as her cheerleader friends, still slender, but without being too athletic, making her a perfect ten in almost everyone’s eyes. Her breasts weren’t as big as Heather’s or even Chloe’s, but it was a close affair, and of course, her round, curvy ass had legendary status amongst the boys in Azure Rocks High School. “Let’s do a quick recap, who’s going?”

Heather chuckled. “Well, considering all the info we got so far…,” she trailed. “It’s not looking good.”

Trent, a tall black guy with short black hair and dark brown eyes, nodded. “I wanted to go, but it’s like I told you, my dad wants me to work on his car with him,” he repeated. “Brandon and I talked to Kevin, he’s fully focused on the basketball game next week. He won’t go either.”

“My sister caught a cold,” Brandon added. “And Zack texted me confirming that neither Gavin nor Chloe are going.”

Ashley rested her head on her boyfriend’s left shoulder Starzbet Giriş and sighed. “None of the other cheerleaders will make it either.”

“That leaves our party with the three of you,” she pointed at Ashley, Vicky and Brandon. “Zack, and myself, a grand total of five people,” Heather concluded before playfully waving a finger at Victoria. “You better not bail on us too!”

Victoria laughed. “Like I said, I’ll have to check with my parents tomorrow morning, they might need me to help with the store,” she replied as she cocked her head to the side with a thoughtful look. “Maybe we should take a rain-check and do it the next weekend.”

“No!” Brandon and Ashley said in unison, the blonde blushing at the knowing smirks on Heather and Trent’s faces. “I mean…,” Ashley faked a cough as her best friend stared curiously at her. “There’s the basketball game next Saturday. Heather, Maddie, the other girls and I have to cheer. Zack and Kevin are playing. You caught my drift.”

In reality, Brandon and Ashley were not finding enough opportunities to have sex lately. There was always someone in either of their homes, and Ashley didn’t enjoy doing it in the backseat of Brandon’s truck ever since they tried it for the first time two and a half weeks ago, when they sneaked away during the after-party of the football team’s win in the opening game of the season. The young couple was seeing the trip to Heather’s cabin as the perfect chance to spend some quality time in each other’s company.

“Well, then, I better go,” Victoria said, getting up from the chaise. “My curfew ended a minute ago.”

“Girl, you literally live next door. Your parents know you’re here,” Heather laughed. “It’s still early, we could, I don’t know, do something.”

“Like what?” Trent inquired, an intrigued eyebrow raised.

The brunette shrugged. “Cards?” she then got a wicked look on her features. “Truth or dare? Swim?”

Ashley laughed. “Now?”

Before Heather could answer, Vicky sighed. “I really should go, Heather, otherwise I might really have to say goodbye to the trip.”

“You’re no fun,” the busty brunette playfully retorted. “Alright then, but I’m talking to your mom about that curfew.”

The others laughed, knowing how bossy Heather Ravers could get. Trent got up. “You’re going, Bran?”

The football player nodded. “Yeah, yeah,” he replied, leaning down to press a quick kiss on Ashley’s lips. “I’m gonna go, babe. I’ll come get you tomorrow morning, okay?”

“Okay,” Ashley smiled up at him. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” he responded, a similar smile on his face.

The blonde cheerleader also got up and exchanged quick hugs with Victoria and Heather before walking her friends to the door. Vicky only had to walk next door, while Heather had her own car and Trent hitched a ride with Brandon.


The next morning, Zack had a quick breakfast and got on the road to Silver Lake Park in his car, alone. Chloe went on a trip with her parents like she told him, and Gavin did not want to spend the weekend in a cabin in the woods. His best male friend wasn’t too big on doing physical stuff, preferring to occupy his time with his studies and fiddling with his arsenal of electronic devices. Kevin also told him the previous afternoon during basketball practice that he decided to not join them.

Those refusals made Zack wonder just how many people would actually go to Heather’s cabin that weekend. Well, the fewer people the best, I suppose, he decided, figuring he was more likely to feel encouraged to talk to Victoria about his feelings if there were a small number of potential witnesses to a possible rejection. Brandon texted him the previous night, saying there was a small chance Vicky wouldn’t go, but he preferred to be optimistic in that regard at least. Speaking of Brandon, his phone screen came to life with another text from his friend, but Zack decided to keep driving. He was very close to the cabin, according to the GPS coordinates Heather had sent him.

However, by the time he pulled over at the cabin’s driveway, the Zack had forgotten about Brandon’s text. Parking his blue sedan beside Heather’s silver car, Zachary got out of his vehicle and took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of nature around him. The cabin was very nice in his opinion, only one story, with stone walls and a cozy front porch. He thought the Raverses would have had a bigger cabin, given how wealthy they were, but the building before him was really great nonetheless. Zack knew he wouldn’t enjoy moving around a larger place. Imagine having to look for the bathroom like in their Manor back in town? he thought and chuckled out loud.

At that moment, the door opened and Heather stepped out, a smile on her face. “Hey, Zack, hope you didn’t have a hard time finding the place.”

Despite his feelings for Victoria, Zack wasn’t immune to the head cheerleader’s hotness. She was wearing a tight black tank Starzbet top and a dark blue bra that hugged the hypnotizing twin globes on her chest wonderfully. A pair of jean shorts left her toned pale legs on display. “Uhn…, hi Heather,” he stammered a bit. “No, it was quite easy, actually.”

“Fantastic,” she replied. “So, you’re the first one, wanna bring your stuff inside? I’m gonna show you your room.”

“Sure,” Zachary nodded, watching her swaying rump going back inside before he snapped out of it and went to get his suitcase.

“Welcome to Ravers Cabin, we do hope you enjoy your stay,” Heather grinned when he got inside, spreading out her arms and waving them around like she was selling some product.

“It’s…, really… cool,” Zack commented as he looked around. The front door opened into a nice living room with three couches, a shelf with an assortment of electronic devices and a fireplace. Behind that was the kitchen and there was a hallway on each side, where Zack assumed the bedrooms were located. On the right far corner of the kitchen, there was a spiral staircase leading down. On the left, a double glass door led to a wooden deck, where he could see a few chaises and tables. Well, this is really cool indeed.

His eyes then found Heather’s and Zack realized he didn’t have anything to say. It was hard to not be intimidated in the blue-eyed brunette’s presence, and he realized at that moment that this was the first time they were alone together. On every other interaction the two of them ever had, one of their friends had been present.

Heather raised a curious eyebrow for a couple of seconds. “Alright, we’ve got two big bedrooms, the master room, which I’ll be using,” she pointed to her left before doing the same in the opposite direction. “And the lake room, that I gave to Ash and Bran. Then we have two other smaller rooms, I guess you can pick one of those. Which one, left or right?”

Mmm, I’d rather not listen to Brandon and Ashley screwing each other’s brains out all night long, Zack pondered, a thoughtful look on his face. “Left, definitely left.”

Heather grinned. “Left it is, then. Wise choice, I probably wouldn’t be able to sleep next to their room either, if you know what I mean,” she said, surprising the dark-haired boy with how they had thought the same thing about their friends. “I’ll let you unpack now. If you need anything, just let me know, okay?”

Zack scratched his chin as she turned and started walking to the kitchen. “Hey, Heather, …uhn…, you said there are four rooms, right?” he inquired. “Brandon told me a lot of people might be coming, how are you gonna fit in everyone? I can give up my bed if they need it.”

The brunette cheerleader chuckled. “No need, Zack, no one else’s coming besides Ash and Brandon.”

His blue eyes slightly widened at that. Please no. Tell me I didn’t hear her right! Even Vicky? He started panicking, even if his stoic expression didn’t betray that. I came here for nothing?

“Maddie caught a cold. Kevin wants to focus on basketball. Trent had to help his dad. Vicky’s parents roped her into something to do with their store. None of my other friends can make it, and you already know about Chloe and Gavin,” Heather explained. “It’ll be just the four of us.”



Nearby, Brandon and Ashley were on their way in his black truck. Brandon set a leisurely pace because they wanted to see the beautiful scenery. The young couple was very excited at the possibility of finally getting to enjoy each other intimately again that weekend, the reason why they insisted Heather shouldn’t postpone the trip.

Brandon could feel his dick stirring as he glanced at his girlfriend on the passenger seat and caught a glimpse of her toned legs sticking out from underneath the white sundress she was wearing. He absolutely loved her, having recently completed a year and three months of dating. Ashley shared that sentiment, smiling as she caught his eye. It was almost cliché, she thought, the perfect relationship between the football star and the cheerleader.

The dark-haired boy reached over and squeezed her hand fondly, recalling a conversation he’d had with Trent a few days ago. Ashley was the perfect mix of innocence and naughtiness–in other words a normal girl, whereas Heather and Victoria were on the other ends of the spectrum. Heather was a teasing minx, supposedly having a lot of sexual experience, while Victoria was the epitome of a good girl, never doing anything that could be perceived as wrong and following all kinds of rules. He even knew from talking to her ex-boyfriend Dustin, that he never went past getting an unfinished handjob from her. For the umpteenth time, Brandon reached the conclusion that Ashley was the perfect girl for him then, and that he probably wouldn’t enjoy dating a nymphomaniac or a religious virgin, as hot as Heather and Victoria were. Trent, though expressed the intention of asking Vicky out in the near future to see what could come out of it, something that Brandon kept forgetting to warn Zack about, the last thing he wanted was a conflict between his best friends.

“Mmm, what are you thinking, baby?” Ashley asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

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