17 Ekim 2024

Always The Good Girl

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Charity was a sweet, and vibrant young lady. She was always eager to please. It started when she was young. Pleasing her parents by getting good grades, going to church every Sunday, singing in the choir, graduating with honors, and continuing her success in college. She was so tired of always doing the right thing and being monitored constantly by her worrisome parents. So when the opportunity arose to move closer to the big city to teach middle school, Charity didn’t hesitate to take the job. At last freedom was in her reach.

Things were going great at first, then the stress of teaching adolescents began to weigh on Charity’s mind. The job wasn’t really as easy as she had expected, and since she’d lived at home until she was 25, she wasn’t really used to all of the bills she had incurred. She began to work nights as a waitress just to make ends meet, but it was really taking a toll on her.

In her spare moments, she’d sit at the computer and search adult websites; her only release and escape from reality. She was intrigued by some of the bondage pictures and would masturbate for hours looking at them and talking with sexy, confident men via her chat client.

One evening she turned on her computer to find a message waiting for her.

Luscious_Captor: Hello, my pet.

Sweet_Charity: Hello.

Luscious_Captor: I’ve noticed your posts on the site. I see you’re interested in bondage, role play, and control. Would you mind meeting me to discuss your interests? We’re in the same city. I wouldn’t mind teaching you to give in to your desires.

Charity panicked. Had she included her city in her profile? What would she say? “Just tell the truth Charity,” she said to herself.

Sweet_Charity: I’m sorry but I’m a very busy girl. I waitress nights just to make ends meet. I’m afraid I have no time for play.

Luscious_Captor: Financial trouble, eh? How about we make a deal? You meet my assistant at Le Petite Boulangerie, and he’ll discuss the details of the proposition with you. Are you familiar with the restaurant?

Sweet_Charity: The fancy French one on Chagrin Street? Luscious_Captor: That’s the one, my sweet smart girl. Now meet him there tomorrow around…well what time would be good for you?

Sweet_Charity: Umm.. Around 6 pm? But I’ll only have a few minutes after school to get to the restaurant and then to the diner to start my shift. Luscious_Captor: School? You are 25 aren’t you?

Sweet_Charity: Yes, I teach school.

Luscious_Captor: Ahh, I see. My assistant will be wearing a blue polka dot tie and tailored suit. I hope you’ll meet him there, but if you change your mind I completely understand. I have to run! Bye!

Sweet_Charity: Good bye!

Charity closed the chat window and stared blankly at the screen. What had she just done? Had she actually agreed to meet some strange man? “Ok get a grip Charity. It’s a public place and you’re in control. Nothing is going to happen.” She said this aloud, hoping that her own voice would reassure her.

That night her sleep was filled with dreams of wanton lust and desire. They were so intense at times, her hold body would quiver and shake. She’d wake up to find herself alone and in her own bed.

Now the clock read 5:30 and it was time to get up and make her way to the shower. She yawned, scooted her feet on the cool linoleum, undressed and stood in the steady stream of warm water. Still crazed with desires of her dreams, her body responded to every touch as she washed her young, curvy body. Running her hands over each swell of her breast, she remembered her first time with the preacher’s son in the basement of the church. They were both young and played often together. Trusting each other not to tell of their secret encounters. He was so sweet and gentle each time. Maybe that’s why it had grown to be so old with him? But for now the image of his cock brushing against her inner thigh and entering her was enough to send her over the edge and her body quaked in pleasure as her fingers disappeared into her tight, wet pussy. Realizing that time was not on her side she quickly washed her istanbul escort hair, turned off the shower, and toweled off.

She stood before her closet choosing her best outfit to wear in anticipation of today’s meeting. If she did meet this man, she wanted to make a good impression even if she didn’t take him up on his boss’s offer. The bus seemed to fly that morning. In no time Charity was in her classroom and starting her day. She tried focusing on each lesson, but what lay ahead kept entering her mind. The day passed quickly though and in no time the last bell rang. She gathered up her things, looked into her handheld mirror she kept in her purse and applied a fresh coat of pink lipstick. After being stopped by a few colleagues, and conferencing with a few parents about their children’s progress, she was finally free to go.

She arrived at six sharp in front of the restaurant and shifted her eyes taking a look around. She finally spotted a very handsome and tall man waiting by the front door.

“Hi, I’m Charity. I think you’re waiting for me?”

“Why, yes ma’am I am. Would you like to take a seat out on the patio, so we can discuss my boss’s offer?”

“Sure.”, she said quietly.

“You seem a bit uneasy, and shy; not like most of the women my boss entertains.”

“Oh?” Her blue eyes seemed to stare right through him and he cleared his throat.

“Well, um I’ll get right to the point. My boss would like to offer you compensation for this arrangement, since you will be missing your shift at the diner.”

“Excuse me? What do you mean I’ll be missing my shift?”

“Well this is an important matter and my boss would like you to consider his offer at great length. In fact it’s my job to convince you that this is the best offer for your predicament.”

“And just what is this offer?”, Charity stared at his handsome face and couldn’t help her curiosity.

“Well first here is your check for tonight. If it’s not enough, I’ll let my boss know.”

Charity open the check and blinked her eyes. She didn’t believe what she was seeing.

“One thousand dollars? Are you kidding me!” She yelled loud enough that the whole patio went quiet. “I’m sorry, Charity is that not enough?”

She quieted her voice. “Sure it’s fine, but I can’t take this.”

“And why not? My boss would like to take care of you. He’ll see to your needs both financially and sexually.”

“Is this legal?”

“Just as legal as a man taking care of his wife. The difference being of course that you and my boss won’t be married. You will live at my boss’s home and have the freedom of coming and going as much as you want during the week, but on the weekends you become his.”

Charity shifted in her seat. She felt warm wetness beginning to form between her thighs. The thought of a man fulfilling her every need and desire excited her. How could she say no?

“You’ll have an expense account from which you will be expected to buy some miscellaneous items from time to time, but the rest will be yours to keep. As for the length of the stay, I’m sure my boss would love for you to stay indefinitely. However, should things become rocky, you’ll only be asked to stay until a replacement can be found. Does this sound good for you?”

“Actually, ummm yes.” Her face flushed and she looked down.

“Okay, I’ve been instructed to have you quit your second job in front of me, so I know you won’t back out. Also, you are to move in this weekend. I think it would be wise for you to pack up tonight, seeing that tomorrow is Friday. I’ll send for your things and there will be a car to pick you up tomorrow around 6. You may want to call in sick tomorrow to complete your packing. But I’m jumping the gun here.” The man handed Charity his cell phone. “Now let’s see how badly you want to fulfill this fantasy”

Charity nervously dialed the diner and told her boss she wouldn’t be coming in tonight or any other night. It felt good to be free from that tiresome job. Now she would have more time to devote to her students and herself. She smiled at the man and handed back his escort bayan phone.

“Good girl. Now just jot down your address for me here.” Charity did as she was told.

“Sorry, I do have to be going. I’m Max by the way. Enjoy your evening and I hope to see you tomorrow!”

Charity gathered herself together and hurried home. When she got to her apartment she saw the overdue rent notice on the door and quickly tore it off and threw it away. She would no longer need to worry about such things. The night seemed to fly by and at midnight she looked around satisfied by a nights work. She crashed on her bed and slept peacefully.

She was awakened by the toot of a horn the next day and peered at her clock. Four? Did she read that correctly? Had she slept most of Friday away? She opened her blinds to find the afternoon sun streaming through. Luckily, being the good girl she was, she had already called off from work. She chuckled to herself. If only they knew what she was doing. Wouldn’t they all be so surprised!

A buzz from the doorbell disturbed her thoughts and she walked quickly to the door to answer.

“Hey lady. We’re here to get your things. Max sent us.”

“Oh right. Well everything in boxes goes.”

“You heard the lady boys. Let’s get a move on.”

Charity watched as every box was taken out of her apartment and placed in a big moving van. The only thing left to do was to settle up on her rent and give her landlord the keys. She quickly cleaned herself up, changed, and took care of the last of her errands. She finished right on time, as Max appeared in front of her apartment.

“Hey there girly! Thought you might be a little nervous about riding in the car with just a driver, so I came along.” He handed her a bouquet of fresh cut tulips.

Charity smelled them and smiled. “Aww, how sweet of you.”

Charity and Max climbed into the long black limo and began their journey to Charity’s new home.

“So are you excited, Charity?”

“Um, yes and a little nervous too.”

“Well that’s to be expected, but once you settle in things will be fine.”

The limo pulled up to the biggest mansion that Charity had ever seen. It didn’t take her long to jump out of the car and begin to explore. She was like a kid in a candy store. Every room was full of beautiful and expensive things. She couldn’t believe this is where she would live!

“Everything is so beautiful, Max” She smiled as she looked around. She wanted to take it all in before it all disappeared and she woke up.

“Well it’s your home now lady. Now let’s go upstairs and get you settled into your room.”

Max led Charity up the spiral staircase and into one of the many master suites. Her eyes glowed in wonder and Max could tell she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

“The maid has put all of your clothes away and the rest of your things are in the closet. You can do whatever you wish to the room. My boss has bought you a few extra outfits as well. He said that he’d never seen a woman having as few clothes and shoes as you did.”

“Well I’ve learned to be thrifty.” She then giggled as she opened the large walk in closet and inspected her new things. There was hardly any room left. “Your boss calls this a few?”

“He’s a very generous man, Charity and is hoping that you will be just as generous.” After the last comment she blushed and Max could sense her uneasiness. “Well hon, I’ll leave you to explore your new home. The boss has me busy all weekend. See you on Monday!”

“Good bye, Max and thank you.” She smiled as he exited her doorway.

Charity squealed and flung herself onto the bed. If she pinched herself would she awake? She wouldn’t dare at this point. She was too lost in wonder of it all.

Just then there was a knock on the door. “Yes?” ,Charity answered.

“Would the lady like an early dinner? I’m afraid the Mister will not be in until later tonight. I’m Zelda the maid. My services are only offered to you Monday through Friday until 7pm. The Mister instructs that I be gone before he arrives since he adores his privacy. Pendik escort So what about dinner?”

“Oh yes dinner would be great. Thank you , Zelda.” In all the excitement Charity hadn’t even thought about eating.

“Would the lady like it brought to her room?”

“Yes, that would be fine, Zelda.” Charity wanted to get settled in and well rested for the “mister” when he arrived. Her mind wandered and she didn’t even notice when Zelda entered her room with her dinner.

Charity finished her dinner and quietly walked downstairs to return the tray to the kitchen. The mansion was dark and so quiet. The big clock in the foyer chimed 8 as she walked past, so Zelda was long gone by now.

Charity struggled to find the light switch upon entering the kitchen and finally just gave up. Whatever light coming through the window was enough for her to find the sink. Suddenly there was a creak of a door being opened.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Charity’s eyes quickly shifted all around the kitchen trying to find the noise. She began to back her way out when she ran directly into something. Just what she didn’t know, but as she tried to turn around she felt large hands suddenly grab her. She struggled and tried to scream, but a hand stifled them.

“Shhhhh my pet. It’s me your owner.”

Charity still unsure of him struggled even more. “Your struggling only makes this more pleasurable for me.” The man quickly tied her hands behind her back, blindfolded her and gagged her to stop her cries. He picked her up as she continue to kick and writhe beneath his touch. He held her tightly and continued whispering in her ear. “That’s my girl. Fight me all you want. You know you can’t resist.”

Charity was frightened and excited at the same time. Her body was reacting to every touch as she felt her “owner” throw her onto the bed and run his hands up and down her clothing. “Mmmmmmm, your nipples harden under my touch, kitten. I know you want me now.”

Charity continued to struggle as he slowly took off the blindfold. When she looked up she saw a masked man dressed in a tight black outfit. The way he dressed defined each muscle and definitely couldn’t hide his bulging member.

His laugh was deep as he continued. He roughly ripped off every piece of clothing leaving her only in her bra and panties. “Such a delicate flower.” he cooed as he roughly twisted and pinched her hardening nipples. “You need to be taught, teased, and punished.”

The wetness in her panties was growing and she could feel it seeping down her thighs. Of course it was at that moment that he noticed. It was if he was reading her mind and he chuckled as he tore off her underwear and ran the crotch of them up and into her wet slit. “Good girl . Now let’s see what those nice tits look like.” In one quick movement the bra was pulled off and her full breasts were exposed. “Mmmmm aren’t they sweet.” He then bent over and began suckling each one roughly. Then biting down and tugging each of them with his teeth.

She shut her eyes wondering what was going to happen next. It was then the she heard the sound of his zipper and felt his hard cock pushing between her thighs. She immediately parted them, allowing him access. He teased her by tapping the head on her clit and bobbing it in and out of her tight, wet, pussy hole. She heard her own whimpers and couldn’t believe she was losing control.

“That’s it my pet. Don’t hold back.” He then began spanking her breasts. With each whack she grew more and more excited and her nipples once again hardened. A pool of her pussy juicy was now between her thighs as began to finger her and coax her to orgasm. It was then that he spread his seed all over her nice full breasts, and she spasmed as her body felt the white, hot load. He jerked her legs open suddenly and then tied them to each of the bed posts. She lay there fully exposed and covered in his semen.

“Now my pet. I leave you. Do not try to scream, as no one will hear you. You must learn patience. This is one of the many lessons you will learn in my keep.”

Charity’s owner removed the gag and quietly left the room. She felt sticky and hot. Half of the feeling was from her owner’s cum, the other half was from perspiration. Her body felt so alive. It looks like she’d enjoy this little arrangement after all she said to herself as a smile formed on her lips.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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