16 Ekim 2024

The Trucker

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



The car lurched forward a slight bit. Nervous, I checked my GPS. I was still in the middle of nowhere.


Another lurch. Great, I thought, what is wrong with my car? I hope I can make it to the next town before anything happens.


Smoke started pouring out of the front of the car. Great, I thought, looking outside as the rain poured down. I pulled over to the side of the road, putting on my hazard lights. Turning off the car, I checked my phone. No signal. Could this night get any worse?

I sat in my car for a while, playing a little on my phone, hoping a car would pass, see my car sitting here. Time passed, dragging on.

Lights appeared through my back window, a truck coming.

Quickly, I opened the door, jumping out of my car, waving my arms around to try to get his attention, getting thoroughly soaked in the process.

The truck slowed down, then stopped, just a little past my car. I rushed over as he got out.

“Are you ok?” He almost shouted, trying to be heard over the rain. His eyes flickered down, then shot back up to meet my gaze; turning slightly red. Looking down, I discovered what he was looking at. My blouse was pretty much see-through by this point. Bad day to go braless, I thought to myself. Could this day get any worse?

“My car broke down. It started making some popping noise, then suddenly smoke started coming from the front,” I shouted back. “Can you give me a ride?”

His gaze shifted, trying to look at anything but me. I must have looked quite a sight yet he still seemed to find the one glimpse of me enough to turn this big, strong man into a shy, small boy.

“Yeah, I could do that,” he said hesitantly. “Let me help you up, the cab is very high.”

Shy he was, I thought to myself. His speech came out almost as stutters. I found it very adorable, especially coming from this big, strong man.

He went to the passenger’s side, stepping up on the truck to reach the door, and opened it. Getting back down, he helped me up, putting his hands around my waist and lifting me almost effortlessly. Once I was in and seated, he reached up, closing the door behind me, before coming around and getting in the driver’s seat.

Once inside, I started shivering slightly. He glanced over, taking a peek downward at my see through blouse, my nipples, hard because of the cold, pushing against the fabric, straining against it. The blouse clung to me, forming against my body, the rainwater pressing it up against my skin. Where it touched the skin, you could see exactly what lay underneath: My slightly tanned skin, the darker areas of my areolas. I guess there wasn’t much to tantalize the imagination up top anyways.

My feelings were mixed. I didn’t ask for him to see me like this, but at the same time, was a little aroused, and especially grateful he did not stare at me. Just the right amount of shyness, and none of the lust I would have expected to see in a man’s eyes.

In the end, I settled on grateful, and just a little curious.

He spoke little on the drive, with me doing most of the talking. As my blouse started drying, he loosened up more. He was pleasant, but still did not speak much.

His answers to my questions were muted and subdued. He was married, with two kids. He owned his own truck, a couple in fact. I told him about my recent break-up, and he sympathized. It mom porn was a somewhat quiet, but not bad, journey. Riding in silence, I first noted the trucks vibration, humming through my body. I also noticed a sensation, creeping through me, as the vibrations slowly started turning me on. It had been a long time since I had been with someone.

We finally arrived at the nearest town. It was tiny, a motel, a gas station, a restaurant, a few houses, and the main street, which was the highway. Fortunately, the rain had stopped by the time we arrived, so I wasn’t worried about my blouse.

He hopped out and came around to my side, opening the door. He again lifted me by the waist, setting me down in the dirt on the side of the road. He let go, and to my surprise, my footing unsure, I fell, right against his chest.

His arms wrapped around me, instinctively stopping me from falling on the ground, and he held me there for a short time, looking into my eyes as I looked into his before remembering that we were strangers, me someone he was giving a ride to. He quickly backed up a half a step, arms unwound, hands on my shoulders to steady me while barely touching me. Now, I was more intrigued, and wondered what would have happened if I had kissed him, my rescuer.

We entered the diner.

“Well, I guess I can leave you here. I’ll grab a quick bite to eat, then head out,” he said to me in more words than I had heard from him yet.

“No, stay. Let me buy you dinner.” When he seemed to hesitate, I flashed a smile at him. “Please? At least let me do that much? Without you, I would still be out there, waiting in my car.”

He nodded.

The waitress seated us at a booth, handing us menus. We ordered our food, and sat there, me watching him, him trying to watch everything but me.

As we ate, I started noticing something. When I was not looking at him, he would watch me, but would avert his gaze each time I looked directly at him. Maybe my big trucker was interested, but too shy to try anything.

After a few minutes, he suddenly jumped slightly, his legs hitting the underside of the table. My foot had made contact with his leg, but had apparently startled him.

Putting on my best innocent face, I looked around.

“Waitress, can we get a dessert menu?”

The waitress brought it over and set it down.

I pushed it to his side, and had him look to see what was available. Standing up slightly in the booth, I leaned over the table, almost laying on it. His eyes started again when he caught a glimpse directly down my shirt, and went immediately to the menu. Still, they kept flicking to what I was displaying.

“I just can’t get them all from this angle,” I said as I shifted out of the booth, coming over to his side.

Sitting down next to him, I started looking over the desserts. When he would push the menu towards me, I firmly put it back in front of him with a light, “It is fine here, and you eat more than me. You pick first.” He even tried shifting over once, forcing me to move myself. Soon, I was snuggled against his arm, his face alarmed, a bit red, and I looked over the menu, breast pushed up against his arm.

“So, what do you want?” I asked.

He motioned to his choice, and I asked for the same.

“Two vanilla ice-creams please,” I told the waitress.

By now, he no longer seemed alarmed, but instead mobil porno wore a long suffering expression. Poking him, I asked, “What is with the face?”

“Nothing,” he chuckled.

Finally, he started opening up a little more, talking to me. He still said very few words, but at least it was an improvement over a nod or simple yes or no with the occasional sentence thrown in.

Eating our ice cream, I took large bites, putting the spoon in my mouth, taking a little off the top with my upper lip, leaving some behind on the spoon. Occasionally, I would lick the ice cream on my upper lip off, mouth slightly parted, tongue in a point, running it along the philtrum dimple then down along my teeth until I parted my lips.

I could see his occasionally glance over, watching out of the corner of his eye. I snuggled up closer to him. Then, something odd began happening. Instead of relaxing, he tightened up. His arms became tighter, the muscles bunching up. I put down the spoon, put my hand against him, lower down on his body. Tighter still.

Finally, I stood up, walked over to the other side, and sat back down, pushing the ice cream to the side.

Looking him in the eyes, I opened my mouth. “Please, stay with me tonight.” Barely a whisper.

Pure shock hit his face, eyes almost bulging.

Fumbling the words, almost stuttering them, he replied, “I told you I am married.”

I could feel my eyes tear up, beginning to mist over.

“I know. I am just so lonely. I just got through with a bad relationship. I just want someone decent, if just for a night.”

Now he met my eyes, a burning intensity in them, hidden by his shy demeanor. “I love my wife.”

“I know,” I whispered, feeling horrible for trying to seduce him. “Please,” I almost begged him. “I just need someone to hold, to forget, if just for a night. No strings. I don’t want a boyfriend. I don’t want a husband. I just need some company. Just for a night, then we will never see each other again.” Tears occasionally fell, everything catching up with me, and here, before me, someone who seemed to be genuinely sweet and caring.

I could see the struggle within him. I could see that he was not someone to just hop into bed with just anyone. I wanted to hide in shame for even trying. I was not sure what changed his mind.

“There is a motel over there. Let’s go get you a room,” he said in a gruff voice.

We walked over, the rain starting up again. I booked the room, and he led me up to it.

“Goodnight,” he said once we reached the door.

It was too much. I collapsed, then and there, in a weeping pile, the events of the past month catching up to me as I looked into his eyes.

“Shh, it’s ok,” he told me, scooping me up into his arms and carrying me inside. He laid me down on the bed.

“Please.” I said, sobbing. “Please stay with me.”

He took me into his arms, holding me against him. Almost like a loved one, caring for those distraught.

Eventually, my nerves calmed, replaced by embarrassment again. Breaking down, crying, in front of this man who I didn’t even know.

“Sorry. I must look like a mess. No wonder you would say ‘no’.” He took hold of my chin, turning me towards him. Mouth coming down on mine, light scruff scratching a little. We kissed, our mouths at first closed, then parting slightly. Finally, our tongues entwined. xnxx porno I lost track of time until his lips left mine.

Breathless, I leaned against his chest. “Are you sure?”

His answer was another kiss. Soft, passionate. I could see why his wife loved him. At this moment, I could forget that he had someone else to go home to.

Our arms wrapped around each other, as if clinging, as we kissed yet again, deeper, longer.

My hands started moving, unwrapping, tugging on his jacket, pulling it off him. Reaching around, unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off him.

Leaving his lips, I looked up into his eyes. Afraid to ask, but afraid of how I would feel if I didn’t, I asked one more time, “Are you sure?”

For an answer, he grabbed the bottom of my blouse, pulling it up, over my head. Dropping it beside the bed, before kissing me again, breasts pushed up against his massive chest.

I jumped off the bed, pulling him with me, undoing his belt as fast as I could, not wanting to stop, wanting to be with him. I pulled off his pants, pulled down his underwear, pleased to see I excited him, before undoing my own shorts, pulling them down, panties with them.

I stood before him, naked, breathing heavily, as his gaze wandered over my naked body. His hands cupped my waist, first kissing my belly, then pulling me towards him, as I pushed on his chest, toppling him onto the bed. We landed on the bed, me on top of him, my head moving down for another kiss. As we kissed, I shifted to the side, moving my hand down to his penis, slowly stroking it.

I kissed him, lips moving down his body quickly, before finding his penis. My lips encircled it, taking it into my mouth. Moving my head up and down, running my tongue along it as I swallowed him, I could hear his breathing speed up. Working his penis in my mouth, his breath excited me, pushed me to move faster, to work it more. Finally, I was rewarded with a mouthful of cum.

Swallowing, I looked in his eyes, giving him my best evil grin, as I crawled back up the bed, over top of him, watching his eyes as I came closer and closer, until our lips once again met.

He held me as we kissed, and I moved his hand to my breast, squeezing it slightly so he would know what I wanted. He worked my breasts, squeezing them, sometimes to the point of pain, but releasing right before.

His penis stiffened up again, ready for more.

Shifting my hips down, I straddled him, hips hovering above as I guided his penis to my pussy, rubbing it along the lips. Once it was wet enough, I slipped it inside, slowly, down, a little deeper, up, down, deeper still, up. I kept working until it was all the way inside me, and then paused, luxuriating in the feel of him.

Squeezing my legs together slightly, I lifted myself off him, dropping down, back up, down again. My hand moved to my clit, and I rubbed as I rode him, slowly up and down. Legs tiring, I changed my movements, shifting back and forth, as my fingers worked my clit. Moving faster, pushing against it, riding him faster, harder. My hips shifted more, faster, almost losing his penis, my fingers moving back and forth, pushing my clit against my pubic bone, working it harder, harder. His breath came in deep pulls, my breath shallow counterpoint, faster, in rhythm to my moving hips, my moving fingers, more, faster, harder, more. I climaxed.

I lay down on top of him, panting, shaking, my body overwhelmed by the feelings tingling through it, as my breathing settled down, and I regained control of my senses.

We cuddled up until I finally fell asleep. By morning, my trucker was gone, and I was left with a wonderful memory.

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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