16 Ekim 2024

Charlie Ch. 01

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These are all fictional events, places, and people. The story of Charlie is for your reading pleasure.

Her tongue grazed the outer crescent of my ear gently stirring me from a very restful sleep. As I slowly came out of my slumber my hand reached to intertwine with hers that was laying on my hip.

“Morning beautiful.” I managed to mumble.

Her fingers dug into my hip as an acknowledgement as her gently grazing of my ear turned into little nibbles that started to trail down my neck. Her other hand came up to brush the hair away from the back of my neck as her breasts pressed against me. I let out a content sigh as her lips trailed around the back of my neck and the hand on my hip started a massaging in a gentle squeezing and releasing fashion.

“Didn’t get enough last night?” I asked

She scooted away from me and rolled me on my back in one swift, smooth motion that only Casey could manage. That is what had drawn me to her in the first place, she had this way of gliding when she moved compared to my clumsy attempt to seem normal.

Her deep blue eyes (another of her features that drew me to her) looked deep into mine and she said “Of you Charlie? Never!” in that sarcastic way that meant she was being sincere.

I reached my hand up and stroked her cheek with the outside of my hand and she leaned for a kiss. I don’t mean just any kiss, when Casey kissed me I saw fireworks. Every time.

I groaned as the alarm went off signaling that I had to be at work in an hour. We tried to ignore it but eventually we wearily removed our tangled limbs from one another and got out of the bed. We settled in to our typical morning routine, Casey began to make breakfast while I showered. I got out of the shower just as she put an omelet on my plate. The usual conversations of what the plans for the day were, that one annoying guy’s antics at work, and if it was going to be a busy day ended just as we finished our breakfast (delicious by the way).

We were so used to this routine that you would have thought we were an old married couple, which was far from the truth. We were both in our late twenties and had attended college together and had friends. While I always knew I was a lesbian, Casey always thought she was straight.

I was in one word, average. I was average height at five foot six inches. I had a consistent workout routine that kept me in good shape, but my body shape itself was never one that anybody gawked over. Smaller than average breasts, and hips that I thought were too wide. I had a short bob style hair, longer in the front than in the back to help add to the shape of my face. Overall, average. (Yes I am a girl, yes my name is Charlie…Charlene actually but I hate it)

Casey on the other hand was a stunner. She had the body that just screamed out ‘fuck me’ with endless legs, a tight stomach, long flowing dark brown almost black hair, and a C-cup bra. All that was fine in my book but I think her most sensual feature is her eyes.

This is not one of those ‘we were college roommates freshman year and got really drunk one night and decided to experiment’ stories. I grew up in a big city where people were less judgmental and more accepting of the gay community. I was doing the whole college application process and a few of the colleges had a program where you can stay a weekend with one of the current students and see what the college is like from the student’s point of view.

So that’s exactly what I did. After staying a few awkward weekends I was about to just tape the acceptance letters on a wall and throw a dart to see which one I should attend. That was until I visited Tucker University.

That weekend I stayed with a sophomore named Sarah. She was one of those girls who the longer you look at her, the cuter she gets. She was not hot in the typical sense of the word with possibly the curliest blond hair I had ever seen, a roundish face, and brown eyes, but I thought she was cute. She had a good four inches on my five foot six and had long legs. I was just unpacking my things while we were chatting when another girl came in to Sarah’s room and whispered something in Sarah’s ear then gave her a quick peck on the cheek and left.

Seeing my interest in what had just transpired, Sarah informed me that the girl was excited to go on the date they had planned together for that evening while I had to be at a dinner for possible incoming freshmen. I started to ask questions about the gay community at Tucker.

“So are there any campus based organizations for the gay community bursa otele gelen escort here? I asked.

Sarah replied “Absolutely! But about half of the people in it are straight people that support equality”

“So Tucker is accepting”

“Never felt so accepted in my entire life”

“Huh. Cool.” That alone made my decision of which school to go to much easier.

It’s not that the other schools shunned the gay community but they acted more like my parents. They didn’t care if I was a lesbian, they just didn’t want to hear about it. That makes my parents sound like terrible people, they aren’t, they have always been supportive of anything I do, they just prefer not to get involved in the things I did behind closed doors. (Which was never much, even in a large city, I could never find the right girl. And to me if you’re not the one, I’m not going to stick around for very long. I always wanted a long them thing, no one nighters like most of the other girls I thought might be interested)

That afternoon went by quickly; Sarah was easy to talk to and seemed to know most of the students we passed on a tour of the campus that she was giving me. Sarah gave me her cell number so I could text her when my dinner was over and we’d meet back in her dorm room.

The dinner was pretty uneventful. I had heard the same speech at all of the other colleges I had visited earlier that year.

It finally ended about an hour and a half later and I texted Sarah “I’m done, headed to your place”

I got the reply “already here”

I thought that seemed like an awfully short first date. After I left Sarah still had to take a shower, do her hair and make-up, and actually travel to the restaurant. If i had guessed right, she would have only been on the date for about half an hour.

The door was closed when I got back to her room so I knocked and heard a soft “come in”

She was sitting on her bed and she had a look of disappointment on her face. I asked how the date went and I could the tears start to form in her eyes when she was explaining that the girl had about the intelligence level of the fern that was sitting by the window and that even though Sarah thought this girl was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, she left the date early because she didn’t want the image that she had created in her head of the girl to be degraded and more than it already had been.

Although I didn’t know Sarah very well I liked her and she seemed like she wanted somebody to hold on to her. I went over to sit beside her on the bed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. She instantly slumped against me as the tears fell silently. Eventually that position got uncomfortable for both of us (Sarah being taller was straining my arm) so we shifter slightly so that her head was in my lap. Tear still falling I began to slowly stroke her hair (every girl loves that right?) I could feel the rigidness leave her body slowly and eventually I broke the silence.

“I know what will make you feel better Sarah”

She turned her head so she was now looking at me, eyes still red “I don’t think anything but time will help”

“Well” I said “while we wait for time to show up I know something that will get your mind off of it”

“What’s that?”

“Chocolate ice cream and a movie?” I asked

I got a weak smile and a nod in agreement. So we got a pint of chocolate ice cream to split and a comedy flick that one of Sarah’s friends had recommended awhile ago.

When we got back to her room, we put the comedy in the DVD player and sat together on her bed to share the ice cream. In hindsight we should have gotten more ice cream, it didn’t last very long but at least it tasted good. Sarah’s mood seemed to improve throughout the movie and by the end we were both laughing so hard that we ended up in one giggling mass on her bed. It just seemed so natural being close to her.

She ended up propped up on her elbow above me and said “Thanks Charlie, I needed that”

I was going to reply with a ‘you’re welcome’ but before I did, Sarah leaned in close and brushed her lips against mine in the most sensual manner I had ever experienced. Her lips were soft but persistent and I had no intention of stopping because she felt so good pressed against me. We shifted so that she was fully on top of me. I wrapped my legs around her hips and linked my feet together behind her back.

There was no hurry to anything we were doing. Once she was settled firmly on top of me she sucked my bottom lip into her mouth and escort bayan nibbled it gently between her teeth in a way that sent shivers down my spine straight to my pleasure center. I let out a low moan as she slowly let my lip slip from hers. I don’t remember entangling my fingers in her hair at the nape of her neck but when she tried to come up for air I decided she was taking too long and brought her lips back down on mine.

All this kissing was making me wet and I knew what my end goal was. I slowly caressed my hands down her sides and felt a brief shiver run through her body. My hands continued their downward track and both ended up cupping her ass. When I am with someone my hands tend to have a mind of their own. They started gently kneading her flesh at the same time as gently pulling her tighter against my crotch.

This time I earned a moan from her. I left one hand kneading her ass as the other ran under her shirt to the small of her back. Again shivers ran through her. I loved how responsive her body was to my touch. My hand continued upward and around the front of her shirt. Her back arched to give my hand enough room to slide between us and cup her breast. This position was turning me on so much I reached for the hem of her shirt and dragged it upwards. She sat up and the shirt was instantly over her head and thrown on the floor.

I wasted no time getting her bra off as she laid back on top of me and threw it on the floor as soon as it was off. This bold move gave me enough courage to push Sarah over on her back so that she was now straddling me. She was instantly tugging my shirt and bra off and as we came together for the first skin to skin contact, we both groaned.

I leaned down and continued kissing Sarah as my right hand was gently stroking her ribcage just under her breast. More shivers.

I continued this teasing, drawing patterns lightly with my fingertips across her ribs and stomach until she broke our kiss and begged “Please!”

“Please What?” I asked back, shit eating grin on my face.

Her eyed hooded with desire was enough for me to stop the teasing. I let my palm gently brush against the tip of her nipple and just as a sigh escaped her lips, I cupped her entire breast in my hand and began alternating between gently kneading her flesh and pinching her nipple until her hips started undulating beneath me. I could tell she was ready for what I had planned. Hand still kneading her breast, I slowly began to kiss down her neck and around to her ear. I sucked her earlobe into my mouth eliciting a moan as her fingers clutched at the back of my neck. Slowly making my way down her body I kissed from the outside of her breast to just outside her nipple, teasing her farther in to arousal. I continued kissing all around her chest until she begged.

“Suck my tits!” she commanded

I obliged and began to suck and gently nip at her by now very sensitive nipples. I could tell she was very turned on and close to climax. Her breath was coming in short huffs and I don’t think her hips could move any faster. Being the tease I am I broke all contact as I went up on my hands and knees.

Sarah groaned (and not in a good way) and had a pleading look in her heavily hooded eyes.

“I have something better in mind” I replied with a wicked grin on my face.

No more words were exchanged as I kissed, a little faster this time from her sternum down to where her hips met her low rise jeans. I unbuttoned her pants and her hips rose off of the bed signaling me to take them off. So I did, excruciatingly slowly. As I peeled her skinny jeans off of her toned legs, every inch that was exposed I kissed. When her pants reached her ankles, I threw them on the floor. Again slowly I kissed up the inside of her leg while kneading her calf and behind her knee. When I reached the junction of her legs I skipped over the place she most wanted me to touch.

“Bitch” she groaned.

I smiled against her skin and made my way up her other leg, slowly kissing up the inside of her leg and concentrating on the spots that made her gasp. I was almost back to the juncture of her legs when she threaded her fingers in my hair and tried to pull me closer to her.

Self control gone, I practically ripped her panties off. She lay there completely naked with eyes begging me to touch her. I leaned up and kissed her hard and passionately on the lips as my hand traveled to her neatly trimmed pussy.

As my finger tips caressed her slit, barely making contact with her lips I could tell she was soaking wet. Her mudanya escort hips started to rock and my finger slipped in between her lips and in to her hole. She let out a growl that arose from deep in her chest.

I was still kissing her deeply as I inserted another finger and brushed her clit with my thumb at the same time. Another moan. Her inner muscles contracted around my fingers every time I stroked her g-spot. I let her set the pace as she would flex her hips I would pump my fingers in. In no time at all her pace quickened and I withdrew my fingers bringing her down from the edge for the last time.

I could tell she needed release so I concentrated on stimulating as much of her pussy as I could with only my finger tips. I slowly traced the outside of her lower lips and around her clit without actually touching it. I was the one who finally lost what little self control I had regained earlier. I started to concentrate on her clit. Slowly circling her clit and then brushing the sensitive nub. When I knew she could handle no more teasing I concentrated on just the protruding nub and increased the pace. It was less than a minute later that she came.

Her hips arched off the bed as all of her muscles contracted at the same time. I kept circling her clit as she painfully grabbed the hair at the back of my neck forcing a deeper kiss. She shuddered one last time and pushed my teasing hand away from her clit signally that she was too sensitive to continue.

I held her and cuddled and let her come down from her high. She was just lying there but she looked so peaceful when she was all blissed out. Eventually she opened her eyes and smiled.

“Wow” was all she could muster.

“Feel good?” I asked

She replied with, “That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Ever”

“You’re welcome”

“Thanks for the pity fuck” she said

My eyes flashed with anger, “That’s not what this was!”

“Oh” Sarah looked surprised

“I genuinely like you Sarah, I didn’t even like that you were going on a date with that bimbo”

We talked it out for awhile and she said that she thought I was cute when I walked in but didn’t want to cross any lines since I was just visiting.

So I ended up attending Tucker University the next fall. Sarah and I talked a lot through the last year of high school for me and I couldn’t wait to get out of that place and go somewhere that I felt I was wanted and somewhere where I felt I belonged. We ended up being occasional lovers but we both knew that we were better as friends. We were both looking for the same type of long term relationship but we each knew that we weren’t meant to be. We were involved in a lot of campus activities together but each had our own circle of friends.

That’s how I met Casey. Sarah was having a graduation party at the end of her senior year. Casey was my age and worked in the campus gym with Sarah. I already said that I was instantly drawn to Casey because of the way she moved but when I went up to introduce myself, I was lost for words when I looked in to her eyes. They were the deepest blue I have ever seen in my life. I was like staring into a combination of the sky just before dawn and the deep ocean.

I have no idea how long we stared into each others eyes before Sarah came up with a knowing smile and touched both of us on the shoulder and introduced us. I was fumbling over my words the entire time but Casey was easy to talk to and guided the conversation. We must have talked for hours. I learned that our parent’s houses were less than an hour apart and we shared a few mutual friends from high school. I was instantly interested in her even after her boyfriend of almost two years came up and introduced himself as Collin. (being only the end of our sophomore year, I did the calculations and figured they would have started dating three weeks into our freshman year)

Collin excused himself as someone called his name. I’m not sure he knew I was a lesbian but I made sure to mention it in passing to Casey to test her reaction. I didn’t even notice a reaction which I took to be a good sign. I made sure to do this because while I was not butch, I was sporty. Shortish brown hair and brown eyes. Pretty average looking to be honest. I never stuck out in a crowd and a lot of the people I knew told me that if they just saw me in passing they would assume I was straight. (one of my pet peeves)

I was starting to get late and we still had finals coming up so I asked Casey if she would like to exchange numbers to get coffee or something during the summer since we didn’t live very far away.

“I would really like that” she replied

We only talked occasionally the next couple of weeks due to sheer business. With finals and moving back home, most of our time was already consumed. We were only able to text occasionally until we were both moved back home.

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